Improved controls for images & videos opened directly with your browser - hotkeys & resizing & visuals
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// ==UserScript== // @name Center Image & Video // @namespace CenterImage // @author Owyn // @version 2024.02.01 // @description Improved controls for images & videos opened directly with your browser - hotkeys & resizing & visuals // @supportURL // @homepage // @run-at document-end // @noframes // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM_addElement // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @sandbox JavaScript // @match http://*/* // @match https://*/* // @match file:///*/* // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; let type = document.contentType.substring(0,document.contentType.indexOf("/")); let i, is_video; if (type === "image") { is_video = false; i = document.images[0]; } else if(type === "video") { is_video = true; i = document.querySelector("video"); } else { return false; } if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand !== "undefined") { GM_registerMenuCommand("Center Image Configuration", cfg, "n"); } const AddElementToPage = typeof GM_addElement === "function" ? GM_addElement : function GM_addElement(node, type, content) { let el = document.createElement(type); el.textContent = content.textContent; node.appendChild(el); }; let rescaled = 0; let iot = 0, iol = 0; let skip_by = 5; //let theStyle; let title; function makeimage() { if(typeof cfg_js !== "string") {setTimeout(function() { makeimage(); }, 11); return false;} // lets wait for async title = document.title; if(cfg_bgclr) { if(document.head){document.head.innerHTML = "";} // remove FireFox background } i.removeAttribute('class'); i.removeAttribute('style'); // chrome document.body.removeAttribute('style'); if(!is_video) { i.addEventListener("click", rescale, true); i.addEventListener("mousedown", onmousedown, true); } else { i.volume = cfg_vol; i.addEventListener("volumechange", onvolumechange, true); i.controls = true; i.loop = true; } i.addEventListener("auxclick", rescale, true); window.addEventListener("keydown", onkeydown, true); window.addEventListener("scroll", onscroll, false); window.addEventListener("resize", onresize, true); onVisibilityChange(); } function onvolumechange() { GM.setValue("vid_volume", (i.muted? "0" : i.volume)); } function onVisibilityChange() { if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') { //console.log('visible'); window.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange); autoresize(); } } window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", onVisibilityChange); var scrolledY, scrolledX; function onscroll() { scrolledY = window.pageYOffset; scrolledX = window.pageXOffset; } var FireFox = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') != -1) ? true : false); function onresize() // doesn't let image change back to "fit to window" in chrome & in both helps keep scroll progress { if(rescaled != 1) { let wasFilled = (rescaled === 2 ? true : false); rescaled = 1; let chromeplsstopX, chromeplsstopY; if(!FireFox){ chromeplsstopX = window.pageXOffset; chromeplsstopY = window.pageYOffset;} rescale(null, wasFilled); if(!FireFox){ window.scrollTo(chromeplsstopX,chromeplsstopY);} } } function changeCursor() { if(i.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight) // image pushing out-of-screen at top fix { i.classList.add("center_H"); //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.margin = "0px auto"; } else { i.classList.add("center"); //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.margin = "auto"; } if(is_video) return; // = "auto"; if(rescaled === 0) // original { if((orgImgWidth == window.innerWidth && orgImgHeight <= window.innerHeight) || (orgImgWidth <= window.innerWidth && orgImgHeight == window.innerHeight)) // perfect fit on one side, can't resize { = ""; } else if (orgImgWidth > window.innerWidth || orgImgHeight > window.innerHeight) { = "zoom-out"; } else { = "zoom-in"; } } else if(rescaled === 2) // fill { if(orgImgWidth == window.innerWidth && orgImgHeight == window.innerHeight) // perfect fit, can't resize { = ""; } else if (orgImgWidth > i.width) { = "zoom-in"; } else { = "zoom-out"; } } else // if(rescaled === 1) // fit { if((orgImgWidth == window.innerWidth && orgImgHeight <= window.innerHeight) || (orgImgWidth <= window.innerWidth && orgImgHeight == window.innerHeight)) // perfect fit on one side, can't resize { = ""; } else if (orgImgWidth > i.width) { = "zoom-in"; } else { = "zoom-out"; } } } function onmousedown(event) { if(i.offsetLeft > 0){iol = i.offsetLeft;} if(i.offsetTop > 0){iot = i.offsetTop;} if(event.which === 2) // middle mouse Chrome fix { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } } function rescale(event, fill) { let ex,ey; if(event) // mouse click { if (typeof event.y === "undefined") // Firefox { ex = event.clientX; ey = event.clientY; } else { ex = event.x; ey = event.y; } ex -= iol; ey -= iot; if(event.which === 2) // middle mouse { fill = true; } else if(event.which === 3) // right mouse { return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } // = ''; // = ''; document.body.removeAttribute('style'); let scrollMax_Y = window.scrollMaxY || ((document.body.scrollHeight || document.documentElement.scrollHeight)- document.documentElement.clientHeight); let scrollMax_X = window.scrollMaxX || ((document.body.scrollWidth || document.documentElement.scrollWidth)- document.documentElement.clientWidth); let scrollProgressY = scrolledY / scrollMax_Y; let scrollProgressX = scrolledX / scrollMax_X; let unFilling = false; let sidesCMP; i.removeAttribute('class'); // clear classes if(fill) { if(rescaled === 2) // to original { rescaled = 0; i.classList.add("org"); //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.width = orgImgWidth + "px"; //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.height = orgImgHeight + "px"; } else // fill { sidesCMP = (orgImgWidth / orgImgHeight) < (window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight); rescaled = 2; } } else { if(rescaled != 0) // to original { if(rescaled === 2) {unFilling = true;} rescaled = 0; i.classList.add("org"); //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.width = orgImgWidth + "px"; //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.height = orgImgHeight + "px"; } else // fit { sidesCMP = (orgImgWidth / orgImgHeight) > (window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight); rescaled = 1; } } if(rescaled != 0) { if(sidesCMP) { i.classList.add("fill_H"); //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.width = "100%"; //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.height = "auto"; = 'hidden'; // we don't need unscrollable scrollbars if they appear } else { i.classList.add("fill_V"); //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.height = "100%"; //theStyle.sheet.rules[0].style.width = "auto"; = 'hidden'; // we don't need unscrollable scrollbars if they appear } } changeCursor(); if(event && (!unFilling && (!fill || (fill && (scrollMax_Y <= 0 && scrollMax_X <= 0))))) // left mouse click (fill-click with no scrollbars and not left click after middle click - else preserve scroll percentage) { let scale = Math.min((window.innerWidth / i.width), (window.innerHeight / i.height)); window.scrollTo((ex / scale) - (window.innerWidth / 2), (ey / scale) - (window.innerHeight / 2)); } else // keep percentage scroll progress for KB hotkeys { scrollMax_Y = window.scrollMaxY || ((document.body.scrollHeight || document.documentElement.scrollHeight)- document.documentElement.clientHeight); scrollMax_X = window.scrollMaxX || ((document.body.scrollWidth || document.documentElement.scrollWidth)- document.documentElement.clientWidth); window.scrollTo(Math.round(scrollProgressX * scrollMax_X), Math.round(scrollProgressY * scrollMax_Y)); scrolledY = window.pageYOffset; scrolledX = window.pageXOffset; } } var orgImgWidth; var orgImgHeight; var ARC = 0; function autoresize() { if(!((!is_video && i.naturalHeight) || i.videoHeight)) { ARC++; if(ARC < 500) { setTimeout(autoresize, 10); } else { console.warn("Center Image: Gave up waiting for a working image, it is broken"); } return; } if(is_video) // chrome & FF don't show video resolution, + chrome doesn't show video name { if(!FireFox) { title = i.src.substr(i.src.lastIndexOf("/")+1); if(title.indexOf("?") != -1) { title = title.substr(0, title.indexOf("?")); } } title = title + " (" + i.videoWidth + "x" + i.videoHeight + ")"; //title = title + " (" + i.naturalWidth + "x" + i.naturalHeight + ")"; // for images //title = decodeURIComponent(title); // browser already decoded it } else if(FireFox) { let f = title.indexOf(" — Scaled ("); if(f !== -1) { title = title.substring(0,f); } } document.title = title; orgImgWidth = Math.round((is_video ? i.videoWidth : i.naturalWidth) / window.devicePixelRatio); orgImgHeight = Math.round((is_video ? i.videoHeight : i.naturalHeight) / window.devicePixelRatio); let css = (is_video? "video" : "img") +`{position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-color: `+cfg_bgclr+` !important; outline: none; max-width: unset; max-height: unset;} body {margin: 0px !important; background-color: `+cfg_bgclr+` !important;} .center {margin: auto !important;} .center_H {margin: 0px auto !important;} .fill_H {width: 100% !important; height: auto !important;} .fill_V {width: auto !important; height: 100% !important;} .org {width: `+ orgImgWidth + `px !important; height: `+ orgImgHeight + `px !important; }`; AddElementToPage(document.documentElement, 'style', {textContent: css}); let InitRescale = false; // directly opened image is already fit to window if it is bigger by the browser if(cfg_fitWH && orgImgHeight > window.innerHeight && orgImgWidth > window.innerWidth) // both scrollbars { InitRescale = true; } else if(cfg_fitB && (orgImgHeight > window.innerHeight || orgImgWidth > window.innerWidth)) // one scrollbar { InitRescale = true; } else if(cfg_fitS && orgImgHeight <= window.innerHeight && orgImgWidth <= window.innerWidth) // no scrollbars { InitRescale = true; } if(InitRescale) { rescale(null, cfg_fill ? true : false); } else { i.classList.add("org"); changeCursor(); } if(cfg_js){eval(cfg_js);} } // hotkeys if (typeof KeyEvent === "undefined") { var KeyEvent = { DOM_VK_SPACE: 32, DOM_VK_LEFT: 37, DOM_VK_UP: 38, DOM_VK_RIGHT: 39, DOM_VK_DOWN: 40, DOM_VK_A: 65, DOM_VK_D: 68, DOM_VK_P: 80, DOM_VK_Q: 81, DOM_VK_S: 83, DOM_VK_W: 87, DOM_VK_NUMPAD2: 98, DOM_VK_NUMPAD4: 100, DOM_VK_NUMPAD5: 101, DOM_VK_NUMPAD6: 102, DOM_VK_NUMPAD8: 104, DOM_VK_F5: 116, DOM_VK_TAB: 9, DOM_VK_ENTER: 13 }; } function cancelEvent(a) { a = a ? a : window.event; if (a.stopPropagation) { a.stopPropagation(); } if (a.preventDefault) { a.preventDefault(); } a.cancelBubble = true; a.cancel = true; a.returnValue = false; return false; } function scroll_space(a, b) { var by = Math.round((b ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth) * 0.50 * (a ? -1 : 1)); if(!b) { window.scrollBy(0, by); } else { window.scrollBy(by, 0); } } function onkeydown (b) { var a = (window.event) ? b.keyCode : b.which; if (a != KeyEvent.DOM_VK_SPACE && (b.altKey || b.ctrlKey || b.metaKey)) { return; } var by = Math.round(window.innerHeight * 0.10); switch (a) { case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_D: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_NUMPAD6: if(!is_video) { window.scrollBy(by, 0); } else { i.currentTime += skip_by; } cancelEvent(b); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_A: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_NUMPAD4: if(!is_video) { window.scrollBy(by * -1, 0); } else { i.currentTime -= skip_by; } cancelEvent(b); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_W: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_NUMPAD8: window.scrollBy(0, by * -1); cancelEvent(b); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_S: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_NUMPAD2: window.scrollBy(0, by); cancelEvent(b); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_SPACE: if(!is_video) { scroll_space(b.shiftKey, b.ctrlKey); } else if(i.paused || i.ended) {; } else { i.pause(); } cancelEvent(b); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_TAB: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_ENTER: rescale(null, true); cancelEvent(b); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_Q: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_NUMPAD5: rescale(null, false); cancelEvent(b); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_P: cfg(); cancelEvent(b); } } var cfg_bgclr = "grey"; var cfg_fitWH = true; var cfg_fitB = false; var cfg_fitS = true; var cfg_fill = false; var cfg_js; var cfg_vol = "0.5"; function cfg(){} if (typeof GM !== "undefined" && typeof GM.getValue !== "undefined") { async function loadCfg() { cfg_bgclr = await GM.getValue("bgColor", "grey"); cfg_fitWH = await GM.getValue("fitWH", true); cfg_fitB = await GM.getValue("fitB", false); cfg_fitS = await GM.getValue("fitS", true); cfg_fill = await GM.getValue("fill", false); cfg_js = await GM.getValue("js", ""); cfg_vol = await GM.getValue("vid_volume", "0.5"); } loadCfg(); function $(id) {return document.getElementById(id);} cfg = function () { function saveCfg() { GM.setValue("bgColor", $("ci_cfg_2_bgclr").value); GM.setValue("fitWH", $("ci_cfg_3_fitWH").checked); GM.setValue("fitB", $("ci_cfg_4_fitB").checked); GM.setValue("fitS", $("ci_cfg_5_fitS").checked); GM.setValue("fill", $("ci_cfg_7_fill").checked); GM.setValue("js", $("ci_cfg_6_js").value); alert("Configuration Saved"); if($("ci_cfg_2_bgclr").value){document.body.bgColor = $("ci_cfg_2_bgclr").value;}else{document.body.removeAttribute("bgColor");} } if(i){ i.removeEventListener("click", rescale, true); i.removeEventListener("auxclick", rescale, true); i.removeEventListener("mousedown", onmousedown, true); } window.removeEventListener("keydown", onkeydown, true); if(document.head){document.head.innerHTML = "";} document.body.innerHTML = ""; var div = document.createElement("div"); = "margin: auto; width: fit-content; height: fit-content; border: 1px solid black; color: black; background: silver; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;"; div.innerHTML = "<b><center>Configuration</center></b>" + "<br><input id='ci_cfg_2_bgclr' type='text' size='6'> Background color (empty = default)" + "<br><br>Fit to window images:" + " ( Fill to window instead <input id='ci_cfg_7_fill' type='checkbox'> )" + "<br><br><input id='ci_cfg_3_fitWH' type='checkbox'> Larger than window both vertically and horizontally" + "<br><br><input id='ci_cfg_4_fitB' type='checkbox'> Larger than window either vertically or horizontally" + "<br><br><input id='ci_cfg_5_fitS' type='checkbox'> Smaller than window" + "<br><br><center>Custom JS Action:<textarea id='ci_cfg_6_js' style='margin: 0px; width: 400px; height: 50px;'></textarea>" + "<br><input id='ci_cfg_save' type='button' value='Save configuration'></center>"; document.body.appendChild(div); $("ci_cfg_2_bgclr").value = cfg_bgclr; $("ci_cfg_3_fitWH").checked = cfg_fitWH; $("ci_cfg_4_fitB").checked = cfg_fitB; $("ci_cfg_5_fitS").checked = cfg_fitS; $("ci_cfg_7_fill").checked = cfg_fill; $("ci_cfg_6_js").value = cfg_js; $("ci_cfg_save").addEventListener("click", saveCfg, true); } } else { cfg_js = ""; cfg = function () { alert("Sorry, Chrome userscripts in native mode can't have configurations! You need to install TamperMonkey userscript manager extension. (it's very good)"); } } makeimage();