Replace symbol font tags with Greek HTML entities (2015-11-05)
// ==UserScript== // @name Symbol Font to Greek Entities // @author Jefferson "jscher2000" Scher // @namespace JeffersonScher // @description Replace symbol font tags with Greek HTML entities (2015-11-05) // @version 0.2 // @include* // @copyright Copyright 2015 Jefferson Scher // @license BSD 3-clause // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // CHARACTERS NOT FOUND IN THE OBJECT REMAIN UNCHANGED IN THE CONVERTED STRING var ge = { "A": "Α", "B": "Β", "G": "Γ", "D": "Δ", "E": "Ε", "Z": "Ζ", "H": "Η", "Q": "Θ", "I": "Ι", "K": "Κ", "L": "Λ", "M": "Μ", "N": "Ν", "X": "Ξ", "O": "Ο", "P": "Π", "R": "Ρ", "S": "Σ", "T": "Τ", "U": "Υ", "F": "Φ", "C": "Χ", "Y": "Ψ", "W": "Ω", "a": "α", "b": "β", "g": "γ", "d": "δ", "e": "ε", "z": "ζ", "h": "η", "q": "θ", "i": "ι", "k": "κ", "l": "λ", "m": "μ", "n": "ν", "x": "ξ", "o": "ο", "p": "π", "r": "ρ", "V": "ς", "s": "σ", "t": "τ", "u": "υ", "f": "φ", "c": "χ", "y": "ψ", "w": "ω", "J": "ϑ", "j": "ϕ", "v": "ϖ" } // define a new tag for the greek entity string, insert style rules var getag = document.createElement("sftgetag"); var sty = document.createElement("style"); sty.type = "text/css"; sty.appendChild(document.createTextNode("font[SFTGE]{display:none;} sftgetag{display:inline;} sftgetag:hover{background:#cff;}")); document.body.appendChild(sty); // Read symbol font tags and built greek entity tags to replace them var gf = document.querySelectorAll('font[face="SYMBOL"],font[face="symbol"]'); for (var i=0; i<gf.length;i++){ if (!gf[i].hasAttribute("SFTGE")){ var txt = gf[i].textContent, txtnew = ""; for (var j=0; j<txt.length; j++){ txtnew += ge[txt.substr(j,1)] || txt.substr(j,1); } var txttag = getag.cloneNode(true); txttag.innerHTML = txtnew; txttag.setAttribute("title", txt); gf[i].parentNode.insertBefore(txttag, gf[i]); gf[i].setAttribute("SFTGE", "done"); } }