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Exclude term on Google (Firefox only)

Easily exclude terms from your query using the right-click context menu. v0.9.0 2015-12-20

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Exclude term on Google (Firefox only)
// @author      Jefferson "jscher2000" Scher
// @namespace   JeffersonScher
// @copyright   Copyright 2015 Jefferson Scher
// @license     BSD 3-clause
// @description Easily exclude terms from your query using the right-click context menu. v0.9.0 2015-12-20
// @include     http*://www.google.*/*
// @include     http*://encrypted.google.*/*
// @version     0.9.0
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
// DISCLAIMER:     Use at your own risk. Functionality and harmlessness cannot be guaranteed.
var ETGtext = "";
// Context menu options -- Firefox only; do not replace any existing menu!
if (!document.body.hasAttribute("contextmenu") && "contextMenu" in document.documentElement){
var cmenu = document.createElement("menu");
cmenu.id = "ETGcontext";
cmenu.setAttribute("type", "context");
cmenu.innerHTML = '<menuitem id="ETGexTerm" label="Exclude term(s)"></menuitem>' +
'<menuitem id="ETGexPhrase" label="Exclude phrase" disable="disable"></menuitem>';
document.getElementById("ETGexTerm").addEventListener("click", ETG_doExclude, false);
document.getElementById("ETGexPhrase").addEventListener("click", ETG_doExclude, false);
// attach menu and create event for filtering
document.body.setAttribute("contextmenu", "ETGcontext");
document.body.addEventListener("contextmenu", ETG_cmenuFilter, false);
function ETG_cmenuFilter(e){
var s = window.getSelection();
if (s.isCollapsed){
ETGtext = ETG_getWord(e.rangeParent, e.rangeOffset);
} else {
ETGtext = s.getRangeAt(0).toString().trim();
if (ETGtext.indexOf(" ") > -1) document.getElementById("ETGexPhrase").removeAttribute("disabled");
function ETG_getWord(rnode, rstart){
var txtFull = rnode.textContent;
var startPos = rstart, endOffset = 1;
// Expand to the left of the click point
while(startPos > 0 && txtFull.substr(startPos, endOffset).indexOf(' ') != 0) {
startPos = startPos - 1;
endOffset += 1;
if (txtFull.substr(startPos, endOffset).indexOf(' ') == 0) {
startPos = startPos + 1;
endOffset = endOffset - 1;
// Expand to the right of the click point
while(startPos + endOffset + 1 < txtFull.length && txtFull.substr(startPos, endOffset).indexOf(' ') == -1) {
endOffset = endOffset + 1;
return txtFull.substr(startPos, endOffset).toString().trim();
function ETG_doExclude(e){
if (e.target.id == "ETGexPhrase"){
var ss = '+-"' + ETGtext.replace(/\s+/g, '+') + '"';
ETG_reQry(ss, true);
} else {
var ss = '+-' + ETGtext.replace(/\s+/g, '+-');
ETG_reQry(ss, true);
// query modification borrowed from "Google site: Tool (Site r###lts / Exclude sites)"
function ETG_reQry(d, go){
// compute new URL
if (!d) return;
var cancel = false;
var qa = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf("?")+1).split("&");
var updated = false;
for (var j=qa.length-1; j>=0; j--){
if (updated == false){
if (qa[j].split("=")[0] == "q"){
if (qa[j].indexOf(d) > -1 || qa[j].indexOf(d.replace(":", "%3A")) > -1) cancel = true;
else var ipq = qa[j];
qa[j] += d;
updated = true;
var substqry = qa[j];
} else {
if (qa[j].indexOf("#q=") > -1){
if (qa[j].indexOf(d) > -1 || qa[j].indexOf(d.replace(":", "%3A")) > -1) cancel = true;
else var ipq = qa[j].substr(qa[j].indexOf("#q=")+1);
qa[j] += d;
updated = true;
var substqry = qa[j].substr(qa[j].indexOf("#q=")+1);
} else {
if (qa[j].split("=")[0] == "q"){
if (go) qa[j] = ipq;
else qa[j] = substqry;
} else {
if (qa[j].indexOf("#q=") > -1){
if (go) qa[j] = qa[j].substr(0, qa[j].indexOf("#q=")+1) + ipq;
else qa[j] = qa[j].substr(0, qa[j].indexOf("#q=")+1) + substqry;
if (cancel != true) var locnew = window.location.href.substr(0, window.location.href.indexOf("?")+1) + qa.join("&");
else locnew = "cancel";
if (go) window.location.href = locnew;
else return locnew;