Adds videos from CS:GO Skin Showcase ( to CS:GO Stash (
// ==UserScript== // @name Videos on CS:GO Stash // @namespace // @version 1.0.3 // @description Adds videos from CS:GO Skin Showcase ( to CS:GO Stash ( // @author HatScripts // @icon // @include http*://* // @noframes // ==/UserScript== $(function () { $.searchVideos = function (query, maxVideos) { return $.getJSON("", { key: "AIzaSyBba67Fu_vuKllOeKXC4v4L4-7GXD93TTs", part: "snippet", channelId: "UCBdaeqYDYlS4mxgiemhjRAw", type: "video", fields: "items(id/videoId,snippet/title)", q: query, maxR###lts: maxVideos }); }; $.addVideoLinks = function (searchR###lts) { r###ltBoxes.each(function () { var r###ltBox = $(this); var skinName = r###ltBox.find("h3:first").text().replace(/\\W/, ""); var regex = new RegExp("^(\[Prototype\])?\\W*(?:StatTrak™ )?" + weapon + "\\W*" + skinName + "\\W*(.+?)?\\W*Skin Showcase$", "i"); var videos = []; searchR###lts.items.forEach(function (video) { var groups = regex.exec(video.snippet.title); if (groups) { groups.shift(); videos.push({ id:, details: groups.filter(function (g) { return g; }).join(", ") }); } }); videos.sort(function (a, b) { return a.details.localeCompare(b.details); }).forEach(function (video) { $.addVideoLink(r###ltBox,, video.details); }); }); }; $.addVideoLink = function (r###ltBox, videoId, details) { var a = $("<a>", { href: "" + videoId, target: "_blank" }).click(function (e) { var a = $(this); a.css("display", "none"); $.embedVideoIn(a.parent(), videoId); e.preventDefault(); }).append( $("<span>").addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-film") ).append("Load Skin Showcase Video"); if (details) { details = details.replace(/ \(|\) /, " - "); a.append(" (" + details + ")"); } r###ltBox.find(".details-link").append( $("<p>").append(a) ); }; $.embedVideoIn = function (element, videoId) { element.append( $("<div>").css({ position: "relative", "padding-bottom": "56.25%" }).append( $("<iframe>", { src: "" + videoId + "?autoplay=1" // Plays automatically + "&loop=1" // Loops the video + "&showinfo=0" // Hides video title + "&iv_load_policy=3" // Hides annotations + "&rel=0", // Hides relevant videos frameborder: 0, allowfullscreen: "" }).css({ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%", height: "100%" }) ) ); }; var heading = $("h1:first").text(); if (heading) { var weapon = heading.substr(0, heading.indexOf(" Skins")); var r###ltBoxes = $(".r###lt-box"); $.searchVideos(weapon, r###ltBoxes.length + 10).success($.addVideoLinks); } });