Apache HTTP server can have mod_status enabled and can display some server status via HTTP/HTML. However, the page sent to browser is a bit raw, completely unstyled, and hard to read. This script tries to make that page much prettier and more readable. It has been tested with Apache versions 2.0.55 until 2.2.21 and should work on most versions, unless the generated HTML changes, which will gradually degrade the script.
Sample page: https://www.apache.org/server-status
- 2016-04-08 - 10 years later, the script still works. Since userscripts.org is no more, and userscripts-mirror.org is read-only, I'm now hosting this script on greasyfork.org. I've also updated the script to improve compatibility with apache 2.4.7.
- 2011-10-20 - Fixed bugs introduced by SortTable code (and that means I've removed browser-sniffing and IE workaround, and also moved forEach to the top, instead of the bottom). Also updated the alternating row style to use CSS3 :nth-child() selector, instead of old code using plain JavaScript.
- 2011-10-18 - Added Stuart Langridge's SortTable script, making the main server-status table sortable.
- 2010-01-30 - This script was added to userscripts.org site.
- 2006-04-23 - This script was born.