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TSLibrary - Draggable Table Rows

Allows dragging of table rows

Dette script bør ikke installeres direkte. Det er et bibliotek, som andre scripts kan inkludere med metadirektivet // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/19970/153736/TSLibrary%20-%20Draggable%20Table%20Rows.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name                    TSLibrary - Draggable Table Rows
// @namespace               TimidScript
// @version       
// @description             Allows dragging of table rows
// @author                  TimidScript
// @homepageURL             https://github.com/TimidScript
// @copyright               © 2014+ TimidScript, Some Rights Reserved.
// @license                 https://github.com/TimidScript/UserScripts/blob/master/license.txt
// @exclude                 *
// ==/UserScript==
/* License + Copyright Notice
License can be found at: https://github.com/TimidScript/UserScripts/blob/master/license.txt
Below is a copy of the license the may not be up-to-date.
Copyright © TimidScript, Some Rights Reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
following conditions are met:
1) GPL-3 License is met that does not conflict with the rest of the license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
2) This notice must be included
3) Due credits and link to original author's homepage (included in this notice).
4) Notify the original author of redistribution
5) Clear clarification of the License and Notice to the end user
6) Do not upload on OpenUserJS.org or any other site that infringes on this license
TimidScript's Homepages:  GitHub:      https://github.com/TimidScript
GreasyFork:  https://greasyfork.org/users/1455
/* Information
How to Use
Use the function TSRegisterTable(table, rowSwapEvent) to register table.
Use the function TSUNRegisterTable(table) to un-register table.
Version History
1.0.9 (2016-05-27)
- License altered
1.0.8 (2016-04-03)
- Changed license to GPL-3
1.0.7 (2015/10/06)
- Bug Fix: When swapping I didn't get the row element
1.0.6 (2014/12/12)
- @exclude added
1.0.4 (2014-07-01)
- rowSwapEvent(true) is fired when row swap has occurred only
1.0.3 (2014-07-31)
- rowSwapEvent expects a value that is set to true when operation is complete.
- A way to un-register table is added (TSUnRegisterTable)
1.0.2 (2014-07-31)
- Changed to use addEventListener
- Added a callback rowSwapEvent that gets fired when rows are swapped
1.0.1 (2014-07-30)
- Initial Release
var TableEvent =
clickedRow: null,
swapped: false,
mouseMove: function (e, rowSwapEvent)
if (this.clickedRow && this.clickedRow != e.target.parentElement)
var row1 = this.clickedRow,
row2 = TableEvent.getTableRow(e.target);
if (row1.rowIndex < row2.rowIndex) row1.parentElement.insertBefore(row2, row1);
else row1.parentElement.insertBefore(row1, row2);
this.swapped = true;
if (this.rowSwapEvent) this.rowSwapEvent();
mouseDown: function (e)
this.clickedRow = TableEvent.getTableRow(e.target);
this.clickedRow.style.cursor = "move";
this.swapped = false;
mouseUp: function (e, rowSwapEvent)
this.clickedRow.style.cursor = null;
this.clickedRow = null;
if (this.rowSwapEvent && this.swapped) this.rowSwapEvent(true);
mouseLeave: function (e, rowSwapEvent)
this.clickedRow.style.cursor = null;
this.clickedRow = null;
if (this.rowSwapEvent && this.swapped) this.rowSwapEvent(true);
getTableRow: function (node)
while (node.tagName != "TR") node = node.parentElement;
return node;
Just call TSRegisterTable and pass the table you want to have draggable rows.
<rowSwapEvent(complete)> is called when rows are moved. complete is a boolean
value that is set to true when complete.
function TSRegisterTable(table, rowSwapEvent)
table.rowSwapEvent = rowSwapEvent;
table.addEventListener("mousemove", TableEvent.mouseMove);
table.addEventListener("mousedown", TableEvent.mouseDown);
table.addEventListener("mouseup", TableEvent.mouseUp);
table.addEventListener("mouseleave", TableEvent.mouseLeave);
Call TSUnRegisterTable to remove drag ability
function TSUnRegisterTable(table)
table.rowSwapEvent = null;
table.removeEventListener("mousemove", TableEvent.mouseMove);
table.removeEventListener("mousedown", TableEvent.mouseDown);
table.removeEventListener("mouseup", TableEvent.mouseUp);
table.removeEventListener("mouseleave", TableEvent.mouseLeave);