Adding album links and headers to tracks on Last.Fm's recent plays listings - plus linkifying About Me section on profiles
The primary function of this script, is to add "album-headers" with album-links in Recent Tracks and Library Scrobbles lists on profiles. Besides that it's generally nice information to have on scrobbles, this can for example also be helpful if you want to find or upload album cover art-work, especially if it is a new or rare album not (yet) available on the artist's album-overview page on
When two or more tracks from same "album" has been played successively, an album-header row will be inserted above.
The script also has two "bonus features":
This script has only been tested on the English site. Please, do let me know if it doesn't work on some of the localized lastfm.* sites.
Also want your recent tracks displayed on your own website/blog? You might like my new Tracks widget.
Btw, I'm rockland on