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Automatically show the full plot summary on IMDb
// ==UserScript==// @name IMDb Full Summary// @description Automatically show the full plot summary on IMDb// @author chocolateboy// @copyright chocolateboy// @version 3.0.3// @namespace @license GPL// @include*// @run-at document-start// @grant none// ==/UserScript==// NOTE This file is generated from src/imdb-full-summary.user.ts and should not be edited directly."use strict";(() => {// src/imdb-full-summary.user.ts// @license GPLvar $ = document;var init = { childList: true };var run = () => {let summary = "";try {const { textContent: metadata } = $.getElementById("__NEXT_DATA__");summary = JSON.parse(metadata).props.pageProps.aboveTheFoldData.plot.plotText.plainText;} catch (e) {console.warn("Can't extract summary from JSON metadata:", e.message);}if (!summary) {return;}for (const target of $.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="plot"] [data-testid^="plot-"]')) {const callback = () => {observer.disconnect();target.textContent = summary;observer.observe(target, init);};const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);callback();}};$.addEventListener("readystatechange", run, { once: true });})();