Greasy Fork is available in English.
Improves the functionality and aesthetic of
// ==UserScript== // @name Agar Extras // @description Improves the functionality and aesthetic of // @include ** // @grant none // @run-at document-start // @version 1.7 // @author Tom Burris // @namespace // @icon // @compatible chrome // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; const byId = (id, prnt) => (prnt || document).getElementById(id); const byClass = (clss, prnt) => (prnt || document).getElementsByClassName(clss); const byTag = (tag, prnt) => (prnt || document).getElementsByTagName(tag); const hsl = hue => `hsl(${hue},100%,50%)`; const listen = (elm, evnt, cb) => elm.addEventListener(evnt, cb); /* document-start */ (() => { const WebSocketOld = WebSocket; window.WebSocket = function(url) { window.wsURL = byId("wsTextInput").value = url; /*.replace(/\?.*$/, "")*/ return new WebSocketOld(window.wsURL); }; })(); /* document-end */ listen(document, "DOMContentLoaded", () => { let css = ""; const nick = byId("nick"); const profilePanel = byClass("agario-profile-panel")[0]; const dailyQuests = byId("dailyQuests"); const potionsBtn = byId("potions"); const timers = byClass("timer menu-timer"); const shopPanel = byClass("agario-shop-panel")[0]; const options = byId("options"); const rightPanel = byId("rightPanel"); const playBtn = byClass("btn-play")[0]; const prevent = event => event.preventDefault(); const spectateBtn = byClass("btn-spectate")[0]; const loginBtn = byClass("btn-login-play")[0]; const subscribeBox = byId("agarYoutube"); /* Fixes */ css += "body {line-height: normal !important;}"; // blurry font. nick.type = "text"; // improper input. /* Compact Left Panel */ css += ".quest-timer {width: auto; margin-left: 20px;}"; profilePanel.appendChild(dailyQuests); dailyQuests.appendChild(timers[0]); profilePanel.appendChild(potionsBtn); potionsBtn.appendChild(timers[1]); const shopStuff = shopPanel.childNodes; while (shopStuff.length) { profilePanel.appendChild(shopStuff[0]); } css += "#freeCoins, #dailyQuests, #potions {margin: 0 0 5px 0;}"; css += "#dailyquests-panel, .agario-shop-panel, #giftButton {display: none !important;}"; /* Center Options */ css += `#tags-container {display: none;} #options {margin-left: 25px;}`; for (let span of byTag("span", options)) { if (span.textContent == "Show Online Status") { span.textContent = "Show Online"; } } /* Add Acid Mode */ let acidLabel = document.createElement("label"); acidLabel.innerHTML = `<input type="checkbox" id="acidMode" style="margin-top: 1px"><span>Acid mode</span>`; options.appendChild(acidLabel); const acidCheckbox = byId("acidMode"); listen(acidCheckbox, "click", () => window.core.setAcid(window.checkbox.checked)); /* FPS */ let fpsBox = document.createElement("div"); = ` position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; color: white; background: black; `; document.body.appendChild(fpsBox); let frames = 0; setInterval(() => { fpsBox.textContent = "fps: " + frames; = hsl(frames * 2); frames = 0; }, 1E3); const clearRectOld = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = function() { if (this.canvas === window.canvas) { frames++; } return clearRectOld.apply(this, arguments); }; /* Server Connection */ let wsBox = document.createElement("div"); wsBox.innerHTML = `<input type="text" id="wsTextInput" class="agario-panel agario-side-panel" spellcheck="false"></input>`; rightPanel.appendChild(wsBox); const wsTextInput = byId("wsTextInput"); listen(wsTextInput, "focus",; listen(wsTextInput, "blur", () => wsTextInput.value = window.wsURL); listen(wsTextInput, "keypress", ({keyCode: code}) => { if (code == 13) { window.core.disconnect(); window.core.connect(wsTextInput.value);; } }); css += ` #wsTextInput { text-overflow: ellipsis; padding: 6px; display: inline-block; width: 293px; height: 34px; } #wsTextInput:focus { outline: 0px !important; box-shadow: 0 0 3px 1px white; } ::selection { background: #0d0 !important; } `; /* Mouse Controls */ const speed = 50; const eject = () => { if (ejectDown) { window.core.eject(); setTimeout(eject, speed); } }; let ejectDown = false; window.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", ({which}) => { if (which === 1) window.core.split(); else if (which === 3) eject(ejectDown = true); }); listen(window, "mouseup", ({which}) => which === 3 && (ejectDown = false)); window.canvas.addEventListener("contextmenu", prevent); window.canvas.addEventListener("dragstart", prevent); /* Freeze */ listen(window, "keydown", ({key}) => { if (key === "p") window.canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", { clientX: window.innerWidth / 2, clientY: window.innerHeight / 2 })); }); /* Arrow Keys */ const keychange = ({keyCode: code, type}) => { const dir = code - 37; if (dir >= 0 && dir < 4 && (!keysDown[dir] || type == "keyup")) { keysDown[dir] = type == "keydown"; update(); } }; const update = () => { let pos = [window.innerWidth / 2, window.innerHeight / 2]; for (let n = 4; n--;) { if (keysDown[n]) { const min = Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); pos[n % 2] += [-1, 1][n / 2 | 0] * min / 2; } } window.canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", { clientX: pos[0], clientY: pos[1] })); }; const keysDown = []; listen(document, "keydown", keychange); listen(document, "keyup", keychange); /* Music Player */ const src = "//" + "?controls=0;"; const player = document.createElement("div"); player.className = "agario-panel agario-side-panel"; = "padding: 0px; width: 293px; height: 168px; margin-top: 5px;"; player.innerHTML = `<iframe id="YTVideo" src="${src}" style="border: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;"></iframe>`; rightPanel.appendChild(player); /* Ubuntu Font */ css += "@import url('');"; css += "body {font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif !important;}"; css += "#statsSubtext {white-space: nowrap;}"; /* Vertically center main panel */ css += ` #helloContainer { position: relative; top: 50% !important; transform: perspective(1px) translate(-50%, -50%) !important; display: inline-block !important; width: auto !important; } #leftPanel { margin: 0px; width: 222px; } `; /* Always display settings and intructions, also move the login button */ css += ` #settings { display: block !important; } .btn-settings { display: none; } .btn-play-guest { width: 100%; margin: 0px !important; } .btn-play { width: 100% !important; margin: 0px !important; } .btn-login-play { width: 110px !important; float: right; } #instructions, #options, .text-muted, #mainPanel { cursor: default !important; } input, select { cursor: pointer !important; } `; spectateBtn.parentNode.appendChild(loginBtn); /* Darken Stuff */ css += ` select, .agario-panel, .shop-blocker, #blocker, input[type=text], footer, .progress, .party-token, .agario-profile-picture { background: black !important; color: white !important; border: 0px !important; border-radius: 0px !important; outline: 1px solid white !important; } span { color: white !important; } .party-icon-back { background: black !important; } .btn { border-radius: 0px !important; } `; /* Hide Static Ads */ css += ` .agario-promo-container, #advertisement, .diep-cross, #promo-badge-container, #agario-web-incentive, #mcbanners-container, #adsBottom { display: none !important; } `; = "none"; /* Append CSS To DOM */ const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = css; document.head.appendChild(style); }); /* document-idle */ listen(window, "load", () => { // The page javascript changes the textContent (I think). byClass("btn-login-play")[0].textContent = "Login"; /* Remove Video Ads */ const good = () => { window.MC.notifyFullscreenAdFinished(); //window.onDone(); }; window.initAdsController = good; window.requestAds = good; window.onAdLoaded = good; //window.adSlots = {}; //window.googleAdsModule = {}; // = {}; // = {}; window.openOfferwall = good; window.openVideoAd = good; window.refreshAd = good; //window.supersonicAds = {}; //window.startAd = function() {}; // banner.js line 1 //console.log("%cDone!", "color:black;font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;"); });