To show download counter for each attachment from Releases page on
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name GitHubReleasesCount
- // @description To show download counter for each attachment from Releases page on
- // @namespace net.r_eg.GitHubReleasesCount
- // @version 0.4
- // @grant none
- // @include*/*/releases*
- // @require
- // @author
- // @license MIT
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*
- Here's sandbox as the main page of this script at this time:
- -
- Tested via:
- - Firefox 61.0.2 + Greasemonkey 4.6
- - Firefox 59.0.2 + Greasemonkey 4.3
- - Firefox 55.0.3 & 54.0.1 + Greasemonkey 3.11
- Changes:
- * 0.4: Fixed the work with modern GitHub Releases ~ Aug 2018
- * 0.3: Fixed the work with modern GitHub Releases ~(Jan 2018 - Apr 2018)
- * 0.2: individual tags & multi-pages support (+async).
- * 0.1: first idea.
- */
- (function()
- {
- 'use strict';
- class GhrCounter extends function(){ this.constructor.prototype.$ =
- {
- /** assets from the releases page */
- pageFiles: ".release-header + :first-of-type li a",
- /** 'user/project' from url */
- usrprj: /^\/([^/]+)\/([^/]+)/g,
- apiserver: '',
- out: {
- class: 'Label Label--outline Label--outline-green text-gray',
- style: 'margin-right: 3px;',
- },
- debug: false,
- /* --------------- */ }}{ /* --------------- */
- showCount(elem, count)
- {
- let _= this;
- if(_.isNull(elem) || _.isNull(count)) {
- throw new GhrcNullException('elem', 'count');
- }
- elem.prepend("<span class='" + _.$.out.class + "' style='" + _.$
- + "'>" + count + "</span>");
- }
- process()
- {
- let _= this;
- _.dbg('started for: ' + location.pathname);
- let url = _.getInfoAPI();
- _.dbg('get info: ' + url);
- $.get(url, function(apidata)
- {
- $(_.$.pageFiles).each(function()
- {
- let root = $(this);
- let durl = root.attr('href');
- if(durl.indexOf('releases/download') == -1) {
- return true; // means 'continue' statement
- }
- for(let idx in apidata)
- for(let asset in apidata[idx].assets)
- {
- let lnk = apidata[idx].assets[asset];
- if(!lnk.browser_download_url.endsWith(durl)) {
- continue;
- };
- _.dbg('insert data for #' + + ': ' + durl);
- _.showCount(root, lnk.download_count);
- }
- });
- });
- }
- constructor(debug)
- {
- super();
- this.$.debug = debug;
- this.process();
- }
- getInfoAPI()
- {
- let l = this.$.usrprj.exec(location.pathname);
- return location.protocol
- + '//' + this.$.apiserver + '/repos/' + l[1] + '/' + l[2] + '/releases';
- }
- dbg(msg, ...args)
- {
- if(!this.$.debug) {
- return;
- }
- let stamp = new Date().toISOString().substr(11, 12) + '] ';
- if(this.isNull(args) || args.length < 1) {
- console.log(stamp + msg);
- }
- else {
- console.log(stamp + msg, args);
- }
- }
- isNull(val)
- {
- return val == null || val === undefined;
- }
- };
- class GhrcException
- {
- constructor(message, arg)
- {
- this.message = message;
- this.arg = arg;
- }
- }
- class GhrcNullException extends GhrcException
- {
- constructor(...args)
- {
- super("'" + args + "' cannot be null.", null);
- }
- }
- // ...
- let ghrс = new GhrCounter(false);
- // when async loading
- $(window).bind('pjax:success', function() { ghrс.process(); });
- })();