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GM Common API (GMC) is a simple library designed for easily adding Greasemonkey 4 compatibilty to existing userscripts
Dette script bør ikke installeres direkte. Det er et bibliotek, som andre scripts kan inkludere med metadirektivet // @require
/* * GM Common API is a library for userscripts. A "Synchronious API" compatible * with both Greasemonkey 4 WebExtension and all the other commonly used * userscript managers. Using GM Common API can be a fast and easy way to add * Greasemonkey 4 WebExtension compatibility to (some) existing userscripts. * * * */ var GMC = GMC || (function api() { // CHANGELOG - The most important updates/versions: let changelog = [ {version: '2017.12.16', description: 'GM4 actually supports GM.openInTab.'}, {version: '2017.12.07', description: 'Fixing an error seen in Chrome/Tampermonkey.'}, {version: '2017.12.06', description: 'Prefetch @resource objects in GM4+ for potential performance improvements (Requires @grant GM.getResourceUrl).'}, {version: '2017.12.03', description: 'Some refactoring. Fix: getResourceUrl would sometimes only return one resource in GM4.'}, {version: '2017.11.18', description: 'Adding GMC.xmlHttpRequest().'}, {version: '2017.11.11', description: 'Advanced options for menus (Via GMC.registerMenuCommand() using new options parameter).'}, {version: '2017.10.29', description: 'Adding GMC.listValues(), GMC.listLocalStorageValues() and GMC.listSessionStorageValues().'}, {version: '2017.10.28', description: '@grant not needed for use of'}, {version: '2017.10.25', description: 'Initial release.'} ]; /* * * * Maps to GM_info or object. * Grants: none needed. */ let info = (GM_info ? GM_info : (typeof GM === 'object' && GM !== null && typeof === 'object' ? : null) ); /* * GMC.registerMenuCommand(caption, commandFunc, accessKey) * GMC.registerMenuCommand(caption, commandFunc, options) * * Currently the GM4 API is missing GM.registerMenuCommand, but luckily Firefox supports HTML5 * context menus, which are created by this method when supported (Currently only supported by * the Firefox family). AccessKey is currently ignored for context menus. * Instead of the accessKey string parameter, there's an option to pass an options object * adding multiple configuration options for fine-tuning menus. Example: * GMC.registerMenuCommand( 'Hide the top', toggleTop , {accessKey: 'T', type: 'checkbox', checked: isHiddenTop()} ); * Currently supported properties in the options object are: * accessKey, topLevel, id, name, type, checked, disabled & icon. * Todo: Document the properties in the options object. * * Grants: * GM_registerMenuCommand * GM.registerMenuCommand (Optional for possible future support. Currently not available with any userscript manager) */ function registerMenuCommand(caption, commandFunc, options) { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = {'accessKey': options}; } else if (typeof options === 'undefined') { options = {}; } // "Legacy" menu: if (!options['disabled']) { let prefix = ''; if (options['type'] === 'radio') { prefix = options['checked'] ? '\u26AB ' : '\u26AA '; // ⚫/⚪ } else if (options['type'] === 'checkbox') { prefix = options['checked'] ? '\u2B1B ' : '\u2B1C '; // ⬛/⬜ } if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand === 'function') { // Supported by most userscript managers, but NOT with Greasemonkey 4 WebExtension GM_registerMenuCommand(prefix + caption, commandFunc, options['accessKey']); } else if (typeof GM === 'object' && GM !== null && typeof GM.registerMenuCommand === 'function') { // NOT implemented in Greasemonkey 4.0 WebExtension, but if later?... GM.registerMenuCommand(prefix + caption, commandFunc, options['accessKey']); } } // HTML5 context menu (currently only supported by the Firefox family): if (contextMenuSupported()) { if (!document.body) { alert('GMC Error: Body element for context menu not found. If running userscript at "document-start" you might need to delay initialization of menus.'); return; } let topMenu = null; if (document.body.getAttribute('contextmenu')) { // If existing context menu on body, don't replace but use/extend it... topMenu = document.querySelector('menu#' + document.body.getAttribute('contextmenu')); } if (!topMenu) { // if not already defined, create the "top menu container" topMenu = document.createElement('menu'); topMenu.setAttribute('type', 'context'); topMenu.setAttribute('id', 'gm-registered-menu'); document.body.appendChild(topMenu); document.body.setAttribute('contextmenu', topMenu.getAttribute('id')); } // Create menu item let menuItem = document.createElement('menuitem'); menuItem.setAttribute('type', options['type'] ? options['type'] : 'command'); // command, checkbox or radio menuItem.setAttribute('label', caption); if (options['id']) menuItem.setAttribute('id', options['id']); if (options['name']) menuItem.setAttribute('name', options['name']); if (options['checked']) menuItem.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); if (options['disabled']) menuItem.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); if (options['icon']) menuItem.setAttribute('icon', options['icon']); // does icon work on radio/checkbox or only command? // Append menuitem if (options['topLevel']) { topMenu.appendChild(menuItem); } else { // script menu let scriptMenu = topMenu.querySelector('menu[label="' + getScriptName() + '"]'); if (!scriptMenu) { // if not already defined, create a "sub-menu" for current userscript scriptMenu = document.createElement('menu'); scriptMenu.setAttribute('label', getScriptName()); // icon = @icon from metadata??? NO, icon not working for menu elements :-( topMenu.appendChild(scriptMenu); } scriptMenu.appendChild(menuItem); } menuItem.addEventListener('click', commandFunc, false); } } /* * GMC.getResourceURL(resourceName) * GMC.getResourceUrl(resourceName) * * This will use GM_getResourceURL if available, and otherwise try to find an url directly via * the object properties. * Grants: * GM_getResourceURL * GM.getResourceUrl (Optional, but add this for potential performance improvement in GM4+) */ function getResourceUrl(resourceName) { if (typeof GM_getResourceURL === 'function') { return GM_getResourceURL(resourceName); } else if (info) { if (typeof info.script === 'object' && typeof info.script.resources === 'object' && typeof info.script.resources[resourceName] === 'object' && info.script.resources[resourceName].url) { return info.script.resources[resourceName].url; } else if (info.scriptMetaStr) { // Parse metadata block to find the original "remote url" instead: let ptrn = new RegExp('^\\s*\\/\\/\\s*@resource\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s*$','igm'); let r###lt; while((r###lt = ptrn.exec(info.scriptMetaStr)) !== null) { if (r###lt[1] === resourceName) return r###lt[2]; // and do a GM4 "prefetch"? } } alert('GMC Error: Cannot find url of resource=' + resourceName + ' in object'); } else { alert('GMC Error: Cannot lookup resourceURL (Missing @grant for GM_getResourceURL?)'); } } /* * GMC.setValue(name, value) * * When supported, this points to GM_setValue which stores values in a userscript specific * database. Otherwise the HTML5 Web Storage is used, which is a domain(+protocol) specific * database in the browser. * IMPORTANT: If your userscript is a "single-domain type", the difference in storage type is * probably not a problem, but for "multiple-domain userscripts" GMC.setValue() might not be a * satisfying solution. * To prevent mistakenly overwriting or reading other clientscript's values when using Web * Storage, a prefix based on userscript namespace and scriptname is added to name used in Web * Storage. * Grants: * GM_setValue */ function setValue(name, value) { if (typeof GM_setValue === 'function') { GM_setValue(name, value); } else { setLocalStorageValue(name, value); } } /* * GMC.getValue(name, defvalue) * * Get the values stored using GMC.setValue(). When supported via GM_getValue and otherwise from * HTML5 Web Storage. * Grants: * GM_getValue */ function getValue(name, defvalue) { // getLocalStorageValue: function(name, defvalue) { if (typeof GM_getValue === 'function') { return GM_getValue(name, defvalue); } else { return getLocalStorageValue(name, defvalue); } } /* * GMC.deleteValue(name) * * Deletes a value stored using GMC.setValue(). When supported via GM_deleteValue and otherwise * from HTML5 Web Storage. * Grants: * GM_deleteValue */ function deleteValue(name) { if (typeof GM_deleteValue === 'function') { GM_deleteValue(name); } else { deleteLocalStorageValue(name); } } /* * GMC.listValues() * * Returns the values (key-names) stored using GMC.setValue(). When supported via GM_listValues * and otherwise from HTML5 Web Storage. * Grants: * GM_listValues */ function listValues() { if (typeof GM_listValues === 'function') { return GM_listValues(); } else { return listLocalStorageValues(); } } /* * GMC.setLocalStorageValue(name, value) * * Save value in HTML5 Web Storage (window.localStorage), which is a domain(+protocol) specific * database in the browser. To prevent mistakenly overwriting or reading other clientscript's * values when using Web Storage, a prefix based on userscript namespace and scriptname is added * to the name used in Web Storage. * Grants: none needed. */ function setLocalStorageValue(name, value) { localStorage.setItem(getScriptIdentifier() + '_' + name, value); } /* * GMC.getLocalStorageValue(name, defvalue) * * Get a value that was stored using GMC.setLocalStorageValue(). * Grants: none needed. */ function getLocalStorageValue(name, defvalue) { if ((getScriptIdentifier()+'_'+name) in localStorage) { return localStorage.getItem(getScriptIdentifier()+'_'+name); } else { return defvalue; } } /* * GMC.deleteLocalStorageValue(name) * * Deletes a value that was stored using GMC.setLocalStorageValue(). * Grants: none needed. */ function deleteLocalStorageValue(name) { localStorage.removeItem(getScriptIdentifier() + '_' + name); } /* * GMC.listLocalStorageValues() * * Returns the values (key-names) stored using GMC.setLocalStorageValue(). * Grants: none needed. */ function listLocalStorageValues() { let values = []; let prefix = getScriptIdentifier(); let prelen = getScriptIdentifier().length; for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) { if (localStorage.key(i).substr(0, prelen) === prefix) { values.push(localStorage.key(i).substr(prelen+1)); } } return values; } /* * GMC.setSessionStorageValue(name, value) * * Similar to setLocalStorageValue(), but setSessionStorageValue() only stores for the current * session. * Grants: none needed. */ function setSessionStorageValue(name, value) { sessionStorage.setItem(getScriptIdentifier() + '_' + name, value); } /* * GMC.getSessionStorageValue(name, defvalue) * * Get a value that was stored using GMC.setSessionStorageValue(). * Grants: none needed. */ function getSessionStorageValue(name, defvalue) { if ((getScriptIdentifier()+'_'+name) in localStorage) { return sessionStorage.getItem(getScriptIdentifier()+'_'+name); } else { return defvalue; } } /* * GMC.deleteSessionStorageValue(name) * * Deletes a value that was stored using GMC.setSessionStorageValue(). * Grants: none needed. */ function deleteSessionStorageValue(name) { sessionStorage.removeItem(getScriptIdentifier() + '_' + name); } /* * GMC.listSessionStorageValues() * * Returns the values (key-names) stored using GMC.setSessionStorageValue(). * Grants: none needed. */ function listSessionStorageValues() { let values = []; let prefix = getScriptIdentifier(); let prelen = getScriptIdentifier().length; for (let i = 0; i < sessionStorage.length; i++) { if (sessionStorage.key(i).substr(0, prelen) === prefix) { values.push(sessionStorage.key(i).substr(prelen+1)); } } return values; } /* * GMC.log(message) * * Writes a log-line to the console. It will use GM_log if supported/granted, otherwise * it will do it using window.console.log(). * Grants: * GM_log */ function log(message) { if(typeof GM_log === 'function') { GM_log(message); } else if (window.console) { if (info) { window.console.log(getScriptName() + ' : ' + message); } else { window.console.log('GMC : ' + message); } } } /* * GMC.setClipboard(text) * * Sets content of the clipboard by using either GM.setClipboard or GM_setClipboard. * Grants: * GM.setClipboard * GM_setClipboard */ let setClipboard = (typeof GM_setClipboard === 'function' ? GM_setClipboard : (typeof GM === 'object' && GM !== null && typeof GM.setClipboard === 'function' ? GM.setClipboard : null) ); /* * GMC.addStyle(style) * * Adds style in a an element in html header. * Grants: * GM_addStyle (Optional. Will be used when available, but this method should normally work fine without) * GM.addStyle (Optional for possible future support. Currently not available with any userscript manager) */ function addStyle(style) { if (typeof GM_addStyle === 'function') { return GM_addStyle(style); } else if (typeof GM === 'object' && GM !== null && typeof GM.addStyle === 'function') { return GM.addStyle(style); // For possible future support. Will Probably return undefined. } else { let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (head) { let styleElem = document.createElement('style'); styleElem.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); styleElem.textContent = style; head.appendChild(styleElem); return styleElem; } alert('GMC Error: Unable to add style element to head element. If running userscript at "document-start" you might need to delay initialization of styles.'); } } /* * GMC.openInTab(url, open_in_background) * * Opens url in a new tab. * Grants: * GM.openInTab * GM_openInTab */ function openInTab(url, open_in_background) { if (typeof GM_openInTab === 'function') { return GM_openInTab(url, open_in_background); } else if (typeof GM === 'object' && GM !== null && typeof GM.openInTab === 'function') { return GM.openInTab(url, open_in_background); } return; } /* * GMC.xmlHttpRequest(details) * GMC.xmlhttpRequest(details) * * Forwards to either GM_xmlhttpRequest or GM.xmlHttpRequest. * When adding @grant declarations, make sure to take notice of the case differences between * the APIs. GMC supports both case-variants (GMC.xmlHttpRequest and GMC.xmlhttpRequest). * Also remember to add needed @connect declarations for Tampermonkey: * * * Grants: * GM.xmlHttpRequest * GM_xmlhttpRequest */ function xmlHttpRequest(details) { if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest === 'function') { return GM_xmlhttpRequest(details); } else if (typeof GM === 'object' && GM !== null && typeof GM.xmlHttpRequest === 'function') { return GM.xmlHttpRequest(details); // probably undefined return value! } alert('GMC Error: xmlHttpRequest not found! Missing or misspelled @grant declaration? (Be aware of case differences in the APIs!)'); } /* * GMC.getScriptName() * * Simply returns script name as defined in meta data. If no name was defined, returns "Userscript". * Grants: none needed. */ function getScriptName() { if (typeof === 'string' && > 0) { return; } else { return 'Userscript'; } } /* * GMC.getScriptNamespace() * * Simply returns the script's namespace as defined in meta data. * Grants: none needed. */ function getScriptNamespace() { if (typeof info.script.namespace === 'string') { return info.script.namespace.trim(); } else { return ''; } } // Internal, temporary and experimental stuff: function isGreasemonkey4up() { if (typeof info.scriptHandler === 'string' && typeof info.version === 'string') { return info.scriptHandler === 'Greasemonkey' && parseInt(info.version,10)>=4; } return false; } function contextMenuSupported() { // Argh, it's a bit ugly, not 100% accurate (and probably not really necessary) let oMenu = document.createElement('menu'); return (oMenu.type !== 'undefined'); // type="list|context|toolbar" if supported ? } function getScriptIdentifier() { // A "safe" identifier without any special characters (but doesn't work well for non-latin :-/ ) if (info && typeof info.script === 'object') { return 'gmc' + getScriptNamespace().replace(/[^\w]+/g,'x') + getScriptName().replace(/[^\w]+/g,'x'); } else { alert('GMC Error: Script Namespace or Name not found.'); } } function inspect(obj) { // for some debugging let output=''; Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key, idx) { output+=key+': ' + typeof obj[key] + ((typeof obj[key] === 'string' || typeof obj[key] === 'boolean' || typeof obj[key] === 'number') ? ' = ' + obj[key] : '') + '\n'; }); alert(output); } if (typeof GM === 'object' && GM !== null && typeof GM.getResourceUrl === 'function' && typeof info === 'object' && typeof info.script === 'object' && typeof info.script.resources === 'object' ) { // Prefetch @resource objects and update info.script.resources[resourcename].url with local address, using GM.getResourceUrl(). prefetchResource = function(name) { if (typeof info === 'object' && typeof info.script === 'object' && typeof info.script.resources === 'object') { let obj = info.script.resources[name]; if (typeof GM === 'object' && GM !== null && typeof GM.getResourceUrl === 'function' && obj) { GM.getResourceUrl( (url) { obj.url = url; }, function (err) { log('Error fetching resource ' + + ': ' + err); }); } else { log('Error, info.script.resources[' + name + '] not found in resources object.'); } } }; Object.keys(info.script.resources).forEach(function(key, idx) { prefetchResource(key); }); } return { info: info, registerMenuCommand: registerMenuCommand, getResourceUrl: getResourceUrl, getResourceURL: getResourceUrl, setValue: setValue, getValue: getValue, deleteValue: deleteValue, listValues: listValues, setLocalStorageValue: setLocalStorageValue, getLocalStorageValue: getLocalStorageValue, deleteLocalStorageValue: deleteLocalStorageValue, listLocalStorageValues: listLocalStorageValues, setSessionStorageValue: setSessionStorageValue, getSessionStorageValue: getSessionStorageValue, deleteSessionStorageValue: deleteSessionStorageValue, listSessionStorageValues: listSessionStorageValues, log: log, setClipboard: setClipboard, addStyle: addStyle, openInTab: openInTab, xmlHttpRequest: xmlHttpRequest, xmlhttpRequest: xmlHttpRequest, getScriptName: getScriptName, getScriptNamespace: getScriptNamespace, // Temporary and experimental stuff: isGreasemonkey4up: isGreasemonkey4up, contextMenuSupported: contextMenuSupported, inspect: inspect }; })();