Script Summary:
Filter your follows from comic search; info button and sorting in the old follows page; links between Batoto-MU-Mal and other features.
The main feature of this script (filtering) works by saving your follows list in your browser (localStorage). It updates each time you go to the new/old follows page, or by clicking the "update follows" button in the comic search.
- General:
- Adds buttons in the comic page in Batoto-MU-MAL with links between them.
- Batoto:
- Adds icons besides comics if you are following them in the "Home" and "Search" page.
- Adds option in the "Search" page to hide from the r###lts the comics you are following.
- Adds the "Info Button" for the comics in the "old follows" page.
- Makes the header for the Blood theme to not scroll with the page.
- Sorting of follows by "Last Update", "Last Read", "Title", "Unread Chs", "Last Update's Ch", "Last Read's Ch" in the old follows page.
- Other small options.
*Features can be changed/disabled in the options panel (Button in: Batoto/MAL bottom toolbox, MU lateral toolbox, GM command).
To do:
- General:
- Code tweaks.
- Batoto:
- Fixed issue with the sorting of comics.
- General:
- Added options panel (Button in: Batoto/MAL bottom toolbox, MU lateral toolbox, GM command).
- Code tweaks.
- Batoto:
- Added more sorting options for old follows (Unread Chs, Last Update's Ch, Last Read's Ch).
- Added comic info hovercard in "Recently added comics".
- Added spoilers type in the comments of comics.
- Fixed sorting issue of comics in the old follows page (thanks to blindbox).
- Fixed subway's theme preferences insertion.
- Batoto:
- Fixed sorting issue of comics in the old follows page (thanks to blindbox).
- General:
- Code tweaks.
- Batoto:
- Added sorting of follows by 'Last Update', 'Last Read' and 'Title' in the old follows page.
- Batoto:
- Fix non-stop page refresh when changing themes.
- General:
- Code reorganization and tweaks.
- Added capability to use DuckDuckGo instead of Google for the interlinks.
- Added capability to auto-save the interlinks, although one-sided only.
- Added capability to save a user specified link for the interlinks (ctrl + shift + left click on the button).
- Batoto:
- Fixed saving follows from the new follows page.
- Fixed the 'update follows' button in the search page.
- Fixed the size of the comic popup.
- Fixed problem with the hyper-links in comic descriptions.
- Changed the interlinks buttons to adapt to the theme.
- Added a 'Show More' button below the 'Recently Added Comics' list in the comic page.
- MAL:
- Added interlinks buttons.