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Dailymotion: "Playback Quality Control" Feature

Add some site-wide video playback quality control settings to Dailymotion.

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  1. // ==UserScript==// @id www.dailymotion.com-6843eec7-c1ba-4a14-8700-738e52bcb8e6@http://foo.bar/baz// @name Dailymotion: "Playback Quality Control" Feature// @version 0.0.5// @namespace http://foo.bar/baz// @author David Toso// @description Add some site-wide video playback quality control settings to Dailymotion.// @include http://www.dailymotion.com/*// @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js// @run-at document-start// ==/UserScript==// Magic Sauce: prevent the standard Dailymotion Player's JavaScript// from ever loading!window.addEventListener('beforescriptexecute', function(e) {if (/window\.DM_Player_Type/.test(e.target.text)) {// attempt to block the standard player JS from loading// for video & member pagesconsole.log("stopped standard player from loading! [DM_Player_Type]");e.stopPropagation();e.preventDefault();} else if (/playerPlaying/.test(e.target.text)) {// attempt to block the standard player JS from loading// for playlist pagesconsole.log("stopped standard player from loading! [playerPlaying]");e.stopPropagation();e.preventDefault();}}, true);// Get a list of available 'quality' settings for the current video// (in *old* API format -- convert to numeric as per *new* API).var getAvailableResolutions = function (vID, cID, cb) {console.log("inside GAR");$('#'+cID).html('<div id="get_res" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 160px; font-size: '+'22px; text-align: center; color: white; font-weight: bold">Getting '+'available resolutions...</div>');var rest_apis = 'https://api.dailymotion.com';GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: "GET",url: rest_apis+"/video/"+vID+"?fields=available_formats",onload: function(res) {console.log("GOT resolutions");var obj = JSON.parse(res.responseText);var avail = obj.available_formats;var fmts = [];for (var i=0; i<avail.length; i++) {switch(avail[i]) {case 'ld': fmts.push(240); break;case 'sd': fmts.push(380); break;case 'hq': fmts.push(480); break;case 'hd720': fmts.push(720); break;case 'hd1080': fmts.push(1080); break;}}cb(fmts);},onerror: function(res) {console.log("problem getting available resolutions!");}});};// Wait for element given by selector to become availablevar waitFor = function(doc, selector, cb) {if ($(selector, doc).get(0)) return cb();else setTimeout(function(){ waitFor(doc, selector, cb); }, 200);};// Select the best resolution available (from the given list) or// the maximum desired resolution (as previously recorded) whichever// is lowest.var select_best_resolution = function (resolutions, cID, cb) {// set 1080p as max desired resolution if setting has never been recordedif (GM_getValue('max_desired_quality',null) == null) {GM_setValue('max_desired_quality', 1080);}// set Yes as auto playback setting if setting has never been recordedif (GM_getValue('auto_playback',null) == null) {GM_setValue('auto_playback', 'Yes');}// choose best available resolutionvar avail = resolutions.slice(0);var best = resolutions.pop();// downgrade to desired maximum if requiredvar max = GM_getValue('max_desired_quality',null);var auto = GM_getValue('auto_playback');while (best > max) { best = resolutions.pop(); }// fall back to 380 (seems to always be available)if (best == null) best = 380;// notify of selected resolution$('#'+cID).html('<div id="sel_res" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 130px; font-size: 55px;'+' text-align: center; color: white; font-weight: bold">'+best+'P</div>');$('#sel_res').fadeOut(1500, function(){$(this).remove();cb(best, auto);});// asynchronously: build quality tabwaitFor(document,'.pl_video_tabs ul.mo_tabs', function(){build_quality_tab(best, max, avail, auto);});};// Inject a 'Quality' video tab which shows the available resolutions// (current highlighted), and allows the user to select the maximum// resolution they'd like to set on future video viewsvar build_quality_tab = function(best, max, avail, auto) {avail = avail.map(function(e){ return e+'P'; }).join(", ");var re = new RegExp('(, )*('+best+'P)');avail = avail.replace(re, function(_all, _p, _f) { return _p+'<b>'+_f+'</b>'; });// find tabs & corresponding panelsvar tabs = $('.pl_video_tabs ul.mo_tabs');var panels = $('.pl_video_tabs');// Render tabtabs.append('<li id="tab_myquality" class="pull-start mrg-end-lg"><a class="alt-link'+' link-border-color-on-hvr" href="">Quality</li>');panels.append('<div id="tab_myquality_content" class="pl_video_tabmyquality tab_content'+' clearfix" style="display: none"></div>');// Render panelvar myPanel = $('#tab_myquality_content');myPanel.append('<h3 class="tab_title clearfix" style="clear:both; font-weight: normal; '+'font-size: 20px; color: #0079B8; font-family: arial;">Playback Quality '+'Settings</h3>');myPanel.append('<p style="font-weight: normal; margin-top: 15px; font-size: 15px; color:'+' black; font-family: arial;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: '+'188px;">Resolutions available: </span>'+avail+'</p>');myPanel.append('<p style="font-weight: normal; margin-top: 3px; font-size: 15px; color:'+' black; font-family: arial;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: '+'188px;">Maximum desired quality: </span><select id="my_sel_qual" style="'+'font-size: 12px; width: 230px; background-color: white;"><option value="'+'240">240P - I don\'t even</option><option value="380">380P - Low Quality'+'</option><option value="480">480P - Standard Definition</option><option '+'value="720">720P - High Quality</option><option value="1080">1080P - '+'Highest Quality</option></select></p>');myPanel.append('<p style="font-weight: normal; margin-top: 3px; font-size: 15px; color:'+' black; font-family: arial;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: '+'188px;">Automatic playback: </span><select id="my_auto_play" style="'+'font-size: 12px; width: 230px; background-color: white;"><option value="'+'Yes">Yes</option><option value="No">No</option></select></p>');// Record changes to max desired playback quality setting$('#my_sel_qual').val(max).change(function(){GM_setValue('max_desired_quality', $('#my_sel_qual').eq(0).val()*1);});// Record changes to auto playback setting$('#my_auto_play').val(auto).change(function(){GM_setValue('auto_playback', $('#my_auto_play').eq(0).val());});};// synchronize readiness of DM Player embedding API and Quality Selectionvar when_ready = function(uwin, cb) {if ((uwin.__DM_JS_READY == 1) && (uwin.__RES_CHOSEN == 1)) return cb();else setTimeout(function(){ when_ready(uwin, cb); }, 50);};// load the dailymotion embedded playervar load_embedded_player = function(uwin, quality, auto, cID, vID) {// Configure player with previously chosen video quality.var params = {api: 1,quality: quality,related: 0,logo: 0,info: 0,autoplay: auto=='Yes'?1:0};// Actually ask for the video to be loaded!var player = uwin.DM.player(cID, {video: vID,width: 620,height: 348,params: params});// when we can talk to the flash player via JavaScript...player.addEventListener("apiready", function(e) {var x = e.target.contentWindow;x.onload = function() {//$('#player_container').css({ height: 348 });console.log("FLASHPLAYER JS API is ready!");};});};// main script entry pointvar once = 0;window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {if (once) return; once = 1;var uwin = unsafeWindow;var doc = uwin.document;// Determine whether we're dealing with a Video page, a Playlist page, or a// Member's home page (the User Interface Mode)var uiMode;if (uwin.DM_CurrentVideoXID) uiMode = 'video';if ($('#js-playlist-name').get(0)) uiMode = 'playlist';if ($('.user-screenname-inner').get(0)) uiMode = 'member';if (!uiMode) return; // don't bother doing the rest if there's no playerconsole.log("uiMode="+uiMode);// Wait until both Player & Quality selection are readywhen_ready(uwin, function(){console.log("BOTH ARE READY!");//if (uiMode != 'video') return;load_embedded_player(uwin,uwin.__RES_SETTINGS.quality,uwin.__RES_SETTINGS.autoplay,uwin.__RES_SETTINGS.container,uwin.__RES_SETTINGS.video);});// Async-load the DM embedded JS API(function() {var e = doc.createElement('script');e.async = true;e.src = doc.location.protocol + '//api.dmcdn.net/all.js';var s = doc.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];uwin.dmAsyncInit = function() {console.log("DM Player API loaded!");uwin.__DM_JS_READY = 1;};s.parentNode.insertBefore(e, s);}());// Based on the uiMode, find the "currently playing" video ID as well as the// container element that will house the embedded DM video playervar vID, pID, cID;switch(uiMode) {case 'video':vID = uwin.DM_CurrentVideoXID;cID = 'container_player_main';break;case 'playlist':vID = $('.js-list-list > div.media > div.media-img',doc).eq(0).attr('data-id');cID = 'container_main_player';break;case 'member':$('#js-featured-card-title > a').eq(0).attr('href').replace(/\/video\/([^_]+)/, function(_m, _x) {vID = _x; });cID = 'container_player_main';break;}console.log("VID="+vID);// Get a list of available resolutions for the "currently playing" video,// then compare that to the users's max desired quality & autoplay// preferences before configuring and loading the DM embedded player.$('#'+cID).css('background-color', '#00669d');getAvailableResolutions(vID, cID, function(resolutions){console.log("smeg");select_best_resolution(resolutions, cID, function(chosen, auto){console.log("selected="+chosen+",autoplay="+auto);uwin.__RES_SETTINGS = {quality: chosen,autoplay: auto,container: cID,video: vID};uwin.__RES_CHOSEN = 1;});});}, true);