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Save pixiv image with custom name format
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- // ==UserScript==// @name Pixiv save image with name format// @namespace @version 0.1// @description Save pixiv image with custom name format// @author maple3142// @match*// @connect @grant unsafeWindow// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest// ==/UserScript==;(function() {'use strict'const FILENAME_TEMPLATE = '{{title}}-{{userName}}-{{id}}'const $ = s => document.querySelector(s)const $$ = s => [...document.querySelectorAll(s)]const elementmerge = (a, b) => {Object.keys(b).forEach(k => {if (typeof b[k] === 'object') elementmerge(a[k], b[k])else if (k in a) a[k] = b[k]else a.setAttribute(k, b[k])})}const $el = (s, o) => {const el = document.createElement(s)elementmerge(el, o)return el}const debounce = delay => fn => {let de = falsereturn (...args) => {if (de) returnde = truefn(...args)setTimeout(() => (de = false), delay)}}const download = (url, fname) => {const a = $el('a', { href: url, download: fname || true })document.body.appendChild(a)}const gmxhr = o => new Promise((res, rej) => GM_xmlhttpRequest({ ...o, onload: res, onerror: rej }))function main() {const params = new URLSearchParams( getIllustData = (id = params.get('illust_id')) =>fetch(`/ajax/illust/${id}`, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then(r => r.json()).then(r => r.body)const saveImage = (format = FILENAME_TEMPLATE, id = params.get('illust_id')) => {getIllustData(id).then(data => {const fname = format.replace(/{{(\w+?)}}/g, (m, g1) => data[g1])const url = data.urls.originalconst ext = url.split('/').pop().split('.').pop()return Promise.all([fname + '.' + ext,gmxhr({method: 'GET',url,responseType: 'blob',headers: { Referer: '' }})])}).then(([f, xhr]) => {const url = URL.createObjectURL(xhr.response)download(url, f)URL.revokeObjectURL(xhr.response)})}const observer = new MutationObserver(debounce(10)(mut => {const menu = $('ul[role=menu]')if (!menu) returnconst n = menu.children.lengthconst item = $el('li', { role: 'menuitem', onclick: () => saveImage() })item.className = menu.children[n - 2].classNameconst text = $el('span', { textContent: '⬇' })item.appendChild(text)menu.insertBefore(item, menu.children[n - 1])}))const start = () => observer.observe($('.sticky'), { childList: true, subtree: true })if (!$('.sticky')) setTimeout(start, 1000)else start()if (!unsafeWindow.__$maple3142$_savePivivImage)Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow, '__$maple3142$_savePivivImage', {get: () => saveImage,enumerable: false})}//ajax changelet lasturlsetInterval(() => {if (location.href == lasturl) returnlasturl = location.hrefmain()}, 1000)})()