Fixes the channel links for the "Up next" and recommended videos below it on youtube.
// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube - Fix channel links in sidebar recommendations // @namespace 1N07 // @version 0.8.2 // @description Fixes the channel links for the "Up next" and recommended videos below it on youtube. // @author 1N07 // @license Unlicense // @icon // @match* // @require // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @compatible firefox Tested on Firefox v130.0 using Tampermonkey v5.1.1 // @compatible chrome Tested on Chrome v128.0.6613.120 using Tampermonkey v5.2.3 // @compatible opera Latest version of Opera untested, but likely works with at least Tampermonkey // @compatible edge Latest version of Edge untested, but likely works with at least Tampermonkey // @compatible safari Latest version of Safari untested, but likely works with at least Tampermonkey // ==/UserScript== (() => { console.log("%cSCRIPT START", "color: green;"); let videoSectionOption; let videoSection = GM_getValue("videoSection", true); SetVidSecOption(); GM_addStyle(` ytd-compact-video-renderer .channel-link-blocker:hover ~ a #text.ytd-channel-name { text-decoration: underline; } .channel-link-blocker-parent { position: relative; } .channel-link-blocker { display: inline-block; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-color: rgba(255, 25, 25, 0); top: 32px; left: 0; z-index: 2019; } `); //"Block Youtube Users" compatibility let byuBlockerStyleAdjustment; let byuObserver = new MutationSummary({ callback: (summary) => { console.log( "%cBlock Youtube Users detected, applying compatibility feature", "color: green;", ); summary[0].added[0].addEventListener("click", () => { setTimeout(() => { if (document.getElementsByClassName("byu-add")?.length > 0) { byuBlockerStyleAdjustment = GM_addStyle( ".channel-link-blocker { left: 20px !important; }", ); //console.log("%cAdded blocker adjustment", "color: green;"); } else { byuBlockerStyleAdjustment.remove(); //console.log("%cRemoved blocker adjustment", "color: green;"); } }, 200); }); if (byuObserver) { byuObserver.disconnect(); byuObserver = null; } }, queries: [{ element: "#byu-icon" }], }); setTimeout(() => { if (byuObserver) { //console.log("%cBlock Youtube Users not detected", "color: green;"); byuObserver.disconnect(); byuObserver = null; } }, 10000); const perVideoObservers = []; let perVideoObserverIndexTally = 0; const containerObserver = new MutationSummary({ callback: (containerSummary) => { console.log( `%cContainer Observer triggered - Added: ${containerSummary[0].added.length}, Removed: ${containerSummary[0].removed.length}, Reparented: ${containerSummary[0].reparented.length}`, "color: green", ); // On video added for (const vid of containerSummary[0].added) { // Add blocker element const blockerParent = vid.querySelector( ".metadata.ytd-compact-video-renderer", ); blockerParent.classList.add("channel-link-blocker-parent"); const blockerElem = document.createElement("a"); blockerElem.className = "channel-link-blocker"; blockerElem.href = "#"; blockerParent.prepend(blockerElem); const channelLink = blockerParent.querySelector( ".channel-link-blocker", ); UpdateBlockerPositioning(channelLink); UpdateUrl(vid, channelLink); // Add observer id to element so we can clean up the right observer when the element is later removed vid.setAttribute("data-active-observer-id", perVideoObserverIndexTally); // Add per-video observer for when the video href changes, so we can update the channel link accordingly. Doing this because apparently these days YT just swaps the data in the elements without swapping the elements themselves. // Also put the observer in an array with an access key for later access perVideoObservers.push({ key: perVideoObserverIndexTally, observer: new MutationSummary({ callback: (vidSummary) => { // console.log("%cPer Video Observer triggered: href changed", "color: green"); UpdateBlockerPositioning(channelLink); UpdateUrl(vid, channelLink); }, rootNode: blockerParent.querySelector("a[href^='/watch']"), queries: [{ attribute: "href" }], }), }); perVideoObserverIndexTally++; } // On removed for (const vid of containerSummary[0].removed) { // Get the observer id/key we stored in the element previously const id = vid.dataset.activeObserverId; // console.log("%cAttempting to remove observer: " + id, "color: red"); if (id !== undefined) { // console.log("id valid"); // Get the observer from the observer array with the key const index = perVideoObservers.findIndex((o) => o.key === id); if (index > -1) { // console.log("observer found"); // Disconnect the observer and remove it from the array perVideoObservers[index].observer.disconnect(); perVideoObservers.splice(index, 1); // console.log("%cRemoved observer: " + id, "color: red"); } } } //console.log("%cObservers alive: ", "color: yellow"); //console.log( => x.key)); }, queries: [ { element: "ytd-compact-video-renderer.ytd-item-section-renderer, ytd-compact-video-renderer.ytd-watch-next-secondary-r###lts-renderer", }, ], }); function UpdateBlockerPositioning(blocker) { //blocker position adjustment blocker.setAttribute( "style", `top: ${blocker.parentElement.querySelector("a[href^='/watch'] > h3")?.clientHeight || 0}px;`, ); //above adjustment appears to rarely and randomly fail. Attempted fix by additionally delaying adjustment as perhaps the height hasn't been computed yet? setTimeout(() => { blocker.setAttribute( "style", `top: ${blocker.parentElement.querySelector("a[href^='/watch'] > h3")?.clientHeight || 0}px;`, ); }, 1000); } function UpdateUrl(fromElem, toElem) { //get data source object from element. Newest source used by YT is .polymerController, but older sources that may still be in use if certain flags are in place include .inst or just the element itself const getVideoDataSource = (o) => o ? o.polymerController || o.inst || o || 0 : o || 0; const channelHandle = getVideoDataSource( fromElem, )?.data?.longBylineText?.runs?.find((el) => el.navigationEndpoint?.browseEndpoint?.canonicalBaseUrl?.match( /^\/(@|channel)/, ), )?.navigationEndpoint.browseEndpoint.canonicalBaseUrl; if (channelHandle?.length) { toElem.setAttribute( "href", channelHandle + (videoSection ? "/videos" : ""), ); } else { console.log("Failed to get channel url"); toElem.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); alert( "'Youtube - Fix channel links in sidebar recommendations' failed to get the channel link for this video for some reason. If this happens consistently, please report it at greasyfork.", ); }); } } function SetVidSecOption() { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(videoSectionOption); videoSectionOption = GM_registerMenuCommand( `Fix channel links- videos section (${videoSection ? "yes" : "no"}) -click to change-`, () => { videoSection = !videoSection; GM_setValue("videoSection", videoSection); SetVidSecOption(); }, ); } })();