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YouTube Preview 2020

Instant video previews in popup player by hovering or clicking video thumbs. Video ratings and resolution data no longer shown on the thumbs. This is a fork of Costas' original with Arantius' GM4-Polyfill js.

Installer dette script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube Preview 2020
// @namespace    YouTubeRatings+Preview2019
// @version      2019.04.29
// @description  Instant video previews in popup player by hovering or clicking video thumbs. Video ratings and resolution data no longer shown on the thumbs. This is a fork of Costas' original with Arantius' GM4-Polyfill js.
// @author       Livadas
// @match        http://www.youtube.com/*
// @match        https://www.youtube.com/*
// @require     https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js
// @require https://greasemonkey.github.io/gm4-polyfill/gm4-polyfill.js
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
//Rating thresholds
//var red_threshold = 50;
//var orange_threshold = 70;
//Userscript specific functions
var doc = document;
var win = window;
if (win.frameElement) throw new Error("Stopped JavaScript.");
//new YT format
var NEWYT = doc.body.id != 'body';
NEWYT ? doc.body.setAttribute("newyt", "") : doc.body.setAttribute("oldyt", "");
function set_pref(preference, new_value) {
GM.setValue(preference, new_value);
function get_pref(preference) {
return GM.getValue(preference);
function init_pref(preference, new_value) {
var value = get_pref(preference);
if (value == null) {
set_pref(preference, new_value);
value = new_value;
return value;
function httpReq(url, callback, param1, param2, param3, param4) {
method: "GET",
url: url,
onload: function (response) {
callback(response.responseText, param1, param2, param3, param4);
//function httpReq(url, callback, param1, param2, param3, param4) {
//    //message(url);
//    if (!win.XMLHttpRequest) return;
//    var xhttp = new win.XMLHttpRequest();
//    xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
//        if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
//            callback(this.responseText, param1, param2, param3, param4);
//        }
//    };
//    xhttp.open("GET", url, true);
//    xhttp.send();
GM_registerMenuCommand("YouTube Preview Options", pref_popup_open);
// Styles
var style_basic = "\
/* messages */\
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/* prefs */\
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#vpp_pref_delay_text {margin-left:20px; color:khaki;}\
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#vpp_pref_delay_minus {margin-left:5px;}\
/* meta data */\
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html[dark] .vpp_meta_def_container {background:#202020 !important;}\
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.vpp_meta_def_hd.UHD {color:red;}\
.vpp_meta_rate {direction:ltr; font:500 11px/13px Roboto,arial,sans-serif; position:absolute; top:0px; right:0px; background:green; color:white; opacity:0.9; padding:0px 3px; border-radius:2px; cursor:default;}\
.vpp_meta_rate[bad] {background:red !important;}\
.vpp_meta_rate[med] {background:darkorange !important;}\
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body[dir='rtl'] #gridtube_title_container {left:5px !important; right:auto !important;}\
body[newyt] ytd-video-primary-info-renderer {position:relative !important;}\
/* play button*/\
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body[dir='rtl'] #vpp_now_playing {left:auto !important; right:0px !important;}\
body[oldyt] #vpp_now_playing {z-index:10 !important;}\
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.vpp_play_button:hover {opacity:1 !important;}\
.vpp_play_button {background-image: url('\
evTpnfv329aiUQyXC+qceRF2lG3T0tzM8f7+OW3m8eP++NrajXvT061SSqRSZb8Ny6FoCpqGEIIGw8DlcvHOwEC82ecb1JRS/BWLvZ1MJn/I5/N+lGpUOwxQSo+SPtm6968dmrbhEuK51zQ/aWlp+VX73/8d/w3y7NP9Di2fPgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==') !important;}\
/* preview player */\
#vpp_player_area {position:fixed; width:100%; height:100%; top:0px; left:0px; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5); overflow:hidden !important; z-index:2147483646 !important;}\
#vpp_player_area2 {position:relative; width:100%; height:100%; visibility:hidden;}\
#vpp_player_box {position:absolute; background:#606060; box-shadow:0px 0px 8px 3px rgba(128,128,128,0.9); border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px; max-width:100%; max-height:100%;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='00']:not([player_size='fit']) {top:0px; left:0px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='01']:not([player_size='fit']) {top:0px; left:0px; right:0px; margin:auto;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='02']:not([player_size='fit']) {top:0px; right:0px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='10']:not([player_size='fit']) {top:0px; bottom:0px; left:0px; margin:auto;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='11']:not([player_size='fit']) {top:0px; bottom:0px; left:0px; right:0px; margin:auto;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='12']:not([player_size='fit']) {top:0px; bottom:0px; right:0px; margin:auto;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='20']:not([player_size='fit']) {bottom:0px; left:0px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='21']:not([player_size='fit']) {bottom:0px; left:0px; right:0px; margin:auto;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='22']:not([player_size='fit']) {bottom:0px; right:0px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_pos='right']:not([player_size='fit']) {float:right;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_size='xxsmall'] {/*320x180*/ width:320px; height:200px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_size='xsmall'] {/*512x288*/ width:512px; height:308px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_size='small'] {/*768x432*/ width:768px; height:452px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_size='medium'] {/*####x576*/  width:####px; height:596px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_size='large'] {/*1280x720*/ width:1280px; height:740px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_size='xlarge'] {/*1600x900*/ width:1600px; height:920px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_size='xxlarge'] {/*1920x1080*/ width:1920px; height:1100px;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_size='fit'] {width:100%; height:100%; border-radius:0px !important;}\
#vpp_player_holder {position:relative; width:100%; height:100%;}\
#vpp_player_holder2 {position:absolute; top:20px; left:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; margin:auto; background:black;}\
#vpp_player_box[player_size='fit'] #vpp_player_holder2 {left:0px !important; right:0px !important;}\
#vpp_player_frame {position:relative; width:100%; height:100%; display:block; border:0px;}\
#vpp_player_button_area_top {direction:ltr; font:500 14px/20px Roboto,arial,sans-serif; color:#101010; position:absolute; top:-2px; left:10px;}\
#vpp_player_button_area_next {font:500 19px/20px Roboto,arial,sans-serif; color:#101010; position:absolute; top:0px; right:35px;}\
.vpp_player_button {position:relative; cursor:pointer; padding:0px 5px; user-select:none; -moz-user-select:none;}\
.vpp_player_button[button_kind='plus'], .vpp_player_button[button_kind='minus'] {font:500 20px/20px Roboto,arial,sans-serif !important; top:2px;}\
.vpp_player_button[button_kind='left'] {padding:0px 2px 0px 5px;}\
.vpp_player_button[button_kind='right'] {padding:0px 2px;}\
.vpp_player_button[button_kind='up'] {padding:0px 2px;}\
.vpp_player_button[button_kind='down'] {padding:0px 5px 0px 2px;}\
.vpp_player_button:hover {color:#E0E0E0;}\
#vpp_player_close_mark {font:14px/20px Roboto,arial,sans-serif; position:absolute; top:0px; right:5px; cursor:pointer; user-select:none; -moz-user-select:none;}\
#vpp_player_close_mark:hover {color:#E0E0E0;}\
/* float preview */\
#vpp_float_box {position:absolute; box-shadow:0px 0px 8px 3px rgba(128,128,128,0.9); background:black; z-index:2147483647;}\
#vpp_float_frame {position:relative; width:100%; height:100%; border:0px;}\
/* player options */\
#vpp_player_options_popup {direction:ltr; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; font:11px/11px Roboto,arial,sans-serif; color:white; background:linear-gradient(#888888,#787878); padding:5px; border-radius:5px; /*z-index:2147483647;*/ z-index:2147483646;}\
.vpp_player_options_text {font-weight:500; margin-left:5px; margin-top:7px; color:lemonchiffon;}\
.vpp_player_options_close {font:14px/14px Roboto,arial,sans-serif; color:black; position:absolute; top:3px; right:5px; cursor:pointer; user-select:none; -moz-user-select:none;}\
.vpp_player_options_close:hover {color:lightgray;}\
.vpp_player_options_title {font:500 13px/13px Roboto,arial,sans-serif; padding:3px !important; color:lemonchiffon;}\
.watched .video-thumb {opacity:1 !important;}\
.yt-subscribe-button-right {margin-top:12px !important;}\
.pl-video .pl-video-thumbnail,\
.pl-video .pl-video-thumb,\
.pl-video .yt-thumb {width: 120px !important;}\
.pl-video .yt-thumb-clip > img {width:120px !important; height:auto !important;}\
.pl-video-time .timestamp {padding-top:18px !important;}\
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//insert as first child of refnode
case 'first':
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refnode.insertBefore(node, child);
//insert as last child of refnode
case 'last':
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function message(str) {
var node = doc.getElementById("vpp_message");
if (!node) node = newNode("div", "vpp_message", null, doc.body);
node.textContent = str + "\n";
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function docsearch(query) {
return xpath(doc, doc, query);
function innersearch(inner, query) {
return xpath(doc, inner, query);
function simulClick(el) {
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clickEvent.initEvent('click', true, true);
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function jmessage(json) {
message(JSON.stringify(json, null, '                  '));
function filter(str, w, delim) {
if (str == null) return null;
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if (m != null) {
r = m[0];
r = r.replace(RegExp("[" + delim + "]" + w), "");
return r;
function number_comma(str) {
if (str == null) return null;
return str.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")
//returns object with fields: size, format, HD, UHD
function extract_resolution(txt) {
if (txt == null) return null;
var str = filter("%" + txt, "26size%3D", "%");
if (str == null || str == "") {
str = filter("&" + txt, "fmt_list=", "&?");
if (str == null) return null;
var m = str.match(/([0-9])+x([0-9])+/);
if (m == null) return null;
if (m.length == 0) return null;
var pos_max = -1;
var format_max = "";
var int0_max = -1;
var int1_max = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
var size = m[i];
var nums = size.split("x");
var int1 = parseInt(nums[1]);
if (int1 > int1_max) {
pos_max = i;
format_max = nums[1];
int0_max = parseInt(nums[0]);
int1_max = int1;
var ret = new Object();
ret.size = m[pos_max];
ret.format = format_max;
ret.HD = ((int0_max >= 1280) || (int1_max >= 720));
ret.UHD = (int0_max >= 7680) ? '8K' : (int0_max >= 5120) ? '5K' : (int0_max >= 3812) ? '4K' : null;
return ret;
var pref_floatEnable = init_pref("floatEnable", true);
var pref_floatDelay = init_pref("floatDelay", 1);
var pref_playerEnable = init_pref("playerEnable", true);
var pref_rateEnable = init_pref("rateEnable", true);
var pref_defEnable = init_pref("defEnable", true);
var pref_iconEnable = init_pref("iconEnable", true);
function new_plusminus(prefname, str, parent) {
var div = newNode("div", null, "vpp_generic", parent);
var txt = newNode("span", "vpp_pref_delay_text", null, div);
txt.textContent = str;
var num = newNode("span", "vpp_pref_delay_num", null, div);
num.textContent = get_pref("floatDelay").toString() + "s";
var minus = newNode("span", "vpp_pref_delay_minus", "vpp_pref_delay_plusminus", div);
minus.textContent = "\u2212";
var plus = newNode("span", "vpp_pref_delay_plus", "vpp_pref_delay_plusminus", div);
plus.textContent = "\u002B";
minus.onclick = function () {
var val = get_pref("floatDelay");
if (val > 0) {
set_pref("floatDelay", val);
var numNode = doc.getElementById("vpp_pref_delay_num");
numNode.textContent = get_pref("floatDelay").toString() + "s";
plus.onclick = function () {
var val = get_pref("floatDelay");
if (val < 5) {
set_pref("floatDelay", val);
var numNode = doc.getElementById("vpp_pref_delay_num");
numNode.textContent = get_pref("floatDelay").toString() + "s";
function new_checkbox(prefname, str, kind, parent, value, func) {
var div = newNode(kind, null, "vpp_generic", parent);
var input = newNode("input", null, "vpp_generic", div);
input.type = "checkbox";
if (!value) {
input.checked = get_pref(prefname);
input.onclick = function (e) {
var val = get_pref(prefname);
set_pref(prefname, !val);
e.target.checked = !val;
if (func) func();
else {
input.value = value;
input.checked = (get_pref(prefname) == input.value);
input.onclick = function (e) {
var val = get_pref(prefname);
set_pref(prefname, e.target.value);
e.target.checked = true;
var other = innersearch(parent.parentNode, ".//input[@value='" + val + "']").snapshotItem(0);
if (other && (other != e.target)) other.checked = false;
if (func) func();
var span = newNode("span", null, "vpp_opendelay", div);
span.textContent = str;
function pref_popup_close() {
var popup = doc.getElementById("vpp_pref_popup");
if (!popup) return;
function pref_popup_open() {
var popup = doc.getElementById("vpp_pref_popup");
if (popup) return;
popup = newNode("span", "vpp_pref_popup", null, doc.body);
var title_node = newNode("div", "vpp_pref_title", null, popup);
title_node.textContent = "Preview Options";
var changed = false;
function mark() {
changed = true;
var closemark = newNode("span", "vpp_pref_close", null, popup);
closemark.textContent = "\u2716";
closemark.title = "close options";
closemark.onclick = function () {
if (changed) win.location.reload();
new_checkbox("floatEnable", "Hover Preview", "div", popup, null, mark);
new_plusminus("floatDelay", "open delay", popup);
new_checkbox("playerEnable", "Click Preview", "div", popup, null, mark);
new_checkbox("rateEnable", "Video Rating", "div", popup, null, mark);
new_checkbox("defEnable", "Video Resolution", "div", popup, null, mark);
new_checkbox("iconEnable", "Options Icon", "div", popup, null, mark);
function pref_button() {
if (!pref_iconEnable) return;
var node = doc.getElementById("vpp_pref_button");
if (node) return;
var par = doc.getElementById("masthead-container") || doc.getElementById("yt-masthead-container");
if (!par) return;
node = newNode("span", "vpp_pref_button", null, par);
node.title = "Preview Options";
node.onclick = pref_popup_open;
// Player
var basic_str = !NEWYT ?
"(contains(@class,'video-thumb') or contains(@class,'thumb-wrap'))\
and (not(descendant::*[contains(@class,'video-thumb') or contains(@class,'thumb-wrap')]))\
and (not(ancestor::*[(@id='player-playlist') or (@id='pl-suggestions')]))"
"((local-name()='ytd-thumbnail') or (local-name()='ytd-playlist-thumbnail'))\
and (not(ancestor::*[@hidden]))";
var basic_str2 = "//img[contains(@src,'vi/') or contains(@src,'vi_webp/') or contains(@src,'/p/') or contains(@src,'/s_p/')]";
function player_script() {
injectScript("if (YT) {\
var player = new YT.Player('vpp_player_frame');\
var errort = null;\
function error_reset() { if (errort) window.clearTimeout(errort); }\
function check_error(t,fid) {\
errort = window.setTimeout(\
function (fid) {\
var f = document.getElementById('vpp_player_frame');\
if (!f) return;\
if (f.getAttribute('fid') != fid) return;\
fdoc = f.contentWindow.document;\
var s = player.getPlayerState();\
var a = player.getPlaylist();\
var i = player.getPlaylistIndex();\
if (a != null ? a.length == 0 : false)\
f.dispatchEvent(new Event('playend'));\
if ((s == -1 && fdoc.getElementsByClassName('ytp-error').length > 0) || s == 5)\
if ((a != null && i != null) ? i < a.length - 1 : false)\
f.dispatchEvent(new Event('playend'));\
}, t, fid);\
function () {\
var f = document.getElementById('vpp_player_frame');\
if (f) {\
var q = f.getAttribute('quality');\
if (q != 'default' && q != null) player.setPlaybackQualityRange(q);\
function () {\
var f = document.getElementById('vpp_player_frame');\
if (!f) return;\
var fid = f.getAttribute('fid');\
var q = f.getAttribute('quality');\
var s = player.getPlayerState();\
var a = player.getPlaylist();\
var i = player.getPlaylistIndex();\
var cond = ((a != null && i != null) ? i == a.length - 1 : true);\
if (s == -1 || s == 5) check_error(10000,fid); else error_reset();\
if (s == -1 && q != 'default' && q != null) player.setPlaybackQualityRange(q);\
if (s == 0 && cond) f.dispatchEvent(new Event('playend'));\
var frame = document.getElementById('vpp_player_frame');\
if (frame) {\
function (x) {\
var fid = x.target.getAttribute('fid');\
var url = x.target.getAttribute('newvidurl');\
var plist = x.target.getAttribute('plist');\
if (plist) {\
else if (url) {\
var choices_def = ['default', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'hd720', 'hd1080', 'hd1440', 'highres'];
var choices_size = ['xxsmall', 'xsmall', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'xlarge', 'xxlarge'];
var choices_pos = ['00', '01', '02', '10', '11', '12', '20', '21', '22'];
//player preferences
if (pref_playerEnable) {
init_pref("playerFit", false);
init_pref("playerDef", "default");
init_pref("playerSize", "medium");
init_pref("playerPos", "11");
init_pref("playerNext", true);
init_pref("playerClose", true);
init_pref("playerPause", true);
init_pref("playerDim", true);
init_pref("playerAds", true);
init_pref("playerButton", true);
//fix char preferences
if (choices_def.indexOf(get_pref("playerDef")) < 0) set_pref("playerDef", 'default');
if (choices_size.indexOf(get_pref("playerSize")) < 0) set_pref("playerSize", 'medium');
if (choices_pos.indexOf(get_pref("playerPos")) < 0) set_pref("playerPos", '11');
function player_options(parent) {
var popup = doc.getElementById("vpp_player_options_popup");
if (popup) return;
popup = newNode("span", "vpp_player_options_popup", null, parent);
var title_node = newNode("div", null, "vpp_player_options_title", popup);
title_node.textContent = "Player Options";
var closemark = newNode("span", null, "vpp_player_options_close", popup);
closemark.textContent = "\u2716";
closemark.title = "close options";
closemark.onclick = close_player_options;
new_checkbox("playerNext", "Auto Play Next", "div", popup);
new_checkbox("playerDim", "Dim Background", "div", popup, null, function () {
doc.getElementById("vpp_player_area").style.visibility = (get_pref("playerDim") ? "visible" : "hidden");
new_checkbox("playerClose", "Close by Clicking Outside Player", "div", popup);
new_checkbox("playerPause", "Pause YouTube Player at Launch", "div", popup);
new_checkbox("playerButton", "Hide Play Button on Thumbs", "div", popup, null, revealPlayerButton);
new_checkbox("playerAds", "Auto Skip Ads", "div", popup);
var div = newNode("div", null, "vpp_player_options_text", popup);
//default, small, medium, large, hd720, hd1080, hd1440, highres;
div.textContent = "Resolution";
var group1 = newNode("div", null, "vpp_player_options_group", popup);
var group2 = newNode("div", null, "vpp_player_options_group", popup);
new_checkbox("playerDef", "Default", "span", group1, "default");
new_checkbox("playerDef", "LQ 240", "span", group1, "small");
new_checkbox("playerDef", "MQ 360", "span", group1, "medium");
new_checkbox("playerDef", "HQ 480", "span", group1, "large");
new_checkbox("playerDef", "HD 720", "span", group2, "hd720");
new_checkbox("playerDef", "HD 1080", "span", group2, "hd1080");
new_checkbox("playerDef", "HD 1440", "span", group2, "hd1440");
new_checkbox("playerDef", "MAX", "span", group2, "highres");
function close_player_options() {
var popup = doc.getElementById("vpp_player_options_popup");
if (popup) popup.parentNode.removeChild(popup);
function revealPlayerButton() {
if (!get_pref("playerButton"))
doc.body.setAttribute("vpp_reveal_play_button", "");
function playerUrl(vid, pid) {
var url = win.location.protocol + "//www.youtube.com/";
if (vid) url += "embed/" + vid + "?" + (pid ? "&list=" + pid : "");
else if (pid) url += "embed?listType=playlist&list=" + pid;
url += "&autoplay=1&fs=1&iv_load_policy=3&rel=1&version=3&enablejsapi=1";
return (url);
function adjust_playing(node) {
var playing = doc.getElementById("vpp_now_playing");
if (playing)
if (node) {
playing = newNode("span", "vpp_now_playing", null, node);
playing.textContent = "now playing";
function handleFrameLoad(evt) {
var frame = evt.target;
var fdoc = frame.contentWindow.document;
//hide ad banner
insertStyle(".ima-container {display:none !important;}", 'vpp_frame_ads', fdoc);
var frame_skip_ad_script = "\
window.setInterval(function() {\
var button = document.getElementsByClassName('videoAdUiSkipButton videoAdUiAction');\
if (button.length > 0)\
if (button[0].parentNode && button[0].parentNode.style.display != 'none') {\
var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');\
clickEvent.initEvent('click', true, true);\
if (get_pref("playerAds"))
injectScript(frame_skip_ad_script, null, fdoc);
function build_player() {
var next_choice = new Object();
next_choice['plus'] = new Object();
next_choice['minus'] = new Object();
next_choice['left'] = new Object();
next_choice['right'] = new Object();
next_choice['up'] = new Object();
next_choice['down'] = new Object();
next_choice['plus']['xxsmall'] = 'xsmall';
next_choice['plus']['xsmall'] = 'small';
next_choice['plus']['small'] = 'medium';
next_choice['plus']['medium'] = 'large';
next_choice['plus']['large'] = 'xlarge';
next_choice['plus']['xlarge'] = 'xxlarge';
next_choice['plus']['xxlarge'] = 'xxlarge';
next_choice['minus']['xxsmall'] = 'xxsmall';
next_choice['minus']['xsmall'] = 'xxsmall';
next_choice['minus']['small'] = 'xsmall';
next_choice['minus']['medium'] = 'small';
next_choice['minus']['large'] = 'medium';
next_choice['minus']['xlarge'] = 'large';
next_choice['minus']['xxlarge'] = 'xlarge';
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
next_choice['left'][i.toString() + j.toString()] = i.toString() + (j - 1 >= 0 ? j - 1 : 0).toString();
next_choice['right'][i.toString() + j.toString()] = i.toString() + (j + 1 <= 2 ? j + 1 : 2).toString();
next_choice['up'][i.toString() + j.toString()] = (i - 1 >= 0 ? i - 1 : 0).toString() + j.toString();
next_choice['down'][i.toString() + j.toString()] = (i + 1 <= 2 ? i + 1 : 2).toString() + j.toString();
var area = null;
var area2 = null;
var box = null;
var holder = null;
var holder2 = null;
var new_size = get_pref("playerSize");
var new_pos = get_pref("playerPos");
var new_fit = get_pref("playerFit");
var that = this;
var frame_count = 0;
this.playerShow = function (vid, pid, node) {
var vis = box.style.visibility;
if (vis == "hidden") {
new_size = get_pref("playerSize");
new_pos = get_pref("playerPos");
new_fit = get_pref("playerFit");
playerAdjust((new_fit ? 'fit' : new_size), new_pos, "visible", vid, pid);
this.playerClose = function () {
playerAdjust(null, null, "hidden", null, null);
move_enable = false;
function play_next(findprevious) {
var playing = doc.getElementById("vpp_now_playing");
if (!playing) return;
var pos = -2;
var l = null;
var myimg = innersearch(playing.parentNode, ".//img[@src or @data-thumb]").snapshotItem(0);
if (myimg) {
l = docsearch("//*[(" + basic_str + ")]" + basic_str2);
myimg.setAttribute("matchfind", "true");
for (var i = 0; i < l.snapshotLength; i++) {
if (l.snapshotItem(i).getAttribute("matchfind")) {
pos = i;
pos = (findprevious ? pos - 1 : pos + 1);
if (pos >= 0) {
var img = l.snapshotItem(pos);
if (img) {
var vid = find_vid(img);
var pid = find_plist(img);
img.setAttribute("matchfindimg", true);
var target = docsearch("//*[" + basic_str + " and (.//img[@matchfindimg])]").snapshotItem(0);
if (target) {
that.playerShow(vid, pid, target);
function playerAdjust(size, pos, vis, vid, pid) {
if (vis != null) {
box.style.visibility = vis;
area.style.visibility = (get_pref("playerDim") ? vis : "hidden");
var frame = doc.getElementById("vpp_player_frame");
if (frame != null && (vis == 'hidden')) {
frame = null;
if (vis == "visible") {
var vidurl = playerUrl(vid, pid);
var def = get_pref("playerDef");
if (frame) {
frame.setAttribute("newvidurl", vidurl);
if (pid) frame.setAttribute("plist", pid);
else frame.removeAttribute("plist");
frame.setAttribute("quality", def);
frame.setAttribute("fid", frame_count.toString());
var event = doc.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('loadnewvideo', true, true);
else {
frame = newNode("iframe", "vpp_player_frame", null, holder2);
frame.setAttribute("type", "text/html");
frame.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");
frame.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "true");
frame.setAttribute("quality", def);
frame.setAttribute("fid", frame_count.toString());
frame.src = vidurl;
frame.addEventListener('playend', function f() {
if (get_pref("playerNext")) play_next();
frame.addEventListener('load', handleFrameLoad, true);
if (size != null) {
box.setAttribute("player_size", size);
holder.setAttribute("player_size", size);
if (pos != null)
box.setAttribute("player_pos", pos);
function click_pos_size(e) {
var kind = e.target.getAttribute("button_kind");
if (!kind) return;
if (new_fit && !(kind == 'options' || kind == 'prev' || kind == 'next')) {
set_pref("playerFit", false);
new_fit = false;
playerAdjust(new_size, new_pos);
switch (kind) {
case 'plus':
case 'minus':
new_size = next_choice[kind][new_size];
set_pref("playerSize", new_size);
playerAdjust(new_size, new_pos);
case 'fit':
set_pref("playerFit", true);
new_fit = true;
case 'left':
case 'right':
case 'up':
case 'down':
new_pos = next_choice[kind][new_pos];
set_pref("playerPos", new_pos);
playerAdjust(new_size, new_pos);
case 'options':
case 'prev':
case 'next':
function new_button(kind, str, str_popup, parent) {
var node = newNode("span", null, "vpp_player_button", parent);
node.textContent = str;
node.title = str_popup;
node.setAttribute("button_kind", kind);
node.onclick = click_pos_size;
if (doc.getElementById("vpp_player_area")) return;
area = newNode("div", "vpp_player_area", null, doc.body);
area2 = newNode("div", "vpp_player_area2", null, area);
box = newNode("div", "vpp_player_box", null, area2);
holder = newNode("div", "vpp_player_holder", null, box);
holder2 = newNode("div", "vpp_player_holder2", null, holder);
box.style.visibility = "hidden";
area.style.visibility = "hidden";
holder.title = "close player";
holder.onclick = function (e) {
if (e.target.id == "vpp_player_holder") that.playerClose();
var buttonArea = newNode("span", "vpp_player_button_area_top", null, box);
new_button("plus", "\u002B", "increase size", buttonArea);
new_button("minus", "\u2212", "decrease size", buttonArea);
new_button("fit", "\u2610", "fill window", buttonArea);
new_button('left', '\u25C4', 'move left', buttonArea);
new_button('right', '\u25BA', 'move right', buttonArea);
new_button('up', '\u25B2', 'move up', buttonArea);
new_button('down', '\u25BC', 'move down', buttonArea);
new_button("options", "\u2630", "player options", buttonArea);
var bottomArea = newNode("span", "vpp_player_button_area_next", null, box);
new_button("prev", "\u140A\u140A", "play previous in page", bottomArea);
new_button("next", "\u1405\u1405", "play next in page", bottomArea);
//new_button("loop", "\u21BB", "repeat video", bottomArea);
var mark = newNode("span", "vpp_player_close_mark", null, box);
mark.textContent = "\u2716";
mark.title = "close player";
mark.onclick = this.playerClose;
var player = null;
if (pref_playerEnable) {
player = new build_player();
injectScript(null, 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api');
function player_close(e) {
if (!player) return;
if (!e) {
if (!get_pref("playerClose")) return;
if (e.artificialevent) return;
if (e.target.hasAttribute("button_kind")) return;
var box = doc.getElementById("vpp_player_box");
if (!box) return;
if (box.style.visibility == "hidden") return;
var r = box.getBoundingClientRect();
//message(e.offsetX + " " + r.width + "\n" + e.offsetY + " " + r.height);
if ((e.clientX < r.left) || (e.clientX > r.right) ||
(e.clientY < r.top) || (e.clientY > r.bottom))
function ytpause() {
injectScript("var a = document.getElementById('c4-player') || document.getElementById('movie_player');\
if (a != null)\
if (a.pauseVideo != null){\
// float player
//quality is default for faster upload, and youtube player is paused
function float_script() {
injectScript("if (YT) { var fplayer = new YT.Player('vpp_float_frame');\
function () {\
var f = document.getElementById('vpp_float_frame');\
if (f) {\
var a = document.getElementById('c4-player') || document.getElementById('movie_player');\
if (a != null)\
if (a.pauseVideo != null){\
function float_open(e, check) {
//check tests if same url frame is already open
var float_width = 480; //512;
var float_height = 270; //288;
if (doc.getElementById("vpp_player_frame")) return;
var img = innersearch(e.target, "." + basic_str2).snapshotItem(0);
if (!img) return;
var vid = find_vid(img);
if (!vid) return;
if (!check) {
var url = win.location.protocol + "//www.youtube.com/embed/" + vid + "?&autoplay=1&controls=1&iv_load_policy=3&rel=0&showinfo=1&version=3&enablejsapi=1";
var frame = doc.getElementById("vpp_float_frame");
if (frame)
if (frame.src == url) return check;
else if (!check) frame.parentNode.removeChild(frame);
if (check) return false;
var box = doc.getElementById("vpp_float_box");
if (!box) {
box = newNode("div", "vpp_float_box", null, doc.body);
box.style.width = float_width + "px";
box.style.height = float_height + "px";
box.onmouseenter = float_delay_clear;
box.onmouseleave = float_close_delay;
var w = win.innerWidth
|| doc.documentElement.clientWidth
|| doc.body.clientWidth;
var h = win.innerHeight
|| doc.documentElement.clientHeight
|| doc.body.clientHeight;
var r = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();
var hpad = Math.round(-r.width / 3); //horizontal offset
var vpad = 0; //vertical offset
//priority to right
var left = r.right + hpad;
if (left + float_width > w)
if (r.left - float_width - hpad >= 0 || r.left > w - r.right)
left = r.left - float_width - hpad;
//priority to left
//var left = r.left - float_width - pad;
//if (left < 0)
//    if ((r.right + float_width + pad <= w) || (w - r.right > r.left))
//        left = r.right + pad;
//priority to top
var top = r.top - float_height - vpad;
if (top < 0)
if (r.bottom + float_height + vpad <= h || h - r.bottom > r.top)
top = r.bottom + vpad;
var scrollT = doc.body.scrollTop || doc.documentElement.scrollTop;
var scrollL = doc.body.scrollLeft || doc.documentElement.scrollLeft;
left += scrollL;
top += scrollT;
box.style.left = left + "px";
box.style.top = top + "px";
frame = newNode("iframe", "vpp_float_frame", null, box);
frame.setAttribute("type", "text/html");
frame.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");
frame.src = url;
function float_close(e) {
var box = doc.getElementById("vpp_float_box");
function box_close() {
//check if mouse was in the area
if (!box) return;
if (!e) box_close();
if (e.target != box)
else { //player should not close if mouse is still inside
var r = box.getBoundingClientRect();
//message(e.offsetX + " " + r.width + "\n" + e.offsetY + " " + r.height);
if ((e.clientX <= r.left + 1) || (e.clientX >= r.right - 1) ||
(e.clientY <= r.top + 1) || (e.clientY >= r.bottom - 1))
var float_open_timeout = null;
var float_close_timeout = null;
function float_delay_clear() {
function float_open_delay_clear() {
function float_close_delay_clear() {
function float_open_delay(e) {
if (float_open(e, true)) {
else {
var delay = get_pref("floatDelay") * 1000;
float_open_timeout = win.setTimeout(float_open, delay, e);
function float_close_delay(e) {
float_close_timeout = win.setTimeout(float_close, 200, e);
function float_reset() {
//meta data
var api_key = "AIzaSyAxn6m4k-YdsYhrwUZ2Mxf_Lh5jC-lWeyA";
function data_entry_v3(entry) {
var ret = new Object();
ret.feedKind = null;
ret.feedId = null;
ret.title = null;
ret.descr = null;
ret.length = null;
ret.views = null;
ret.length = null;
ret.likes = null;
ret.dislikes = null;
ret.HD = null;
ret.user = new Object();
ret.user.id = null;
ret.user.name = null;
ret.user.channelId = null;
if (entry.kind)
if (entry.kind == "youtube#video")
ret.feedKind = "video";
if (entry.id)
ret.feedId = entry.id;
//message("feedKind=" + ret.feedKind);
//message("feedId=" + ret.feedId);
if (entry.snippet) {
if (entry.snippet.title)
ret.title = entry.snippet.title;
if (entry.snippet.description)
ret.descr = entry.snippet.description;
if (entry.snippet.channelId)
ret.user.channelId = entry.snippet.channelId;
if (entry.snippet.channelTitle)
ret.user.name = entry.snippet.channelTitle;
//message("title=" + ret.title);
//message("description=" + ret.descr);
//message("channelId=" + ret.user.channelId);
if (entry.contentDetails) {
if (entry.contentDetails.definition)
if (entry.contentDetails.definition == "hd")
ret.HD = true;
if (entry.contentDetails.duration)
ret.length = entry.contentDetails.duration;
//message("HD=" + ret.HD);
//message("length=" + ret.length + "  converted:" + time_column(ret.length));
if (entry.statistics) {
if (entry.statistics.viewCount)
ret.views = entry.statistics.viewCount;
if (entry.statistics.likeCount)
ret.likes = entry.statistics.likeCount;
if (entry.statistics.dislikeCount)
ret.dislikes = entry.statistics.dislikeCount;
//message("views=" + ret.views + "     likes=" + ret.likes + "       dislikes=" + ret.dislikes);
return ret;
function data_feed_v3(json_txt) {
//object to be returned
var ret = new Object();
ret.totalR###lts = 0;
ret.entry = new Array();
//main code
var job = null; //json object
if (json_txt != null)
job = JSON.parse(json_txt);
if (job == null) return ret;
if (job.pageInfo != null)
if (job.pageInfo.totalR###lts != null) {
ret.totalR###lts = job.pageInfo.totalR###lts;
//message("totalR###lts=" + ret.totalR###lts);
if (job.items != null)
if (job.items.length != 0)
for (var i = 0; i < job.items.length; i++) {
var data = data_entry_v3(job.items[i]);
if (data.feedKind != null) {
return ret;
function callback2(json_txt, def_node, buildHD, buildRate, parent) {
var feed = data_feed_v3(json_txt);
if (feed.entry.length != 1) return;
var entry = feed.entry[0];
if (buildHD) {
if (entry.HD != null) {
def_node.setAttribute("reveal", "true");
parent.setAttribute("vpp_meta_def", "");
def_node.title = "no resolution data";
var node_hd = newNode("span", null, "vpp_meta_def_hd HD", def_node);
node_hd.textContent = "HD";
if (buildRate) {
var num_likes = (entry.likes != null ? parseInt(entry.likes) : 0);
var num_dislikes = (entry.dislikes != null ? parseInt(entry.dislikes) : 0);
if ((num_likes != 0) || (num_dislikes != 0)) {
var perc = 100 - Math.round(num_dislikes * 100.0 / (num_likes + num_dislikes));
var rateBrief = newNode("div", null, "vpp_meta_rate", parent);
parent.setAttribute("vpp_meta_rate", "");
rateBrief.title = perc + "% likes: +" + number_comma(num_likes.toString()) + "  -" + number_comma(num_dislikes.toString());
if (entry.views != null) {
var view_num = number_comma(entry.views);
rateBrief.title += "\n" + view_num + " views";
if (perc >= red_threshold) {
rateBrief.textContent = "\uD83D\uDC4D " + perc;
if (perc < orange_threshold) {
rateBrief.setAttribute("med", "true");
else {
rateBrief.textContent = "\uD83D\uDC4E " + perc;
rateBrief.setAttribute("bad", "true");
function callback1(txt, def_node, url2, parent) {
var res = extract_resolution(txt);
if (res) {
def_node.setAttribute("reveal", "true");
parent.setAttribute("vpp_meta_def", "");
def_node.title = res.size + " resolution";
if (res.HD) {
var node_hd = newNode("span", null, "vpp_meta_def_hd" + (res.UHD ? " UHD" : " HD"), def_node);
node_hd.textContent = res.UHD ? res.UHD : "HD";
def_node.setAttribute("space", "true");
var node_attr = newNode("span", null, "vpp_meta_def_format", def_node);
node_attr.textContent = res.format;
if (pref_rateEnable) {
httpReq(url2, callback2, null, false, true, parent);
else {
httpReq(url2, callback2, def_node, true, pref_rateEnable, parent);
function def_rate(v_id, parent) {
var url1 = "https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id=" + v_id;
var url2 = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=" + v_id + "&key=" + api_key + "&part=contentDetails,statistics";
if (pref_defEnable) {
var def_node = newNode("span", null, "vpp_meta_def_container", parent);
httpReq(url1, callback1, def_node, url2, parent);
if (pref_rateEnable)
httpReq(url2, callback2, null, false, true, parent);
function play(parent) {
if (parent.hasAttribute("vpp_play_marked")) return;
parent.setAttribute("vpp_play_marked", "true");
var playArea = newNode("div", null, "vpp_play_button_container", parent);
var playNode = newNode("a", null, "vpp_play_button", playArea);
playNode.href = "javascript:;";
playNode.target = "_self";
playNode.title = "click to preview";
function play_handle(e) {
var parpar = e.target.parentNode.parentNode;
if (innersearch(parpar, ".//*[@id='vpp_now_playing']").snapshotLength > 0)
else {
var img = innersearch(parpar, "." + basic_str2).snapshotItem(0);
if (!img) return;
var evid = find_vid(img);
var epid = find_plist(img);
player.playerShow(evid, epid, parpar);
if (get_pref("playerPause")) ytpause();
playNode.onclick = play_handle;
function float_setup(parent) {
if (parent.hasAttribute("vpp_float_marked")) return;
parent.setAttribute("vpp_float_marked", "true");
parent.onmouseenter = float_open_delay;
parent.onmouseleave = float_close_delay;
function find_vid(img) {
var vid = filter(img.src, "vi/", "/&?#");
if (!vid) vid = filter(img.src, "vi_webp/", "/&?#");
return vid;
function find_plist(img) {
var anc = innersearch(img, "ancestor-or-self::*[contains(@href,'&list=') and (.//*[contains(@class,'yt-pl-sidebar-content') or contains(@class,'ytd-thumbnail-overlay-side-panel-renderer')])]").snapshotItem(0);
var plist = null;
if (anc)
plist = filter(anc.href, "list=", "/&?#");
if (plist == 'WL') plist = null;
return plist;
function in_video_page() {
return (win.location.href.indexOf("watch?") >= 0);
function reset_meta_marked() {
var reset_nodes = docsearch("//*[@vpp_meta_thumb_mark]");
for (var j = 0; j < reset_nodes.snapshotLength; j++) {
var rnode = reset_nodes.snapshotItem(j);
if (rnode) {
var inner_nodes = innersearch(rnode, ".//*[contains(@class,'vpp_meta')]");
for (var k = 0; k < inner_nodes.snapshotLength; k++) {
var node = inner_nodes.snapshotItem(k);
if (node)
if (node.parentNode)
function meta_data(start_count) {
if (pref_defEnable || pref_rateEnable || pref_playerEnable || pref_floatEnable) {
//video page
if ((pref_defEnable || pref_rateEnable) && in_video_page()) {
var wvid = filter(win.location.href, "v=", "?&#");
if (wvid) {
var par = doc.getElementById("vpp_meta_box");
if (par && start_count == 0) {
par = null;
if (!par) {
var target = doc.getElementById("gridtube_title_container");
if (!target) {
//var pp = doc.getElementById("watch7-user-header");
var pp = doc.getElementById("watch-header") || docsearch("//ytd-video-primary-info-renderer").snapshotItem(0); //OLD||NEW
if (pp) target = newNode("span", "gridtube_title_container", null, pp);
if (target) {
par = newNode("span", 'vpp_meta_box', null, target);
def_rate(wvid, par);
var start_delay = 2; //cycle delay to erase old data from thumbs
//reset marked at new page
if (start_count < start_delay) reset_meta_marked();
var vid_str = !NEWYT ? "//*[" + basic_str + " and (not(.//img[@data-thumb])) and (not(@vpp_meta_thumb_mark))]"
: "//*[" + basic_str + " and (.//img[@src]) and (not(@vpp_meta_thumb_mark))]";
var p = docsearch(vid_str);
for (var i = 0; i < p.snapshotLength; i++) {
var parent = p.snapshotItem(i);
if (start_count >= start_delay) parent.setAttribute('vpp_meta_thumb_mark', 'true');
var img = innersearch(parent, "." + basic_str2).snapshotItem(0);
if (!img) continue;
var vid = find_vid(img);
//definition and rating
if (vid) {//video or playlist
if (pref_defEnable || pref_rateEnable)
if (start_count >= start_delay)
def_rate(vid, parent);
//for float
if (pref_floatEnable) {
//play button
if (pref_playerEnable) {
if (vid || (!vid && find_plist(img)))
// Main
//insert styles
insertStyle(style_basic, "vpp_style_basic");
if (pref_playerEnable) //hide overlay of playlist
insertStyle(".yt-pl-thumb-overlay, ytd-thumbnail-overlay-hover-text-renderer {display:none !important;}", "vpp_style_list_overlay");//OLD,NEW
var old_addr = win.location.href;
var nochanges_count = -1;
var start_count = -1; //not used now
win.addEventListener("resize", function () { nochanges_count = -1; }, false);
win.addEventListener("scroll", function () { nochanges_count = -1; }, false);
win.addEventListener("click", function (e) { nochanges_count = -1; player_close(e); }, false);
//main routine
function check_changes() {
if (old_addr == win.location.href) {
if (nochanges_count < 20) nochanges_count++;
if (start_count < 20) start_count++;
else {
nochanges_count = 0;
start_count = 0;
old_addr = win.location.href;
if (nochanges_count >= 20) return;
win.setInterval(check_changes, 1000);