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Skin Storage Script

a script to easily store as many skins as you want

Dette er versioner af dette script, hvor koden er blevet opdateret. Vis alle versioner.

  • v0.54 30.09.2020 changed sample skin
  • v0.53 31.08.2020 changed sample skin
  • v0.52 21.02.2020 sorry
  • v0.51 14.08.2019 removed features and added bugs
  • v0.5 14.08.2019 made it even worse
  • v0.4 11.08.2019 cors detection and circumvention added, error fixed where settings couldnt be saved, randomization should work again
  • v0.3 10.07.2019
  • v0.2 13.06.2019
  • v0.1 13.06.2019
  • v0.1 11.06.2019