change color of opponent usernames
■ .slot span a {color:red;} ← this section changes the color of opponent's names that are logged into an account (users)
■ .slot span {color:green;} ← this section changes the color of opponent's names that are not logged in (guests)
■ To change the color of only one of the two types of opponents (users, guests), simply remove the section of the type you don't want to change.
- For example, to change only the color of users, use this: customStyle2.innerHTML='.slot span a {color:red;}';
- And to change only the color of guests, use this: customStyle2.innerHTML='.slot span {color:green;}';
■ If you want a specific color, replace "red" or "green" with "rgba(255, 106, 202, 100)"
■ Note: this code uses customStyle2 instead of simply customStyle in case of a collision, for example with this code removing opponent's field grid . In case customStyle2 also collides with another customStyle2 you may already have, simply change to customStyle3, or customStyle4, etc. Just remember to change all three instances of customStyle2 in the code.