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Control Panel for Twitter

Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Control Panel for Twitter
// @description Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
// @icon        https://raw.githubusercontent.com/insin/control-panel-for-twitter/master/icons/icon32.png
// @namespace   https://github.com/insin/control-panel-for-twitter/
// @match       https://twitter.com/*
// @match       https://mobile.twitter.com/*
// @match       https://x.com/*
// @match       https://mobile.x.com/*
// @run-at      document-start
// @version     190
// ==/UserScript==
void function() {
// Patch XMLHttpRequest to modify requests
const XMLHttpRequest_open = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url) {
if (config.sortReplies != 'relevant' && !userSortedReplies && url.includes('/TweetDetail?')) {
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let params = new URLSearchParams(request.search)
let variables = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(params.get('variables')))
variables.rankingMode = {
liked: 'Likes',
recent: 'Recency',
params.set('variables', JSON.stringify(variables))
url = `${request.origin}${request.pathname}?${params.toString()}`
return XMLHttpRequest_open.apply(this, [method, url])
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/** @type {string} */
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/** @type {string} */
let dir
/** @type {boolean} */
let ltr
//#region Default config
* @type {import("./types").Config}
const config = {
debug: false,
debugLogTimelineStats: false,
// Shared
addAddMutedWordMenuItem: true,
alwaysUseLatestTweets: true,
defaultToLatestSearch: false,
disableHomeTimeline: false,
disabledHomeTimelineRedirect: 'notifications',
disableTweetTextFormatting: false,
dontUseChirpFont: false,
dropdownMenuFontWeight: true,
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hideMetrics: false,
hideMonetizationNav: true,
hideMoreTweets: true,
hideNotifications: 'ignore',
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hideQuotesFrom: [],
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hideSeeNewTweets: false,
hideShareTweetButton: false,
hid###bscriptions: true,
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hideTwitterBlueReplies: false,
hideTwitterBlueUpsells: true,
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//#region Locales
* @type {Record<string, import("./types").Locale>}
const locales = {
'ar-x-fm': {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'ضافة تغريدة أخرى',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'اضافة كلمة مكتومة',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'إجراءات Grok',
HOME: 'الرئيسيّة',
LIKES: 'الإعجابات',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'الأكثر ملائمة',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'كتم هذه المحادثه',
POST_ALL: 'نشر الكل',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'هذا المنشور غير متاح.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'ملخص الملف الشخصيّ',
QUOTES: 'اقتباسات',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'اقتباس التغريدة',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'تغريدات اقتباس',
REPOST: 'إعادة النشر',
REPOSTS: 'المنشورات المُعاد نشرها',
RETWEET: 'إعادة التغريد',
RETWEETED_BY: 'مُعاد تغريدها بواسطة',
RETWEETS: 'إعادات التغريد',
SHARED: 'مشترك',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'التغريدات المشتركة',
SHOW: 'إظهار',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'عرض المزيد من الردود',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'فرز الردود حسب',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'تعطيل تغريدات اقتباس',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'تعطيل إعادة التغريد',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'تفعيل إعادة التغريد',
TWEET: 'غرّدي',
TWEETS: 'التغريدات',
TWEET_ALL: 'تغريد الكل',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'تفاعلات التغريدة',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'التغريد بردك',
TWITTER: 'تويتر',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'التراجع عن التغريدة',
VIEW: 'عرض',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'ماذا يحدث؟',
ar: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'ضافة تغريدة أخرى',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'اضافة كلمة مكتومة',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'إجراءات Grok',
HOME: 'الرئيسيّة',
LIKES: 'الإعجابات',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'الأكثر ملائمة',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'كتم هذه المحادثه',
POST_ALL: 'نشر الكل',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'هذا المنشور غير متاح.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'ملخص الملف الشخصيّ',
QUOTE: 'اقتباس',
QUOTES: 'اقتباسات',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'اقتباس التغريدة',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'تغريدات اقتباس',
REPOST: 'إعادة النشر',
REPOSTS: 'المنشورات المُعاد نشرها',
RETWEET: 'إعادة التغريد',
RETWEETED_BY: 'مُعاد تغريدها بواسطة',
RETWEETS: 'إعادات التغريد',
SHARED: 'مشترك',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'التغريدات المشتركة',
SHOW: 'إظهار',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'عرض المزيد من الردود',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'فرز الردود حسب',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'تعطيل تغريدات اقتباس',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'تعطيل إعادة التغريد',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'تفعيل إعادة التغريد',
TWEET: 'تغريد',
TWEETS: 'التغريدات',
TWEET_ALL: 'تغريد الكل',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'تفاعلات التغريدة',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'التغريد بردك',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'التراجع عن التغريدة',
VIEW: 'عرض',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'ماذا يحدث؟',
bg: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Добавяне на друг туит',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Добавяне на заглушена дума',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Действия, свързани с Grok',
HOME: 'Начало',
LIKES: 'Харесвания',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Най-подходящи',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Заглушаване на разговора',
POST_ALL: 'Публикуване на всичко',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Тази публикация не е налична.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Резюме на профила',
QUOTE: 'Цитат',
QUOTES: 'Цитати',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Цитиране на туита',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Туитове с цитат',
REPOST: 'Препубликуване',
REPOSTS: 'Препубликувания',
RETWEET: 'Ретуитване',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Ретуитнат от',
RETWEETS: 'Ретуитове',
SHARED: 'Споделен',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Споделени туитове',
SHOW: 'Показване',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Показване на още отговори',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Сортиране на отговорите',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Изключване на туитове с цитат',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Изключване на ретуитовете',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Включване на ретуитовете',
TWEET: 'Туит',
TWEETS: 'Туитове',
TWEET_ALL: 'Туитване на всички',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Интеракции с туит',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'туит своя отговор',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Отмяна на ретуитването',
VIEW: 'Преглед',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Какво се случва?',
bn: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'অন্য টুইট যোগ করুন',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'নীরব করা শব্দ যোগ করুন',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok কার্যকলাপ',
HOME: 'হোম',
LIKES: 'পছন্দ',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'সবচেয়ে প্রাসঙ্গিক',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'এই কথা-বার্তা নীরব করুন',
POST_ALL: 'সবকটি পোস্ট করুন',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'এই পোস্টটি অনুপলভ্য।',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'প্রোফাইল সারসংক্ষেপ',
QUOTE: 'উদ্ধৃতি',
QUOTES: 'উদ্ধৃতিগুলো',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'টুইট উদ্ধৃত করুন',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'টুইট উদ্ধৃতিগুলো',
REPOST: 'রিপোস্ট',
REPOSTS: 'রিপোস্ট',
RETWEET: 'পুনঃটুইট',
RETWEETED_BY: 'পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন',
RETWEETS: 'পুনঃটুইটগুলো',
SHARED: 'ভাগ করা',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'ভাগ করা টুইটগুলি',
SHOW: 'দেখান',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'আরও উত্তর দেখান',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'উত্তরগুলো এই হিসাবে বাছুন',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'উদ্ধৃতি টুইটগুলি বন্ধ করুন',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'পুনঃ টুইটগুলি বন্ধ করুন',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'পুনঃ টুইটগুলি চালু করুন',
TWEET: 'টুইট',
TWEETS: 'টুইটগুলি',
TWEET_ALL: 'সব টুইট করুন',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'টুইট ইন্টারেকশন',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'আপনার উত্তর টুইট করুন',
TWITTER: 'টুইটার',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'পুনঃ টুইট পুর্বাবস্থায় ফেরান',
VIEW: 'দেখুন',
ca: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Afegeix un altre tuit',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Afegeix una paraula silenciada',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Accions de Grok',
HOME: 'Inici',
LIKES: 'Agradaments',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'El més rellevant',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Silencia la conversa',
POST_ALL: 'Publica-ho tot',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Aquesta publicació no està disponible.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'R###m del perfil',
QUOTE: 'Cita',
QUOTES: 'Cites',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Cita el tuit',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tuits amb cita',
REPOST: 'Republicació',
REPOSTS: 'Republicacions',
RETWEET: 'Retuit',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retuitat per',
RETWEETS: 'Retuits',
SHARED: 'Compartit',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tuits compartits',
SHOW: 'Mostra',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Mostra més respostes',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Ordena les respostes per',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Desactiva els tuits amb cita',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Desactiva els retuits',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Activa els retuits',
TWEET: 'Tuita',
TWEETS: 'Tuits',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tuita-ho tot',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interaccions amb tuits',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tuita la teva resposta',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Desfés el retuit',
VIEW: 'Mostra',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Què passa?',
cs: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Přidat další Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Přidat slovo na seznam skrytých slov',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Akce funkce Grok',
HOME: 'Hlavní stránka',
LIKES: 'Lajky',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Nejvíce související',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Skrýt tuto konverzaci',
POST_ALL: 'Postovat vše',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Tento post není dostupný.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Souhrn profilu',
QUOTE: 'Citace',
QUOTES: 'Citace',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Citovat Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweety s citací',
REPOSTS: 'Reposty',
RETWEET: 'Retweetnout',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweetnuto uživateli',
RETWEETS: 'Retweety',
SHARED: 'Sdílený',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Sdílené tweety',
SHOW: 'Zobrazit',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Zobrazit další odpovědi',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Odpovědi roztřiďte podle',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Vypnout tweety s citací',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Vypnout retweety',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Zapnout retweety',
TWEET: 'Tweetovat',
TWEETS: 'Tweety',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweetnout vše',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Tweetovat interakce',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweetujte svou odpověď',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Zrušit Retweet',
VIEW: 'Zobrazit',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Co se děje?',
da: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Tilføj endnu et Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Tilføj skjult ord',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok-handlinger',
HOME: 'Forside',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Mest relevante',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Skjul denne samtale',
POST_ALL: 'Post alle',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Denne post er ikke tilgængelig.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Profilr###mé',
QUOTE: 'Citat',
QUOTES: 'Citater',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Citér Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Citat-Tweets',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweetet af',
SHARED: 'Delt',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Delte tweets',
SHOW: 'Vis',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Vis flere svar',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Sortér svar efter',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Slå Citat-Tweets fra',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Slå Retweets fra',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Slå Retweets til',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweet alt',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Tweet-interaktioner',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweet dit svar',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Fortryd Retweet',
VIEW: 'Vis',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Hvad sker der?',
de: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Weiteren Tweet hinzufügen',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Stummgeschaltetes Wort hinzufügen',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok-Aktionen',
HOME: 'Startseite',
LIKES: 'Gefällt mir',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Besonders relevant',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Diese Konversation stummschalten',
POST_ALL: 'Alle posten',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Dieser Post ist nicht verfügbar.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Kurzprofil',
QUOTE: 'Zitat',
QUOTES: 'Zitate',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Tweet zitieren',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Zitierte Tweets',
REPOST: 'Reposten',
RETWEET: 'Retweeten',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweetet von',
SHARED: 'Geteilt',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Geteilte Tweets',
SHOW: 'Anzeigen',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Mehr Antworten anzeigen',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Antworten sortieren nach',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Zitierte Tweets ausschalten',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Retweets ausschalten',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Retweets einschalten',
TWEET: 'Twittern',
TWEET_ALL: 'Alle twittern',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Tweet-Interaktionen',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Twittere deine Antwort',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Retweet rückgängig machen',
VIEW: 'Anzeigen',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Was gibt’s Neues?',
el: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Προσθήκη άλλου Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Προσθήκη λέξης σε σίγαση',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Δράσεις Grok',
HOME: 'Αρχική σελίδα',
LIKES: '"Μου αρέσει"',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Πιο σχετική',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Σίγαση αυτής της συζήτησης',
POST_ALL: 'Δημοσίευση όλων',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Αυτή η ανάρτηση δεν είναι διαθέσιμη.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: ' Περίληψη προφίλ',
QUOTE: 'Παράθεση',
QUOTES: 'Παραθέσεις',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Παράθεση Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweet με παράθεση',
REPOST: 'Αναδημοσίευση',
REPOSTS: 'Αναδημοσιεύσεις',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Έγινε Retweet από',
RETWEETS: 'Retweet',
SHARED: 'Κοινόχρηστο',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Κοινόχρηστα Tweets',
SHOW: 'Εμφάνιση',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Εμφάνιση περισσότερων απαντήσεων',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Ταξινόμηση απαντήσεων κατά',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Απενεργοποίηση των tweet με παράθεση',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Απενεργοποίηση των Retweet',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Ενεργοποίηση των Retweet',
TWEETS: 'Tweet',
TWEET_ALL: 'Δημοσίευση όλων ως Tweet',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Αλληλεπιδράσεις με tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Στείλτε την απάντησή σας',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Αναίρεση Retweet',
VIEW: 'Προβολή',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Τι συμβαίνει;',
en: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Add another Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Add muted word',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok actions',
HOME: 'Home',
LIKES: 'Likes',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Most relevant',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Mute this conversation',
POST_ALL: 'Post all',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'This post is unavailable.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Profile Summary',
QUOTE: 'Quote',
QUOTES: 'Quotes',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Quote Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Quote Tweets',
REPOST: 'Repost',
REPOSTS: 'Reposts',
RETWEET: 'Retweet',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweeted by',
RETWEETS: 'Retweets',
SHARED: 'Shared',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Shared Tweets',
SHOW: 'Show',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Show more replies',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Sort replies by',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Turn off Quote Tweets',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Turn off Retweets',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Turn on Retweets',
TWEET: 'Tweet',
TWEETS: 'Tweets',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweet all',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Tweet interactions',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweet your reply',
TWITTER: 'Twitter',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Undo Retweet',
VIEW: 'View',
WHATS_HAPPENING: "What's happening?",
es: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Agregar otro Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Añadir palabra silenciada',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Acciones de Grok',
HOME: 'Inicio',
LIKES: 'Me gusta',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Más relevantes',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Silenciar esta conversación',
POST_ALL: 'Postear todo',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Este post no está disponible.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'R###men del perfil',
QUOTE: 'Cita',
QUOTES: 'Citas',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Citar Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweets citados',
REPOST: 'Repostear',
RETWEET: 'Retwittear',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retwitteado por',
SHARED: 'Compartido',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tweets compartidos',
SHOW: 'Mostrar',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Mostrar más respuestas',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Ordenar respuestas por',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Desactivar tweets citados',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Desactivar Retweets',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Activar Retweets',
TWEET: 'Twittear',
TWEET_ALL: 'Twittear todo',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interacciones con Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Twittea tu respuesta',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Deshacer Retweet',
VIEW: 'Ver',
WHATS_HAPPENING: '¿Qué está pasando?',
eu: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Gehitu beste txio bat',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Gehitu isilarazitako hitza',
HOME: 'Hasiera',
LIKES: 'Atsegiteak',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Isilarazi elkarrizketa hau',
QUOTE: 'Aipamena',
QUOTES: 'Aipamenak',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Txioa apaitu',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Aipatu txioak',
RETWEET: 'Bertxiotu',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Bertxiotua:',
RETWEETS: 'Bertxioak',
SHARED: 'Partekatua',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Partekatutako',
SHOW: 'Erakutsi',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Erakutsi erantzun gehiago',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Desaktibatu aipatu txioak',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Desaktibatu birtxioak',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Aktibatu birtxioak',
TWEET: 'Txio',
TWEETS: 'Txioak',
TWEET_ALL: 'Txiotu guztiak',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Txio elkarrekintzak',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Txiotu zure erantzuna',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Desegin birtxiokatzea',
VIEW: 'Ikusi',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Zer gertatzen ari da?',
fa: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'افزودن توییت دیگر',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'افزودن واژه خموش‌سازی شده',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'کنش‌های Grok',
HOME: 'خانه',
LIKES: 'پسندها',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'مرتبط‌ترین',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'خموش‌سازی این گفتگو',
POST_ALL: 'پست کردن همه',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'این پست دردسترس نیست.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'خلاصه نمایه',
QUOTE: 'نقل‌قول',
QUOTES: 'نقل‌قول‌ها',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'نقل‌توییت',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'نقل‌توییت‌ها',
REPOST: 'بازپست',
REPOSTS: 'بازپست',
RETWEET: 'بازتوییت',
RETWEETED_BY: 'بازتوییت‌ شد توسط',
RETWEETS: 'بازتوییت‌ها',
SHARED: 'مشترک',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'توییتهای مشترک',
SHOW: 'نمایش',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'نمایش پاسخ‌های بیشتر',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'مرتب‌سازی پاسخ‌ها براساس',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'غیرفعال‌سازی نقل‌توییت‌ها',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'غیرفعال‌سازی بازتوییت‌ها',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'فعال سازی بازتوییت‌ها',
TWEET: 'توییت',
TWEETS: 'توييت‌ها',
TWEET_ALL: 'توییت به همه',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'تعاملات توییت',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'پاسختان را توییت کنید',
TWITTER: 'توییتر',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'لغو بازتوییت',
VIEW: 'مشاهده',
fi: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Lisää vielä twiitti',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Lisää hiljennetty sana',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok-toiminnat',
HOME: 'Etusivu',
LIKES: 'Tykkäykset',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Relevanteimmat',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Hiljennä tämä keskustelu',
POST_ALL: 'Julkaise kaikki',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Tämä julkaisu ei ole saatavilla.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Profiilin yhteenveto',
QUOTE: 'Lainaa',
QUOTES: 'Lainaukset',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Twiitin lainaus',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Twiitin lainaukset',
REPOST: 'Uudelleenjulkaise',
REPOSTS: 'Uudelleenjulkaisut',
RETWEET: 'Uudelleentwiittaa',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Uudelleentwiitannut',
RETWEETS: 'Uudelleentwiittaukset',
SHARED: 'Jaettu',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Jaetut twiitit',
SHOW: 'Näytä',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Näytä lisää vastauksia',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Vastausten lajittelutapa',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Poista twiitin lainaukset käytöstä',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Poista uudelleentwiittaukset käytöstä',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Ota uudelleentwiittaukset käyttöön',
TWEET: 'Twiittaa',
TWEETS: 'Twiitit',
TWEET_ALL: 'Twiittaa kaikki',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Twiitin vuorovaikutukset',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Twiittaa vastauksesi',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Kumoa uudelleentwiittaus',
VIEW: 'Näytä',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Missä mennään?',
fil: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Magdagdag ng isa pang Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Idagdag ang naka-mute na salita',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Mga aksyon ni Grok',
LIKES: 'Mga Gusto',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Pinakanauugnay',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'I-mute ang usapang ito',
POST_ALL: 'I-post lahat',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Hindi available ang post na Ito.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Buod ng Profile',
QUOTES: 'Mga Quote',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Quote na Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Mga Quote na Tweet',
REPOST: 'I-repost',
REPOSTS: '(na) Repost',
RETWEET: 'I-retweet',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Ni-retweet ni',
RETWEETS: 'Mga Retweet',
SHARED: 'Ibinahagi',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Mga Ibinahaging Tweet',
SHOW: 'Ipakita',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Magpakita pa ng mga sagot',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'I-sort ang mga reply batay sa',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'I-off ang mga Quote na Tweet',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'I-off ang Retweets',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'I-on ang Retweets',
TWEET: 'Mag-tweet',
TWEETS: 'Mga Tweet',
TWEET_ALL: 'I-tweet lahat',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interaksyon sa Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'I-Tweet ang reply mo',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Huwag nang I-retweet',
VIEW: 'Tingnan',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Ano ang nangyayari?',
fr: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Ajouter un autre Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Ajouter un mot masqué',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Actions Grok',
HOME: 'Accueil',
LIKES: "J'aime",
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Les plus pertinentes',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Masquer cette conversation',
POST_ALL: 'Tout poster',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: "Ce post n'est pas disponible.",
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Résumé du profil',
QUOTE: 'Citation',
QUOTES: 'Citations',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Citer le Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweets cités',
RETWEET: 'Retweeter',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweeté par',
SHARED: 'Partagé',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tweets partagés',
SHOW: 'Afficher',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Voir plus de réponses',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Trier les réponses par',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Désactiver les Tweets cités',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Désactiver les Retweets',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Activer les Retweets',
TWEET: 'Tweeter',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tout tweeter',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interactions avec Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweetez votre réponse',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Annuler le Retweet',
VIEW: 'Voir',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Quoi de neuf !',
ga: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Cuir Tweet eile leis',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Cuir focal balbhaithe leis',
HOME: 'Baile',
LIKES: 'Thaitin siad seo le',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Balbhaigh an comhrá seo',
QUOTE: 'Sliocht',
QUOTES: 'Sleachta',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Cuir Ráiteas Leis',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Luaigh Tvuíteanna',
RETWEET: 'Atweetáil',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Atweetáilte ag',
RETWEETS: 'Atweetanna',
SHARED: 'Roinnte',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tweetanna Roinnte',
SHOW: 'Taispeáin',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Taispeáin tuilleadh freagraí',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Cas as Luaigh Tvuíteanna',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Cas as Atweetanna',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Cas Atweetanna air',
TWEETS: 'Tweetanna',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweetáil gach rud',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Idirghníomhaíochtaí le Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweetáil do fhreagra',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Cuir an Atweet ar ceal',
VIEW: 'Breathnaigh',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Cad atá ag tarlú?',
gl: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Engadir outro chío',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Engadir palabra silenciada',
HOME: 'Inicio',
LIKES: 'Gústames',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Silenciar esta conversa',
QUOTE: 'Cita',
QUOTES: 'Citas',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Citar chío',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Chíos citados',
RETWEET: 'Rechouchiar',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Rechouchiado por',
RETWEETS: 'Rechouchíos',
SHARED: 'Compartido',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Chíos compartidos',
SHOW: 'Amosar',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Amosar máis respostas',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Desactivar os chíos citados',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Desactivar os rechouchíos',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Activar os rechouchíos',
TWEET: 'Chío',
TWEETS: 'Chíos',
TWEET_ALL: 'Chiar todo',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interaccións chío',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Chío a túa responder',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Desfacer rechouchío',
VIEW: 'Ver',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Que está pasando?',
gu: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'અન્ય ટ્વીટ ઉમેરો',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'જોડાણ અટકાવેલો શબ્દ ઉમેરો',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok પગલાં',
HOME: 'હોમ',
LIKES: 'લાઈક્સ',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'સૌથી વધુ સુસંગત',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'આ વાર્તાલાપનું જોડાણ અટકાવો',
POST_ALL: 'બધા પોસ્ટ કરો',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'આ પોસ્ટ અનુપલબ્ધ છે.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'પ્રોફાઇલ સારાંશ',
QUOTE: 'અવતરણ',
QUOTES: 'અવતરણો',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'અવતરણની સાથે ટ્વીટ કરો',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'અવતરણની સાથે ટ્વીટ્સ',
REPOST: 'રીપોસ્ટ કરો',
REPOSTS: 'ફરીથી કરવામાં આવેલી પોસ્ટ',
RETWEET: 'પુનટ્વીટ',
RETWEETED_BY: 'આમની દ્વારા પુનટ્વીટ કરવામાં આવી',
RETWEETS: 'પુનટ્વીટ્સ',
SHARED: 'સાંજેડેલું',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'શેર કરેલી ટ્વીટ્સ',
SHOW: 'બતાવો',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'વધુ પ્રત્યુતરો દર્શાવો',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'દ્વારા પ્રત્યુત્તરોને સૉર્ટ કરો',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'અવતરણની સાથે ટ્વીટ્સ બંધ કરો',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'પુનટ્વીટ્સ બંધ કરો',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'પુનટ્વીટ્સ ચાલુ કરો',
TWEET: 'ટ્વીટ',
TWEETS: 'ટ્વીટ્સ',
TWEET_ALL: 'બધાને ટ્વીટ કરો',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'ટ્વીટ ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયાઓ',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'તમારા પ્રત્યુત્તરને ટ્વીટ કરો',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'પુનટ્વીટને પૂર્વવત કરો',
VIEW: 'જુઓ',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'શું થઈ રહ્યું છે?',
he: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'הוסף ציוץ נוסף',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'הוסף מילה מושתקת',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'פעולות של Grok',
HOME: 'דף הבית',
LIKES: 'הערות "אהבתי"',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'הכי רלוונטי',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'להשתיק את השיחה הזאת',
POST_ALL: 'פרסום הכל',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'פוסט זה אינו זמין.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'סיכום הפרופיל',
QUOTE: 'ציטוט',
QUOTES: 'ציטוטים',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'ציטוט ציוץ',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'ציוצי ציטוט',
REPOST: 'לפרסם מחדש',
REPOSTS: 'פרסומים מחדש',
RETWEET: 'צייץ מחדש',
RETWEETED_BY: 'צויץ מחדש על־ידי',
RETWEETS: 'ציוצים מחדש',
SHARED: 'משותף',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'ציוצים משותפים',
SHOW: 'הצג',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'הצג תשובות נוספות',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'מיון תשובות לפי',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'כבה ציוצי ציטוט',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'כבה ציוצים מחדש',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'הפעל ציוצים מחדש',
TWEET: 'צייץ',
TWEETS: 'ציוצים',
TWEET_ALL: 'צייץ הכול',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'אינטראקציות צייץ',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'צייץ התשובה',
TWITTER: 'טוויטר',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'ביטול ציוץ מחדש',
VIEW: 'הצג',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'מה קורה?',
hi: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'एक और ट्वीट जोड़ें',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'म्यूट किया गया शब्द जोड़ें',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok कार्रवाई',
HOME: 'होम',
LIKES: 'पसंद',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'सर्वाधिक प्रासंगिक',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'इस बातचीत को म्यूट करें',
POST_ALL: 'सभी पोस्ट करें',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'यह पोस्ट उपलब्ध नहीं है.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'प्रोफ़ाइल सारांश',
QUOTE: 'कोट',
QUOTES: 'कोट',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'ट्वीट क्वोट करें',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'कोट ट्वीट्स',
REPOST: 'रीपोस्ट',
REPOSTS: 'रीपोस्ट्स',
RETWEET: 'रीट्वीट करें',
RETWEETED_BY: 'इनके द्वारा रीट्वीट किया गया',
RETWEETS: 'रीट्वीट्स',
SHARED: 'साझा किया हुआ',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'साझा किए गए ट्वीट',
SHOW: 'दिखाएं',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'और अधिक जवाब दिखाएँ',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'से जवाब सॉर्ट करें',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'कोट ट्वीट्स बंद करें',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'रीट्वीट बंद करें',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'रीट्वीट चालू करें',
TWEET: 'ट्वीट करें',
TWEETS: 'ट्वीट',
TWEET_ALL: 'सभी ट्वीट करें',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'ट्वीट इंटरैक्शन',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'अपना जवाब ट्वीट करें',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'रीट्वीट को पूर्ववत करें',
VIEW: 'देखें',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'क्या हो रहा है?',
hr: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Dodaj drugi Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Dodaj onemogućenu riječ',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grokove radnje',
HOME: 'Naslovnica',
LIKES: 'Oznake „sviđa mi se”',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Najrelevantnije',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Isključi zvuk ovog razgovora',
POST_ALL: 'Objavi sve',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Ta objava nije dostupna.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Sažetak profila',
QUOTE: 'Citat',
QUOTES: 'Citati',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Citiraj Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Citirani tweetovi',
REPOST: 'Proslijedi objavu',
REPOSTS: 'Proslijeđene objave',
RETWEET: 'Proslijedi tweet',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Korisnici koji su proslijedili Tweet',
RETWEETS: 'Proslijeđeni tweetovi',
SHARED: 'Podijeljeno',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Dijeljeni tweetovi',
SHOW: 'Prikaži',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Prikaži još odgovora',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Sortiraj odgovore',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Isključi citirane tweetove',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Isključi proslijeđene tweetove',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Uključi proslijeđene tweetove',
TWEETS: 'Tweetovi',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweetaj sve',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interakcije s Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweetajte odgovor',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Poništi prosljeđivanje tweeta',
VIEW: 'Prikaz',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Što se događa?',
hu: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Másik Tweet hozzáadása',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Elnémított szó hozzáadása',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok-műveletek',
HOME: 'Kezdőlap',
LIKES: 'Kedvelések',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Legmegfelelőbb',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Beszélgetés némítása',
POST_ALL: 'Az összes közzététele',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Ez a bejegyzés nem elérhető.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Profil összegzése',
QUOTE: 'Idézés',
QUOTES: 'Idézések',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Tweet idézése',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweet-idézések',
REPOST: 'Újraposztolás',
REPOSTS: 'Újraposztolások',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweetelte',
RETWEETS: 'Retweetek',
SHARED: 'Megosztott',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Megosztott tweetek',
SHOW: 'Megjelenítés',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Több válasz megjelenítése',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Válaszok rendezése a következő szerint',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweet-idézések kikapcsolása',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Retweetek kikapcsolása',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Retweetek bekapcsolása',
TWEET: 'Tweetelj',
TWEETS: 'Tweetek',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweet küldése mindenkinek',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Tweet interakciók',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweeteld válaszodat',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Retweet visszavonása',
VIEW: 'Megtekintés',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Mi történik éppen most?',
id: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Tambahkan Tweet lain',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Tambahkan kata kunci yang dibisukan',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Tindakan Grok',
HOME: 'Beranda',
LIKES: 'Suka',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Paling relevan',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Bisukan percakapan ini',
POST_ALL: 'Posting semua',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Postingan ini tidak tersedia.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Ringkasan Profil',
QUOTE: 'Kutipan',
QUOTES: 'Kutipan',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Kutip Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweet Kutipan',
REPOST: 'Posting ulang',
REPOSTS: 'Posting ulang',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Di-retweet oleh',
RETWEETS: 'Retweet',
SHARED: 'Dibagikan',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tweet yang Dibagikan',
SHOW: 'Tampilkan',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Tampilkan balasan lainnya',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Urutkan balasan berdasarkan',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Matikan Tweet Kutipan',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Matikan Retweet',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Nyalakan Retweet',
TWEETS: 'Tweet',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweet semua',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interaksi Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweet balasan Anda',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Batalkan Retweet',
VIEW: 'Lihat',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Apa yang sedang hangat dibicarakan?',
it: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Aggiungi altro Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Aggiungi parola o frase silenziata',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Azioni di Grok',
LIKES: 'Mi piace',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Più pertinenti',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Silenzia questa conversazione',
POST_ALL: 'Posta tutto',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Questo post non è disponibile.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Riepilogo del profilo',
QUOTE: 'Citazione',
QUOTES: 'Citazioni',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Cita Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweet di citazione',
REPOSTS: 'Repost',
RETWEET: 'Ritwitta',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Ritwittato da',
RETWEETS: 'Retweet',
SHARED: 'Condiviso',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tweet condivisi',
SHOW: 'Mostra',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Mostra altre risposte',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Ordina risposte per',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Disattiva i Tweet di citazione',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Disattiva Retweet',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Attiva Retweet',
TWEET: 'Twitta',
TWEETS: 'Tweet',
TWEET_ALL: 'Twitta tutto',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interazioni con Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Twitta la tua risposta',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Annulla Retweet',
VIEW: 'Visualizza',
WHATS_HAPPENING: "Che c'è di nuovo?",
ja: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: '別のツイートを追加する',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'ミュートするキーワードを追加',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grokのアクション',
HOME: 'ホーム',
LIKES: 'いいね',
MOST_RELEVANT: '関連性が高い',
POST_ALL: 'すべてポスト',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'このポストは表示できません。',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'プロフィールの要約',
QUOTE: '引用',
QUOTES: '引用',
QUOTE_TWEET: '引用ツイート',
QUOTE_TWEETS: '引用ツイート',
REPOST: 'リポスト',
REPOSTS: 'リポスト',
RETWEET: 'リツイート',
RETWEETED_BY: 'リツイートしたユーザー',
RETWEETS: 'リツイート',
SHARED: '共有',
SHARED_TWEETS: '共有ツイート',
SHOW: '表示',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: '返信をさらに表示',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: '返信の並べ替え基準',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: '引用ツイートをオフにする',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'リツイートをオフにする',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'リツイートをオンにする',
TWEET: 'ツイートする',
TWEETS: 'ツイート',
TWEET_ALL: 'すべてツイート',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: '返信をツイート',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'リツイートを取り消す',
VIEW: '表示する',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'いまどうしてる?',
kn: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'ಮತ್ತೊಂದು ಟ್ವೀಟ್ ಸೇರಿಸಿ',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'ಸದ್ದಡಗಿಸಿದ ಪದವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಿ',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok ಕ್ರಮಗಳು',
HOME: 'ಹೋಮ್',
LIKES: 'ಇಷ್ಟಗಳು',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಸಂಬಂಧಿತ',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'ಈ ಸಂವಾದವನ್ನು ಸದ್ದಡಗಿಸಿ',
POST_ALL: 'ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನೂ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'ಈ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'ಪ್ರೊಫೈಲ್ ಸಾರಾಂಶ',
QUOTE: 'ಕೋಟ್‌',
QUOTES: 'ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಗಳು',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'ಟ್ವೀಟ್ ಕೋಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'ಕೋಟ್ ಟ್ವೀಟ್‌ಗಳು',
REPOST: 'ಮರುಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ',
REPOSTS: 'ಮರುಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳು',
RETWEET: 'ಮರುಟ್ವೀಟಿಸಿ',
RETWEETED_BY: 'ಮರುಟ್ವೀಟಿಸಿದವರು',
RETWEETS: 'ಮರುಟ್ವೀಟ್‌ಗಳು',
SHARED: 'ಹಂಚಲಾಗಿದೆ',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'ಹಂಚಿದ ಟ್ವೀಟ್‌ಗಳು',
SHOW: 'ತೋರಿಸಿ',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'ಇದರ ಮೂಲಕ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಯೋಜಿಸಿ',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'ಕೋಟ್ ಟ್ವೀಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಆಫ್ ಮಾಡಿ',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'ಮರುಟ್ವೀಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಆಫ್ ಮಾಡಿ',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'ಮರುಟ್ವೀಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಆನ್ ಮಾಡಿ',
TWEET: 'ಟ್ವೀಟ್',
TWEETS: 'ಟ್ವೀಟ್‌ಗಳು',
TWEET_ALL: 'ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಟ್ವೀಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'ಟ್ವೀಟ್ ಸಂವಾದಗಳು',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆಯನ್ನು ಟ್ವೀಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'ಮರುಟ್ವೀಟಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಮಾಡಿ',
VIEW: 'ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿ',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'ಏನು ನಡೆಯುತ್ತಿದೆ?',
ko: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: '다른 트윗 추가하기',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: '뮤트할 단어 추가하기',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok 작업',
HOME: '홈',
LIKES: '마음에 들어요',
MOST_RELEVANT: '관련도 순서',
POST_ALL: '모두 게시하기',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: '이 게시물을 볼 수 없습니다.',
QUOTE: '인용',
QUOTES: '인용',
QUOTE_TWEET: '트윗 인용하기',
QUOTE_TWEETS: '트윗 인용하기',
REPOST: '재게시',
REPOSTS: '재게시',
RETWEET: '리트윗',
RETWEETS: '리트윗',
SHARED: '공유된',
SHOW: '표시',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: '더 많은 답글 보기',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: '답글 정렬하기',
TWEET: '트윗',
TWEETS: '트윗',
TWEET_ALL: '모두 트윗하기',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: '답글을 트윗하세요',
TWITTER: '트위터',
UNDO_RETWEET: '리트윗 취소',
VIEW: '보기',
WHATS_HAPPENING: '무슨 일이 일어나고 있나요?',
mr: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'दुसरे ट्विट सामील करा',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'म्यूट केलेले शब्द सामील करा',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok कृती',
HOME: 'होम',
LIKES: 'पसंती',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'सर्वात महत्वाचे',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'ही चर्चा म्यूट करा',
POST_ALL: 'सर्व पोस्ट करा',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'हे पोस्ट अनुपलब्ध आहे.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'प्रोफाइल सारांश',
QUOTE: 'भाष्य',
QUOTES: 'भाष्य',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'ट्विट वर भाष्य करा',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'भाष्य ट्विट्स',
REPOST: 'पुन्हा पोस्ट करा',
REPOSTS: 'रिपोस्ट',
RETWEET: 'पुन्हा ट्विट',
RETWEETED_BY: 'यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले',
RETWEETS: 'पुनर्ट्विट्स',
SHARED: 'सामायिक',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'सामायिक ट्विट',
SHOW: 'दाखवा',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'अधिक प्रत्युत्तरे दाखवा',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'द्वारे प्रत्युत्तरांची क्रमवारी करा',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'भाष्य ट्विट्स बंद करा',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'पुनर्ट्विट्स बंद करा',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'पुनर्ट्विट्स चालू करा',
TWEET: 'ट्विट',
TWEETS: 'ट्विट्स',
TWEET_ALL: 'सर्व ट्विट करा',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'ट्वीट इंटरऍक्शन्स',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'आपले प्रत्युत्तर ट्विट करा',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'पुनर्ट्विट पूर्ववत करा',
VIEW: 'पहा',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'ताज्या घडामोडी?',
ms: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Tambahkan Tweet lain',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Tambahkan perkataan yang disenyapkan',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Tindakan Grok',
HOME: 'Laman Utama',
LIKES: 'Suka',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Paling berkaitan',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Senyapkan perbualan ini',
POST_ALL: 'Siarkan semua',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Siaran ini tidak tersedia.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Ringkasan Profil',
QUOTE: 'Petikan',
QUOTES: 'Petikan',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Petik Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweet Petikan',
REPOST: 'Siaran semula',
REPOSTS: 'Siaran semula',
RETWEET: 'Tweet semula',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Ditweet semula oleh',
RETWEETS: 'Tweet semula',
SHARED: 'Dikongsi',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tweet Berkongsi',
SHOW: 'Tunjukkan',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Tunjukkan lagi balasan',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Isih balasan mengikut',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Matikan Tweet Petikan',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Matikan Tweet semula',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Hidupkan Tweet semula',
TWEETS: 'Tweet',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweet semua',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interaksi Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweet balasan anda',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Buat asal Tweet semula',
VIEW: 'Lihat',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Apakah yang sedang berlaku?',
nb: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Legg til en annen Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Skjul nytt ord',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok-handlinger',
HOME: 'Hjem',
LIKES: 'Liker',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Mest relevante',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Skjul denne samtalen',
POST_ALL: 'Publiser alle',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Dette innlegget er utilgjengelig.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Profilsammendrag',
QUOTE: 'Sitat',
QUOTES: 'Sitater',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Sitat-Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Sitat-Tweets',
REPOST: 'Republiser',
REPOSTS: 'Republiseringer',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweetet av',
SHARED: 'Delt',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Delte tweets',
SHOW: 'Vis',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Vis flere svar',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Sorter svar etter',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Slå av sitat-tweets',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Slå av Retweets',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Slå på Retweets',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweet alle',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Tweet-interaksjoner',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweet svaret ditt',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Angre Retweet',
VIEW: 'Vis',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Hva skjer?',
nl: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Nog een Tweet toevoegen',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Genegeerd woord toevoegen',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok-acties',
HOME: 'Startpagina',
LIKES: 'Vind-ik-leuks',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Meest relevant',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Dit gesprek negeren',
POST_ALL: 'Alles plaatsen',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Deze post is niet beschikbaar.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Profieloverzicht',
QUOTE: 'Geciteerd',
QUOTES: 'Geciteerd',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Citeer Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Geciteerde Tweets',
RETWEET: 'Retweeten',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Geretweet door',
SHARED: 'Gedeeld',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Gedeelde Tweets',
SHOW: 'Weergeven',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Meer antwoorden tonen',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Antwoorden sorteren op',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Geciteerde Tweets uitschakelen',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Retweets uitschakelen',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Retweets inschakelen',
TWEET: 'Tweeten',
TWEET_ALL: 'Alles tweeten',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Tweet-interacties',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweet je antwoord',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Retweet ongedaan maken',
VIEW: 'Bekijken',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Wat gebeurt er?',
pl: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Dodaj kolejnego Tweeta',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Dodaj wyciszone słowo',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Akcje Groka',
HOME: 'Główna',
LIKES: 'Polubienia',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Najtrafniejsze',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Wycisz tę rozmowę',
POST_ALL: 'Opublikuj wszystko',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Ten wpis jest niedostępny.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Podsumowanie profilu',
QUOTE: 'Cytuj',
QUOTES: 'Cytaty',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Cytuj Tweeta',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Cytaty z Tweeta',
REPOST: 'Podaj dalej wpis',
REPOSTS: 'Wpisy podane dalej',
RETWEET: 'Podaj dalej',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Podane dalej przez',
RETWEETS: 'Tweety podane dalej',
SHARED: 'Udostępniony',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Udostępnione Tweety',
SHOW: 'Pokaż',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Pokaż więcej odpowiedzi',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Sortuj odpowiedzi wg',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Wyłącz tweety z cytatem',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Wyłącz Tweety podane dalej',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Włącz Tweety podane dalej',
TWEETS: 'Tweety',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweetnij wszystko',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interakcje na Tweeta',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweeta swoją odpowiedź',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Cofnij podanie dalej',
VIEW: 'Wyświetl',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Co się dzieje?',
pt: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Adicionar outro Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Adicionar palavra silenciada',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Ações do Grok',
HOME: 'Página Inicial',
LIKES: 'Curtidas',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Mais relevante',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Silenciar esta conversa',
POST_ALL: 'Postar tudo',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Este post está indisponível.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'R###mo do perfil',
QUOTE: 'Comentar',
QUOTES: 'Comentários',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Comentar o Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweets com comentário',
REPOST: 'Repostar',
RETWEET: 'Retweetar',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweetado por',
SHARED: 'Compartilhado',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tweets Compartilhados',
SHOW: 'Mostrar',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Mostrar mais respostas',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Ordenar respostas por',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Desativar Tweets com comentário',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Desativar Retweets',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Ativar Retweets',
TWEET: 'Tweetar',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweetar tudo',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interações com Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweetar sua resposta',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Desfazer Retweet',
VIEW: 'Ver',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'O que está acontecendo?',
ro: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Adaugă alt Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Adaugă cuvântul ignorat',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Acțiuni Grok',
HOME: 'Pagina principală',
LIKES: 'Aprecieri',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Cele mai relevante',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Ignoră această conversație',
POST_ALL: 'Postează tot',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Această postare este indisponibilă.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Sumarul profilului',
QUOTE: 'Citat',
QUOTES: 'Citate',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Citează Tweetul',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweeturi cu citat',
REPOST: 'Repostează',
REPOSTS: 'Repostări',
RETWEET: 'Redistribuie',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Redistribuit de către',
RETWEETS: 'Retweeturi',
SHARED: 'Partajat',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tweeturi partajate',
SHOW: 'Afișează',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Afișează mai multe răspunsuri',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Sortare răspunsuri după',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Dezactivează tweeturile cu citat',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Dezactivează Retweeturile',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Activează Retweeturile',
TWEETS: 'Tweeturi',
TWEET_ALL: 'Dă Tweeturi cu tot',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interacțiuni cu Tweetul',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Dă Tweet cu răspunsul',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Anulează Retweetul',
VIEW: 'Vezi',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Ce se întâmplă?',
ru: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Добавить еще один твит',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Добавить игнорируемое слово',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Действия Grok',
HOME: 'Главная',
LIKES: 'Нравится',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Наиболее актуальные',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Игнорировать эту переписку',
POST_ALL: 'Опубликовать все',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Этот пост недоступен.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Сводка профиля',
QUOTE: 'Цитата',
QUOTES: 'Цитаты',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Цитировать',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Твиты с цитатами',
REPOST: 'Сделать репост',
REPOSTS: 'Репосты',
RETWEET: 'Ретвитнуть',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Ретвитнул(а)',
RETWEETS: 'Ретвиты',
SHARED: 'Общий',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Общие твиты',
SHOW: 'Показать',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Показать ещё ответы',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Упорядочить ответы по',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Отключить твиты с цитатами',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Отключить ретвиты',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Включить ретвиты',
TWEET: 'Твитнуть',
TWEETS: 'Твиты',
TWEET_ALL: 'Твитнуть все',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Взаимодействие в Твитнуть',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Твитните свой ответ',
TWITTER: 'Твиттер',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Отменить ретвит',
VIEW: 'Посмотреть',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Что происходит?',
sk: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Pridať ďalší Tweet',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Pridať stíšené slovo',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Akcie Groka',
HOME: 'Domov',
LIKES: 'Páči sa',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Najrelevantnejšie',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Stíšiť túto konverzáciu',
POST_ALL: 'Uverejniť všetko',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Tento príspevok je nedostupný.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Súhrn profilu',
QUOTE: 'Citát',
QUOTES: 'Citáty',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Tweet s citátom',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweety s citátom',
REPOST: 'Opätovné uverejnenie',
REPOSTS: 'Opätovné uverejnenia',
RETWEET: 'Retweetnuť',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweetnuté používateľom',
RETWEETS: 'Retweety',
SHARED: 'Zdieľaný',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Zdieľané Tweety',
SHOW: 'Zobraziť',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Zobraziť viac odpovedí',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Zoradiť odpovede podľa',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Vypnúť tweety s citátom',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Vypnúť retweety',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Zapnúť retweety',
TWEET: 'Tweetnuť',
TWEETS: 'Tweety',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweetnuť všetko',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interakcie s Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweetnite odpoveď',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Zrušiť retweet',
VIEW: 'Zobraziť',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Čo sa deje?',
sr: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Додај још један твит',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Додај игнорисану реч',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok радње',
HOME: 'Почетна',
LIKES: 'Свиђања',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Најважније',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Игнориши овај разговор',
POST_ALL: 'Објави све',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Ова објава није доступна.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Резиме профила',
QUOTE: 'Цитат',
QUOTES: 'Цитати',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'твит са цитатом',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'твит(ов)а са цитатом',
REPOST: 'Поново објави',
REPOSTS: 'Понвне објаве',
RETWEET: 'Ретвитуј',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Ретвитовано од стране',
RETWEETS: 'Ретвитови',
SHARED: 'Подељено',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Дељени твитови',
SHOW: 'Прикажи',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Прикажи још одговора',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Сортирај одговоре по',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Искључи твит(ов)е са цитатом',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Искључи ретвитове',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Укључи ретвитове',
TWEET: 'Твитуј',
TWEETS: 'Твитови',
TWEET_ALL: 'Твитуј све',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Интеракције са Твитуј',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Твитуј свој одговор',
TWITTER: 'Твитер',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Опозови ретвит',
VIEW: 'Погледај',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Шта се дешава?',
sv: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Lägg till en Tweet till',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Lägg till ignorerat ord',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok-åtgärder',
HOME: 'Hem',
LIKES: 'Gilla-markeringar',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Mest relevant',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Ignorera den här konversationen',
POST_ALL: 'Lägg upp allt',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Detta inlägg är inte tillgängligt.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Profilöversikt',
QUOTE: 'Citat',
QUOTES: 'Citat',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Citera Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Citat-tweets',
REPOST: 'Återpublicera',
REPOSTS: 'Återpubliceringar',
RETWEET: 'Retweeta',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweetad av',
SHARED: 'Delad',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Delade tweetsen',
SHOW: 'Visa',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Visa fler svar',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Sortera svar på',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Stäng av citat-tweets',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Stäng av Retweets',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Slå på Retweets',
TWEET: 'Tweeta',
TWEET_ALL: 'Tweeta allt',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Interaktioner med Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Tweeta ditt svar',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Ångra retweeten',
VIEW: 'Visa',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Vad är det som händer?',
ta: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'வேறொரு கீச்சைச் சேர்',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'செயல்மறைத்த வார்த்தையைச் சேர்',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok செயல்கள்',
HOME: 'முகப்பு',
LIKES: 'விருப்பங்கள்',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'மிகவும் தொடர்புடையவை',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'இந்த உரையாடலை செயல்மறை',
POST_ALL: 'எல்லாம் இடுகையிடு',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'இந்த இடுகை கிடைக்கவில்லை.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'சுயவிவரச் சுருக்கம்',
QUOTE: 'மேற்கோள்',
QUOTES: 'மேற்கோள்கள்',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'ட்விட்டை மேற்கோள் காட்டு',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'மேற்கோள் கீச்சுகள்',
REPOST: 'மறுஇடுகை',
REPOSTS: 'மறுஇடுகைகள்',
RETWEET: 'மறுட்விட் செய்',
RETWEETED_BY: 'இவரால் மறுட்விட் செய்யப்பட்டது',
RETWEETS: 'மறுகீச்சுகள்',
SHARED: 'பகிரப்பட்டது',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'பகிரப்பட்ட ட்வீட்டுகள்',
SHOW: 'காண்பி',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'மேலும் பதில்களைக் காண்பி',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'இதன்படி பதில்களை வகைப்படுத்து',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'மேற்கோள் கீச்சுகளை அணை',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'மறுகீச்சுகளை அணை',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'மறுகீச்சுகளை இயக்கு',
TWEET: 'ட்விட் செய்',
TWEETS: 'கீச்சுகள்',
TWEET_ALL: 'அனைத்தையும் ட்விட் செய்',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'ட்விட் செய் ஊடாடல்களைக்',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'உங்கள் பதிலை ட்விட் செய்யவும்',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'மறுகீச்சை செயல்தவிர்',
VIEW: 'காண்பி',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'என்ன நிகழ்கிறது?',
th: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'เพิ่มอีกทวีต',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'เพิ่มคำที่ซ่อน',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'การดำเนินการของ Grok',
HOME: 'หน้าแรก',
LIKES: 'ความชอบ',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'เกี่ยวข้องที่สุด',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'ซ่อนบทสนทนานี้',
POST_ALL: 'โพสต์ทั้งหมด',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'โพสต์นี้ไม่สามารถใช้งานได้',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'ข้อมูลส่วนตัวโดยย่อ',
QUOTE: 'การอ้างอิง',
QUOTES: 'คำพูด',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'อ้างอิงทวีต',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'ทวีตและคำพูด',
REPOST: 'รีโพสต์',
REPOSTS: 'รีโพสต์',
RETWEET: 'รีทวีต',
RETWEETED_BY: 'ถูกรีทวีตโดย',
RETWEETS: 'รีทวีต',
SHARED: 'แบ่งปัน',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'ทวีตที่แชร์',
SHOW: 'แสดง',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'แสดงการตอบกลับเพิ่มเติม',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'จัดเรียงการตอบกลับโดย',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'ปิดทวีตและคำพูด',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'ปิดรีทวีต',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'เปิดรีทวีต',
TWEET: 'ทวีต',
TWEETS: 'ทวีต',
TWEET_ALL: 'ทวีตทั้งหมด',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'การโต้ตอบของทวีต',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'ทวีตการตอบกลับของคุณ',
TWITTER: 'ทวิตเตอร์',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'ยกเลิกการรีทวีต',
VIEW: 'ดู',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'มีอะไรเกิดขึ้นบ้าง',
tr: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Başka bir Tweet ekle',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Sessize alınacak kelime ekle',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok işlemleri',
HOME: 'Anasayfa',
LIKES: 'Beğeni',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'En alakalı',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Bu sohbeti sessize al',
POST_ALL: 'Tümünü gönder',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Bu gönderi kullanılamıyor.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Profil Özeti',
QUOTE: 'Alıntı',
QUOTES: 'Alıntılar',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Tweeti Alıntıla',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Alıntı Tweetler',
REPOST: 'Yeniden gönder',
REPOSTS: 'Yeniden gönderiler',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Retweetleyen(ler):',
RETWEETS: 'Retweetler',
SHARED: 'Paylaşılan',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Paylaşılan Tweetler',
SHOW: 'Göster',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Daha fazla yanıt göster',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Yanıtları sıralama ölçütü',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Alıntı Tweetleri kapat',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Retweetleri kapat',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Retweetleri aç',
TWEET: 'Tweetle',
TWEETS: 'Tweetler',
TWEET_ALL: 'Hepsini Tweetle',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Tweet etkileşimleri',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Yanıtını Tweetle',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Retweeti Geri Al',
VIEW: 'Görüntüle',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Neler oluyor?',
uk: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Додати ще один твіт',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Додати слово до списку ігнорування',
HOME: 'Головна',
LIKES: 'Вподобання',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Найактуальніші',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Ігнорувати цю розмову',
POST_ALL: 'Опублікувати все',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Цей пост недоступний.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Зведення профілю',
QUOTE: 'Цитата',
QUOTES: 'Цитати',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Цитувати твіт',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Цитовані твіти',
REPOST: 'Зробити репост',
REPOSTS: 'Репости',
RETWEET: 'Ретвітнути',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Ретвіти',
RETWEETS: 'Ретвіти',
SHARED: 'Спільний',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Спільні твіти',
SHOW: 'Показати',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Показати більше відповідей',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Сортувати відповіді за',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Вимкнути цитовані твіти',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Вимкнути ретвіти',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Увімкнути ретвіти',
TWEET: 'Твіт',
TWEETS: 'Твіти',
TWEET_ALL: 'Твітнути все',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Взаємодія твітів',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Твітніть відповідь',
TWITTER: 'Твіттер',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Скасувати ретвіт',
VIEW: 'Переглянути',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Що відбувається?',
ur: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'ایک اور ٹویٹ شامل کریں',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'میوٹ شدہ لفظ شامل کریں',
HOME: 'ہوم',
LIKES: 'لائک',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'اس گفتگو کو میوٹ کریں',
QUOTE: 'نقل کریں',
QUOTES: 'منقول',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'ٹویٹ کا حوالہ دیں',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'ٹویٹ کو نقل کرو',
RETWEET: 'ریٹویٹ',
RETWEETED_BY: 'جنہوں نے ریٹویٹ کیا',
RETWEETS: 'ریٹویٹس',
SHARED: 'مشترکہ',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'مشترکہ ٹویٹس',
SHOW: 'دکھائیں',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'مزید جوابات دکھائیں',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'ٹویٹ کو نقل کرنا بند کریں',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'ری ٹویٹس غیر فعال کریں',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'ری ٹویٹس غیر فعال کریں',
TWEET: 'ٹویٹ',
TWEETS: 'ٹویٹس',
TWEET_ALL: 'سب کو ٹویٹ کریں',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'ٹویٹ تعاملات',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'اپنا جواب ٹویٹ کریں',
TWITTER: 'ٹوئٹر',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'ری ٹویٹ کو کالعدم کریں',
VIEW: 'دیکھیں',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'کیا ہو رہا ہے؟',
vi: {
ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET: 'Thêm Tweet khác',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: 'Thêm từ tắt tiếng',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Hành động của Grok',
HOME: 'Trang chủ',
LIKES: 'Lượt thích',
MOST_RELEVANT: 'Liên quan nhất',
MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION: 'Tắt tiếng cuộc trò chuyện này',
POST_ALL: 'Đăng tất cả',
POST_UNAVAILABLE: 'Không có bài đăng này.',
PROFILE_SUMMARY: 'Tóm tắt hồ sơ',
QUOTE: 'Trích dẫn',
QUOTES: 'Trích dẫn',
QUOTE_TWEET: 'Trích dẫn Tweet',
QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tweet trích dẫn',
REPOST: 'Đăng lại',
REPOSTS: 'Bài đăng lại',
RETWEET: 'Tweet lại',
RETWEETED_BY: 'Được Tweet lại bởi',
RETWEETS: 'Các Tweet lại',
SHARED: 'Đã chia sẻ',
SHARED_TWEETS: 'Tweet được chia sẻ',
SHOW: 'Hiện',
SHOW_MORE_REPLIES: 'Hiển thị thêm trả lời',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: 'Sắp xếp câu trả lời theo',
TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS: 'Tắt Tweet trích dẫn',
TURN_OFF_RETWEETS: 'Tắt Tweet lại',
TURN_ON_RETWEETS: 'Bật Tweet lại',
TWEETS: 'Tweet',
TWEET_ALL: 'Đăng Tweet tất cả',
TWEET_INTERACTIONS: 'Tương tác Tweet',
TWEET_YOUR_REPLY: 'Đăng Tweet câu trả lời của bạn',
UNDO_RETWEET: 'Hoàn tác Tweet lại',
VIEW: 'Xem',
WHATS_HAPPENING: 'Chuyện gì đang xảy ra?',
'zh-Hant': {
ADD_MUTED_WORD: '加入靜音文字',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok 動作',
HOME: '首頁',
LIKES: '喜歡的內容',
POST_ALL: '全部發佈',
QUOTE: '引用',
QUOTES: '引用',
QUOTE_TWEET: '引用推文',
QUOTE_TWEETS: '引用的推文',
REPOST: '轉發',
REPOSTS: '轉發',
RETWEET: '轉推',
SHARED: '共享',
SHOW: '顯示',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: '回覆排序方式',
TWEET: '推文',
TWEETS: '推文',
TWEET_ALL: '推全部內容',
VIEW: '查看',
zh: {
ADD_MUTED_WORD: '添加要隐藏的字词',
GROK_ACTIONS: 'Grok 操作',
HOME: '主页',
LIKES: '喜欢',
POST_ALL: '全部发帖',
QUOTE: '引用',
QUOTES: '引用',
QUOTE_TWEET: '引用推文',
REPOST: '转帖',
REPOSTS: '转帖',
RETWEET: '转推',
SHARED: '共享',
SHOW: '显示',
SORT_REPLIES_BY: '回复排序依据',
TWEET: '推文',
TWEETS: '推文',
TWEET_ALL: '全部发推',
VIEW: '查看',
* @param {import("./types").LocaleKey} code
* @returns {string}
function getString(code) {
return (locales[lang] || locales['en'])[code] || locales['en'][code];
//#region Constants
/** @enum {string} */
const PagePaths = {
ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS: '/settings/accessibility',
ADD_MUTED_WORD: '/settings/add_muted_keyword',
BOOKMARKS: '/i/bookmarks',
COMPOSE_TWEET: '/compose/post',
CONNECT: '/i/connect',
DISPLAY_SETTINGS: '/settings/display',
HOME: '/home',
PROFILE_SETTINGS: '/settings/profile',
SEARCH: '/search',
TIMELINE_SETTINGS: '/home/pinned/edit',
/** @enum {string} */
const ModalPaths = {
COMPOSE_DRAFTS: '/compose/post/unsent/drafts',
COMPOSE_MEDIA: '/compose/post/media',
COMPOSE_MESSAGE: '/messages/compose',
COMPOSE_SCHEDULE: '/compose/post/schedule',
COMPOSE_TWEET: '/compose/post',
GIF_SEARCH: '/i/foundmedia/search',
/** @enum {string} */
const Selectors = {
BLOCK_MENU_ITEM: '[data-testid="block"]',
DESKTOP_TIMELINE_HEADER: 'div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] > div > div:first-of-type',
DISPLAY_DONE_BUTTON_DESKTOP: '#layers button[role="button"]:not([aria-label])',
DISPLAY_DONE_BUTTON_MOBILE: 'main button[role="button"]:not([aria-label])',
MODAL_TIMELINE: 'section > h1 + div[aria-label] > div',
MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER: 'div[data-testid="TopNavBar"]',
MORE_DIALOG: 'div[aria-labelledby="modal-header"]',
NAV_HOME_LINK: 'a[data-testid="AppTabBar_Home_Link"]',
PRIMARY_COLUMN: 'div[data-testid="primaryColumn"]',
PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP: 'header nav',
PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE: '#layers nav',
PROMOTED_TWEET_CONTAINER: '[data-testid="placementTracking"]',
SIDEBAR: 'div[data-testid="sidebarColumn"]',
SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS: 'div[data-testid="sidebarColumn"] > div > div > div > div > div',
SORT_REPLIES_PATH: 'svg path[d="M14 6V3h2v8h-2V8H3V6h11zm7 2h-3.5V6H21v2zM8 16v-3h2v8H8v-3H3v-2h5zm13 2h-9.5v-2H21v2z"]',
TIMELINE: 'div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] section > h1 + div[aria-label] > div',
TIMELINE_HEADING: 'h2[role="heading"]',
TWEET: '[data-testid="tweet"]',
VERIFIED_TICK: 'svg[data-testid="icon-verified"]',
X_LOGO_PATH: 'svg path[d="M18.244 2.25h3.308l-7.227 8.26 8.502 11.24H16.17l-5.214-6.817L4.99 21.75H1.68l7.73-8.835L1.254 2.25H8.08l4.713 6.231zm-1.161 17.52h1.833L7.084 4.126H5.117z"]',
X_DARUMA_LOGO_PATH: 'svg path[d="M18.436 1.92h3.403l-7.433 8.495 8.745 11.563h-6.849l-5.363-7.012-6.136 7.012H1.4l7.951-9.088L.96 1.92h7.02l4.848 6.41 5.608-6.41zm-1.194 18.021h1.886L6.958 3.851H4.933l12.308 16.09z"]',
/** @enum {string} */
const Svgs = {
BLUE_LOGO_PATH: 'M16.5 3H2v18h15c3.038 0 5.5-2.46 5.5-5.5 0-1.4-.524-2.68-1.385-3.65-.08-.09-.089-.22-.023-.32.574-.87.908-1.91.908-3.03C22 5.46 19.538 3 16.5 3zm-.796 5.99c.457-.05.892-.17 1.296-.35-.302.45-.684.84-1.125 0 2.94-2.269 6.32-6.421 6.32-1.274 0-2.46-.37-3.459-1 .177.02.357.03.539.03 1.057 0 2.03-.35 2.803-.95-.988-.02-1.821-.66-2.109- 0 .405-.03.595-.08-1.033-.2-1.811-1.1-1.811-2.18v-.03c.305.17.652.27 1.023.28-.606-.4-1.004-1.08-1.004-1.85 0-.4.111-.78.305-1.11 1.113 1.34 2.775 2.22 4.652 2.32-.038-.17-.058-.33-.058-.51 0-1.23 1.01-2.22 2.256-2.22.649 0 1.235.27 1.647.7.514-.1.997-.28 1.433-.54-.168.52-.526.96-.992 1.23z',
MUTE: '<g><path d="M18 6.59V1.2L8.71 7H5.5C4.12 7 3 8.12 3 9.5v5C3 15.88 4.12 17 5.5 17h2.09l-2.3 2.29 1.42 1.42 15.5-15.5-1.42-1.42L18 6.59zm-8 8V8.55l6-3.75v3.79l-6 6zM5 9.5c0-.28.22-.5.5-.5H8v6H5.5c-.28 0-.5-.22-.5-.5v-5zm6.5 9.24l1.45-1.45L16 19.2V14l2 .02v8.78l-6.5-4.06z"></path></g>',
RETWEET: '<g><path d="M4.5 3.88l4.432 4.14-1.364 1.46L5.5 7.55V16c0 1.1.896 2 2 2H13v2H7.5c-2.209 0-4-1.79-4-4V7.55L1.432 9.48.068 8.02 4.5 3.88zM16.5 6H11V4h5.5c2.209 0 4 1.79 4 4v8.45l2.068-1.93 1.364 1.46-4.432 4.14-4.432-4.14 1.364-1.46 2.068 1.93V8c0-1.1-.896-2-2-2z"></path></g>',
RETWEETS_OFF: '<g><path d="M3.707 21.707l18-18-1.414-1.414-2.088 2.088C17.688 4.137 17.11 4 16.5 4H11v2h5.5c.028 0 .056 0 .084.002l-10.88 10.88c-.131-.266-.204-.565-.204-.882V7.551l2.068 1.93 1.365-1.462L4.5 3.882.068 8.019l1.365 1.462 2.068-1.93V16c0 .871.278 1.677.751 2.334l-1.959 1.959 1.414 1.414zM18.5 9h2v7.449l2.068-1.93 1.365 1.462-4.433 4.137-4.432-4.137 1.365-1.462 2.067 1.93V9zm-8.964 9l-2 2H13v-2H9.536z"></path></g>',
TWITTER_FEATHER_PLUS_PATH: 'M23 3c-6.62-.1-10.38 2.421-13.05 6.03C7.29 12.61 6 17.331 6 22h2c0-1.007.07-2.012.19-3H12c4.1 0 7.48-3.082 7.94-7.054C22.79 10.147 23.17 6.359 23 3zm-7 8h-1.5v2H16c.63-.016 1.2-.08 1.72-.188C16.95 15.24 14.68 17 12 17H8.55c.57-2.512 1.57-4.851 3-6.78 2.16-2.912 5.29-4.911 9.45-5.187C20.95 8.079 19.9 11 16 11zM4 9V6H1V4h3V1h2v3h3v2H6v3H4z',
TWITTER_HOME_ACTIVE_PATH: 'M12 1.696L.622 8.807l1.06 1.696L3 9.679V19.5C3 20.881 4.119 22 5.5 22h13c1.381 0 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5V9.679l1.318.824 1.06-1.696L12 1.696zM12 16.5c-1.933 0-3.5-1.567-3.5-3.5s1.567-3.5 3.5-3.5 3.5 1.567 3.5 3.5-1.567 3.5-3.5 3.5z',
TWITTER_HOME_INACTIVE_PATH: 'M12 9c-2.209 0-4 1.791-4 4s1.791 4 4 4 4-1.791 4-4-1.791-4-4-4zm0 6c-1.105 0-2-.895-2-2s.895-2 2-2 2 .895 2 2-.895 2-2 2zm0-13.304L.622 8.807l1.06 1.696L3 9.679V19.5C3 20.881 4.119 22 5.5 22h13c1.381 0 2.5-1.119 2.5-2.5V9.679l1.318.824 1.06-1.696L12 1.696zM19 19.5c0 .276-.224.5-.5.5h-13c-.276 0-.5-.224-.5-.5V8.429l7-4.375 7 4.375V19.5z',
TWITTER_LOGO_PATH: 'M23.643 4.937c-.835.37-1.732.62-2.675.733.962-.576 1.7-1.49 2.048-2.578-.9.534-1.897.922-2.958 1.13-.85-.904-2.06-1.47-3.4-1.47-2.572 0-4.658 2.086-4.658 4.66 0 .364.042.718.12 1.06-3.873-.195-7.304-2.05-9.602-4.868-.4.69-.63 1.49-.63 2.342 0 1.616.823 3.043 2.072 3.878-.764-.025-1.482-.234-2.11-.583v.06c0 2.257 1.605 4.14 3.737 4.568-.392.106-.803.162-1.227.162-.3 0-.593-.028-.877-.082.593 1.85 2.313 3.198 4.352 3.234-1.595 1.25-3.604 1.995-5.786 1.995-.376 0-.747-.022-1.112-.065 2.062 1.323 4.51 2.093 7.14 2.093 8.57 0 13.255-7.098 13.255-13.254 0-.2-.005-.402-.014-.602.91-.658 1.7-1.477 2.323-2.41z',
X_HOME_ACTIVE_PATH: 'M21.591 7.146L12.52 1.157c-.316-.21-.724-.21-1.04 0l-9.071 5.99c-.26.173-.409.456-.409.757v13.183c0 .502.418.913.929.913H9.14c.51 0 .929-.41.929-.913v-7.075h3.909v7.075c0 .502.417.913.928.913h6.165c.511 0 .929-.41.929-.913V7.904c0-.301-.158-.584-.408-.758z',
X_HOME_INACTIVE_PATH: 'M21.591 7.146L12.52 1.157c-.316-.21-.724-.21-1.04 0l-9.071 5.99c-.26.173-.409.456-.409.757v13.183c0 .502.418.913.929.913h6.638c.511 0 .929-.41.929-.913v-7.075h3.008v7.075c0 .502.418.913.929.913h6.639c.51 0 .928-.41.928-.913V7.904c0-.301-.158-.584-.408-.758zM20 20l- 0-.929.41-.929.913L8.5 20H4V8.773l8.011-5.342L20 8.764z',
PLUS_PATH: 'M11 11V4h2v7h7v2h-7v7h-2v-7H4v-2h7z',
/** @enum {string} */
const Images = {
TWITTER_FAVICON: '',
TWITTER_PIP_FAVICON: '',
const THEME_BLUE = 'rgb(29, 155, 240)'
const THEME_COLORS = new Map([
['blue500', THEME_BLUE],
['yellow500', 'rgb(255, 212, 0)'],
['magenta500', 'rgb(249, 24, 128)'],
['purple500', 'rgb(120, 86, 255)'],
['orange500', 'rgb(255, 122, 0)'],
['green500', 'rgb(0, 186, 124)'],
const HIGH_CONTRAST_LIGHT = new Map([
['blue500', 'rgb(0, 56, 134)'],
['yellow500', 'rgb(111, 62, 0)'],
['magenta500', 'rgb(137, 10, 70)'],
['purple500', 'rgb(82, 52, 183)'],
['orange500', 'rgb(137, 43, 0)'],
['green500', 'rgb(0, 97, 61)'],
const HIGH_CONTRAST_DARK = new Map([
['blue500', 'rgb(107, 201, 251)'],
['yellow500', 'rgb(255, 235, 107)'],
['magenta500', 'rgb(251, 112, 176)'],
['purple500', 'rgb(172, 151, 255)'],
['orange500', 'rgb(255, 173, 97)'],
['green500', 'rgb(97, 214, 163)'],
// <body> pseudo-selector for pages the full-width content feature works on
const FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO = ':is(.Community, .List, .HomeTimeline)'
// Matches any notification count at the start of the title
const TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE = /^\(\d+\+?\) /
// The Communities nav item takes you to /yourusername/communities
const URL_COMMUNITIES_RE = /^\/[a-zA-Z\d_]{1,20}\/communities(?:\/explore)?\/?$/
const URL_COMMUNITY_RE = /^\/i\/communities\/\d+(?:\/about)?\/?$/
const URL_COMMUNITY_MEMBERS_RE = /^\/i\/communities\/\d+\/(?:members|moderators)\/?$/
const URL_DISCOVER_COMMUNITIES_RE = /^\/i\/communities\/suggested\/?/
const URL_LIST_RE = /\/i\/lists\/\d+\/?$/
const URL_LISTS_RE = /^\/[a-zA-Z\d_]{1,20}\/lists\/?$/
const URL_MEDIA_RE = /\/(?:photo|video)\/\d\/?$/
const URL_MEDIAVIEWER_RE = /^\/[a-zA-Z\d_]{1,20}\/status\/\d+\/mediaviewer$/i
// Matches URLs which show one of the tabs on a user profile page
const URL_PROFILE_RE = /^\/([a-zA-Z\d_]{1,20})(?:\/(affiliates|with_replies|superfollows|highlights|articles|media|likes))?\/?$/
// Matches URLs which show a user's Followers you know / Followers / Following tab
const URL_PROFILE_FOLLOWS_RE = /^\/[a-zA-Z\d_]{1,20}\/(?:verified_followers|follow(?:ing|ers|ers_you_follow)|creator-subscriptions\/subscriptions)\/?$/
const URL_TWEET_RE = /^\/([a-zA-Z\d_]{1,20})\/status\/(\d+)\/?$/
const URL_TWEET_ENGAGEMENT_RE = /^\/[a-zA-Z\d_]{1,20}\/status\/\d+\/(quotes|retweets|reposts|likes)\/?$/
// The Twitter Media Assist exension adds a new button at the end of the action
// bar (#346)
const TWITTER_MEDIA_ASSIST_BUTTON_SELECTOR = '.tva-download-icon, .tva-modal-download-icon'
//#region Variables
* The quoted Tweet associated with a caret menu that's just been opened.
* @type {import("./types").QuotedTweet}
let quotedTweet = null
/** `true` when a 'Block @${user}' menu item was seen in the last popup. */
let blockMenuItemSeen = false
/** `true` if the user has used the "Sort replies by" menu */
let userSortedReplies = false
/** Notification count in the title (including trailing space), e.g. `'(1) '`. */
let currentNotificationCount = ''
/** The last notification count we hid from the title. */
let hiddenNotificationCount = ''
/** Title of the current page, without the `' / Twitter'` suffix. */
let currentPage = ''
/** Current `location.pathname`. */
let currentPath = ''
* React Native stylesheet rule for the blur filter for sensitive content.
* @type {CSSStyleRule}
let filterBlurRule = null
* React Native stylesheett rule for the Chirp font-family.
* @type {CSSStyleRule}
let fontFamilyRule = null
/** @type {string} */
let fontSize = null
/** Set to `true` when a Home/Following heading or Home nav link is used. */
let homeNavigationIsBeingUsed = false
/** Set to `true` when the media modal is open on desktop. */
let isDesktopMediaModalOpen = false
/** Set to `true` when the compose tweet modal is open on desktop. */
let isDesktopComposeTweetModalOpen = false
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let $desktopComposeTweetModalPopup = null
* Cache for the last page title which was used for the Home timeline.
* @type {string}
let lastHomeTimelineTitle = null
* MutationObservers active on the current modal.
* @type {import("./types").Disconnectable[]}
let modalObservers = []
* `true` after the app has initialised.
* @type {boolean}
let observingPageChanges = false
* MutationObservers active on the current page, or anything else we want to
* clean up when the user moves off the current page.
* @type {import("./types").NamedMutationObserver[]}
let pageObservers = []
/** @type {number} */
let selectedHomeTabIndex = -1
* Title for the fake timeline used to separate out retweets and quote tweets.
* @type {string}
let separatedTweetsTimelineTitle = null
* The current "Color" setting.
* @type {string}
let themeColor = THEME_BLUE
* Tab to switch to after navigating to the Tweet interactions page.
* @type {string}
let tweetInteractionsTab = null
* `true` when "For you" was the last tab selected on the Home timeline.
let wasForYouTabSelected = false
function isOnAccessibilitySettingsPage() {
return currentPath == PagePaths.ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS
function isOnBookmarksPage() {
return currentPath.startsWith(PagePaths.BOOKMARKS)
function isOnCommunitiesPage() {
return URL_COMMUNITIES_RE.test(currentPath)
function isOnCommunityPage() {
return URL_COMMUNITY_RE.test(currentPath)
function isOnCommunityMembersPage() {
return URL_COMMUNITY_MEMBERS_RE.test(currentPath)
function isOnDiscoverCommunitiesPage() {
return URL_DISCOVER_COMMUNITIES_RE.test(currentPath)
function isOnDisplaySettingsPage() {
return currentPath == PagePaths.DISPLAY_SETTINGS
function isOnExplorePage() {
return currentPath == '/explore' || currentPath.startsWith('/explore/')
function isOnFollowListPage() {
return URL_PROFILE_FOLLOWS_RE.test(currentPath)
function isOnIndividualTweetPage() {
return URL_TWEET_RE.test(currentPath)
function isOnListPage() {
return URL_LIST_RE.test(currentPath)
function isOnListsPage() {
return URL_LISTS_RE.test(currentPath)
function isOnHomeTimelinePage() {
return currentPath == PagePaths.HOME
function isOnMessagesPage() {
return currentPath.startsWith('/messages')
function isOnNotificationsPage() {
return currentPath.startsWith('/notifications')
function isOnProfilePage() {
let profilePathUsername = currentPath.match(URL_PROFILE_RE)?.[1]
if (!profilePathUsername) return false
// twitter.com/user and its sub-URLs put @user in the title
return currentPage.toLowerCase().includes(`${ltr ? '@' : ''}${profilePathUsername.toLowerCase()}${!ltr ? '@' : ''}`)
function isOnQuoteTweetsPage() {
let match = currentPath.match(URL_TWEET_ENGAGEMENT_RE)
return match?.[1] == 'quotes'
function isOnSearchPage() {
return currentPath.startsWith('/search') || currentPath.startsWith('/hashtag/')
function isOnSeparatedTweetsTimeline() {
return currentPage == separatedTweetsTimelineTitle
function isOnSettingsPage() {
return currentPath.startsWith('/settings')
function shouldHideSidebar() {
return isOnExplorePage() || isOnDiscoverCommunitiesPage()
function shouldShowSeparatedTweetsTab() {
return config.retweets == 'separate' || config.quoteTweets == 'separate'
//#region Utility functions
* @param {string} role
* @returns {HTMLStyleElement}
function addStyle(role) {
let $style = document.createElement('style')
$style.dataset.insertedBy = 'control-panel-for-twitter'
$style.dataset.role = role
return $style
* @param {Element} $svg
function blueCheck($svg) {
if (!$svg) {
warn('blueCheck was given', $svg)
// Safari doesn't support using `d: path(…)` to replace paths in an SVG, so
// we have to manually patch the path in it.
if (isSafari && config.twitterBlueChecks == 'replace') {
$svg.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.setAttribute('d', Svgs.BLUE_LOGO_PATH)
* @param {Element} $svgPath
function twitterLogo($svgPath) {
// Safari doesn't support using `d: path(…)` to replace paths in an SVG, so
// we have to manually patch the path in it.
$svgPath.setAttribute('d', Svgs.TWITTER_LOGO_PATH)
* @param {Element} $svgPath
function homeIcon($svgPath) {
// Safari doesn't support using `d: path(…)` to replace paths in an SVG, so
// we have to manually patch the path in it.
let replacementPath = {
if (replacementPath) {
$svgPath.setAttribute('d', replacementPath)
* @param {string} str
* @returns {string}
function dedent(str) {
str = str.replace(/^[ \t]*\r?\n/, '')
let indent = /^[ \t]+/m.exec(str)
if (indent) str = str.replace(new RegExp('^' + indent[0], 'gm'), '')
return str.replace(/(\r?\n)[ \t]+$/, '$1')
* @param {string} name
* @param {import("./types").Disconnectable[]} observers
function disconnectObserver(name, observers) {
for (let i = observers.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
let observer = observers[i]
if ('name' in observer && observer.name == name) {
observers.splice(i, 1)
log(`disconnected ${name} ${observers === pageObservers ? 'page' : 'modal'} observer`)
function disconnectModalObserver(name) {
disconnectObserver(name, modalObservers)
function disconnectAllModalObservers() {
if (modalObservers.length > 0) {
`disconnecting ${modalObservers.length} modal observer${s(modalObservers.length)}`,
modalObservers.map(observer => observer['name'])
modalObservers.forEach(observer => observer.disconnect())
modalObservers = []
function disconnectPageObserver(name) {
disconnectObserver(name, pageObservers)
* @param {MutationRecord[]} mutations
* @param {($el: Node) => boolean | HTMLElement} fn - return `true` to use [$el]
* as the r###lt, or return a different HTMLElement to use it as the r###lt.
* @returns {Node | HTMLElement | null}
function findAddedNode(mutations, fn) {
for (let mutation of mutations) {
for (let el of mutation.addedNodes) {
let r###lt = fn(el)
if (r###lt) {
return r###lt === true ? el : r###lt
return null
* @param {string} selector
* @param {{
*   name?: string
*   stopIf?: () => boolean
*   timeout?: number
*   context?: Document | HTMLElement
* }?} options
* @returns {Promise<HTMLElement | null>}
function getElement(selector, {
name = null,
stopIf = null,
timeout = Infinity,
context = document,
} = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let startTime = Date.now()
let rafId
let timeoutId
function stop($element, reason) {
if ($element == null) {
warn(`stopped waiting for ${name || selector} after ${reason}`)
else if (Date.now() > startTime) {
log(`${name || selector} appeared after ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`)
if (rafId) {
if (timeoutId) {
if (timeout !== Infinity) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(stop, timeout, null, `${timeout}ms timeout`)
function queryElement() {
let $element = context.querySelector(selector)
if ($element) {
else if (stopIf?.() === true) {
stop(null, 'stopIf condition met')
else {
rafId = requestAnimationFrame(queryElement)
function getState() {
let wrapped = $reactRoot.firstElementChild['wrappedJSObject'] || $reactRoot.firstElementChild
let reactPropsKey = Object.keys(wrapped).find(key => key.startsWith('__reactProps'))
if (reactPropsKey) {
let state = wrapped[reactPropsKey].children?.props?.children?.props?.store?.getState()
if (state) return state
warn('React state not found')
} else {
warn('React prop key not found')
function hasNewLayout() {
return getState()?.featureSwitch?.user?.config?.rweb_sourcemap_migration?.value
function getNotificationCount() {
let state = getState()
if (!state || !state.badgeCount) {
warn('could not get notification count from state')
return 0
return state.badgeCount.unreadDMCount + state.badgeCount.unreadNTabCount;
function getStateEntities() {
let state = getState()
if (state) {
if (state.entities) return state.entities
warn('React state entities not found')
function getThemeColorFromState() {
let localState = getState().settings?.local
let color = localState?.themeColor
let highContrast = localState?.highContrastEnabled
$body.classList.toggle('HighContrast', highContrast)
if (color) {
if (THEME_COLORS.has(color)) {
let colors = THEME_COLORS
if (highContrast) colors = getColorScheme() == 'Default' ? HIGH_CONTRAST_LIGHT : HIGH_CONTRAST_DARK
return colors.get(color)
warn(color, 'not found in THEME_COLORS')
} else {
warn('could not get settings.local.themeColor from React state')
* Gets cached tweet info from React state.
function getTweetInfo(id) {
let tweetEntities = getStateEntities()?.tweets?.entities
if (tweetEntities) {
let tweetInfo = tweetEntities[id]
if (!tweetInfo) {
warn('tweet info not found')
return tweetInfo
} else {
warn('tweet entities not found')
* Gets cached user info from React state.
* @returns {import("./types").UserInfoObject}
function getUserInfo() {
/** @type {import("./types").UserInfoObject} */
let userInfo = {}
let userEntities = getStateEntities()?.users?.entities
if (userEntities) {
for (let user of Object.values(userEntities)) {
userInfo[user.screen_name] = {
following: user.following,
followedBy: user.followed_by,
followersCount: user.followers_count,
} else {
warn('user entities not found')
return userInfo
* @param {import("./types").Disconnectable[]} observers
* @param {string} name
function isObserving(observers, name) {
return observers.some(observer => 'name' in observer && observer.name == name)
function log(...args) {
if (debug) {
let page = currentPage?.replace(/(\r?\n)+/g, ' ')
console.log(`${page ? `(${
page.length < 42 ? page : page.slice(0, 42) + '…'
})` : ''}`, ...args)
function warn(...args) {
if (debug) {
console.log(`❗ ${currentPage ? `(${currentPage})` : ''}`, ...args)
function error(...args) {
console.log(`❌ ${currentPage ? `(${currentPage})` : ''}`, ...args)
* @param {() => boolean} condition
* @returns {() => boolean}
function not(condition) {
return () => !condition()
* Convenience wrapper for the MutationObserver API - the callback is called
* immediately to support using an observer and its options as a trigger for any
* change, without looking at MutationRecords.
* @param {Node} $element
* @param {MutationCallback} callback
* @param {string} name
* @param {MutationObserverInit} options
* @returns {import("./types").NamedMutationObserver}
function observeElement($element, callback, name, options = {childList: true}) {
if (name) {
if (options.childList && callback.length > 0) {
log(`observing ${name}`, $element)
} else {
log (`observing ${name}`)
let observer = new MutationObserver(callback)
callback([], observer)
observer.observe($element, options)
observer['name'] = name
return observer
* @param {string} page
* @returns {() => boolean}
function pageIsNot(page) {
return function() {
let pageChanged = page != currentPage
if (pageChanged) {
log('pageIsNot', {page, currentPage})
return pageChanged
* @param {string} path
* @returns {() => boolean}
function pathIsNot(path) {
return () => path != currentPath
* @param {number} n
* @returns {string}
function s(n) {
return n == 1 ? '' : 's'
* @param {Element} $tweetButtonText
function setTweetButtonText($tweetButtonText) {
let currentText = $tweetButtonText.textContent
if (currentText == getString('TWEET') || currentText == getString('TWEET_ALL')) return
$tweetButtonText.textContent = currentText == getString('POST_ALL') ? getString('TWEET_ALL') : getString('TWEET')
function storeConfigChanges(changes) {
window.postMessage({type: 'tntConfigChange', changes})
//#region Global observers
const checkReactNativeStylesheet = (() => {
/** @type {number} */
let startTime
return function checkReactNativeStylesheet() {
startTime ??= Date.now()
let $style = /** @type {HTMLStyleElement} */ (document.querySelector('style#react-native-stylesheet'))
if (!$style) {
warn('React Native stylesheet not found')
for (let rule of $style.sheet.cssRules) {
if (!(rule instanceof CSSStyleRule)) continue
if (fontFamilyRule == null &&
rule.style.fontFamily?.includes('TwitterChirp') &&
!rule.style.fontFamily.includes('TwitterChirpExtendedHeavy')) {
fontFamilyRule = rule
log('found Chirp fontFamily CSS rule in React Native stylesheet')
if (filterBlurRule == null && rule.style.filter?.includes('blur(30px)')) {
filterBlurRule = rule
log('found filter: blur(30px) rule in React Native stylesheet', filterBlurRule)
let elapsedTime = Date.now() - startTime
if (fontFamilyRule == null || filterBlurRule == null) {
if (elapsedTime < 3000) {
setTimeout(checkReactNativeStylesheet, 100)
} else {
warn(`stopped checking React Native stylesheet after ${elapsedTime}ms`)
} else {
log(`finished checking React Native stylesheet in ${elapsedTime}ms`)
* When the "Background" setting is changed, <body>'s backgroundColor is changed
* and the app is re-rendered, so we need to re-process the current page.
function observeBodyBackgroundColor() {
let lastBackgroundColor = null
observeElement($body, () => {
let backgroundColor = $body.style.backgroundColor
if (backgroundColor == lastBackgroundColor) return
$body.classList.toggle('Default', backgroundColor == 'rgb(255, 255, 255)')
$body.classList.toggle('Dim', backgroundColor == 'rgb(21, 32, 43)')
$body.classList.toggle('LightsOut', backgroundColor == 'rgb(0, 0, 0)')
if (lastBackgroundColor != null) {
log('Background setting changed - re-processing current page')
lastBackgroundColor = backgroundColor
}, '<body> style attribute for background colour changes', {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['style']
* @param {HTMLElement} $popup
async function observeDesktopComposeTweetModal($popup) {
if (!config.replaceLogo) return
let $mask = await getElement('[data-testid="twc-cc-mask"]', {
context: $popup,
name: 'Compose Tweet modal mask',
stopIf: () => !isDesktopComposeTweetModalOpen
if (!$mask) return
let $tweetButtonText = $popup.querySelector('button[data-testid="tweetButton"] span > span')
if ($tweetButtonText) {
observeElement($mask.nextElementSibling, () => {
disconnectModalObserver('Modal Tweet editor root (for placeholder)')
let $editorRoots = $popup.querySelectorAll('.DraftEditor-root')
$editorRoots.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $editorRoot, index) => {
$editorRoot.setAttribute('data-placeholder', getString(index == 0 ? 'WHATS_HAPPENING' : 'ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET'))
observeDesktopTweetEditorPlaceholder($editorRoot, {
name: 'Modal Tweet editor root (for placeholder)',
observers: modalObservers,
}, 'Compose Tweet modal Tweets container (for Tweets being added or removed)')
// The Tweet button gets moved around when Tweets are added or removed
observeElement($mask.nextElementSibling, (mutations) => {
for (let mutation of mutations) {
for (let $addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (!($addedNode instanceof HTMLElement) || $addedNode.nodeName != 'DIV') continue
let $tweetButtonText = $addedNode.querySelector('button[data-testid="tweetButton"] span > span')
if ($tweetButtonText) {
}, 'Compose Tweet modal contents (for Tweet button moving)', {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
* The timeline Tweet box is removed when you navigate to a pinned Communities
* tab and re-added when you navigate to another Home timeline tab.
async function observeDesktopHomeTimelineTweetBox() {
let $container = await getElement('div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] > div', {
name: 'Home timeline Tweet box container',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
if (!$container) return
* @param {HTMLElement} $tweetBox
async function observeTweetBox($tweetBox) {
if (config.replaceLogo) {
// Restore "What's happening?" placeholder
let $editorRoot = await getElement('.DraftEditor-root', {
context: $tweetBox,
name: 'Tweet box editor root',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
if (!$editorRoot) return
observeDesktopTweetEditorPlaceholder($editorRoot, {
observers: pageObservers,
placeholder: getString('WHATS_HAPPENING'),
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let $timelineTweetBox = $container.querySelector(':scope > div:has([data-testid^="tweetTextarea"]')
if ($timelineTweetBox) {
log('Home timeline Tweet box present')
observeElement($container, (mutations) => {
for (let mutation of mutations) {
for (let $addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (!($addedNode instanceof HTMLElement)) continue
if ($addedNode.querySelector('[data-testid^="tweetTextarea"]')) {
log('Home timeline Tweet box appeared')
$timelineTweetBox = $addedNode
for (let $removedNode of mutation.removedNodes) {
if (!($removedNode instanceof HTMLElement)) continue
if ($removedNode === $timelineTweetBox) {
log('Home timeline Tweet box removed')
$timelineTweetBox = null
disconnectPageObserver('Tweet box editor root')
}, 'Home timeline Tweet box container')
* @param {HTMLElement} $popup
async function observeDesktopModalTimeline($popup) {
// Media modals remember if they were previously collapsed, so we could be
// waiting for the initial timeline to be either rendered or expanded.
let $initialTimeline = await getElement(Selectors.MODAL_TIMELINE, {
context: $popup,
name: 'initial modal timeline',
stopIf: () => !isDesktopMediaModalOpen,
if ($initialTimeline == null) return
* @param {HTMLElement} $timeline
function observeModalTimelineItems($timeline) {
disconnectModalObserver('modal timeline')
observeElement($timeline, () => onIndividualTweetTimelineChange($timeline, {observers: modalObservers}), 'modal timeline')
// If other media in the modal is clicked, the timeline is replaced.
disconnectModalObserver('modal timeline parent')
observeElement($timeline.parentElement, (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $newTimeline) => {
log('modal timeline replaced')
disconnectModalObserver('modal timeline')
observeElement($newTimeline, () => onIndividualTweetTimelineChange($newTimeline, {observers: modalObservers}), 'modal timeline')
}, 'modal timeline parent')
* @param {HTMLElement} $timeline
function observeModalTimeline($timeline) {
// If the inital timeline doesn't have a style attribute it's a placeholder
if ($timeline.hasAttribute('style')) {
else {
log('waiting for modal timeline')
let startTime = Date.now()
observeElement($timeline.parentElement, (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $timeline) => {
disconnectModalObserver('modal timeline parent')
if (Date.now() > startTime) {
log(`modal timeline appeared after ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`, $timeline)
}, 'modal timeline parent')
// The modal timeline can be expanded and collapsed
let $expandedContainer = $initialTimeline.closest('[aria-expanded="true"]')
observeElement($expandedContainer.parentElement, async (mutations) => {
if (mutations.some(mutation => mutation.removedNodes.length > 0)) {
log('modal timeline collapsed')
disconnectModalObserver('modal timeline parent')
disconnectModalObserver('modal timeline')
else if (mutations.some(mutation => mutation.addedNodes.length > 0)) {
log('modal timeline expanded')
let $timeline = await getElement(Selectors.MODAL_TIMELINE, {
context: $popup,
name: 'expanded modal timeline',
stopIf: () => !isDesktopMediaModalOpen,
if ($timeline == null) return
}, 'collapsible modal timeline container')
const observeFavicon = (() => {
/** @type {HTMLLinkElement} */
let $shortcutIcon
async function observeFavicon() {
$shortcutIcon = /** @type {HTMLLinkElement} */ (await getElement('link[rel~="icon"]', {
name: 'shortcut icon'
observeElement($shortcutIcon, () => {
let href = $shortcutIcon.href
if (config.replaceLogo) {
// Once we replace the favicon, Twitter stops updating it when
// notification status changes, so this only handles initial switchover
// to the Twitter version of the icon.
if (href.startsWith('data:')) return
let icon = config.hideNotifications != 'ignore' && href.includes('-pip') ? (
) : (
$shortcutIcon.href = icon
} else {
// If we're hiding notifications, detect when Twitter tries to use the
// pip version and switch back.
if (config.hideNotifications != 'ignore' && href.includes('-pip')) {
$shortcutIcon.href = href.replace('-pip', '')
}, 'shortcut icon href', {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['href']
observeFavicon.forceUpdate = function(showPip) {
let href = $shortcutIcon.href
if (config.replaceLogo) {
href = config.hideNotifications == 'ignore' && showPip ? (
) : (
} else {
href = `//abs.twimg.com/favicons/twitter${
config.hideNotifications == 'ignore' && showPip ? '-pip' : ''
if (href != $shortcutIcon.href) {
$shortcutIcon.href = href
return observeFavicon
* Twitter displays popups in the #layers element. It also reuses open popups
* in certain cases rather than creating one from scratch, so we also need to
* deal with nested popups, e.g. if you hover over the caret menu in a Tweet, a
* popup will be created to display a "More" tootip and clicking to open the
* menu will create a nested element in the existing popup, whereas clicking the
* caret quickly without hovering over it will display the menu in new popup.
* Use of nested popups can also differ between desktop and mobile, so features
* need to be mindful of that.
const observePopups = (() => {
/** @type {MutationObserver} */
let popupObserver
/** @type {WeakMap<HTMLElement, {disconnect()}>} */
let nestedObservers = new WeakMap()
return async function observePopups() {
if (popupObserver) {
popupObserver = null
let $layers = await getElement('#layers', {
name: 'layers',
// There can be only one
if (popupObserver) {
popupObserver = observeElement($layers, (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $el) => {
let nestedObserver = onPopup($el)
if (nestedObserver) {
nestedObservers.set($el, nestedObserver)
mutation.removedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $el) => {
if (nestedObservers.has($el)) {
}, 'popup container')
async function observeTitle() {
let $title = await getElement('title', {name: '<title>'})
observeElement($title, () => {
let title = $title.textContent
if (title.match(/^Intervention for (X|Twitter)$/)) {
log('Ignoring one sec extension title')
if (config.replaceLogo && (ltr ? /X$/ : /^(?:\(\d+\+?\) )?X/).test(title)) {
title = title.replace(ltr ? /X$/ : 'X', getString('TWITTER'))
if (config.hideNotifications != 'ignore' && TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE.test(title)) {
hiddenNotificationCount = TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE.exec(title)[0]
title = title.replace(TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE, '')
if (title != $title.textContent) {
document.title = title
// If Twitter is opened in the background, changing the title might not
// re-fire the title MutationObserver, preventing the initial page from
// being processed.
if (!currentPage) {
if (observingPageChanges) {
}, '<title>')
//#region Page observers
async function observeSidebar() {
let $primaryColumn = await getElement(Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN, {
name: 'primary column'
let $sidebarContainer = $primaryColumn.parentElement
observeElement($sidebarContainer, () => {
let $sidebar = $sidebarContainer.querySelector(Selectors.SIDEBAR)
log(`sidebar ${$sidebar ? 'appeared' : 'disappeared'}`)
$body.classList.toggle('Sidebar', Boolean($sidebar))
if ($sidebar && config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore' && !isOnSearchPage() && !isOnExplorePage()) {
}, 'sidebar container')
const observeSideNavTweetButton = (() => {
/** @type {MutationObserver} */
let observer
return async function observeSideNavTweetButton() {
if (observer) {
observer = null
if (!desktop || !config.replaceLogo) return
// This element is updated when text is added or removed on resize
let $buttonTextContainer = await getElement('a[data-testid="SideNav_NewTweet_Button"] > div > span', {
name: 'sidenav tweet button text container',
observer = observeElement($buttonTextContainer, () => {
if ($buttonTextContainer.childElementCount > 0) {
let $buttonText = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($buttonTextContainer.querySelector('span > span'))
if ($buttonText) {
} else {
warn('could not find tweet button text')
}, 'sidenav tweet button')
async function observeSearchForm() {
let $searchForm = await getElement('form[role="search"]', {
name: 'search form',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
// The sidebar on Profile pages can be really slow
timeout: 2000,
if (!$searchForm) return
let $r###lts =  /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($searchForm.lastElementChild)
observeElement($r###lts, () => {
}, 'search r###lts', {childList: true, subtree: true})
* @param {string} page
* @param {import("./types").TimelineOptions?} options
async function observeTimeline(page, options = {}) {
let {
isTabbed = false,
onTabChanged = null,
onTimelineAppeared = null,
tabbedTimelineContainerSelector = null,
timelineSelector = Selectors.TIMELINE,
} = options
let $timeline = await getElement(timelineSelector, {
name: 'initial timeline',
stopIf: pageIsNot(page),
if ($timeline == null) return
* @param {HTMLElement} $timeline
function observeTimelineItems($timeline) {
observeElement($timeline, () => onTimelineChange($timeline, page, options), 'timeline')
if (isTabbed) {
// When a tab which has been viewed before is revisited, the timeline is
// replaced.
disconnectPageObserver('timeline parent')
observeElement($timeline.parentElement, (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $newTimeline) => {
log('tab changed')
observeElement($newTimeline, () => onTimelineChange($newTimeline, page, options), 'timeline')
}, 'timeline parent')
// If the inital timeline doesn't have a style attribute it's a placeholder
if ($timeline.hasAttribute('style')) {
else {
log('waiting for timeline')
let startTime = Date.now()
observeElement($timeline.parentElement, (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $timeline) => {
disconnectPageObserver('timeline parent')
if (Date.now() > startTime) {
log(`timeline appeared after ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`, $timeline)
}, 'timeline parent')
// On some tabbed timeline pages, the first time a new tab is navigated to,
// the element containing the timeline is replaced with a loading spinner.
if (isTabbed && tabbedTimelineContainerSelector) {
let $tabbedTimelineContainer = document.querySelector(tabbedTimelineContainerSelector)
if ($tabbedTimelineContainer) {
let waitingForNewTimeline = false
observeElement($tabbedTimelineContainer, async (mutations) => {
// This is going to fire twice on a new tab, as the spinner is added
// then replaced with the new timeline element.
if (!mutations.some(mutation => mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) || waitingForNewTimeline) return
waitingForNewTimeline = true
let $newTimeline = await getElement(timelineSelector, {
name: 'new timeline',
stopIf: pageIsNot(page),
waitingForNewTimeline = false
if (!$newTimeline) return
log('tab changed')
}, 'tabbed timeline container')
} else {
warn('tabbed timeline container not found', tabbedTimelineContainerSelector)
* @param {HTMLElement} $editorRoot
* @param {{
*   name?: string
*   observers: import("./types").Disconnectable[]
*   placeholder?: string
* }} options
function observeDesktopTweetEditorPlaceholder($editorRoot, {
name = 'Tweet editor root (for placeholder)',
placeholder = '',
}) {
observeElement($editorRoot, () => {
if ($editorRoot.firstElementChild.classList.contains('public-DraftEditorPlaceholder-root')) {
let $placeholder = $editorRoot.querySelector('.public-DraftEditorPlaceholder-inner')
placeholder = $editorRoot.getAttribute('data-placeholder') || placeholder
if ($placeholder && $placeholder.textContent != placeholder) {
$placeholder.textContent = placeholder
}, name)
* @param {string} page
async function observeIndividualTweetTimeline(page) {
let $timeline = await getElement(Selectors.TIMELINE, {
name: 'initial individual tweet timeline',
stopIf: pageIsNot(page),
if ($timeline == null) return
* @param {HTMLElement} $timeline
function observeTimelineItems($timeline) {
observeElement($timeline, () => onIndividualTweetTimelineChange($timeline, {observers: pageObservers}), 'individual tweet timeline')
// If the inital timeline doesn't have a style attribute it's a placeholder
if ($timeline.hasAttribute('style')) {
else {
log('waiting for individual tweet timeline')
let startTime = Date.now()
observeElement($timeline.parentElement, (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $timeline) => {
disconnectPageObserver('individual tweet timeline parent')
if (Date.now() > startTime) {
log(`individual tweet timeline appeared after ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`, $timeline)
}, 'individual tweet timeline parent')
//#region Tweak functions
* Add an "Add muted word" menu item after the given link which takes you
* straight to entering a new muted word (by clicking its way through all the
* individual screens!).
* @param {HTMLElement} $link
* @param {string} linkSelector
async function addAddMutedWordMenuItem($link, linkSelector) {
log('adding "Add muted word" menu item')
// Wait for the dropdown to appear on desktop
if (desktop) {
$link = await getElement(`#layers div[data-testid="Dropdown"] ${linkSelector}`, {
name: 'rendered menu item',
timeout: 100,
if (!$link) return
let $addMutedWord = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($link.parentElement.cloneNode(true))
$addMutedWord.querySelector('a').href = PagePaths.ADD_MUTED_WORD
$addMutedWord.querySelector('span').textContent = getString('ADD_MUTED_WORD')
$addMutedWord.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = Svgs.MUTE
$addMutedWord.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
$link.parentElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', $addMutedWord)
function addCaretMenuListenerForQuoteTweet($tweet) {
let $caret = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($tweet.querySelector('[data-testid="caret"]'))
if ($caret && !$caret.dataset.tweakNewTwitterListener) {
$caret.addEventListener('click', () => {
quotedTweet = getQuotedTweetDetails($tweet, {getText: true})
$caret.dataset.tweakNewTwitterListener = 'true'
* @param {HTMLElement} $blockMenuItem
async function addMuteQuotesMenuItems($blockMenuItem) {
log('mutableQuoteTweets: adding "Mute this conversation" and "Turn off Quote Tweets" menu item')
// Wait for the menu to render properly on desktop
if (desktop) {
$blockMenuItem = await getElement(`:scope > div > div > div > ${Selectors.BLOCK_MENU_ITEM}`, {
context: $blockMenuItem.parentElement,
name: 'rendered block menu item',
timeout: 100,
if (!$blockMenuItem) return
let $muteQuotes = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($blockMenuItem.previousElementSibling.cloneNode(true))
$muteQuotes.querySelector('span').textContent = getString('MUTE_THIS_CONVERSATION')
$muteQuotes.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
log('mutableQuoteTweets: muting quotes of a tweet', quotedTweet)
config.mutedQuotes = config.mutedQuotes.concat(quotedTweet)
storeConfigChanges({mutedQuotes: config.mutedQuotes})
// Dismiss the menu
let $menuLayer = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($blockMenuItem.closest('[role="group"]')?.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild)
if (!$menuLayer) {
warn('mutableQuoteTweets: could not find menu layer to dismiss menu')
if (quotedTweet?.quotedBy) {
let $toggleQuotes = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($blockMenuItem.previousElementSibling.cloneNode(true))
$toggleQuotes.querySelector('span').textContent = getString(`TURN_OFF_QUOTE_TWEETS`)
$toggleQuotes.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = Svgs.RETWEETS_OFF
$toggleQuotes.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
log('mutableQuoteTweets: toggling quotes from', quotedTweet.quotedBy)
if (config.hideQuotesFrom.includes(quotedTweet.quotedBy)) {
config.hideQuotesFrom = config.hideQuotesFrom.filter(user => user != quotedTweet.quotedBy)
} else {
config.hideQuotesFrom = config.hideQuotesFrom.concat(quotedTweet.quotedBy)
storeConfigChanges({hideQuotesFrom: config.hideQuotesFrom})
// Dismiss the menu
let $menuLayer = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($blockMenuItem.closest('[role="group"]')?.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild)
if (!$menuLayer) {
warn('mutableQuoteTweets: could not find menu layer to dismiss menu')
$blockMenuItem.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', $toggleQuotes)
} else {
warn('mutableQuoteTweets: quotedBy not available when Tweet menu was opened')
$blockMenuItem.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', $muteQuotes)
async function addMutedWord() {
if (!document.querySelector('a[href="/settings')) {
let $settingsAndSupport = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (document.querySelector('[data-testid="settingsAndSupport"]'))
for (let path of [
]) {
let $link = await getElement(`a[href="${path}"]`, {timeout: 500})
if (!$link) return
let $input = await getElement('input[name="keyword"]')
setTimeout(() => $input.focus(), 100)
* Add a "Turn on/off Retweets" menu item to a List's menu.
* @param {HTMLElement} $switchMenuItem
async function addToggleListRetweetsMenuItem($switchMenuItem) {
log('adding "Turn on/off Retweets" menu item')
// Wait for the menu to render properly on desktop
if (desktop) {
$switchMenuItem = await getElement(':scope > div > div > div > [role="menuitem"]', {
context: $switchMenuItem.parentElement,
name: 'rendered switch menu item',
timeout: 100,
if (!$switchMenuItem) return
let $toggleRetweets = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($switchMenuItem.cloneNode(true))
$toggleRetweets.querySelector('span').textContent = getString(`TURN_${config.listRetweets == 'ignore' ? 'OFF' : 'ON'}_RETWEETS`)
$toggleRetweets.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = config.listRetweets == 'ignore' ? Svgs.RETWEETS_OFF : Svgs.RETWEET
// Remove subtitle if the cloned menu item has one
$toggleRetweets.querySelector('div[dir] + div[dir]')?.remove()
$toggleRetweets.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
log('toggling list retweets')
config.listRetweets = config.listRetweets == 'ignore' ? 'hide' : 'ignore'
storeConfigChanges({listRetweets: config.listRetweets})
// Dismiss the menu
let $menuLayer = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($switchMenuItem.closest('[role="group"]')?.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild)
if (!$menuLayer) {
log('could not find menu layer to dismiss menu')
$switchMenuItem.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', $toggleRetweets)
* Redirects away from the Home timeline if we're on it and it's been disabled.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if redirected as a r###lt of this call
function checkforDisabledHomeTimeline() {
if (config.disableHomeTimeline && location.pathname == PagePaths.HOME) {
log(`Home timeline disabled, redirecting to /${config.disabledHomeTimelineRedirect}`)
let primaryNavSelector = desktop ? Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP : Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE
void (async () => {
let $navLink = await getElement(`${primaryNavSelector} a[href="/${config.disabledHomeTimelineRedirect}"]`, {
name: `${config.disabledHomeTimelineRedirect} nav link`,
stopIf: () => location.pathname != PagePaths.HOME,
if (!$navLink) return
return true
//#region CSS
const configureCss = (() => {
let $style
return function configureCss() {
$style ??= addStyle('features')
let cssRules = [`
.tnt_font_family {
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
let hideCssSelectors = ['.HiddenTweet', '.HiddenTweet + [role="separator"]']
let menuRole = `[role="${desktop ? 'menu' : 'dialog'}"]`
// Theme colours for custom UI items
body.Default {
--border-color: rgb(239, 243, 244);
--color: rgb(83, 100, 113);
--color-emphasis: rgb(15, 20, 25);
--hover-bg-color: rgb(247, 249, 249);
body.Dim {
--border-color: rgb(56, 68, 77);
--color: rgb(139, 152, 165);
--color-emphasis: rgb(247, 249, 249);
--hover-bg-color: rgb(30, 39, 50);
body.LightsOut {
--border-color: rgb(47, 51, 54);
--color: rgb(113, 118, 123);
--color-emphasis: rgb(247, 249, 249);
--hover-bg-color: rgb(22, 24, 28);
.tnt_menu_item:hover { background-color: var(--hover-bg-color) !important; }
if (config.alwaysUseLatestTweets && config.hideForYouTimeline) {
/* Prevent the For you tab container taking up space */
body.HomeTimeline nav.TimelineTabs div[role="tablist"] > div:first-child {
flex-grow: 0;
flex-shrink: 1;
/* New layout has margin-right on tabs */
margin-right: 0;
/* Hide the For you tab link */
body.HomeTimeline nav.TimelineTabs div[role="tablist"] > div:first-child > a {
display: none;
if (config.disableTweetTextFormatting) {
div[data-testid="tweetText"] span {
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
if (config.dropdownMenuFontWeight) {
[data-testid="${desktop ? 'Dropdown' : 'sheetDialog'}"] [role="menuitem"] [dir] {
font-weight: normal;
if (config.hideBookmarkButton) {
// Under timeline tweets
'body:not(.Bookmarks) [data-testid="tweet"][tabindex="0"] [role="group"] > div:has(> button[data-testid$="ookmark"])',
if (!config.showBookmarkButtonUnderFocusedTweets) {
// Under the focused tweet
'[data-testid="tweet"][tabindex="-1"] [role="group"][id^="id__"] > div:has(> button[data-testid$="ookmark"])',
if (config.hideListsNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${menuRole} a[href$="/lists"]`)
if (config.hideBookmarksNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${menuRole} a[href$="/bookmarks"]`)
if (config.hideCommunitiesNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${menuRole} a[href$="/communities"]`)
if (config.hideShareTweetButton) {
// Under timeline tweets
`[data-testid="tweet"][tabindex="0"] [role="group"] > div[style]:not(${TWITTER_MEDIA_ASSIST_BUTTON_SELECTOR})`,
// Under the focused tweet
`[data-testid="tweet"][tabindex="-1"] [role="group"] > div[style]:not(${TWITTER_MEDIA_ASSIST_BUTTON_SELECTOR})`,
if (config.hid###bscriptions) {
// Subscribe buttons in profile (multiple locations)
'body.Profile [role="button"][style*="border-color: rgb(201, 54, 204)"]',
// Subscriptions count in profile
'body.Profile a[href$="/creator-subscriptions/subscriptions"]',
// Subs tab in profile
'body.Profile .SubsTab',
// Subscribe button in focused tweet
'[data-testid="tweet"][tabindex="-1"] [data-testid$="-subscribe"]',
// "Subscribe to" dropdown item (desktop)
'[data-testid="Dropdown"] > [data-testid="subscribe"]',
// "Subscribe to" menu item (mobile)
'[data-testid="sheetDialog"] > [data-testid="subscribe"]',
// "Subscriber" indicator in replies from subscribers
'[data-testid="tweet"] [data-testid="icon-subscriber"]',
// Monetization and Subscriptions items in Settings
'body.Settings a[href="/settings/monetization"]',
'body.Settings a[href="/settings/manage_subscriptions"]',
// Subscriptions tab link in Following/Follows
`body.ProfileFollows.Subscriptions ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"] > div:last-child > a`,
// Subscriptions tab in Following/Follows
body.ProfileFollows.Subscriptions ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"] > div:last-child {
flex: 0;
/* New layout has margin-right on tabs */
margin-right: 0;
if (config.hideMetrics) {
configureHideMetricsCss(cssRules, hideCssSelectors)
if (config.hideMoreTweets) {
if (config.hideCommunitiesNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${menuRole} a[href$="/communities"]`)
if (config.hideGrokNav) {
// In menus
`${menuRole} a[href$="/i/grok"]`,
// Grok Actions button
// "Generate image" button in the Tweet editor
// Any Grok buttons we manually tag
// Grok suggested prompts in Tweets
'[data-testid="tweet"] [data-testid^="followups_"]',
'[data-testid="tweet"] [data-testid^="followups_"] + nav',
// Profile Summary button
// Grok summary at the top of search r###lts
'body.Search [data-testid="primaryColumn"] > div > div:has(> [data-testid="followups_search"])',
if (config.hideMonetizationNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${menuRole} a[href$="/i/monetization"]`)
if (config.hideAdsNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${menuRole} a:is([href*="ads.twitter.com"], [href*="ads.x.com"])`)
if (config.hideJobsNav) {
// Jobs navigation item
`${menuRole} a[href="/jobs"]`,
// Jobs section in profiles
'.Profile [data-testid="jobs"]',
if (config.hideTweetAnalyticsLinks) {
if (config.hideTwitterBlueUpsells) {
// Manually-tagged upsells
// Premium/Verified menu items
`${menuRole} a:is([href^="/i/premium"], [href^="/i/verified"])`,
// In new More dialog
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a:is([href^="/i/premium"], [href^="/i/verified"])`,
// Analytics menu item
`${menuRole} a[href="/i/account_analytics"]`,
// "Highlight on your profile" on your tweets
// "Edit" upsell on recent tweets
// Premium item in Settings
'body.Settings a[href^="/i/premium"]',
// Misc upsells in your own profile
`.OwnProfile ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} a[href^="/i/premium"]`,
// Unlock Analytics button in your own profile
'.OwnProfile [data-testid="analytics-preview"]',
// Button in Communities header
`body.Communities ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} a:is([href^="/i/premium"], [href^="/i/verified"])`,
// Hide Highlights and Articles tabs in your own profile if you don't have Premium
let profileTabsList = `body.OwnProfile:not(.PremiumProfile) ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"]`
let upsellTabLinks = 'a:is([href$="/highlights"], [href$="/articles"], [href$="/highlights?mx=1"], [href$="/articles?mx=1"])'
${profileTabsList} > div:has(> ${upsellTabLinks}) {
flex: 0;
/* New layout has margin-right on tabs */
margin-right: 0;
${profileTabsList} > div > ${upsellTabLinks} {
display: none;
// Hide upsell on the Likes tab in your own profile
body.OwnProfile ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav + div:has(a[href^="/i/premium"]) {
display: none;
if (config.hideVerifiedNotificationsTab) {
body.Notifications ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(2),
body.ProfileFollows ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(1) {
flex: 0;
/* New layout has margin-right on tabs */
margin-right: 0;
body.Notifications ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(2) > a,
body.ProfileFollows ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(1) > a {
display: none;
if (config.hideViews) {
// "Views" under the focused tweet
'[data-testid="tweet"][tabindex="-1"] div[dir] + div[aria-hidden="true"]:nth-child(2):nth-last-child(2)',
'[data-testid="tweet"][tabindex="-1"] div[dir] + div[aria-hidden="true"]:nth-child(2):nth-last-child(2) + div[dir]:last-child'
if (config.hideWhoToFollowEtc) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`body.Profile ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} aside[role="complementary"]`)
if (config.reducedInteractionMode) {
'[data-testid="tweet"] [role="group"]',
'body.Tweet [data-testid="tweet"] + div > div [role="group"]',
if (config.restoreLinkHeadlines) {
// Existing headline overlaid on the card
// From <domain> link after the card
'div[data-testid="card.wrapper"] + a',
} else {
if (config.restoreQuoteTweetsLink || config.restoreOtherInteractionLinks) {
#tntInteractionLinks a {
text-decoration: none;
color: var(--color);
#tntInteractionLinks a:hover span:last-child {
text-decoration: underline;
#tntQuoteTweetCount, #tntRetweetCount, #tntLikeCount {
margin-right: 2px;
font-weight: 700;
color: var(--color-emphasis);
/* Replaces the "View post engagements" link under your own tweets */
.AnalyticsButton {
display: none;
} else {
if (!config.restoreQuoteTweetsLink) {
if (!config.restoreOtherInteractionLinks) {
hideCssSelectors.push('#tntRetweetsLink', '#tntLikesLink')
if (config.tweakQuoteTweetsPage) {
// Hide the quoted tweet, which is repeated in every quote tweet
hideCssSelectors.push('body.QuoteTweets [data-testid="tweet"] [aria-labelledby] > div:last-child')
if (config.twitterBlueChecks == 'hide') {
if (config.twitterBlueChecks == 'replace') {
:is(${Selectors.VERIFIED_TICK}, svg[data-testid="verificationBadge"]).tnt_blue_check path {
d: path("${Svgs.BLUE_LOGO_PATH}");
if (shouldShowSeparatedTweetsTab()) {
if (hasNewLayout()) {
// The new layout only has colour to distinguish the active tab
body:not(.SeparatedTweets) #tnt_separated_tweets_tab > a > div > div,
body.HomeTimeline.SeparatedTweets ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"] > div:not(#tnt_separated_tweets_tab) > a > div > div {
color: var(--color) !important;
body.SeparatedTweets #tnt_separated_tweets_tab > a > div > div {
color: var(--color-emphasis) !important;
body.Desktop #tnt_separated_tweets_tab:hover > a > div > div {
color: var(--color-emphasis) !important;
} else {
body.Default {
--tab-hover: rgba(15, 20, 25, 0.1);
body.Dim {
--tab-hover: rgba(247, 249, 249, 0.1);
body.LightsOut {
--tab-hover: rgba(231, 233, 234, 0.1);
body.Desktop #tnt_separated_tweets_tab:hover,
body.Mobile:not(.SeparatedTweets) #tnt_separated_tweets_tab:hover,
body.Mobile #tnt_separated_tweets_tab:active {
background-color: var(--tab-hover);
body:not(.SeparatedTweets) #tnt_separated_tweets_tab > a > div > div,
body.HomeTimeline.SeparatedTweets ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"] > div:not(#tnt_separated_tweets_tab) > a > div > div {
font-weight: normal !important;
color: var(--color) !important;
body.SeparatedTweets #tnt_separated_tweets_tab > a > div > div {
font-weight: bold;
color: var(--color-emphasis); !important;
body:not(.SeparatedTweets) #tnt_separated_tweets_tab > a > div > div > div,
body.HomeTimeline.SeparatedTweets ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav div[role="tablist"] > div:not(#tnt_separated_tweets_tab) > a > div > div > div {
height: 0 !important;
body.SeparatedTweets #tnt_separated_tweets_tab > a > div > div > div {
height: 4px !important;
min-width: 56px;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
border-radius: 9999px;
if (hasNewLayout() && config.tweakNewLayout) {
/* Make the image button first in the Tweet editor toolbar again */
[data-testid="toolBar"] [role="tablist"] > [role="presentation"] {
order: 1;
[data-testid="toolBar"] [role="tablist"] > [role="presentation"]:has(input[data-testid="fileInput"]) {
order: 0;
if (config.replaceLogo) {
/* Add theme colour back to Tweet editor toolbar buttons */
[data-testid="toolBar"] [role="tablist"] > [role="presentation"] svg {
fill: var(--theme-color);
//#region Desktop-only
if (desktop) {
if (hasNewLayout() && config.tweakNewLayout) {
/* Realign nav items to the top */
header[role="banner"] > div > div > div {
justify-content: flex-start;
/* Restore size and constrast of main nav icons and More button */
${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} > :is(a, button) svg {
width: 1.75rem !important;
height: 1.75rem !important;
fill: var(--color-emphasis) !important;
/* Restore contrast of main nav text when expanded */
${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} > :is(a, button) div[dir]:not([aria-live]) {
color: var(--color-emphasis) !important;
/* Give other nav button icons more contrast too */
header[role="banner"] button svg {
fill: var(--color-emphasis) !important;
/* Make the Tweet button larger */
[data-testid="SideNav_NewTweet_Button"] {
min-width: 49px;
min-height: 49px;
/* Move the account switcher back to the bottom */
header[role="banner"] > div > div > div > div:last-child {
flex: 1;
justify-content: space-between;
/* Restore primary column borders */
header[role="banner"] > div > div > div  {
border-right: 1px solid var(--border-color);
${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} {
border-right: 1px solid var(--border-color);
/* Left-align main contents and stop it taking up all available space */
main {
align-items: flex-start !important;
flex-grow: 0 !important;
/* Remove the gap between main contents and sidebar */
main > div > div > div {
justify-content: normal !important;
/* Restore the sidebar to its old width */
${Selectors.SIDEBAR} > div > div,
body.HomeTimeline ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div > div:first-child,
${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div:first-child {
width: 350px !important;
/* Center content */
div[data-at-shortcutkeys] {
justify-content: center;
if (config.replaceLogo) {
// TODO Manually patch Tweet button SVG in Safari
/* Restore theme colour in nav item pips */
${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} > :is(a[href^="/notifications"], a[href="/messages"]) div[aria-live],
${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} :is(a[href^="/notifications"], a[href="/messages"]) div[aria-live],
/* Restore theme colour in profile switcher other accounts have notifications pip */
button[data-testid="SideNav_AccountSwitcher_Button"] > div > div[aria-label],
/* Restore theme colour in account switcher notifications pips */
[data-testid="HoverCard"] button[data-testid="UserCell"] div[aria-live] {
background-color: var(--theme-color);
/* Replace the plus icon in the Tweet button with the feather */
[data-testid="SideNav_NewTweet_Button"] path[d="${Svgs.PLUS_PATH}"] {
if (hasNewLayout() && config.hideToggleNavigation) {
hideCssSelectors.push('header[role="banner"] > div > div > div > div:first-child > button')
if (config.navDensity == 'comfortable' || config.navDensity == 'compact') {
header nav > a,
header nav > div[data-testid="AppTabBar_More_Menu"] {
padding-top: 0 !important;
padding-bottom: 0 !important;
if (config.navDensity == 'compact') {
header nav > a > div,
header nav > div[data-testid="AppTabBar_More_Menu"] > div {
padding-top: 6px !important;
padding-bottom: 6px !important;
if (config.hideSeeNewTweets) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`body.HomeTimeline ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} > div > div:first-child > div[style^="transform"]`)
if (config.hideTimelineTweetBox) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`body.HomeTimeline ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} .TweetBox`)
if (config.disableHomeTimeline) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} a[href="/home"]`)
if (config.hideNotifications != 'ignore') {
// Hide notification badges and indicators
// Notifications & Messages in primary nav
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} > :is(a[href^="/notifications"], a[href="/messages"]) div[aria-live]`,
// Notifications & Messages in the More dialog in the new layout
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} :is(a[href^="/notifications"], a[href="/messages"]) div[aria-live]`,
// Account switcher
'button[data-testid="SideNav_AccountSwitcher_Button"] > div > div[aria-label]',
// Account switcher accounts
'[data-testid="HoverCard"] button[data-testid="UserCell"] div[aria-live]',
// Messages drawer title
'[data-testid="DMDrawerHeader"] h2 svg[role="img"]'
if (config.hideNotifications == 'hide') {
// Nav item
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} a[href^="/notifications"]`,
// More dialog item
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a[href^="/notifications"]`,
if (config.fullWidthContent) {
/* Use full width when the sidebar is visible */
body.Sidebar${FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO} ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} > div:first-child > div:last-child {
max-width: 990px;
/* Make the "What's happening" input keep its original width */
body.HomeTimeline ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} > div:first-child > div:nth-of-type(3) div[role="progressbar"] + div {
max-width: 598px;
/* Use full width when the sidebar is not visible */
body:not(.Sidebar)${FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO} header[role="banner"] {
flex-grow: 0;
body:not(.Sidebar)${FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO} main[role="main"] > div {
width: 100%;
body:not(.Sidebar)${FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO} ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} {
max-width: unset;
width: 100%;
body:not(.Sidebar)${FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO} ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} > div:first-child > div:first-child div,
body:not(.Sidebar)${FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO} ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} > div:first-child > div:last-child {
max-width: unset;
if (!config.fullWidthMedia) {
// Make media & cards keep their original width
body${FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO} ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} ${Selectors.TWEET} > div > div > div:nth-of-type(2) > div:nth-of-type(2) > div[id][aria-labelledby]:not(:empty) {
max-width: 504px;
// Hide the sidebar when present
hideCssSelectors.push(`body.Sidebar${FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO} ${Selectors.SIDEBAR}`)
if (config.hideAccountSwitcher) {
header[role="banner"] > div > div > div > div:last-child {
flex-shrink: 1 !important;
align-items: flex-end !important;
'[data-testid="SideNav_AccountSwitcher_Button"] > div:first-child:not(:only-child)',
'[data-testid="SideNav_AccountSwitcher_Button"] > div:first-child + div',
if (config.hideExplorePageContents) {
// Tabs
`body.Explore ${Selectors.DESKTOP_TIMELINE_HEADER} nav`,
// Content
`body.Explore ${Selectors.TIMELINE}`,
if (config.hideAdsNav) {
// In new More dialog
hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a:is([href*="ads.twitter.com"], [href*="ads.x.com"])`)
if (config.hideComposeTweet) {
if (config.hideGrokNav) {
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} a[href$="/i/grok"]`,
// In new More dialog
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a[href$="/i/grok"]`,
// Grok drawer
if (config.hideJobsNav) {
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} a[href="/jobs"]`,
// In new More dialog
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a[href="/jobs"]`,
if (config.hideListsNav) {
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} a[href$="/lists"]`,
// In new More dialog
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a[href$="/lists"]`,
if (config.hideMonetizationNav) {
// In new More dialog
hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a[href$="/i/monetization"]`)
if (config.hideProNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${menuRole} a:is([href*="pro.twitter.com"], [href*="pro.x.com"])`)
if (config.hideSpacesNav) {
`${menuRole} a[href="/i/spaces/start"]`,
// In new More dialog
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a[href="/i/spaces/start"]`,
if (config.hideTwitterBlueUpsells) {
// Nav items
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} a:is([href^="/i/premium"], [href^="/i/verified"])`,
// Search sidebar Radar upsell
`body.Search ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div:first-child:has(a[href="/i/radar"])`,
`body.Search ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div:first-child:has(a[href="/i/radar"]) + div:empty`,
if (config.hideSidebarContent) {
// Only show the first sidebar item by default
// Re-show subsequent non-algorithmic sections on specific pages
body.HomeTimeline ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div > div:not(:first-of-type) {
display: none;
${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div:not(:first-of-type) {
display: none;
body.Search ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div:nth-of-type(2) {
display: block;
/* Radar upsell in Search uses the first item and adds a second one for spacing */
body.Search ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS}:has(a[href="/i/radar"]) > div:first-of-type,
body.Search ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS}:has(a[href="/i/radar"]) > div:nth-of-type(2):empty {
display: none;
body.Search ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS}:has(a[href="/i/radar"]) > div:nth-of-type(3),
body.Search ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS}:has(a[href="/i/radar"]) > div:nth-of-type(4) {
display: block;
if (config.showRelevantPeople) {
body.Tweet ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div:is(:nth-of-type(2), :nth-of-type(3)) {
display: block;
hideCssSelectors.push(`body.HideSidebar ${Selectors.SIDEBAR}`)
} else if (config.hideTwitterBlueUpsells) {
// Hide "Subscribe to premium" individually
`body.HomeTimeline ${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div:nth-of-type(3)`
if (config.hideShareTweetButton) {
// In media modal
`[aria-modal="true"] div > div:first-of-type [role="group"] > div[style]:not([role]):not(${TWITTER_MEDIA_ASSIST_BUTTON_SELECTOR})`,
if (config.hideExploreNav) {
// When configured, hide Explore only when the sidebar is showing, or
// when on a page full-width content is enabled on.
let bodySelector = `${config.hideExploreNavWithSidebar ? `body.Sidebar${config.fullWidthContent ? `:not(${FULL_WIDTH_BODY_PSEUDO})` : ''} ` : ''}`
`${bodySelector}${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} a[href="/explore"]`,
// In new More dialog
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a[href="/explore"]`,
if (config.hideBookmarksNav) {
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} a[href="/i/bookmarks"]`,
// In new More dialog
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a[href="/i/bookmarks"]`,
if (config.hideCommunitiesNav) {
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} a[href$="/communities"]`,
// In new More dialog
`${Selectors.MORE_DIALOG} a[href$="/communities"]`,
if (config.hideMessagesDrawer) {
cssRules.push(`div[data-testid="DMDrawer"] { visibility: hidden; }`)
if (config.hideViews) {
// Under timeline tweets
'[data-testid="tweet"][tabindex="0"] [role="group"] > div:has(> a[href$="/analytics"])',
// In media modal
'[aria-modal="true"] > div > div:first-of-type [role="group"] > div:has(> a[href$="/analytics"])',
if (config.retweets != 'separate' && config.quoteTweets != 'separate') {
//#region Mobile only
if (mobile) {
if (hasNewLayout() && config.tweakNewLayout) {
/* Remove new padding from profile details and the tab bar (this has to be accidental) */
body.Profile ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
if (config.replaceLogo) {
/* Restore theme colour in nav item pips */
${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE} > :is(a[href^="/notifications"], a[href="/messages"]) div[aria-label],
/* Restore theme colour in profile button other accounts have notifications pip */
button[data-testid="DashButton_ProfileIcon_Link"] div[aria-label],
/* Restore theme colour in account switcher notifications pips */
[role="dialog"] [data-testid^="UserAvatar-Container"] div[dir] {
background-color: var(--theme-color);
if (config.disableHomeTimeline) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE} a[href="/home"]`)
if (config.hideComposeTweet) {
if (config.hideNotifications != 'ignore') {
// Hide notification badges and indicators
// Notifications & Messages in primary nav
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE} > :is(a[href^="/notifications"], a[href="/messages"]) div[aria-label]`,
// Account switcher
`button[data-testid="DashButton_ProfileIcon_Link"] div[aria-label]`,
// Account switcher accounts
'[role="dialog"] [data-testid^="UserAvatar-Container"] div[dir]',
if (config.hideNotifications == 'hide') {
// Nav item
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE} a[href^="/notifications"]`
if (config.hideSeeNewTweets) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`body.HomeTimeline ${Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER} ~ div[style^="transform"]:last-child`)
if (config.hideExplorePageContents) {
// Hide explore page contents so we don't get a brief flash of them
// before automatically switching the page to search mode.
// Tabs
`body.Explore ${Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER} > div > div:nth-of-type(2)`,
// Content
`body.Explore ${Selectors.TIMELINE}`,
if (config.hideGrokNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE} a[href="/i/grok"]`)
if (config.hideCommunitiesNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE} a[href$="/communities"]`)
if (config.hideMessagesBottomNavItem) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE} a[href="/messages"]`)
if (config.hideJobsNav) {
hideCssSelectors.push(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE} a[href="/jobs"]`)
if (config.hideTwitterBlueUpsells) {
`${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_MOBILE} a[href^="/i/premium"]`,
`${Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER} a[href^="/i/premium"]`,
if (config.hideShareTweetButton) {
// In media viewer and media modal
`body:is(.MediaViewer, .MobileMedia) [role="group"] > div[style]:not(${TWITTER_MEDIA_ASSIST_BUTTON_SELECTOR})`,
if (config.hideViews) {
// Under timeline tweets
'[data-testid="tweet"][tabindex="0"] [role="group"] > div:has(> a[href$="/analytics"])',
// In media viewer and media modal
'body:is(.MediaViewer, .MobileMedia) [role="group"] > div:has(> a[href$="/analytics"])',
if (hideCssSelectors.length > 0) {
${hideCssSelectors.join(',\n')} {
display: none !important;
$style.textContent = cssRules.map(dedent).join('\n')
function configureFont() {
if (!fontFamilyRule) {
warn('no fontFamilyRule found for configureFont to use')
if (config.dontUseChirpFont) {
if (fontFamilyRule.style.fontFamily.includes('TwitterChirp')) {
fontFamilyRule.style.fontFamily = fontFamilyRule.style.fontFamily.replace(/"?TwitterChirp"?, ?/, '')
log('disabled Chirp font')
} else if (!fontFamilyRule.style.fontFamily.includes('TwitterChirp')) {
fontFamilyRule.style.fontFamily = `"TwitterChirp", ${fontFamilyRule.style.fontFamily}`
log(`enabled Chirp font`)
* @param {string[]} cssRules
* @param {string[]} hideCssSelectors
function configureHideMetricsCss(cssRules, hideCssSelectors) {
if (config.hideFollowingMetrics) {
// User profile hover card and page metrics
':is(#layers, body.Profile) a:is([href$="/following"], [href$="/verified_followers"]) > span:first-child'
// Fix display of whitespace after hidden metrics
':is(#layers, body.Profile) a:is([href$="/following"], [href$="/verified_followers"]) { white-space: pre-line; }'
if (config.hideTotalTweetsMetrics) {
// Metrics under username header on profile pages
body.Profile ${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} > div > div:first-of-type h2 + div[dir]
let timelineMetricSelectors = [
config.hideReplyMetrics   && '[data-testid="reply"]',
config.hideRetweetMetrics && '[data-testid$="retweet"]',
config.hideLikeMetrics    && '[data-testid$="like"]',
config.hideBookmarkMetrics && '[data-testid$="bookmark"], [data-testid$="removeBookmark"]',
].filter(Boolean).join(', ')
if (timelineMetricSelectors) {
`[role="group"] button:is(${timelineMetricSelectors}) span { visibility: hidden; }`
if (config.hideQuoteTweetMetrics) {
if (config.hideRetweetMetrics) {
if (config.hideLikeMetrics) {
const configureCustomCss = (() => {
let $style
return function configureCustomCss() {
if (config.customCss) {
$style ??= addStyle('custom')
$style.textContent = config.customCss
} else {
* CSS which depends on anything we need to get from the page.
const configureDynamicCss = (() => {
let $style
return function configureDynamicCss() {
$style ??= addStyle('dynamic')
let cssRules = []
if (fontSize != null && config.navBaseFontSize) {
${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} div[dir] span { font-size: ${fontSize}; font-weight: normal; }
${Selectors.PRIMARY_NAV_DESKTOP} div[dir] { margin-top: -4px; }
if (filterBlurRule != null && config.unblurSensitiveContent) {
${filterBlurRule.selectorText} {
filter: none !important;
${filterBlurRule.selectorText} + div {
display: none !important;
$style.textContent = cssRules.map(dedent).join('\n')
* Configures – or re-configures – the separated tweets timeline title.
* If we're currently on the separated tweets timeline and…
* - …its title has changed, the page title will be changed to "navigate" to it.
* - …the separated tweets timeline is no longer needed, we'll change the page
*   title to "navigate" back to the Home timeline.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if "navigation" was triggered by this call
function configureSeparatedTweetsTimelineTitle() {
let wasOnSeparatedTweetsTimeline = isOnSeparatedTweetsTimeline()
let previousTitle = separatedTweetsTimelineTitle
if (config.retweets == 'separate' && config.quoteTweets == 'separate') {
separatedTweetsTimelineTitle = getString(config.replaceLogo ? 'SHARED_TWEETS' : 'SHARED')
} else if (config.retweets == 'separate') {
separatedTweetsTimelineTitle = getString(config.replaceLogo ? 'RETWEETS' : 'REPOSTS')
} else if (config.quoteTweets == 'separate') {
separatedTweetsTimelineTitle = getString(config.replaceLogo ? 'QUOTE_TWEETS' : 'QUOTES')
} else {
separatedTweetsTimelineTitle = null
let titleChanged = previousTitle != separatedTweetsTimelineTitle
if (wasOnSeparatedTweetsTimeline) {
if (separatedTweetsTimelineTitle == null) {
log('moving from separated tweets timeline to Home timeline after config change')
return true
if (titleChanged) {
log('applying new separated tweets timeline title after config change')
return true
} else {
if (titleChanged && previousTitle != null && lastHomeTimelineTitle == previousTitle) {
log('updating lastHomeTimelineTitle with new separated tweets timeline title')
lastHomeTimelineTitle = separatedTweetsTimelineTitle
const configureThemeCss = (() => {
let $style
return function configureThemeCss() {
$style ??= addStyle('theme')
let cssRules = []
if (themeColor != null) {
body {
--theme-color: ${themeColor};
if (debug) {
[data-item-type]::after {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
${ltr ? 'right': 'left'}: 50px;
content: attr(data-item-type);
font-family: ${fontFamilyRule?.style.fontFamily || '-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial'};
background-color: rgb(242, 29, 29);
color: white;
font-size: 11px;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 4px 6px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 1em;
border-bottom-right-radius: 1em;
// Active tab colour for custom tabs
if (themeColor != null && shouldShowSeparatedTweetsTab()) {
body.SeparatedTweets #tnt_separated_tweets_tab > a > div > div > div {
background-color: ${themeColor} !important;
if (config.replaceLogo) {
${Selectors.X_LOGO_PATH}, ${Selectors.X_DARUMA_LOGO_PATH} {
fill: ${THEME_BLUE};
d: path("${Svgs.TWITTER_LOGO_PATH}");
.tnt_logo {
fill: ${THEME_BLUE};
svg path[d="${Svgs.X_HOME_ACTIVE_PATH}"] {
d: path("${Svgs.TWITTER_HOME_ACTIVE_PATH}");
svg path[d="${Svgs.X_HOME_INACTIVE_PATH}"] {
if (desktop) {
// Revert the Tweet buttons being made monochrome
[data-testid="tweetButton"] {
background-color: ${themeColor} !important;
[data-testid="tweetButton"]:hover:not(:disabled) {
background-color: ${themeColor.replace(')', ', 80%)')} !important;
body:is(.Dim, .LightsOut):not(.HighContrast) [data-testid="SideNav_NewTweet_Button"] > div,
body:is(.Dim, .LightsOut):not(.HighContrast) [data-testid="tweetButtonInline"] > div,
body:is(.Dim, .LightsOut):not(.HighContrast) [data-testid="tweetButton"] > div,
body:is(.Dim, .LightsOut):not(.HighContrast) [data-testid="SideNav_NewTweet_Button"] > div > svg {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
if (config.uninvertFollowButtons) {
// Shared styles for Following and Follow buttons
[role="button"][data-testid$="-unfollow"]:not(:hover) {
border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
[role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"] {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
if (config.followButtonStyle == 'monochrome' || themeColor == null) {
/* Following button */
body.Default [role="button"][data-testid$="-unfollow"]:not(:hover) {
background-color: rgb(15, 20, 25) !important;
body.Default [role="button"][data-testid$="-unfollow"]:not(:hover) > :is(div, span) {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
body:is(.Dim, .LightsOut) [role="button"][data-testid$="-unfollow"]:not(:hover) {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
body:is(.Dim, .LightsOut) [role="button"][data-testid$="-unfollow"]:not(:hover) > :is(div, span) {
color: rgb(15, 20, 25) !important;
/* Follow button */
body.Default [role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"] {
border-color: rgb(207, 217, 222) !important;
body:is(.Dim, .LightsOut) [role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"] {
border-color: rgb(83, 100, 113) !important;
body.Default [role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"] > :is(div, span) {
color: rgb(15, 20, 25) !important;
body:is(.Dim, .LightsOut) [role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"] > :is(div, span) {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
body.Default [role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"]:hover {
background-color: rgba(15, 20, 25, 0.1) !important;
body:is(.Dim, .LightsOut) [role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"]:hover {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) !important;
if (config.followButtonStyle == 'themed' && themeColor != null) {
/* Following button */
[role="button"][data-testid$="-unfollow"]:not(:hover) {
background-color: var(--theme-color) !important;
[role="button"][data-testid$="-unfollow"]:not(:hover) > :is(div, span) {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
/* Follow button */
[role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"] {
border-color: var(--theme-color) !important;
[role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"] > :is(div, span) {
color: var(--theme-color) !important;
[role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"]:hover {
background-color: var(--theme-color) !important;
[role="button"][data-testid$="-follow"]:hover > :is(div, span) {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
if (mobile) {
body.MediaViewer [role="button"][data-testid$="follow"] {
border: none !important;
background: transparent !important;
body.MediaViewer [role="button"][data-testid$="follow"] > div {
color: var(--theme-color) !important;
$style.textContent = cssRules.map(dedent).join('\n')
function getColorScheme() {
return {
'rgb(255, 255, 255)': 'Default',
'rgb(21, 32, 43)': 'Dim',
'rgb(0, 0, 0)': 'LightsOut',
* @param {HTMLElement} $tweet
* @param {?{getText?: boolean}} options
* @returns {import("./types").QuotedTweet}
function getQuotedTweetDetails($tweet, options = {}) {
let {getText = false} = options
let $quotedByLink = /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ ($tweet.querySelector('[data-testid="User-Name"] a'))
let $quotedTweet = $tweet.querySelector('div[id^="id__"] > div[dir] > span').parentElement.nextElementSibling
let $userName = $quotedTweet?.querySelector('[data-testid="User-Name"]')
let quotedBy = $quotedByLink?.pathname?.substring(1)
let user = $userName?.querySelector('[tabindex="-1"]')?.textContent
let time = $userName?.querySelector('time')?.dateTime
if (!getText) return {quotedBy, user, time}
let $heading = $quotedTweet?.querySelector(':scope > div > div:first-child')
let $qtText = $heading?.nextElementSibling?.querySelector('[lang]')
let text = $qtText && Array.from($qtText.childNodes, node => {
if (node.nodeType == 1) {
if (node.nodeName == 'IMG') return /** @type {HTMLImageElement} */ (node).alt
return node.textContent
return node.nodeValue
return {quotedBy, user, time, text}
* Attempts to determine the type of a timeline Tweet given the element with
* data-testid="tweet" on it, falling back to TWEET if it doesn't appear to be
* one of the particular types we care about.
* @param {HTMLElement} $tweet
* @param {?boolean} checkSocialContext
* @returns {import("./types").TweetType}
function getTweetType($tweet, checkSocialContext = false) {
if ($tweet.closest(Selectors.PROMOTED_TWEET_CONTAINER)) {
// Assume social context tweets are Retweets
if ($tweet.querySelector('[data-testid="socialContext"]')) {
if (checkSocialContext) {
let svgPath = $tweet.querySelector('svg path')?.getAttribute('d') ?? ''
if (svgPath.startsWith('M7 4.5C7 3.12 8.12 2 9.5 2h5C1')) return 'PINNED_TWEET'
// Quoted tweets from accounts you blocked or muted are displayed as an
// <article> with "This Tweet is unavailable."
if ($tweet.querySelector('article')) {
// Quoted tweets are preceded by visually-hidden "Quote" text
if ($tweet.querySelector('div[id^="id__"] > div[dir] > span')?.textContent.includes(getString('QUOTE'))) {
return 'RETWEET'
// Quoted tweets are preceded by visually-hidden "Quote" text
if ($tweet.querySelector('div[id^="id__"] > div[dir] > span')?.textContent.includes(getString('QUOTE'))) {
return 'QUOTE_TWEET'
// Quoted tweets from accounts you blocked or muted are displayed as an
// <article> with "This Tweet is unavailable."
if ($tweet.querySelector('article')) {
return 'TWEET'
// Add 1 every time this gets broken: 6
function getVerifiedProps($svg) {
let propsGetter = (props) => props?.children?.props?.children?.[0]?.[0]?.props
let $parent = $svg.parentElement.parentElement
// Verified badge button on the profile screen
if (isOnProfilePage() && $svg.parentElement.getAttribute('role') == 'button') {
$parent = $svg.closest('span').parentElement
// Link variant in "user followed/liked/retweeted" notifications
else if (isOnNotificationsPage() && $parent.getAttribute('role') == 'link') {
propsGetter = (props) => {
let linkChildren = props?.children?.props?.children?.[0]
return linkChildren?.[linkChildren.length - 1]?.props
if ($parent.wrappedJSObject) {
$parent = $parent.wrappedJSObject
let reactPropsKey = Object.keys($parent).find(key => key.startsWith('__reactProps$'))
let props = propsGetter($parent[reactPropsKey])
if (!props) {
warn('React props not found for', $svg)
else if (!('isBlueVerified' in props)) {
warn('isBlueVerified not in React props for', $svg, {props})
return props
* @param {HTMLElement} $popup
* @returns {{tookAction: boolean, onPopupClosed?: () => void}}
function handlePopup($popup) {
let r###lt = {tookAction: false, onPopupClosed: null}
// Automatically close any sheet dialog which contains a Premium link
if (desktop && config.hideTwitterBlueUpsells &&
$popup.querySelector('[data-testid="mask"]') &&
$popup.querySelector('[data-testid="sheetDialog"]') &&
$popup.querySelector('a[href^="/i/premium"]')) {
log('hidePremiumUpsells: automatically closing Premium upsell dialog')
let mask = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($popup.querySelector('[data-testid="mask"]'))
r###lt.tookAction = true
return r###lt
// The Sort replies by menu is hydrated asynchronously
if (isOnIndividualTweetPage() &&
config.sortReplies != 'relevant' &&
!userSortedReplies &&
$popup.innerHTML.includes(`>${getString('SORT_REPLIES_BY')}<`)) {
log('sortReplies: Sort replies by menu opened')
void (async () => {
let $dropdown = await getElement('[role="menu"] [data-testid="Dropdown"]', {
name: 'Rendered Sort replies by dropdown'
let $menuItems =  /** @type {NodeListOf<HTMLElement>} */ ($dropdown.querySelectorAll('div[role="menuitem"]'))
let $selectedSvg = $popup.querySelector('div[role="menuitem"] svg')
for (let [index, $menuItem] of $menuItems.entries()) {
let shouldBeSelected = index == {recent: 1, liked: 2}[config.sortReplies]
log({index, $menuItem, shouldBeSelected})
if (shouldBeSelected) {
$menuItem.addEventListener('click', () => {
userSortedReplies = true
r###lt.tookAction = true
return r###lt
if (desktop && !isDesktopComposeTweetModalOpen &&
location.pathname.startsWith(ModalPaths.COMPOSE_TWEET)) {
log('Compose Tweet modal opened')
isDesktopComposeTweetModalOpen = true
$desktopComposeTweetModalPopup = $popup
return {
tookAction: true,
onPopupClosed() {
log('Compose Tweet modal closed')
isDesktopComposeTweetModalOpen = false
$desktopComposeTweetModalPopup = null
// The Tweet button will re-render if the modal was opened to edit
// multiple Tweets on the Home timeline.
if (config.replaceLogo && isOnHomeTimelinePage()) {
if (desktop && !isDesktopMediaModalOpen &&
URL_MEDIA_RE.test(location.pathname) &&
currentPath != location.pathname) {
log('media modal opened')
isDesktopMediaModalOpen = true
return {
tookAction: true,
onPopupClosed() {
log('media modal closed')
isDesktopMediaModalOpen = false
if (config.replaceLogo) {
let $retweetDropdownItem = $popup.querySelector('div:is([data-testid="retweetConfirm"], [data-testid="repostConfirm"])')
if ($retweetDropdownItem) {
tweakRetweetDropdown($retweetDropdownItem, 'div:is([data-testid="retweetConfirm"], [data-testid="repostConfirm"])', 'RETWEET')
return {tookAction: true}
let $unretweetDropdownItem = $popup.querySelector('div:is([data-testid="unretweetConfirm"], [data-testid="unrepostConfirm"])')
if ($unretweetDropdownItem) {
tweakRetweetDropdown($unretweetDropdownItem, 'div:is([data-testid="unretweetConfirm"], [data-testid="unrepostConfirm"])', 'UNDO_RETWEET')
return {tookAction: true}
let $hoverLabel = $popup.querySelector('span[data-testid="HoverLabel"] > span')
if ($hoverLabel?.textContent == getString('REPOST')) {
$hoverLabel.textContent = getString('RETWEET')
if (isOnListPage()) {
let $switchSvg = $popup.querySelector(`svg path[d="M3 2h18.61l-3.5 7 3.5 7H5v6H3V2zm2 12h13.38l-2.5-5 2.5-5H5v10z"]`)
if ($switchSvg) {
return {tookAction: true}
if (config.mutableQuoteTweets) {
if (quotedTweet) {
let $blockMenuItem = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($popup.querySelector(Selectors.BLOCK_MENU_ITEM))
if ($blockMenuItem) {
r###lt.tookAction = true
// Clear the quoted tweet when the popup closes
r###lt.onPopupClosed = () => {
quotedTweet = null
} else {
quotedTweet = null
if (config.fastBlock) {
if (blockMenuItemSeen && $popup.querySelector('[data-testid="confirmationSheetConfirm"]')) {
log('fast blocking')
;/** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($popup.querySelector('[data-testid="confirmationSheetConfirm"]')).click()
r###lt.tookAction = true
else if ($popup.querySelector(Selectors.BLOCK_MENU_ITEM)) {
log('preparing for fast blocking')
blockMenuItemSeen = true
// Create a nested observer for mobile, as it reuses the popup element
r###lt.tookAction = !mobile
} else {
blockMenuItemSeen = false
if (config.addAddMutedWordMenuItem) {
let linkSelector = 'a[href$="/settings"]'
let $link = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($popup.querySelector(linkSelector))
if ($link) {
addAddMutedWordMenuItem($link, linkSelector)
r###lt.tookAction = true
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
// User typeahead dropdown
let $typeaheadDropdown = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($popup.querySelector('div[id^="typeaheadDropdown"]'))
if ($typeaheadDropdown) {
log('typeahead dropdown appeared')
let observer = observeElement($typeaheadDropdown, () => {
}, 'popup typeahead dropdown')
return {
tookAction: true,
onPopupClosed() {
log('typeahead dropdown closed')
if (config.hideGrokNav || config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
// User hovercard popup
let $hoverCard = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($popup.querySelector('[data-testid="HoverCard"]'))
if ($hoverCard) {
r###lt.tookAction = true
getElement('div[data-testid^="UserAvatar-Container"]', {
context: $hoverCard,
name: 'user hovercard contents',
timeout: 500,
}).then(($contents) => {
if (!$contents) return
if (config.hideGrokNav) {
// Tag Grok "Profile Summary" button
let $grokButton = $popup.querySelector('[data-testid="HoverCard"] > div > div > div:last-child:has(> button)')
if ($grokButton) {
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
// Verified account popup when you press the check button on a profile page
if (config.twitterBlueChecks == 'replace' && isOnProfilePage()) {
if (mobile) {
let $verificationBadge = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($popup.querySelector('[data-testid="sheetDialog"] [data-testid="verificationBadge"]'))
if ($verificationBadge) {
r###lt.tookAction = true
let $headerBlueCheck = document.querySelector(`body.Profile ${Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER} .tnt_blue_check`)
if ($headerBlueCheck) {
} else {
let $hoverCard = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($popup.querySelector('[data-testid="HoverCard"]'))
if ($hoverCard) {
r###lt.tookAction = true
getElement(':scope > div > div > div > svg[data-testid="verificationBadge"]', {
context: $hoverCard,
name: 'verified account hovercard verification badge',
timeout: 500,
}).then(($verificationBadge) => {
if (!$verificationBadge) return
let $headerBlueCheck = document.querySelector(`body.Profile ${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} > div > div:first-of-type h2 .tnt_blue_check`)
if (!$headerBlueCheck) return
// Wait for the hovercard to render its contents
let popupRenderObserver = observeElement($popup, (mutations) => {
if (!mutations.length) return
}, 'verified popup render', {childList: true, subtree: true})
return r###lt
function isBlueVerified($svg) {
let props = getVerifiedProps($svg)
return Boolean(props && props.isBlueVerified && !(
props.verifiedType || (
props.affiliateBadgeInfo?.userLabelType == 'BusinessLabel' &&
props.affiliateBadgeInfo?.description == 'X'
* @returns {import("./types").VerifiedType}
function getVerifiedType($svg) {
let props = getVerifiedProps($svg)
if (props) {
if (props.affiliateBadgeInfo?.userLabelType == 'BusinessLabel' &&
props.affiliateBadgeInfo?.description == 'X')
// Ignore Twitter associated checks
return null
if (props.verifiedType == 'Business')
if (props.isBlueVerified)
return 'BLUE'
return null
* Checks if a tweet is preceded by an element creating a vertical reply line.
* @param {HTMLElement} $tweet
* @returns {boolean}
function isReplyToPreviousTweet($tweet) {
let $replyLine = $tweet.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild
if ($replyLine) {
return getComputedStyle($replyLine).width == '2px'
* @returns {{disconnect()}}
function onPopup($popup) {
log('popup appeared', $popup, location.pathname)
// If handlePopup did something, we don't need to observe nested popups
let {tookAction, onPopupClosed} = handlePopup($popup)
if (tookAction) {
return onPopupClosed ? {disconnect: onPopupClosed} : null
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let $nestedPopup
let nestedObserver = observeElement($popup, (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $el) => {
log('nested popup appeared', $el)
$nestedPopup = $el
;({onPopupClosed} = handlePopup($el))
mutation.removedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $el) => {
if ($el !== $nestedPopup) return
if (onPopupClosed) {
log('cleaning up after nested popup removed')
}, 'nested popup observer')
let disconnect = nestedObserver.disconnect.bind(nestedObserver)
nestedObserver.disconnect = () => {
if (onPopupClosed) {
log('cleaning up after nested popup observer disconnected')
return nestedObserver
* @param {HTMLElement} $timeline
* @param {string} page
* @param {import("./types").TimelineOptions?} options
function onTimelineChange($timeline, page, options = {}) {
let startTime = Date.now()
let {classifyTweets = true, hideHeadings = true, isUserTimeline = false} = options
let isOnHomeTimeline = isOnHomeTimelinePage()
let isOnListTimeline = isOnListPage()
let isOnProfileTimeline = isOnProfilePage()
let timelineHasSpecificHandling = isOnHomeTimeline || isOnListTimeline || isOnProfileTimeline
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore' && (isUserTimeline || !timelineHasSpecificHandling)) {
if (isSafari && config.replaceLogo && isOnNotificationsPage()) {
if (isUserTimeline || !classifyTweets) return
let itemTypes = {}
let hiddenItemCount = 0
let hiddenItemTypes = {}
/** @type {?boolean} */
let hidPreviousItem = null
/** @type {{$item: Element, hideItem?: boolean}[]} */
let changes = []
for (let $item of $timeline.children) {
/** @type {?import("./types").TimelineItemType} */
let itemType = null
/** @type {?boolean} */
let hideItem = null
/** @type {?HTMLElement} */
let $tweet = $item.querySelector(Selectors.TWEET)
/** @type {boolean} */
let isReply = false
/** @type {boolean} */
let isBlueTweet = false
if ($tweet != null) {
itemType = getTweetType($tweet, isOnProfileTimeline)
if (timelineHasSpecificHandling) {
isReply = isReplyToPreviousTweet($tweet)
if (isReply && hidPreviousItem != null) {
hideItem = hidPreviousItem
} else {
if (isOnHomeTimeline) {
hideItem = shouldHideHomeTimelineItem(itemType, page)
if (config.mutableQuoteTweets && !hideItem && itemType == 'QUOTE_TWEET' && config.hideQuotesFrom.length > 0) {
let $quotedByLink = /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ ($tweet.querySelector('[data-testid="User-Name"] a'))
let quotedBy = $quotedByLink?.pathname.substring(1)
if (quotedBy) {
hideItem = config.hideQuotesFrom.includes(quotedBy)
} else {
warn('hideQuotesFrom: unable to get quote tweet user')
else if (isOnListTimeline) {
hideItem = shouldHideListTimelineItem(itemType)
else if (isOnProfileTimeline) {
hideItem = shouldHideProfileTimelineItem(itemType)
if (!hideItem && config.hideGrokTweets && $tweet.querySelector('a[href^="/i/grok/share/"]')) {
hideItem = true
if (!hideItem && config.mutableQuoteTweets && (itemType == 'QUOTE_TWEET' || itemType == 'RETWEETED_QUOTE_TWEET')) {
if (config.mutedQuotes.length > 0) {
let quotedTweet = getQuotedTweetDetails($tweet)
hideItem = config.mutedQuotes.some(muted => muted.user == quotedTweet.user && muted.time == quotedTweet.time)
if (!hideItem) {
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
for (let $svg of $tweet.querySelectorAll(Selectors.VERIFIED_TICK)) {
let isBlueCheck = isBlueVerified($svg)
if (!isBlueCheck) continue
// Don't count a tweet as blue if the check is in a quoted tweet
let userProfileLink = $svg.closest('a[role="link"]:not([href^="/i/status"])')
if (!userProfileLink) continue
isBlueTweet = true
if (!hideItem && config.restoreLinkHeadlines) {
else if (!timelineHasSpecificHandling) {
if ($item.querySelector(':scope > div > div > div > article')) {
itemType = 'UNAVAILABLE'
if (!timelineHasSpecificHandling) {
if (itemType != null) {
hideItem = shouldHideOtherTimelineItem(itemType)
// Special handling for non-Tweet timeline items
if (itemType == null) {
if ($item.querySelector('[data-testid="inlinePrompt"]')) {
itemType = 'INLINE_PROMPT'
hideItem = config.hideInlinePrompts || (
config.hideTwitterBlueUpsells && Boolean($item.querySelector('a[href^="/i/premium"]')) ||
config.hideMonetizationNav && Boolean($item.querySelector('a[href="/settings/monetization"]'))
} else if ($item.querySelector(Selectors.TIMELINE_HEADING)) {
itemType = 'HEADING'
hideItem = hideHeadings && config.hideWhoToFollowEtc
if (debug && itemType != null) {
$item.firstElementChild.setAttribute('data-item-type', `${itemType}${isReply ? ' / REPLY' : ''}${isBlueTweet ? ' / BLUE' : ''}`)
// Assume a non-identified item following an identified item is related
if (itemType == null && hidPreviousItem != null) {
hideItem = hidPreviousItem
if (itemType != null) {
itemTypes[itemType] ||= 0
if (hideItem) {
hiddenItemTypes[itemType] ||= 0
if (hideItem != null && $item.firstElementChild) {
let hidden = $item.firstElementChild.classList.contains('HiddenTweet')
if (hidden != hideItem) {
changes.push({$item, hideItem})
hidPreviousItem = hideItem
for (let change of changes) {
change.$item.firstElementChild.classList.toggle('HiddenTweet', change.hideItem)
if (debug && config.debugLogTimelineStats) {
`processed ${$timeline.children.length} timeline item${s($timeline.children.length)} in ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`,
itemTypes, `hid ${hiddenItemCount}`, hiddenItemTypes
* @param {HTMLElement} $timeline
* @param {import("./types").IndividualTweetTimelineOptions} options
function onIndividualTweetTimelineChange($timeline, options) {
let startTime = Date.now()
let itemTypes = {}
let hiddenItemCount = 0
let hiddenItemTypes = {}
/** @type {?boolean} */
let hidPreviousItem = null
/** @type {boolean} */
let hideAllSubsequentItems = false
/** @type {string} */
let opScreenName = /^\/([a-zA-Z\d_]{1,20})\//.exec(location.pathname)[1].toLowerCase()
/** @type {{$item: Element, hideItem?: boolean}[]} */
let changes = []
/** @type {import("./types").UserInfoObject} */
let userInfo = getUserInfo()
/** @type {?HTMLElement} */
let $focusedTweet
for (let $item of $timeline.children) {
/** @type {?import("./types").TimelineItemType} */
let itemType = null
/** @type {?boolean} */
let hideItem = null
/** @type {?HTMLElement} */
let $tweet = $item.querySelector(Selectors.TWEET)
/** @type {boolean} */
let isFocusedTweet = false
/** @type {boolean} */
let isReply = false
/** @type {import("./types").VerifiedType} */
let tweetVerifiedType = null
/** @type {?string} */
let screenName = null
if (hideAllSubsequentItems) {
hideItem = true
else if ($tweet != null) {
isFocusedTweet = $tweet.tabIndex == -1
isReply = isReplyToPreviousTweet($tweet)
if (isFocusedTweet) {
itemType = 'FOCUSED_TWEET'
hideItem = false
$focusedTweet = $tweet
} else {
itemType = getTweetType($tweet)
if (isReply && hidPreviousItem != null) {
hideItem = hidPreviousItem
} else {
hideItem = shouldHideIndividualTweetTimelineItem(itemType)
if (!hideItem && config.hideGrokTweets && $tweet.querySelector('a[href^="/i/grok/share/"]')) {
hideItem = true
if (!hideItem && (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore' || config.hideTwitterBlueReplies)) {
for (let $svg of $tweet.querySelectorAll(Selectors.VERIFIED_TICK)) {
let verifiedType = getVerifiedType($svg)
if (!verifiedType) continue
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore' && verifiedType == 'BLUE') {
// Don't count a tweet as verified if the check is in a quoted tweet
let $userProfileLink = /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ ($svg.closest('a[role="link"]:not([href^="/i/status"])'))
if (!$userProfileLink) continue
tweetVerifiedType = verifiedType
screenName = $userProfileLink.href.split('/').pop()
// Replies to the focused tweet don't have the reply indicator
if (tweetVerifiedType && !isFocusedTweet && !isReply && screenName.toLowerCase() != opScreenName) {
itemType = `${tweetVerifiedType}_REPLY`
if (!hideItem) {
let user = userInfo[screenName]
let shouldHideBasedOnVerifiedType = config.hideTwitterBlueReplies && (
tweetVerifiedType == 'BLUE' ||
tweetVerifiedType == 'VERIFIED_ORG' && !config.showBlueReplyVerifiedAccounts
hideItem = shouldHideBasedOnVerifiedType && (user == null || !(
user.following && !config.hideBlueReplyFollowing ||
user.followedBy && !config.hideBlueReplyFollowedBy ||
config.showBlueReplyFollowersCount && user.followersCount >= Number(config.showBlueReplyFollowersCountAmount)
if (!hideItem && config.restoreLinkHeadlines) {
else {
let $article = $item.querySelector('article')
if ($article) {
// Deleted or private, unless…
itemType = 'UNAVAILABLE'
let $button = $article.querySelector('[role="button"]')
if ($button) {
if ($button.textContent == getString('SHOW')) {
itemType = 'SHOW_MORE'
else if ($button.textContent == getString('VIEW')) {
// "This Tweet is from an account you (blocked|muted)." with a View button
hideItem = config.hideUnavailableQuoteTweets
else if ($article.textContent == getString('POST_UNAVAILABLE')) {
// Likely blocked or muted
hideItem = config.hideUnavailableQuoteTweets
} else {
// We need to identify "Show more replies" so it doesn't get hidden if the
// item immediately before it was hidden.
let $button = $item.querySelector('button[role="button"]')
if ($button) {
if ($button?.textContent == getString('SHOW_MORE_REPLIES')) {
itemType = 'SHOW_MORE'
} else {
let $heading = $item.querySelector(Selectors.TIMELINE_HEADING)
if ($heading) {
// Discover More headings have a description next to them
if ($heading.nextElementSibling &&
$heading.nextElementSibling.tagName == 'DIV' &&
$heading.nextElementSibling.getAttribute('dir') != null) {
hideItem = config.hideMoreTweets
hideAllSubsequentItems = config.hideMoreTweets
} else {
itemType = 'HEADING'
if (debug && itemType != null) {
$item.firstElementChild.setAttribute('data-item-type', `${itemType}${isReply ? ' / REPLY' : ''}`)
// Assume a non-identified item following an identified item is related
if (itemType == null && hidPreviousItem != null) {
hideItem = hidPreviousItem
if (itemType != null) {
itemTypes[itemType] ||= 0
if (hideItem) {
hiddenItemTypes[itemType] ||= 0
if (isFocusedTweet) {
// Tweets prior to the focused tweet should never be hidden
changes = []
hiddenItemCount = 0
hiddenItemTypes = {}
else if (hideItem != null && $item.firstElementChild) {
let hidden = $item.firstElementChild.classList.contains('HiddenTweet')
if (hidden != hideItem) {
changes.push({$item, hideItem})
hidPreviousItem = hideItem
for (let change of changes) {
change.$item.firstElementChild.classList.toggle('HiddenTweet', change.hideItem)
tweakFocusedTweet($focusedTweet, options)
if (debug && config.debugLogTimelineStats) {
`processed ${$timeline.children.length} thread item${s($timeline.children.length)} in ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`,
itemTypes, `hid ${hiddenItemCount}`, hiddenItemTypes
* Title format (including notification count):
* - LTR: (3) ${title} / X
* - RTL: (3) X \ ${title}
* @param {string} title
function onTitleChange(title) {
log('title changed', {title, path: location.pathname})
if (checkforDisabledHomeTimeline()) return
// Ignore leading notification counts in titles
let notificationCount = ''
if (TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE.test(title)) {
notificationCount = TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE.exec(title)[0]
title = title.replace(TITLE_NOTIFICATION_RE, '')
// After we replace the shortcut icon, Twitter stops updating it to add/remove
// the notifications pip, so we need to manage the pip ourselves.
if (config.replaceLogo && Boolean(notificationCount) != Boolean(currentNotificationCount)) {
let homeNavigationWasUsed = homeNavigationIsBeingUsed
homeNavigationIsBeingUsed = false
// Ignore Flash of Uninitialised Title when navigating to a page for the first
// time, except in scenarios where we know an empty title is being set.
if (title == 'X' || title == getString('TWITTER')) {
// On mobile, the media viewer sets an empty title
if (mobile && (URL_MEDIA_RE.test(location.pathname) || URL_MEDIAVIEWER_RE.test(location.pathname))) {
log('viewing media on mobile')
// On desktop, the root Settings page sets an empty title when the sidebar
// is hidden.
else if (desktop && location.pathname == '/settings' && currentPath != '/settings') {
log('viewing root Settings page')
// On desktop, the root Messages page sometimes sets an empty title
else if (desktop && location.pathname == '/messages' && currentPath != '/messages') {
log('viewing root Messages page')
// The Bookmarks page sets an empty title
else if (location.pathname.startsWith(PagePaths.BOOKMARKS) && !currentPath.startsWith(PagePaths.BOOKMARKS)) {
log('viewing Bookmarks page')
else {
log('ignoring Flash of Uninitialised Title')
// Remove " / Twitter" or "Twitter \ " from the title
let newPage = title
if (newPage != 'X' && newPage != getString('TWITTER')) {
newPage = title.slice(...ltr ? [0, title.lastIndexOf('/') - 1] : [title.indexOf('\\') + 2])
let hasDesktopModalBeenOpenedOrClosed = desktop && (
// Timeline settings dialog opened
location.pathname == PagePaths.TIMELINE_SETTINGS ||
// Timeline settings dialog closed
currentPath == PagePaths.TIMELINE_SETTINGS ||
// Media modal opened
URL_MEDIA_RE.test(location.pathname) ||
// Media modal closed
URL_MEDIA_RE.test(currentPath) ||
// "Send via Direct Message" dialog opened
location.pathname == ModalPaths.COMPOSE_MESSAGE ||
// "Send via Direct Message" dialog closed
currentPath == ModalPaths.COMPOSE_MESSAGE ||
// Compose Tweet dialog opened
location.pathname == ModalPaths.COMPOSE_TWEET ||
// Compose Tweet dialog closed
currentPath == ModalPaths.COMPOSE_TWEET
if (newPage == currentPage) {
log(`ignoring duplicate title change`)
// Navigation within the Compose Tweet modal triggers duplcate title changes
if (isDesktopComposeTweetModalOpen) {
if (currentPath == ModalPaths.COMPOSE_TWEET && COMPOSE_TWEET_MODAL_PAGES.has(location.pathname)) {
log('navigated away from Compose Tweet editor')
else if (COMPOSE_TWEET_MODAL_PAGES.has(currentPath) && location.pathname == ModalPaths.COMPOSE_TWEET) {
log('navigated back to Compose Tweet editor')
currentNotificationCount = notificationCount
currentPath = location.pathname
// Search terms are shown in the title
if (currentPath == PagePaths.SEARCH && location.pathname == PagePaths.SEARCH) {
log('ignoring title change on Search page')
currentNotificationCount = notificationCount
// On desktop, stay on the separated tweets timeline when…
if (desktop && currentPage == separatedTweetsTimelineTitle &&
// …the title has changed back to the Home timeline…
(newPage == getString('HOME')) &&
// …the Home nav link or Following / Home header _wasn't_ clicked and…
!homeNavigationWasUsed &&
// …a modal which changes the pathname has been opened or closed.
hasDesktopModalBeenOpenedOrClosed ||
// …the notification count in the title changed.
notificationCount != currentNotificationCount
)) {
log('ignoring title change on separated tweets timeline')
currentNotificationCount = notificationCount
currentPath = location.pathname
// Restore display of the separated tweets timelne if it's the last one we
// saw, and the user navigated back home without using the Home navigation
// item.
if (location.pathname == PagePaths.HOME &&
currentPath != PagePaths.HOME &&
!homeNavigationWasUsed &&
lastHomeTimelineTitle != null &&
separatedTweetsTimelineTitle != null &&
lastHomeTimelineTitle == separatedTweetsTimelineTitle) {
log('restoring display of the separated tweets timeline')
currentNotificationCount = notificationCount
currentPath = location.pathname
// Assumption: all non-FOUT, non-duplicate title changes are navigation, which
// need the page to be re-processed.
currentPage = newPage
currentNotificationCount = notificationCount
currentPath = location.pathname
if (isOnHomeTimelinePage()) {
lastHomeTimelineTitle = currentPage
log('processing new page')
* Processes all Twitter Blue checks inside an element.
* @param {HTMLElement} $el
function processBlueChecks($el) {
for (let $svg of $el.querySelectorAll(`${Selectors.VERIFIED_TICK}:not(.tnt_blue_check)`)) {
if (isBlueVerified($svg)) {
* Processes all Twitter logos inside an element.
function processTwitterLogos($el) {
for (let $svgPath of $el.querySelectorAll(Selectors.X_LOGO_PATH)) {
function processCurrentPage() {
if (pageObservers.length > 0) {
`disconnecting ${pageObservers.length} page observer${s(pageObservers.length)}`,
pageObservers.map(observer => observer['name'])
pageObservers.forEach(observer => observer.disconnect())
pageObservers = []
// Hooks for styling pages
$body.classList.toggle('Bookmarks', isOnBookmarksPage())
$body.classList.toggle('Community', isOnCommunityPage())
$body.classList.toggle('Communities', isOnCommunitiesPage())
$body.classList.toggle('Explore', isOnExplorePage())
$body.classList.toggle('HideSidebar', shouldHideSidebar())
$body.classList.toggle('List', isOnListPage())
$body.classList.toggle('HomeTimeline', isOnHomeTimelinePage())
$body.classList.toggle('Notifications', isOnNotificationsPage())
$body.classList.toggle('Profile', isOnProfilePage())
if (!isOnProfilePage()) {
$body.classList.remove('OwnProfile', 'PremiumProfile')
$body.classList.toggle('ProfileFollows', isOnFollowListPage())
if (!isOnFollowListPage()) {
$body.classList.toggle('QuoteTweets', isOnQuoteTweetsPage())
$body.classList.toggle('Tweet', isOnIndividualTweetPage())
$body.classList.toggle('Search', isOnSearchPage())
$body.classList.toggle('Settings', isOnSettingsPage())
$body.classList.toggle('MobileMedia', mobile && URL_MEDIA_RE.test(location.pathname))
$body.classList.toggle('MediaViewer', mobile && URL_MEDIAVIEWER_RE.test(location.pathname))
if (desktop) {
let shouldObserveSidebarForConfig = (
config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore' ||
config.fullWidthContent ||
config.hideExploreNav && config.hideExploreNavWithSidebar
if (shouldObserveSidebarForConfig && !isOnMessagesPage() && !isOnSettingsPage()) {
} else {
if (isSafari && config.replaceLogo) {
if (isSafari && config.replaceLogo) {
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore' && (isOnSearchPage() || isOnExplorePage())) {
if (isOnHomeTimelinePage()) {
else {
if (isOnProfilePage()) {
else if (isOnFollowListPage()) {
else if (isOnIndividualTweetPage()) {
else if (isOnNotificationsPage()) {
else if (isOnSearchPage()) {
else if (URL_TWEET_ENGAGEMENT_RE.test(currentPath)) {
else if (isOnListPage()) {
else if (isOnListsPage()) {
else if (isOnExplorePage()) {
else if (isOnBookmarksPage()) {
else if (isOnCommunitiesPage()) {
else if (isOnCommunityPage()) {
else if (isOnCommunityMembersPage()) {
else if (isOnDisplaySettingsPage() || isOnAccessibilitySettingsPage()) {
// On mobile, these are pages instead of modals
if (mobile) {
if (currentPath == PagePaths.COMPOSE_TWEET) {
else if (URL_MEDIAVIEWER_RE.test(currentPath)) {
* @returns {boolean} `true` if this call replaces the current location
function redirectToTwitter() {
if (config.redirectToTwitter &&
location.hostname.endsWith('x.com') &&
// Don't redirect the path used by the OldTweetDeck extension
location.pathname != '/i/tweetdeck') {
// If we got a logout redirect from twitter.com, redirect back to the login page
let pathname = location.search.includes('logout=') ? '/i/flow/login' : location.pathname || '/home'
let redirectUrl = `https://twitter.com${pathname}?mx=1`
log('redirectToTwitter: redirecting from', location.href, 'to', redirectUrl)
return true
return false
* The mobile version of Twitter reuses heading elements between screens, so we
* always remove any elements which could be there from the previous page and
* re-add them later when needed.
function removeMobileTimelineHeaderElements() {
if (mobile) {
* @param {HTMLElement} $tweet
function restoreLinkHeadline($tweet) {
let $link = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($tweet.querySelector('div[data-testid="card.layoutLarge.media"] > a[rel][aria-label]'))
if ($link && !$link.dataset.headlineRestored) {
let [site, ...rest] = $link.getAttribute('aria-label').split(' ')
let headline = rest.join(' ')
$link.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<div class="tnt_link_headline ${fontFamilyRule?.selectorText?.replace('.', '') || 'tnt_font_family'}" style="border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color); padding: 14px;">
<div style="color: var(--color); margin-bottom: 2px;">${site}</div>
<div style="color: var(--color-emphasis)">${headline}</div>
$link.dataset.headlineRestored = 'true'
* @param {HTMLElement} $focusedTweet
function restoreTweetInteractionsLinks($focusedTweet) {
if (!config.restoreQuoteTweetsLink && !config.restoreOtherInteractionLinks) return
let [tweetLink, tweetId] = location.pathname.match(/^\/[a-zA-Z\d_]{1,20}\/status\/(\d+)/) ?? []
let tweetInfo = getTweetInfo(tweetId)
log('focused tweet', {tweetLink, tweetId, tweetInfo})
if (!tweetInfo) return
let isOwnTweet = Boolean($focusedTweet.querySelector('a[data-testid="analyticsButton"]'))
let shouldDisplayLinks = (
(config.restoreQuoteTweetsLink && tweetInfo.quote_count > 0) ||
(config.restoreOtherInteractionLinks && (tweetInfo.retweet_count > 0 || isOwnTweet && tweetInfo.favorite_count > 0))
let $existingLinks = $focusedTweet.querySelector('#tntInteractionLinks')
if (!shouldDisplayLinks || $existingLinks) {
if (!shouldDisplayLinks) $existingLinks?.remove()
let $group = $focusedTweet.querySelector('[role="group"][id^="id__"]')
if (!$group) return warn('focused tweet action bar not found')
$group.parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', `
<div id="tntInteractionLinks">
<div class="${fontFamilyRule?.selectorText?.replace('.', '') || 'tnt_font_family'}" style="padding: 16px 4px; border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color); display: flex; gap: 20px;">
${tweetInfo.quote_count > 0 ? `<a id="tntQuoteTweetsLink" class="quoteTweets" href="${tweetLink}/quotes" dir="auto" role="link">
<span id="tntQuoteTweetCount">
${Intl.NumberFormat(lang, {notation: tweetInfo.quote_count < 10000 ? 'standard' : 'compact', compactDisplay: 'short'}).format(tweetInfo.quote_count)}
<span>${getString(tweetInfo.quote_count == 1 ? (config.replaceLogo ? 'QUOTE_TWEET' : 'QUOTE') : (config.replaceLogo ? 'QUOTE_TWEETS' : 'QUOTES'))}</span>
</a>` : ''}
${tweetInfo.retweet_count > 0 ? `<a id="tntRetweetsLink" data-tab="2" href="${tweetLink}/retweets" dir="auto" role="link">
<span id="tntRetweetCount">
${Intl.NumberFormat(lang, {notation: tweetInfo.retweet_count < 10000 ? 'standard' : 'compact', compactDisplay: 'short'}).format(tweetInfo.retweet_count)}
<span>${getString(config.replaceLogo ? 'RETWEETS' : 'REPOSTS')}</span>
</a>` : ''}
${isOwnTweet && tweetInfo.favorite_count > 0 ? `<a id="tntLikesLink" data-tab="3" href="${tweetLink}/likes" dir="auto" role="link">
<span id="tntLikeCount">
${Intl.NumberFormat(lang, {notation: tweetInfo.favorite_count < 10000 ? 'standard' : 'compact', compactDisplay: 'short'}).format(tweetInfo.favorite_count)}
</a>` : ''}
let links = /** @type {NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>} */ ($focusedTweet.querySelectorAll('#tntInteractionLinks a'))
links.forEach(($link) => {
$link.addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
let $caret = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($focusedTweet.querySelector('[data-testid="caret"]'))
if (!$caret) return warn('focused tweet menu caret not found')
log('clicking "View post engagements" menu item')
let $tweetEngagements = await getElement('#layers a[data-testid="tweetEngagements"]', {
name: 'View post engagements menu item',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
timeout: 500,
if ($tweetEngagements) {
tweetInteractionsTab = $link.dataset.tab || null
} else {
warn('falling back to full page refresh')
location.href = $link.href
* Sets the page name in <title>, retaining any current notification count.
* @param {string} page
function setTitle(page) {
let name = config.replaceLogo ? getString('TWITTER') : 'X'
let notificationCount = config.hideNotifications != 'ignore' ? (
) : (
hiddenNotificationCount || currentNotificationCount
document.title = ltr ? (
`${notificationCount}${page} / ${name}`
) : (
`${notificationCount}${name} \\ ${page}`
* @param {import("./types").TimelineItemType} type
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldHideIndividualTweetTimelineItem(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'RETWEET':
case 'TWEET':
return false
return config.hideUnavailableQuoteTweets
return true
* @param {import("./types").TimelineItemType} type
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldHideListTimelineItem(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'RETWEET':
return config.listRetweets == 'hide'
return config.hideUnavailableQuoteTweets
return config.hideUnavailableQuoteTweets || config.listRetweets == 'hide'
return false
* @param {import("./types").TimelineItemType} type
* @param {string} page
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldHideHomeTimelineItem(type, page) {
switch (type) {
return shouldHideSharedTweet(config.quoteTweets, page)
case 'RETWEET':
return selectedHomeTabIndex >= 2 ? config.listRetweets == 'hide' : shouldHideSharedTweet(config.retweets, page)
return selectedHomeTabIndex >= 2 ? (
config.listRetweets == 'hide'
) : (
shouldHideSharedTweet(config.retweets, page) || shouldHideSharedTweet(config.quoteTweets, page)
case 'TWEET':
return page == separatedTweetsTimelineTitle
return config.hideUnavailableQuoteTweets || shouldHideSharedTweet(config.quoteTweets, page)
return config.hideUnavailableQuoteTweets || selectedHomeTabIndex >= 2 ? config.listRetweets == 'hide' : shouldHideSharedTweet(config.retweets, page)
return true
* @param {import("./types").TimelineItemType} type
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldHideProfileTimelineItem(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'TWEET':
return false
case 'RETWEET':
return config.hideProfileRetweets
return config.hideUnavailableQuoteTweets
return true
* @param {import("./types").TimelineItemType} type
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldHideOtherTimelineItem(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'RETWEET':
case 'TWEET':
return false
return true
* @param {import("./types").SharedTweetsConfig} config
* @param {string} page
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldHideSharedTweet(config, page) {
switch (config) {
case 'hide': return true
case 'ignore': return page == separatedTweetsTimelineTitle
case 'separate': return page != separatedTweetsTimelineTitle
async function tweakBookmarksPage() {
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore' || config.restoreLinkHeadlines) {
async function tweakExplorePage() {
if (!config.hideExplorePageContents) return
let $searchInput = await getElement('input[data-testid="SearchBox_Search_Input"]', {
name: 'explore page search input',
stopIf: () => !isOnExplorePage(),
if (!$searchInput) return
log('focusing search input')
if (mobile) {
// The back button appears after the search input is focused on mobile. When
// you tap it or otherwise navigate back, it's replaced with the slide-out
// menu button and Explore page contents are shown - we want to skip that.
let $backButton = await getElement('div[data-testid="app-bar-back"]', {
name: 'back button',
stopIf: () => !isOnExplorePage(),
if (!$backButton) return
observeElement($backButton.parentElement, (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ $el) => {
if ($el.querySelector('[data-testid="DashButton_ProfileIcon_Link"]')) {
log('slide-out menu button appeared, going back to skip Explore page')
}, 'back button parent')
function tweakCommunitiesPage() {
function tweakCommunityPage() {
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
observeTimeline(currentPage, {
classifyTweets: false,
isTabbed: true,
tabbedTimelineContainerSelector: `${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} > div > div:last-child`,
onTimelineAppeared() {
// The About tab has static content at the top which can include a check
if (/\/about\/?$/.test(location.pathname)) {
function tweakCommunityMembersPage() {
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
observeTimeline(currentPage, {
classifyTweets: false,
isTabbed: true,
timelineSelector: 'div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] > div > div:last-child',
function tweakDisplaySettingsPage() {
(async () => {
let $colorRerenderBoundary = await getElement('#react-root > div > div')
observeElement($colorRerenderBoundary, () => {
let newThemeColor = getThemeColorFromState()
if (newThemeColor == themeColor) return
log('Color setting changed')
themeColor = newThemeColor
}, 'Color change re-render boundary')
if (desktop) {
observeElement($html, () => {
if (!$html.style.fontSize) return
if ($html.style.fontSize != fontSize) {
fontSize = $html.style.fontSize
log(`<html> fontSize has changed to ${fontSize}`)
}, '<html> style attribute for font size changes', {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['style']
const tweakFocusedTweet = (() => {
let waitingForFocusedTweetEditor = false
* @param {HTMLElement} $focusedTweet
* @param {import("./types").IndividualTweetTimelineOptions} options
return async function tweakFocusedTweet($focusedTweet, options) {
let {observers} = options
if (!$focusedTweet) {
if (desktop) {
waitingForFocusedTweetEditor = false
disconnectObserver('tweet editor', observers)
if (desktop && config.replaceLogo &&
!waitingForFocusedTweetEditor &&
!isObserving(observers, 'tweet editor')) {
waitingForFocusedTweetEditor = true
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let $editorRoot
try {
$editorRoot = await getElement('.DraftEditor-root', {
context: $focusedTweet.parentElement,
name: 'tweet editor in focused tweet',
timeout: 500,
stopIf: () => !waitingForFocusedTweetEditor
} finally {
waitingForFocusedTweetEditor = false
if ($editorRoot) {
observeDesktopTweetEditorPlaceholder($editorRoot, {
name: 'tweet editor',
placeholder: getString('TWEET_YOUR_REPLY'),
async function tweakFollowListPage() {
// These tabs are dynamic as "Followers you know" only appears when applicable
let $tabs = await getElement(`${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav`, {
name: 'Following tabs',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
if (!$tabs) return
let $subscriptionsTabLink = $tabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] a[href$="/subscriptions"]')
if ($subscriptionsTabLink) {
if (config.hideVerifiedNotificationsTab) {
let isVerifiedTabSelected = Boolean($tabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(1) > a[aria-selected="true"]'))
if (isVerifiedTabSelected) {
log('switching to Following tab')
let $followingTab = /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ (
$tabs.querySelector(`div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-last-child(${$subscriptionsTabLink ? 3 : 2}) > a`)
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
observeTimeline(currentPage, {
classifyTweets: false,
async function tweakIndividualTweetPage() {
userSortedReplies = false
if (config.replaceLogo) {
(async () => {
let $headingText = await getElement(`${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} h2 span`, {
name: 'tweet thread heading',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage)
if ($headingText && $headingText.textContent != getString('TWEET')) {
$headingText.textContent = getString('TWEET')
function tweakListPage() {
observeTimeline(currentPage, {
hideHeadings: false,
async function tweakListsPage() {
if (config.hideMoreTweets) {
// Hide Discover new Lists
let $showMoreLink = await getElement('a[href="/i/lists/suggested"]', {
name: 'Show more link',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
if (!$showMoreLink) return
let $timelineItem = $showMoreLink.closest('[data-testid="cellInnerDiv"]')
if (!$timelineItem) {
warn('could not find timeline item containing Show more link')
let $timelineItems = $timelineItem.parentElement.children
let showMoreIndex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call($timelineItems, $timelineItem)
for (let i = 1; i <= showMoreIndex + 2; i++) {
async function tweakDesktopLogo() {
let $logoPath = await getElement(`h1 ${Selectors.X_LOGO_PATH}, h1 ${Selectors.X_DARUMA_LOGO_PATH}`, {
name: 'desktop nav logo',
timeout: 5000,
if ($logoPath) {
async function tweakHomeIcon() {
let $homeIconPath = await getElement(`${Selectors.NAV_HOME_LINK} svg path`, {name: 'Home icon', stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage)})
if ($homeIconPath) {
const tweakOwnFocusedTweet = (() => {
let waitingForAnalyticsUpsell = false
return async function tweakOwnFocusedTweet($focusedTweet) {
// Only your own focused Tweets have an analytics button
let $analyticsButton = $focusedTweet.querySelector('a[data-testid="analyticsButton"]')
if (!$analyticsButton) return
if (!config.hideTwitterBlueUpsells ||
waitingForAnalyticsUpsell ||
$focusedTweet.getAttribute('data-upselltagged')) return
waitingForAnalyticsUpsell = true
try {
let $accountAnalyticsUpsell = await getElement(':scope > div > div > div > div:has(a[href="/i/account_analytics"])', {
context: $focusedTweet,
name: 'account analytics upsell',
timeout: 200,
if ($accountAnalyticsUpsell) {
$focusedTweet.setAttribute('data-upselltagged', 'true')
} finally {
waitingForAnalyticsUpsell = false
* Restores "Tweet" button text.
async function tweakTweetButton() {
let $tweetButton = await getElement(`${desktop ? 'div[data-testid="primaryColumn"]': 'main'} button[data-testid^="tweetButton"]`, {
name: 'tweet button',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
if ($tweetButton) {
let $text = $tweetButton.querySelector('span > span')
if ($text) {
} else {
warn('could not find Tweet button text')
function tweakHomeTimelinePage() {
let $timelineTabs = document.querySelector(`${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav`)
// Hook for styling when on the separated tweets tab
$body.classList.toggle('SeparatedTweets', isOnSeparatedTweetsTimeline())
if ($timelineTabs == null) {
warn('could not find Home timeline tabs')
if (mobile && isSafari && config.replaceLogo) {
function updateSelectedHomeTabIndex() {
let $selectedHomeTabLink = $timelineTabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] a[aria-selected="true"]')
if ($selectedHomeTabLink) {
selectedHomeTabIndex = Array.from($selectedHomeTabLink.parentElement.parentElement.children).indexOf($selectedHomeTabLink.parentElement)
} else {
warn('could not find selected Home tab link')
selectedHomeTabIndex = -1
// If there are pinned lists, the timeline tabs <nav> will be replaced when they load
observeElement($timelineTabs.parentElement, (mutations) => {
let timelineTabsReplaced = mutations.some(mutation => Array.from(mutation.removedNodes).includes($timelineTabs))
if (timelineTabsReplaced) {
log('Home timeline tabs replaced')
$timelineTabs = document.querySelector(`${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav`)
}, 'Home timeline tabs nav container')
observeTimeline(currentPage, {
isTabbed: true,
onTabChanged: () => {
wasForYouTabSelected = selectedHomeTabIndex == 0
tabbedTimelineContainerSelector: 'div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] > div > div:last-child',
if (desktop) {
async function tweakMobileComposeTweetPage() {
if (!config.replaceLogo && config.twitterBlueChecks == 'ignore') return
function observeUserTypeaheadDropdown($tweetTextareaContainer) {
if (!$tweetTextareaContainer) {
warn('could not find Tweet textarea container to observe user dropdown')
disconnectPageObserver('Tweet box typeahead dropdown container')
disconnectPageObserver('Tweet box typeahead dropdown')
let $dropdownContainer = $tweetTextareaContainer.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
let $typeaheadDropdown = $dropdownContainer.querySelector(':scope > [id^="typeaheadDropdown"]')
function observeDropdown() {
observeElement($typeaheadDropdown, () => {
}, 'Tweet box typeahead dropdown')
// If the list was re-rendered to display a dropdown for an additional
// Tweet, it will already be in the DOM.
if ($typeaheadDropdown) {
observeElement($dropdownContainer, (mutations) => {
for (let mutation of mutations) {
if ($typeaheadDropdown &&
mutations.some(mutation => Array.from(mutation.removedNodes).includes($typeaheadDropdown))) {
disconnectPageObserver('Tweet box typeahead dropdown')
$typeaheadDropdown = null
for (let $addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
if ($addedNode instanceof HTMLElement &&
$addedNode.getAttribute('id')?.startsWith('typeaheadDropdown')) {
$typeaheadDropdown = $addedNode
}, 'Tweet box typeahead dropdown container')
let isReply = Boolean(document.querySelector('article[data-testid="tweet"]'))
if (isReply) {
// Restore old placeholder in Tweet textarea
if (config.replaceLogo) {
let $textarea = /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ (
document.querySelector('main div[data-testid^="tweetTextarea"] textarea')
if ($textarea) {
$textarea.placeholder = getString('TWEET_YOUR_REPLY')
} else {
warn('could not find Tweet textarea')
// Observe username typeahead dropdown in Tweet box
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
observeUserTypeaheadDropdown(document.querySelector('main div[data-testid^="tweetTextarea"]'))
} else {
let $mask = document.querySelector('[data-testid="twc-cc-mask"]')
let $tweetButtonText = document.querySelector('main button[data-testid^="tweetButton"] span > span')
if ($mask && $tweetButtonText) {
// We need to re-apply tweaks every time the child list changes. When
// you use the username typeahead dropdown in any Tweet box, the list
// re-renders so it's the only Tweet while the dropdown is open.
observeElement($mask.nextElementSibling, () => {
let $containers = document.querySelectorAll('main div[data-testid^="tweetTextarea"]')
$containers.forEach(($container, index) => {
if (config.replaceLogo) {
let $textarea = $container.querySelector('textarea')
$textarea.placeholder = getString(index == 0 ? 'WHATS_HAPPENING' : 'ADD_ANOTHER_TWEET')
if (index == 0 && config.twitterBlueChecks) {
// Don't update the Tweet button if the list was re-rendered to display
// a user dropdown, in which case it will already be in the DOM.
if (config.replaceLogo && !document.querySelector('main [id^="typeaheadDropdown"]')) {
$tweetButtonText.textContent = getString($containers.length == 1 ? 'TWEET' : 'TWEET_ALL')
}, 'Tweets container')
} else {
warn('could not find all elements needed to tweak the Compose Tweet page', {$mask, $tweetButtonText})
async function tweakMobileMediaViewerPage() {
let $timeline = await getElement('[data-testid="vss-scroll-view"] > div', {
name: 'media viewer timeline',
stopIf: () => !URL_MEDIAVIEWER_RE.test(location.pathname),
if (!$timeline) return
/** @param {HTMLVideoElement} $video */
function processVideo($video) {
if ($video.loop != config.preventNextVideoAutoplay) {
$video.loop = config.preventNextVideoAutoplay
// Process initial contents
let $videos = $timeline.querySelectorAll('video')
log($videos.length, `initial video${s($videos.length)}`)
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
observeElement($timeline, (mutations) => {
for (let mutation of mutations) {
for (let $addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (!($addedNode instanceof HTMLElement) || $addedNode.nodeName != 'DIV') continue
let $video = $addedNode.querySelector('video')
if ($video) {
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
let $videoInfo = $addedNode.querySelector('[data-testid^="immersive-tweet-ui-content-container"]')
if ($videoInfo) {
}, 'media viewer timeline', {childList: true, subtree: true})
async function tweakTimelineTabs($timelineTabs) {
let $followingTabLink = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($timelineTabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(2) > a'))
if (config.alwaysUseLatestTweets && !document.title.startsWith(separatedTweetsTimelineTitle)) {
let isForYouTabSelected = Boolean($timelineTabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:first-child > a[aria-selected="true"]'))
if (isForYouTabSelected && (!wasForYouTabSelected || config.hideForYouTimeline)) {
log('switching to Following timeline')
wasForYouTabSelected = false
} else {
wasForYouTabSelected = isForYouTabSelected
if (shouldShowSeparatedTweetsTab()) {
let $newTab = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($timelineTabs.querySelector('#tnt_separated_tweets_tab'))
if ($newTab) {
log('separated tweets timeline tab already present')
$newTab.querySelector('span').textContent = separatedTweetsTimelineTitle
else {
log('inserting separated tweets tab')
$newTab = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($followingTabLink.parentElement.cloneNode(true))
$newTab.id = 'tnt_separated_tweets_tab'
$newTab.querySelector('span').textContent = separatedTweetsTimelineTitle
let $link = $newTab.querySelector('a')
// This script assumes navigation has occurred when the document title
// changes, so by changing the title we fake navigation to a non-existent
// page representing the separated tweets timeline.
$link.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (!document.title.startsWith(separatedTweetsTimelineTitle)) {
// The separated tweets tab belongs to the Following tab
let isFollowingTabSelected = Boolean($timelineTabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(2) > a[aria-selected="true"]'))
if (!isFollowingTabSelected) {
log('switching to the Following tab for separated tweets')
window.scrollTo({top: 0})
$followingTabLink.parentElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', $newTab)
// Return to the Home timeline when any other tab is clicked
$followingTabLink.parentElement.parentElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (location.pathname == '/home' && !document.title.startsWith(getString('HOME'))) {
log('setting title to Home')
homeNavigationIsBeingUsed = true
// Return to the Home timeline when the Home nav link is clicked
let $homeNavLink = await getElement(Selectors.NAV_HOME_LINK, {
name: 'home nav link',
stopIf: pathIsNot(currentPath),
if ($homeNavLink && !$homeNavLink.dataset.tweakNewTwitterListener) {
$homeNavLink.addEventListener('click', () => {
homeNavigationIsBeingUsed = true
if (location.pathname == '/home' && !document.title.startsWith(getString('HOME'))) {
$homeNavLink.dataset.tweakNewTwitterListener = 'true'
} else {
function tweakNotificationsPage() {
let $navigationTabs = document.querySelector(`${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav`)
if ($navigationTabs == null) {
warn('could not find Notifications tabs')
if (config.hideVerifiedNotificationsTab) {
let isVerifiedTabSelected = Boolean($navigationTabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(2) > a[aria-selected="true"]'))
if (isVerifiedTabSelected) {
log('switching to All tab')
let $allTab = /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ (
$navigationTabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(1) > a')
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore' || config.restoreLinkHeadlines) {
observeTimeline(currentPage, {
isTabbed: true,
tabbedTimelineContainerSelector: 'div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] > div > div:last-child',
async function tweakProfilePage() {
let $initialContent = await getElement(desktop ? Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN : Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER, {
name: 'initial profile content',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
if (!$initialContent) return
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
let tab = currentPath.match(URL_PROFILE_RE)?.[2] || 'tweets'
log(`on ${tab} tab`)
observeTimeline(currentPage, {
isUserTimeline: tab == 'affiliates'
getElement('a[href="/settings/profile"]', {
name: 'edit profile button',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
timeout: 500,
}).then($editProfileButton => {
$body.classList.toggle('OwnProfile', Boolean($editProfileButton))
if (config.hideTwitterBlueUpsells) {
// This selector is _extremely_ specific to try to avoid false positives
getElement(mobile ? (
'[data-testid="primaryColumn"] > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div:has(> div > div > div > a[href^="/i/premium"])'
) : (
'[data-testid="primaryColumn"] > div > div > div > div > div > div:has(> div > div > div > a[href^="/i/premium"])'
), {
name: "you aren't verified yet premium upsell",
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
timeout: 200,
}).then($upsell => {
if ($upsell) {
let $headerVerifiedIcon = document.querySelector(`${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.TIMELINE_HEADING} [data-testid="icon-verified"]`)
$body.classList.toggle('PremiumProfile', Boolean($headerVerifiedIcon))
if (config.replaceLogo || config.hid###bscriptions) {
let $profileTabs = await getElement(`${Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav`, {
name: 'profile tabs',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
if (!$profileTabs) return
// The Profile tabs <nav> can be replaced
observeElement($profileTabs.parentElement, async (mutations) => {
if (mutations.length > 0) {
let $newProfileTabs = findAddedNode(mutations, ($el) => $el instanceof HTMLElement && $el.tagName == 'NAV')
if ($newProfileTabs == null) return
$profileTabs = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ ($newProfileTabs)
if (config.replaceLogo) {
let $tweetsTabText = await getElement('[data-testid="ScrollSnap-List"] > [role="presentation"]:first-child div[dir] > span:first-child', {
context: $profileTabs,
name: 'Tweets tab text',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
if ($tweetsTabText && $tweetsTabText.textContent != getString('TWEETS')) {
$tweetsTabText.textContent = getString('TWEETS')
if (config.hid###bscriptions) {
let $subscriptionsTabLink = await getElement('a[href$="/superfollows"]', {
context: $profileTabs,
name: 'Subscriptions tab link',
stopIf: pageIsNot(currentPage),
timeout: 1000,
if ($subscriptionsTabLink) {
}, 'profile tabs', {childList: true})
* @param {Element} $dropdownItem
* @param {string} dropdownItemSelector
* @param {import("./types").LocaleKey} localeKey
async function tweakRetweetDropdown($dropdownItem, dropdownItemSelector, localeKey) {
log('tweaking Retweet/Quote Tweet dropdown')
if (desktop) {
$dropdownItem = await getElement(`
#layers div[data-testid="Dropdown"] ${dropdownItemSelector}
`, {
name: 'rendered menu item',
timeout: 100,
if (!$dropdownItem) return
let $text = $dropdownItem.querySelector('div[dir] > span')
if ($text) $text.textContent = getString(localeKey)
let $quoteTweetText = $dropdownItem.nextElementSibling?.querySelector('div[dir] > span')
if ($quoteTweetText) $quoteTweetText.textContent = getString('QUOTE_TWEET')
function tweakSearchPage() {
let $searchTabs = document.querySelector(`${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav`)
if ($searchTabs != null) {
if (config.defaultToLatestSearch) {
let isTopTabSelected = Boolean($searchTabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(1) > a[aria-selected="true"]'))
if (isTopTabSelected) {
log('switching to Latest tab')
let $latestTab = /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ (
$searchTabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(2) > a')
} else {
warn('could not find Search tabs')
observeTimeline(currentPage, {
hideHeadings: false,
isTabbed: true,
tabbedTimelineContainerSelector: 'div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] > div > div:last-child',
if (desktop) {
let $emptyFirstSidebarItem = document.querySelector(`${Selectors.SIDEBAR_WRAPPERS} > div:first-child:empty`)
if ($emptyFirstSidebarItem) {
log('removing empty first sidebar item from Search sidebar')
function tweakTweetEngagementPage() {
if (config.replaceLogo) {
let $headingText = document.querySelector(`${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} h2 span`)
if ($headingText) {
if ($headingText.textContent != getString('TWEET_INTERACTIONS')) {
$headingText.textContent = getString('TWEET_INTERACTIONS')
} else {
warn('could not find Post engagement heading')
let $tabs = document.querySelector(`${mobile ? Selectors.MOBILE_TIMELINE_HEADER : Selectors.PRIMARY_COLUMN} nav`)
if ($tabs == null) {
warn('could not find Post engagement tabs')
if (tweetInteractionsTab) {
log('switching to tab', tweetInteractionsTab)
let $tab = /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ (
$tabs.querySelector(`div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(${tweetInteractionsTab}) > a`)
tweetInteractionsTab = null
if (config.replaceLogo) {
let $quoteTweetsTabText = $tabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(1) div[dir] > span')
if ($quoteTweetsTabText) $quoteTweetsTabText.textContent = getString('QUOTE_TWEETS')
let $retweetsTabText = $tabs.querySelector('div[role="tablist"] > div:nth-child(2) div[dir] > span')
if ($retweetsTabText) $retweetsTabText.textContent = getString('RETWEETS')
if (config.twitterBlueChecks != 'ignore') {
observeTimeline(currentPage, {classifyTweets: false})
//#region Main
async function main() {
let $settings = /** @type {HTMLScriptElement} */ (document.querySelector('script#tnt_settings'))
if ($settings) {
try {
Object.assign(config, JSON.parse($settings.innerText))
} catch(e) {
error('error parsing initial settings', e)
let settingsChangeObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
/** @type {Partial<import("./types").Config>} */
let configChanges
try {
configChanges = JSON.parse($settings.innerText)
} catch(e) {
error('error parsing incoming settings change', e)
if ('debug' in configChanges) {
log('disabling debug mode')
debug = configChanges.debug
log('enabled debug mode')
Object.assign(config, configChanges)
settingsChangeObserver.observe($settings, {childList: true})
if (config.debug) {
debug = true
if (redirectToTwitter()) {
let $loadingStyle
if (config.replaceLogo) {
getElement('html', {name: 'html element'}).then(($html) => {
$loadingStyle = document.createElement('style')
$loadingStyle.dataset.insertedBy = 'control-panel-for-twitter'
$loadingStyle.dataset.role = 'loading-logo'
$loadingStyle.textContent = dedent(`
${Selectors.X_LOGO_PATH} {
fill: ${isSafari ? 'transparent' : THEME_BLUE};
d: path("${Svgs.TWITTER_LOGO_PATH}");
.tnt_logo {
fill: ${THEME_BLUE};
if (isSafari) {
getElement(Selectors.X_LOGO_PATH, {name: 'pre-loading indicator logo', timeout: 1000}).then(($logoPath) => {
if ($logoPath) {
let $appWrapper = await getElement('#layers + div', {name: 'app wrapper'})
$html = document.querySelector('html')
$body = document.body
$reactRoot = document.querySelector('#react-root')
lang = $html.lang
dir = $html.dir
ltr = dir == 'ltr'
let lastFlexDirection
observeElement($appWrapper, () => {
let flexDirection = getComputedStyle($appWrapper).flexDirection
mobile = flexDirection == 'column'
desktop = !mobile
/** @type {'mobile' | 'desktop'} */
let version = mobile ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'
if (version != config.version) {
log('setting version to', version)
config.version = version
// Let the options page know which version is being used
if (lastFlexDirection == null) {
log('initial config', {config, lang, version})
// One-time setup
let initialThemeColor = getThemeColorFromState()
if (initialThemeColor) {
themeColor = initialThemeColor
if (desktop) {
fontSize = $html.style.fontSize
if (!fontSize) {
warn('initial fontSize not set on <html>')
// Repeatable configuration setup
// Start taking action on page changes
observingPageChanges = true
// Delay removing loading icon styles to avoid Flash of X
if ($loadingStyle) {
setTimeout(() => $loadingStyle.remove(), 1000)
else if (flexDirection != lastFlexDirection) {
$body.classList.toggle('Mobile', mobile)
$body.classList.toggle('Desktop', desktop)
lastFlexDirection = flexDirection
}, 'app wrapper class attribute for version changes (mobile ↔ desktop)', {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['class']
* @param {Partial<import("./types").Config>} changes
function configChanged(changes) {
log('config changed', changes)
if ('redirectToTwitter' in changes && redirectToTwitter()) {
if ('version' in changes) {
fontSize = desktop ? $html.style.fontSize : null
if ('replaceLogo' in changes || 'hideNotifications' in changes) {
observeFavicon.forceUpdate(getNotificationCount() > 0)
// Store the current notification count if hiding notifications was enabled
if ('hideNotifications' in changes && config.hideNotifications != 'ignore') {
hiddenNotificationCount = currentNotificationCount
let navigationTriggered = (
configureSeparatedTweetsTimelineTitle() ||
if ('hideNotifications' in changes) {
// Hide or show the notification count in the title. The title will already
// have been updated if other navigation was triggered.
if (!navigationTriggered) {
navigationTriggered = true
// Clear the stored notification count if hiding notifications was disabled
if (config.hideNotifications == 'ignore') {
hiddenNotificationCount = ''
// Only re-process the current page if navigation wasn't already triggered
// while applying config changes.
if (!navigationTriggered) {