Make Twitter photo viewing more humane
Du vil måske også kunne lide Twitter remove content warning
Let you able to close an image view by clicking it, and use your mouse wheel or mouse drag to switch between the previous image or the next one.
You can enable it in script menu.
Due to some complex reasons, drag to switch images only support for webkit-based browser.
v1.0.0 is an major update, usually you will no longer need to set up aria-label and it support all languages.
But if you are using Firefox, you still need to manually set aria-label for special reasons.
Press F12 to open the DevTools, and follow the steps below to get the aria-label values of the Close, Previous, Next buttons.
Then click "Set aria-label" from the script menu, concatenate the three aria-label values with commas(,), fill them into the input box and submit.
If you need to disable the aria-label setting, leave the input box empty and submit directly.