reddit old new shuffle button
// ==UserScript== // @name aditya's reddit old new shuffle button // @namespace testinfg-fojjjjr-that-script // @description reddit old new shuffle button // @icon // @version 1.0 // @grant GM_addStyle // @include ** // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== if ( != window.self)//don't run on frames or iframes { //Optional: GM_log ('In frame'); return; } /*--- Create a button in a container div. It will be styled and positioned with CSS. */ var zNode = document.createElement ('input'); zNode.setAttribute ('id', 'suButton'); zNode.setAttribute( 'type', 'image' ); zNode.setAttribute( 'src', '' ); document.body.appendChild (zNode); zNode.addEventListener ("click", ButtonClickAction, true); //--- Activate the newly added button and add rollover image handling. function ButtonClickAction () { var url = window.location.toString("suButton"); window.location = url.replace('www', 'old'); } //--- Style our newly added elements using CSS. GM_addStyle ( " \ #suButton { \ position: fixed; \ top: 0px; \ left: 0px; \ margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; \ opacity: 0.9; \ cursor: url(C:\buttercup_06.cur),url(,url(myBall.cur),pointer; \ border: 0px outset red; \ z-index: 222; \ padding: 5px 5px; \ }\ " ); //============================================================================= /*--- Create a button in a container div. It will be styled and positioned with CSS. */ var zNode2 = document.createElement ('input'); zNode2.setAttribute ('id', 'suButton2'); zNode2.setAttribute( 'type', 'image' ); zNode2.setAttribute( 'src', '' ); document.body.appendChild (zNode2); zNode2.addEventListener ("click", ButtonClickAction2, true); //--- Activate the newly added button and add rollover image handling. function ButtonClickAction2 () { var url = window.location.toString("suButton2"); window.location = url.replace('old', 'www'); } //--- Style our newly added elements using CSS. GM_addStyle ( " \ #suButton2 { \ position: fixed; \ top: 0px; \ left: 30px; \ margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; \ opacity: 0.9; \ cursor: url(C:\buttercup_06.cur),url(,url(myBall.cur),pointer; \ border: 0px outset red; \ z-index: 222; \ padding: 5px 5px; \ }\ " );