Greasy Fork is available in English.
Autocompletion for Solve Media image CAPTCHAs.
Curated list of Solve Media CAPTCHA solutions, provided as autocomplete suggestions for the challenge-response field.
The script can not work on its own! Start typing in the answer and if you are lucky, your browser's autocomplete function will pop up the whole solution, saving you a couple of keystrokes. Solve Media uses a fixed set of phrases in their image CAPTCHAs, and the script contains more than 1700 of them.
This script is looking for Solve Media challenges in every site you visit. If you are not comfortable with that, you have to manually modify the @include *
line at the top of the source code to the URL of the site you want to use the script on. You may define multiple URLs by adding multiple @include
lines, one for each site.