// ==UserScript== // @name 哔哩哔哩站内链接信息显示 BilibiliLinksInfos // @namespace ckylin-bilibili-show-links-target // @version 1.3 // @description 替换bilibili页面的视频链接为视频名,专栏链接为专栏文章名,音频链接为音频名 // @author CKylinMC // @include *.bilibili.com/* // @grant none // @license GPL-3.0-only // ==/UserScript== (function () { let opts = { debug: false }; function CKBilibiliLinksUtil(dom) { const that = this; this.dom = dom; this.desIndex = 0; this.des = []; this.link = ""; this.dataInfo = {}; this.textprefix = ""; this.ensureHTTPSAddr = function (url) { if (url.indexOf("//:") == 0) return url.replace("//:", "https://"); return url.replace("http://", "https://"); }; this.regMenuEvent = function () { that.dom.oncontextmenu = function (e) { that.desIndex++; if (that.desIndex >= that.des.length) that.desIndex = 0; //that.dom.innerHTML = that.des[that.desIndex]; that.setText(that.des[that.desIndex]); return false; } } this.generateDes = function () { if ("type" in this.dataInfo) { switch (this.dataInfo.type) { case "video": that.des.push(this.dataInfo.aid); that.des.push(this.dataInfo.bvid); that.des.push(that.link); break; case "article": that.des.push(that.link); break; case "audio": that.des.push(that.link); break; } } }; this.addText = function (txt) { that.setText(that.getText() + txt); } this.setText = function (txt) { that.dom.innerHTML = that.textprefix + txt; } this.getText = function () { return that.dom.innerHTML.replace(that.textprefix,""); } this.doGetInfos = function () { if (this.dom instanceof HTMLElement) { if (!('href' in this.dom)) return; if (this.dom.className != "dynamic-link-hover-bg" && this.dom.className != "") return; if (this.dom.className == "dynamic-link-hover-bg") { this.textprefix = '<i class="bp-svg-icon link" style="position:relative;top:-1px;margin-left:2px;"></i>'; } if ((this.dom.href.indexOf("https://www.bilibili.com/video/") == 0 || this.dom.href.indexOf("http://www.bilibili.com/video/") == 0 || this.dom.href.indexOf("//www.bilibili.com/video/") == 0) && !this.dom.hasAttribute("data-blblinfo")) { this.dom.setAttribute("data-blblinfo", true); this.addText(" (正在获取信息...)"); setTimeout(() => { this.link = this.ensureHTTPSAddr(this.dom.href); fetch("https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view" + this.getAPIParam()) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { if (json.code == 0) { that.dataInfo = json.data; that.dataInfo.isOk = true; that.dataInfo.aid = "av" + that.dataInfo.aid; that.dataInfo.type = "video"; } else { that.dataInfo.isOk = false; that.dataInfo.fetchError = false; that.dataInfo.message = json.message; } }, failReason => { that.dataInfo.isOk = false; that.dataInfo.fetchError = true; that.dataInfo.message = failReason; that.setText(that.getText().replace(" (正在获取信息...)", " (信息获取失败)")); that.des = [that.dom.innerHTML]; }) .then(() => { if (that.dataInfo.isOk) { that.setText("[视频] " + that.dataInfo.title); that.des = [that.dom.innerHTML]; that.generateDes(); that.regMenuEvent(); } else if (!that.dataInfo.fetchError) { that.setText(that.getText().replace(" (正在获取信息...)", " (视频不存在或已删除)")); that.des = [that.dom.innerHTML]; //that.dom.style.color = "rgb(86, 86, 86)"; //that.generateDesFromUrl(); that.dom.style.textDecoration = "line-through"; } }) }, 100); } else if ((this.dom.href.indexOf("https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv") == 0 || this.dom.href.indexOf("http://www.bilibili.com/read/cv") == 0 || this.dom.href.indexOf("//www.bilibili.com/read/cv") == 0) && !this.dom.hasAttribute("data-blblinfo")) { this.dom.setAttribute("data-blblinfo", true); this.addText(" (正在获取信息...)"); setTimeout(() => { this.link = this.ensureHTTPSAddr(this.dom.href); fetch("https://api.bilibili.com/x/article/viewinfo" + this.getAPIParam()) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { if (json.code == 0) { that.dataInfo = json.data; that.dataInfo.isOk = true; that.dataInfo.type = "article"; that.dataInfo.cid = this.getCidFromLink(); } else { that.dataInfo.isOk = false; that.dataInfo.fetchError = false; that.dataInfo.message = json.message; } }, failReason => { that.dataInfo.isOk = false; that.dataInfo.fetchError = true; that.dataInfo.message = failReason; that.setText(that.getText().replace(" (正在获取信息...)", " (信息获取失败)")); that.des = [that.dom.innerHTML]; }) .then(() => { if (that.dataInfo.isOk) { that.setText("[专栏] " + that.dataInfo.title); that.des = [that.dom.innerHTML]; that.generateDes(); that.regMenuEvent(); } else if (!that.dataInfo.fetchError) { that.setText(that.getText().replace(" (正在获取信息...)", " (专栏不存在或已删除)")); that.des = [that.dom.innerHTML]; //that.dom.style.color = "rgb(86, 86, 86)"; //that.generateDesFromUrl(); that.dom.style.textDecoration = "line-through"; } }) }, 100); } else if ((this.dom.href.indexOf("https://www.bilibili.com/audio/au") == 0 || this.dom.href.indexOf("http://www.bilibili.com/audio/au") == 0 || this.dom.href.indexOf("//www.bilibili.com/audio/au") == 0) && !this.dom.hasAttribute("data-blblinfo")) { this.dom.setAttribute("data-blblinfo", true); this.addText(" (正在获取信息...)"); setTimeout(() => { this.link = this.ensureHTTPSAddr(this.dom.href); fetch("https://www.bilibili.com/audio/music-service-c/web/song/info" + this.getAPIParam()) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { if (json.code == 0) { that.dataInfo = json.data; that.dataInfo.isOk = true; that.dataInfo.type = "audio"; that.dataInfo.cid = this.getSidFromLink(); } else { that.dataInfo.isOk = false; that.dataInfo.fetchError = false; that.dataInfo.message = json.message; } }, failReason => { that.dataInfo.isOk = false; that.dataInfo.fetchError = true; that.dataInfo.message = failReason; that.setText(that.getText().replace(" (正在获取信息...)", " (信息获取失败)")); that.des = [that.dom.innerHTML]; }) .then(() => { if (that.dataInfo.isOk) { that.setText("[音频] " + that.dataInfo.title + "(" + that.dataInfo.author + ")"); that.des = [that.dom.innerHTML]; that.generateDes(); that.regMenuEvent(); } else if (!that.dataInfo.fetchError) { that.setText(that.getText().replace(" (正在获取信息...)", " (音频不存在或已删除)")); that.des = [that.dom.innerHTML]; //that.dom.style.color = "rgb(86, 86, 86)"; //that.generateDesFromUrl(); that.dom.style.textDecoration = "line-through"; } }) }, 100); } } }; this.getCidFromLink = function () { var id; var tmpindex = that.link.indexOf("/cv"); id = that.link.substr(tmpindex + 1); if (id.indexOf("/")) { id = id.split("/")[0]; } if (id.indexOf("?")) { id = id.split("?")[0]; } if (id.indexOf("#")) { id = id.split("#")[0]; } return id; } this.getSidFromLink = function () { var id; var tmpindex = that.link.indexOf("/audio/au"); id = that.link.substr(tmpindex + 7); if (id.indexOf("/")) { id = id.split("/")[0]; } if (id.indexOf("?")) { id = id.split("?")[0]; } if (id.indexOf("#")) { id = id.split("#")[0]; } return id; } this.getAPIParam = function () { var tmpindex, id, key = "aid"; if ((tmpindex = that.link.indexOf("/av")) != -1) { id = that.link.substr(tmpindex + 1); if (id.indexOf("/") != -1) { id = id.split("/")[0]; } if (id.indexOf("?") != -1) { id = id.split("?")[0]; } if (id.indexOf("#") != -1) { id = id.split("#")[0]; } id = id.substr(2); } else if ((tmpindex = that.link.indexOf("/BV1")) != -1 || (tmpindex = that.link.indexOf("/bv1")) != -1) { key = "bvid"; id = that.link.substr(tmpindex + 1); if (id.indexOf("/") != -1) { id = id.split("/")[0]; } if (id.indexOf("?") != -1) { id = id.split("?")[0]; } if (id.indexOf("#") != -1) { id = id.split("#")[0]; } } else if ((tmpindex = that.link.indexOf("/cv")) != -1) { key = "id"; id = this.getCidFromLink(); id = id.substr(2); } else if ((tmpindex = that.link.indexOf("/au")) != -1) { key = "sid"; id = this.getSidFromLink(); id = id.substr(2); } return "?" + key + "=" + id; }; } function CK_getParentElements(el){ if(!(el instanceof HTMLElement)) return []; let els = []; while(el.parentElement){ el = el.parentElement; els.push(el); } return els; } function CK_parentsHasClass(el,className){ let hasclass = false; CK_getParentElements(el).forEach(e=>{ if(e.classList.contains(className)) hasclass = true; }); return hasclass; } function CK_parentsHasClassSeries(el,className){ let hasclass = false; CK_getParentElements(el).forEach(e=>{ e.classList.forEach(i=>{ if(i.startsWith(className)) hasclass = true; }) }); return hasclass; } function CK_parentsHasId(el,id){ let hasid = false; CK_getParentElements(el).forEach(e=>{ if(e.id===id) hasid = true; }); return hasid; } function CK_verifyElements(el){ if(!(el instanceof HTMLElement)) { CK_debug("it's not a element\n",el); return false; } if(el.tagName!="A") { CK_debug("it's not a link\n",el); return false; } if(el.hasAttribute("title")) { CK_debug("it contained a title\n",el); return false; } if(CK_parentsHasClassSeries(el,"video-card")) { CK_debug("it has a banned parent with class 'card'\n",el); return false; } /*if(CK_parentsHasId(el,"series")) { //CK_debug("it has a banned parent with ID 'series'\n",el); return false; }*/ return true; } function CK_debug(){ if(opts.debug) console.info("[CKBLI] ",...arguments); } function doUpdateAllLinksHook() { document.querySelectorAll("a").forEach((e, i) => { e.onmouseover = e => { if (CK_verifyElements(e.target)) { (new CKBilibiliLinksUtil(e.target)).doGetInfos(); } } }); } document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", function (e) { doUpdateAllLinksHook(); }); /*window.blblinfo_globalSelect = false; document.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) { if (!window.blblinfo_globalSelect) return; e.path.forEach(el => { if (el.tagName == "a") { (new CKBilibiliLinksUtil(el)).doGetInfos(); } }) }) document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) { if (e.key != "Control") return; if (window.blblinfo_globalSelect) return; console.log("window.blblinfo_globalSelect = true;"); window.blblinfo_globalSelect = true; }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) { if (e.key != "Control") return; if (!window.blblinfo_globalSelect) return; console.log("window.blblinfo_globalSelect = false;"); window.blblinfo_globalSelect = false; });*/ doUpdateAllLinksHook(); })();