F**king Bilibili, give my av number back!
由于鄙人主要搞Python、Java和C#,方向是视频处理不会前端,所以完全凭直觉撸代码。很多地方实现比较Ugly。 会尽力优化完善,还请理解。
In March 23, 2020, Bilibili has changed its video number rule from "av number" to ugly meaningless "BV number". It such a stupid decision and we need to get our av number back.
For this version, I just change BV number in URL to av number withour refreshing, also show av number on the right of video release time below video title.
If you meet any bugs, please just shutdown this script and welcome to report it to me. You can just send private message at bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/3579362 or just email contact#xsky123.com
屑站在2020年3月23日做了一个非常脑*血的决定,把历史悠久的av号直接砍掉变成了非常愚蠢的BV号制度。 因此我们自然要把AV号拿回来。
如果有bug 请关闭脚本并欢迎反馈
https://space.bilibili.com/3579362 contact#xsky123.com
WTFPL #干啥干啥