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Set dark mode on youtube and turn off autoplay next video

Installer dette script?
// ==UserScript==// @name            DarkTube// @name:ru         DarkTube// @namespace       darktube// @version         0.2// @description     Set dark mode on youtube and turn off autoplay next video// @description:ru  Устанавливает темный режим на ютюбе и выключает автозапуск следующего видео// @author          Blank// @match           https://www.youtube.com/*// @run-at          document-start// @grant           none// @noframes// ==/UserScript==(function main() {'use strict';const log = (...args) => console.log(`${GM.info.script.name}:`, ...args);log('start');// set darkmode and autopay off cookie before page loadedconst cookiePref = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)PREF\s*=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, '$1');const prefDarkAndAutopay = 'f6=400&f5=30000';if (!cookiePref.includes(prefDarkAndAutopay)) {document.cookie = `PREF=${cookiePref ? `&${cookiePref}` : ''}${prefDarkAndAutopay};path=/;domain=.youtube.com;max-age=315360000`;log('cookie injected');}}());