Zeigt "Rückspielbutton" auf der Startseite!
/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The #### You Want * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. */ // ==UserScript== // @name Rückspielbutton AT // @include http://fussballcup.at/* // @version 0.1 // @description Zeigt "Rückspielbutton" auf der Startseite! // @author Philipp, edited by mot33 / 2016 // @connect <value> // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/83290 // ==/UserScript== // ############### CONFIGURATION ############### // change URL for other icon for "Rueckspielbutton" var icon_path = "https://abload.de/img/pfeil-nach-vorne_318-6xz3u.png"; var icon_config = "width='35px'"; // ###################################### /** * e. g. Gracemonkey won't let us access custom script from webpage (e. g. as <a href=javascript:...) * use this scirpt to inject JS-Code directely in DOM-tree so you can access this code from web page */ function injectJS(code, id){ var scriptId = "custom_script_" + id; if(document.getElementById(scriptId)){ // element allready added; ignore! return; } var script = document.createElement('script'); script.id = "script_" + id; script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(code)); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script); } injectJS(` var appName = "Rematch button" var cleanUpTry = 30; var timeoutClean = 150; var timeout = 5000; /** * Simply creates async html request with url theURL; calls back callback with r###lt string as first parameter * * Case of error; null is returned as r###lt String */ function httpGetAsync(theUrl, callback){ logInfo('send Http request: ' + theUrl); var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200){ logInfo('http request returned: ' + xmlHttp.responseText); callback(xmlHttp.responseText); } } xmlHttp.open('GET', theUrl, true); // true for asynchronous xmlHttp.send(null); // handle timeout window.setTimeout(function(){ if (xmlHttp.readyState != 4 || xmlHttp.status != 200){ // something went wrong // cancel xmlHttp.abort(); // call callback with error callback(null); } }, timeout); } function httpRequestFootball(params, callback){ httpGetAsync('/index.php?w=' + worldId + '&' + params, callback); } /** * searches for http-parameter key in url * returns value; if not found: return null */ function extractFromURL(url, key){ // split parameters var sp = url.split("&"); for(var x=1; x<sp.length; x++){ var item = sp[x].split("="); if(item[0] == "invite"){ return item[1]; } } return null; } /** * lookup squad id (e. g. for scheduling "Simmulationsspiel" or "Freundschaftsspiel") * identifies user with clubId * calls callback with squadId as first parameter * if error occurs: return -1 */ function findSquad(clubId, callback){ httpRequestFootball("area=user&module=profile&action=show&clubId=" + clubId + "&path=index.php&layout=none", function(r###ltString) { if(r###ltString == null){ // seems like http request failed logError("http request to find squad id failed!"); callback(-1); return; } // parse r###lt var parser = document.createElement('html'); parser.innerHTML = JSON.parse(r###ltString).content; try{ var url = parser.getElementsByClassName('button button-container-friendly-invite-button')[0].children[0].href; }catch(e){ callback(-1); logWarning("failed to find url containing squad id"); logError(e); logError(e.stack); return; } // parse url var squad = extractFromURL(url, "invite"); if(squad == null){ logWarning("url doesn't contain invite!"); callback(-1); return; } // finally call back with r###lt callback(squad); } ); } /** * really simple log system */ function logError(msg){ console.log("ERROR ==> " + appName + ": " + msg); } function logWarning(msg){ } function logInfo(msg){ } /** * go back to startpage */ function cleanUp(count){ if(document.getElementsByClassName('action-column last-column').length < 10){ // page still not loaded => game not scheduled => try again later if(count > 0){ window.setTimeout(function(){cleanUp(count-1)}, timeoutClean); }else{ logWarning('could not clean up: could not reload start page'); } }else{ window.location.href = '#/index.php'; // cleanup 2 => press simmbutton window.setTimeout(function(){cleanUp2(cleanUpTry)}, timeoutClean); } } /** * enter right menu */ function cleanUp2(count){ var elems = document.getElementsByClassName('handle simulations '); if(elems.length == 0){ // page still not loaded => game not scheduled => try again later if(count > 0){ window.setTimeout(function(){cleanUp2(count-1)}, timeoutClean); }else{ logWarning('could not clean up: could not press button to view simmgames'); } }else{ changes(); elems[0].click(); } } /** * gets squad id of playerId. schedules game with player */ function scheduleSimGame(playerId){ findSquad(playerId, function(squadId){ if(squadId == -1){ logError('bug! squadId not found!'); alert('bug! I am sorry :('); }else{ // request game window.location.href = '#/index.php?area=user&module=simulation&action=index&leagues=19&squad=' + squadId + '&_=1470592297'; // go to homepage window.setTimeout(function(){cleanUp(cleanUpTry)}, timeoutClean); } }); } `, 'schedule_ruckspiel'); /** * Main function! */ function changes(){ var matchesBox = document.getElementsByClassName('matches simulations'); if(matchesBox.length == 0){ // oh, no matchesBox: probably user does not view start page => nothing to do return; } matchesBox = matchesBox[0].children; // that's the real matchbox // iterate children for (var i = 0; i < matchesBox.length; i++) { var game = matchesBox[i].children[0]; // validate box try{ var retFlag = false; // validate allready added for(var x=0; x<game.children.length; x++){ if(game.children[x].className == "rematch_button"){ retFlag = true; break; } } if(retFlag){ continue; } // validate anzeigen button visible if(game.children[3].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].innerHTML != "anzeigen"){ continue; } // check if other user is on the left if(game.children[1].children[0].children[1].className != "self-link"){ // other must be self-link => just check to be sure if(game.children[1].children[2].children[1].className != "self-link"){ logError("no other player found! (no class self-link)"); continue; } var url = game.children[1].children[0].children[1].href; }else{ // other must not be self-link => just check to be sure if(game.children[1].children[2].children[1].className == "self-link"){ logError("no other player found! (two class self-link)"); continue; } var url = game.children[1].children[2].children[1].href; } }catch(e){ logError(e); logError(e.stack); continue; } // generate url of rematch url var playerId = ""; try{ var sp = url.split("&"); playerId = -1; for(var x=1; x<sp.length; x++){ var item = sp[x].split("="); if(item[0] == "clubId"){ playerId = item[1]; break; } } // validate r###lt if(playerId == -1){ logError("could not find id of player in url: " + readUrl); continue; } }catch(e){ logError("something strange happened; cannot find id of player to schedule simmgame"); logError(e); logError(e.stack); continue; } // add button var button = document.createElement("li"); button.className = "rematch_button"; button.innerHTML = "<a href=javascript:scheduleSimGame(" + playerId + ")> <img " + icon_config + " src='" + icon_path + "' /></a>"; game.appendChild(button); } } window.setTimeout(function() { changes() }, 2500); window.setInterval(function() { changes() }, 5000);