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Clean fbclid from Facebook links

Removes the fbclid(= Facebook Click ID) parameter and Facebook redirect - (l.facebook.com?u=...) from all links in Facebook when scrolling.

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// ==UserScript==// @name         Clean fbclid from Facebook links// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/scripts/396523-facebook-delete-fbclid-link// @version      0.3// @icon         https://www.facebook.com/favicon.ico// @description  Removes the fbclid(= Facebook Click ID) parameter and Facebook redirect - (l.facebook.com?u=...) from all links in Facebook when scrolling.// @author       Djamana// @match        https://*.facebook.com/*// @grant        none// ==/UserScript==// TestLinks:// https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fnogenrejustart%2Fj###sismahomeboy%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1fQdnurYrqM0THq62duexqMAhR25Hba4TkDPta5H4904ojleQw6wEVS5Y&h=AT1tFEugTN4GSRIAxggUBDCl7xdIz8T2nkJTsZC7y0GFSFJxUhVg2DW1jP2zaLMVcArsyL3896p-hYqWwhPE2JLmYITcQ3MCwTU1ZvQO3zFZsdH96DVzOJyTsugiD6WH3kPU623cq4Wo&__tn__=H-R&c[0]=AT0ngXoGgxIg0qsCiDl_5KcUn1Uy9te3oBdkJFqr2I79tqGoxYBS2IJh9AQJKDpWiwkn95CjM1nxs39PI8iF3prgCsxCfoMbyh-GcgPTWQQChGu_IsxxXhWyxc1ZTysJGz5SI4atYlLYiCoHzmD5UaQlwD8nRQ04Rao(function() {'use strict';if (location.host === "l.facebook.com" ) {// ... location is a Facebook redirectvar url_clean = cleanUrl(location.href)location = url_clean//        // Rip Redirect//        var url = new URL( new URLSearchParams( location.search ).get("u") )//        // Rip fbclid//        url.searchParams.delete("fbclid")//        location = url.href} else {// ... location is a other Facebook pageexecute()}})();function execute() {const fbclid_Selector = 'a[href*="fbclid"]'const ERROR           = "Houston, we have a problem: "//	const fbclidLinkList = document.querySelectorAll( fbclid_Selector )//	if (!fbclidLinkList || fbclidLinkList.length === 0) {// ... No fbclid links found on the page ?// ... so cleanLinks() every 5 seconds//	setTimeout(execute, 5000)//    } else {debuggerwindow.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", cleanLinks )//       window.addEventListener("click",              cleanLinks )// There are fbclid links on the page.// Install run-deleteFbclidLink()-when-scrolling handler ...//       window.addEventListener("scroll",             cleanLinks )//	}// ... and remove them now ( = run cleanLinks() )//    cleanLinks()}function cleanLinks() {const fbclid_Selector = 'a[href*="fbclid"]'const ERROR           = "Houston, we have a problem: "const fbclidLinkList = document.querySelectorAll( fbclid_Selector)if (!fbclidLinkList || fbclidLinkList.length === 0) {return}for (const fbclidLink of fbclidLinkList) {// 'Output cleared linkfbclidLink.href = cleanUrl( fbclidLink.href )}}function cleanUrl( url ) {const fbclidURL = new URL(url)// Remove Facebook redirect - l.facebook.com?u=try {if ( fbclidURL.host === "l.facebook.com" ) {fbclidURL.href = decodeURI( fbclidURL.searchParams.get("u") )}}  catch (e) {console.log( "Remove redirect - " +  ERROR + e)}// Remove '...&fbclid=...' parametertry {fbclidURL.searchParams.delete("fbclid")var url_cleaned = fbclidURL.href}  catch (e) {console.log( "Remove fbclid - " + ERROR + e)}console.log (url + " -> " + url_cleaned)return url_cleaned}