This script adds a button on any anime/manga page, click on this button to download your Anime/Manga XML list. There's a button that's added on your profile only and Backups Your Profile using the Wayback Machine services.
Du vil måske også kunne lide Better Buttons To Edit Anime/Manga Information
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The script will automatically backup the following things:
The button to Backup Your AnimeList/MangaList takes +/-3 secs to download your .xml anime/manga list
The button "Backup My Profile" can backup the following things to
Your Currently Watching Anime List
Your Completed Anime List
Your On Hold Anime List
Your Dropped Anime List
Your Plan to Watch Anime List
A List of Topics in Forum that You Replied To
Your Anime Changes History List
Your Profile texts and images/statistics numbers/Favorites (Animes/Mangas/Characters
and People)/Comments and also 12 of your Friends
The Clubs that your are in
Your Anime Recommendations List (And maybe your manga recommendations too, but I'm not sure of it)
Your Anime Reviews (And maybe your manga recommendations too, but I'm not sure of it)
The Backup My Profile process can take +/- 3 minutes, so click on the Backup My Profile button and WAIT (Don't click on anything else), WHEN THE PROCESS IS DONE THE SCRIPT WILL AUTOMATICALLY CLOSE THE BROWSER TAB.
The script can also update your and your mal-badges (if you don't have an "account" there yet the script will automatically make one for you)
DO NOT use extensions like Privacy Badger,Ghostery, Blur, Disconnect, DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials, Descentraleyes and Umatrix. These extensions do protect your privacy, but they also prevent the "Backup My Profile" Button functions from being executed.
How to "import" your PROFILE backup if/when needed?
Import your XML file here
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