Attempts to keep your OmaPosti session alive by auto-clicking on the expiry notification.
// ==UserScript== // @namespace raina // @name OmaPosti keepalive // @version 1.1.20200908 // @description Attempts to keep your OmaPosti session alive by auto-clicking on the expiry notification. // @author raina // @match* // @grant none // @runat document-end // ==/UserScript== setTimeout(() => { const el = document.getElementById("modal"); let timeout; const cb = function(mutations, observer) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => { if (document.getElementById("sessionAboutToExpire_modal")) { console.log("OmaPosti keepalive is keeping your session from expiring."); document.getElementById("sessionAboutToExpire_modal").querySelector('button[mode="primary"]').click(); setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 10000); } }, 5000); } if (el) { const mo = new MutationObserver(cb); mo.observe(el, {childList:true}); console.log("OmaPosti keepalive is active."); } }, 5000);