Show up to 15 Forum Discussions on Anime and Manga Pages instead of only +/- 4 Forum Discussions.
Dette er versioner af dette script, hvor koden er blevet opdateret. Vis alle versioner.
Fixed bug that was making the script not work on entries with symbols in their names.
Fixed bug that was making the script not work when the entry was opened from the mini search bar.
Fixed bug that was making the script run on any entry related pages, instead of running only on the entry main page.
Version number updated
Fixed bug that was making the Episodes and Others links not show the correct forum topics.
Fixed bug that was making the script run on pages where it has no need to run.
Fixed bug that was making the script not work when an entry link was opened from the history page.
Fixed script icon.
Improved match rules. Now the script also works when the anime/manga link is opened from the history page.
When the bold forum text is clicked the old forum topics on the page will be removed.
Now the script will work just after the page is scrolled down, this helps preventing the blue screen "Submit to prove you are not a bot" from showing up.
Now the script will auto clean the script storage cached anime ids and their forum topics when there's 20 of them on the script storage cache.
Fixed bug that was making the script run on and show the cached forum topics on urls like
Removed needless variables.
Fixed bug that was making the script not consider the entry type, so if anime/6978 was opened before manga/6978, manga/6978 would show the Synonyms: version of anime/6978.Fixed bug that was making the script run on and show the cached forum topics on urls like
Updated to make less network requests to MAL.The script will cache the forum topics when you load an anime/manga page for the first time.To know if the current forum topics shown are the cached version hover your mouse over the bold Forum text and you will see that "Forum" is clickable.Click on the bold Forum text to update the forum topics to see the latest Forum topics updates. This also updates the Forum topics on the script cache.