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mangaoh title reformat

reformat date & title in search r###lt (click button to copy)

Installer dette script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         mangaoh title reformat
// @namespace    https://github.com/x94fujo6rpg/SomeTampermonkeyScripts
// @version      0.12
// @description  reformat date & title in search r###lt (click button to copy)
// @author       x94fujo6
// @match        https://www.mangaoh.co.jp/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
window.onload = main;
function main() {
if (window.location.href.match(/www\.mangaoh\.co\.jp\/search\/\?q=.+/)) {
let allcard = document.querySelectorAll(".r###lt-card");
if (allcard) allcard.forEach(card => reformat(card));
// fix broken scrollbar cause by checkout-js error
function fixScrollbar() {
document.body.style = `overflow:scroll !important;`;
function reformat(card) {
let buttonclass = "btn btn-outline-dark",
titleEle = card.querySelector("h2"),
box = document.createElement("div");
// get author
let author = card.querySelector("a[href*=作者]");
if (author) {
author = author.textContent.trim();
let button_author = document.createElement("button");
class: buttonclass,
onclick: `navigator.clipboard.writeText("${author}")`,
button_author.textContent = author;
// get release date
let date = card.querySelector(".add_filter[href*='発売日']");
if (date) {
date = date.getAttribute("href");
if (date) {
date = date.split(":")[1];
if (date) {
let [y, m, d] = date.split("-"),
button_date = document.createElement("button");
y = y.slice(2);
date = y + m + d;
// release date button
class: buttonclass,
onclick: `navigator.clipboard.writeText("${date} ")`,
button_date.textContent = date;
// format title
let title = titleEle.querySelector(".prd_name")
if (title) {
title = title.textContent.trim();
if (title) {
let button_full = document.createElement("button"),
formatted = `[${author}] ${date} ${title}`,
adult = card.querySelector(".badge-adult");
formatted = `${adult ? "(成年コミック)" : "(一般コミック)"} ${formatted}`;
class: buttonclass,
onclick: `navigator.clipboard.writeText("${formatted}")`,
name: "bookdata",
"book_author": author,
"book_date": date,
"book_title": title,
button_full.textContent = formatted;
titleEle.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", box);