Google Search Less scrolling with a multi columns interface
Userscript version of my Usertyle (on
GooGle - Multi-Columns Dark and Gray
Or better the same on USO Archives (faster and more functional):
GooGle - Multi-Columns Dark and Gray
It's very very hard to Style Google Search...
And i prefer DuckDuckGo ;-)
So, at this time (because Google change its code all the time) ,
NEW (2023.05):
This userstyles shouldn't be updated now!
Because Google change, you can test now my new userstyle which work with the last Google design (2023.05):
Dark Gray and infinite scroll
It Can be found here:
- GooGLE Search MultiColumn (New Design 2023) [ - USw]
- GooGLE Search MultiColumn (New Design 2023) [Greasyfork]
- GooGLE Search MultiColumn (New Design 2023) []
OLD description for this one:
This Userstyles fill the windows with a multicolumn r###lts page (3 columns) (based on window size) .
- Top r###lt header is more compact.
- Translate Icon always visible on r###lts
- Vertical Pagination is always visible on the right side.
- Delete unwanted elements (pubs ... etc) when AntiAdBlock disable.
You Can add a counter of r###lts with my usertsyle:
Google - R###lts Counter
It is based on some previous Userstyles i create :
- DuckDuckGo - Multi-Columns
- Google - GM - Google MonkeyR Companion
It Add Greasemonkey ADAPTATION for :
- Updated FaviconizeGoogle
- Super_preloaderPlus_one_New:
Useful for the use of an autopager.
You can use too:
- Linkify Plus Plus
- Google Search Extra Buttons
- GoogleGifs
- SearchPreview (Need to test it)
Changes v.7 / ... / 47.5:
- Very Quick fix for Google change (affect the with of the page):
Better version soon
- Adaptation for a BIG Google change... one more ....
- Better Panel Right
- Re add pagination on the right:
for Pagination not appearing on the right
- Better Images / Videos Carrousels (in web search)
- MAPS and Some Specials Infos: Move in a Right panel (Visible on hover the Arrow on Top / Right of r###lts)
- Adaptation for GM "FaviconizeGoogle" (Change)
- Corrections for new presentation of r###lts.
After a request:
Added NEW namespace from (thanks to it....),
which i hope exclude Gmail.
- Correction for:
Normalize R###lts items height, Position of the top search form, Top Nav Bar Search Tools menus, Gm "GoogleFaviconize", Images Search, Books search pages, Top Search fixed, Right panel, Images Row, GM "Google Search Extra Buttons" etc.. , Top Header Search fixed, R###lts with row of Images / Videos, CSS duplicate, Maps r###lts (from normal search, not Map search), Adaptation for divers greasemonkey scripts etc....