Collect pictures in pixiv to eagle.
// ==UserScript== // @name Save Pixiv Pictures to Eagle // @name:zh 下载Pixiv图片到Eagle // @name:zh-CN 下载Pixiv图片到Eagle // @description Collect pictures in pixiv to eagle. // @description:zh-CN *不维护了,能用多久是多久吧。*可通过油猴插件提供的按键修改部分功能设置。在Pixiv上添加可以导入图片到Eagle的下载按钮,默认保存所有标签以及标签翻译,以创作者名创建文件夹保存,能力有限暂无法处理动图。首页、排行榜、关注用户新作品页、收藏页添加下载按钮,添加复选框。自动将用户id添加进文件夹注释,同名文件夹注释中不存在id则更新注释添加id,尽量避免添加进同名不同id文件夹中。可批量下载全部作品和收藏。 // @description:zh *不维护了,能用多久是多久吧。*可通过油猴插件提供的按键修改部分功能设置。在Pixiv上添加可以导入图片到Eagle的下载按钮,默认保存所有标签以及标签翻译,以创作者名创建文件夹保存,能力有限暂无法处理动图。首页、排行榜、关注用户新作品页、收藏页添加下载按钮,添加复选框。自动将用户id添加进文件夹注释,同名文件夹注释中不存在id则更新注释添加id,尽量避免添加进同名不同id文件夹中。可批量下载全部作品和收藏。 // @namespace // @icon // @version 0.6.9 // @author miracleXL // @match* // @connect localhost // @connect // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_addElement // @require // ==/UserScript== // 太麻烦了不想修了,再大改就不管了,心累 // 更新设置项 // 不再使用!!请在打开pixiv的网页后,点击油猴插件,再点击本脚本下面的“更新设置”,在网页中添加的设置页面中修改并保存。后续更新将不会再清空设置 const PATT = / *[@@◆■◇☆⭐️🌟🦇💎🔞🍅🌱🐻🍬::\\\/].*/; // 处理作者名多余后缀的正则 const SAVE_TAGS = true; // 是否保存标签 const TAG_AUTHOR = true; // 是否将作者名加入标签 const TAG_TRANSLATION = 2; // 标签翻译处理方式,0:仅加入原标签;1:仅加入翻译标签;2:均加入标签 const ADD_TO_FAVOR = true; // 下载时是否同时加入收藏 const DL_Multiple = true; // 通过缩略图下载时,下载多P const CREATE_SUBFOLDER = false; // 多图时创建子文件夹 const SEARCH_DIR_NAME = ""; // 在需要创建新文件夹时,新建文件夹的父文件夹名,在引号内输入文件夹名。留空则直接创建 const SEARCH_DIR_ID = ""; // 一般无需填写,上一行所指定文件夹的id(eagle中选中文件夹右键复制链接,获得如‘eagle://folder/K4130PELEY5W9’字符串,文件夹id就是其中K4130PELEY5W9部分)。填写会忽略上一行设置,可用来设置新建文件夹创建到某个子文件夹中。 const DIR_NAME_FORMATER = "${authorName}" // 文件夹名称格式,默认为作者名,可用变量包括 ${authorName} 和 ${pid} 两个。 const USE_CHECK_BOX = true; // 为true时在每一张图上添加复选框代替下载键,此时下载键将移至图片所在区域上方标题处 const WAIT_TIME = 1000; // 设置项结束 // 读取已存储设置 var patt = new RegExp(GM_getValue("patt", PATT.source)); var saveTags = GM_getValue("saveTags", SAVE_TAGS); var tagAuthor = GM_getValue("tagAuthor", TAG_AUTHOR); var tagTranslation = GM_getValue("tagTranslation", TAG_TRANSLATION); var addToFavor = GM_getValue("addToFavor", ADD_TO_FAVOR); var DLMultiple = GM_getValue("DLMultiple", DL_Multiple); var creat###bfolder = GM_getValue("creat###bfolder", CREATE_SUBFOLDER); var searchDirName = GM_getValue("searchDirName", SEARCH_DIR_NAME); var searchDirId = GM_getValue("searchDirId", SEARCH_DIR_ID); var dirNameFormater = GM_getValue("dirNameFormater", DIR_NAME_FORMATER); var useCheckbox = GM_getValue("useCheckbox", USE_CHECK_BOX); var waitTime = GM_getValue("waitTime", WAIT_TIME); // 读取结束 // 尝试避免正则保存错误带来的后果 if(patt.source === "[object Object]"){ patt = new RegExp(PATT); GM_setValue("patt", patt.source); } // Eagle支持不同功能的版本号 const edit_folder_info = 20210401; // 支持修改文件夹信息的版本build号 const create_child_folder = 20210806; // 支持创建子文件夹的版本build号 // 各种页面元素JQuery选择器 const PAGE_SELECTOR = "div[type=illust] .sc-rp5asc-0"; // Pixiv首页及用户页图片选择器 const DIV_SECTION = ".sc-1xj6el2-3"; // 个人主页的插画删去了section元素,用来代替的元素 const BUTTON_SELECTOR = ".sc-7zddlj-1"; // 使用添加选择框的方式时的下载按钮位置 const NEW_ILLUST_BUTTON = ".sc-93qi7v-2"; // 新作品页按键位置 const RANK_PAGE_BUTTON = "nav.column-menu"; // 排行榜按键位置 const DL_ILLUST_BUTTON = ".sc-iasfms-2"; // 不使用复选框时,下载单张图片的按键位置 const SHOW_ALL = "" // 用户页面显示全部图片的按键位置 const FIRST_PAGE = "" // 翻页第一页按键位置 const NEXT_PAGE = "" // 用户artwork页面翻页按键位置 // 收藏页 const BOOKMARKS_BUTTON = ""; // 管理收藏按键 const BDL_BUTTON_POS = ""; // 管理收藏中下载按键位置 const OVER_BUTTON = ".sc-1ij5ui8-0"; // 管理收藏结束按键 const BOOKMARK_SELECT = "div[type=illust]"; // 管理收藏页图片选择器 const SELECT_URL = "span:first"; const SELECT_CHECK = ""; // 作品详细页面 const BUTTON_POS = ".sc-181ts2x-0"; // 下载按键位置 const PIC_SRC = ".sc-1qpw8k9-3"; // 图片位置 const SHOW_ALL_BUTTON = ".sc-emr523-0"; // 多图时显示全部的按键 const MANGA_SRC = ".gtm-expand-full-size-illust" // ".sc-1oz5uvo-4"; // 漫画图片位置 const READ_MANGA = ".sc-emr523-2" // 多图或漫画时下方按键的显示内容 const MANGA_POS = ".sc-1qrul0z-8" // 漫画下方下载按键位置 const PIC_END = ".gtm-illust-work-scroll-finish-reading" // 展开多图时结束元素 const UGO_SRC = ".sc-tu09d3-1"; // 动图 const TAG_SELECTOR = ".sc-pj1a4x-1"; // 标签和标签翻译 const AUTHOR = ".sc-10gpz4q-6"; // 作者 const HEADERS = { "referer": "", "sec-fetch-dest": "image", "sec-fetch-mode": "no-cors", "sec-fetch-site": "cross-site", }; // Eagle API 服务器位置 const EAGLE_SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:41595"; const EAGLE_APP_INFO_URL = `${EAGLE_SERVER_URL}/api/application/info`; const EAGLE_IMPORT_API_URL = `${EAGLE_SERVER_URL}/api/item/addFromURL`; const EAGLE_IMPORT_API_URLS = `${EAGLE_SERVER_URL}/api/item/addFromURLs`; const EAGLE_CREATE_FOLDER_API_URL = `${EAGLE_SERVER_URL}/api/folder/create`; const EAGLE_UPDATE_FOLDER_API_URL = `${EAGLE_SERVER_URL}/api/folder/update`; const EAGLE_GET_FOLDERS_API_URL = `${EAGLE_SERVER_URL}/api/folder/list`; // 全局变量 var folders = []; var folders_need_create = []; // {author, pid} var download_list = []; // {urls, allPage} var data_list = {}; // {url: {data, author, authorId}} var build_ver = ""; // Eagle build version var run_mode = "else"; // "else" || "image" || "manga" || "ugoira function isDarkMode(){ return document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].getAttribute("data-theme") === "dark"; } const config_div = createConfigPage(); const sleep = (delay) => {return new Promise((resolve) => {return setTimeout(resolve, delay)})} (function(){ 'use strict'; if (location.href.indexOf("") === -1) { console.log("This script only works on"); return; } function checkEagleStatus(){ if (build_ver != "") return; // 获取应用版本 GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: EAGLE_APP_INFO_URL, method: "GET", onload: function(response) { if(response.statusText !== "OK"){ console.log(`请检查eagle是否打开!`); console.log(response); alert("下载失败!") } else{ build_ver = JSON.parse(response.response).data.buildVersion; } } }); // 获取文件夹列表 GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: EAGLE_GET_FOLDERS_API_URL, method: "GET", redirect:'follow', onload: function(response) { if(response.status !== 200){ alert(`请检查eagle是否打开!`); reject(); } folders = JSON.parse(response.response).data; } }); } build_ver = "123" checkEagleStatus(); function download(data){ // return console.log(data); if(!data) return; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: EAGLE_IMPORT_API_URL, method: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(data), onload: function(response) { if(response.statusText !== "OK"){ console.log(`请检查eagle是否打开!`); console.log(response); console.log(data); alert("下载失败!") } } }); } // 为确保不反复创建文件夹以及网站报错429,先将所有待下载数据保存到列表 function addToDownloadList(url, allPage = false){ if (url in data_list) return; download_list.push({url, allPage}) } async function parseDownloadList(){ let count = 0; for(let page_num in download_list){ let url = download_list[page_num]["url"]; let allPage = download_list[page_num]["allPage"]; let data /* [{data, author, authorId}] */; await sleep(waitTime); if (allPage){ data = await getImagesPage(url); getFolderId(data[0].author, data[0].authorId); // console.log(data); data_list[url] = data; count += data.length; } else{ data = await getImagePage(url); getFolderId(, data.authorId).then((dlFolderId)=>{ if(dlFolderId === undefined){ console.log(`创建文件夹失败!artist: ${}, id: ${data.authorId}`) } }); data_list[url] = [data]; count += 1; } console.log(`已解析${page_num+1}个链接,共${count}个项目`); } download_list = [] return count; } async function downloadList(){ if (build_ver === ""){ alert(`请检查eagle是否打开!`); checkEagleStatus(); return; } // return console.log(download_list); console.log(`开始解析下载列表,一共${download_list.length}条链接`); let items_num = await parseDownloadList(); console.log("解析完成"); console.log(`需要创建文件夹:${folders_need_create.length}`) for(let folder of folders_need_create){ console.log(folder); await createFolder(,; } console.log(`文件夹创建完成!开始下载,共${items_num}项`); for(let url in data_list){ for (let data of data_list[url]){ // console.log(data); /* {data|item, author, authorId} */ getFolderId(, data.authorId).then((dlFolderId)=>{ if(dlFolderId === undefined){ console.log("创建文件夹失败!尝试直接下载……") } else{ data.item.folderId = dlFolderId; } download(data.item); }); } } data_list = {}; folders_need_create = []; } function downloadAll(data){ // return console.log(data); if(!data || data.length === 0) return; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: EAGLE_IMPORT_API_URLS, method: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(data), onload: function(response) { if(response.statusText !== "OK"){ alert("下载失败!"); console.log(`请检查eagle是否打开!`); console.log(response); } } }); } // 侦听URL是否发生变化,代码来自 let _wr = function(type) { var orig = history[type]; return function() { var rv = orig.apply(this, arguments); var e = new Event(type); e.arguments = arguments; window.dispatchEvent(e); return rv; }; }; history.pushState = _wr('pushState'); history.replaceState = _wr('replaceState') window.addEventListener('replaceState', function(e) { main(); }); window.addEventListener('pushState', function(e) { main(); }); function main(){ // 新版通用页面 waitForKeyElements(BUTTON_POS, setMode, false); // artwork/** 图片详情页面 waitForKeyElements("section", newPageCommon, false); // 通用样式 if(useCheckbox){ // 为所有图片添加复选框,但是不一定有对应的下载按键 waitForKeyElements(PAGE_SELECTOR, (elem)=>{ elem.prepend(createCheckbox()); }, false); } // 先处理还未完成改版的旧页面和一些特殊情况 if(document.URL.startsWith("")){ // 关注用户新作品 waitForKeyElements(NEW_ILLUST_BUTTON, newIllustPage, true); } else if(document.URL.startsWith("")){ // 排行榜 waitForKeyElements(".ranking-image-item", (element)=>{ element.before(createCheckbox()); }, false); rankingPage(); } else if (document.URL.startsWith("")){ // 用户主页通用 waitForKeyElements(BUTTON_SELECTOR, userPage, true, undefined, true); } } main(); // 网站改版后页面通用样式 function newPageCommon(element){ if(useCheckbox){ let [button1, button2, button3] = createThreeButtons(element); $(BUTTON_SELECTOR, element).append(button1); $(BUTTON_SELECTOR, element).append(button2); $(BUTTON_SELECTOR, element).append(button3); }else{ waitForKeyElements(PAGE_SELECTOR,(elem)=>{ elem.find(DL_ILLUST_BUTTON).append(addDownloadButton()); }, true); } } // 收藏页面 function bookmarksPage(element){ $(".sc-1dg0za1-7", element).text("下载/管理收藏") function bookmarkAppendButton(){ let button = document.createElement("div"); button.className = "sc-1ij5ui8-0 QihHO sc-13ywrd6-7 tPCje"; button.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false"); button.setAttribute("role", "button"); if(isDarkMode()){ button.innerHTML='<div aria-disabled="false" class="sc-4a5gah-0 hCTOkT"><div class="sc-4a5gah-1 kHyYuA">下载</div></div>'; } else{ button.innerHTML='<div aria-disabled="false" class="sc-4a5gah-0 bmIdgb"><div class="sc-4a5gah-1 kHyYuA">下载</div></div>'; } button.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (build_ver === ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } let count = $(BOOKMARK_SELECT).length; $(BOOKMARK_SELECT).each((index, elem)=>{ let e = $(SELECT_CHECK, elem)[0]; if(e && e.checked){ addToDownloadList("" + $(SELECT_URL, elem).attr("to"), DLMultiple); if(--count === 0){ downloadList(); } e.checked = false; } else if(--count === 0){ downloadList(); } }) if(isDarkMode()){ button.setAttribute("class", "sc-4a5gah-0 dydUg") } else{ button.setAttribute("class", "sc-4a5gah-0 jbzOgz") } }); $(BDL_BUTTON_POS).append(button); $(PAGE_SELECTOR+":first").click(); $(PAGE_SELECTOR+":first").click(); $(OVER_BUTTON+":last").click(()=>{ waitForKeyElements(BOOKMARKS_BUTTON, bookmarksPage, true); }); }>{ setTimeout(bookmarkAppendButton, 10); }) $(".to_eagle").parent().hide() } // 关注用户新作品页 function newIllustPage(){ if(useCheckbox){ let element = $("section"); let [button1, button2, button3] = createThreeButtons(element); $(NEW_ILLUST_BUTTON).append(button1); $(NEW_ILLUST_BUTTON).append(button2); $(NEW_ILLUST_BUTTON).append(button3); } $(PAGE_SELECTOR).each((index, elem)=>{ if(useCheckbox){ elem.parentElement.append(createCheckbox()); }else{ elem.append(addDownloadButton()); } }) let dl_page_between = createMultiPageButton(); $(NEW_ILLUST_BUTTON).append(dl_page_between); } // 用户作品页 function userPage(){ newPageCommon($(DIV_SECTION)); // userId = document.URL.split("/")[4]; let page = document.URL.split("/")[5]?.split("?")[0]; let pageCount = document.URL.split("=")[1]; let button; if (page === "request" || page === "artworks"){ button = createCommonButton("下载全部作品"); } else if (page === "illustrations"){ button = createCommonButton("下载全部插画"); } else if (page === "manga"){ button = createCommonButton("下载全部漫画"); } else if (page === "bookmarks"){ button = createCommonButton("下载全部作品"); waitForKeyElements(BOOKMARKS_BUTTON, bookmarksPage, true); // waitForKeyElements(".button_to_eagle", (e)=>{e.css("display", "none")}, true); waitForKeyElements(".to_eagle", (e)=>{e.parent().css("display", "none")}, true); } else{ // 个人主页,不创建按键 return; } let section = $("section")[0]; button.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (build_ver == ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } if (!confirm("该操作将下载当前筛选结果中的全部内容,下载过程中会自动翻页,确认继续?")) return; if (page === undefined){ $(SHOW_ALL)[0].click(); } else if(pageCount && pageCount != "1"){ $(FIRST_PAGE)[0].click(); } waitForPageLoaded(undefined, addAllArtToList); = "rgb(0 150 250 / 70%)"; }); $(BUTTON_SELECTOR, section).append(button); let dl_page_between = createMultiPageButton(); $(BUTTON_SELECTOR, section).append(dl_page_between); } // 排行榜 function rankingPage(){ if("content=ugoira") !== -1){ return; } let pos = document.createElement("ul"); pos.className = "menu-items"; let button1 = document.createElement("li"); button1.innerHTML = '<a style="cursor: pointer;color: #258fb8;padding: 10px;background: none;border: none;">全选</a>'; let button2 = document.createElement("li"); button2.innerHTML = '<a style="cursor: pointer;color: #258fb8;padding: 10px;background: none;border: none;">取消</a>'; let button3 = document.createElement("li"); button3.innerHTML = '<a style="cursor: pointer;color: #258fb8;padding: 10px;background: none;border: none;">下载</a>'; button1.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ $(".to_eagle").each((i,e)=>{ e.checked = true; }); }); button2.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ $(".to_eagle").each((i,e)=>{ e.checked = false; }); }); button3.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (build_ver === ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } let count = $(".to_eagle").length; $(".to_eagle").each(async (i,e)=>{ if(e.checked){ addToDownloadList(e.parentElement.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.href, DLMultiple); if(--count === 0){ downloadList(); } e.checked = false; } else if(--count === 0){ downloadList(); } }); $("button",button3).css("color", "black"); }); pos.appendChild(button1); pos.appendChild(button2); pos.appendChild(button3); $(RANK_PAGE_BUTTON)[0].append(pos); } // 图片详情页 function setMode(){ // 单图 function imagePage(){ run_mode = "image"; function getImageData(){ let image = document.getElementsByClassName("sc-1qpw8k9-3")[0];// 单图 if(!image){ alert("下载失败!"); return; } let [name, annotation, tags, author, id] = getCommonInfo(); let data = { "url": image.href, "name": name, "website": document.URL, "tags": tags, "annotation": annotation, "headers": HEADERS } return [data, author, id]; }; let pos = $(BUTTON_POS); if(pos.length === 0) return; let button = createNormalButton("下载"); pos[0].appendChild(button); button.addEventListener("click", async function(){ if (build_ver === ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } add_to_favor(); let [data, author, id] = getImageData(); // console.log(data) let dlFolderId = await getFolderId(author, id); if(dlFolderId === undefined){ console.log("创建文件夹失败!尝试直接下载……") } else{ data.folderId = dlFolderId; } download(data); changeStyle(button); }); } // 多图 function multiImagesPage(){ run_mode = "multi_images"; let pos = $(BUTTON_POS); if(pos.length === 0) return; let button = createNormalButton("下载"); pos[0].appendChild(button); //绑定点击按钮时下载事件 button.addEventListener("click", async () => { if (build_ver === ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } add_to_favor(); let [data, author, id, name] = getImagesData($(PIC_SRC)); let dlFolderId = await getFolderId(author, id); if(data.items.length > 1 && creat###bfolder){ let data = await createFolder(name, id, dlFolderId, true); dlFolderId =; } if(dlFolderId === undefined){ console.log("创建文件夹失败!尝试直接下载……"); } else{ data.folderId = dlFolderId; } downloadAll(data); changeStyle(button); }); // let added = false; // function changeButton(){ // // console.log("changed") // if(added) return; // added = true; // $("span",button)[0].innerText = "下载全部"; // let button2 = createNormalButton("下载选择"); // pos[0].appendChild(button2); // button2.addEventListener("click", async () => { // let [data, author, id, name] = getSelectData(); // let dlFolderId = await getFolderId(author, id); // if(data.items.length > 1 && creat###bfolder){ // let data = await createFolder(name, id, dlFolderId, true); // dlFolderId =; // } // if (dlFolderId === undefined) { // console.log("创建文件夹失败!尝试直接下载……"); // } // else { // data.folderId = dlFolderId; // } // downloadAll(data); // changeStyle(button2); // }); // function addImagesCheckbox(){ // let imgs = $(PIC_SRC); // imgs.each((index,element)=>{ // element.before(createCheckbox()); // }); // } // waitForKeyElements(PIC_END, addImagesCheckbox, true); // } // let clickpos = $(PIC_SRC); // if(clickpos.length !== 0){ // clickpos[0].addEventListener("click",changeButton) // } // clickpos = $(SHOW_ALL_BUTTON); // if(clickpos.length !== 0){ // clickpos[0].addEventListener("click",changeButton) // } // clickpos = $(".gtm-main-bookmark"); // if(clickpos.length !== 0){ // clickpos[0].addEventListener("click",changeButton) // } } // 漫画 function mangaPage(){ run_mode = "manga"; let pos = $(BUTTON_POS); if(pos.length === 0) return; let button = createNormalButton("下载"); pos[0].appendChild(button); //绑定点击按钮时下载事件 button.addEventListener("click", async () => { if (build_ver === ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } let [data, author, id, name] = getImagesData($(PIC_SRC)); let dlFolderId = await getFolderId(author, id); if(data.items.length > 1 && creat###bfolder){ let data = await createFolder(name, id, dlFolderId, true); dlFolderId =; } if(dlFolderId === undefined){ console.log("创建文件夹失败!尝试直接下载……"); } else{ data.folderId = dlFolderId; } downloadAll(data); changeStyle(button); }); // let added = false; // function createButtons(){ // if(added) return; // added = true; // function createMangaButton(name){ // let button = document.createElement("button"); // button.className = "sc-1qrul0z-0 bWWzsr"; // button.innerHTML = `<svg viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="32" height="32"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M31.4142 26.5858C32.1953 27.3668 32.1953 28.6332 31.4142 29.4142L25.4142 35.4142C24.6332 36.1953 23.3668 36.1953 22.5858 35.4142C21.8047 34.6332 21.8047 33.3668 22.5858 32.5858L28.5858 26.5858C29.3668 25.8047 30.6332 25.8047 31.4142 26.5858Z"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.5858 26.5858C17.3668 25.8047 18.6332 25.8047 19.4142 26.5858L25.4142 32.5858C26.1953 33.3668 26.1953 34.6332 25.4142 35.4142C24.6332 36.1953 23.3668 36.1953 22.5858 35.4142L16.5858 29.4142C15.8047 28.6332 15.8047 27.3668 16.5858 26.5858Z"></path><path d="M22 14C22 12.8954 22.8954 12 24 12V12C25.1046 12 26 12.8954 26 14L26 34C26 35.1046 25.1046 36 24 36V36C22.8954 36 22 35.1046 22 34L22 14Z"></path></svg>`; // let span = document.createElement("span"); // span.innerText = name; // button.appendChild(span); // return button; // } // let button1 = createMangaButton("下载全部"); // let button2 = createMangaButton("下载选择"); // button1.addEventListener("click", async () => { // let [data, author, id, name] = getImagesData($(MANGA_SRC)); // let dlFolderId = await getFolderId(author, id); // if(data.items.length > 1 && creat###bfolder){ // let data = await createFolder(name, id, dlFolderId, true); // dlFolderId =; // } // if (dlFolderId === undefined) { // console.log("创建文件夹失败!尝试直接下载……"); // } // else { // data.folderId = dlFolderId; // } // downloadAll(data); // // changeStyle(button1); // }); // button2.addEventListener("click", async () => { // let [data, author, id, name] = getSelectData(); // let dlFolderId = await getFolderId(author, id); // if(data.items.length > 1 && creat###bfolder){ // let data = await createFolder(name, id, dlFolderId, true); // dlFolderId =; // } // if (dlFolderId === undefined) { // console.log("创建文件夹失败!尝试直接下载……"); // } // else { // data.folderId = dlFolderId; // } // downloadAll(data); // // changeStyle(button2); // }); // function addButtons(){ // // let imgs = $(MANGA_SRC); // // imgs.each((index,element)=>{ // // element.before(createCheckbox()); // // }); // let pos = $(MANGA_POS); // pos[0].appendChild(button1); // // pos[0].appendChild(button2); // } // waitForKeyElements(MANGA_POS, addButtons, true); // } // let clickpos = $(PIC_SRC); // if(clickpos.length !== 0){ // clickpos[0].addEventListener("click",createButtons) // } // clickpos = $(SHOW_ALL_BUTTON); // if(clickpos.length !== 0){ // clickpos[0].addEventListener("click",createButtons) // } } // 动图 function ugoiraPage(){ run_mode = "ugoira"; console.log("暂无法处理动图!") } function getImagesData(images){ if(images.length === 0){ alert("下载失败!"); return [null, null]; } let data = {"items":[]}; let [name, annotation, tags, author, id] = getCommonInfo(); images.each((index, url) => { if(url === undefined) return; data.items.push({ "url": url.href, "name": name + `_${index}`, "website": document.URL, "annotation": annotation, "tags": tags, "headers": HEADERS }); index++; }); return [data, author, id, name]; }; // 有问题,不想修了 // function getSelectData(){ // let checkbox = $(".to_eagle"); // let [name, annotation, tags, author, id] = getCommonInfo(); // let data = {"items":[]}; // checkbox.each((index, element)=>{ // if(element.checked === true){ // data.items.push({ // "url": element.parentElement.nextElementSibling.href, // "name": name + `_${index}`, // "website": document.URL, // "annotation": annotation, // "tags": tags, // "headers": HEADERS // }) // } // }); // return [data, author, id, name]; // }; function add_to_favor(){ //下载同时自动点赞+收藏 if(addToFavor){ try{ document.getElementsByClassName("_35vRH4a")[0].click(); document.getElementsByClassName("gtm-main-bookmark")[0].click(); }catch(e){} } } function changeStyle(button){ button.className = "hZvyDT cwSaXU"; } function createNormalButton(text){ let button = document.createElement('div'); button.setAttribute('class', 'sc-181ts2x-01'); button.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 23px;'); button.innerHTML = `<button type="button" id="download" class="hZvyDT dMrNyO">${text}</button>`; return button; } if($(UGO_SRC).length !== 0){ return ugoiraPage(); } if($(SHOW_ALL_BUTTON).length !== 0){ if($(READ_MANGA).text() === "查看全部"){ return multiImagesPage(); } else{ return mangaPage(); } } // console.log(run_mode); return imagePage(); }; // 等待页面加载完成 function waitForPageLoaded(lastFirst, callback){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timeControl = setInterval(()=>{ if (lastFirst === undefined){ reject(lastFirst) } let tmp = $(".to_eagle"); if (tmp.length > 0 && tmp[0] != lastFirst){ clearInterval(timeControl); if (callback){ resolve([tmp, callback(tmp)]); } else{ resolve(tmp); } } }, waitTime); }); } function addThisPageToList(){ let elements = $(".to_eagle"); let count = elements.length; console.log("从", document.URL,"获取到", count, "个作品链接"); elements.each((i,e)=>{ addToDownloadList(e.parentElement.nextElementSibling.href, DLMultiple); if(--count === 0){ downloadList().then(()=>{ console.log(document.URL, "解析完成"); }) } }); } async function addAllArtBetweenPages(start_page, end_page){ console.log(`准备下载第${start_page}页到第${end_page}页内容`); let page = document.URL.split("=")[1]; if (page === undefined){ page = "1"; } let elements = $(".to_eagle"); if (page != start_page){ if (page != "1"){ $(FIRST_PAGE)[0].click(); elements = await waitForPageLoaded(elements[0]); } if (start_page != "1"){ console.log(`将从第1页开始翻页至第${start_page}页`); while (page != start_page){ $(NEXT_PAGE)[0].click(); elements = await waitForPageLoaded(elements[0]); page = document.URL.split("=")[1]; } } } for (let i = start_page; i < end_page; i++){ console.log(`开始解析第${i}页`); addThisPageToList(); $(NEXT_PAGE)[0].click(); elements = await waitForPageLoaded(elements[0]); } addThisPageToList(); } function addAllArtToList(elements){ let count = elements.length; console.log("从", document.URL,"获取到", count, "个作品链接"); // if (count < 48){ // console.log("当前页面疑似未能加载完成,请之后手动下载……"); // } elements.each((i,e)=>{ addToDownloadList(e.parentElement.nextElementSibling.href, true); if(--count === 0){ downloadList().then(() => { let nextpage = $(NEXT_PAGE)[0]; if (nextpage === undefined || nextpage.hidden){ console.log("全部页面解析完成"); } else{; waitForPageLoaded(elements[0], addAllArtToList); } }); } }); } // 获取文件夹id async function getFolderId(author, pid){ // 搜索同名或注释中包含有pid信息的文件夹 function searchFolder(folders, author, pid){ for(let folder of folders){ let description = folder.description; description = description ? description.match(/(?<=pid ?[:=] ?)\d+/) : ""; if((description && description[0] === pid) || === author){ if(description){ if(description[0] !== pid){ continue; } } else{ let d = ""; for(let s of folder.description.split("\n")){ if(!/^ *pid ?[:=] ?/.test(s)){ d += "\n" + s; } } updateFolder({ "folderId":, "newDescription":`pid = ${pid}${d}` }) } return folder; } } for(let folder of folders){ let target = searchFolder(folder.children, author, pid); if(target) return target; } } if(!pid){ console.log("获取用户id失败!"); } if(!author && !pid) return; let dlFolder; if(folders){ if(searchDirName === ""){ dlFolder = searchFolder(folders, author, pid); } else{ for(let folder of folders){ if( === searchDirName){ if(searchDirId === ""){ searchDirId =; } // console.log(searchDirId); dlFolder = searchFolder(folder.children, author, pid); } else{ let description = folder.description?.match(/(?<=pid ?[:=] ?)\d+/); if((description && description[0] === pid) || === author){ if(description){ if(description[0] !== pid){ continue; } } else{ let d = ""; for(let s of description.split("\n")){ if(!/^ *pid ?[:=] ?/.test(s)){ d += "\n" + s; } } updateFolder({ "folderId":, "newDescription":`pid = ${pid}${d}` }) } dlFolder = folder; break; } } } } } else{ console.log("获取文件夹信息失败!"); alert("下载失败!"); return; } if(!dlFolder){ if(run_mode == "else"){ if(folders_need_create){ for(let f of folders_need_create){ if( === pid){ return undefined; } } } folders_need_create.push({author,pid}); return undefined; } else{ dlFolder = await createFolder(author, pid); } } return dlFolder?.id; } // 创建文件夹 function createFolder(authorName, pid, parentFolderId, subfolder=false){ // return undefined if (build_ver == ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } let folderName = dirNameFormater.replaceAll(/\$\{authorName\}/g, authorName).replaceAll(/\$\{pid\}/g, pid); if(subfolder){ folderName = authorName; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { parentFolderId = parentFolderId || searchDirId; if(parentFolderId === ""){ parentFolderId = undefined; } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: EAGLE_CREATE_FOLDER_API_URL, method: "POST", data: JSON.stringify({ folderName: folderName, parent: parentFolderId }), onload: function(response) { var r###lt = JSON.parse(response.response); if (r###lt.status === "success" && && { updateFolder({ "folderId", "newDescription":`pid = ${pid}` }); folders.push({ id:, name: folderName, description: `pid = ${pid}` }); // console.log(folders); return resolve(; } else{ console.log(`请检查eagle是否打开!`); alert("文件夹创建失败!"); return reject(); } } }) }) } // 更新文件夹信息 function updateFolder(data){ if(Number(build_ver) < edit_folder_info){ return; } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: EAGLE_UPDATE_FOLDER_API_URL, method: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(data), onload: function(response) { if(response.statusText !== "OK"){ console.log(`请检查eagle是否打开!`); console.log(response); console.log(data); alert("下载失败!"); } } }); } // 格式化作者名,删除多余后缀,为避免误伤,同时匹配到多次不作处理 function authorTrim(author){ let test = author.match(patt); if(test && test.length === 1){ let tmp = author.replace(test[0],""); author = tmp === "" ? author : tmp; } // 删掉“接稿中”三个字 author = author.replace(/接稿中$/, ""); return author } function getCommonInfo(){ //获取标题 let name = document.getElementsByClassName("sc-1u8nu73-3")[0]; if(name === undefined){ name = document.title; }else{ name = name.textContent; } //获取描述(Eagle2.0版本以下因bug无法生效) let annotation = document.getElementById("expandable-paragraph-0"); if(annotation){annotation = annotation.textContent;} else{annotation = "";} //把pixiv标签和标签翻译添加进eagle标签 let tags = []; if(saveTags){ $(TAG_SELECTOR).each((index,elem)=>{ $("a", elem).each((i,tag)=>{ if((i == 0 && tagTranslation != 1) || (i == 1 && tagTranslation != 0)){ if(tag.textContent) tags.push(tag.textContent); } }) }) } let author = $(`${AUTHOR} div`).text(); let id = $(AUTHOR).attr("data-gtm-value"); author = authorTrim(author) if(tagAuthor){ tags.push(author); } return [name, annotation, tags, author, id]; } function createCommonButton(text){ let button = document.createElement('button'); = "none"; = "none"; = "20px"; = "x-small"; = "bold"; = "gray"; = "pointer"; button.innerText = text; return button; } // 创建全选、取消、下载三个按键 function createThreeButtons(element){ let button1 = createCommonButton("全选"); let button2 = createCommonButton("取消"); let button3 = createCommonButton("下载"); button1.className = "button_to_eagle"; button2.className = "button_to_eagle"; button3.className = "button_to_eagle"; button1.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ $(".to_eagle", element).each((i,e)=>{ e.checked = true; }); }); button2.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ $(".to_eagle", element).each((i,e)=>{ e.checked = false; }); }); button3.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (build_ver == ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } let count = $(".to_eagle", element).length; $(".to_eagle", element).each((i,e)=>{ if(e.checked){ addToDownloadList(e.parentElement.nextElementSibling.href, DLMultiple); if(--count === 0){ downloadList(); } e.checked = false; } else if(--count === 0){ downloadList(); } }); = "rgb(0 150 250 / 70%)"; }); return [button1, button2, button3] } // function createMultiPageButton(){ let pageCount = document.URL.split("=")[1]; if (pageCount === undefined){ pageCount = 1; } let dl_page_between = document.createElement("div"); dl_page_between.innerHTML = `<button class="button_to_eagle" style="border: none; background: none; margin-left: 20px; font-size: x-small; font-weight: bold; color: gray; cursor: pointer;">翻页下载</button><input type="number" name="start_page" min="1" max="34" value="1"><a>-</a><input type="number" name="end_page" min="1" max="34" value="${pageCount}">` = "display: flex;align-items: center;" $("button", dl_page_between).click(()=>{ if (build_ver === ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } let start_page = $("input[name=start_page]").val(); let end_page = $("input[name=end_page]").val(); if (start_page > end_page){ alert("请输入正确页码区间!"); return; } addAllArtBetweenPages(start_page, end_page); }) return dl_page_between; } // 创建选择框 function createCheckbox(){ let input_container = document.createElement("div"); let checkbox = document.createElement("input"); checkbox.setAttribute("class","to_eagle"); checkbox.setAttribute("type","checkbox"); input_container.appendChild(checkbox); = "absolute"; = 3; = "flex"; = "rgba(0,0,0,.1)"; = "9px"; // input_container.className = "cb_div"; return input_container; }; // 创建每张图片上的下载图标 function addDownloadButton(){ let pos = document.createElement("div"); = 3; let button = document.createElement("button"); pos.appendChild(button); button.setAttribute("class","dl_to_eagle iPGEIN"); button.setAttribute("type", "button"); button.setAttribute("title", "下载这张图到Eagle"); = "rgba(0,0,0,.1)"; = "none"; button.innerHTML = '<svg viewBox="0 0 120 120" style="width: 22px;height: 22px;stroke: white;fill: none;stroke-width: 10;"><polyline style="stroke: black; stroke-width: 15;" points="60,102 60,8"></polyline><polyline style="stroke: black; stroke-width: 15;" points="10,55 60,105 110,55"></polyline><polyline points="60,100 60,10"></polyline><polyline points="12,57 60,105 108,57"></polyline></svg>'; button.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (build_ver === ""){ checkEagleStatus(); } getImagePage(pos.parentElement.previousSibling.href).then(async (data /** item, author, authorId **/)=>{ console.log(data) let dlFolderId = await getFolderId(, data.authorId); if(dlFolderId === undefined){ console.log("创建文件夹失败!尝试直接下载……") } else{ data.item.folderId = dlFolderId; } download(data.item); $("svg", button)[0].style.stroke = "gray"; }); }); return pos; } // 获取新页面并返回图片信息 async function getImagePage(url){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ let item = { "website": url, "tags": [], "headers": HEADERS }; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "html", success: async (data)=>{ try{ let html = $(data); let preloadData = html.filter("#meta-preload-data")[0]; let illust = JSON.parse(preloadData.content)["illust"]; let id = Object.keys(illust)[0]; let illustData = illust[id]; item.url = illustData.urls.original; = illustData.title; item.annotation = illustData.description; if (saveTags){ for(let tag of illustData.tags.tags){ if(tag.translation){ if(tagTranslation != 1){ item.tags.push(tag.tag); } if(tagTranslation != 0){ for(let trans of Object.values(tag.translation)){ item.tags.push(trans); } } } else{ item.tags.push(tag.tag); } } } let author = illustData.userName || illustData.userAccount; let authorId = illustData.userId; author = authorTrim(author) if(tagAuthor){ item.tags.push(author); } if(!authorId){ console.log("获取用户id失败!") console.log(illustData); } resolve({item, author, authorId}); } catch(e){ reject(e); } } }); }); } // 获取新页面并返回所有图片信息 async function getImagesPage(url){ await sleep(waitTime); return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "html", success: async (data)=>{ try{ let items = []; let html = $(data); let preloadData = html.filter("#meta-preload-data")[0]; let illust = JSON.parse(preloadData.content)["illust"]; let id = Object.keys(illust)[0]; let illustData = illust[id]; let item = { "website": url, "tags": [], "headers": HEADERS }; item.url = illustData.urls.original; = illustData.title; item.annotation = illustData.description; for(let tag of illustData.tags.tags){ item.tags.push(tag.tag); if(tag.translation){ for(let trans of Object.values(tag.translation)){ item.tags.push(trans); } } } let author = illustData.userName || illustData.userAccount; let authorId = illustData.userId; author = authorTrim(author) if(tagAuthor){ item.tags.push(author); } if(!authorId){ console.log("获取用户id失败!") console.log(illustData); } items.push({item, author, authorId}); let url0 = item.url.replace(/0\.[a-z]+/, ""); let suffix = item.url.match(/(?<=0)\.[a-z]+/); for(let i = 1; i < illustData.pageCount; i++){ let item = { "website": items[0], "url": url0 + i + suffix, "name": items[0], "annotation": items[0].item.annotation, "tags": items[0].item.tags, "headers": items[0].item.headers }; items.push({item, author, authorId}); } resolve(items); } catch(e){ reject(e); } } }); }); } })(); // @require // 因外部链接无法通过油猴检测,将源代码复制粘贴在这 // 进行了修改,添加了参数bCallOnce,为true时仅在选择元素出现时,调用一次actionFunction,不再为每个元素分别调用,且不再传回任何参数 /*--- waitForKeyElements(): A utility function, for Greasemonkey scripts, that detects and handles AJAXed content. Usage example: waitForKeyElements ( "div.comments" , commentCallbackFunction ); //--- Page-specific function to do what we want when the node is found. function commentCallbackFunction (jNode) { jNode.text ("This comment changed by waitForKeyElements()."); } IMPORTANT: This function requires your script to have loaded jQuery. */ function waitForKeyElements ( selectorTxt, /* Required: The jQuery selector string that specifies the desired element(s). */ actionFunction, /* Required: The code to run when elements are found. It is passed a jNode to the matched element. */ bWaitOnce=false, /* Optional: If false, will continue to scan for new elements even after the first match is found. */ iframeSelector=undefined,/* Optional: If set, identifies the iframe to search. */ bCallOnce=false // 修改添加参数, ) { var targetNodes, btargetsFound; if (typeof iframeSelector == "undefined") targetNodes = $(selectorTxt); else targetNodes = $(iframeSelector).contents () .find (selectorTxt); if (targetNodes && targetNodes.length > 0) { btargetsFound = true; /*--- Found target node(s). Go through each and act if they are new. */ if(bCallOnce){ var alreadyFound = ('alreadyFound') || false; if (!alreadyFound) { //--- Call the payload function. var cancelFound = actionFunction (); if (cancelFound) btargetsFound = false; else ('alreadyFound', true); } } else{ targetNodes.each ( function () { var jThis = $(this); var alreadyFound = ('alreadyFound') || false; if (!alreadyFound) { //--- Call the payload function. var cancelFound = actionFunction (jThis); if (cancelFound) btargetsFound = false; else ('alreadyFound', true); } } ); } } else { btargetsFound = false; } //--- Get the timer-control variable for this selector. var controlObj = waitForKeyElements.controlObj || {}; var controlKey = selectorTxt.replace (/[^\w]/g, "_"); var timeControl = controlObj [controlKey]; //--- Now set or clear the timer as appropriate. if (btargetsFound && bWaitOnce && timeControl) { //--- The only condition where we need to clear the timer. clearInterval (timeControl); delete controlObj [controlKey] } else { //--- Set a timer, if needed. if ( ! timeControl) { timeControl = setInterval ( function () { waitForKeyElements ( selectorTxt, actionFunction, bWaitOnce, iframeSelector, bCallOnce ); }, 200 ); controlObj [controlKey] = timeControl; } } waitForKeyElements.controlObj = controlObj; } // 脚本设置选项 GM_registerMenuCommand("更新设置", updateConfig); function updateConfig(){ = isDarkMode() ? "black" : "white"; if ( === "none"){ = "inline"; } else{ = "none"; } } function createConfigPage(){ let config_div = document.createElement("div"); function createNewConfig(text, type, value){ let p = document.createElement("p"); let input = document.createElement("input"); input.setAttribute("type", type); if(type === "text"){ = "100%"; input.value = value; p.innerText = text; config_div.appendChild(p); config_div.appendChild(input); } else if(type === "number"){ // = input.value = value; p.append(text); p.appendChild(input); config_div.appendChild(p); } else if(type === "checkbox"){ = "10px"; input.checked = value; p.appendChild(input); p.append(text); config_div.appendChild(p); } return input; } function createSelection(info, name, values, display_names, selected){ let div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerText = info; let selection = document.createElement("select"); = name; div.appendChild(selection); // selectedIndex = 0; for (let i in values){ let opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.value = values[i]; opt.innerText = display_names[i]; if(values[i] == selected){ // selection.selectedIndex = i; opt.setAttribute("selected", ""); } selection.appendChild(opt); } config_div.appendChild(div); return selection; } // 布尔值 let saveTags_input = createNewConfig("是否保存标签", "checkbox", saveTags); let tagAuthor_input = createNewConfig("是否将作者名加入标签", "checkbox", tagAuthor); let addToFavor_input = createNewConfig("下载时是否同时加入收藏", "checkbox", addToFavor); let useCheckbox_input = createNewConfig("使用复选框,而不是每张图添加下载按键", "checkbox", useCheckbox); let DLMultiple_input = createNewConfig("批量下载时,下载多P", "checkbox", DLMultiple); let creat###bfolder_input = createNewConfig("多P时创建子文件夹", "checkbox", creat###bfolder); // 单选 let tagTranslation_input = createSelection("标签翻译处理方式", "tagTrans", [0, 1, 2], ["仅保存原文", "仅保存翻译", "保存原文与翻译"], tagTranslation); // 整型 let waitTime_input = createNewConfig("批量下载时等待时间(单位:ms)", "number", waitTime); // 文本 let patt_input = createNewConfig("正则表达式,处理作者名多余后缀,匹配到的内容将被删除:", "text", patt.source); let searchDirName_input = createNewConfig("父文件夹名:\n(在需要创建新文件夹时,新建文件夹的父文件夹名,在引号内输入文件夹名。留空则直接创建)", "text", searchDirName); let searchDirId_input = createNewConfig("父文件夹id:\n(一般无需填写,填写会忽略上一行设置,可用来设置新建文件夹创建到某个子文件夹中。)\n(eagle中选中文件夹右键复制链接,获得如‘eagle://folder/K4130PELEY5W9’字符串,文件夹id就是其中K4130PELEY5W9部分)", "text", searchDirId); let dirNameFormater_input = createNewConfig("新建文件夹名格式化:\n默认为作者名,可用变量包括 ${authorName} 和 ${pid} ", "text", dirNameFormater); let button_save = document.createElement("button"); let button_cancel = document.createElement("button"); button_save.innerText = "保存"; button_cancel.innerText = "取消"; = "20px"; = "20px"; button_save.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ saveTags = saveTags_input.checked; tagAuthor = tagAuthor_input.checked; addToFavor = addToFavor_input.checked; useCheckbox = useCheckbox_input.checked; DLMultiple = DLMultiple_input.checked; creat###bfolder = creat###bfolder_input.checked; patt = new RegExp(patt_input.value); searchDirName = searchDirName_input.value; searchDirId = searchDirId_input.value; dirNameFormater = dirNameFormater_input.value; tagTranslation = tagTranslation_input.selectedOptions[0].value; waitTime = waitTime_input.value; GM_setValue("patt", patt.source); GM_setValue("saveTags", saveTags); GM_setValue("tagAuthor", tagAuthor); GM_setValue("tagTranslation", tagTranslation); GM_setValue("addToFavor", addToFavor); GM_setValue("searchDirName", searchDirName); GM_setValue("searchDirId", searchDirId); GM_setValue("dirNameFormater", dirNameFormater); GM_setValue("useCheckbox", useCheckbox); GM_setValue("DLMultiple", DLMultiple); GM_setValue("waitTime", waitTime); GM_setValue("creat###bfolder", creat###bfolder); = "none"; }); button_cancel.addEventListener("click",()=>{ = "none"; }); config_div.appendChild(button_save); config_div.appendChild(button_cancel); = "fixed"; = "80%"; = "15%"; = "10%"; = "15px"; = "1px solid #777777"; = "5px"; = "-5px 5px 10px rgb(0 0 0 / 50%)"; = isDarkMode() ? 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