Shows the "Affinity to You" % that all users who have commented on any topic on MAL have with you!
// ==UserScript== // @name Affinity to You // @namespace AffinityShow // @version 22 // @description Shows the "Affinity to You" % that all users who have commented on any topic on MAL have with you! // @author hacker09 // @match*/*/*/stats* // @match* // @icon,SIZE,URL&url= // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var TimesExecuted = 0; //Create a new global variable var UserAffinityList = []; //Create a new global array var MALUserParsedList = new Map(); //Creates a new map to later add all non-dup mal usernames on the page const AffinityList = document.createElement("button"); //Creates a btn element AffinityList.setAttribute("style", "display: none; background-color: snow; margin-left: 10px;"); //The CSS for the "button" AffinityList.setAttribute("class", "inputButton"); //Adds a class to the button const ShowAffinityList = document.createElement("input"); //Creates an a element ShowAffinityList.setAttribute("style", "background-color: #4165ba;"); //The CSS for the input btn ShowAffinityList.setAttribute("class", "inputButton"); //Adds a class to the input btn ShowAffinityList.setAttribute("value", " Show Affinity list"); //Adds the input btn default text ShowAffinityList.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly"); //Make the input btn default text not editable if (document.querySelector("#post1, .js-topic-top") === null) //If the user is using the conversation view or if the topic has nearly no replies while using the conversation view { //Starts the if condition document.querySelector(".left > span.caption, #members").before(ShowAffinityList, AffinityList); //Append the button and the input btn text next to the reply btn } //Finishes the if condition else //if the user is not using the conversation view or if the topic has nearly no replies while using the classic view { //Starts the else condition document.querySelector(".topic-reply-container.hide") === null ? document.querySelector(".js-topic-top").before(ShowAffinityList, AffinityList) : document.querySelector(".topic-reply-container:not(.hide) > div > div > .js-reply-start").after(ShowAffinityList, AffinityList); //Append the button and the input btn text next to the reply btn } //Finishes the else condition ShowAffinityList.onclick = function() { //When the Show Affinity button is clicked if ( === 'none') { //If the Affinity list is hidden = ''; //Show the Affinity List ShowAffinityList.value = " Hide Affinity list"; //Change the Show Affinity List text to Hide Affinity List } else { //If the Affinity list is being shown = 'none'; //Hide the Affinity List ShowAffinityList.value = " Show Affinity list"; //Change the Hide Affinity List text to Show Affinity List } //Finishes the else condition }; //Finishes the onclick event listener if (GM_getValue('Date') === undefined) //If the date wasn't yet stored on tampermonkey { //Starts the if condition GM_setValue('Date', new Date().getMonth()); //Get and save the actual month as a number } //Finishes the if condition if (new Date().getMonth() !== GM_getValue('Date')) //If the month number stored on tampermonkey is a previous month { //Starts the if condition GM_listValues().forEach(function(a) { //ForEach data stored on tampermonkey if (a !== GM_getValue('Date')) //If the current looped element isn't the past month number stored on tampermonkey { //Starts the if condition GM_deleteValue(a); //Delete the actual looped value of the TamperMonkey storage } //Finishes the if condition }); //Finishes the foreach condition to erase all the users stored on tampermonkey } //Finishes the if condition window.onscroll = function() { //Starts the onscroll event listener TimesExecuted += 1; //Sum the total amount of times that the page was scrolled if (TimesExecuted === 1) //If it's the first time that the page was scrolled { //Starts the if condition MALUserParsedList.set(document.querySelector("a.header-profile-link").innerText, {}); //Add the script username to the map,so that the script won't fetch the script user profile MALUserParsedList.set('removed-user', {}); //Add the 'removed-user' username to the map, so that the script won't fetch the nonexistent user profile document.querySelectorAll('.username,, .word-break').forEach(async function(UserName) { //Execute this function for each username on the topic page if (!MALUserParsedList.has(UserName.innerText) && GM_getValue(UserName.innerText) !== undefined) { //If the username isn't already on the map and is stored on tampermonkey MALUserParsedList.set(UserName.innerText, {}); //Add the username on the map if (GM_getValue(UserName.innerText).match(/-\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?=%)/) === null && GM_getValue(UserName.innerText).match('Unknown') === null) //If the - symbol doesn't exist and if the affinity isn't Unknown on the tampermonkey stored data for this user { //Starts the if condition UserAffinityList.push('<a href="' + UserName.innerText + '" target="_blank" style="cursor: pointer;" title="Click to open the ' + UserName.innerText + '\'s Profile">' + UserName.innerText + ' ' + GM_getValue(UserName.innerText).match(/\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?=%)/)[0] + '%</a>'); //Store all the topic User Names and links } //Finishes the if condition [...document.querySelectorAll('.username,, .word-break')].filter(a => a.textContent.includes(UserName.innerText)).forEach(a => a.parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", '<br>' + GM_getValue(UserName.innerText))); //Add the affinity % to every topic reply that matches the fetched profile username } //Finishes the if condition if (!MALUserParsedList.has(UserName.innerText) && GM_getValue(UserName.innerText) === undefined) { //If the username isn't already on the map and isn't stored on tampermonkey MALUserParsedList.set(UserName.innerText, {}); //Add the username on the map const html = await (await fetch('' + UserName.innerText)).text(); //Gets the fetch response var newDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); //Parses the fetch response var AffinityPercentage = newDocument.querySelector("span[class*='bar-inner']") !== null ? newDocument.querySelector("span[class*='bar-inner']").innerText.replace('--', '-').trim() : ' Unknown'; //Make the variable global if (AffinityPercentage.match('-') === null && AffinityPercentage.match('Unknown') === null) //If the - symbol doesn't exist and if the affinity isn't Unknown { //Starts the if condition UserAffinityList.push('<a href="' + UserName.innerText + '" target="_blank" style="cursor: pointer;" title="Click to open the ' + UserName.innerText + '\'s Profile">' + UserName.innerText + ' ' + AffinityPercentage + '</a>'); //Store all the topic User Names and links } //Finishes the if condition AffinityPercentage = '<a href="' + UserName.innerText + '&u2=' + document.querySelector("a.header-profile-link").innerText + '" target="_blank" style="cursor: pointer;" title="Click to open the Shared Anime page between you and ' + UserName.innerText + '"><strong style="color:' + (AffinityPercentage.match('-') === null && AffinityPercentage.match('Unknown') === null ? "blue" : "red") + '; font-weight: normal;">Affinity to You ' + AffinityPercentage + '</strong></a>'; //Make the text blue/red GM_setValue(UserName.innerText, AffinityPercentage); //Get and save the UserName and the AffinityPercentage on tampermonkey [...document.querySelectorAll('.username,, .word-break')].filter(a => a.textContent.includes(UserName.innerText)).forEach(a => a.parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", AffinityPercentage)); //Add the affinity % to every topic reply that matches the fetched profile username } //Finishes the if condition if (UserAffinityList.length != 0) //If there are any users that have a positive affinity with you in the page { //Starts the if condition AffinityList.innerHTML = UserAffinityList.sort(function(a, b) { //Add the sorted list to the button element var aA = parseFloat(a.match(/\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?=%)/)); //Get only the Affinity % number var bA = parseFloat(b.match(/\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?=%)/)); //Get only the Affinity % number return bA > aA ? 1 : -1; //Compare the Affinity % and sort the array }).join('<br><br>'); //Finishes the sorting condition and add "spaces" between the links } //Finishes the if condition else //If there are NO users that have a positive affinity with you in the page { //Starts the else condition AffinityList.innerHTML = '<strong style="color:red; font-weight: normal;">No one here has a positive affinity with you</strong>'; //Add a text } //Finishes the else condition }); //Finishes the async function } //Finishes the if condition }; //Finishes the onscroll event listener })();