// ==UserScript== // @name auto_feed // @author tomorrow505 // @thanks 感谢宝大、86大佬、贝壳等大佬提供邀请码;感谢宝大、86大佬提供友情赞助;感谢86大佬、手大、kmeng、黑白、甘蔗等大佬赠予PTP积分. // @contributor daoshuailx/hollips/kmeng/wyyqyl/shmt86/sauterne // @description PT一键转种脚本 // @connect * // @match* // @namespace // @match http*://*/*detail*.php* // @match* // @match http*://*/detail*.php* // @match http*://*/upload*php* // @match* // @match https://*/upload/* // @match https://** // @match* // @match // @match http*://*/offer*php* // @match*upload.php // @match http*://** // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match http*://* // @match* // @match http*://* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match*.php* // @match*.php* // @match* // @match http*://* // @match https://*/usercp.php?action=personal* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match http*://* // @match http*://*php?id=*&torrentid=* // @match http*://*/*php?id=*&torrentid=* // @match http*://* // @match https://*php?torrentid=*&id=* // @match* // @match* // @match http*://* // @match https://** // @match* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://*/torrents/* // @match https://*/torrents?imdb* // @match // @exclude http** // @match http*://** // @match http*://** // @match http*://** // @match* // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @icon // @run-at document-end // @version // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_download // @grant GM_getResourceText // @license GPL-3.0 License // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== /* 日志: 2022年6月以前的日志请参看:"更新日志" 20220604:修复海豹部分bug,修复piggo部分bug。优化禁转判断后跳转逻辑。 20220605:新增图片提取功能:图片处理 20220606:适配BTN另一个网址: 20220608:适配PT#####。 20220612:ptgen若无豆瓣词条,可以获取imdb信息。 20220629:适配hdvideo,修复部分bug。 20220705:清洗种子部分内容并且适配外站转种直接发布。 20220706:适配多站发布完之后自动下载种子……(该部分还需要测试) 20220707:修复种子加载之后无效文件名的bug,修复BLU改版引起的bug. 优化洗种逻辑,适配WT-Sakura,冬樱。 20220708:适配支持TVV转出。 20220710:优化皮转入,修复GPW部分bug,简单支持一键签到(测试中)。 20220716:继续完善一键签到。修复部分bug。 20220726:支持MP4/MKV视频文件获取mediainfo+截图。功能待测试(已取消)...[email protected]/index.js 20220730:适配MV类型转发,修复部分bug。 20220802:支持转入ITZMX、HDPt(明教),修复1PTBA部分bug。(by shmt86) 20220807:一键签到取消天空和北洋,增加支持妞的转入。具体见教程: 20220808:适配海豚从gz音乐站转入。 20220816:适配OPS/RED从GZ音乐站转入。修复部分bug。 20220820:适配sugoimusic转出,修复部分bug。 20220920:支持HDT备用域名,支持CG转入,待测试。修复部分bug。 20221013:适配monika,修复部分bug。 20221021:适配织梦PT,修复部分bug。 20221103:适配红叶PT。 20221117:修复部分bug,去掉mediainfo和截图功能,#肋而且占用体积大。修复没有猫不能进入设置页面的bug。第一次NP站点应该都可以设置。 20221119:适配ICC2022。 20221128:适配DTR/HONE转出。 20230103:修复部分bug。 20230208:稍加完整适配朱雀。 20230413:修复部分bug,去掉一些关闭了的站。 20230511:适配转入 RS (西电睿思)。 20230708:修复部分bug。适配RouSi(by shmt86)。 20240526:适配新架构站点YemaPT(by lorentz)。 */ function decodeSiteURL() { var url = new URL(location.href); url.hash = decodeURIComponent(url.hash); return decodeURI(url.toString()) } var site_url = decodeSiteURL(); const TIMEOUT = 6000; const N = "\n"; var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("change", false, true); this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); jQuery.fn.wait = function (func, times, interval) { var _times = times || 100, //100次 _interval = interval || 20, //20毫秒每次 _self = this, _selector = this.selector, //选择器 _iIntervalID; //定时器id if( this.length ){ //如果已经获取到了,就直接执行函数 func &&; } else { _iIntervalID = setInterval(function() { if(!_times) { //是0就退出 clearInterval(_iIntervalID); } _times <= 0 || _times--; //如果是正数就 -- _self = $(_selector); //再次选择 if( _self.length ) { //判断是否取到 func &&; clearInterval(_iIntervalID); } }, _interval); } return this; } function mutation_observer(target, func) { const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationList => mutationList.filter(m => m.type === 'childList').forEach(m => { try{ m.addedNodes.forEach(func()); 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} // 清除PT吧里边的广告 if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/.**/)) { mutation_observer(document, function() { $('div[class*="clearfix"]').wait(function(){ $('div[class="clearfix thread_item_box"]').hide(); $('div[class="l_post l_post_bright j_l_post clearfix"]').has('span:contains("立即查看")').hide(); $('img[data-locate="点击关闭"]').click(); $('#aside-ad').hide(); }); $('div[id*="mediago-tb"]').wait(function(){ $('div[id*="mediago-tb"]').hide(); }); }); return; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\//)) { mutation_observer(document, function() { if ($('div.ant-message-notice:contains("欢迎回来")').length && $('div.ant-message-notice:contains("欢迎回来")').is(":visible")) { $('div.ant-message-notice:contains("欢迎回来")').hide(); } if ($('div.ant-message-notice:contains("有新的")').length && $('div.ant-message-notice:contains("有新的")').is(":visible")) { $('div.ant-message-notice:contains("有新的")').hide(); } if ($('div.banner').length == 2 && $('div.banner:last').is(":visible")) { $('div.banner:last').hide(); } }); } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/torrents\?imdb=\d+/)) { var imdbno = site_url.match(/imdb=(\d+)/)[1]; $('#imdb').val(imdbno); getDoc(`${imdbno}`, null, function(doc){ $('.table-responsive').html($('.table-responsive', doc).html()); }); } function disableother(select,target){ if(document.getElementById(select).value==0) { document.getElementById(target).disabled=false; } else { document.getElementById(target).disabled=true; document.getElementById(select).disabled=false; } } function get_bgmdata(url, func) { getDoc(url, null, function(doc) { var poster = 'https:' + $('#bangumiInfo', doc).find('img:first').attr('src'); var story = $('#subject_summary', doc).text(); var staff = Array.from($('#infobox li', doc).has('a')).map(e => { return $(e).text(); }).join('\n'); var cast = Array.from($('#browserItemList li', doc)).map(e => { if ($(e).find('span.tip').text()) { return $(e).find('span.tip').text() + ': ' + $(e).find('a[href*=person]').text(); } else { return $(e).find('a[href*=character]').text().trim() + ': ' + $(e).find('a[href*=person]').text(); } }).join('\n'); var Cast = "Cast"; if ($('h2.subtitle:contains("曲目列表")', doc).length) { var tracklist = $('h2.subtitle:contains("曲目列表")', doc).next().find('ul').text(); tracklist = tracklist.split('\n').filter(item => item.trim() !== "").map(item => item.trim()).join('\n'); cast = tracklist; Cast = "Tracklist" } else if ($('small:contains("游戏")', doc).length || $('small:contains("日剧")', doc).length || $('small:contains("欧美剧")', doc).length) { staff = Array.from($('#infobox li', doc)).map(e => { return $(e).text(); }).join('\n'); } var tmp_descr = ` [img]${poster}[/img] [b]Story: [/b] ${story} [b]Staff: [/b] ${staff} [b]${Cast}: [/b] ${cast} (来源于 ${url} ) `; if (!cast) { tmp_descr = tmp_descr.replace('[b]Cast: [/b]', ''); } tmp_descr = tmp_descr.replace(/ /g, '').replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n'); func(tmp_descr); }); } function get_group_name(name, torrent_info) { name = name.replace(/\[.*?\]|web-dl|dts-hd|Blu-ray|MPEG-2|MPEG-4/ig, ''); name = name.split(/\.mkv|\.mp4|\.iso|\.avi/)[0]; if (name.match(/(KJNU|tomorrow505|KG|BMDru|BobDobbs|Dusictv|AFKI)$/i)) { return name.match(/(KJNU|tomorrow505|KG|BMDru|BobDobbs|Dusictv|AFKI)$/i)[1]; } try{ tmp_name = name.match(/-(.*)/)[1].split(/-/).pop(); 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} if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/torrents.php.*/)) { function get_email(email) { if (email.length) { var email_str = ""; var a = email.attr('data-cfemail'); r = parseInt(a.substr(0, 2), 16); for (j = 2; a.length - j; j += 2) { c = parseInt(a.substr(j, 2), 16) ^ r; email_str += String.fromCharCode(c); } email.replaceWith(`${email_str}`); } } if (location.href.match(/id=\d+/)) { var number = parseInt($('tr.TableTorrent-rowDetail').length / 2); $(`tr.TableTorrent-rowDetail:lt(${number+1})`).each((index, e)=>{ var tid = $(e).attr('id').match(/\d+/)[0]; var torrent_name = $(e).find('a:contains(详情)').parent().text().split('详情 | ')[1]; var torrent_info = $(e).prev().find('td').text(); torrent_name = get_group_name(torrent_name, torrent_info); if (torrent_name == 'Unknown' && torrent_info.match(/Blu-ray/)) { show_files(tid, 'detail'); $(e).find('table[class="TableTorrentFileList Table"]').wait(function(){ var torrent_td = $(e).find('table[class="TableTorrentFileList Table"]').find('tr:first').find('td:first'); torrent_name = torrent_td.text().replace(/\//g, ''); torrent_name = get_group_name(torrent_name, torrent_info); $(`#torrent${tid}`).find('span.TorrentTitle ').append(`/<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#20B2AA">${torrent_name}</span>`); show_files(tid, 'detail'); }); } else { $(e).prev().find('span.TorrentTitle ').append(` / <span style="font-weight:bold;color:#20B2AA">${torrent_name}</span>`); } }); } else { $('[colspan="3"]').each((index,e)=>{ var torrent = $(e).find('a[href*="torrentid"]'); var torrent_name = torrent.attr('data-tooltip'); torrent_name = get_group_name(torrent_name, ''); torrent.append(` / <span style="font-weight:bold;color:#20B2AA">${torrent_name}</span>`); }) } } // 解决qq打开链接非官方不跳转的问题 if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/middlem.html\?pfurl=.*/)) { var url = decodeURIComponent(location.href).match(/pfurl=(.*?)&pf/)[1]; window.location.href = url; return; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/browse.php/)) { $('input[name="search"]').attr('placeholder', 'Search by key-word or IMDB...'); $('input[type="submit"]').attr('value', 'Go!'); $('input[onclick*=catlist]').attr('value', 'Category'); $('select[name="searchin"]').find('option:eq(0)').text('Name and Description'); $('select[name="searchin"]').find('option:eq(1)').text('Name'); $('select[name="searchin"]').find('option:eq(2)').text('Description'); $('select[name="cat"]').find('option:eq(21)').text('Series 4K'); $('select[name="cat"]').find('option:eq(22)').text('Series HD'); $('select[name="cat"]').find('option:eq(23)').text('Series SD'); $('select[name="sort"]').find('option:eq(1)').text('Relevante'); $('select[name="sort"]').find('option:eq(3)').text('Size'); var dict_info = { 'toate': 'Total', 'Anime': 'Animates', 'Desene': 'Drawings', 'Diverse': 'Other', 'Filme': 'Film', 'Jocuri Console': 'Console Games', 'Jocuri PC': 'PC Games', 'Seriale': 'Series' } $('input[name="cats[]"]').map((index, e)=>{ var category = $(e).parent().find('a').text(); for (key in dict_info) { category = category.replace(key, dict_info[key]); 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GM_setValue('used_ptp_img_key', used_ptp_img_key); } var images = GM_getValue('HDB_images') !== undefined ? GM_getValue('HDB_images').split(', '): ''; if (images) { if (!images[images.length-1].match(/^http/)) { images.pop(); } $('div.jumbotron > center').append(`<input type="button" value="拉取图片" id="add_images"/>`); $('#add_images').click(()=>{ console.log(images); $('#add_images').val("拉取中……"); let container = new DataTransfer(); var pros = [];>{ var p = getImage(item); pros.push(p); }); Promise.all(pros).then((data)=>{ data.forEach((i)=>{ container.items.add(i); }); $('input[name="file-upload[]"]')[0].files = container.files; $('#add_images').val("拉取成功!"); }); }); } return; } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/.*(|||$/)) { var images = GM_getValue('HDB_images') !== undefined ? GM_getValue('HDB_images').split(', '): ''; if (images && $('input[name="files[]"]').length) { $('div.visible-desktop:first').find('span:first').append(`<br><br><input type="button" value="拉取图片" id="add_images"/>`); $('#add_images').click(()=>{ $('#add_images').val("拉取中……"); var gallary_name = images.pop(); let container = new DataTransfer(); var pros = [];>{ console.log(item) if (item.match(/ { item = item.replace('', '').replace('jpg', 'png'); } if (item.match(/jpg|png/)) { var p = getImage(item); pros.push(p); } }); Promise.all(pros).then((data)=>{ data.forEach((i)=>{ container.items.add(i); }); $('input[name="files[]"]')[0].files = container.files; $('input[name="files[]"]')[0].dispatchEvent(evt); $('#gallery-title').val(gallary_name); $('#add_images').val("拉取成功!"); }); }); } if (site_url.match(/| { if (images.length && images[0]) { $('div.logo').append(`<br><br><input type="button" value="拉取图片" id="add_images"/>`); $('#header').after(`<br><br><div align="center"><input type="button" value="拉取图片" id="add_images"/></div>`); } $('#add_images').click(()=>{ $('#add_images').val("拉取中……"); var gallary_name = images.pop(); let container = new DataTransfer(); var pros = [];>{ if (item.match(/ { item = item.replace('', '').replace('jpg', 'png'); } console.log(item) if (item.match(/jpg|png/)) { var p = getImage(item); pros.push(p); } }); Promise.all(pros).then((data)=>{ data.forEach((i)=>{ container.items.add(i); }); $('input[type="file"]')[0].files = container.files; $('input[type="file"]')[0].dispatchEvent(evt); if (site_url.match(/pixhost/)){ $('input.max_th_size').val('350'); $('input.max_th_size')[0].dispatchEvent(evt); $('#gallery_box').attr('checked', true); $('#gallery_box')[0].dispatchEvent(evt); $('input[name="gallery_name"]').val(gallary_name); } else { $('#thumbsize').val('w350'); $('#galleryname').val(gallary_name); } $('#add_images').val("拉取成功!"); GM_setValue('HDB_images', ''); }); }); } var imgs_64 = GM_getValue('64imgs') !== undefined ? 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menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Accueil/, 'Homepage'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Requêtes/, 'Requests'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Règles/, 'Rules'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Acteurs\/Réal\/Product/g, 'Actors/Real/Product'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Journaux/g, 'Newspapers'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Membres/g, 'Members'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Jetons FL/g, 'FL Tokens'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Messagerie/g, 'Messaging'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Mes ups/g, 'My Uploads'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Signets/g, 'Bookmarks'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Abonnements/g, 'Subscriptions'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Editer/g, 'Edit'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Déconnexion/g, 'Logout'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Dons reçu/g, 'Donations received'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Uploader/g, 'Upload'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Envoyé/g, 'Uploaded'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Reçu/g, 'Downloaded'); menu_html = menu_html.replace(/Requis/g, 'Required'); 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$('#stats_seeding').find('a').text('Uploaded'); $('#stats_leeching').find('a').text('Downloaded'); return; } //处理blutopia和hdpost跳转检索,因为其使用ajax异步检索 if (site_url.match(/(||||||\/torrents\?imdb(id)?=.*/)){ if (site_url.match(/ { $('div.form-group:contains(IMDb)').find('input').val(site_url.split('=')[1].split('&')[0]); $('button.btn-primary:contains(Advanced)').click(); $('div.form-group:contains(IMDb)').find('input').focus(); } else { $('#imdb').val(site_url.split('=')[1].split('#')[0]); } return; } //处理ptgen跳转,基本上使用频率很少了,不过还是可以在内站作为豆瓣信息不全的时候使用 if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/ptgen\/\?imdb=/)){ url = site_url.split('=')[1]; if (url.match(/tt/i)){ req = '' + url; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: req, onload: function(res) { var response = JSON.parse(res.responseText); if (response.length > 0) { url = '' + response[0].id; } else { url = '' + url; } document.getElementById('input_value').value = url; document.getElementById('query_btn').click(); } }); } else { url = '' + url + '/'; 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var durl = $(`a[href*="action=download&id=${tid}"]`).attr('href');, '_blank'); } } }); } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/(privatehd|avistaz|cinemaz).to\/torrent\/\d+/)) { if ($('strong:contains(There are possible issues with the torrent)').length) { var tid = site_url.match(/torrent\/(\d+)/)[1]; var turl = $(`a[href*="download/torrent/${tid}"]`).attr('href');, '_blank'); } } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/upload.php#separator#/)) { if ($('td:contains(Upload successful! The torrent has been added.)').length) {$('a[href*="download.php?id"]').attr('href'), '_blank'); return; } } if (site_url.match(/https:\/\/\/index.php\?page=upload/)) { if ($('td:contains(Upload successful! The torrent has been added.)').length) {$('a[href*="download.php?id"]').attr('href'), '_blank'); return; } } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/download_check\//)) {$('a[href*=""]').has('i').attr('href'), '_blank'); return; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/details.php\?id=\d+&uploaded=1/)) {$('a[href*="/download.php/"]').attr('href'), '_blank'); return; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/details.php\?id=\d+&uploaded=1/)) {$('a[href*="/down.php/"]').attr('href'), '_blank'); return; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/torrents.php\?id=\d+#separator#/)) {$('a[href*="action=download&id"]:contains(Download)').attr('href'), '_blank'); return; } /******************************************************************************************************************* * part 1 变量初始化层 * ********************************************************************************************************************/ //提供可用的获取豆瓣信息两个api,从0-1选择。主要应用于外站,另一个是自动爬取豆瓣页面 const apis = ['', '']; var api_chosen = GM_getValue('api_chosen') === undefined ? 3: GM_getValue('api_chosen'); var tldomain = GM_getValue('tldomain') === undefined ? 0: GM_getValue('tldomain'); var imdb2db_chosen = GM_getValue('imdb2db_chosen') === undefined ? 0: GM_getValue('imdb2db_chosen'); //用来转存海报使用的ptpimg的key,打开首页即可获取 var used_ptp_img_key = GM_getValue('used_ptp_img_key') === undefined ? '': GM_getValue('used_ptp_img_key'); //用来获取TMDB的key,需要使用请自行申请 var used_tmdb_key = GM_getValue('used_tmdb_key') === undefined ? '0f79586eb9d92afa2b7266f7928b055c': GM_getValue('used_tmdb_key'); //是否匿名,默认开启匿名选项 var if_uplver = GM_getValue('if_uplver') === undefined ? 1: GM_getValue('if_uplver'); var if_douban_jump = GM_getValue('if_douban_jump') === undefined ? 1: GM_getValue('if_douban_jump'); var if_imdb_jump = GM_getValue('if_imdb_jump') === undefined ? 1: GM_getValue('if_imdb_jump'); var remote_server = GM_getValue('remote_server') === undefined ? null : JSON.parse(GM_getValue('remote_server')); //额外的功能选项 const default_extra_settings = { 'ptp_show_douban': {'title': 'PTP中文', 'enable': 1}, 'ptp_show_group_name': {'title': 'PTP组名', 'enable': 1}, 'hdb_show_douban': {'title': 'HDB中文', 'enable': 1}, 'hdb_show_discount_color': {'title': 'HDB折扣', 'enable': 1}, 'btn_dark_color': {'title': '妞暗色系', 'enable': 1}, 'other_douban_info': {'title': '中文信息', 'enable': 1}, }; var extra_settings = GM_getValue('extra_settings') === undefined ? default_extra_settings : JSON.parse(GM_getValue('extra_settings')); if (!extra_settings.hasOwnProperty('btn_dark_color')) { extra_settings = default_extra_settings; } if (!extra_settings.hasOwnProperty('other_douban_info')) { extra_settings.other_douban_info = default_extra_settings.other_douban_info; } const all_sites_show_douban = extra_settings.other_douban_info.enable; var hdb_hide_douban = GM_getValue('hdb_hide_douban') === undefined ? 0: GM_getValue('hdb_hide_douban'); //0表示前边,1表示后边 var ptp_name_location = GM_getValue('ptp_name_location') === undefined ? 1 : GM_getValue('ptp_name_location'); //支持转发的站点列表,可以自行取消注释 const default_site_info = { '1PTBA': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '52PT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'ACM': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'ANT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'avz': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'Audiences': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'BHD' : {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'Aither': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'BLU': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'BTN': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'BYR': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'BTSchool': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'CarPt': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'CG': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'CMCT': {'url': "", 'enable': 1}, 'CNZ': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'CHDBits': {'url': "", 'enable': 1}, 'DiscFan': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'Dragon': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'FreeFarm': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'GPW': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HaiDan': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HD4FANS': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDArea': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDAtmos': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDB': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDCity': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDDolby': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDF': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDfans': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDHome': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDPost': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'DarkLand': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDRoute': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDSky': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDSpace': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDTime': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDU': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDVideo': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HD-Only': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HITPT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HUDBT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'iTS': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'JoyHD': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'KG': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'MTeam': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'MTV': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'NanYang': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'NBL': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'NPUPT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'OpenCD': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'OPS': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'Oshen': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'OurBits': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PHD': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PigGo': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PTCafe': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PT#####': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PTer': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PThome': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PTP': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PTsbao': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PTT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PuTao': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'RED': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'SC': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'SoulVoice': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'TCCF': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'Tik': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'TJUPT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'TLFbits': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'TTG': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'TVV': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'UHD': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'UltraHD': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'WT-Sakura': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'xthor': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'YDY': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'ITZMX': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDPt': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'JPTV': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'Monika': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'ZMPT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '红叶': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'ICC': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'CyanBug': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'ZHUQUE': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'YemaPT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '海棠': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '杏林': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'UBits': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'OKPT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'GGPT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'RS': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'Panda': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'KuFei': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'RouSi': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '悟空': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'GTK': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '象岛': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '麒麟': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'AGSV': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'ECUST': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'iloli': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'CrabPt': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'QingWa': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'FNP': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'OnlyEncodes': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PTFans': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '影': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PTzone': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '雨': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'PTLGS': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'NJTUPT': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'LemonHD': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'ReelFliX': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDClone': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'CDFile': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'HDBAO': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'AFUN': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '回声': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, 'DevTracker': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '唐门': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '财神': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '星陨阁': {'url': '', 'enable': 1}, '伞': {'url': '', 'enable': 1} }; var chd_use_backup_url = GM_getValue('chd_use_backup_url') === undefined ? 0: GM_getValue('chd_use_backup_url'); if (chd_use_backup_url) { var region_code = GM_getValue('region_code'); if (region_code) { default_site_info.CHDBits.url = `https://${region_code}`; } else { fetch('') // 发送GET请求到ipapi .then(response => response.json()) // 解析响应的JSON数据 .then(data => { region_code = data.region_code.toLowerCase(); GM_setValue('region_code', region_code); }) .catch(error => { console.log("发生错误: " + error); } ); } } //初始化数据site_order/used_site_info等等 var site_order = GM_getValue('site_order') === undefined ? Object.keys(default_site_info).sort(): JSON.parse(GM_getValue('site_order')).split(','); var used_site_info = GM_getValue('used_site_info'); var if_new_site_added = false; if (used_site_info === undefined) { used_site_info = default_site_info; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } else { //预防有新加的站点没有加上的。 used_site_info = JSON.parse(used_site_info); for (key in default_site_info) { if (!used_site_info.hasOwnProperty(key)) { used_site_info[key] = default_site_info[key]; if_new_site_added = true; } else if (default_site_info[key].url != used_site_info[key].url && key != 'AGSV') { used_site_info[key].url = default_site_info[key].url } if (site_order.indexOf(key) < 0) { site_order.push(key); } } for (key in used_site_info) { if (!default_site_info.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete used_site_info[key]; if (site_order.indexOf(key) >= 0) { site_order = site_order.filter(function(item) { return item != key; }); } if_new_site_added = true; } } site_order = site_order.filter(function(item){ if (!default_site_info.hasOwnProperty(item)) { return false; } else { return true; } }); } if (if_new_site_added) { GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); GM_setValue('site_order', JSON.stringify(site_order.join(','))); } // 修正北洋、铂金和#后有www和不带www两个域名。 if (site_url.match(/^http(s)?:\/\/(www.)?(||\//)) { var site_domain = site_url.match(/^http(s)?:\/\/(www.)?(||\//)[0]; if (site_domain.match(/tjupt/)) { used_site_info.TJUPT.url = site_domain; } else if (site_domain.match(/pthome/)) { used_site_info.PThome.url = site_domain; } else { used_site_info.OpenCD.url = site_domain; } GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/.*/)) { used_site_info.HDT.url = ''; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } else if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/.*/)) { used_site_info.HDT.url = ''; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/.*/)) { used_site_info.BTN.url = ''; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } else if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/.*/)) { used_site_info.BTN.url = ''; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/.*/)) { used_site_info.AGSV.url = ''; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } else if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/.*/)) { used_site_info.AGSV.url = ''; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } else if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/.*/)) { used_site_info.AGSV.url = ''; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } else if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/.*/)) { used_site_info.AGSV.url = ''; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } else if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/.*/)) { used_site_info.AGSV.url = ''; GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); } //支持快速搜索的默认站点列表,可自行添加,举例:imdbid表示tt123456, imdbno表示123456,search_name表示the big bang thoery const default_search_list = [ `<a href="{imdbid}" target="_blank">PTP</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}" target="_blank">BTN</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}" target="_blank">HDB</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}&search_type=imdb" target="_blank">KG</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}&proj=0&descr=1" target="_blank">CG</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}" target="_blank">FileList</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}" target="_blank">BHD</a>`, `<a href="{imdbno}&perPage=25&imdbId={imdbno}" target="_blank">BLU</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}" target="_blank">SC</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}#page/1" target="_blank">HDPost</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}#page/1" target="_blank">DarkLand</a>`, `<a href="{imdbno}&c=M" target="_blank">TTG</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}&active=0" target="_blank">HDT</a>`, `<a href="{imdbno}&active=1&options=2" target="_blank">HDSpace</a>`, `<a href="{imdbno}" target="_blank">HDR</a>`, `<a href="{search_name}" target="_blank">HDF</a>`, `<a href="{search_name}" target="_blank">PHD</a>`, `<a href="{search_name}" target="_blank">AVZ</a>`, `<a href="{search_name}" target="_blank">CNZ</a>`, `<a href="{search_name}" target="_blank">xTHOR</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}#page/1" target="_blank">Tik</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}" target="_blank">Douban</a>`, `<a href="{imdbid}" target="_blank">UHD</a>`, `<a href="{search_name}" target="_blank">ZMK</a>`, `<a href="" target="_blank">MediaiInfo</a>`, `<a href="{search_name}" target="_blank">SSW</a>`, `<a href="{imdbno}#page/1" target="_blank">ACM</a>`, `<a href="{imdbno}" target="_blank">JPTV</a>` ]; var used_search_list = GM_getValue('used_search_list') === undefined ? default_search_list : JSON.parse(GM_getValue('used_search_list')).split(','); //常用站点列表,这里只是举例说明,可以替换成自己想要的站点名称即可 const default_common_sites = ['HDPost', 'TTG', 'CMCT', 'HUDBT', 'PTer']; var used_common_sites = GM_getValue('used_common_sites') === undefined ? default_common_sites: JSON.parse(GM_getValue('used_common_sites')).split(','); //签到站点列表 const default_signin_sites = ['HDPost', 'TTG', 'CMCT', 'HUDBT', 'PTer']; var used_signin_sites = GM_getValue('used_signin_sites') === undefined ? default_common_sites: JSON.parse(GM_getValue('used_signin_sites')).split(','); //欧美国家列表,可以酌情添加 const us_ue = ['阿尔巴#亚|安道尔|奥地利|俄罗斯|比利时|波黑|保加利亚|克罗地亚|塞浦路斯|捷克|丹麦|#沙#亚|法罗群岛[丹]|冰岛|芬兰|法国|德国|希腊|匈牙利|#尔兰|意大利|拉脱维亚|列支敦士登|立陶宛|卢森堡|马其顿|马耳他|摩尔多瓦|摩#哥|荷兰|挪#|波兰|葡萄牙|罗马#亚|俄罗斯|圣马力诺|塞黑|斯洛伐克|斯洛文#亚|西班牙|瑞典|瑞士|乌克兰|英国|梵蒂冈|美国|加拿大|#大利亚|新西兰|西德|苏联']; const us_ue_english = ['Albania|Andorra|Austria|Russia|Belgium|Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bulgaria|Croatia|Cyprus|Czechia|Denmark|Estonia|Faroe Islands (Denmark)|Iceland|Finland|France|Germany|Greece|Hungary|Ireland|Italy|Latvia|Liechtenstein|Lithuania|Luxembourg|North Macedonia|Malta|Moldova|Monaco|Netherlands|Norway|Poland|Portugal|Romania|Russia|San Marino|Serbia|Slovakia|Slovenia|Spain|Sweden|Switzerland|Ukraine|United Kingdom|Vatican City|United States|Canada|Australia|New Zealand|West Germany|Soviet Union']; //是否在PTP/HDB/HDT/UHD种子列表显示搜索跳转功能,1表示显示,0表示隐藏 const default_show_search_urls = { 'PTP': 1, 'HDB': 0, 'HDT': 0, 'UHD': 0, }; var show_search_urls = GM_getValue('show_search_urls') === undefined ? default_show_search_urls : JSON.parse(GM_getValue('show_search_urls')); function set_host_link() { var host_link = prompt(`-------------Auto-feed依托NP架构站进行部分功能布局-------------\n请在输入框输入托管站点的个人设置链接,步骤如下: 1.进入任意NexusPHP架构PT站点主页; 2.打开控制面板; 3.选择个人设定; 4.复制网页地址输入到下方输入框; 格式形如:https://(站点域名)/usercp.php?action=personal 注意:后期可通过>重置托管<按钮进行重置。`,""); if (host_link.match(/https?:\/\/.*?\/usercp\.php\?action=personal/)) { GM_setValue("host_link", host_link); location.reload(); } else { alert('链接格式不对!!'); } } if (GM_getValue("host_link") === undefined && judge_if_the_site_as_source(site_url) !== undefined) { set_host_link(); } else { host_link = GM_getValue("host_link"); } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/subject/)) { var bgm_id = site_url.match(/subject\/(\d+)/)[1]; $('ul[class="navTabs clearit"]').append(`<li><a href="${host_link}#ptgen?bgmid=${bgm_id}" pcked="1" target="_blank">PtGen</a></li>`); return; } const default_rehost_img_info = { 'freeimage': { 'url': '', 'api-url': '', 'api-key': '' }, 'gifyu': { 'url': '', 'api-url': '', 'api-key': '' }, 'pstorage': { 'url': '', 'api-url': '', 'api-key': '' }, 'imgbb': { 'url': '', 'api-url': '', 'api-key': '' }, 'catbox':{ 'url': '', 'api-url': '', 'api-key': '' }, }; var used_rehost_img_info = GM_getValue('used_rehost_img_info') === undefined ? default_rehost_img_info: JSON.parse(GM_getValue('used_rehost_img_info')); for (key in default_rehost_img_info) { if (!used_rehost_img_info.hasOwnProperty(key)){ used_rehost_img_info[key] = default_rehost_img_info[key]; } } /******************************************************************************************************************* * part 2 常量、变量及函数定义封装层 * ********************************************************************************************************************/ //用于作为源站点但是不是转发站点的字典,大部分都外站,用作判断是否是外站的标准 const o_site_info = { 'FRDS': '', 'BYR': '', 'avz': '', 'PHD': '', 'PTP': '', 'HDT': used_site_info.HDT.url, 'MTV': '', 'BHD': '', 'UHD': '', 'BLU': '', 'Aither': '', 'HDPost': '', 'DarkLand': '', 'FNP': '', 'OnlyEncodes': '', 'TorrentLeech': '', 'xthor': '', 'FileList': '', 'HDF': '', 'HDB': '', 'BTN': used_site_info.BTN.url, 'RED': '', 'OpenCD': '', 'U2': '', 'jpop': '', 'CG': '', 'KG': '', 'SC': '', 'iTS': '', 'HDRoute': '', 'HDSpace': '', 'ACM': '', 'HDOli': '', 'Tik': '', 'CNZ': '', 'GPW': '', 'HD-Only': '', 'NBL': '', 'ANT': '', 'IPT': '', 'torrentseeds': '', 'IN': '', 'HOU': '', 'OMG': '', 'digitalcore': '', 'BlueBird': '', 'bwtorrents': '', 'lztr': '', 'DICMusic': '', 'OPS': '', 'bib': '', 'mam': '', 'bit-hdtv': '', 'JPTV': '', 'TVV': '', 'SugoiMusic': '', 'Monika': '', 'DTR': '', 'HONE': '', 'ZHUQUE': '', 'YemaPT': '', 'SpeedApp': '', 'MTeam': '', 'ReelFliX': '', 'HHClub': '', }; if (tldomain == 0) { o_site_info.TorrentLeech = ''; } else if (tldomain == 1) { o_site_info.TorrentLeech = ''; } else if (tldomain == 2) { o_site_info.TorrentLeech = ''; } else if (tldomain == 3) { o_site_info.TorrentLeech = ''; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/.*/)) { o_site_info.HHClub = ''; GM_setValue('o_site_info', JSON.stringify(o_site_info)); } else if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/.*/)) { o_site_info.HHClub = ''; GM_setValue('o_site_info', JSON.stringify(o_site_info)); } //部分站点加载图标会有问题,可以将图标下载下来上传到公网图床提供网址即可 const site_img_info = { 'HDHome': '', 'TJUPT': '', 'HDArea': '', 'BTSchool': '', 'HDDolby': '', 'HDRoute': '', 'HUDBT': '', 'MTeam': '', 'OurBits': '', 'BYR': '', 'avz': '', 'PHD': '', 'CNZ': '', 'HDT': '', 'ZHUQUE': '', 'YemaPT': '', 'Panda': '', 'HaiDan':'', '象岛':'', 'PTzone': '', '雨': '', 'NJTUPT': '', }; //用来拼接发布站点的url和字符串,也可用于识别发布页和源页面 var separator = '#separator#'; //获取源站点简称 const origin_site = find_origin_site(site_url); const douban_prex = ''; const imdb_prex = ''; //iTS的简介模板,用于获取数据替换后填充 const its_base_content = ` [center] [img]{poster}[/img] [url={imdb_url}][img][/img][/url] [size=3]{imdb_score}[/size] [*] [size=3][url={rt_url}][img][/img][/url] {rt_score}%[/size] [*] [url={tmdb_url}][img][/img][/url] [size=3]{tmdb_score}%[/size] [color=DarkOrange][size=2]◢ SYNOPSIS ◣[/size][/color] {en_descr} [color=DarkOrange][size=2]◢ TRAILER ◣[/size][/color] [youtube]{youtube_url}[/youtube] [color=DarkOrange][size=2]◢ SCREENSHOTS ◣[/size][/color] {screenshots} [/center] `; const kg_intro_base_content = `[img]{poster}[/img] Title: {title} Genres: {genres} Date Published: {date} IMDB Rating: {score} IMDB Link: {imdb_url} Directors: {director} Creators: {creator} Actors: {cast} Introduction {en_descr} Screenshots here: {screenshots} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not my rip. Many thanks to the original uploader. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `; const kg_dvd_base_content = `DVD label: {label} DVD5 / DVD9: {size} DVD Format: {source} DVD Audio: Codec {audio}, Channels {channels} Program(s): Not my rip. Menus: Untouched Video: Untouched Audio: Untouched DVD extras: Untouched Extras contain: {extras} DVD runtime(s): {runtime} `; const kg_bluray_base_content = `Blu-Ray label: {label} BD25 / BD50: {size} Blu-Ray Audio: Codec {audio}, Channels {channels} Program(s): Not my rip. Menus: Untouched Video: Untouched Audio: Untouched DVD extras: Untouched Extras contain: {extras} Blu-Ray runtime(s): {runtime} `; //tik的简介模板,用于获取数据替换后填充 const tik_base_content = ` [center][img]{poster}[/img] {screenshots} [/center] [b][color=blue]SYNOPSIS:[/color][/b] {en_descr} [code] IMDb...............: [url]{imdbid}/[/url] Year...............: {year} Country............: {country} Runtime............: {runtime} Minutes Audio..............: {audio} Subtitles..........: {subtitles} Video Format.......: {format} Film Aspect Ratio..: {aspect_ratio}{dvdformat} Source.............: {source} Film Distributor...: [url=addlink]To be specified.[/url] Ripping Program....: Not my rip Total Bitrate.....: {bitrate} Menus......: [x] Untouched Video......: [x] Untouched Extras.....: [x] Untouched Audio......: [x] Untouched [/code] [b][color=blue]Extras:[/color][/b] [*] [*] [*] [b][color=blue]Uploader Comments:[/color][/b] - All credit goes to the original uploader. `; //需要从源网页获取的信息,有些可能没有 var raw_info = { //填充类信息 'name': '', //主标题 'small_descr': '', //副标题 'url': '', //imdb链接 'dburl': '', //豆瓣链接 'descr': '', //简介 'log_info': '', //音乐特有 'tracklist': '', //音乐特有 'music_type': '', //音乐特有 'music_media': '', //音乐特有 'edition_info': '',//音乐特有 'music_name': '', //音乐特有 'music_author': '', //音乐特有 'log_info': '', //音乐特有 'animate_info': '', //动漫特有|针对北邮人北洋U2的命名方式 'anidb': '', //动漫特有 'torrentName': '', //动漫辅助 'images': [], // 截图 'torrent_name': '', // 用于转发内站 'torrent_url': '', // 用于转发内站 //选择类信息 'type': '', //type:可取值——电影/纪录/体育/剧集/动画/综艺…… 'source_sel': '', //来源(地区):可取值——欧美/大陆/港台/日本/韩国/印度…… 'standard_sel': '', //分辨率:可取值——4K/1080p/1080i/720p/SD 'audiocodec_sel': '', //音频:可取值——AAC/AC3/DTS………… 'codec_sel': '', //编码:可取值——H264/H265…… 'medium_sel': '', //媒介:可取值——web-dl/remux/encode…… //其他 'origin_site': '', //记录源站点用于跳转后识别 'origin_url': '', //记录源站点用于跳转后识别 'golden_torrent': false, //主要用于皮转柠檬, 转过去之后会变成字符串 'mediainfo_cmct': '', //适用于春天的info 'imgs_cmct': '', //适用于春天的截图 'full_mediainfo': '', //完整的mediainfo有的站点有长短两种,如:铂金家、猫、春天 'subtitles': [], //针对皮转海豹,字幕 'youtube_url': '', //用于发布iTS 'ptp_poster': '', //用于发布iTS 'comparisons': '', //用于海豹 'version_info': '', //用于海豹 'multi_mediainfo': '', //用于海豹 'labels': 0 }; var no_need_douban_button_sites = ['RED', 'OpenCD', 'lztr', 'DICMusic', 'OPS', 'jpop', 'bib', 'mam', 'SugoiMusic', 'MTeam', 'HHClub']; Array.prototype.remove = function(val) { var index = this.indexOf(val); if (index > -1) { this.splice(index, 1); } }; function ptp_send_images(urls, api_key) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var boundary = "--NN-GGn-PTPIMG"; var data = ""; data += boundary + "\n"; data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"link-upload\"\n\n"; data += urls.join("\n") + "\n"; data += boundary + "\n"; data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"api_key\"\n\n"; data += api_key + "\n"; data += boundary + "--"; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ "method": "POST", "url": "", "responseType": "json", "headers": { "Content-type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=NN-GGn-PTPIMG" }, "data": data, "onload": function(response) { if (response.status != 200) reject("Response error " + response.status); resolve( (item) { return "[img]" + item.code + "." + item.ext + '[/img]'; })); 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var text = '快速搜索:'; var brs = '</br></br>'; var font_color = 'red'; var font_size = ''; if (mode == 1) { div_style = ''; font_color = 'green'; text = ''; brs = '</br>'; if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/title\/tt\d+\//)) { font_size = 'size=2px'; } } else if (mode == 2) { div_style = ''; brs = '</br>'; font_size = 'size=2px'; } else if (mode == 3) { div_style = ''; font_color = 'green'; text = ''; brs = ''; } if (raw_info.url) { tmp_search_list => { if (e.match(/avistaz|privatehd|cinemaz/)) { var domain = e.match(/avistaz|privatehd|cinemaz/)[0]; if (raw_info.type == "剧集" ||\d+|E\d+/i)) { var o = $(e).attr('href'); var d = $(e).attr('href').replace(/torrents\?in=1&.*/, 'tv-shows?search=&imdb={imdbid}'); return e.replace(o, d); } else { var o = $(e).attr('href'); var d = $(e).attr('href').replace(/torrents\?in=1&.*/, 'movies?search=&imdb={imdbid}'); return e.replace(o, d); } } else { return e; } }) } else { if (imdbid == '') { tmp_search_list => { if (e.match(/imdbid|imdbno/)) { e = e.replace(/<a/, '<a class="disabled"'); } return e; }); } else { tmp_search_list = used_search_list; } } tmp_search_list = => { if (item.includes('ZHUQUE')) { const zhuquejson = JSON.parse('{"page":1,"size":20,"type":"title","sorter":"id","order":"desc","keyword":"PTer","tags":[],"category":[],"medium":[],"videoCoding":[],"audioCoding":[],"resolution":[],"group":[],"more":false}'); try{ zhuquejson.keyword = search_name.trim(); } catch(err) {} const b64 = btoa(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(zhuquejson))); return `<a href="${b64}" target="_blank">ZHUQUE</a>`; } return item; }); var site_search_lists = tmp_search_list.join(' | '); if ($('.search_urls').length == 1) { $('.search_urls').hide(); brs = ''; } else if ($('.search_urls').length > 2) { $('.search_urls').show(); } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/ { if (site_search_lists.match(/https:\/\/*?imdbid/)) { site_search_lists = site_search_lists.replace(/*?imdbid}/, 'click_new'); } } site_search_lists = site_search_lists.format({'imdbid': imdbid, 'imdbno': imdbno, 'search_name': search_name}); container.append(`${brs}<div ${div_style} class="search_urls"><font ${font_size} color=${font_color}>${text}${site_search_lists}</font></div>`); container.find('.disabled').attr("disabled",true).click(e=>{ e.preventDefault(); alert('当前影视没有IMDB信息!!'); return; }); $('.hdb-task').click((e)=>{ GM_setValue('task_info', JSON.stringify(raw_info)); }); if (mode == 1) { $('.search_urls').find('a').css("color", "darkblue"); } try { var imdbid = $('#info').html().match(/tt\d+/i)[0]; var imdb_url = '' + imdbid; $('a[href*="click_new"').click(e=>{ e.preventDefault();, target="_blank"); }); } catch (err) {} } //函数用来豆瓣信息搜索时候进行处理, 后期准备作废 const numToChn = function(num) { var chnNumChar = ["零", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九"]; var index = num.toString().indexOf("."); if (index != -1) { var str = num.toString().slice(index); var a = "点"; for (var i = 1; i < str.length; i++) { a += chnNumChar[parseInt(str[i])]; } return a; } else { return; } }; function numToChinese(num) { //定义在每个小节的内部进行转化的方法,其他部分则与小节内部转化方法相同 var chnNumChar = ["零", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九"]; var chnUnitChar = ["", "十", "百", "千"]; var str = '', chnstr = '', zero = false, count = 0; //zero为是否进行补零, 第一次进行取余由于为个位数,默认不补零 if (num > 0 && num < 100) { var v = num % 10; var q = Math.floor(num / 10); if (num < 10) { //如果数字为零,则对字符串进行补零 chnstr = chnNumChar[v] + chnstr; } else if (num == 10) chnstr = chnUnitChar[1]; else if (num > 10 && num < 20) chnstr = "十" + chnNumChar[v]; else { if (v == 0) chnstr = chnNumChar[q] + "十"; else chnstr = chnNumChar[q] + "十" + chnNumChar[v]; } } return chnstr; } //用来判断地址属于哪个站点(国内发布站点,国外源站点,或其他) function find_origin_site(url){ var domain; //域名 var reg; //正则匹配表达式 var key; //先从发布站点找 for (key in used_site_info){ //获取域名 domain = used_site_info[key].url.split('//')[1].replace('/', ''); reg = new RegExp(domain, 'i'); if (url.match(reg)){ if (key == 'HDB' && url.match(/uhdbits\.org/)){ return 'UHD'; } return key; } } //再从特殊源站点找 for (key in o_site_info){ //获取域名 domain = o_site_info[key].split('//')[1].replace('/', ''); reg = new RegExp(domain, 'i'); if (url.match(reg)){ return key; } } return 'other'; } //这部分是属于官种名称匹配,用于声明感谢,可自定义匹配正则以及感谢bbcode const reg_team_name = { 'MTeam': /-(.*mteam|mpad|tnp|BMDru|MWEB)/i, 'CMCT': /-(CMCT|cmctv)/i, 'HDSky': /-(hds|.*@HDSky)/i, 'CHDBits': /-(CHD|.*@CHDBits)|@CHDWEB/i, 'OurBits': /(-Ao|-.*OurBits|-FLTTH|-IloveTV|OurTV|-IloveHD|OurPad|-MGs)$/i, 'TTG': /-(WiKi|DoA|.*TTG|NGB|ARiN)/i, 'HD#####': /-(HDC)/i, 'PTer': /-(Pter|.*Pter)/i, 'HDHome': /(-hdh|.*@HDHome)/i, 'PThome': /(-pthome|-pth|.*@pth)/i, 'Audiences': /(-Audies|.*@Audies|-ADE|-ADWeb|.*@ADWeb)/i, 'PTLGS': /(-PTLGS|.*@PTLGS)/i, 'PuTao': /-putao/i, 'NanYang': /-nytv/i, 'TLFbits': /-tlf/i, 'HDDolby': /-DBTV|-QHstudIo|Dream$|.*@dream/i, 'FRDS': /-FRDS|@FRDS/i, 'PigGo': /PigoHD|PigoWeb|PiGoNF/i, 'CarPt': /CarPT/i, 'HDVideo': /(-HDVWEB|-HDVMV)/i, 'HDfans': /HDFans/i, 'WT-Sakura': /SakuraWEB|SakuraSUB|WScode/i, 'HHClub': /HHWEB/i, 'HaresClub': /Hares?WEB|HaresTV|DIY@Hares|-hares/i, 'HDPt': /hdptweb/i, 'Panda': /AilMWeb|-PANDA|@Panda/i, 'UBits': /@UBits|-UBits|-UBWEB/i, 'PTCafe': /CafeWEB|CafeTV|DIY@PTCafe/i, '影': /Ying(WEB|DIY|TV|MV|MUSIC)?$/i, 'DaJiao': /DJWEB|DJTV/i, '象岛': /Eleph(WEB|REMUX|Rip|TV|DIY|MUSIC)?$/i, 'OKPT': /OK(WEB|Web)?$/i, 'AGSV': /AGSV(PT|E|WEB|REMUX|Rip|TV|DIY|MUS)?$/i, 'TJUPT': /TJUPT$/, 'FileList': /Play(HD|SD|WEB|TV)$/i, 'CrabPt': /XHBWeb$/i, '红叶': /(RLWEB|RLeaves|RLTV|-R²)$/i, 'QingWa': /(FROG|FROGE|FROGWeb)$/i, 'ZMPT': /ZmWeb|ZmPT/i, 'LemonHD': /(-LHD|League(WEB|CD|NF|HD|TV|MV))$/i, 'ptsbao': /-(FFans|sBao|FHDMV|OPS)/i, '麒麟': /-HDK(WEB|TV|MV|Game|DIY|ylin)/i, }; function add_thanks(descr) { const thanks_str = "[quote][b][color=blue]{site}官组作品,感谢原制作者发布。[/color][/b][/quote]\n\n{descr}"; for (var key in reg_team_name) { if ([key]) && !|HDSpace|HDClub|LCHD/i)) { descr = thanks_str.format({'site': key, 'descr': descr}); } } return descr; } //标签及其字标签转换为字符串,主要用于获取简介等等, 根据网页树的结构,采用前序遍历递归呈现。 function walkDOM(n) { do { if (n.nodeName == 'FONT') { if (n.color != '') { n.innerHTML = '[color=' + n.color + ']' + n.innerHTML + '[/color]'; } if (n.size != '') { n.innerHTML = '[size=' + n.size + ']' + n.innerHTML + '[/size]'; } if (n.face != '') { n.innerHTML = '[font=' + n.face + ']' + n.innerHTML + '[/font]'; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'SCRIPT'){ n.innerHTML = ''; } else if (n.nodeName == 'SPAN') { if ( != '') { n.innerHTML = '[color=' + rgb_2_hex( + ']' + n.innerHTML + '[/color]'; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'U'){ n.innerHTML = '[u]' + n.innerHTML + '[/u]'; } else if (n.nodeName == 'A') { if (n.innerHTML != "" && n.href) { if (site_url.match(/http(s*):\/\/\/details.php.*/i)) { if (!n.innerHTML.match(/pic\/hdl\.gif/g)) { n.innerHTML = '[url=' + n.href + ']' + n.innerHTML + '[/url]'; } } else { n.innerHTML = '[url=' + n.href + ']' + n.innerHTML + '[/url]'; } } } else if (n.nodeName == 'TABLE') { if (n.innerHTML != "") { if (site_url.match(/http(s*):\/\/*| { n.innerHTML = '[quote]' + n.innerHTML + '[/quote]'; } else if (site_url.match(/u2.dmhy/)) { n.innerHTML = ''; } } } else if (n.nodeName == 'P') { if (n.innerHTML != "") { if (site_url.match(/http(s*):\/\/*/i)) { n.innerHTML = ''; } else if (site_url.match(/hdroute/i) && n.className == 'quoted') { n.innerHTML = '[quote]' + n.innerHTML + '[/quote]'; } } if (site_url.match(/| { n.innerHTML = n.innerHTML + '\n'; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'FIELDSET' || n.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE') { if (!site_url.match(/hudbt/i) || n.nodeName != 'BLOCKQUOTE'){ n.innerHTML = '[quote]' + n.innerHTML.trim() + '[/quote]'; } if (n.nodeName == 'FIELDSET' && n.textContent.match(/(温馨提示|郑重声明|您的保种|商业盈利|相关推荐|自动发布|仅供测试宽带|不用保种|本站仅负责连接|感谢发布者|转载请注意礼节)/g)) { n.innerHTML = ''; } if (n.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE' && n.textContent.match(/勿作商用/)) { n.innerHTML = ''; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'DIV' && n.innerHTML == '代码') { n.innerHTML = ''; n.nextSibling.innerHTML = '[quote]' + n.nextSibling.innerHTML + '[/quote]'; } else if (n.nodeName == 'DIV' && n.className == 'quoted' && site_url.match(/digitalcore/)) { n.innerHTML = '[quote]' + n.innerHTML + '[/quote]'; } else if (n.nodeName == 'B') { n.innerHTML = '[b]' + n.innerHTML + '[/b]'; } else if (n.nodeName == 'DIV' && site_url.match(/npupt/) && n.className == 'well small') { n.innerHTML = ''; } else if (n.nodeName == '#text' && site_url.match(/npupt/)) { =^ +| +$/g, ''); } else if (n.nodeName == 'BR') { if (site_url.match(/|||||||hudbt||||cinemageddon||||||myanonamouse|| { n.innerHTML = '\r\n'; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'LEGEND') { n.innerHTML = ''; } else if (n.nodeName == 'IMG') { if (site_url.match(/http(s*):\/\/\/details.php.*/i)) { if (!n.src.match(/pic\/hdl\.gif/g)) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + '[img]' + n.src + '[/img]'; } } else if (site_url.match(/http(s*):\/\/.*\/details.php.*/i)) { if ($(n).attr('data-src') !== undefined) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + '[img]' + $(n).attr('data-src') + '[/img]'; } else { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + '[img]' + n.src + '[/img]'; } } else { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + '[img]' + n.src + '[/img]'; } } else if (n.nodeName=='DIV' && site_url.match(/pthome|audiences/i) && n.className == 'codemain') { if (|-ADWeb/) && raw_info.descr.match(/General/)) { n.innerHTML = ''; } else if (n.parentNode.className == 'hide' || site_url.match(/pthome/i)) { if (!n.innerHTML.match(/^\[quote\]/)) { n.innerHTML = '[quote]' + n.innerHTML + '[/quote]'; } } else { n.innerHTML = ''; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'TD' && n.innerHTML.match(/此处包含部分隐藏内容/)) { n.innerHTML = ''; } else if (n.nodeName == 'TD' && site_url.match(/tjupt/i) && n.innerHTML.match(/General/)) { n.innerHTML = '[quote]' + n.innerHTML + '[/quote]'; } if (n.hasChildNodes()) { walkDOM(n.firstChild); } else { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + n.textContent; } n = n.nextSibling; } while (n); return raw_info.descr; } //为了春天获取简介而写的定制节点转文本 function walk_cmct(n) { do { if (n.nodeName == 'SPAN') { if ( != '') { n.innerHTML = '[color=' + + ']' + n.innerHTML + '[/color]'; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'A') { if (n.innerHTML != "") { n.innerHTML = n.innerHTML; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'BR') { n.innerHTML = '\r\n'; } if (n.hasChildNodes()) { walk_cmct(n.firstChild); } else { if (n.nodeType !=1){ raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + n.textContent; } } n = n.nextSibling; } while (n); return raw_info.descr; } function walk_ptp(n) { do { if (n.nodeName == 'A' && n.getAttribute('onclick')){ if (n.getAttribute('onclick').match(/MediaInfoToggleShow|BBCode.spoiler/)) { n.innerHTML = ''; } else if (n.getAttribute('onclick').match(/BBCode.ScreenshotComparisonToggleShow/)) { var info = n.getAttribute('onclick').match(/\[.*?\]/g); var item = info[0].replace(/\[|\]|"/g, ''); var pics_text = ''; info[1].replace(/\[|\]|"|\\/g, '').split(',').forEach((e)=>{ pics_text += `[img]${e.trim()}[/img]`; }); n.innerHTML = `[comparison=${item}]\n\n${pics_text}\n\n[/comparison]`; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'A') { n.innerHTML = '[url=' + n.href + ']' + n.innerHTML + '[/url]'; } else if (n.nodeName == 'TABLE') { n.nextSibling.innerHTML = n.nextSibling.textContent; n.innerHTML = ''; } else if (n.nodeName == 'LI') { n.innerHTML = ' * ' + n.textContent + '\n'; } else if (n.nodeName == 'STRONG') { try{ if (n.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE') { n.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML = `[hide=${n.textContent}]${n.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML}[/hide]`; n.innerHTML = ''; n.nextSibling.textContent = ''; n.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent = ''; } else if (n.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent == 'Show comparison') { n.textContent = ''; n.nextSibling.textContent = ''; } else { n.innerHTML = `[b]${n.innerHTML}[/b]`; } } catch (err) { n.innerHTML = `[b]${n.innerHTML}[/b]`; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'SPAN') { if ( { n.innerHTML = '[u]' + n.innerHTML + '[/u]'; } else { n.innerHTML = n.innerHTML; } } else if (n.nodeName == 'IMG') { n.innerHTML = '[img]' + n.src + '[/img]'; } else if (n.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE' && n.textContent.match(/general|Disc Title|DISC INFO|mpls/i)) { n.innerHTML = `[quote]${n.innerHTML}[/quote]`; } if (n.hasChildNodes()) { walk_ptp(n.firstChild); } else { if (n.nodeType !=1){ raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + n.textContent; } } n = n.nextSibling; } while (n); return raw_info.descr; } function deal_img_350(pic_info) { var imgs = pic_info.match(/\[img\].*?(jpg|png).*?\[\/img\]/g); if (imgs) {>{ var img_url = item.match(/http.*?(png|jpg)/)[0]; if (img_url.match(/ptpimg/)) { var new_imgs = `[url=${img_url}]${item.replace('[img]', '[img=350x350]')}[/url]`; pic_info = pic_info.replace(item, new_imgs); } }) } return pic_info; } function deal_img_350_ptpimg(pic_info) { var imgs = pic_info.match(/\[img\].*?(jpg|png).*?\[\/img\]/g); if (imgs) {>{ var img_url = item.match(/http.*?(png|jpg)/)[0]; if (img_url.match(/ { var new_imgs = `[url=${img_url}]${item.replace('[img]', '[img=350]')}[/url]`; pic_info = pic_info.replace(item, new_imgs); } }) } return pic_info; } //标签节点连带转换成字符串 function domToString (node) { var tmpNode = document.createElement('div'); tmpNode.appendChild(node); var str = tmpNode.innerHTML; tmpNode = node = null; // 解除引用,以便于垃圾回收 return str; } //方便进行判断是否是源站点,不然太长了,属于源站点进入逻辑业务层 function judge_if_the_site_as_source() { if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/upload\.php.*/)) { return 4; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/(|\/upload.php.*/)) { return 5; } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+:5678/)) { return 7; } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/.*\/.*(upload|create|offer|viewoffers).*?(php)?#separator#/i)) { return 0; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/.*\/plugin_upload.php#separator#/i)) { return 0; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/#\/torrent\/add\?/i)) { return 0; } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/(avistaz|privatehd|cinemaz).to\/upload\/torrent\/\d+/i)) { return 6; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/hd-space\.org\/index.php\?page=upload/)){ return 0; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/upload/)){ return 2; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/(www.)?(|||||||||||||\/torrents\/\d+$/)){ return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/(www.)?\/torrents\/\d+/)){ return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/torrent\/(info|list)\/\d+/)){ return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/torrents\/\d+/)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/t\/\d+/)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/browse\/\d+\/t/)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/index.php\?page=torrent-details/)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/torrent\/\d+/)){ return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/.*|^https:\/\/house-of-usenet.*|https:\/\/*/)){ return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/torrents.php\?id=\d+/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/p_torrent\/video_detail.php\?tid=\d+/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/.*\/.*details.*php.*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/.*\/.*detail\/\d+/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/\/t\/.*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/(|||||*torrentid.*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/\/torrent.php\?id=*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/*torrentid.*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/*torrentid.*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/*torrentid.*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/*torrentid.*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/hdbits\.org\/details\.php\?id=.*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/(privatehd|cinemaz|avistaz).to\/torrent/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/\/torrents.php\?id/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/\/torrents/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/\/torrents.php\?id=\d+&torrentid=\d+/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/\/torrents.php\?id=\d+&torrentid=\d+/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/\/torrents.php\?id=\d+&torrentid=\d+/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/(|||\/torrents.php\?id=\d+&torrentid=\d+/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/www\.(torrentleech|tlgetin)\..*?\/torrent\/*/i)) { return 1; } if (site_url.match(/^http(s*):\/\/\/details.php/i)) { return 1; } } //判断是否是国内的站点,国内站点架构基本一致且不需要额外获取豆瓣信息 function judge_if_the_site_in_domestic() { var domain, reg, key; for (key in o_site_info){ if (key != 'FRDS' && key != 'BYR' && key != 'U2'){ domain = o_site_info[key].split('//')[1].replace('/', ''); reg = new RegExp(domain, 'i'); if (site_url.split('#separator#')[0].match(reg) || site_url.match(/https:\/\/\/#\/torrent\/add\?/)){ return 0; } } } return 1; } //处理标题业务封装进函数 function deal_with_title(title){ title = title.replace(/\./g, ' ').replace(/torrent$/g, '').trim() + ' '; if (title.match(/[^\d](2 0|5 1|7 1|1 0|6 1|2 1|4 0)[^\d]/)) { title = title.replace(/[^\d](2 0|5 1|7 1|1 0|6 1|2 1|4 0)[^\d]/g, function(data){ return data.slice(0,2) + '.'+ data.slice(3,data.length); }).trim(); } title = title.replace(/H ?(26[45])/i, "H.$1").replace(/x265[.-]10bit/i, 'x265 10bit'); title = title.replace(/\s+\[2?x?(免费|free)\].*$|\(限时.*\)|\(限時.*\)|\(已审\)/ig, '').replace(/\[.*?\]/ig, '').replace(/剩余时间.*/i, ''); title = title.replace(/\(|\)/ig, '').replace(/ - /g, function(data, index) { try { let y_index = title.match(/(19|20)\d+/).index; if (index > y_index) { return '-'; } else { return data; } } catch (err) { return data; } }); title = title.replace('_10_', '(_10_)'); title = title.replace('V2.1080p', 'V2 1080p').replace(/mkv$|mp4$/i, '').trim(); return title; } //处理副标题逻辑业务封装进函数 function deal_with_subtitle(subtitle){ subtitle = subtitle.replace(/\[checked by.*?\]/i, '').replace(/autoup/i, '').replace(/ +/, ' ').trim(); return subtitle; } //字典转成字符串传达到跳转页面 function dictToString(my_dict){ my_dict = fill_raw_info(my_dict, null); var tmp_string = '', link_str = '#linkstr#', key; for (key in my_dict){ tmp_string += key + link_str + my_dict[key] + link_str; } tmp_string = tmp_string.slice(0, tmp_string.length-9); return btoa(encodeURIComponent(tmp_string)); } //字符串转换成字典回来填充发布页面 function stringToDict(my_string){ my_string = decodeURIComponent(atob(my_string)); var link_str = '#linkstr#'; var tmp_array = my_string.split(link_str); var tmp_dict = {}; for (i = 0; i < tmp_array.length; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { tmp_dict[tmp_array[i]] = tmp_array[i + 1]; } } return tmp_dict; } //下面两个函数用来为字符串赋予format方法:例如——'thank you {site}'.format({'site':'ttg'}) => 'thank you ttg' String.prototype.replaceAll = function (exp, newStr) { return this.replace(new RegExp(exp, "gm"), newStr); }; String.prototype.format = function(args) { var r###lt = this; if (arguments.length < 1) { return r###lt; } var data = arguments; if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof (args) == "object") { data = args; } for ( var key in data) { var value = data[key]; if (undefined != value) { r###lt = r###lt.replaceAll("\\{" + key + "\\}", value); } } return r###lt; }; //下面几个函数为字符串赋予获取各种编码信息的方法——适用于页面基本信息和字符串 String.prototype.medium_sel = function() { //媒介 var r###lt = this.toString(); if (r###lt.match(/(Webdl|Web-dl|WEB[\. ])/i) && ! { r###lt = 'WEB-DL'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(UHDTV)/i)) { r###lt = 'UHDTV'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(HDTV)/i)) { r###lt = 'HDTV'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Remux)/i) && ! r###lt.match(/Encode/)) { r###lt = 'Remux'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Blu-ray|.MPLS|Bluray原盘)/i) && !r###lt.match(/Encode/i)) { r###lt = 'Blu-ray'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(UHD|UltraHD)/i) && !r###lt.match(/Encode/i)) { r###lt = 'UHD'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Encode|BDRIP|webrip|BluRay)/i) || r###lt.match(/(x|H).?(264|265)/i)) { r###lt = 'Encode'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(DVDRip|DVD)/i)) { r###lt = 'DVD'; } else if (r###lt.match(/TV/)) { r###lt = 'TV'; } else if (r###lt.match(/VHS/)) { r###lt = 'VHS'; } else if (r###lt.match(/格式: CD|媒介: CD/)) { r###lt = 'CD'; } else { r###lt = ''; } return r###lt; }; String.prototype.codec_sel = function() { //编码 var r###lt = this; if (r###lt.match(/(H264|H\.264|AVC)/i)) { r###lt = 'H264'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(HEVC|H265|H\.265)/i)) { r###lt = 'H265'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(VVC|H266|H\.266)/i)) { r###lt = 'H266'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(X265)/i)) { r###lt = 'X265'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(X264)/i)) { r###lt = 'X264'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(VC-1)/i)) { r###lt = 'VC-1'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(MPEG-2)/i)) { r###lt = 'MPEG-2'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(MPEG-4)/i)) { r###lt = 'MPEG-4'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(XVID)/i)) { r###lt = 'XVID'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(VP9)/i)) { r###lt = 'VP9'; } else if (r###lt.match(/DIVX/i)) { r###lt = 'DIVX'; } else { r###lt = ''; } return r###lt; }; String.prototype.audiocodec_sel = function() { //音频编码 var r###lt = this.toString(); if (r###lt.match(/(DTS-HDMA:X 7\.1|DTS.?X.?7\.1)/i)){ r###lt = 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(DTS-HD.?MA)/i)) { r###lt = 'DTS-HDMA'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(DTS-HD.?HR)/i)) { r###lt = 'DTS-HDHR'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(DTS-HD)/i)) { r###lt = 'DTS-HD'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(DTS.?X[^2])/i)) { r###lt = 'DTS-X'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(LPCM)/i)) { r###lt = 'LPCM'; } else if (r###lt.match(/([ \.]DD|AC3|AC-3|Dolby Digital)/i)) { r###lt = 'AC3'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Atmos)/i) && r###lt.match(/True.?HD/)) { r###lt = 'Atmos'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(AAC)/i)) { r###lt = 'AAC'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(TrueHD)/i)) { r###lt = 'TrueHD'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(DTS)/i)) { r###lt = 'DTS'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Flac)/i)) { r###lt = 'Flac'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(APE)/i)) { r###lt = 'APE'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(MP3)/i)) { r###lt = 'MP3'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(WAV)/i)) { r###lt = 'WAV'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(OPUS)/i)) { r###lt = 'OPUS'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(OGG)/i)) { r###lt = 'OGG'; } else { r###lt = ''; } if (this.toString().match(/AUDiO CODEC/i) && this.toString().match(/-WiKi/)) { r###lt = this.match(/AUDiO CODEC.*/i)[0]; r###lt = r###lt.audiocodec_sel(); } return r###lt; }; String.prototype.standard_sel = function() { var r###lt = this; if (r###lt.match(/(4320p|8k)/i)){ r###lt = '8K'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(1080p|2K)/i)){ r###lt = '1080p'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(720p)/i)){ r###lt = '720p'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(1080i)/i)){ r###lt = '1080i'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(576[pi]|480[pi])/i)){ r###lt = 'SD'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(1440p)/i)){ r###lt = '144Op'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(2160p|4k)/i)){ r###lt = '4K'; } else { r###lt = ''; } return r###lt; }; //获取类型 String.prototype.get_type = function() { var r###lt = this.toString().split('來源')[0]; if (r###lt.match(/(Movie|电影|UHD原盘|films|電影|剧场)/i)) { r###lt = '电影'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Animation|动漫|動畫|动画|Anime|Cartoons?)/i)) { r###lt = '动漫'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(TV.*Show|综艺)/i)) { r###lt = '综艺'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Docu|纪录|Documentary)/i)) { r###lt = '纪录'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(TV.*Series|影劇|剧|TV-PACK|TV-Episode|TV)/i)) { r###lt = '剧集'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Music Videos|音乐短片|MV\(演唱\)|MV.演唱会|MV\(音乐视频\)|Music Video|Musics MV|Music-Video|音乐视频|演唱会\/MV|MV\/演唱会)/i)) { r###lt = 'MV'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Music|音乐)/i)) { r###lt = '音乐'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Sport|体育|運動)/i)) { r###lt = '体育'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(学习|资料|Study)/i)) { r###lt = '学习'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Software|软件|軟體)/i)) { r###lt = '软件'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(Game|游戏|PC遊戲)/i)) { r###lt = '游戏'; } else if (r###lt.match(/(eBook|電子書|电子书|有声书|书籍|book|有聲書)/i)) { r###lt = '书籍'; } else { r###lt = ''; } return r###lt; }; String.prototype.source_sel = function() { var info_text = this; //来源就在这里获取 if (info_text.match(/(大陆|#####|##|CN|chinese)/i)) { source_sel = '大陆'; } else if (info_text.match(/(HK&TW|港台|thai)/i)) { source_sel = '港台'; } else if (info_text.match(/(EU&US|欧美|US\/EU|英美)/i)) { source_sel = '欧美'; } else if (info_text.match(/(JP&KR|日韩|japanese|korean)/i)) { source_sel = '日韩'; } else if (info_text.match(/(##)/i)) { source_sel = '##'; } else if (info_text.match(/(##)/i)) { source_sel = '##'; } else if (info_text.match(/(日本|JP)/i)) { source_sel = '日本'; } else if (info_text.match(/(韩国|KR)/i)) { source_sel = '韩国'; } else if (info_text.match(/(印度)/i)) { source_sel = '印度'; } else { source_sel = ''; } return source_sel; }; //获取副标题或是否中字、国语、粤语以及DIY String.prototype.get_label = function(){ var my_string = this.toString(); var name = my_string.split('#separator#')[0]; var labels = {'gy': false, 'yy': false, 'zz': false, 'diy': false, 'hdr10': false, 'db': false, 'hdr10plus': false, 'yz': false, 'en': false}; if (my_string.match(/([简繁].{0,12}字幕|[简繁中].{0,3}字|简中|DIY.{1,5}字|内封.{0,3}[繁中字])|(Text.*?[\s\S]*?Chinese|Text.*?[\s\S]*?Mandarin|subtitles.*chs|subtitles.*mandarin|subtitle.*chinese|Presentation Graphics.*?Chinese)/i)){ labels.zz = true; } if (my_string.match(/(英.{0,12}字幕|英.{0,3}字|内封.{0,3}英.{0,3}字)|(Text.*?[\s\S]*?English|subtitles.*eng|subtitle.*english|Graphics.*?English)/i)){ labels.yz = true; } if (my_string.match(/([^多]国.{0,3}语|国.{0,3}配|台.{0,3}语|台.{0,3}配)|(Audio.*Chinese|Audio.*mandarin)/i)){ var sub_str = my_string.match(/([^多]国.{0,3}语|国.{0,3}配|台.{0,3}语|台.{0,3}配)|(Audio.*Chinese|Audio.*mandarin)/i)[0]; if (!sub_str.match(/国家|Subtitles/)) { = true; } } if (my_string.match(/(Audio.*English|◎语.*?言.*?英语)/i)){ labels.en = true; } try { var audio = my_string.match(/Audio[\s\S]*?English/)[0].split('Text')[0]; if (audio.match(/Language.*?English/)) { labels.en = true; } } catch (err) {} if (name.match(/(粤.{0,3}语|粤.{0,3}配|Audio.*cantonese)/i)){ labels.yy = true; } if (name.match(/DIY|-.*?@(MTeam|CHDBits|HDHome|OurBits|HD#####|Language|TTG|Pter|HDSky|Audies|CMCT|Dream|Audies)/i) && my_string.match(/mpls/i)){ = true; } if (my_string.match(/HDR10\+/)) { labels.hdr10plus = true; } else if (my_string.match(/HDR10/)) { labels.hdr10 = true; } if (my_string.match(/Dolby Vision|杜比视界/i)){ labels.db = true; } return labels; }; function set_selected_option_by_value(my_id, value){ var box = document.getElementById(my_id); for (i=0; i < box.options.length; i++){ if ( box.options[i].value == value){ box.options[i].selected = true; } } } //副标题增加原盘版本信息 function blurayVersion(name){ var small_descr; const ver = ['AUS','CAN','CEE','CZE','ESP','EUR','FRA','GBR','GER','HKG','ITA','JPN','KOR','NOR','NLD','RUS','TWN','USA']; const ver_chinese=['#版','加拿大','CEE','捷克','西班牙版','欧版','法版','英版','德版','港版','意大利版','日版','韩版','北欧版','荷兰版','俄版','台版','美版']; for (i=0; i<ver.length; i++) { var reg = new RegExp('(\\.| )'+ ver[i] + '(\\.| )', 'i'); if (name.match(reg)) { small_descr ='【'+ver_chinese[i]+'原盘】'; break; } } return small_descr; } function judge_forward_site_in_domestic(site){ if ( Object.keys(o_site_info).indexOf(site) < 0 && site != "HDSpace") { return true; } else { return false; } } //从简介和名称获取副标题 function get_small_descr_from_descr(descr, name){ var small_descr = '', videoname = '', sub_str = '', type_str = ''; if (descr.match(/译.{0,5}名[^\r\n]+/)) { videoname = descr.match(/译.*?名([^\r\n]+)/)[1]; if (!/.*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+.*/.test(videoname) || videoname.trim() == '') { try{videoname = descr.match(/片.*?名([^\r\n]+)/)[1];} catch (err) {} } videoname = videoname.trim(); //去除首尾空格 if (name.match(/S\d{2}E\d{2}/i)) { //电视剧单集 sub_str = name.match(/S(\d{2})E(\d{2})/i); sub_str = ' *第' + numToChinese(parseInt(sub_str[1])) + '季 第' + parseInt(sub_str[2]) +'集*'; } else if (name.match(/S\d{2}/)) { sub_str = name.match(/S(\d{2})/i); sub_str = ' *第' + numToChinese(parseInt(sub_str[1])) + '季'; if (descr.match(/◎集.{1,10}数.*?(\d+)/)) { sub_str += ' 全' + parseInt(descr.match(/◎集.{1,10}数.*?(\d+)/)[1]) + '集*' } else { sub_str += '*'; } } small_descr = videoname + sub_str; } if (descr.match(/类.{0,5}别[^\r\n]+/)) { type_str = descr.match(/类.*别([^\r\n]+)/)[1]; type_str = type_str.trim(); //去除首尾空格 type_str = type_str.replace(/\//g, ''); //去除/ small_descr = small_descr + ' | 类别:' + type_str; } return small_descr.trim(); } //根据简介获取来源,也就是地区国家产地之类的——尤其分类是日韩或者港台的,有的站点需要明确一下 function get_source_sel_from_descr(descr){ var region = ''; var reg_region = descr.match(/(地.{0,10}?区|国.{0,10}?家|产.{0,10}?地)([^\r\n]+)/); if (reg_region) { region = reg_region[2].split('/')[0].trim(); reg_region = RegExp(us_ue, 'i'); if (region.match(/##/)){ region = '##'; } else if (region.match(/##|##/)){ region = '##'; } else if (region.match(/日本/)){ region = '日本'; } else if (region.match(/韩国/)){ region = '韩国'; } else if (region.match(/印度/) && !region.match(/印度#西亚/)){ region = '印度'; } else if (region.match(/##|大陆/)){ region = '大陆'; } else if (region.match(reg_region)){ region = '欧美'; } else { region = region; } } else { reg_region = descr.match(/Country: (.*)/); if (reg_region) { region = reg_region[1].trim(); reg_region = RegExp(us_ue_english, 'i'); if (region.match(reg_region)) { region = '欧美' } } } return region; } //为获取豆瓣信息提供链接简化 promise function create_site_url_for_douban_info(raw_info, is_douban_search_needed){ if (imdb2db_chosen == 0) { var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ if (is_douban_search_needed){ url = raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]; req = '{url}'.format({ 'url': url }); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: req, onload: function(res) { var response = JSON.parse(res.responseText); if (response.length > 0) { raw_info.dburl = douban_prex + response[0].id; resolve(raw_info); } else { reject(); } } }); } else { resolve(raw_info); } }); } else { var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ if (is_douban_search_needed){ url = raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]; var search_url = '' + url + '&type=movie'; getDoc(search_url, null, function(doc) { if ($('ul.search_r###lts_subjects', doc).length) { var douban_url = '' + $('ul.search_r###lts_subjects', doc).find('a').attr('href').match(/subject\/(\d+)/)[1]; if ('35580200') > -1) { reject(); } raw_info.dburl = douban_url; resolve(raw_info); } else { reject(); } }); } else { resolve(raw_info); } }); } return p; } //颜色转换rgb转16进制 function rgb_2_hex(data) { if (data.match(/rgb\((.*)\)/)){ data = data.match(/rgb\((.*)\)/)[1]; data = data.split(','); color = '#'; for (iii=0; iii<data.length; iii++){ var color_tmp = parseInt(data[iii]).toString(16); if (color_tmp.length < 2) { color_tmp = '0' + color_tmp; } color += color_tmp; } return color; } else { return data; } } //判断是否是原盘 function check_descr(descr){ flag = false; if (descr.match(/mpls/i)){ flag = true; } return flag; } function get_full_size_picture_urls(raw_info, imgs, container, need_img_label, callback) { var img_urls = null; if (raw_info !== null) { img_urls = raw_info.descr.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/ig); } else if (imgs) { img_urls = imgs.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/ig); } var img_info = ''; try { try { var _index = raw_info.descr.indexOf("◎"); } catch (err) { _index = -1; } for (i=0; i<img_urls.length; i++){ if (raw_info && raw_info.descr.indexOf(img_urls[i]) < 80 || (_index > 0 && raw_info.descr.indexOf(img_urls[i]) < _index)){ continue; } if (raw_info) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(img_urls[i], ''); } var item = img_urls[i].match(/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/)[1]; if (img_urls[i].match(/\[url=(https:\/\/\/.*?\.png)\]/)) { item = img_urls[i].match(/\[url=(https:\/\/\/.*?\.png)\]/)[1]; } if (item.match(/imgbox/)) { item = item.replace('thumbs2', 'images2').replace('t.png', 'o.png'); } else if (item.match(/pixhost/)) { item = item.replace('//t', '//img').replace('thumbs', 'images'); } else if (item.match(/|||| { item = item.replace(/th.png/, 'png').replace(/md.png/, 'png'); } else if (item.match(/\/(images|cache)/)) { item = item.replace(/th.png/, 'png').replace(/md.png/, 'png').replace('/t/', '/i/'); } else if (item.match(/ { item = item.replace(/_thumb.png/, '.png'); } if (need_img_label) { img_info += '\n' + `[img]${item}[/img]`; } else { img_info += '\n' + item; } } container.val(img_info.trim()); if (callback) { callback(img_info); } } catch(err) {} } function get_bluray_name_from_descr(descr, name) { var temp_title=""; //分辨率 if(descr.match(/(2160)(P|I)/i)) { temp_title = temp_title+"2160p.Blu-ray "; } else if(descr.match(/(1080)(P)/i)) { temp_title = temp_title+"1080p.Blu-ray."; } else if(descr.match(/(1080)(i)/i)) { temp_title = temp_title+"1080i.Blu-ray."; } if(descr.match(/Ultra HD|UHD/i)) { temp_title = "UHD "; } //视频编码 if(descr.match(/(AVC Video)/i)) { temp_title = temp_title+"AVC."; } else if(descr.match(/(HEVC)/i)){ temp_title = temp_title+"HEVC."; } else if(descr.match(/MPEG-2 Video/i)){ temp_title = temp_title + "MPEG-2."; } //音频编码 if(descr.match(/DTS:X[\s\S]{0,200}?7.1/i)) { temp_title = temp_title+"DTS-HD.MA.7.1"; } else if(descr.match(/TrueHD[\s\S]{0,200}?(7\.1|5\.1|2\.0|1\.0)/i)){ temp_title = temp_title+"TrueHD." + descr.match(/TrueHD[\s\S]{0,200}?(7\.1|5\.1|2\.0|1\.0)/i)[1]; } else if(descr.match(/DTS-HD[\s\S]{0,200}?(7\.1|5\.1|2\.0|1\.0)/i)){ temp_title = temp_title+"DTS-HD.MA." + descr.match(/DTS-HD[\s\S]{0,200}?(7\.1|5\.1|2\.0|1\.0)/i)[1]; } else if(descr.match(/LPCM[\s\S]{0,200}?(7\.1|5\.1|2\.0|1\.0)/i)){ temp_title = temp_title+"LPCM." + descr.match(/LPCM[\s\S]{0,200}?(7\.1|5\.1|2\.0|1\.0)/i)[1]; } else if(descr.match(/Dolby Digital[\s\S]{0,200}?(7\.1|5\.1|2\.0|1\.0)/i)){ temp_title = temp_title+"DD." + descr.match(/Dolby Digital[\s\S]{0,200}?(7\.1|5\.1|2\.0|1\.0)/i)[1]; } if (|DTS-HD|TrueHD|LPCM|HEVC|Bluray/)){ name =; } else if (name.match(/BLURAY|UHD.BLURAY/)){ name = name.replace(/MULTi.|DUAL.|SWEDiSH|DOCU/i,""); name = name.replace(/GERMAN/i,"GER"); name = name.replace(/REMASTERED/i,"Remastered"); name = name.replace(/UNCUT/i,"Uncut"); name = name.replace(/COMPLETE[\s\S]{0,20}BLURAY/,temp_title); } else { name = name + '.' + temp_title + "-NoGroup"; } return name; } const skip_img = [ '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]', '[img][/img]' ]; //从简介拆分出来mediainfo和截图 function get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(descr){ var info = {'mediainfo': '', 'pic_info': '', 'multi_mediainfos': ''}; var img_info = ''; var mediainfo = ''; var img_urls = descr.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/ig); var index_of_info = 0; if (descr.match(/◎译.{2,10}名|◎片.{2,10}名|片.{2,10}名/)) { index_of_info = descr.match(/◎译.{2,10}名|◎片.{2,10}名|片.{2,10}名/).index; } try { for (i=0; i<img_urls.length; i++){ if (descr.indexOf(img_urls[i])<10 || descr.indexOf(img_urls[i]) < index_of_info){ info.cover_img = img_urls[i]; } else{ descr = descr.replace(img_urls[i], ''); img_info += img_urls[i].match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/)[0]; } } } catch(err) { img_info = ''; } descr = descr + '\n\n' + img_info; try { //获取mediainfo,这里可以扩展匹配不同情形 if (descr.match(/DISC INFO:|.MPLS|Video Codec|Disc Label/i) && (raw_info.medium_sel == 'UHD' || raw_info.medium_sel == 'BluRay')){ mediainfo = descr.match(/\[quote.*?\][\s\S]*?(DISC INFO|.MPLS|Video Codec|Disc Label)[\s\S]*?\[\/quote\]/i)[0]; } else if (descr.match(/General|RELEASE.NAME|RELEASE DATE|Unique ID|RESOLUTiON|Bitrate|帧 率|音频码率|视频码率/i)){ mediainfo = descr.match(/\[quote.*?\][\s\S]*?(General|RELEASE.NAME|RELEASE DATE|Unique ID|RESOLUTiON|Bitrate|帧 率|音频码率|视频码率)[\s\S]*?\[\/quote\]/ig); mediainfo = mediainfo.join('\n\n'); if (mediainfo.match(/\.VOB|\.IFO/i)) { info.multi_mediainfos = mediainfo.replace(/\[\/?quote\]/g, ''); } } } catch (err) { if (descr.match(/\n.*DISC INFO:[\s\S]*kbps.*/)) { mediainfo = descr.match(/\n.*DISC INFO:[\s\S]*kbps.*/)[0].trim(); } } mediainfo = mediainfo.replace(/\[quote.*?\]/ig, '[quote]'); while (mediainfo.match(/\[quote\]/i)) { mediainfo = mediainfo.slice(\[quote\]/)+7); } mediainfo = mediainfo.replace(/\[\/quote\]/i, ''); mediainfo = mediainfo.replace(/\[\/?(font|size|quote|color).{0,80}?\]/ig, ''); //获取图片 var imgs = descr.split(/\[\/quote\]/).pop(); imgs = imgs.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/g); try { if (imgs){ imgs = imgs.filter((item)=>{ if (skip_img.indexOf(item) < 0 && !item.match(/\/images/)) { return item; } }).join(' '); } else { imgs = ''; } } catch(err) { imgs = ''; } info.mediainfo = mediainfo.trim(); info.pic_info = imgs.trim(); return info; } function fill_raw_info(raw_info, forward_site){ raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/%3A/g, ':').replace(/%2F/g, "/"); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace('[quote][/quote]', '').replace('[b][/b]', '').replace(/\n\n+/, '\n\n'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace('', ''); //标题肯定都有,副标题可能没有,从简介获取 if (raw_info.small_descr == ''){ raw_info.small_descr = get_small_descr_from_descr(raw_info.descr,; } if (raw_info.type == '电影'){ if (raw_info.descr.match(/类[\s\S]{0,5}别[\s\S]{0,30}纪录片/i)) { raw_info.type = '纪录'; } if (raw_info.descr.match(/类[\s\S]{0,5}别[\s\S]{0,30}动画/i)) { raw_info.type = '动漫'; } } //补充豆瓣和imdb链接 if (raw_info.url == ''){ var url = raw_info.descr.match(/http(s*):\/\/\/title\/tt(\d+)/i); if (url){ raw_info.url = url[0] + '/'; } } if (raw_info.dburl == ''){ var dburl = raw_info.descr.match(/http(s*):\/\/.*?\/subject\/(\d+)/i); if (dburl){ raw_info.dburl = dburl[0] + '/'; } } raw_info.url = raw_info.url.split('?').pop(); //没有来源或者指向不明 if (raw_info.source_sel == '' || raw_info.source_sel.match(/(港台|日韩)/)){ var region = get_source_sel_from_descr(raw_info.descr); if (raw_info.source_sel.match(/(港台|日韩)/)) { if (raw_info.source_sel == '港台') { if (region == '##') { raw_info.source_sel = '##'; }else { raw_info.source_sel = '##'; } } else if (raw_info.source_sel == '日韩') { if (region == '日本') { raw_info.source_sel = '日本'; } else { raw_info.source_sel = '韩国'; } } } if (region != '' && raw_info.source_sel == ''){ raw_info.source_sel = region; } } //如果没有媒介, 从标题获取 if (raw_info.medium_sel == ''){ raw_info.medium_sel =; if (!raw_info.medium_sel && raw_info.descr.match(/mpls/i)) { raw_info.medium_sel = 'Blu-ray'; } } if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'Blu-ray' && (|2160P/i) || raw_info.descr.match(/2160p/)) ){ raw_info.medium_sel = 'UHD'; } //如果没有编码信息 if (raw_info.codec_sel == ''){ raw_info.codec_sel =; } //没有音频编码, 从标题获取,最后从简介获取 if (raw_info.audiocodec_sel == ''){ raw_info.audiocodec_sel =; if (raw_info.audiocodec_sel == ''){ raw_info.audiocodec_sel = raw_info.descr.audiocodec_sel(); } } //没有分辨率 if (raw_info.standard_sel == ''){ raw_info.standard_sel =; } if (raw_info.standard_sel == '') { try { var height = raw_info.descr.match(/Height.*?:(.*?)pixels/i)[1].trim(); if (height == '480' || height == '576') { raw_info.standard_sel = 'SD'; } else if (height == '720') { raw_info.standard_sel = '720p'; } else if (height == '1 080') { raw_info.standard_sel = '1080p'; if (raw_info.descr.match(/Scan.*?type.*?(Interleaved|Interlaced)/i)) { raw_info.standard_sel = '1080i'; } } else if (height == '2 160') { raw_info.standard_sel = '4K'; } } catch(err) { if (raw_info.descr.match(/(1080|2160)p/)) { raw_info.standard_sel = raw_info.descr.match(/(1080|2160)p/)[0].replace('2160p', '4K'); } } } if (raw_info.standard_sel == '1080p') { if ( == '1080i') { raw_info.standard_sel = '1080i'; } else { try { var mi = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr).mediainfo; if (mi.match(/1080i|Scan.*?type.*?(Interleaved|Interlaced)/)) { raw_info.standard_sel = '1080i'; } } catch (err) {} } } if ({ raw_info.medium_sel = 'Remux'; } if ( { raw_info.medium_sel = 'WEB-DL'; } if (raw_info.edition_info.medium_sel()) { if (raw_info.edition_info.medium_sel() != 'Blu-ray' || raw_info.descr.match(/mpls/i)) { raw_info.medium_sel = raw_info.edition_info.medium_sel(); } else if (raw_info.edition_info.medium_sel() == 'Blu-ray' && raw_info.edition_info.match(/mkv/i)) { raw_info.medium_sel = 'Encode'; } } if (raw_info.codec_sel == 'H265' && { raw_info.codec_sel = 'X265'; } if (raw_info.audiocodec_sel == 'TrueHD') { if (raw_info.descr.match(/Atmos/)) { raw_info.audiocodec_sel = 'Atmos'; } } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n').replace('', '').replace('', ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace('', ''); if (raw_info.edition_info.codec_sel()) { raw_info.codec_sel = raw_info.edition_info.codec_sel(); } if (!raw_info.codec_sel || forward_site == 'PTer') { if (raw_info.descr.match(/Writing library.*(x264|x265)/)) { raw_info.codec_sel = raw_info.descr.match(/Writing library.*(x264|x265)/)[1].toUpperCase(); if ([45]/)) { =[45]/i, raw_info.codec_sel.toLowerCase()) } } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/Video[\s\S]*?Format.*?HEVC/i)){ raw_info.codec_sel = 'H265'; } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/Video[\s\S]*?Format.*?AVC/i)){ raw_info.codec_sel = 'H264'; } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/XviD/i)){ raw_info.codec_sel = 'XVID'; } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/DivX/i)){ raw_info.codec_sel = 'DIVX'; } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/Video[\s\S]*?Format.*?MPEG Video[\s\S]{1,10}Format Version.*?Version 4/i)) { raw_info.codec_sel = 'MPEG-4'; } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/Video[\s\S]*?Format.*?MPEG Video[\s\S]{1,10}Format Version.*?Version 2/i)) { raw_info.codec_sel = 'MPEG-2'; } } if (raw_info.descr.match(/Writing library.*(x264|x265)/)) { raw_info.codec_sel = raw_info.descr.match(/Writing library.*(x264|x265)/)[1].toUpperCase(); } if ( { raw_info.medium_sel = 'DVD'; } if (raw_info.origin_site == 'OurBits') { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[quote\]\n/g, '[quote]') } try { if (raw_info.descr.match(/\[quote\].*?官组作品.*?\n?\[\/quote\]/g).length >= 2) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.split(/\[quote\].*?官组作品.*?\n?\[\/quote\]/g).pop(); raw_info.descr = add_thanks(raw_info.descr); } } catch(err) {} raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.trim(); 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console.log('正在获取数据……'); getDoc(search_url, null, function(doc) { if ($('ul.search_r###lts_subjects', doc).length) { var douban_url = '' + $('ul.search_r###lts_subjects', doc).find('a').attr('href').match(/subject\/(\d+)/)[1]; if ('35580200') > -1) { return; } getDoc(douban_url, null, function(html) { var raw_data = {}; var data = {'data': {}}; raw_data.title = $("title", html).text().replace("(豆瓣)", "").trim(); try { raw_data.image = $('#mainpic img', html)[0].src.replace( /^.+(p\d+).+$/, (_, p1) => `${p1}.jpg` ); } catch(e) {raw_data.image = 'null'} = douban_url.match(/subject\/(\d+)/)[1]; $('#input_box').wait(function() { $('#input_box').val(douban_url); }); try { raw_data.year = parseInt($('#content>h1>span.year', html).text().slice(1, -1)); } catch(e) {raw_data.year = ''} try { raw_data.aka = $('#info"又名")', html)[0].nextSibling.textContent.trim(); } catch(e) {raw_data.aka = 'null'} try { raw_data.average = parseFloat($('#interest_sectl', html).find('[property="v:average"]').text()); 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} catch(e) { = ''} try { raw_data.average = parseFloat($('#interest_sectl', html).find('[property="v:average"]').text()); } catch(e) {raw_data.average = ''} try { raw_data.votes = parseInt($('#interest_sectl', html).find('[property="v:votes"]').text()); } catch(e) {raw_data.votes = ''} try { raw_data.genre = $('#info span[property="v:genre"]', html).toArray().map(e => e.innerText.trim()).join('/'); } catch(e) {raw_data.genre = ''} try { raw_data.region = $('#info"制片国家/地区")', html)[0].nextSibling.textContent.trim(); } catch(e) {raw_data.region = ''} try { raw_data.director = $('#info"导演")', html)[0].nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent.trim(); } catch(e) {raw_data.director = ''} try { raw_data.language = $('#info"语言")', html)[0].nextSibling.textContent.trim(); } catch(e) {raw_data.language = ''} try { raw_data.releaseDate = $('#info span[property="v:initialReleaseDate"]', html).toArray().map(e => e.innerText.trim()).sort((a, b) => new Date(a) - new Date(b)).join('/'); } catch(e) {raw_data.releaseDate = ''} try { raw_data.runtime = $('span[property="v:runtime"]', html).text(); 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'image': 'source'; var data = encodeURI(`${raw_str}=${img_url}&key=${used_rehost_img_info[site]['api-key']}`); const show_temple = ['展示:{url_viewer}', '原图: [img]{origin_url}[/img]', '缩略图:[img]{thumb_url}[/img]', 'bbcode中等: [url={url_viewer}][img]{medium_url}[/img][/url]', 'bbcode缩略: [url={url_viewer}][img]{thumb_url}[/img][/url]'] GM_xmlhttpRequest({ "method": "POST", "url": used_rehost_img_info[site]['api-url'], "responseType": "json", headers: { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36" }, "data": data, "onload": function(response) { console.log(response); if (response.status != 200) { reject("Response error " + response.status);} else { if (site == 'imgbb') { data = JSON.parse(response.responseText).data; var bbcode_medium_url = data.url; } else if (site == 'gifyu'){ data = JSON.parse(response.responseText).image; 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return; } if (r.match(/Request frequency limit/)) { alert("频率太快,600秒后再来!"); return; } if (r.match(/8:announce\d+:.*(||||||| { if (r.match(/4:name\d+:/)) { var length = parseInt(r.match(/4:name(\d+):/)[1]); var index = parseInt('4:name')); name = r.substring(index, index + length + 7 + length.toString().length).split(':').pop(); } if ($('input[name="name"]').length && !$('input[name="name"]').val()) { $('input[name="name"]').val(deal_with_title(name)); } } var new_torrent = 'd'; var announce = ''; if (forward_announce !== null) { announce = forward_announce; } if (r.match(/8:announce\d+:/)) { var new_announce = `8:announce${announce.length}:${announce}`; new_torrent += new_announce; } else { alert('种子文件加载失败!!!'); return; } if (r.match(/13:creation date/)) { try { var date_str = r.match(/13:creation datei(\d+)e/)[0]; var date = r.match(/13:creation datei(\d+)e/)[1]; var new_date = parseInt(date) + 600 + parseInt(Math.random()*(600),10); var new_date_str = `13:creation datei${new_date.toString()}e` new_torrent += new_date_str; 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setValue(document.getElementById('torrent-input'), "torrent") $('button:contains("選擇種子")').next().next().text(name); }, 30000, 20); } else if (forward_site == 'ZHUQUE') { $('#form_item_torrent').wait(function(){ $('input[id=form_item_torrent]')[0].files = container.files; $('#form_item_torrent')[0].dispatchEvent(evt); $('#form_item_title').val(; $('#form_item_title')[0].dispatchEvent(evt); }); } else if (forward_site == 'YemaPT') { $('#fileList').wait(function(){ ant_form_instance?.context?.setFieldsValue({ 'fileList': [...container.files].map(f =>{ f.originFileObj = f; return f}) }); //files要转为数组,并且添加originFileObj属性为自身 }); } else { $('input[name=file]')[0].files = container.files; } } function addTorrent(url, name, forward_site, forward_announce) { if (forward_site == 'OpenCD') { name = name.replace(/\*/g, ''); } name = name.replace(/^\[.*?\](\.| )?/, '').replace(/ /g, '.').replace(/\.-\./, '-').trim(); if (url.match(/d8:announce/)) { build_blob_from_torrent(url, forward_announce, forward_site, "application/x-bittorrent", function(data){ const blob =; if ( { name = + '.torrent'; } const files = new window.File([blob], name, { type: blob.type }); let container = new DataTransfer(); container.items.add(files); fill_torrent(forward_site, container, name); }); } else { getBlob(url, forward_announce, forward_site, "application/x-bittorrent", function(data){ const blob =; if ( { name =|™/g, "").trim().replace(/ /g, '.') + '.torrent'; } const files = new window.File([blob], name, { type: blob.type }); let container = new DataTransfer(); container.items.add(files); fill_torrent(forward_site, container, name); }); } } function addPoster(url, forward_site) { try{ var extension = url.match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|webp|png)$/)[1]; if (extension == 'jpg') { extension = 'jpeg'; } getBlob(url, null, null, extension, function(data){ const blob =; const files = new window.File([blob], `cover.${url.match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|webp|png)$/)[1]}`, { type: blob.type }); let container = new DataTransfer(); container.items.add(files); if (forward_site == 'OpenCD') { $('iframe[src*="target=cover"]').contents().find('#file')[0].files = container.files; 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}); }); } }); } $('div.group_image').mouseover((e)=>{ timer = setTimeout(show_data, 2500,; }); $('div.group_image').mouseout((e)=>{ clearTimeout(timer); }); return; } var change_dict = { 'Statistiques': 'Statistics', 'Communauté': 'Community', 'Inscrit depuis': 'Registered since', 'Dernière visite': 'Last seen', 'Envoyé': 'Uploaded', 'Téléchargé': 'Downloaded', 'Ratio requis': 'Required ratio', 'Requêtes comblées': 'Completed requests', 'Récompense donnée': 'Award given', 'Niveau de paranoïa': 'Paranoia level', 'Sujets des forums': 'Forum topics', 'Commentaires sur torrents': 'Comments on torrents', 'Commentaires sur collections': 'Comments on collections', 'Commentaires sur requêtes': 'Comments on requests', 'Collections créées': 'Collections created', 'Requêtes complétées': 'Completed requests', 'Requêtes créées': 'Requests created', 'Requêtes votées': 'Requests voted', 'Uploadés': 'Uploaded', 'Rang': 'Class', 'pour': 'for', 'En seed': 'Seeding', 'En leech': 'Leeching', 'Complétés': 'Snatched', 'Invités': 'Invited', 'mois': 'month', '1 an': '1 year', 'ans': 'years', 'heure': 'hour', 'jour': 'day', 'semaine': 'week', 'Personnels': 'Personal', 'Paranoïa': 'Paranoia', 'Accès': 'Access', 'Toutes': 'Total', 'Recherche': 'Search', 'Avancée': 'Advanced', 'Grouper les torrents': 'Group torrents', 'Déroulés': 'Unfolding', 'Réduits': 'Folding', 'Montrer les torrents complétés': 'Show completed torrents', 'Affiches des torrents': 'Torrent posters', "Voir l'affiche": 'Show the poster', 'Voir les affiches annexes': 'Show the accompanying posters', 'Affiches des collections': 'Collection posters', 'Nombre par pages': 'Number per pages', 'Recommandations': 'Recomendations', 'Ne pas voir les recommandations': 'Do not show recommendations', 'Télécharger les .torrent en fichiers .txt': 'Download .torrent files as .txt files', 'Messages par page': 'Messages per page', 'Messages privés': 'Private messages', 'Désactiver': 'Deactivate', 'Lister en premier les messages non lus': 'List unread messages first', 'URL de votre avatar': 'URL of your avatar', 'Titre 1': 'Title', 'Informations 1': 'Information', 'Sélectionnez ce que vous souhaitez dévoiler aux autres membres.': 'Select what you want to reveal to other members.', 'Activité récente': 'Recent activity', 'Autoriser à connaître la date de mon dernier passage': 'Allow to know the date of my last visit', 'Icône': 'Icon', 'Règles': 'Rules', 'Suivi automatique': 'Automatic tracking', 'Activer': 'Activate', 'Torrent non seedé': 'Torrent not seeded', 'Partagé': 'Uploaded', 'Voir le nombre': 'Show number', 'Voir la liste': 'Show the list', 'Nombre': 'Number', 'Liste': 'List', 'Suivre vos partages': 'Track your uploads', 'Recréer': 'Recreate', 'Clé IRC': 'IRC Key', 'Changement de mot de passe': 'Password change', 'Actuel': 'Current', 'Nouveau': 'New', "À l'instant": 'Just now' } // 个人页面 if (site_url.match(/user.php\?id=\d+/)) { $('#recent_snatches').find('td:eq(0)').text('Recent Snatched'); 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$('.min_padding:eq(0)').text('Any active torrent will then need to be downloaded and reloaded in your BitTorrent client.'); $('.min_padding:eq(2)').text('If you wish to change your email you will then have to validate the action by entering your password in the "Current" field below.'); $('.setting_description').html(` <div class="setting_description"> Conditions for creating a password : <ul> <li>at least 8 characters,</li> <li>at least 1 lowercase and 1 uppercase,</li> <li>at least one number or symbol.</li> </ul> </div> `); $('#acc_password_tr').find('label').map((index,e)=>{ var text = $(e)[0].childNodes[0].textContent; for (key in change_dict) { text = text.replace(key, change_dict[key]); } $(e)[0].childNodes[0].textContent = text; }); $('#settings_sections>div').find('strong').text('Categories'); $('#settings_sections').find('a').map((index,e)=>{ var text = $(e).text(); for (key in change_dict) { text = text.replace(key, change_dict[key]); } $(e).text(text); }); } } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/hdbits\.org\/browse.*/) && show_search_urls['HDB']) { setTimeout(function(){ $('#torrent-list').find('tr').each(function(){ try{ var imdbid = $(this).html().match(/https:\/\/www\.imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)/i)[1]; 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var split = '/'; if (!data.average) { data.average = '暂无评分'; total = ''; data.votes = 0; split = ''; } $('#movie-ratings-table tr').prepend( `<td colspan="1" style="width: 152px;"> <center> <a target="_blank" class="rating" href="${}" rel="noreferrer"> <div style="font-size: 0;min-width: 105px;"> <span class="icon-pt1" style="font-size: 14px; display: inline-block; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #41be57; background-color: #41be57; color: white; border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; width: 24px; height: 24px; line-height: 24px;">豆</span> <span class="icon-pt2" style="font-size: 14px; display: inline-block; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #41be57; color: #3ba94d; background: #ffffff; border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; width: 69px; height: 24px; line-height: 24px;">豆瓣评分</span> </div> </a> </center> </td> <td style="width: 153px;"> <span class="rating">${data.average}</span> <span class="mid">${split}</span> <span class="outof"> ${total} </span> <br>(${data.votes} votes)</td>` ) } const isChinese = (title) => { return /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+/.test(title) } const imdbLink = $('#imdb-title-link').attr('href'); if (!imdbLink) { return; } getData(imdbLink, function(data){ console.log(data); if ( { addInfoToPage(data['data']); } else { return; } }); } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/torrents.php\?id.*/) && all_sites_show_douban){ $(function () { const imdbLink = $('a:contains("IMDB")').attr('href'); if (!imdbLink) { return; } getData(imdbLink, function(data){ console.log(data); if ( { addInfoToPage(data['data']); } else { return; } }); }) const addInfoToPage = (data) => { var total = 10; var split = '/'; if (!data.average) { data.average = '暂无评分'; total = ''; data.votes = 0; split = ''; } if (isChinese(data.title)) { $('h2').first().prepend(`<a target='_blank' href="${}">[${data.title.split(' ')[0]}] </a>`); } if (data.summary) { var tmp = data.summary.split(' '); data.summary = ''; for (var i=0; i<tmp.length; i++){ var tmp_str = tmp[i].trim(); if (tmp_str){ data.summary += '\t' + tmp_str + '\n'; } } $('div.box_artists').before(`<div> <div class="head"><span><strong>简介</strong></span></div> <div>    ${data.summary}</div></div><br>`); } try{ $('div.box_artists').before(` <div> <div class="head"><span><strong>电影信息</strong></span></div> <div> <div><strong>    导演:</strong> ${data.director}</div> <div><strong>    演员:</strong> ${data.cast}</div> <div><strong>    类型:</strong> ${data.genre}</div> <div><strong>    制片国家/地区:</strong> ${data.region}</div> <div><strong>    语言:</strong> ${data.language}</div> <div><strong>    时长:</strong> ${data.runtime}</div> <div><strong>    又名:</strong> ${data.aka}</div> <div><span><strong>    评分:</strong> ${data.average}</span> <span class="mid">${split}</span> <span class="outof"> ${total} </span> from ${data.votes} votes</div> </div> <br> `) } catch(err){} } const isChinese = (title) => { return /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+/.test(title) } } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/torrents.php\?id.*/)) { $(function () { const imdbLink = match_link('imdb', $('div.main_column').html()); if (!imdbLink) { return; } getData(imdbLink, function(data){ console.log(data); if ( { addInfoToPage(data['data']); } else { return; } }); }) const addInfoToPage = (data) => { var total = 10; var split = '/'; if (!data.average) { data.average = '暂无评分'; total = ''; data.votes = 0; split = ''; } if (isChinese(data.title)) { $('h2').first().find('a:eq(1)').prepend(`<a target='_blank' href="${}">[${data.title.split(' ')[0]}] </a>`); } if (data.summary) { var tmp = data.summary.split(' '); data.summary = ''; for (var i=0; i<tmp.length; i++){ var tmp_str = tmp[i].trim(); if (tmp_str){ data.summary += '\t' + tmp_str + '\n'; } } $('div.sidebar').prepend(`<div id="introduction"> <div class="head"><span><strong>简介</strong></span></div> <div>    ${data.summary}</div></div><br>`); } try{ $('#introduction').after(` <div> <div class="head"><span><strong>电影信息</strong></span></div> <div> <div><strong>    导演:</strong> ${data.director}</div> <div><strong>    演员:</strong> ${data.cast}</div> <div><strong>    类型:</strong> ${data.genre}</div> <div><strong>    制片国家/地区:</strong> ${data.region}</div> <div><strong>    语言:</strong> ${data.language}</div> <div><strong>    时长:</strong> ${data.runtime}</div> <div><strong>    又名:</strong> ${data.aka}</div> <div><span><strong>    评分:</strong> ${data.average}</span> <span class="mid">${split}</span> <span class="outof"> ${total} </span> from ${data.votes} votes</div> </div> `) } catch(err){} } const isChinese = (title) => { return /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+/.test(title) } } if (site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/details.php\?id=.*/) && extra_settings.hdb_show_douban.enable){ try{ var links = $('table.contentlayout').find('a[href^=""]'); if (links.length == 0) { links = $('.showlinks').find('a[href^=""]'); if (links.length == 0) { return; } } getData(links[0].href, function(data){ console.log(data['data']) addInfoToPage(data['data']); }); const addInfoToPage = (data) => { if (data.cast.split('/').length > 8) { data.cast = data.cast.split('/').slice(0,8).join('/'); } if (data.director.split('/').length > 8) { data.director = data.director.split('/').slice(0,8).join('/'); } var label = '- '; var status = 'block'; if (hdb_hide_douban) { label = '+ '; status = 'none'; } $('#details > tbody > tr').eq(1).after(` <tr><td> <div id="l20201117" class="label collapsable" onclick="showHideEl(20201117)"><span class="plusminus">${label}</span>关于本片 (豆瓣信息)</div> <div id="c20201117" class="hideablecontent" style="display: ${status};"> <table class="contentlayout" cellspacing="0"><tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="3" width="2"><img src="${data.image}" style="max-width:250px;border:0px;" alt></td> <td colspan="2"><h1><a href="${}" target="_blank">${data.title}</a> (${data.year})</h1><h3>${data.aka}</h3></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table class="content" cellspacing="0" id="imdbinfo" style="white-space: nowrap;"><tbody> <tr><th>评分</th><td>${data.average} (${data.votes}人评价)</td></tr> <tr><th>类型</th><td>${data.genre}</td></tr> <tr><th>国家/地区</th><td>${data.region}</td></tr> <tr><th>导演</th><td>${data.director.replace(/\//g, '<br> ')}</td></tr> <tr><th>语言</th><td>${data.language}</td></tr> <tr><th>上映日期</th><td>${data.releaseDate.replace(/\//g, '<br> ')}</td></tr> <tr><th>片长</th><td>${data.runtime}</td></tr> <tr><th>演员</th><td>${data.cast.replace(/\//g, '<br> ')}</td></tr> </tbody></table></td> <td id="plotcell"><table class="content" cellspacing="0"><tbody> <tr><th>简介</th></tr><tr><td>${data.summary == "" ? '本片暂无简介' : ' ' + data.summary.replace(/ /g, '<br> ')}</td></tr> </tbody></table></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" id="actors"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> </td></tr> `); $('div.collapsable:contains("About this film (from IMDB)")').parent().find('img').first().css({"width": "250px", "max-height": "660px"}); if (!hdb_hide_douban) { $('div.collapsable:contains("About this film (from IMDB)")').click(); } } } catch(err){ alert(err) } } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/uhdbits\.org\/torrents\.php.*/i) && show_search_urls['UHD']) { $('#torrent_table td.big_info').each(function(){ try { var $container = $(this).find('div:eq(0)'); var search_name = $container.find('a').first().text(); var imdbid = $(this).html().match(/http:\/\/www\.imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)/i)[1]; var imdbno = imdbid.substring(2); add_search_urls($container, imdbid, imdbno, search_name, 1); } catch(Err) {console.log(Err)} }); } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/hd-torrents\.org\/torrents.*/) && show_search_urls['HDT']) { $('.mainblockcontenttt tr').each(function(){ var $td = $(this).find('td:eq(2)'); var name = $td.find('a').first().text(); if (name) { try{ var imdbid = $td.html().match(/imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)/i)[1]; var imdbno = imdbid.substring(2); var search_name = get_search_name(name); if (name.match(/S\d+/i)){ var number = parseInt(name.match(/S(\d+)/i)[1]); search_name = search_name + ' Season ' + number; } var $container = $td; add_search_urls($container, imdbid, imdbno, search_name, 1); } catch(err){} } }); $('.hdblock:eq(1) tr').each(function(){ var $td = $(this).find('td:eq(1)'); var name = $td.find('a').first().text(); if (name) { try{ var imdbid = $td.html().match(/imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)/i)[1]; var imdbno = imdbid.substring(2); var search_name = get_search_name(name); if (name.match(/S\d+/i)){ var number = parseInt(name.match(/S(\d+)/i)[1]); search_name = search_name + ' Season ' + number; } var $container = $td; add_search_urls($container, imdbid, imdbno, search_name, 1); } catch(err){} } }); } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/.*/)) { try{ var navbar_html = $('#navbar').html(); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Recherche/g, 'Research'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Parcourir', 'Browse'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Nouveautés/Catégorie', 'New Arrivals/Category'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Nouveautés', 'News'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Requêtes', 'Requests'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Besoin de Seed', 'Need Seed'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Communauté', 'Community'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Médiathèque', 'Media Library'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Séries/g, 'Series'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Auteurs/g, 'Authors'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Livres/g, 'Books'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Jeux Vidéo/g, 'Video games'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Acteurs/g, 'Actors'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Porno/g, 'Porn'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Séries/g, 'Series'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(`Ce que j'aime`, 'What I like'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Mes séries/g, 'My series'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Ce que j'aime/g, 'What I like'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Sagas', 'My series'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Mon Profil/g, 'My profile'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Activité/g, 'Activity'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Réglages/g, 'Settings'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Amis/g, 'Friends'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Favoris/g, 'Favorites'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Mes Flux RSS/g, 'My RSS Feeds'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Mes messages Privés', 'My private messages'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Outils/g, 'Tools'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Hebergeur d'images/g, 'Image Host'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Teams Bannies/g, 'Banned Teams'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Règles/g, 'Rules'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace(/Aide/g, 'Aid'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Contacter le staff', 'Contact staff'); navbar_html = navbar_html.replace('Signaler un bug', 'Report a bug'); $('#navbar').html(navbar_html); } catch (err) {} if (site_url.match(/upload.php/)) { var origin_html = $('td:contains(Fichier Torrent)').parent().parent().html(); origin_html = origin_html.replace('Fichier Torrent', 'Torrent File'); origin_html = origin_html.replace('Nom du Torrent', 'Torrent Name'); origin_html = origin_html.replace('Fichier NFO', 'NFO File'); origin_html = origin_html.replace('Pris du nom du fichier torrent si non spécifié.', '如果未指定,则取种子文件的名称。'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Affiche`, '海报'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Doit être hebergée sur`, '必须托管在'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`ou sur Xthor`, '或者xthor上'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(` l'extension doit être jpg, png ou gif`, '扩展必须是JPG,PNG或GIF)'); origin_html = origin_html.replace('La largeur du poster doit être de 500 Px maximum', '宽度最大限制为为500px'); origin_html = origin_html.replace('ou', 'or'); origin_html = origin_html.replace('pour les livres', 'for books'); origin_html = origin_html.replace('pour les films, séries et anime', 'for movies, series and anime'); origin_html = origin_html.replace('pour la musique', 'for music'); origin_html = origin_html.replace('pour les jeux', 'for games'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Le fait de mettre un lien vers une API permet de lier le torrent à la médiàthèque et de générer une prez si vous la laissez vide pour les torrents films, séries et jeux`, '对于电影、影视和动画,填写对应IMDB或TMDB的链接使您可以将种子绑定到对应库,并生成描述文本'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Pour la musique et les livres la médiathèque récupère l'image que vous uploadez avec le torrent, veuillez choisir une image convenable`, '对于书籍和音乐,请上传合适的图片,我们将使用您上传的图片作为海报'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`inutile d'ajouter le lien imdb si il est déjà présent dans le nfo`, '如果NFO中已经存在,则无需添加IMDB链接'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Ajouter l'url`, '添加'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`pour afficher le lien vers la vidéo dans les détails du Torrent`, '链接将在种子详细信息中心显示指向视频的链接'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`URL Affiche (facultatif)`, '海报链接(可选)'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Catégorie`, 'Category'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Si vous remplissez une requête, sélectionner la ici.`, '如果填充请求,请选择此处。'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Autres`, 'Other'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Type de Release`, 'Release Type'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Inserez le lien d'une fiche Allociné afin de pouvoir générer une prez`, '不是很必须的链接,可以不填'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Voix`, 'Voice(应该是音频,猜吧就~)'); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Voix`, 'Voice'); $('td:contains(Fichier Torrent)').parent().parent().html(origin_html); $('.btn[value*="Générer une prez Allociné"]').val("生成描述文本"); $('input[name=nfo]').parent().append(`<br><textarea id="pasteNfo" rows="15" style="width:600px"></textarea><br><input type="button" id="genNfo" value="生成nfo并上传">`); $('#genNfo').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); var r = $('#pasteNfo').val(); if (!r) { return; } var data = new Uint8Array(r.length) var i = 0 while (i < r.length) { data[i] = r.charCodeAt(i); i++ } var blob = new Blob([data], {type: "text/x-nfo"}); const files = new window.File([blob], 'movie.nfo', { type: blob.type }); let container = new DataTransfer(); container.items.add(files); $('input[name=nfo]')[0].files = container.files; }) } else if (site_url.match(/rules.php/)) { getDoc('', null, function(doc){ $('table.main').html($('table', doc).html()); $("#firstpanel p.menu_head").click(function() { $(this).css({backgroundImage:"url(pic/down2.png)"}).next("div.menu_body").slideToggle(300).siblings("div.menu_body").slideUp("slow"); }); }); return; } else if (site_url.match(/faq.php/)) { getDoc('', null, function(doc){ $('div.container:eq(1)').html($('div.container:eq(0)', doc).html()); }); } } if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/.*/)) { if (site_url.match(/upload.php/)) { var origin_html = $('p:contains(Votre annonce URL)').html(); origin_html = origin_html.replace(`Votre annonce URL personnelle pour créer votre .torrent (activez l'option "Torrent Privé") :`, '您的个人Announce URL用于创建种子文件,请重新制作种子!'); $('p:contains(Votre annonce URL)').html(origin_html); function replace_text(dom, o, d) { var o_html = dom.html(); var d_html = o_html.replace(o, d); dom.html(d_html); } replace_text($('td:contains(.Torrent)'), '.Torrent', 'Torrent File'); replace_text($('td:contains(Catégorie)'), 'Catégorie', 'Category'); replace_text($('td:contains(AlloCiné URL)'), 'AlloCiné URL', 'AlloCine URL'); replace_text($(`p:contains(Coller l'URL)`), `Coller l'URL`, 'Copy URL'); replace_text($(`p:contains(pour le film)`), `pour le film`, 'for movies'); setTimeout(function(){$('#btnAllocineFetch').text("Send");}, 1000); replace_text($(`p:contains(Cliquez sur envoyer pour valider votre lien)`), `Cliquez sur envoyer pour valider votre lien`, '点击Send以验证您的链接'); replace_text($('td:contains(Acteur(s))'), 'Acteur(s)', 'Actor(s)'); replace_text($('td:contains(Titre)'), 'Titre', 'Title'); replace_text($(`p:contains(Ne pas modifier)`), `Ne pas modifier le titre mis à disposition par Allociné`, '请勿修改Allocine站点提供的标题'); replace_text($('td:contains(Année)').first(), 'Année', 'Year'); replace_text($(`td:contains(Année de réalisation ou de sortie en salles, et non l'année de sortie sur support ou de réédition.)`).last(),`Année de réalisation ou de sortie en salles, et non l'année de sortie sur support ou de réédition.`, '影院上映的年份,而不是重制或重发行的年份。'); replace_text($(`td:contains(Restriction d'age)`).last(), `Restriction d'age`, '限制年龄'); replace_text($(`p:contains(automatiquement remplis avec)`), `automatiquement remplis avec le lien Allociné`, '由Allocine链接自动填充'); replace_text($(`label:contains(Cochez s'il s'agit)`), `Cochez s'il s'agit d'une release issue de la scène, si vous n'en êtes pas sûr ne pas cocher la case.`, '是否Scene?'); replace_text($(`td:contains(Encodage)`).last(), `Encodage`, 'Encode'); replace_text($(`td:contains(Résolution)`).last(), `Résolution`, 'Resolution'); replace_text($(`td:contains(Type de fichier)`).last(), `Type de fichier`, 'Type of File'); replace_text($(`td:contains(URL de l'affiche (Obligatoire))`).last(), `URL de l'affiche (Obligatoire)`, '海报(强制性的)'); $('input[value=Previsualiser]').val('Preview'); replace_text($(`p:contains(Contient des informations de)`), `Contient des informations de base telles que l'histoire du film.`, '包含基本信息,例如电影的历史。'); replace_text($(`p:contains(Contient des informations)`), `Contient des informations d'encodage. (Respectez le travail des releasers en respectant le tag.)`, '包含编码信息。(尊重发布标签的作品。)'); replace_text($(`span:contains(VFF)`).last(), `(Doublage Français (France))`, '(French Dubbing (France))'); replace_text($(`span:contains(VFQ)`).last(), `(Doublage Français (Québec)`, '(French Dubbing (Quebec))'); replace_text($(`span:contains(Version Originale, non française)`).last(), `(Version Originale, non française)`, '(Original Version, not French)'); replace_text($(`span:contains(Version Originale Française(France et Belgique))`).last(), `(Version Originale Française(France et Belgique))`, '(Original French Version (France and Belgium))'); replace_text($(`span:contains(Version Originale Québecoise)`).last(), `(Version Originale Québecoise)`, '(Original Quebec version)'); replace_text($(`span:contains(Version Française, origine du doublage non précisée)`).last(), `(Version Française, origine du doublage non précisée)`, '(French version, origin of dubbing not specified)'); replace_text($(`span:contains(Version Française Internationale = 1 seul doublage français existant)`).last(), `(Version Française Internationale = 1 seul doublage français existant)`, '(French International Version = only 1 existing French dubbing)'); replace_text($(`span:contains(Cochez cette case si la release dispose des sous-titres français complets)`).last(), `Cochez cette case si la release dispose des sous-titres français complets`, 'Check this box if the release has full French subtitles'); replace_text($(`span:contains(Ne cochez que s'il y a la VO+VF+ d'autres langues sinon ne cochez que VO+VF*)`).last(), `Ne cochez que s'il y a la VO+VF+ d'autres langues sinon ne cochez que VO+VF*`, 'Only check if there is the VO+VF+ of other languages otherwise only check VO+VF*</br>(Check which VF version is included in addition to multi(vff,vfq)'); replace_text($(`span:contains((Cochez quelle version VF est incluse en plus de multi(vff,vfq))`), `(Cochez quelle version VF est incluse en plus de multi(vff,vfq)`, ''); replace_text($(`span:contains(Cochez Sous-titres pour)`), `Cochez Sous-titres pour les parties texte du film si elles sont en français et rien si elles sont dans une autres langue`, 'Check Subtitles for the text parts of the film if they are in French and nothing if they are in another language'); } else if (site_url.match(/rules.php/)) { getDoc('', null, function(doc){ if (site_url.match(/rules.php$/)) { $('#content').html($('#main', doc).html()); } else if (site_url.match(/golden_rules/)) { $('#content').html($('#golden_rules', doc).find('#content').html()+'<br><br><br><br><br>'); $('#content').find('div.thin').append($('#main', doc).html()); } else if (site_url.match(/inactivity/)) { $('#content').html($('#inactivity', doc).find('#content').html()+'<br><br><br><br><br>'); $('#content').find('div.thin').append($('#main', doc).html()); } else if (site_url.match(/bonus/)) { $('#content').html($('#bonus', doc).find('#content').html()+'<br><br><br><br><br>'); $('#content').find('div.thin').append($('#main', doc).html()); } else if (site_url.match(/ratio$/)) { $('#content').html($('#ratio', doc).find('#content').html()+'<br><br><br><br><br>'); $('#content').find('div.thin').append($('#main', doc).html()); } else if (site_url.match(/requests$/)) { $('#content').html($('#requests', doc).find('#content').html()+'<br><br><br><br><br>'); 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var regex = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < q.length; i++) { regex[i] = new RegExp(q[i], 'mi'); } $('#actual_rules li').each(function() { var show = true; for (var i = 0; i < regex.length; i++) { if (!regex[i].test($(this).html())) { show = false; break; } } $(this).toggle(show); }); $('.before_rules').toggle(query_string.length == 0); } var original_value = $('#search_string').val(); $('#search_string').keyup(findRule); $('#search_string').focus(function() { if ($(this).val() == original_value) { $(this).val(''); } }); $('#search_string').blur(function() { if ($(this).val() == '') { $(this).val(original_value); $('.before_rules').show(); } }) } else if (site_url.match(/chat$/)) { $('#content').html($('#chat', doc).find('#content').html()+'<br><br><br><br><br>'); $('#content').find('div.thin').last().append($('#main', doc).html()); } else if (site_url.match(/tag$/)) { $('#content').html($('#tags', doc).find('#content').html()+'<br><br><br><br><br>'); $('#content').find('div.thin').last().append($('#main', doc).html()); 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$('table.fblock').first().html(table_html); table_html = $('table.fblock:eq(6)').html(); table_html = table_html.replace(/Используй ключ!/g, `Use the key!`); $('table.fblock:eq(6)').html(table_html); function repTxt(e, o, d) { var el = $(`${e}:contains(${o})`).last(); var em = el.html(); try{ el.html(em.replace(o,d)); } catch (err) {} } var dict_info = { 'Фильмы': `Films`, 'Мультфильмы': `Cartoons`, 'Документалистика': `Documentary`, 'Шоу/Музыка':`Show/Music`, 'Спорт':`Sport`, 'Сериалы':`TV series`, 'Эротика':`Erotica`, 'Дэмо/Misc':`Demo/Misc`, } if (site_url.match(/browse.php/)) { table = $('#highlighted').prev(); table_html = table.html(); table_html = table_html.replace(/Список торрентов/g, `List of torrents`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Фильмы/g, `Films`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Мультфильмы/g, `Cartoons`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Документалистика/g, `Documentary`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Шоу\/Музыка/g, `Show/Music`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Спорт/g, `Sport`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Сериалы/g, `TV series`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Эротика/g, `Erotica`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Дэмо\/Misc/g, `Demo/Misc`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Поиск/g, `Search`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Активные/g, `Active`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Включая мертвые/g, `Including the dead`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Только мертвые/g, `Only the dead`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Золотые торренты/g, `Golden torrents`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Бриллиантовые торренты/g, `Diamond torrents`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Без сидов/g, `No seeds`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Все типы/g, `All types`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Описание/g, `Description`); table_html = table_html.replace(/ИЛИ/g, `OR`); table_html = table_html.replace(/И/g, `And`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Страницы/g, `Pages`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Тип/g, `Type`); table_html = table_html.replace(/Носитель/g, `Carrier`); 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try{ $('td:contains(Пригласил)')[3].textContent = 'Invited by'; } catch (err) {} $('input[value="Послать ЛС"]').val('Send PM'); repTxt('a', 'Добавить в друзья', 'Add to friends'); repTxt('a', 'Добавить в блокированные', 'Add to blocked'); return; } else if (site_url.match(/details.php/)) { $('nobr').map((index, e)=>{ if (dict_info.hasOwnProperty($(e).text())){ repTxt('nobr', $(e).text(), dict_info[$(e).text()]) } }); repTxt('b', 'Оригинальное название', 'Original name'); repTxt('b', 'Название', 'Name'); repTxt('b', 'Год выхода', 'Released'); repTxt('b', 'Жанр', 'Genre'); repTxt('b', 'Режиссер', 'Director'); repTxt('b', 'В ролях', 'Casts'); repTxt('b', 'О фильме', 'About the movie'); repTxt('b', 'Выпущено', 'Released'); repTxt('b', 'Продолжительность', 'Productivity'); repTxt('b', 'Контейнер', 'Container'); repTxt('b', 'Видео', 'Video'); repTxt('b', 'Перевод', 'Translation'); repTxt('b', 'Звук', 'Sound'); repTxt('b', 'Субтитры', 'Subtitles'); repTxt('b', 'Звук', 'Sound'); while ($('b:contains(Аудио)').length){ repTxt('b', 'Аудио', 'Audio'); } repTxt('b', 'Релиз для', 'Release for'); $('td[align=left]').map((index, e)=>{ if (dict_info.hasOwnProperty($(e).text())){ repTxt('td[align=left]', $(e).text(), dict_info[$(e).text()]) } }); } else if (site_url.match(/getrss.php/)) { var td_html = $('td:contains(Категории)').last().next().html(); for (var key in dict_info) { td_html = td_html.replace(key, dict_info[key]); } td_html = td_html.replace('Если вы не выберете категории для просмотра,', 'If you do not select categories to view,'); td_html = td_html.replace('вам будет выдана ссылка на все категории.', 'you will be given a link to all categories.'); $('td:contains(Категории)').last().next().html(td_html); repTxt('td', 'Категории', 'Categories'); td_html = $('td:contains(Тип ссылки в RSS)').last().html(); td_html = td_html.replace('Ссылка на страницу', 'Link to the page'); td_html = td_html.replace('Ссылка на скачивание', 'Link to download'); $('td:contains(Тип ссылки в RSS)').last().html(td_html); repTxt('td', 'Тип ссылки в RSS', 'RSS link type'); 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repTxt('b', 'Код приглашения', 'Invitation code'); repTxt('b', 'Дата создания', 'Date of creation'); repTxt('a', 'Удалить приглашение', 'Delete invitation'); $('input[value="Создать приглашение"]').val('Create an invitation'); repTxt('b', 'Создать пригласительный код', 'Create invitation code'); repTxt('b', 'осталось', 'Left'); repTxt('b', 'приглашений', 'invitations'); $('input[value="Создать"]').val('Create'); } else if (site_url.match('rules.php')) { repTxt('b', 'Напоминание о правилах', 'Rule Reminder'); $('#sb10').html(`<p align="jsutify"></p><center>Dear User!</center><br> <br>Welcome to our project for connoisseurs of quality audio and video content. Please read these rules carefully and <a class="altlink" href="faq.php">FAQ</a>.<br> <br>And remember, the implementation of these rules guarantees you a cloudless dwelling on our tracker, be respectable and we will always be glad to see you.<p></p>`); getDoc('', null, function(doc){ $('td.outer').find('table:eq(1)').html($('tbody', doc).html()); }); } else if (site_url.match(/faq.php/)) { getDoc('', null, function(doc){ $('td.outer').find('table:eq(0)').html($('tbody', doc).html()); }); } else if (site_url.match(/mybonus.php/)) { function send() { var frm = document.mybonus; var bonus_type = ''; try { bonus_type = $('input[name="bonus_id"]:checked').val() } catch(err) {} var ajax = new tbdev_ajax(); ajax.onShow (''); var varsString = ""; ajax.requestFile = "mybonus.php"; ajax.setVar("id", bonus_type); ajax.method = 'POST'; ajax.element = 'ajax'; ajax.sendAJAX(varsString); } getDoc('', null, function(doc){ var current_coin = $('#ajax').html().match(/Мои монетки \((.*?) монет .* наличии \/ (.*?) единиц в час\)/)[1]; 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} } }); } } catch(err) {} return; } //脚本设置简单页面,使用猫/杜比等站点的个人设置页面来做的,涵盖转图床的部分操作 if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/.*?usercp.php\?action=personal(#setting|#ptgen|#mediainfo|#dealimg|#signin)/)) { setTimeout(function() { var style = ` #sortable { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 750px; display: inline-block} #sortable div { margin: 3px 3px 3px 0; padding: 1px; float: left; width: 100px; height: 20px; font-size: 1em; text-align: left; } #ksortable { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 750px; display: inline-block} #ksortable div { margin: 3px 3px 3px 0; padding: 1px; float: left; width: 100px; height: 20px; font-size: 1em; text-align: left; } `; GM_addStyle(style); var $table = $('#outer table').last(); $table.find('tr').css({"display": "none"}); $('#usercpnav').hide(); //********************************************** 0 ********************************************************************************** $table.append(`<tr style="display:none;"><td width="1%" class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" align="right">一键签到</td><td width="99%" class="rowfollow" valign="top" align="left" id="signin"></td></tr>`); $('#signin').append(`<b>签到站点设置</b>`); $('#signin').append(` <a href="#" id="s_all" style="color:red">全选</a> <a href="#" id="u_all" style="color:red">全不选</a> <a href="#" id="s_fail" style="color:red">保留失败站点</a> <a href="#" id="u_fail" style="color:red">去掉失败站点</a> <a href="#" id="hide_unselected" style="color:red">隐藏未选择(默认)</a> <a href="#" id="show_all" style="color:red">全部显示</a>`); $('#signin').append(`<b> </b><a href="#", target="_blank" id="begin_sign"><font color="red"><b>→开始签到←</b></font></a>`); $('#signin').append(`<br><div id="ksortable"></div>`); var unsupported_sites = ['digitalcore', 'HD-Only', 'HOU', 'OMG', 'TorrentLeech', 'MTeam', 'UBits', 'PigGo']; for (index=0; index < site_order.length; index++) { var key = site_order[index]; if (unsupported_sites.indexOf(key) <0) { $('#ksortable').append(`<div class="ui-state-default ui-sortable-handle"><input type="checkbox" kname=${key} value="yes" class="s_all"> <a href="${used_site_info[key].url}" target="_blank"><b>${key}</b></a></div>`); 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$('#signin').append(` | <div style="display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px"><a href="${used_site_info['WT-Sakura'].url + 'attendance.php'}" target="_blank"><b>WT-Sakura</b></a></div>`); $('#signin').append(` | <div style="display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px"><a href="${used_site_info['OurBits'].url + 'attendance.php'}" target="_blank"><b>OurBits</b></a></div>`); $('#signin').append(` | <div style="display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px"><a href="${used_site_info['PigGo'].url + 'attendance.php'}" target="_blank"><b>PigGo</b></a></div>`); $('#signin').append(` | <div style="display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px"><a href="${used_site_info['红叶'].url + 'attendance_new.php'}" target="_blank"><b>红叶</b></a></div>`); $('#signin').append(` | <div style="display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px"><a href="${used_site_info['OpenCD'].url}" target="_blank"><b>OpenCD</b></a></div>`); $('#signin').append(` | <div style="display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px"><a href="${used_site_info['UBits'].url}" target="_blank"><b>UBits</b></a></div>`); $('#signin').append(`<br><br><br>`); $('#signin').append(`<input type="button" id="ksave_setting" value="保存脚本设置! (只需点击一次)">`); $('#signin').append(` <font color="green">说明:红色表示获取到魔力,橙色表示登录成功,蓝色表示登录失败,黑色表示暂不支持或无响应。</font>`); if (site_url.match(/springsunday/)) { $('#ksave_setting').css({'color': 'white', 'background' :'url( repeat left top', 'border': '1px black'}); } $('#ksave_setting').click((e)=>{ used_signin_sites = []; for (key in default_site_info) { if ($(`input[kname=${key}]`).prop('checked')) { used_signin_sites.push(key); } } for (key in o_site_info) { if ($(`input[kname=${key}]`).prop('checked')) { used_signin_sites.push(key); } } GM_setValue('used_signin_sites', JSON.stringify(used_signin_sites.join(','))); alert('保存成功!!!'); }); $('#s_all').click(e=>{ e.preventDefault(); $('#signin').find('.s_all').prop('checked', true); }); $('#u_all').click(e=>{ e.preventDefault(); $('#signin').find('.s_all').prop('checked', false); }); $('#s_fail').click(e=>{ e.preventDefault(); $('#signin').find('.s_all').map((index,e)=>{ if ($(e).prop('checked')) { if ($(e).parent().find('a').css('color') !== 'rgb(17, 17, 17)' && $(e).parent().find('a').css('color') !== 'rgb(0, 0, 255)') { $(e).prop('checked', false); 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} else { console.log(`开始签到BTSchool:`, '重复签到!!'); } $(`input[kname=BTSchool]`).parent().find('a').css({"color": "red"}); } else { console.log(`开始签到BTSchool:`, '失败!!!'); $(`input[kname=BTSchool]`).parent().find('a').css({"color": "blue"}); } }) } if (used_signin_sites.indexOf('HDCity') >-1) { var signin_url = used_site_info['HDCity'].url + 'sign'; getDoc(signin_url, null, function(doc){ if ($('#bottomnav',doc).length) { if ($('p:contains("本次签到获得魅力")', doc).length || $('p:contains("Bonus earned today")', doc).length) { console.log(`开始签到HDCity:`, $('p:contains("本次签到获得魅力")', doc).length ? $('p:contains("本次签到获得魅力")', doc).text(): $('p:contains("Bonus earned today")', doc).text()); $(`input[kname=HDCity]`).parent().find('a').css({"color": "red"}); } } else { console.log(`开始签到HDCity:`, '失败!!!'); $(`input[kname=HDCity]`).parent().find('a').css({"color": "blue"}); } }); } function log_in(sites, judge_str) { sites.forEach((e)=>{ if (used_signin_sites.indexOf(e) > -1) { var url = used_site_info.hasOwnProperty(e) ? used_site_info[e].url: o_site_info[e]; 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$(`input:radio[name="imdb2db"][value="${imdb2db_chosen}"]`).prop('checked', true); $('#setting').append(`<br><br>`); //**************************************************** 4 *************************************************************************** $('#setting').append(`<b>选择PTGen的API节点(适用于外站):</b>`); $('#setting').append(`<input type="radio" name="ptgen" value="0">`); $('#setting').append(`<input type="radio" name="ptgen" value="1">ptgen`); $('#setting').append(`<input type="radio" name="ptgen" value="3">豆瓣页面爬取`); $(`input:radio[name="ptgen"][value="${api_chosen}"]`).prop('checked', true); $('#setting').append(`<br><br>`); //**************************************************** 4 *************************************************************************** $('#setting').append(`<b>选择TorrentLeech的默认域名:</b>`); $('#setting').append(`<input type="radio" name="tldomain" value="0">`); $('#setting').append(`<input type="radio" name="tldomain" value="1">`); $('#setting').append(`<input type="radio" name="tldomain" value="2">`); 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//**************************************************** 4.2 *************************************************************************** $('#setting').append(` <div style="margin-bottom=5px"><b>远程服务器配置<测试功能,目前仅适配qbittorrent,待完善></b> <input type="file" id="jsonFileInput" accept=".json"> <div id="jsonData"></div> </div></br> `); $('#jsonFileInput').change(function() { var file = $(this)[0].files[0]; if (file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(event) { var fileContent =; try { var jsonData = JSON.parse(fileContent); $('#jsonData').html('<h3>解析后的 JSON 数据:</h3><pre>' + JSON.stringify(jsonData, null, 2) + '</pre>'); GM_setValue('remote_server', JSON.stringify(jsonData)); } catch (error) { $('#jsonData').html('<p>无效的 JSON 格式</p>'); console.error('Invalid JSON format:', error); } }; reader.readAsText(file); } else { $('#jsonData').html('<p>请选择一个 JSON 文件上传。</p>'); console.error('Please select a JSON file to upload.'); } }); //**************************************************** 5 *************************************************************************** $('#setting').append(`<div style="margin-bottom=5px"><b>脚本相关API-KEY值设置</b></div></br>`); $('#setting').append(`<label><b>TMDB影库对应apikey(<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="red">登录官网</font></a>自行申请):</b></label><input type="text" name="tmdb_key" style="width: 300px; margin-left:5px" value=${used_tmdb_key}><br><br>`); $('#setting').append(`<label><b>PTPimg对应的apikeykey(<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="red">打开首页</font></a>即可获取):</b></label><input type="text" name="ptp_img_key" style="width: 300px; margin-left:5px" value=${used_ptp_img_key}><br><br>`); for (key in used_rehost_img_info) { if (key == 'catbox') {continue;} $('#setting').append(`<label><b>${key}对应apikeykey(<a href="${used_rehost_img_info[key].url}" target="_blank"><font color="red">登录站点</font></a>或可获取):</b></label><input type="text" name="${key}_key" style="width: 300px; margin-left:5px" value=${used_rehost_img_info[key]['api-key']}><br><br>`); } $('label').css({"width": "280px", "text-align": "right", "display": "inline-block"}); //**************************************************** 3.2 ************************************************************************* $('#setting').append(`<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous" value="yes">是否匿名,此处勾选之后,在发布种子时,发布页面将默认预先勾选匿名发布。`); if (if_uplver) { $(`input[name="anonymous"]`).prop('checked', true); } $('#setting').append(`<input type="checkbox" name="douban_jump" value="yes">是否显示豆瓣页面跳转选项,默认开启。`); if (if_douban_jump) { $(`input[name="douban_jump"]`).prop('checked', true); } $('#setting').append(`<input type="checkbox" name="imdb_jump" value="yes">是否显示IMDB页面跳转选项,默认开启。`); if (if_imdb_jump) { $(`input[name="imdb_jump"]`).prop('checked', true); } $('#setting').append(`<input type="checkbox" name="hdb_hide_douban" value="yes">是否折叠HDB中文豆瓣信息,默认展开。`); if (hdb_hide_douban) { $(`input[name="hdb_hide_douban"]`).prop('checked', true); } $('#setting').append(`<input type="checkbox" name="chd_use_backup_url" value="yes">是否使用CHD备份网址,如果勾选将采用类似hb.chddiy.xyz的域名。<br><br>`); if (chd_use_backup_url) { $(`input[name="chd_use_backup_url"]`).prop('checked', true); } $('#setting').append(`<input type="button" id="save_setting" value="保存脚本设置! (只需点击一次)">`); if (site_url.match(/springsunday/)) { $('#save_setting, #select_all, #unselect_all').css({'color': 'white', 'background' :'url( repeat left top', 'border': '1px black'}); } //点击保存 $('#save_setting').click(function(){ // 更新site order site_order = []; $('#sortable').find('input').each(function(){ site_order.push($(this).parent().text()); }); GM_setValue('site_order', JSON.stringify(site_order.join(','))); //处理支持站点 for (key in used_site_info) { if ($(`input[name=${key}]`).prop('checked')) { used_site_info[key].enable = 1; } else { used_site_info[key].enable = 0; } } GM_setValue('used_site_info', JSON.stringify(used_site_info)); //处理常用站点 used_common_sites = []; for (key in default_site_info) { if ($(`input[title=${key}]`).prop('checked')) { used_common_sites.push(key); } } GM_setValue('used_common_sites', JSON.stringify(used_common_sites.join(','))); GM_setValue('imdb2db_chosen', $('input[name="imdb2db"]:checked').val()); GM_setValue('api_chosen', $('input[name="ptgen"]:checked').val()); GM_setValue('tldomain', $('input[name="tldomain"]:checked').val()); for (key in show_search_urls) { if ($(`input[show=${key}]`).prop('checked')){ show_search_urls[key] = 1; } else { show_search_urls[key] = 0; } } GM_setValue('show_search_urls', JSON.stringify(show_search_urls)); for (key in extra_settings) { if ($(`input[name=${key}]`).prop('checked')){ extra_settings[key].enable = 1; } else { extra_settings[key].enable = 0; } } GM_setValue('extra_settings', JSON.stringify(extra_settings)); //处理快速搜索 used_search_list = $('textarea[name="set_jump_href"]').val().split('\n').join(','); if (!used_search_list[used_search_list.length-1]){ used_search_list.pop(); } GM_setValue('used_search_list', JSON.stringify(used_search_list)); //处理ptp-tmdb的key GM_setValue('used_ptp_img_key', $(`input[name="ptp_img_key"]`).val()); GM_setValue('used_tmdb_key', $(`input[name="tmdb_key"]`).val()); //处理匿名 if_uplver = $(`input[name="anonymous"]:last`).prop('checked') ? 1: 0; GM_setValue('if_uplver', if_uplver); if_douban_jump = $(`input[name="douban_jump"]`).prop('checked') ? 1: 0; GM_setValue('if_douban_jump', if_douban_jump); if_imdb_jump = $(`input[name="imdb_jump"]`).prop('checked') ? 1: 0; GM_setValue('if_imdb_jump', if_imdb_jump); hdb_hide_douban = $(`input[name="hdb_hide_douban"]`).prop('checked') ? 1: 0; GM_setValue('hdb_hide_douban', hdb_hide_douban); chd_use_backup_url = $(`input[name="chd_use_backup_url"]`).prop('checked') ? 1: 0; GM_setValue('chd_use_backup_url', chd_use_backup_url); //处理key值 for (key in used_rehost_img_info) { used_rehost_img_info[key]['api-key'] = $(`input[name="${key}_key"]`).val(); } GM_setValue('used_rehost_img_info', JSON.stringify(used_rehost_img_info)); ptp_name_location = $(`input:radio[name="name_location"]:checked`).val(); GM_setValue('ptp_name_location', ptp_name_location); alert('保存成功!!!') }); //自制ptgen $table.append(`<tr style="display:none;"><td width="1%" class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" align="right">PTGen</td><td width="99%" class="rowfollow" valign="top" align="left" id="ptgen"></td></tr>`); $('#ptgen').append(`<label><b>输入豆瓣/IMDB/Bangumi链接查询:</b></label><input type="text" name="url" style="width: 320px; margin-left:5px">`); $('#ptgen').append(`<input type="button" id="go_ptgen" value="获取信息" style="margin-left:15px"><input type="button" id="douban2ptp" value="海报转存PTPimg" style="margin-left:15px"><br><br>`); $('#ptgen').append(`<textarea name="douban_info" style="width:720px" rows="30"></textarea><br>`); $('#go_ptgen').click(function(){ var raw_info = {'url': '', 'dburl': '', 'descr': '', 'bgmurl': ''}; var url = $('input[name="url"]').val(); $('#go_ptgen').prop('value', '正在获取'); var flag = true; if (match_link('imdb', url)) { falg = true; raw_info.url = match_link('imdb', url); } else if (match_link('douban', url)) { flag = false; raw_info.dburl = match_link('douban', url); } else if (match_link('bangumi', url)) { flag = false; raw_info.bgmurl = match_link('bangumi', url); } else { alert('请输入合适的链接!!!'); return; } if (!raw_info.bgmurl) { create_site_url_for_douban_info(raw_info, flag).then(function(raw_info){ if (raw_info.dburl){ get_douban_info(raw_info); } }, function(err) { if (confirm("该资源貌似没有豆瓣词条,是否获取imdb信息?")){ async function formatDescr() { var descr = kg_intro_base_content.split('Screenshots here')[0].trim(); var doc = await getimdbpage(raw_info.url); const imdb_json = JSON.parse($('script[type="application/ld+json"]', doc).text()); var country = Array.from($('li.ipc-metadata-list__item:contains("Countr")', doc).find('a')).map(function(e){ return $(e).text(); }); country ={ if (e == 'United States') e = 'USA'; if (e == 'United Kingdom') e = 'UK'; return e; }).join(', '); var index ='Date Published'); descr = descr.substring(0,index) + `Country: ${country}\n` + descr.substring(index); descr = descr.format({'poster': imdb_json.image}); descr = descr.format({'title': $('h1:eq(0)', doc).text().trim()}); descr = descr.format({'genres': imdb_json.genre.join(', ')}); descr = descr.format({'date': $('li.ipc-metadata-list__item:contains("Release date")', doc).find('div').find('li').text()}); descr = descr.format({'score': $('div[data-testid*=aggregate-rating__score]:eq(0)', doc).text()}); descr = descr.format({'imdb_url': raw_info.url}); var director = Array.from($('li.ipc-metadata-list__item:contains("Director"):eq(0)', doc).find('a')).map(function(e){ return $(e).text(); }).join(', '); descr = descr.format({'director': director}); var creators = await getFullCredits(raw_info.url); descr = descr.format({'creator': creators}); var actors = Array.from($('div.title-cast__grid', doc).find('a[data-testid="title-cast-item__actor"]:lt(8)')).map(function(e){ return $(e).text(); }).join(', '); descr = descr.format({'cast': actors}); descr = descr.format({'en_descr': imdb_json.description}); $('#go_ptgen').prop('value', '获取成功'); $('textarea[name=douban_info]').val(descr); } formatDescr(); } else { $('#go_ptgen').prop('value', '获取失败'); if (match_link('imdb', url)) {`${url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]}&cat=1002`, target="_blank"); } else {, target='_blank'); } } }); } else { get_bgmdata(raw_info.bgmurl, function(data) { $('#go_ptgen').prop('value', '获取成功'); $('textarea[name=douban_info]').val(data.trim()); GM_setClipboard(data.trim()); }); } $('#douban2ptp').click(function(){ var textarea = $('textarea[name="douban_info"]'); if (textarea.val().match(/https:\/\/img\*?jpg/)) { var poster = textarea.val().match(/https:\/\/img\*?jpg/)[0]; ptp_send_images([poster], used_ptp_img_key) .then(function(new_url){ new_url = new_url.toString().split(',').join('\n').replace(/\[.*?\]/g, ''); textarea.val(textarea.val().replace(/https:\/\/img\*?jpg/, new_url)); }).catch(function(err){ alert(err); }); } }); }); //mediainfo转换 $table.append(`<tr style="display:none;"><td width="1%" class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" align="right">简化MI</td><td width="99%" class="rowfollow" valign="top" align="left" id="mediainfo"></td></tr>`); $('#mediainfo').append(`<textarea id="media_info" style="width:700px" rows="20"></textarea><br>`); $('#mediainfo').append(`<input type="button" id="simplify" value="简化信息" style="margin-bottom:5px"><br>`); $('#mediainfo').append(`<textarea id="clarify_media_info" style="width:700px" rows="20"></textarea><br>`); $('#simplify').click(function(){ var mediainfo_text = simplifyMI($('#media_info').val(), null); $('#clarify_media_info').val(mediainfo_text); }); $table.append(`<tr style="display:none;"><td width="1%" class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" align="right">图片处理</td><td width="99%" class="rowfollow" valign="top" align="left" id="dealimg"></td></tr>`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="preview" value="图片预览" style="margin-bottom:5px;">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="getsource" value="获取大图" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="send_ptpimg" value="转ptpimg" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="send_pixhost" value="转pixhost" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="send_imgbox" value="转imgbox" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="send_hdbits" value="转HDBits" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="get_imgbb" value="imgbb源图" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="change" value="字符串替换" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="text" style="width: 50px; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px" id="img_source" />--<input type="text" style="width: 50px; text-align:center; margin-right: 5px" id="img_dest" /><br>`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="350px" value="350px缩略" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-right:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="del_img_tag" value="链接提取" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-right:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="enter2space" value="换行->空格" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-right:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`<input type="button" id="get_encode" value="图片提取" style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-right:5px">`); $('#dealimg').append(`从第<input type="text" style="width: 30px; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px; margin-right:5px" id="start" />张开始每隔<input type="text" style="width: 30px; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px; margin-right:5px" id="step" />张获取其中第<input type="text" style="width: 30px; text-align:center; margin-left: 5px;margin-right:5px" id="number" />张。<br>`); $('#dealimg').append(`<font color="red">获取大图目前支持imgbox,pixhost,pter,ttg,瓷器,img4k,其余的可以尝试字符串替换。</font><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:blue">→→点我查看教程←←</a><br>`); $('#dealimg').append(`<textarea id="picture" style="width:700px" rows="15"></textarea>`); $('#dealimg').append(`<div id="imgs_to_show" style="display: none;"></div><br>`); $('#dealimg').append(`<div>结果展示 <a href="#" id="up_text" style="color:red;">↑将结果移入输入框</a><br><textarea id="r###lt" style="width:700px;" rows="15"></textarea></div>`); var descr = GM_getValue('descr') === undefined ? '': GM_getValue('descr'); var imgs_to_deal = descr.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?(png|jpg|webp)\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/ig); try { if (imgs_to_deal) { $('#picture').val(imgs_to_deal.join('\n')); } } catch (err) {} $('#preview').click((e)=>{ if (!$('#imgs_to_show').is(":hidden")){ $('#imgs_to_show').hide(); return; } var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); var imgs_to_show = origin_str.match(/(\[img(?:=\d+)?\])(http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp))/ig).map(item=>{ return item.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, '') }); if (imgs_to_show.length) { $('#imgs_to_show').html('');>{ $('#imgs_to_show').append(`<img src=${item} style="max-width: 700px"/><br>`); }); $('#imgs_to_show').show(); } }); $('#del_img_tag').click((e)=>{ var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); origin_str = origin_str.replace(/\[\/?img\]/g, ''); $('#r###lt').val(origin_str); }) $('#getsource').click((e)=>{ var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); get_full_size_picture_urls(null, origin_str, $('#r###lt'), true); }); $('#enter2space').click((e)=>{ var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); origin_str = origin_str.replace(/\n/g, ' '); $('#picture').val(origin_str); }) $('#send_ptpimg').click((e)=>{ var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); images = origin_str.match(/\[img\]http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png|webp)/ig).map((item)=>{ return item.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, ''); }); if (images.length) { ptp_send_images(images, used_ptp_img_key) .then(function(new_urls){ new_urls = new_urls.toString().split(',').join('\n'); $('#r###lt').val(new_urls); }).catch(function(err){ alert(err); }); } else { alert('请输入图片地址!!'); } }); $('#send_imgbox').click((e)=>{ var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); images = origin_str.match(/\[img\]http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png|webp)/ig).map((item)=>{ return item.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, ''); }); if (images.length) { var name = 'set your gallary name'; try { if (descr.match(/Disc Title:/)) { name = descr.match(/Disc Title:(.*)/)[1].trim(); } else if (descr.match(/Complete name.?:/i)) { name = descr.match(/Complete name.?:(.*)/)[1].trim(); } } catch(err) {} images.push(name); GM_setValue('HDB_images', images.join(', '));'', '_blank'); } }); $('#send_hdbits').click((e)=>{ var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); images = origin_str.match(/\[img\]http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png|webp)/ig).map((item)=>{ return item.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, ''); }); if (images.length) { var name = 'set your gallary name'; try { if (descr.match(/Disc Title:/)) { name = descr.match(/Disc Title:(.*)/)[1].trim(); } else if (descr.match(/Complete name.*?:/i)) { name = descr.match(/Complete name.*?:(.*)/)[1].trim(); } } catch(err) {console.log(err)} images.push(name); GM_setValue('HDB_images', images.join(', '));'', '_blank'); } }); $('#send_pixhost').click((e)=>{ if ($('#picture').val().match(/http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png|webp)/ig).length > 0) { var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); images = origin_str.match(/\[img\]http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png|webp)/ig).map((item)=>{ return item.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, ''); }); if (images[0].match(/ { var name = 'set your gallary name'; try { if (descr.match(/Disc Title:/)) { name = descr.match(/Disc Title:(.*)/)[1].trim(); } else if (descr.match(/Complete name.?:/i)) { name = descr.match(/Complete name.?:(.*)/)[1].trim(); } } catch(err) {} images.push(name); GM_setValue('HDB_images', images.join(', '));'', '_blank'); } else { pix_send_images(images) .then(function(new_urls) { new_urls = new_urls.toString().split(','); var urls_append = ''; if (new_urls.length > 1) { for (var i=0; i<=new_urls.length-2; i+=2) { urls_append += `${new_urls[i]} ${new_urls[i+1]}\n` } if (new_urls.length % 2 == 1) { urls_append += new_urls[new_urls.length-1] + '\n'; } } else { urls_append = new_urls[0] + '\n'; } $('#r###lt').val(urls_append); alert('转存成功!'); }) .catch(function(message){ alert('转存失败'); }); } } else { alert('缺少截图'); } }); $('#change').click((e)=>{ var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); if (!$('#img_source').val()) { alert("请填写源字符串!") return; } var source_str = $('#img_source').val(); var dest_str = $('#img_dest').val(); images = origin_str.match(/http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)/ig);>{ var new_img = item.replace(source_str, dest_str); origin_str = origin_str.replace(item, new_img); }); $('#picture').val(origin_str); }); $('#get_imgbb').click((e)=>{ function getibbdoc(url) { var p = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ getDoc(url,null,function(doc){ if (doc == 'error') { reject('error'); } else { var source_img_url = $('#embed-code-3', doc).val(); resolve(source_img_url); } }); }) return p; } function getpostdoc(url) { var p = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ getDoc(url,null,function(doc){ var source_img_url = $('#download', doc).attr('href').split('?')[0]; resolve(source_img_url); }); }) return p; } var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); var imgbb_urls = origin_str.match(/\[url=.*?\]\[img\]https?:\/\/[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)\[\/img\]\[\/url\]/ig); if (imgbb_urls === null) { alert("没有监测到imgbb缩略图链接"); } else { var flag = false;>{ var a = item.match(/https:\/\/\/(.*?)\]/)[1]; var b = item.match(/https:\/\/\/(.*?)\//)[1]; if (a == b) { flag = true; } }); if (flag) { var imgbb_tasks = [];>{ var imgbb_show_url = '' + item.match(/https:\/\/\/(.*?)\//)[1]; var imgbb_p = getibbdoc(imgbb_show_url); imgbb_tasks.push(imgbb_p); }) Promise.all(imgbb_tasks).then((data)=>{ for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) { origin_str = origin_str.replace(imgbb_urls[i], `${data[i]}`); } get_full_size_picture_urls(null, origin_str, $('#r###lt'), true); }) } else { get_full_size_picture_urls(null, origin_str, $('#r###lt'), true); } } var postimg_urls = origin_str.match(/https?:\/\/[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)/ig); if (postimg_urls === null) { // alert("没有监测到postimg链接"); } else { var imgpost_tasks = [];>{ var imgpost_show_url = '' + item.match(/https:\/\/\/(.*?)\//)[1]; console.log(imgpost_show_url) var imgpost_p = getpostdoc(imgpost_show_url); imgpost_tasks.push(imgpost_p); }) Promise.all(imgpost_tasks).then((data)=>{ console.log(data) for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) { origin_str = origin_str.replace(postimg_urls[i], data[i]); } origin_str = origin_str.match(/\[img\]https?:.*?(jpg|png)\[\/img\]/ig).join('\n'); $('#r###lt').val(origin_str); }) } }); $('#get_encode').click((e)=>{ var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); console.log(origin_str) var dest_str = ''; var images = origin_str.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/ig); var start = parseInt($('#start').val() ? $('#start').val(): 1); var encode_index = parseInt($('#number').val()); var step = parseInt($('#step').val()); for (i = start; i < images.length-step; i += step) { console.log(i + encode_index - 2) dest_str += images[i + encode_index - 2] + '\n'; } $('#r###lt').val(dest_str); }); $('#350px').click((e)=>{ var origin_str = $('#picture').val(); images = origin_str.match(/\[img\]http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)\[\/img\]/ig).join('\n'); if (images.length) { $('#r###lt').val(deal_img_350(images)); } }); $('#up_text').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); $('#picture').val($('#r###lt').val() ? $('#r###lt').val(): $('#picture').val()); $('#r###lt').val(''); }); var id_scroll = site_url.split('#')[1]; if (id_scroll.match(/\?/)) { url = id_scroll.split('?')[1]; id_scroll = id_scroll.split('?')[0]; if (url.match(/tt/)) { url = '' + url + '/'; } else if (url.match(/bgmid/)) { url = '' + url.split('=').pop() +'/'; } else { url = '' + url + '/'; } $('input[name=url]').val(url); } $(`#${id_scroll}`).parent().show(); document.querySelector(`#${id_scroll}`).scrollIntoView(); return; }, 1000) } //长mediainfo转换简洁版mediainfo function simplifyMI(mediainfo_text, site){ var simplifiedMI = ''; if (mediainfo_text.match(/QUICK SUMMARY/i)) { return mediainfo_text; } if (mediainfo_text.match(/Disc INFO/i)) { if (site == 'HDT') { return mediainfo_text; } simplifiedMI = full_bdinfo2summary(mediainfo_text); return simplifiedMI; } if (!mediainfo_text.match(/Video[\S\s]{0,5}ID/)) { return mediainfo_text; } var general_info = mediainfo_text.match(/(general[\s\S]*?)?video/i)[0].trim(); general_info = get_general_info(general_info); if (mediainfo_text.match(/encode.{0,10}date.*?:(.*)/i)){ var release_date = mediainfo_text.match(/encode.{0,10}date.*?:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); general_info += `Release date.......: ${release_date}`; } general_info += `${N}${N}`; simplifiedMI += general_info; try{ var video_info = mediainfo_text.match(/(video[\s\S]*?)audio/i)[0].trim(); } catch (err) { video_info = mediainfo_text.match(/(video[\s\S]*?)Forced/i)[0].trim();} video_info = get_video_info(video_info); simplifiedMI += video_info; try { var audio_info = mediainfo_text.match(/(audio[\s\S]*?)(text)/i)[0].trim(); } catch (err) { audio_info = mediainfo_text.match(/(audio[\s\S]*?)(Forced|Alternate group)/i)[0].trim(); } var audio_infos = audio_info.split(/audio.*?\nid.*/i).filter(audio => audio.length > 30); for (i=0; i < audio_infos.length; i++){ audio_info = get_audio_info(audio_infos[i]); simplifiedMI += audio_info; } try{ var text_info = mediainfo_text.match(/(text[\s\S]*)$/i)[0].trim(); var text_infos = text_info.split(/text.*?\nid.*/i).filter(text => text.length > 30); for (i=0; i < text_infos.length; i++){ subtitle_info = get_text_info(text_infos[i]); simplifiedMI += subtitle_info; } } catch(err){ var subtitle_text = `Subtitles..........: no`; simplifiedMI += subtitle_text; } console.log(simplifiedMI); return simplifiedMI; } function get_general_info(general_info){ var general_text = "General\n"; try{ var filename = general_info.match(/Complete name.*?:(.*)/i)[1].split('/').pop().trim(); general_text += `Release Name.......: ${filename}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try{ var format = general_info.match(/format.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); general_text += `Container..........: ${format}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try{ var duration = general_info.match(/duration.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); general_text += `Duration...........: ${duration}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try { var file_size = general_info.match(/file.{0,5}size.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); general_text += `Size...............: ${file_size}${N}`; } catch(err) {} general_text += `Source(s)..........: ${N}`; return general_text; } function get_video_info(video_info){ var video_text = `Video${N}`; try{ var codec = video_info.match(/format.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); video_text += `Codec..............: ${codec}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try { var type = video_info.match(/scan.{0,5}type.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); video_text += `Type...............: ${type}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try{ var width = video_info.match(/width.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); var height = video_info.match(/height.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); var resolution = width.replace(/ /g, '').match(/\d+/)[0] + 'x' + height.replace(/ /g, '').match(/\d+/)[0]; video_text += `Resolution.........: ${resolution}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try{ var aspect_ratio = video_info.match(/display.{0,5}aspect.{0,5}ratio.*?:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); video_text += `Aspect ratio.......: ${aspect_ratio}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try{ var bit_rate = video_info.match(/bit.{0,5}rate(?!.*mode).*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); video_text += `Bit rate...........: ${bit_rate}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try{ var hdr_format = video_info.match(/HDR FORMAT.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); video_text += `HDR format.........: ${hdr_format}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try{ var frame_rate = video_info.match(/frame.{0,5}rate.*:(.*fps)/i)[1].trim(); video_text += `Frame rate.........: ${frame_rate}${N}`; } catch(err) {} video_text += `${N}`; return video_text; } function get_audio_info(audio_info){ var audio_text = `Audio${N}`; try{ var format = audio_info.match(/format.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); audio_text += `Format.............: ${format}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try{ var channels = audio_info.match(/channel\(s\).*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); audio_text += `Channels...........: ${channels}${N}`; } catch(err) {} try{ var bit_rate = audio_info.match(/bit.{0,5}rate(?!.*mode).*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); audio_text += `Bit rate...........: ${bit_rate}${N}`; } catch(err) {alert(err)} try{ var language = audio_info.match(/language.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); audio_text += `Language...........: ${language}`; } catch(err) {} var title = ''; try { title = audio_info.match(/title.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } catch(err){ title = '';} audio_text += ` ${title}${N}${N}`; return audio_text; } function get_text_info(text_info){ var format = text_info.match(/format.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); var language = text_info.match(/language.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); try{ var title = text_info.match(/title.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } catch(err){ title = '';} var subtitle_text = `Subtitles..........: ${language} ${format} ${title}${N}`; return subtitle_text; } function full_bdinfo2summary(descr) { if (!descr.match(/DISC INFO/)) { return descr.split(/\[\/quote\]/)[0].replace('[quote]', ''); } var summary = { 'Disc Title': '', 'Disc Size': '', 'Protection': '', 'BD-Java': '', 'Playlist': '', 'Size': '', 'Length': '', 'Total Bitrate': '', 'Protection': '', 'Video': '', 'Audio': '', 'Subtitle': '', } if (descr.match(/Disc.*?Title:(.*)/i)) { summary['Disc Title'] = descr.match(/Disc.*?Title:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } if (descr.match(/Disc.*?Size:(.*)/i)) { summary['Disc Size'] = descr.match(/Disc.*?Size:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } if (descr.match(/Protection:(.*)/i)) { summary['Protection'] = descr.match(/Protection:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } if (descr.match(/Extras:.*?BD-Java/i)) { summary['BD-Java'] = 'Yes'; } else { summary['BD-Java'] = 'No'; } if (descr.match(/PLAYLIST[\s\S]{3,30}?Name:(.*)/i)) { summary['Playlist'] = descr.match(/PLAYLIST[\s\S]{3,30}?Name:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } if (descr.match(/PLAYLIST[\s\S]{3,90}?Length:(.*)/i)) { summary['Length'] = descr.match(/PLAYLIST[\s\S]{3,90}?Length:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } if (descr.match(/PLAYLIST[\s\S]{3,190}?Size:(.*)/i)) { summary['Size'] = descr.match(/PLAYLIST[\s\S]{3,190}?Size:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } if (descr.match(/PLAYLIST[\s\S]{3,290}?Total.*?Bitrate:(.*)/i)) { summary['Total Bitrate'] = descr.match(/PLAYLIST[\s\S]{3,290}?Total.*?Bitrate:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } if (descr.match(/Video:[\s\S]{0,20}Codec/i)) { var video_info = descr.match(/Video:[\s\S]{0,300}-----------([\s\S]*)/i)[1].split(/audio/i)[0].trim(); summary['Video'] = video_info.split('\n').map(e=>{ var info = e.split(/\s{5,15}/).filter(function(ee){if (ee.trim() && ee.trim() != '[/quote]') {return ee.trim();}}); return info.join(' / ').trim(); }).join('\nVideo: ').replace(/(\nVideo: )+$/, ''); } if (descr.match(/SUBTITLES:[\s\S]{0,20}Codec/i)) { var subtitle_info = descr.match(/SUBTITLES:[\s\S]{0,300}-----------([\s\S]*)/i)[1].split(/FILES/i)[0].trim(); summary['Subtitle'] = subtitle_info.split('\n').map(e=>{ var info = e.split(/\s{5,15}/).filter(function(ee){if (ee.trim() && ee.trim() != '[/quote]') return ee.trim();}); return info.join(' / ').trim(); }).join('\nSubtitle: ').split('[/quote]')[0].replace(/(\nSubtitle: )+$/, ''); } if (descr.match(/Audio:[\s\S]{0,20}Codec/i)) { var audio_info = descr.match(/Audio:[\s\S]{0,300}-----------([\s\S]*)/i)[1].split(/subtitles|\[.*?quote\]/i)[0].trim(); summary['Audio'] = audio_info.split('\n').map(e=>{ var info = e.split(/\s{5,15}/).filter(function(ee){if (ee.trim() && ee.trim() != '[/quote]') return ee.trim();}); return info.join(' / ').trim(); }).join('\nAudio: '); } var quick_summary = ''; for (key in summary) { if (summary[key]) { quick_summary += key + ': ' + summary[key] + '\n'; } } return quick_summary; } function add_douban_info_table(container, width, data) { data =; if (data.cast.split('/').length > 9) { data.cast = data.cast.split('/').slice(0, 9).join('/'); } if (data.director.split('/').length > 2) { data.director = data.director.split('/').slice(0, 2).join('/'); } if (data.region.split('/').length > 4) { data.region = data.region.split('/').slice(0, 4).join('/') + '/<br>' + data.region.split('/').slice(4).join('/'); } container.append(`<table class="contentlayout" cellspacing="0"><tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="3" width="2"><img src="${data.image}" style="max-width:${width}px;border:0px;" alt></td> <td colspan="2"><h1><a href="${}" target="_blank">${data.title}</a> (${data.year})</h1><h3>${data.aka}</h3></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table class="content" cellspacing="0" id="imdbinfo" style="white-space: nowrap;"><tbody> <tr><th>评分</th><td>${data.average} (${data.votes}人评价)</td></tr> <tr><th>类型</th><td>${data.genre}</td></tr> <tr><th>国家/地区</th><td>${data.region}</td></tr> <tr><th>导演</th><td>${data.director.replace(/\//g, '<br> ')}</td></tr> <tr><th>语言</th><td>${data.language}</td></tr> <tr><th>上映日期</th><td>${data.releaseDate.split('/').join('<br>')}</td></tr> <tr><th>片长</th><td>${data.runtime}</td></tr> <tr><th>演员</th><td>${data.cast.replace(/\//g, '<br> ')}</td></tr> </tbody></table></td> <td id="plotcell"><table class="content" cellspacing="0"><tbody> <tr><th>简介</th></tr><tr><td>${data.summary == "" ? '本片暂无简介' : ' ' + data.summary.replace(/ /g, '<br> ')}</td></tr> </tbody></table></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" id="actors"></td> </tr> </tbody></table>`); } async function getFullCredits(url) { return new Promise(resolve => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '{imdbid}/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ov_wr'.format({'imdbid': url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]}), onload : function (responseDetail) { if (responseDetail.status === 200) { let doc = page_parser(responseDetail.responseText); var creators = Array.from($('#writer', doc).next().find('').map((i,e) => { return $(e).find('a').text().replace(/\n/g, ''); })).join(', '); resolve(creators); } } }); }); } async function getFullDescr(url) { return new Promise(resolve => { getDoc(url, null, function (docx) { imdb_descr = $('div[data-testid="sub-section-summaries"]', docx).text().trim(); resolve(imdb_descr); }); }); } async function getimdbpage(url) { return new Promise(resolve => { getDoc(url, null, function (docx) { resolve(docx); }); }); } async function getPoster(url) { return new Promise(resolve => { getDoc(url, null, function (docx) { var poster = ''; try { poster = $('img[src*=""]', docx).attr('src').split(',')[0].trim(); poster = $('div[style*="calc(50% + 0px)"]', docx).find('img').attr('src'); } catch(err) { poster = ''; } resolve(poster); }); }); } async function getAKAtitle(url) { return new Promise(resolve => { var search_url = '' + encodeURI(`action=torrent_info&imdb=${url}&fast=1`) getJson(search_url, null, function(data){ if (data.length) { data = data[0]; resolve(data.title); } }) }); } function getDoubanPoster(doc) { try { return $('#mainpic img', doc)[0].src.replace( /^.+(p\d+).+$/, (_, p1) => `${p1}.jpg` ); } catch (e) { return null; } } function getTitles(doc) { let isChinese = false; const chineseTitle = doc.title.replace(/\(豆瓣\)$/, '').trim(); const originalTitle = $('#content h1>span[property]', doc).text().replace(chineseTitle, '').trim() || ((isChinese = true), chineseTitle); try { let akaTitles = $('#info"又名")', doc)[0].nextSibling.textContent.trim().split(' / '); const transTitle = isChinese ? akaTitles.find(e => {return e.match(/[a-z]/i);}) || chineseTitle: chineseTitle; const priority = e => { if (e === transTitle) { return 0; } if (e.match(/\(港.?台\)/)) { return 1; } if (e.match(/\([港台]\)/)) { return 2; } return 3; }; akaTitles = akaTitles.sort((a, b) => priority(a) - priority(b)).filter(e => e !== transTitle); return [{ chineseTitle: chineseTitle, originalTitle: originalTitle, translatedTitle: transTitle, alsoKnownAsTitles: akaTitles }, isChinese ]; } catch (e) { return [{ chineseTitle: chineseTitle, originalTitle: originalTitle, translatedTitle: chineseTitle, alsoKnownAsTitles: [] }, isChinese ]; } } function getYear(doc) { return parseInt($('#content>h1>span.year', doc).text().slice(1, -1)); } function getRegions(doc) { try { return $('#info"制片国家/地区")', doc)[0].nextSibling.textContent.trim().split(' / '); } catch (e) { return []; } } function getGenres(doc) { try { return $('#info span[property="v:genre"]', doc).toArray().map(e => e.innerText.trim()); } catch (e) { return []; } } function getLanguages(doc) { try { return $('#info"语言")', doc)[0].nextSibling.textContent.trim().split(' / '); } catch (e) { return []; } } function getReleaseDates(doc) { try { return $('#info span[property="v:initialReleaseDate"]', doc).toArray().map(e => e.innerText.trim()).sort((a, b) => new Date(a) - new Date(b)); } catch (e) { return []; } } function getDurations(doc) { try { return $('span[property="v:runtime"]', doc).text(); } catch (e) { return []; } } function getEpisodeDuration(doc) { try { return $('#info"单集片长")', doc)[0].nextSibling.textContent.trim(); } catch (e) { return null; } } function getEpisodeCount(doc) { try { return parseInt($('#info"集数")', doc)[0].nextSibling.textContent.trim()); } catch (e) { return null; } } function getTags(doc) { return $('div.tags-body>a', doc).toArray().map(e => e.textContent); } function getDoubanScore(doc) { const $interest = $('#interest_sectl', doc); const ratingAverage = parseFloat( $interest.find('[property="v:average"]').text() ); const ratingVotes = parseInt($interest.find('[property="v:votes"]').text()); return { rating: ratingAverage, ratingCount: ratingVotes, ratingHistograms: { 'Douban Users': { aggregateRating: ratingAverage, demographic: 'Douban Users', totalRatings: ratingVotes } } }; } function getDescription(doc) { try { return Array.from($('#link-report-intra>[property="v:summary"],#link-report-intra>span.all.hidden', doc)[0].childNodes) .filter(e => e.nodeType === 3) .map(e => e.textContent.trim()) .join('\n'); } catch (e) { return null; } } function addComma(x) { var parts = x.toString().split("."); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return parts.join("."); } function getDirector(doc) { try{ return $('#info"导演")', doc)[0].nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent.trim().split(' / '); } catch (err) { return []; } } function getWriters(doc) { try{ return $('#info"编剧")', doc)[0].nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent.trim().split(' / '); } catch (err) { return []; } } function getCasts(doc) { try{ return $('#info"主演")', doc)[0].nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent.trim().split(' / '); } catch (err) { return []; } } async function getIMDbScore(ID, timeout = TIMEOUT) { if (ID) { return new Promise(resolve => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: `${ID}/`, headers: { referrer: '' }, timout: timeout, onload: x => { try { const e = JSON.parse(x.responseText.slice(16, -1)); resolve(e.resource); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); resolve(null); } }, ontimeout: e => { console.warn(e); resolve(null); }, onerror: e => { console.warn(e); resolve(null); } }); }); } else { return null; } } async function getIMDbID(doc) { try { return $('#info"IMDb:")', doc).parent().text().match(/tt(\d+)/)[1]; } catch (e) { return null; } } async function getCelebrities(doubanid, timeout = TIMEOUT) { var awardurl = '{a}/celebrities/'.format({'a': doubanid}); return new Promise(resolve => { getDoc(awardurl, null, function(doc){ const entries = $('#celebrities>div.list-wrapper', doc).toArray().map(e => { const [positionChinese, positionForeign] = $(e).find('h2').text().match(/([^ ]*)(?:$| )(.*)/).slice(1, 3); const people = $(e).find('li.celebrity').toArray().map(e => { let [nameChinese, nameForeign] = $(e).find('.info>.name').text().match(/([^ ]*)(?:$| )(.*)/).slice(1, 3); if (!nameChinese.match(/[\u4E00-\u9FCC]/)) { nameForeign = nameChinese + ' ' + nameForeign; nameChinese = null; } const [roleChinese, roleForeign, character] = $(e).find('.info>.role').text().match(/([^ ]*)(?:$| )([^(]*)(?:$| )(.*)/).slice(1, 4); return { name: { chs: nameChinese, for: nameForeign }, role: { chs: roleChinese, for: roleForeign }, character: character.replace(/[()]/g, '') }; }); return [ positionForeign.toLowerCase(), { position: positionChinese, people: people } ]; }); if (entries.length) { jsonCeleb = entries; } else { jsonCeleb = null; } resolve(jsonCeleb); }); }); } async function getAwards(doubanid, timeout = TIMEOUT) { var awardurl = '{a}/awards/'.format({'a': doubanid}); return new Promise(resolve => { getDoc(awardurl, null, function(doc){ resolve($('div.awards', doc).toArray().map(function(e){ const $title = $(e).find('.hd>h2'); const $awards = $(e).find('.award'); return { name: $title.find('a').text().trim(), year: parseInt($title.find('.year').text().match(/\d+/)[0]), awards: $awards.toArray().map(e => ({ name: $(e).find('li:first-of-type').text().trim(), people: $(e).find('li:nth-of-type(2)').text().split('/').map(e => e.trim()) })) }; })); }); }) } async function getInfo(doc, raw_info) { const [titles, isChinese] = getTitles(doc), year = getYear(doc), regions = getRegions(doc), genres = getGenres(doc), languages = getLanguages(doc), releaseDates = getReleaseDates(doc), durations = getDurations(doc), episodeDuration = getEpisodeDuration(doc), episodeCount = getEpisodeCount(doc), tags = getTags(doc), DoubanID = raw_info.dburl.match(/subject\/(\d+)/)[1], DoubanScore = getDoubanScore(doc), poster = getDoubanPoster(doc), description = getDescription(doc); directors = getDirector(doc); writers = getWriters(doc); casts = getCasts(doc); let IMDbID, IMDbScore, awards, celebrities; const concurrentFetches = []; concurrentFetches.push( // IMDb Fetch getIMDbID(doc) .then(e => { IMDbID = e; return getIMDbScore(IMDbID); }) .then(e => { IMDbScore = e; return getAwards(DoubanID); }) .then(e => { awards = e; return getCelebrities(DoubanID); }) .then(e => { celebrities = e; }) ); await Promise.all(concurrentFetches); if (IMDbScore && IMDbScore.title) { if (isChinese) { if (!titles.translatedTitle.includes(IMDbScore.title)) { titles.alsoKnownAsTitles.push(titles.translatedTitle); const index = titles.alsoKnownAsTitles.indexOf(IMDbScore.title); if (index >= 0) { titles.alsoKnownAsTitles.splice(index, 1); } titles.translatedTitle = IMDbScore.title; } } else { if (!titles.originalTitle.includes(IMDbScore.title) &&titles.alsoKnownAsTitles.indexOf(IMDbScore.title) === -1) { titles.alsoKnownAsTitles.push(IMDbScore.title); } } } return { poster: poster, titles: titles, year: year, regions: regions, genres: genres, languages: languages, releaseDates: releaseDates, durations: durations, episodeDuration: episodeDuration, episodeCount: episodeCount, tags: tags, DoubanID: DoubanID, DoubanScore: DoubanScore, IMDbID: IMDbID, IMDbScore: IMDbScore, description: description, directors: directors, writers: writers, casts: casts, awards: awards, celebrities: celebrities }; } function formatInfo(info) { let temp; const infoText = ( (info.poster ? `[img]${info.poster}[/img]\n\n` : '') + '◎译 名 ' + [info.titles.translatedTitle].concat(info.titles.alsoKnownAsTitles).join(' / ') + '\n' + '◎片 名 ' + info.titles.originalTitle + '\n' + '◎年 代 ' + info.year + '\n' + (info.regions.length ? '◎产 地 ' + info.regions.join(' / ') + '\n' : '') + (info.genres.length ? '◎类 别 ' + info.genres.join(' / ') + '\n' : '') + (info.languages.length ? '◎语 言 ' + info.languages.join(' / ') + '\n' : '') + (info.releaseDates.length ? '◎上映日期 ' + info.releaseDates.join(' / ') + '\n' : '') + ((info.IMDbScore && info.IMDbScore.rating) ? `◎IMDb评分 ${Number(info.IMDbScore.rating).toFixed(1)}/10 from ${addComma(info.IMDbScore.ratingCount)} users\n` : '') + (info.IMDbID ? `◎IMDb链接${info.IMDbID}/\n` : '') + ((info.DoubanScore && info.DoubanScore.rating) ? `◎豆瓣评分 ${info.DoubanScore.rating}/10 from ${addComma(info.DoubanScore.ratingCount)} users\n` : '') + (info.DoubanID ? `◎豆瓣链接${info.DoubanID}/\n` : '') + ((info.durations && info.durations.length) ? '◎片 长 ' + info.durations + '\n' : '') + (info.episodeDuration ? '◎单集片长 ' + info.episodeDuration + '\n' : '') + (info.episodeCount ? '◎集 数 ' + info.episodeCount + '\n' : '') + (info.celebrities ? => { const position = e[1].position; let title = '◎'; switch (position.length) { case 1: title += ' ' + position + ' '; break; case 2: title += position.split('').join(' ') + ' '; break; case 3: title += position.split('').join(' ') + ' '; break; case 4: title += position + ' '; break; default: title += position + '\n '; } const people = e[1], i) => { const name = ? ( ? + ' / ' + : :; return (i > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + (f.character ? ` (${f.character})` : ''); }).join('\n'); return title + people; }).join('\n') + '\n\n' : '') + (info.tags.length ? '◎标 签 ' + info.tags.join(' | ') + '\n\n' : '') + (info.description ? '◎简 介 \n' + info.description.replace(/^|\n/g, '\n ') + '\n\n' : '◎简 介 \n\n 暂无相关剧情介绍') + (info.awards.length ? '◎获奖情况 \n\n' + => { const awardName = ' ' + + ' (' + e.year + ')\n'; const awardItems = => ' ' + + (e.people ? ' ' + e.people : '')).join('\n'); return awardName + awardItems; }).join('\n\n') + '\n\n' : '') ).trim(); return infoText; } function get_douban_info(raw_info) { getDoc(raw_info.dburl, null, function(doc) { const infoGenClickEvent = async e => { var data = formatInfo(await getInfo(doc, raw_info)); raw_info.descr = data + '\n\n' + raw_info.descr; var thanks = raw_info.descr.match(/\[quote\].*?感谢原制作者发布。.*?\[\/quote\]/); if (thanks) { raw_info.descr = thanks[0] + '\n\n' + raw_info.descr.replace(thanks[0], '').trim(); } if (!location.href.match(/usercp.php\?action=persona|pter.*upload.php|*upload.php|^https:\/\/|^https?:\/\/\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+.*5678/)){ if (raw_info.descr.match(/http(s*):\/\/\/title\/tt(\d+)/i)){ raw_info.url = raw_info.descr.match(/http(s*):\/\/\/title\/tt(\d+)/i)[0] + '/'; } if (raw_info.descr.match(/类[\s\S]{0,5}别[\s\S]{0,30}纪录片/i)) { raw_info.type = '纪录'; } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/类[\s\S]{0,5}别[\s\S]{0,30}动画/i)) { raw_info.type = '动漫'; } set_jump_href(raw_info, 1); douban_button.value = '获取成功'; $('#textarea').val(data); if ($('#input_box').length && !$('#input_box').val()) { try{ raw_info.url = match_link('imdb', raw_info.descr); $('#input_box').val(raw_info.url); var search_name = get_search_name(; try { var imdbid = raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/i)[0]; var imdbno = imdbid.substring(2); var container = $('#forward_r'); add_search_urls(container, imdbid, imdbno, search_name, 0); } catch(err) {} } catch(err) {} } GM_setClipboard(data); rebuild_href(raw_info); } else if (site_url.match(/pter.*upload.php|piggo.*upload.php|^https?:\/\/\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+.*5678/)) { $('#descr').val(data + '\n\n' + $('#descr').val()); $('.get_descr[value=正在获取]').val("获取成功"); if (!$('input[name=small_descr]').val()) { $('input[name=small_descr]').val(get_small_descr_from_descr(data, $('input[name=name]').val())); } if (!$('input[name=url]').val()) { $('input[name=url]').val(match_link('imdb', data)); } if (!$('input[name=douban]').val()) { $('input[name=douban]').val(match_link('douban', data)); } } else if (site_url.match(/^https:\/\/ { GM_setClipboard(data); $('#copy').text('完成'); } else { $('textarea[name="douban_info"]').val(raw_info.descr); $('#go_ptgen').prop('value', '获取成功'); }; } infoGenClickEvent(); }); } function add_picture_transfer() { GM_addStyle( `.delete_div { position: fixed; bottom: 30%; right: 27%; width: 46%; color:white; }`); $(`body`).append(` <div class="delete_div" style="align:center; color:white; display:none; border-radius: 5px"> <div id="rehost" style="width: 100%; margin:auto;"></div> </div>`); $('#rehost').append(`<td style="width:100%; border: none; background-color:rgba(72,101,131,0.7); padding: 6px" valign="top" align="left" id="rehostimg"></td>`); $('#rehostimg').append(`<b>选择转存站点(catbox只有源图无缩略图):</b>`) for (key in used_rehost_img_info){ $('#rehostimg').append(`<input style="vertical-align:middle" type="radio" name="rehost_site" value="${key}">${key}`); } $('#rehostimg').append(`<input style="vertical-align:middle;margin-left:10px;color:red;" type="button" name="close_panel" value="X">`); $('input[name="close_panel"]').click(()=>{ $('input[name="img_url"]').val(''); 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} douban_button_needed = true; } if (site_url.match(/detailsgame/)) { descr = document.getElementById("kdescription"); raw_info.type = '游戏'; try{ raw_info.small_descr = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[1].textContent; } catch(err) {} } if (!descr && origin_site == 'PTLGS') { var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.innerHTML='<td>其它信息</td><td><div id="kdescr"></div></td>' = 'none'; $('#torrent-info-root>tbody')[0].appendChild(tr); descr = document.getElementById("kdescr"); } } if (origin_site == 'QingWa') { if($('#kimdb').length) { raw_info.url = match_link('imdb', $('#kimdb').html()); } } if (origin_site == 'PThome' || origin_site == 'Audiences' || origin_site == 'OurBits') { try{ var mediainfo1 = document.getElementsByClassName("codemain").pop(); if (origin_site != 'OurBits') { mediainfo1 = mediainfo1.getElementsByTagName('font')[0]; } mediainfo1 = walkDOM(mediainfo1.cloneNode(true)); mediainfo1 = mediainfo1.replace(/(<div class="codemain">|<\/div>|\[\/?(font|size|color).*?\])/g, ''); 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if ($('.spoiler-content').length) { mediainfo = $('.spoiler-content').text(); } raw_info.descr += `\n \n[quote]${mediainfo.trim()}[/quote]\n \n`; try{ var intro = raw_info.descr.indexOf('◎简 介'); intro = intro ? intro: 300; var pictures = raw_info.descr.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/g); pictures.forEach(item=>{ if (raw_info.descr.indexOf(item) > intro) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(item, ''); raw_info.descr += item; } }); } catch(err) {} } //ourbits没有简介的话补充简介 if (origin_site == 'OurBits') { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/Mediainfo|Screenshot|BDInfo|screenshot/g, ''); try{ var imdbnew2 = document.getElementsByClassName("imdbnew2")[0]; raw_info.url = match_link('imdb', imdbnew2.innerHTML); } catch(err){} if (主.*演/i) < 0 &&类.*别/i) < 0) { try{ var doubanimg = document.getElementsByClassName("doubannew")[0]; doubanimg = doubanimg.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].src; var douban = document.getElementsByClassName("doubaninfo")[0]; var douban_new = douban.cloneNode(true); 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e.onclick='';}); $('.checkable_IMG').imgCheckbox({ onclick: function(el){ let tagA = Array.from(el.children()[0].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a")); tagA.forEach(e=>{e.onclick=function(){return false;};}); var isChecked = el.hasClass("imgChked"), imgEl = el.children()[0]; var img_src = ''; img_src = imgEl.parentNode.parentNode.href; if (isChecked) { raw_info.images.push(img_src); } else { raw_info.images.remove(img_src); } }, "graySelected": false, "checkMarkSize": "20px", "fadeCheckMark": false }); } } if (origin_site == 'FRDS') { raw_info.torrent_name = $('a[href*="download.php"]:contains(torrent)').text(); raw_info.torrent_url = $('#download_link').val(); } else if (origin_site == '影') { raw_info.torrent_url = '' + $('a[href*="download.php"]:last').attr('href'); } else if (origin_site == 'U2') { raw_info.torrent_name = $('a[href*="download.php"]:first').text(); raw_info.torrent_url = o_site_info[origin_site] + $('a[href^="download.php"]:eq(1)').attr('href'); } else if (origin_site == 'other') { raw_info.torrent_name = $('a[href*="download.php"]:contains(torrent)').text(); try { raw_info.torrent_url = site_url.match(/^(https?:\/\/.*?\/)details.php/)[1] + $('a[href*="download.php"]:contains(torrent):last').attr('href'); } catch (err) {} } else if (origin_site == 'HDSky') { raw_info.torrent_name = $('input[value*=".torrent"]').val(); raw_info.torrent_url = $('a[href*="download.php"]').attr('href'); } else if (origin_site == 'TTG') { raw_info.torrent_name = $('a[href*="dl"]:contains(torrent)').text(); raw_info.torrent_url = $('a[href*="dl"]:contains(点击复制到剪切板)').attr('href'); } else if (origin_site == 'ZMPT') { raw_info.torrent_name = $('a[href*="download.php"]:contains(torrent)').text(); raw_info.torrent_url = $('#content').text().trim(); } else { raw_info.torrent_name = $('a[href*="download.php"]:contains(torrent)').text(); if ($('a[href*="download.php"]:contains(下载地址)').length) { raw_info.torrent_url = $('a[href*="download.php"]:contains(下载地址)').attr('href'); 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raw_info.torrent_url = '' + $('.buttonDownload').attr('onclick').match(/download.*id=\d+/)[0]; } if (origin_site == 'OpenCD') { raw_info.torrent_name = $('a[href*="download.php"]').attr('title') + '.torrent'; raw_info.torrent_url = $('td:contains("下载链接"):last').next().find('a').text(); } if (origin_site == 'HDAtmos') { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[url=.*?\].*?极空间新Z4\[\/url\]/, ''); } //------------------------------国外站点table获取(简介后续单独处理)------------------------------------------- var table, insert_row, douban_box; if (origin_site == 'HDT') { tbody = document.getElementById("TorrentsdetailsHideShowTR"); tbody = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; } if (origin_site == 'PTLGS') { tbody = $('#torrent-info-root>tbody')[0]; if ($('div.douban-info').length) { raw_info.dburl = match_link('douban', $('div.douban-info').html()); } else { raw_info.dburl = match_link('douban', $('#kdescr').html()); } douban_button_needed = true; $('#ktorrentscreenshots').find('img').map((index,e)=> { if ($(e)[0].parentNode.href){ raw_info.descr += '[url='+ $(e)[0].parentNode.href +'][img]' + $(e)[0].src + '[/img][/url] '; 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} catch(err){} raw_info.ptp_poster = $('.sidebar-cover-image').parent().html(); if (raw_info.ptp_poster.match(/https:\/\/\/.*?.(jpg|png)/)){ raw_info.ptp_poster = raw_info.ptp_poster.match(/https:\/\/\/.*?.(jpg|png)/)[0]; } else { raw_info.ptp_poster = ''; } } if (origin_site == 'ANT') { if (site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)) { torrent_id = site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)[1]; } raw_info.url = match_link('imdb', $('div.torrent_ratings').html()); tbody = document.getElementById("torrent_details"); } if (origin_site == 'SC') { if (site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)) { torrent_id = site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)[1]; } try { raw_info.url = $(`tr#torrent${torrent_id}`).find('a:contains("IMDB")').attr("href"); } catch (err) {} tbody = document.getElementById("torrent_details"); raw_info.ptp_poster = $('#covers').find('img').first().attr("src"); } if (origin_site == 'HD-Only') { if (site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)) { torrent_id = site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)[1]; } tbody = document.getElementById("torrent_details"); 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= torrent_tr.previousElementSibling.getElementsByTagName('td')[0].textContent.replace('» ', '').trim(); //获取简介 var descr_box = torrent_tr.getElementsByTagName('blockquote'); for (i=0; i<descr_box.length; i++){ var tmp_descr = descr_box[i].textContent; if (tmp_descr.match(/Unique ID|DISC INFO:|.MPLS|General/i)){ descr_box = descr_box[i]; break; } } raw_info.descr = '[quote]' + descr_box.textContent + '[/quote]\n\n'; var imgs = descr_box.getElementsByTagName('img'); var img_urls = ''; for (i=0; i < imgs.length; i++) { if (imgs[i].parentNode.nodeName == 'A'){ img_urls += '[url='+ imgs[i].parentNode.href +'][img]' + imgs[i].src + '[/img][/url]'; } else { img_urls += '[img]' + imgs[i].src + '[/img]'; } } raw_info.descr += img_urls; raw_info.torrent_url = used_site_info.BTN.url + $(`a[href*="download&id=${torrent_id}"]`).attr('href'); } if (origin_site == 'TVV') { tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('torrent_table')[0]; raw_info.type = '剧集'; if (site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)) { torrent_id = site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)[1]; } raw_info.url = match_link('imdb', $('body').html()); var torrent_tr = $(`#torrent_${torrent_id}`); raw_info.descr = '[quote]\n' + torrent_tr.find('blockquote:eq(1)').text().trim() + '\n[/quote]\n\n'; torrent_tr.find('img').map((index,e)=>{ if ($(e).parent().prop("tagName") == 'A') { raw_info.descr += '[url='+ $(e).parent().attr('href') +'][img]' + $(e).attr('src') + '[/img][/url]'; } else { raw_info.descr += '[img]' + $(e).attr('src') + '[/img]'; } }); raw_info.torrent_url = used_site_info.TVV.url + $(`a[href*="download&id=${torrent_id}"]`).attr('href'); if (raw_info.descr.match(/Complete name.*?:.*/)) { = raw_info.descr.match(/Complete name.*?:(.*)/)[1].split('/').pop().trim(); } else { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: raw_info.torrent_url, overrideMimeType: "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined", onload: (xhr) => { var r = xhr.responseText; if (r.match(/4:name\d+:/)) { var length = parseInt(r.match(/4:name(\d+):/)[1]); var index = parseInt('4:name')); = r.substring(index, index + length + 7 + length.toString().length).split(':').pop(); raw_info.torrent_name = + '.torrent'; rebuild_href(raw_info); } } }); } } if (origin_site == 'NBL') { $('#mediainfobox').parent().prepend(` <div style="padding-left:55px; padding-right:55px"> <table id="mytable"> </table> </div> `); tbody = $('#mytable')[0]; insert_row = tbody.insertRow(0); douban_box = tbody.insertRow(0); raw_info.type = '剧集'; var search_name = $('h2').text().split('-')[0].trim(); = $('div[id*=files_]').find('tr:eq(0)').find('td:first').text().replace(/\//g, ''); try{ var show_href = '' + $('#coverimage').find('a').attr('href'); getDoc(show_href, null, function(doc){ var show_id = $('#showinfobox', doc).find('a[href*=""]').attr('href').match(/\d+/)[0]; var show_url = '' + show_id; console.log(show_id) console.log(show_url) getJson(show_url, null, function(data){ if ( { raw_info.url = '' +; reBuildHref(raw_info, forward_r); if (all_sites_show_douban) { getData(raw_info.url, function(data){ console.log(data); if ({ $('td:contains(豆瓣信息)').last().parent().before(`<tr><td align=right style="font-weight: bold;">豆瓣</td><td id="douban_info"></td></tr>`); 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var cover = $('p.thumbnail-container').find('img').attr('onclick').match(/http.*(jpg|png|jpeg|webp)/)[0]; console.log(cover); var mediainfo = $('div').has("strong:contains(Info)").last().parent().find('div.body'); raw_info.tracklist = walkDOM(mediainfo[0].cloneNode(true)); console.log(raw_info.tracklist) raw_info.descr = '[img]' + cover + '[/img]\n\n'; raw_info.type = '音乐'; tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('torrent_table')[0]; var torrent_tr = $(`#torrent${torrent_id}`); count = 0; while (count <= 25 ) { var edition_info = torrent_tr.text().trim().match(/^(\d{4}|Original Release)/) ? torrent_tr.text().trim().replace('− ', ''): ''; if (edition_info) { break; } torrent_tr = torrent_tr.prev(); count += 1; } raw_info.edition_info = edition_info; console.log(raw_info.edition_info); raw_info.small_descr = $(`#torrent${torrent_id}`).find('a:eq(4)').text().replace(' → ', ''); console.log(raw_info.small_descr) raw_info.descr += $(`#torrent_${torrent_id}`).find('blockquote:last').text(); 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raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(cover, new_url); rebuild_href(raw_info); alert('转存成功!!'); }); }); } catch (err) {} var mediainfo = $('div.torrent_description').find('div.body'); raw_info.tracklist = walkDOM(mediainfo[0].cloneNode(true)).trim(); if ($(mediainfo).find('ol.postlist').length) { $(mediainfo).find('ol.postlist').find('li').map((index,e)=>{ if (index == 0) { raw_info.tracklist = raw_info.tracklist.split($(e).text())[0]; } raw_info.tracklist += `\n${index+1} ${$(e).text()}`; }); } console.log(raw_info.tracklist); raw_info.descr = '[img]' + cover + '[/img]\n\n'; raw_info.type = '音乐'; tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('torrent_table')[0]; var torrent_tr = $(`#torrent${torrent_id}`); count = 0; while (count <= 25 ) { console.log(torrent_tr.text().trim()) var edition_info = torrent_tr.text().trim().match(/^– /) ? torrent_tr.text().trim().replace('– ', ''): ''; if (edition_info) { break; } torrent_tr = torrent_tr.prev(); count += 1; } raw_info.edition_info = edition_info; 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} var reg = /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]*/g; raw_info.small_descr += " " +>{return item;}).join(" "); raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr.trim(); =, "").trim(); raw_info.file_list = Array.from($(`#files_${torrent_id}`).find('tr:gt(0)').map((index,e)=>{ return $(e).find('td:eq(0)').text(); })); raw_info.file_list = raw_info.file_list.filter((item)=>{ if (item.match(/\.(flac|wav)/i)) { return item; } }).join('\n'); raw_info.torrent_url = `` + $(`a[href*="download&id=${torrent_id}"]`).attr('href'); raw_info.labels = Array.from($('a[href*=taglist]').map((_,e)=>{ return $(e).text(); })).join(', '); console.log(raw_info.labels) } if (origin_site == 'SugoiMusic') { if (site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)) { torrent_id = site_url.match(/torrentid=(\d+)/)[1]; } getJson(`${torrent_id}`, null, function(data){ raw_info.json = JSON.stringify(data); console.log(data) raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(cover,; rebuild_href(raw_info); }); raw_info.edition_info = $('#title_en').text(); = raw_info.edition_info; 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} tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('torrent_table')[0]; raw_info.type = '音乐'; var cover_box = document.getElementsByClassName('box')[1]; try{ var cover = '[img]' + '' + cover_box.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].getAttribute('src') + '[/img]\n\n'; cover = cover.replace('.th', ''); } catch(Err) { cover = ''; } var info_box = document.getElementsByClassName('body')[2]; var info = info_box.textContent.trim(); console.log(info) raw_info.descr = cover; var tr_matched = document.getElementById('torrent_' + torrent_id); var table = tr_matched.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; var tds = table.getElementsByTagName('td'); raw_info.file_list = ''; for (i=2; i < tds.length; i+=2) { if (tds[i].textContent.match(/\.flac|\.wav/i)) { raw_info.file_list += tds[i].textContent + '\n'; } } raw_info.small_descr = $(`a[href*="download&id=${torrent_id}"]`).parent().parent().find('a:eq(3)').text().replace('» ', ''); console.log(raw_info.small_descr) raw_info.tracklist = info; var label_box = $('')[0]; var label_info = label_box.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].textContent; 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var a = email.attr('data-cfemail'); r = parseInt(a.substr(0, 2), 16); for (j = 2; a.length - j; j += 2) { c = parseInt(a.substr(j, 2), 16) ^ r; email_str += String.fromCharCode(c); } email.replaceWith(`${email_str}`); } } var torrentid = site_url.match(/id=\d+/)[0]; var mediainfo_url = '' + torrentid; setTimeout(() => { getDoc(mediainfo_url, null, function(doc){ var email = $('#maincolumn', doc).find('div[class="cblock-innercontent"]').find('a[class="__cf_email__"]'); get_email(email); var mediainfo = $('#maincolumn', doc).find('div[class="cblock-innercontent"]')[0]; raw_info.descr = ''; descr = walkDOM(mediainfo.cloneNode(true)); descr = descr.replace(/\[.?font.*?\]/g, ''); raw_info.descr = '[quote]' + descr + '[/quote]'; raw_info.descr = add_thanks(raw_info.descr); $('h4:first').after('<h4 style="margin-left:5px;"><font color="red"><--Mediainfo/BDinfo加载成功!!!--></font></h4>'); if (img_urls.match(/\/images/)) { $('.checkable_IMG').imgCheckbox({ onclick: function(el){ let tagA = Array.from(el.children()[0].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a")); 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var descr_box = tds[i+1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].cloneNode(true); raw_info.descr = walkDOM(descr_box); raw_info.descr = '[quote]' + raw_info.descr + '[/quote]\n\n' + imgs_str; } } if (origin_site == 'KG') { if (tds[i].textContent == 'Internet Link' || tds[i].textContent == 'IMDB') { raw_info.url = tds[i+1].textContent + '/'; } else if (tds[i].textContent == 'Type') { if (tds[i+1].textContent.match(/movie/i)) { raw_info.type = '电影'; } else if (tds[i+1].textContent.match(/music/i)) { raw_info.type = '音乐'; } } else if (tds[i].textContent == 'Description') { var imgs = tds[i+1].getElementsByTagName('img'); var imgs_str = ''; for (kk=0; kk < imgs.length; kk++){ imgs_str += '[img]' + imgs[kk].src + '[/img]'; } } else if (tds[i].textContent == 'Rip Specs') { try{ = tds[i+1].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].textContent; raw_info.descr = tds[i+1].getElementsByClassName('mediainfo')[0].textContent; } catch(err){'h1')[0].textContent.split('-').pop().trim(); raw_info.descr = tds[i+1].textContent; } raw_info.descr = '[quote]' + raw_info.descr + '[/quote]\n\n' + imgs_str; } else if (tds[i].textContent == 'Source') { raw_info.medium_sel = tds[i+1].textContent.medium_sel(); if (tds[i+1].textContent.trim() == 'WEB') { raw_info.medium_sel = 'WEB-DL'; } } } //主要是类型、medium_sel、地区等等信息 if (['基本信息', '详细信息', '类型', '基本資訊', '標籤列表:', '媒介:', 'Basic Info', '分类 / 制作组', '种子信息'].indexOf(tds[i].textContent) >-1) { if (i + 1 < tds.length) { if (origin_site == 'HUDBT') { info_text = tds[i].nextSibling.textContent; } else if (origin_site == '影') { info_text = tds[i].nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent; } else { info_text = tds[i + 1].textContent; } if(info_text.source_sel()){ raw_info.source_sel = info_text.source_sel(); } if (tds[i].innerHTML == '標籤列表:') { raw_info.music_type = tds[i+1].textContent; raw_info.descr += '\n标签: ' + raw_info.music_type + '\n'; } else if (tds[i].innerHTML == '媒介:') { raw_info.music_media = tds[i+1].textContent; } if (tds[i].innerHTML == '基本資訊' && opencd_mode) { raw_info.music_type = tds[i+1].textContent; raw_info.music_media = tds[i+1].textContent; } if (info_text.get_type()){ raw_info.type = info_text.get_type(); } if (origin_site == 'TTG' && info_text == 'BluRay原盘'){ raw_info.type = '电影'; } if(info_text.medium_sel()){ raw_info.medium_sel = info_text.medium_sel(); } if (info_text.codec_sel()){ raw_info.codec_sel = info_text.codec_sel(); } if (info_text.audiocodec_sel()){ raw_info.audiocodec_sel = info_text.audiocodec_sel(); } if (origin_site != 'TTG'){ if (info_text.standard_sel()){ raw_info.standard_sel = info_text.standard_sel(); } } if (site_url.match(/music.php/)) { raw_info.music_media = tds[i+1].textContent; } } } if (tds[i].innerHTML == '详细信息' && origin_site == 'TJUPT') { if (tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/英文名:(.*)/i)){ = tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/英文名:<\/b>(.*?)( |<br>)/i)[1]; } raw_info.fullname = $('h1').text(); if (tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/动漫文件格式:(.*)/i)) { var type = tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/动漫类别:<\/b>(.*?)<br>/i)[1]; += type == '剧场' ? ' MOVIE': ' ' + type; if (tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/动漫集数:(.*)/i)) { += ' ' + tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/动漫集数:<\/b>(.*?)<br>/i)[1].replace(type, '').replace('连载', ''); } var format = tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/动漫文件格式:<\/b>(.*?)<br>/i)[1]; var standard = tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/画面分辨率:<\/b>(.*?)<br>/i)[1]; var team = tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/字幕组\/漫画作者\/专辑艺术家:<\/b>(.*?)<br>/i)[1]; if (format.match(/BDRip|TVRip|DVDRip|BDMV|DVDISO|HQ-HDTVRip|HDTVRip/i)) { += ' ' + format.match(/BDrip|TVRip|DVDRip|BDMV|DVDISO|HQ-HDTVRip|HDTVRip/i)[0]; } += ' ' + standard; if ((format+raw_info.descr).match(/x264|x265|h.?264|h.265|hevc/i)) { += ' ' + (format+raw_info.descr).match(/x264|x265|h.?264|h.265|hevc|AVC/i)[0]; } if ((format+raw_info.descr).match(/FLAC|AAC|AC3|DTS/i)) { += ' ' + (format+raw_info.descr).match(/FLAC|AAC|AC3|DTS|LPCM/i)[0]; } += team.trim() ? '-'+ team.replace(/&/, '&'): ''; try { var region = tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/动漫国别:<\/b>(.*?)<br>/i)[1]; if (region == '日漫') { raw_info.source_sel = '日本'} if (region == '美漫') { raw_info.source_sel = '欧美'} if (region == '##') { raw_info.source_sel = '大陆'} } catch (err) {} var c_name = tds[i+1].innerHTML.match(/中文名:<\/b>(.*?)( |<br>)/i)[1]; raw_info.small_descr += c_name + ' | '; } raw_info.torrentName = $('#bookmark0').parent().find('a:first').text(); } if (tds[i].textContent == '簡介' && origin_site == 'MTeam') { raw_info.descr = walkDOM(tds[i+1]); } } if (origin_site == 'U2'){ raw_info.torrentName = $('a:contains(".torrent")').text(); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace('SPEC', '[quote]\r\nSPEC'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[quote\]\n(感|Thank|OP From|OP&ED)/, function(data){ return `[/quote]\r\n[quote]\r\n${data.split('\n')[1]}`; }); raw_info.animate_info =; =\[.*?\]/g)[1].replace(/\[|\]/g, ''); var anidb_info = ''; if ($('#kanidb').length) { var anidb_info = $('#kanidb').text(); if (anidb_info.match(/Wiki \(JP\)/)) { raw_info.source_sel = '日本'; } } if ((anidb_info).match(/(放映年份|Year): (\d{4})/)){ += ' ' + (anidb_info).match(/(放映年份|Year): (\d{4})/)[2]; } if (raw_info.animate_info.match(/\[movie\]/i)) { += ' MOVIE' } if (raw_info.animate_info.match(/BDRip|TVRip|DVDRip|BDMV|DVDISO|HQ-HDTVRip|HDTVRip/i)) { += ' ' + raw_info.animate_info.match(/BDrip|TVRip|DVDRip|BDMV|DVDISO|HQ-HDTVRip|HDTVRip/i)[0]; } if (|BDRip/)) { += ' 1080p'; raw_info.standard_sel = '1080p'; } var release = raw_info.animate_info.match(/\[.*?\]/g).filter((e)=> { if (e.match(/disc|fin|Vol/i)) return e }); if (release.length) { += ' ' + release[0].replace(/\[|\]/g, ''); } if ((raw_info.animate_info+raw_info.descr).match(/x264|x265|h.?264|h.265|hevc|avc/i)) { += ' ' + (raw_info.animate_info+raw_info.descr).match(/x264|x265|h.?264|h.265|hevc|AVC/i)[0]; } if ((raw_info.animate_info+raw_info.descr).match(/Truehd|DTS(.?HD.?MA.*)?|LPCM|FLAC|AC3/i)) { var audio = (raw_info.animate_info+raw_info.descr).match(/Truehd|DTS(.?HD.?MA.*)?|LPCM|FLAC|AC3/i)[0]; if (audio.match(/DTS(.?HD.?MA.*\d\.\d)/i)) { audio = 'DTS-HDMA ' + audio.match(/\d\.\d/)[0]; } += ' ' + audio; } else { if ((raw_info.animate_info+raw_info.descr).match(/AAC/) && !(raw_info.animate_info+raw_info.descr).match(/AACS/)) { += ' AAC'; } } var author = raw_info.animate_info.match(/\[.*?\]/g).pop().replace(/\[|\]/g, ''); if ((raw_info.small_descr + raw_info.animate_info).match(/自抓|自购|自購|自压|自壓/)) { if (author.match(/^(jp|r2j|r2_j.*|r2fr|ita|ger|uk|tw|hk|.*flac.*|scans|.*\+.*|usa|fra|movie|tv|自压|自抓|自购|自購|.*自壓.*)$/i)) { += '-Anonymous@U2'; } else { += `-${author}@U2`; } } else { if (author.match(/@|arin/i)) { += `-${author}`; } else { var authors = ['lolihouse', 'jsum','Raws', 'KoushinRip', 'ANK','VCB-Studio', 'VCB','LittlePox', 'LittleBakas','ANE','Reinforce', 'SweetDreamDay','Moozzi2','mawen1250'] authors.forEach((item)=>{ if (author.match(item)) { += `-${author}@U2`; } }); } raw_info.descr = '[quote]转自U2, 对原作者表示感谢[/quote]\n\n' + raw_info.descr; } try { var uploader = $('td:contains("发布人")').next().text().replace(/\(.*\)/, '').trim(); ='Anonymous', uploader); } catch (err) {} raw_info.small_descr += ' ' + raw_info.animate_info.match(/\[.*?\]/g)[0].replace(/\[|\]/g, ''); raw_info.type = '动漫'; try{raw_info.anidb = raw_info.descr.match(/https:\/\/anidb\.net\/a\d+/i)[0];}catch(err){} if (!raw_info.anidb){ try{raw_info.anidb = document.getElementById('kanidb').parentNode.innerHTML.match(/https:\/\/anidb\.net\/a\d+/i)[0];}catch(err){} } raw_info.anidb = raw_info.anidb.replace('', ''); try{raw_info.url = raw_info.descr.match(/https:\/\/www\.imdb\.com\/title\/tt\d+/i)[0];}catch(err){} var info_text = raw_info.animate_info + raw_info.descr +; if(info_text.medium_sel()){ raw_info.medium_sel = info_text.medium_sel(); } if (info_text.codec_sel()){ raw_info.codec_sel = info_text.codec_sel(); } if (info_text.audiocodec_sel()){ raw_info.audiocodec_sel = info_text.audiocodec_sel(); } } if (origin_site == 'MTeam') { insert_row = o_insert_row; var torrent_id = site_url.match(/detail\/(\d+)/)[1]; function build_fetch(api) { new_fetch = fetch(`${api}`, { method: 'POST', headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "ts": Math.floor( / 1000), "authorization": localStorage.getItem("auth") || "" }, body: new URLSearchParams({"id": torrent_id}).toString() }); return new_fetch; } //使Promise.all()不会rejected从而并行处理多个 const apis = ['api/torrent/detail', 'api/torrent/genDlToken']; const getDataFromAPIs = async() => { const r###lts = await Promise.all( api => { try { const response = await build_fetch(api); const responseJson = await response.json(); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`${response.statusText}`); } return; } catch (error) { return error; } }) ); raw_info.torrent_url = r###lts[1]; console.log(raw_info.torrent_url); var detail = r###lts[0]; =; raw_info.torrent_name = /g, '.').replace(/\*/g, '') + '.torrent'; raw_info.torrent_name = raw_info.torrent_name.replace(/\.\.+/g, '.'); if (detail.mediainfo) { var mediainfo = detail.mediainfo; try { mediainfo = decodeURIComponent(detail.mediainfo); } catch (err) {} var picture_info = ''; try{ var intro = raw_info.descr.indexOf('◎简 介'); var pictures = raw_info.descr.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?\n?/g); pictures.forEach(item=>{ if (raw_info.descr.indexOf(item) > 300 || (intro > -1 && raw_info.descr.indexOf(item) > intro)) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(item, ''); picture_info += item + '\n'; } }); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.trim() + `\n \n[quote]\n${mediainfo.trim()}\n[/quote]\n \n` + picture_info; } catch(err) { console.log(err) } } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/https:\/\/*?url=/ig, ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/^\[quote\]\[b\]\[color=blue\]转自.*?,感谢原制作者发布。\[\/color\]\[\/b\]\[\/quote\]/i, ''); raw_info.descr = add_thanks(raw_info.descr); rebuild_href(raw_info); }; getDataFromAPIs(); } //------------------------------------国外站点简介单独处理,最后辅以豆瓣按钮---------------------------------------------- if (origin_site == 'PTP') { var torrent_box = document.getElementById("torrent_" + torrent_id); var subtitle_box = $(torrent_box).find('#subtitle_manager'); subtitle_box.find('img').map((idnex, e)=>{ if ($(e).attr('title') != "No Subtitles" && !$(e).parent().is("a")){ raw_info.subtitles.push($(e).attr('title')); } }); if ($('#trumpable_'+torrent_id).length && $('#trumpable_'+torrent_id).text().match('Hardcoded Subtitles')) { raw_info.subtitles.push('Hardcoded'); } raw_info.edition_info = $(`#group_torrent_header_${torrent_id}`).find('a[id="PermaLinkedTorrentToggler"]').text(); var torrent_div = torrent_box.getElementsByClassName("bbcode-table-guard"); raw_info.comparisons = walk_ptp(torrent_div[0].cloneNode(true)).trim(); $(torrent_box).find('a[onclick*="BBCode.MediaInfoToggleShow"]').each((index,e)=>{ raw_info.multi_mediainfo += `[quote]${$(e).next().next().text()}[/quote]`; }); torrent_div = torrent_div[torrent_div.length-1]; var tmp_tag_as = torrent_div.getElementsByTagName('a'); var compare_picture = ''; for (i=0; i< tmp_tag_as.length; i++){ if (tmp_tag_as[i].getAttribute("onclick") == 'BBCode.MediaInfoToggleShow( this );'){ = tmp_tag_as[i].textContent.replace(/\[|\]|\(|\)|mkv$|mp4$/g, '').trim(); } try { if (tmp_tag_as[i].getAttribute("onclick").match(/BBCode.ScreenshotComparisonToggleShow/i)){ comparing_picture = tmp_tag_as[i].getAttribute("onclick"); info = comparing_picture.match(/\[.*?\]/ig); if (info){ try { tmp_string_0 = info[0].replace(/\[|\]|"/ig, ''); tmp_string_0 = tmp_string_0.replace(/,/ig, ' | '); compare_picture += '\n' + tmp_string_0 + '\n'; team_count = tmp_string_0.split('|').length; tmp_string_1 = info[1].replace(/\[|\]|"/ig, ''); pictures = tmp_string_1.split(','); for (idd = 0; idd < pictures.length; idd++){ if ((idd+1) % team_count == 0){ compare_picture += '[img]' + pictures[idd].replace(/\\/g, '') + '[/img]\n'; } else { compare_picture += '[img]' + pictures[idd].replace(/\\/g, '')+ '[/img]'; } } } catch (err){ } } } } catch (err){ } } if (! || !raw_info.descr.match( { var file_box = document.getElementById('files_' + torrent_id); = file_box.getElementsByTagName('td')[0].textContent.replace(/\[|\]|\(|\)|mkv$|mp4$/g, '').trim(); } var descr_box = torrent_box.getElementsByTagName('blockquote'); for (i=0; i<descr_box.length; i++){ var tmp_descr = descr_box[i].textContent; if (tmp_descr.match(/Unique ID|DISC INFO:|.MPLS|General/i)){ descr_info = descr_box[i].textContent; if (descr_info.match(/Complete.*?name.*?(VOB|IFO)/i)) { if (descr_info.match(/Complete.*?name.*?VOB/i)){ descr_info += '[/quote]\n\n[quote]' + descr_box[i+1].textContent; } else { descr_info = descr_box[i+1].textContent + '[/quote]\n\n[quote]' + descr_info; } } break; } } if (raw_info.edition_info.match(/DVD\d/)) { raw_info.medium_sel = 'DVD'; = $('h2').text().split(/\[.*?\]/)[0] + $('h2').text().match(/\[(\d+)\]/)[1]; += ' ' + raw_info.edition_info.match(/NTSC|PAL/)[0]; += ' ' + raw_info.edition_info.match(/DVD\d+/)[0]; } try { raw_info.descr = '[quote]' + descr_info + '[/quote]\n\n'; } catch (err) {} var img_urls = ''; var imgs = torrent_div.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (i=0; i< imgs.length; i++){ img_urls += '[img]' + imgs[i].src + '[/img]\n'; } raw_info.descr += img_urls; var img = Array.from(imgs); img.forEach(e=> {e.classList.add('checkable_IMG'); e.onclick='';}); $('.checkable_IMG').imgCheckbox({ onclick: function(el){ var isChecked = el.hasClass("imgChked"), imgEl = el.children()[0]; // the img element img_src = imgEl.src; if (isChecked) { raw_info.images.push(img_src); } else { raw_info.images.remove(img_src); } console.log(raw_info.images); }, "graySelected": false, "checkMarkSize": "20px", "fadeCheckMark": false }); if (compare_picture){ raw_info.descr += '\n\n[b]对比图[/b]\n' + compare_picture; } =\s+-\s+/i, '-'); //PTP原盘处理 if(raw_info.descr.match(/.MPLS/i)) { var tmp_name = document.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0].textContent.split('[')[0].trim(); var tmp_year = document.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0].textContent.match(/\[(\d+)\]/)[1]; = get_bluray_name_from_descr(raw_info.descr, tmp_name+' '+tmp_year); var team = document.getElementById('group_torrent_header_' + torrent_id).getAttribute('data-releasegroup'); if (team) { ='NoGroup', team); } raw_info.medium_sel = 'Blu-ray'; =, 'Blu-ray'); } else { =; } raw_info.version_info = $(`#group_torrent_header_${torrent_id}`).find('#PermaLinkedTorrentToggler').text(); raw_info.torrent_url = `` + $(`a[href*="download&id=${torrent_id}"]`).attr('href'); } if (origin_site == 'ANT') { = $(`#torrent_${torrent_id}`).find('input.spoilerButton').attr('value').replace(/^SHOW /i, ''); raw_info.descr = `[quote]\n${$(`#torrent_${torrent_id}`).find('input.spoilerButton').next().text()}\n[/quote]`; if ($(`#torrent_${torrent_id}`).find('.torrent_screenshots').length) { raw_info.descr += '\n\n'; $(`#torrent_${torrent_id}`).find('.torrent_screenshots').find('img').map((index,e)=>{ raw_info.descr += `[img]${$(e).attr('src').split('=').pop()}[/img]\n`; }); } raw_info.torrent_url = `` + $(`a[href*="download&id=${torrent_id}"]`).attr('href'); } if (origin_site == "SC") { var torrent_box = document.getElementById("torrent_" + torrent_id); var torrent_div = $(torrent_box).find('blockquote').has('blockquote').last(); raw_info.descr = '[quote]' + torrent_div.find('blockquote').text() + '[/quote]\n\n'; torrent_div.find('img').map((index, item)=>{ raw_info.descr += '[img]' + $(item).attr('src') + '[/img]\n'; }); try{ = raw_info.descr.match(/complete.*? name.*?:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } catch(err) {} raw_info.torrent_url = `` + $(`a[href*="download&id=${torrent_id}"]`).attr('href'); } if (origin_site == 'HD-Only') { var hdo_torrents = GM_getValue('hdo_torrents') === undefined ? []: GM_getValue('hdo_torrents').split(',');>{ if ($(`a[onclick*="torrent_${e}"]`).length) { $(`a[onclick*="torrent_${e}"]`).css('color', 'yellow'); } }); var torrent_box = document.getElementById("torrent_" + torrent_id); var tmdb_url = $('div.torrent_description').find('a[href*="themovieDB"]').attr('href').replace(/\n/, ''); if (tmdb_url.match(/\/tv\//)) { raw_info.type = '剧集'; } else if (tmdb_url.match(/\/movie\//)) { raw_info.type = '电影'; } var label = { 'tv': { 'name': 'name', 'runtime': 'episode_run_time', 'country': 'origin_country' }, 'movie': { 'name': 'title', 'runtime': 'runtime', 'country': 'production_countries' } } var tmdb_id = tmdb_url.match(/\d{1,12}/)[0]; if (raw_info.type == "电影") { var en_url = '{tmdb_id}?api_key={key}&language=en-US'; var zh_url = '{tmdb_id}?api_key={key}&language=zh-CN'; label =; } else { var en_url = '{tmdb_id}?api_key={key}&language=en-US'; var zh_url = '{tmdb_id}?api_key={key}&language=zh-CN'; label =; } en_url = en_url.format({'key': used_tmdb_key, 'tmdb_id': tmdb_id}); zh_url = zh_url.format({'key': used_tmdb_key, 'tmdb_id': tmdb_id}); getJson(en_url, null, function(data){ var en_name = data[]; getJson(zh_url, null, function(data_1){ console.log(data_1); var zh_name = data_1[]; raw_info.zh_name = en_name; $(`#files_${torrent_id}`).find('table').find('tr:gt(0)').find('td').map((index, e)=>{ var text = $(e).text(); var reg = new RegExp(en_name, 'i'); if (text.replace(/\./, ' ').match(reg)) { if (! { = text; } } }); if (! { = $(`#files_${torrent_id}`).find('tr:eq(1)').find('td:eq(0)').text(); } ='/')[0]; if (raw_info.descr.match(/(Disc Title: |Disc Label: )(.*)/)) { try { = raw_info.descr.match(/(Disc Title: |Disc Label: )(.*)/)[2] } catch(err) {} } = deal_with_title(; var imdb_link = ''; if (data_1.imdb_id) { raw_info.url = '' + data_1.imdb_id; $('#input_box').val(raw_info.url); var search_name = data[] ? data[]: data_1[]; try { var imdbid = raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/i)[0]; var imdbno = imdbid.substring(2); var container = $('#forward_r'); add_search_urls(container, imdbid, imdbno, search_name, 0); } catch(err) {} imdb_link = ` | <a href=${raw_info.url} target="_blank">IMDB</a>`; } $('div.sidebar').append(` <div class="box"> <div class="head"> <strong>影视介绍</strong> </div> <div id="infomation" class="pad"> <div><strong>英名:</strong> ${data[]}</div> <div><strong>中名:</strong> ${data_1[]}</div> <div><strong>类型:</strong> ${> {return}).join('/')}</div> <div><strong>制片国家/地区:</strong> ${data_1[].map((e)=> {return}).join('/')}</div> <div><strong>语言:</strong> ${data_1.original_language}</div> <div><strong>时长:</strong> ${label.runtime == "episode_run_time" ? data_1[label.runtime][0]: data_1[label.runtime]}</div> <div><strong>评分:</strong> ${data_1.vote_average} / 10 From ${data_1.vote_count} Users</div> <div><strong>链接:</strong> <a href=${tmdb_url.replace('language=fr', 'language=en')} target="_blank">TMDB-en</a> | <a href=${tmdb_url.replace('language=fr', 'language=zh')} target="_blank">TMDB-zh</a>${imdb_link}</div> <div><strong>简介:</strong> <span>${data_1.overview ? 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(MiB|GiB)/)[0].split(':')[0].length; name = "Complete name".padEnd(l) + ": " + name; descr = descr.replace(uid, `${uid}\n${name}`); } catch (err) { console.log(err) } return descr; } var url = '' + $('a[href*=mediainfo]').attr("href"); getDoc(url, null, function(doc){ var mediainfo = $('body', doc).text(); raw_info.descr = '[quote]' + mediainfo + '[/quote]\n\n' + raw_info.descr; getDoc(raw_info.torrent_url, null, function(torrent) { var t = $('body', torrent).text(); var length = parseInt(t.match(/4:name(\d+):/)[1]); var index = parseInt('4:name')); name = t.substring(index, index + length + 7 + length.toString().length).split(':').pop(); if (!t.match(/5:files/i)) { try { raw_info.descr = insert_name_to_descr(raw_info.descr, name); console.log(raw_info.descr); } catch (err) {} } else { try { var target_length = raw_info.descr.match(/File size.*?: \d+(\.\d+)? (MiB|GiB)/)[0]; var target_numer = target_length.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/)[0]; var inserted = false; t.match(/6:lengthi\d+?e4:pathl\d+.*?(eed|eee4)/g).map(e=>{ var file_length = e.match(/6:lengthi(\d+?)e/)[1]; var name_length = parseInt(e.match(/pathl(\d+)/)[1]); var name_index = parseInt('4:path')); var file_name = e.substring(name_index, name_index + 8 + name_length.toString().length + name_length).split(':').pop(); var file_size = bytes_to_upper_size(file_length, target_length.match(/GiB|MiB/)[0]); if (file_size == target_numer && !inserted) { inserted = true; raw_info.descr = insert_name_to_descr(raw_info.descr, file_name); console.log(raw_info.descr); } }); } catch (err) {} } }); }); } break; } } } if (origin_site == 'RED') { var torrent_box = document.getElementById('torrent_' + torrent_id); var aaas = torrent_box.getElementsByTagName('a')[2]; if (aaas.getAttribute('onclick').match(/show_logs/)){; setTimeout(function(){ try { var log_box = document.getElementById('logs_' + torrent_id); raw_info.log_info = log_box.textContent; } catch (err) {} }, 3000); } var append_info = torrent_box.getElementsByTagName('blockquote'); append_info = append_info[append_info.length-1].textContent; if (!append_info.match(/Uploaded/)){ raw_info.descr += append_info; } var tag_box = document.getElementsByClassName('nobullet'); tag_box = tag_box[tag_box.length-1]; var aaaas = tag_box.getElementsByTagName('a'); raw_info.descr += '\n\n标签: '; for(i=0; i<aaaas.length; i++){ if (aaaas[i].textContent.match(/[a-z]/i)){ if (i>0){ raw_info.descr += ' | ' + aaaas[i].textContent; } else { raw_info.descr += aaaas[i].textContent; } } } raw_info.descr += '\n\n'; } if (origin_site == 'HDF') { var file_box = document.getElementById('files_' + torrent_id); var filelist_path = file_box.getElementsByClassName('filelist_path')[0]; if (filelist_path.innerHTML){ = filelist_path.innerHTML.replace(/\//g, '').trim(); } else { var h2 = document.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0]; = h2.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].textContent; 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for (i = 0; i < movie_as.length; i++) { if (movie_as[i].href.match(/ { raw_info.tvdb_url = '' + movie_as[i].href.split('?').pop(); } if (movie_as[i].href.match(/ { raw_info.url = ('' + movie_as[i].innerHTML).replace(/tttt/, 'tt'); } if (movie_as[i].href.match(/ { raw_info.tmdb_url = movie_as[i].href.split('?').pop(); } } if (raw_info.url && all_sites_show_douban) { getData(raw_info.url, function(data){ console.log(data); if ( { var score = + '分'; if (!score.replace('分', '')) score = '暂无评分'; if ( score += `|${}人`; $('').append(`<span> | </span><a href="${douban_prex}${}" target="_blank">${' ')[0]}[${score}]</a>`); $('').text( /g, '')); } }); } raw_info.torrent_url = $(`a[href*="download/torrent"]:last`).attr('href'); } if (origin_site == 'HDT'){ var descr = document.getElementById('technicalInfoHideShowTR'); descr = descr.cloneNode(true); descr = walkDOM(descr); var reg_img = descr.match(/\[url=.*?]\[img\].*?\[\/img\]/ig); if (reg_img) { var quoted = false; reg_img.forEach(item=>{ if (descr.indexOf(item) >30 && !quoted) { var replace_str = '[/quote]\n\n' + item; raw_info.descr = '[quote]{descr}\n\n'.format({'descr': descr.replace(item, replace_str)}); quoted = true; } }); } else{ raw_info.descr = '[quote]{descr}\n[/quote]\n\n'.format({'descr': raw_info.descr}); } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace("Torrent:", "").replace("Quote:", ""); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace("Torrent:", "").replace("Quote:", "").replace(/\[\/?font.*?\]/g, ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/^\[quote\][\s\S]*?(DISC Info|Disc Title)/i, '[quote]$1'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[img\]https:\/\/hd-torrents\.org\/images\/.*\/.*.gif\[\/img\]|-\(SCREENSHOTS\)-/g, ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace('[img][/img]', ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[font=consolas\].*KRaLiMaRKo wishes you lots of fun! Don't forget to keep seeding[\s\S]*$/, ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/[\n ]*\[\/quote\]/gi, '[/quote]'); var quotes = '', mediainfo = ''; var imgs = ''; var imginfo = ''; quotes = raw_info.descr.match(/\[quote[\s\S]*?\[\/quote\]/g); mediainfo = quotes[quotes.length-1]; raw_info.mediainfo_cmct = mediainfo; raw_info.mediainfo_cmct = mediainfo.replace(/\[.?quote.*?\]/ig, ''); imgs = raw_info.descr.match(/\[url=.*?\] *\[img\].*?\[\/img\] *\[\/url\]/g); //从0开始,海报不在上述匹配模式里 if (imgs) { for (i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { if (!imgs[i].match(/(kralimarko)/i)) { imginfo += imgs[i] + '\n'; } } } raw_info.imgs_cmct = imginfo; if (raw_info.url && all_sites_show_douban) { getData(raw_info.url, function(data){ console.log(data); if ( { $container = $('.imdbnew2'); var score = + '分'; if (!score.replace('分', '')) score = '暂无评分'; if ( score += `|${}人`; $container.find('a:eq(0)').after($(`<span><font size="3"><b> | </b></font></span><a href="${douban_prex}${}" target="_blank"><font size="3"><b>${' ')[0]}[${score}]</b></font></a>`)); console.log($container.find('strong:contains(Plot)')[2]); $container.find('strong:contains(Plot)').last().html(`<br><br> ${ /g, '')}<br><br> 演员:${}`); $container.find('div').find('span').text( /g, '')); } }); } raw_info.torrent_url = '' + $('a[href*="download.php"]').attr('href'); } if (origin_site == 'MTV'){ = $(`a[data-torrentid="${torrent_id}"]`).text(); var mediainfo = $(`#content${torrent_id}`).find('div.mediainfo').text(); img_info = ''; $(`#content${torrent_id}`).find('a').has('img').each((index, e)=>{ if ($(e).find('img').attr('data-src') !== undefined) { var img = '[url={i}][img]{g}[/img][/url] '.format({'i': $(e).attr('href'), 'g': $(e).find('img').attr('data-src')}); } if ($(e).find('img').attr('src') !== undefined) { var img = '[url={i}][img]{g}[/img][/url] '.format({'i': $(e).attr('href'), 'g': $(e).find('img').attr('src')}); } img_info += img; }); $(`#content${torrent_id}`).find('img').each((index, e)=>{ if ($(e).attr('data-src') !== undefined) { var img = '[img]{g}[/img] '.format({'g': $(e).attr('data-src')}); 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} if (origin_site == 'CG') { if (raw_info.url && all_sites_show_douban) { getData(raw_info.url, function(data){ console.log(data); if ({ = '//' +, '%3A').replace(/\//g, '%2F'); $('td:contains(Tagline)').last().parent().before(`<tr><td align=right style="font-weight: bold;" class="rowhead">豆瓣</td><td id="douban_info"></td></tr>`); add_douban_info_table($('#douban_info'), 150, data); } }); } raw_info.torrent_name = $('#torrent_details').parent().find('a[href*="download.php"]').text().trim(); raw_info.torrent_url = '' + $('#torrent_details').parent().find('a[href*="download.php?id="]').attr('href'); } if (origin_site == 'BHD'){ var mediainfo_box = $('div[id*="stats-full"]')[0]; var code_box = mediainfo_box.getElementsByTagName('code')[0]; var mediainfo = code_box.textContent.trim(); var picture_info = document.getElementsByClassName('decoda-image'); var img_urls = ''; for (i = 0; i < picture_info.length; i++){ img_urls += '[url='+ picture_info[i].parentNode.href +'][img]' + picture_info[i].src + '[/img][/url] '; 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if ( { var score = + '分'; if (!score.replace('分', '')) score = '暂无评分'; if ( score += `|${}人`; $('h1.bhd-title-h1').append(`<span> | </span><a href="${douban_prex}${}" target="_blank" style="display: inline; width: auto; border-bottom: 0px !important; text-decoration: none; color: #d3d3d3; font-weight: bold;">${' ')[0]}[${score}]</a>`); if ( &&[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/)) { $('').text( /g, '')); } } }); } raw_info.torrent_url = $('a[href*="me/download"][role=button]').attr('href'); } if (origin_site == 'BLU' || origin_site == 'Tik' || origin_site == 'Aither') { var mediainfo = ''; try { mediainfo = $('code[x-ref="mediainfo"]').text().trim(); if (!mediainfo) { mediainfo = $('code[x-ref="bdinfo"]').text().trim(); } raw_info.descr = `[quote]\n${mediainfo}\n[/quote]`; } catch (err) {} = $('h1.torrent__name').text().trim(); raw_info.type = $('li.torrent__category').text().get_type(); var img_urls = ''; try { var picture_info = $('h2.panel__heading:contains("Description")').parent().next()[0].getElementsByTagName('img'); for (i = 0; i < picture_info.length; i++){ if (picture_info[i].parentNode.href){ img_urls += '[url='+ picture_info[i].parentNode.href +'][img]' + picture_info[i].src + '[/img][/url] '; } else { img_urls += '[img]' + picture_info[i].src + '[/img] '; } } } catch (err) {} img_urls = img_urls.replace(/https:\/\/\/\?n=-1&url=/g, ''); var vob_info = ''; if ($('summary').length && raw_info.descr.match(/IFO/)) { try{ $('details').has('pre').map((index,e)=>{ var info = $(e).find('code')[0].innerHTML; console.log(index, info) if (info.match(/Overall bit rate|Stream size|Format version/)){ vob_info = info; vob_info = vob_info.replace(/<br>/g, '\n'); vob_info = vob_info.replace(/<div.*?>/, '[quote]'); vob_info = vob_info.replace(/<\/div>/, '[/quote]\n\n'); vob_info = vob_info.replace(/<\/?pre>/g, ''); vob_info = vob_info.replace(/ /g, ' '); } }) } catch (err) { vob_info = '' } } else { vob_info = '' } raw_info.descr += '\n\n' + vob_info + img_urls; if (raw_info.url && all_sites_show_douban) { getData(raw_info.url, function(data){ if ( { var score = + '分'; if (!score.replace('分', '')) score = '暂无评分'; if ( score += `|${}人`; $('h1.meta__title').append(`<span> | </span><a href="${douban_prex}${}" target="_blank" style="display: inline; width: auto; border-bottom: 0px !important; text-decoration: none; color: #d3d3d3; font-weight: bold;">${' ')[0]}[${score}]</a>`); if ( && < 700) { $('p.meta__description').text( /g, '')); } } }); } raw_info.torrent_url = $('a[href*="torrents/download"]').attr('href'); } if (['ACM', 'HDOli', 'JPTV', 'Monika', 'DTR'].indexOf(origin_site) > -1) { var mediainfo_lack = false; try { var mediainfo_box = document.getElementsByClassName('slidingDiv')[0]; var code_box = mediainfo_box.getElementsByTagName('code')[0]; var mediainfo = code_box.textContent.trim(); } catch (err) { mediainfo_lack = true; } if (mediainfo_lack && (origin_site == 'Monika' || origin_site == 'DTR')) { mediainfo = $('pre[class="decoda-code"]').eq(0).text(); mediainfo_lack = false; } var picture_boxes = document.getElementsByClassName('panel panel-chat shoutbox'); 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var img_urls = ''; for (i = 0; i < picture_info.length; i++){ if (picture_info[i].parentNode.href){ img_urls += '[url='+ picture_info[i].parentNode.href +'][img]' + picture_info[i].src + '[/img][/url] '; } else { img_urls += '[img]' + picture_info[i].src + '[/img] '; } } picture_info = img_urls; raw_info.mediainfo_cmct = mediainfo; raw_info.imgs_cmct = img_urls; raw_info.descr = '[quote]' + mediainfo + '[/quote]\n\n' + vob_info + picture_info; if (raw_info.url && all_sites_show_douban) { getData(raw_info.url, function(data){ console.log(data); if ( { var score = + '分'; if (!score.replace('分', '')) score = '暂无评分'; if ( score += `|${}人`; $('').append(`<span> | </span><a href="${douban_prex}${}" target="_blank" style="display: inline; width: auto; border-bottom: 0px !important; text-decoration: none; color: #d3d3d3; font-weight: bold;">${' ')[0]}[${score}]</a>`); $(',').text( /g, '')); if (origin_site == 'DTR') { $('h1.movie__title').append(`<span> | </span><a href="${douban_prex}${}" target="_blank" style="display: inline; width: auto; border-bottom: 0px !important; text-decoration: none; color: #d3d3d3; font-weight: bold;">${' ')[0]}[${score}]</a>`); $('div.movie__overview').text( /g, '')); } } }); } raw_info.torrent_url = $('a[href*="torrents/download"]').attr('href'); } if (origin_site == 'TorrentLeech') { var mediainfo_box = document.getElementById('nfo_text'); var tmp_box = mediainfo_box.cloneNode(true); var mediainfo = walkDOM(tmp_box); var picture_info = document.getElementsByClassName('galleryContents text-center mt-30')[0]; picture_info = picture_info.getElementsByTagName('img'); var img_urls = ''; try{ for (i = 0; i < picture_info.length; i++){ img_urls += '[url='+ picture_info[i].parentNode.href +'][img]' + picture_info[i].src + '[/img][/url]\n'; } } catch(err) {} picture_info = img_urls; raw_info.mediainfo_cmct = mediainfo; raw_info.imgs_cmct = img_urls; raw_info.descr = '[quote]' + mediainfo + '[/quote]\n\n' + picture_info; raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[img\]https:\/\/i\.ibb\.co.*\.png\[\/img\]/gi, ""); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[img\]https:\/\/i\.imgur\.com.*\.png\[\/img\]/gi, ""); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[img\]https:\/\/i\.imgur\.com.*\.jpg\[\/img\]/gi, ""); img_urls = raw_info.descr.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/ig); var img_info = ''; try{ for (i=0; i<img_urls.length; i++){ if (raw_info.descr.indexOf(img_urls[i])<10){ } else{ raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(img_urls[i], ''); try{img_info += img_urls[i].match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/)[0];}catch(err){} } } } catch (err) {} img_info = img_info.replace(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\]https:\/\/\/i\/38aAB\.png\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/, ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + '\n\n' + img_info; raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[color=.*?\]|\[\/color\]/ig, ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\n\n+/ig, '\n\n'); raw_info.torrent_url = o_site_info.TorrentLeech + $('#detailsDownloadButton').attr('href'); } //----------------------------------------------对国内站点获取的信息进行一些修复------------------------------------------------------- if (origin_site == 'TTG') { raw_info.small_descr ='[')[1].replace(']', ''); raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr.replace('「', ''); raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr.replace('」', ''); ='[')[0]; } if (origin_site == 'FRDS') { var temp = ""; //主副标题互换 temp =; = raw_info.small_descr; raw_info.small_descr = temp; raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr.replace(/免费|50%/g, ""); raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr.trim(); //去除首尾空格 raw_info.medium_sel = 'Encode'; } if (origin_site == 'HDHome' || origin_site == 'MTeam' || origin_site == 'HDRoute' || origin_site == 'OurBits') { raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr.replace(/【|】/g, " "); raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr.replace(/diy/i, "【DIY】"); //DIY图文换序兼顾圆盘补quote var img_info = ''; if ({ var img_urls = raw_info.descr.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/ig); try { for (i=0; i<img_urls.length; i++){ if (raw_info.descr.indexOf(img_urls[i])<10){ } else{ raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(img_urls[i], ''); img_info += img_urls[i].match(/\[img\].*?\[\/img\]/)[0]; } } } catch (Err) {} } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\n{3,10}/g, '\n\n'); //圆盘补quote var tem_str = ""; if (raw_info.descr.match(/DISC.INFO/i)) { var disc_info = raw_info.descr.match(/.*?DISC.INFO/i)[0]; tem_str = raw_info.descr.slice(raw_info.descr.indexOf(disc_info) - 10, raw_info.descr.length); if (!tem_str.match(/quote/i)) { var img_urls = tem_str.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/ig); var t_img_info = ''; try { for (i=0; i<img_urls.length; i++){ raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(img_urls[i], ''); t_img_info += img_urls[i].match(/\[img\].*?\[\/img\]/)[0]; } } catch (err) {} raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(disc_info, `[img][/img]\n\n[quote]\r${disc_info}`); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.trim() + "\r" + "[/quote]\n" + t_img_info; } } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + '\n\n' + img_info; if (raw_info.descr.match(/^(\[img\].*?\[\/img\])\s*(\[quote\][\s\S]*?\[\/quote\])/)) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/^(\[img\].*?\[\/img\])\s*(\[quote\][\s\S]*?\[\/quote\])/, '$2\n\n$1'); } } if (origin_site == 'PTer'){ raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/https:\/\/\/link.php\?sign=.*?&target=/ig, ''); } if (origin_site == 'BYR') { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\n+\t+\n/ig, '\n').replace('Powered by BYRBT Info Clone', ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\t+|\t\n/ig, ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\n\n\t/ig, '\n\t'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\n\n+/ig, '\n\n'); if (raw_info.type == '动漫'){ raw_info.animate_info = document.getElementById("share").textContent; } } if (raw_info.descr.match(/\[quote\]\[quote\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/quote\]\[\/quote\]/)) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[quote\]\[quote\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/quote\]\[\/quote\]/, function(data) { return data.replace(/^\[quote\]/, '\n\n').replace(/\[\/quote\]$/, '\n'); }); } switch (origin_site) { case 'PTer': try { if (!$('a.chs_tag-gy:last').is(":hidden")) { raw_info.labels += 1; } if (!$('a.chs_tag-yy:last').is(":hidden")) { raw_info.labels += 10; } if (!$('a.chs_tag-sub:last').is(":hidden")) { raw_info.labels += 100; } } catch (err) {} break; case 'OurBits': var ob_link = raw_info.origin_url.replace('***', '/'); var search_url = `${raw_info.small_descr}&search_area=0&search_mode=0`; getDoc(search_url, null, function(doc) { $('.torrentname', doc).map((index, e) => { ob_url = $(e).find('a:first').attr('href'); if (ob_link.includes(ob_url)) { if ($(e).find('.tag-gy').length) { raw_info.labels += 1; } if ($(e).find('.tag-zz').length) { raw_info.labels += 100; } } }); rebuild_href(raw_info); }); break; case 'LemonHD': var tr = $('div.tags_block'); if (tr.find('span.tag_gy').length) { raw_info.labels = 1; } if (tr.find('span.tag_yy').length) { raw_info.labels += 10; } if (tr.find('span.tag_zz').length) { raw_info.labels += 100; } break; default: try { var tr = $('td:contains(标签)').last().parent(); if (origin_site == 'CMCT') { tr = $('td:contains(标签)').first().parent(); } if (origin_site == 'HHClub') { tr = $('div:contains(标签)').last().next(); } if (tr.find('span:contains("国语")').length) { raw_info.labels += 1; } if (tr.find('span:contains("粤语")').length || tr.find('span:contains("粤配")').length) { raw_info.labels += 10; } if (tr.find('span:contains("中字")').length) { raw_info.labels += 100; } } catch (err) {} } if (origin_site == 'HDArea'){ let searchIndex =\[quote\]\[color=red\]\[size=2\]\[font=Tahoma\] 本站列出的文件并没有保存在本站的服务器上/); if (searchIndex !== -1) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.slice(0, searchIndex); } let needRemovedStr = '\n HDARAEA详情页 \n\n'; if (raw_info.descr.startsWith(needRemovedStr)) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.slice(needRemovedStr.length); } } if (origin_site == 'CMCT' || origin_site == 'NanYang' || origin_site == 'CHDBits') { =\d\.\d\/10.*$/g, ''); } if (raw_info.type == '动漫') { if (['PTer', 'PThome', 'HDHome', 'HDDolby'].indexOf(origin_site) > -1) { var bookmark = document.getElementById('bookmark0'); while (bookmark.previousElementSibling) { bookmark = bookmark.previousElementSibling; if (bookmark.nodeName == 'A') { raw_info.torrentName = bookmark.textContent.replace('.torrent', ''); break; } } } } if ( { raw_info.audiocodec_sel =; } if (raw_info.type == '音乐' && raw_info.small_descr.match(/WEB/)) { raw_info.medium_sel = 'WEB-DL'; } if (origin_site != 'U2') { = deal_with_title(; } raw_info.small_descr = deal_with_subtitle(raw_info.small_descr); raw_info.descr = add_thanks(raw_info.descr); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[quote\].*?转自.*?感谢.*?\[\/quote\]/, ''); if (origin_site == 'Audiences') { if ($('span[class="tags tdh"]').length) { raw_info.type = "动漫"; } } if (raw_info.type == '音乐' && raw_info.descr.match(/视频码率|VideoCode/i)) { raw_info.type = 'MV'; } if ((!raw_info.torrent_name || raw_info.torrent_name.match(/undefined/)) && { raw_info.torrent_name = /g, '.').replace(/\*/g, '') + '.torrent'; raw_info.torrent_name = raw_info.torrent_name.replace(/\.\.+/g, '.'); } raw_info.torrent_name = raw_info.torrent_name.replace('#', '').replace(':', '.'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n').replace('', '').replace('', ''); if ($('td:contains(下載鏈接)').length) { raw_info.torrent_url = used_site_info[origin_site].url + $('td:contains(下載鏈接)').next().find('a').attr('href'); } console.log(raw_info.torrent_name); console.log(raw_info.torrent_url); if (remote_server !== null) { init_remote_server_button(); } //获取跳转的字符串 var jump_str = dictToString(raw_info); //添加ptgen跳转 if (raw_info.url == ''){ raw_info.url = match_link('imdb', raw_info.descr); } if (raw_info.dburl == ''){ raw_info.dburl = match_link('douban', raw_info.descr); } if (raw_info.dburl && !raw_info.url) { getDoc(raw_info.dburl, null, function(doc){ if ($('#info', doc).text().match(/tt\d+/)) { raw_info.url = '' + $('#info', doc).text().match(/tt\d+/)[0] + '/'; reBuildHref(raw_info, forward_r); } }); } /***************************************************************************************************************** * part 4 源网页转发跳转及功能部署 * ******************************************************************************************************************/ var forward_l, forward_r; if (['PTP', 'MTV', 'UHD', 'HDF', 'RED', 'BTN', 'jpop', 'GPW', 'HD-Only', 'SC', 'ANT', 'lztr', 'DICMusic', 'OPS', 'TVV', 'SugoiMusic', 'HHClub'].indexOf(origin_site) > -1) { forward_r = insert_row.insertCell(0); forward_r.colSpan="5"; = '12px'; = '10px'; = '10px'; if (origin_site != 'HHClub' || no_need_douban_button_sites.indexOf('HHClub') < 0) { forward_l = search_row.insertCell(0); forward_l.colSpan="5"; } else { = '0px'; = '0px'; = '60px'; = 'none'; } if (origin_site == 'MTV') { forward_r.colSpan="6"; forward_l.colSpan="6";} if (no_need_douban_button_sites.indexOf(origin_site) < 0) { init_buttons_for_transfer(forward_l, origin_site, 1, raw_info); } } else if (origin_site == 'HUDBT') { forward_r = dd; } else { forward_l = insert_row.insertCell(0); forward_r = insert_row.insertCell(1); if (origin_site == 'xthor' || origin_site == 'FileList' || origin_site == 'HDB' || origin_site == 'HDRoute') { = '80px'; = '10px'; = '10px'; = '12px'; if (origin_site == 'HDB'){ = '12px'; = '12px'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; } } else if (origin_site == 'OpenCD') { forward_r.colSpan="4"; } forward_l.innerHTML = "转发种子"; forward_l.valign = "top"; if (origin_site != 'MTeam') = "bold"; if ((!judge_if_the_site_in_domestic() && no_need_douban_button_sites.indexOf(origin_site) < 0) || douban_button_needed) { var direct; 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site_href = upload_url + separator + encodeURI(jump_str);, '_blank'); return; } }); } else if (site == 'GPW') { if (search_mode == 0 || if_exclusive) { return; } if (raw_info.url){ var url = '' + raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: function(res) { var upload_url = ''; if (res.responseText.match(/upload.php\?groupid=\d+/)) { upload_url += '?group' + res.responseText.match(/upload.php\?group(id=\d+)/)[1]; } jump_str = dictToString(raw_info); site_href = upload_url + separator + encodeURI(jump_str);, '_blank'); return; } }); } else { var url = '' + search_name; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: function(res) { var upload_url = ''; if (res.responseText.match(/group_movie_title_a.*id=\d+/)) { upload_url += '?group' + res.responseText.match(/group_movie_title_a.*(id=\d+)/)[1]; } jump_str = dictToString(raw_info); site_href = upload_url + separator + encodeURI(jump_str);, '_blank'); return; } }); } } else if (site == 'KG') { if (search_mode == 0 || if_exclusive) { return; 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return; } } else {, '_blank'); } } else {, '_blank'); } } } else { var key; for (key in used_common_sites){ if (origin_site != used_common_sites[key] && typeof(used_common_sites[key]) == "string"){ var site_href = document.getElementById(used_common_sites[key]).href; site_href = decodeURI(site_href).split(separator)[0] + separator + encodeURI(jump_str); if (used_common_sites[key] == "影") { info = if_ying_allowed(); if (info.length) { if (confirm(`转发该资源可能违反站点以下规则:\n${info.join('\n')}\n具体细节请查看站点规则页面。\n是否仍继续发布?`)) {, '_blank'); } } else {, '_blank'); } } else {, '_blank'); } } } } } if (['UHD', 'FileList', 'RED', 'TJUPT', 'HDB', 'PTsbao', 'HD-Only'].indexOf(origin_site) > -1) { $('.forward_a').click(function(e){ if (['KG', 'PTP', 'HDCity', 'BTN', 'GPW', 'common_link', 'SC', 'avz', 'PHD', 'CNZ', 'TVV', 'ANT', 'NBL', 'CarPt'].indexOf( > -1) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (if_exclusive && search_mode) { return; } if (search_mode == 0) {, '_blank'); return; } if (origin_site == 'UHD' && uhd_lack_descr){ var tmp_name = raw_info.descr.match(/movie name.*?:(.*)/i); 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} } if (api_chosen < 3) { getJson(apis[api_chosen] + url_to_search, null, function(res){ console.log(res) if (api_chosen == 0) { var douban_info = !res.msg ? : ""; } else { douban_info = !res.error ? res.format: ""; } douban_info = douban_info.replace("[/img][/center]", "[/img]"); douban_info = douban_info.replace("", ""); if (douban_info != '') { raw_info.descr = douban_info + '\n\n' + raw_info.descr; var thanks = raw_info.descr.match(/\[quote\].*?感谢原制作者发布。.*?\[\/quote\]/); if (thanks) { raw_info.descr = thanks[0] + '\n' + raw_info.descr.replace(thanks[0], ''); } if (is_douban_needed && raw_info.descr.match(/http(s*):\/\/\/title\/tt(\d+)/i)){ raw_info.url = raw_info.descr.match(/http(s*):\/\/\/title\/tt(\d+)/i)[0] + '/'; } if (raw_info.descr.match(/类[\s\S]{0,5}别[\s\S]{0,30}纪录片/i)) { raw_info.type = '纪录'; } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/类[\s\S]{0,5}别[\s\S]{0,30}动画/i)) { raw_info.type = '动漫'; } set_jump_href(raw_info, 1); jump_str = dictToString(raw_info); douban_button.value = '获取成功'; try { $('#textarea').val(douban_info); } catch(err) {} GM_setClipboard(douban_info); rebuild_href(raw_info); } else { douban_button.value = '获取失败'; } }); } else { get_douban_info(raw_info); } }) .catch(function(err){ douban_button.value = '获取失败'; if (raw_info.dburl) {, target="_blank"); } else if (raw_info.url) {`${raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]}&cat=1002`, target="_blank"); } console.log(err); }); }, false); search_button.addEventListener('click', function() { var search_name = get_search_name(; if (raw_info.type == '剧集'){ if (\d+/i)){ var number = parseInt(\d+)/i)[1]); if (number != 1 ) { search_name = search_name + ' Season ' + number; } } } if (raw_info.zh_name) { search_name = raw_info.zh_name; } if ($('#douban_api').prop('checked')){ const url_prex = ''; var search_url = url_prex + search_name; var textarea = document.getElementById('textarea'); getJson(search_url, null, function(data){ if (data.length > 0) { textarea.value = `搜索的影视名称为:${}\n`; for(i=0;i<data.length;i++){ textarea.value += `${data[i].sub_title}---${data[i].title}: ${douban_prex}${data[i].id}/\n`; } } else { textarea.value += "暂时没有搜索结果!!"; } }); } else { var search_url = '' + search_name; if (raw_info.type == '电影' && raw_info.url){ search_url = '' + raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]; }, target='_blank'); } }, false); ptgen_button.addEventListener('click', function(){ var tmp_url = document.getElementById('input_box').value; create_site_url_for_douban_info(raw_info, true).then(function(data){ if (raw_info.dburl){ tmp_url = raw_info.dburl.match(/subject\/(\d+)/i)[1]; } else{ tmp_url = tmp_url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]; } url = host_link + '#ptgen?' + tmp_url;, '_blank'); }, function() { url = host_link + '#ptgen?' + tmp_url.match(/tt\d+/)[0];, '_blank'); }); }, false); } add_picture_transfer(); $('#get_img').click((e)=>{ if (origin_site == 'TTG') { descr = document.getElementById('kt_d'); descr_box = descr.cloneNode(true); raw_info.descr = walkDOM(descr_box); } else if (origin_site == 'TJUPT' || origin_site == 'PTsbao') { descr = document.getElementById("kdescr"); descr = descr.cloneNode(true); raw_info.descr = ''; raw_info.descr = walkDOM(descr); } GM_setValue("descr", raw_info.descr); }); $('#search_type').on('change', function(){ if (this.checked) { search_mode = 0; set_jump_href(raw_info, 0); } else { search_mode = 1; set_jump_href(raw_info, 1); } }) if ($('#transfer_ptp').length) { $('#transfer_ptp')[0].addEventListener('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var img_url = raw_info.images.join(','); if (!raw_info.images.length) { img_url=prompt("请输入图片链接,多图用英文逗号隔开",""); } if (img_url.match(/https?:\/\/.*?(jpg|png|webp)/)) { ptp_send_images(img_url.split(','), used_ptp_img_key) .then(function(new_urls){ new_urls = new_urls.toString().split(',').join('\n'); GM_setClipboard(new_urls); alert("图片链接已成功复制到粘贴板,直接粘贴即可!!"); }).catch(function(err){ alert(err); }); } else { alert('请输入图片地址!!'); } }, false); } if (origin_site == 'DICMusic') { var html = $('#forward_r').html(); html = html.replace(`<font color="green">Tools →</font>`, '<blockquote style="margin-right:200px"><font color="green">Tools →</font>'); html = html.replace(`签到</a><br>`, '签到</a></blockquote>'); html = html.replace(`查重 `, '查重 <div></div>') $('#forward_r').html(html); } } /***************************************************************************************************************** * part 5 发布页数据逻辑处理 * ******************************************************************************************************************/ else if (judge_if_the_site_as_source() == 0) { var upload_site = site_url.split(separator)[0]; //转发的站点 var forward_site = find_origin_site(upload_site); var transfer_mode = 0; // 0表示直接转,1表示候选 if (upload_site.match(/offers?.php/)) { transfer_mode = 1; } raw_info = stringToDict(site_url.split(separator)[1]); //将弄回来的字符串转成字典 if ($('td:contains(你没有发布种子的权限)').length || $('p:contains("对不起你暂没有发布种子的权限")').length || $('td:contains(请提交候选)').length || $('a[href="?add_offer=1"]').length || $('h1:contains("候选区")').length) { if (forward_site == "CMCT") { upload_site = upload_site.replace('upload.php', 'upload.php?offer=1'); 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} if (raw_info.codec_sel == 'H264' && { raw_info.codec_sel = 'X264'; } if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'Encode' && { raw_info.medium_sel = 'WEB-DL'; } //副标题加上原盘版本信息 if (check_descr(raw_info.descr) && !|@|remux)/i) && judge_forward_site_in_domestic(forward_site)){ if (blurayVersion( && raw_info.small_descr.indexOf(blurayVersion(【|】/g, '')) < 0){ raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr +' '+ blurayVersion(; } } if (raw_info.golden_torrent == "true") { raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr +' | '+ 'PTP Golden Popcorn'; } //对类别做出简单修正 if (raw_info.descr.match(/类[\s\S]{0,5}别[\s\S]{0,30}纪录片/i)) { raw_info.type = '纪录'; } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/类[\s\S]{0,5}别[\s\S]{0,30}动画/i)) { if (forward_site == 'PTer') { raw_info.type = '动漫'; } else if (raw_info.type == '电影' && ['HUDBT', 'MTeam', 'TLFbits', 'HD4FANS', 'PuTao', 'TJUPT', 'NanYang', 'BYR', 'TTG'].indexOf(forward_site) < 0) { raw_info.type = '动漫'; } } if (forward_site == "HDSky") { var tmp_small_descr = raw_info.small_descr.split('| 类别:'); 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raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr + `[${parseInt(number)}集全]`; } } } if (\d+)/i)) { if (\d+)-ep?(\d+)/i)) { [ep1, ep2] =\d+)-ep?(\d+)/i).slice(1,3); raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr + ` [第${parseInt(ep1)}-${parseInt(ep2)}集]`; } else { var episode =\d+)/i).pop(); raw_info.small_descr = raw_info.small_descr + ` [第${parseInt(episode)}集]`; } } } if (['RED', 'jpop', 'lztr','DICMusic', 'OPS', 'SugoiMusic'].indexOf(raw_info.origin_site) > -1) { =\*/g, ''); if (raw_info.tracklist) { raw_info.tracklist = '[quote=Tracklist]' + raw_info.tracklist + '[/quote]'; } else { raw_info.tracklist = ''; } if (raw_info.log_info){ raw_info.log_info = '\n\n[hide]' + raw_info.log_info + '[/hide]\n\n'; } else { raw_info.log_info = ''; } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr + raw_info.log_info + raw_info.tracklist; } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\%2F/g, '/'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\%3A/g, ':'); //-------------------------------------数据填充到指定位置-------------------------------------- if (forward_site == 'OpenCD') { var info = { "大陆": "1","欧美": "2","港台": "3","日韩": "4","其它地区": "5","流行(Pop)": "6", "发烧(HiFi)": "7","汽车(garage)": "8","古典(Classical)": "9","民族(National)": "10", "摇滚(rock)": "11","原声(OST)": "12","民间(Folk)": "13","乡村(Country)": "14", "天籁(Soul)": "15","新世纪(NewAge)": "16","蓝调(Blues)": "17","爵士(Jazz)": "18", "金属(Metal)": "19","朋克(Punk)": "20","电子(Electronic)": "21","儿童(Children's)": "22", "宗教(Religion)": "23","雷鬼(Reggae)": "24","贝斯(Drum Bass)": "25","说唱(Rap)": "26","音乐剧(musical)": "27" }; var type_dict = { "electronic": "电子(Electronic)", "blues": "蓝调(Blues)", "blues": "蓝调(Blues)", "rhythm.and.blues": "蓝调(Blues)", "classical": "古典(Classical)", "country": "乡村(Country)", "folk": "民间(Folk)", "drum.and.bass": "贝斯(Drum Bass)", "jazz": "爵士(Jazz)", "new.age": "新世纪(NewAge)", "soul": "天籁(Soul)", "modern.classical": "古典(Classical)", "": "汽车(garage)", "garage.rock": "汽车(garage)", "reggae": "雷鬼(Reggae)", "hip.hop": "嘻哈(Hip Hop)", "instrumental": "器乐(Instrumental)", "indie": "独立(Indie)", "japanese": "日韩", "korean": "日韩", "chinese": "大陆", "thai": "其他地区", "dance": "舞曲(Dance)","english": "欧美", "soundtrack": "原声(OST)", 'score.ost': "原声(OST)", "america": "欧美", "OST": "原声(OST)", } console.log(raw_info) =; if (raw_info.origin_site == 'OPS') { =–/g, '-'); } var info_text ='*'); var author_name = info_text[0]; var music_name = '待填'; if (author_name.split('-').length > 1) { music_name = author_name.split('-').pop().trim(); } var year = ''; if (|20)\d+/)){ year =|20)\d+/)[0]; music_name = music_name.split(year)[0].trim(); } var author =[0].replace(/-( *)?$/, '').trim(); if (raw_info.json !== undefined) { raw_info.json = JSON.parse(raw_info.json); console.log(raw_info.json); var group = raw_info.json['response']['group']; var torrent = raw_info.json['response']['torrent']; if (group.artists) { raw_info.music_author = Array.from(>{ return; })).join(' & '); } raw_info.music_name ="/g, ''); music_name ="/g, ''); if (group.tags) { raw_info.music_type = group.tags.join(','); } raw_info.small_descr = torrent['format'] + ' / ' + torrent['encoding'] + ' / ' + torrent['media']; if (torrent.logScore !== undefined && torrent.logScore > 0) { raw_info.small_descr += ` / Log (${torrent.logScore}%)` } if (torrent.hasCue !== undefined && torrent.hasCue) { raw_info.small_descr += ` / Cue` } } $('#yadg_input').wait(function(){ $('#yadg_input').val(music_name); $('#yadg_input').parentsUntil('table').last().css({"margin-left": "0.5%", "width": "99%"}); $('#yadg_input').parentsUntil('table').find('tr').map((index,e)=>{ $(e).find('td:first').css({"border-left": "none"}); $(e).find('td:last').css({"border-right": "none"}); }); }); if (['RED', 'jpop', 'lztr','DICMusic', 'OPS', 'SugoiMusic'].indexOf(raw_info.origin_site) > -1) { if (raw_info.origin_site == 'RED') { try{ raw_info.music_type = raw_info.descr.match(/标签: (.*)/)[1].split(' | '); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/标签: (.*)/, ''); } catch(err) {} } else { raw_info.music_type = raw_info.music_type.split(','); } try{ var music_type = [];>{ if (item.match(/pop/) && music_type.indexOf("流行(Pop)") < 0) { music_type.push("流行(Pop)"); } if (item.match(/rock/) && music_type.indexOf("摇滚(rock)") < 0) { music_type.push("摇滚(rock)"); } if (item.match(/punk/) && music_type.indexOf("朋克(Punk)") < 0) { music_type.push("朋克(Punk)"); } if (item.match(/Metal/i) && music_type.indexOf("金属(Metal)") < 0) { music_type.push("金属(Metal)"); } if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(item) && music_type.indexOf(type_dict[item]) < 0) { music_type.push(type_dict[item]); } if (item.match(/alternative/) && music_type.indexOf("另类(Alternative)") < 0) { music_type.push("另类(Alternative)"); } if (item.match(/ && music_type.indexOf("世界音乐(World)") < 0) { music_type.push("世界音乐(World)"); } }); raw_info.music_type = music_type; } catch(err) {} var name_dict = { "RED": 'Redacted', 'OPS': 'Orpheus', 'jpop': 'Jpopsuki', 'DICMusic': 'DICMusic', 'lztr': 'LzTr', 'SugoiMusic': 'SugoiMusic' } $('#frname').val(name_dict[raw_info.origin_site]); } if (raw_info.origin_site == 'jpop') { =\d{4} \d{2} \d{2}/, function(data) { return data.split(' ')[0]; }); } if (forward_site == 'OpenCD') { raw_info.music_media += raw_info.small_descr + (raw_info.file_list? raw_info.file_list: ''); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.split(/\[b\]\[color=green\]\[size=3\]本站提供的所有影视/)[0].trim(); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/ \n \n/g, ' \n'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(raw_info.tracklist, ''); =|Single)$/, ''); $('#artist').val(raw_info.music_author || author); $('#year').val(year); $('#browsecat').val(408); $('#resource_name').val(raw_info.music_name || music_name); $('#share_rule').val(3); $(`#name`).parent().parent().after(`<tr> <td class="rowhead nowrap rowtitle">豆瓣搜索:</td> <td><input id="douban"/></td> <td><input id="douban_button" type="button" value="搜索"></td> </tr>`); $('#douban').val(music_name); $('#douban_button').click(()=>{`${$('#douban').val()}&cat=1003`, '_blank'); }) try { var poster = raw_info.descr.match(/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/)[1].trim(); $('#cover').after(`<img style="max-width:200px; margin-top:5px;" src=${poster} />`); setTimeout(function () { addPoster(poster, forward_site); }, 2000); } catch (err) { console.log(err) } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/^\[img\].*?\[\/img\]([\n\s]*)/, ''); function add_log(name, log_txt, index) { log_txt = log_txt.replace(/^\n{0,5}\[hide\]/, '').replace(/\[\/hide\]/, '').replace(/^Score.*?\(max 100\)/, '').trim(); var fileData = new Blob([log_txt], { type: "text/plain" }); var fileName = `${name}-${index+1}.log`; console.log(log_txt) var fileInput = $('input[name*=nfo1]:last')[0]; let container = new DataTransfer(); const files = new window.File([fileData], fileName, { type: 'text/plain' }); container.items.add(files); fileInput.files = container.files; } if (raw_info.log_info !== '' && raw_info.log_info) { raw_info.log_info = raw_info.log_info.split('==logs=='); add_log(, raw_info.log_info[0], 0); if (raw_info.log_info.length > 1) { for (var index = 1; index < raw_info.log_info.length; index++) { $('#nfoadd').click(); add_log(, raw_info.log_info[index], index); } } } if (raw_info.music_media) { raw_info.music_media += raw_info.edition_info ? raw_info.edition_info: ''; var media_selected = false; var standard_selected = false; $('#standard>option').map((index,e)=>{ if (!standard_selected && (raw_info.music_media + raw_info.small_descr).toUpperCase().match(e.innerText)) { $(`#standard>option:eq(${index})`).attr('selected', true); standard_selected = true; } }); $('#medium>option').map((index,e)=>{ if (!media_selected && (raw_info.music_media + raw_info.small_descr).toUpperCase().match(e.innerText.toUpperCase())) { $(`#medium>option:eq(${index})`).attr('selected', true); media_selected = true; } }); if (raw_info.music_media.match(/整轨/)){ $('#audio_mode').val('single'); } else if (raw_info.music_media.match(/分轨/) || $('#standard').val() == 4){ $('#audio_mode').val('multi'); } else { $('#audio_mode').val('none'); } if ($('#medium').val() == "1") { var dict_cd = { "LPCD": "4", "HDCD": "5", "SACD": "6", "SRCD": "7", "K2CD": "8", "HQCD": "16", "XRCD": "17", "SHM-CD": "18" }; for (key in dict_cd) { var reg = new RegExp(key, 'i'); if (raw_info.music_media.match(reg)) { $('#medium').val(dict_cd[key]); } } } } $('#team').val('5'); var source_selected = false; if (['RED', 'jpop', 'lztr','DICMusic', 'OPS', 'SugoiMusic'].indexOf(raw_info.origin_site) > -1) { $('a.tag:contains("大陆")').wait(function(){>{ var source = $(`a.tag:contains(${item})`); if (item == "贝斯(Drum Bass)") { source = $(`a.tag[value="25"]`); } if (source.length) { addTag(source); } if (!source_selected) { if (item == '摇滚(rock)') { item = '摇滚(Rock)'; } if ($(`#source>option:contains(${item})`).length) { $(`#source>option:contains(${item})`).attr('selected', true); source_selected = true; } } }) }); } try{ if (raw_info.tracklist) { raw_info.tracklist = raw_info.tracklist.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, function(data) { if (data.match(/url/)) { return data; } else { return ''; } }).trim(); $('textarea[name="track_list"]').val(raw_info.tracklist.replace(/\.(flac|wav)/g, '')); $('#descr').wait(function(){ $('#descr').val(raw_info.tracklist); $('#descr').parent().append(`<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="#" id="file2descr"><font color="red">从简介导入</font></a>`); $('#file2descr').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); $('#descr').val(raw_info.descr); }); }); } else { var track_list = raw_info.descr.match(/0?1(\.|\))[\s\S]*\d+.*(\n|$)/)[0]; $('textarea[name="track_list"]').val(track_list); } } catch(err) {} try{ if (raw_info.musicspectrum !== null) { $('#spectrogram').val(raw_info.musicspectrum); } } catch(err) {} try{ if (raw_info.file_list) { $('textarea[name=track_list]').parent().append(`<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="#" id="file2tracklist"><font color="red">从文件列表导入</font></a>`); $('#file2tracklist').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); $('textarea[name=track_list]').val(`[b]Tracklist[/b]\n` + raw_info.file_list.replace(/\.flac|\.wav/g, '')); }); } } catch (err) {} document.getElementById('audio_mode').dispatchEvent(evt); } else { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/^\[img\].*?\[\/img\]([\n\s]*)/, ''); $('input[name="artists[]"]').val(author); $('input[name="title"]').val(music_name); $('input[name="year"]').val(year); $('input[name=title]').after(`<input type="button" value="搜索" id="search"/>`); $('#search').click(()=>{ var discogs_url = `${music_name}&type=all`;, "_blank"); }); if (raw_info.edition_info) { $('input[name=year]').parent().parent().after(`<tr><td class="nowrap noboder right"><strong>辅助信息</strong></td><td class="nowrap noboder"><input value="${raw_info.edition_info.trim()}" size="60"/></td></tr>`); $('input[name=remaster_year]').val(raw_info.edition_info.match(/\d{4}/)[0]); } if (raw_info.tracklist.match(/https:\/\/\/release\/.*/)) { $('input[name=discogs_url]').val(raw_info.tracklist.match(/https:\/\/\/release\/.*/)[0]); } } } else if (raw_info.origin_site == 'OpenCD') { raw_info.descr += '\n\n' + '[quote]' + raw_info.tracklist + '[/quote]' } if (forward_site == 'OPS') { var announce = $('a:contains(已隐藏你的个人)').attr('href'); if (forward_site == 'OPS') { announce = $('input[value*="announce"]').val(); if (raw_info.releasetype !== undefined) { switch (raw_info.releasetype) { case 'Single': $('#releasetype').val(9); break; case 'Album': $('#releasetype').val(1); break; case 'PV': $('#releasetype').val(11); break; case 'DVD': $('#releasetype').val(21); break; case 'TV-Music': $('#releasetype').val(21); break; case 'TV-Variety': $('#releasetype').val(21); break; case 'TV-Drama': $('#releasetype').val(21); break; case 'Fansubs': $('#releasetype').val(21); break; case 'Pictures': $('#releasetype').val(21); break; } } try { if (!$('#tags').val()) { $('#tags').val(raw_info.music_type.replace(/,/g, ', ')) } } catch (err) {} } addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, announce); function add_extra_info() { $('#artist_tr').before(`<tr class="section_tr"><td class="label">辅助信息:</td><td>${}<br>${raw_info.edition_info}<br>${raw_info.small_descr}</td></tr>`) =; if (raw_info.origin_site == 'OPS') { =–/g, '-'); } var info_text ='*'); var author_name = info_text[0]; var music_name = '待填'; if (author_name.split('-').length > 1) { music_name = author_name.split('-').pop().trim(); } try { raw_info.music_author.split(' & ').forEach((item, index)=>{ if (index == $('input[name="artists[]"]').length) { AddArtistField(); } if (item) { $(`#artist_${index}`).val(item); } }); } catch (Err) {} raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[quote=Tracklist\]/, 'Tracklist\n').replace(/\[\/quote\]/, ''); var year = ''; if (|20)\d+/)){ year =|20)\d+/)[0]; music_name = music_name.split(year)[0].trim(); } var author =[0].replace(/-( *)?$/, '').trim(); $('#yadg_input').wait(function(){ $('#yadg_input').val(music_name); }); if (!$('#artist').val()) { $('#artist').val(raw_info.music_author || author); } if (!$('#year').val()) { $('#year').val(year); } if (!$('#title').val()) { $('#title').val(raw_info.music_name || music_name); } if (raw_info.edition_info && raw_info.edition_info.match(/(19|20)\d{2}/)) { if (!$('#remaster_year').val()) { $('#remaster_year').val(raw_info.edition_info.match(/(19|20)\d{2}/)[0]); } } var media_selected = false; var standard_selected = false; if ($('#format').val() == '---' || !$('#format').val()) { $('#format>option').map((index,e)=>{ if (!standard_selected && (raw_info.music_media + raw_info.small_descr + raw_info.edition_info).toUpperCase().match(e.innerText)) { $(`#format>option:eq(${index})`).attr('selected', true); standard_selected = true; } }); } if ($('#media').val() == '---' || !$('#media').val()) { $('#media>option').map((index,e)=>{ if (!media_selected && (raw_info.music_media + raw_info.small_descr + raw_info.edition_info).toUpperCase().match(e.innerText.toUpperCase())) { $(`#media>option:eq(${index})`).attr('selected', true); media_selected = true; } }); } if ($('#bitrate').val() == '---' || !$('#bitrate').val()) { if ((raw_info.small_descr).match(/24bit Lossless/)) { $('#bitrate').val('24bit Lossless'); } else if ((raw_info.small_descr).match(/Lossless/)) { $('#bitrate').val('Lossless'); } else if (raw_info.small_descr.match(/320|256|192|160|128|96|64/)) { $('#bitrate').val(raw_info.small_descr.match(/320|256|192|160|128|96|64/)[0]); } } var poster = raw_info.descr.match(/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/)[1].trim(); if (!$('#image').val()) { $('#image').val(poster); } } if (raw_info.json !== undefined) { var data = JSON.parse(raw_info.json); console.log(data) var group = data['response']['group']; var torrent = data['response']['torrent']; var categories_mapping = { 'Music': 0, 'Applications': 1, 'E-Books': 2, 'Audiobooks': 3, 'E-Learning Videos': 4, 'Comedy': 5, 'Comics': 6 }; var index = 0; if (categories_mapping.hasOwnProperty(group['categoryName'])) { index = categories_mapping[group['categoryName']]; } if (torrent.format) { raw_info.small_descr += torrent.format; } var categories = $('#categories'); if (!group['categoryName']) { group['categoryName'] = 'Music'; } categories.val(index).triggerHandler('change'); WaitForCategory(function() { fillMusicForm(group, torrent); add_extra_info(); setTimeout(function(){ if (group.wikiBody.match(/\<(br|span).*?\>/)) { var tmp_descr = raw_info.descr; raw_info.descr = ''; var wikiBody = $(`<div>${group.wikiBody}</div>`); wikiBody = walkDOM(wikiBody[0]); $('#album_desc').val(wikiBody); raw_info.descr = tmp_descr; } $('#release_desc').val(torrent.description.replace(/ /g, ' ')); if (torrent.encoding == "24bit Lossless") { $('#bitrate').val('24bit Lossless'); } if (group['tags']) { $('#tags').val(Object.values(group['tags']).filter(f => f != "").join(', ')); } }, 2000); }); } else { add_extra_info(); } } if (forward_site == 'RED') { var announce = $('input[value*="announce"]').val(); addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, announce); var JSONReleaseTypes = { '1': 'Album', '3': 'Soundtrack', '5': 'EP', '6': 'Anthology', '7': 'Compilation', '9': 'Single', '11': 'Live album', '13': 'Remix', '14': 'Bootleg', '15': 'Interview', '16': 'Mixtape', '17': 'Sampler', '21': 'Unknown', '22': 'Demo', '23': 'DJ Mix', '24': 'Concert Recording' }; function fillForm(releaseJSON) { var categories = ['Music', 'Applications', 'E-Books', 'Audiobooks', 'E-Learning Videos', 'Comedy', 'Comics']; var category = document.getElementById('categories'); var categoryJSON = parseInt(; var categoryNameJSON =; var categoryIndex = categories.indexOf(categoryNameJSON); if (categoryIndex > -1) { if (categoryIndex != 0) { alert('Currently only Music category torrents are supported. Aborting...'); return; } else { category.selectedIndex = categories.indexOf(categoryNameJSON); } } else { alert('The category name indicated in the JSON (' + categoryNameJSON + ') is not one of the available category types! Aborting...'); return; } switch(categoryIndex) { case 0: var artists = []; var artistRoles = [ {'name': 'artists', 'index': 0}, {'name': 'with', 'index': 1}, {'name': 'composers', 'index': 2}, {'name': 'conductor', 'index': 3}, {'name': 'dj', 'index': 4}, {'name': 'remixedBy', 'index': 5}, {'name': 'producer', 'index': 6}, ]; var artistsJSON =; for (var i = 0, len = artistRoles.length; i < len; i++) { if (artistsJSON[artistRoles[i].name].length == 0) continue; for (var j = 0, lenj = artistsJSON[artistRoles[i].name].length; j < lenj; j++) { artists.push({'name': artistsJSON[artistRoles[i].name][j].name, 'index': artistRoles[i].index}); } } if (artists.length > 0) { var artistInputs = []; artistInputs.length = artists.length; for (i = 0, len = artists.length; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) window.eval('AddArtistField();'); artistInputs[i] = document.getElementById('artist' + (i > 0 ? '_' + i : '')); artistInputs[i].value = artists[i].name; var roles = document.querySelectorAll('td#artistfields > #importance'); roles[i].selectedIndex = artists[i].index; } } else { alert('No artists are included in the JSON!'); } var albumTitle = document.getElementById('title'); var albumTitleJSON =; if (albumTitleJSON != '') { albumTitle.value = albumTitleJSON; } else { alert('No album title is included in the JSON!'); } var initialYear = document.getElementById('year'); var initialYearJSON =; if (initialYearJSON != '') { initialYear.value = initialYearJSON; } else { alert('No initial year is included in the JSON!'); } var releaseType = document.getElementById('releasetype'); var releaseTypes = []; for (i = 0, len = releaseType.options.length; i < len; i++) { releaseTypes.push(releaseType.options[i].textContent.toLowerCase()); } try { var releaseTypeIndexJSON = parseInt(; var releaseTypeNameJSON = JSONReleaseTypes[releaseTypeIndexJSON]; var releaseTypeIndex = releaseTypes.indexOf(releaseTypeNameJSON.toLowerCase()); if (releaseTypeIndex > -1) { releaseType.selectedIndex = releaseTypeIndex; } else { alert('The release type indicated in the JSON (' + releaseTypeNameJSON + ' [' + releaseTypeIndexJSON + ']) ' + 'is not one of the available release types!\n\nManually select the appropriate release type.'); } } catch (err) {} var editionYear = document.getElementById('remaster_year'); var editionTitle = document.getElementById('remaster_title'); var editionLabel = document.getElementById('remaster_record_label'); var editionCatNo = document.getElementById('remaster_catalogue_number'); var edition = releaseJSON.response.torrent.remastered; if (edition) { var editionYearJSON = releaseJSON.response.torrent.remasterYear; var editionTitleJSON = releaseJSON.response.torrent.remasterTitle; var editionLabelJSON = releaseJSON.response.torrent.remasterRecordLabel; var editionCatNoJSON = releaseJSON.response.torrent.remasterCatalogueNumber; } else { editionYearJSON = initialYearJSON editionTitleJSON = ''; editionLabelJSON =; editionCatNoJSON =; } if (editionYearJSON == '') { alert('No edition year is included in the JSON!'); } editionYear.value = editionYearJSON; editionTitle.value = editionTitleJSON; editionLabel.value = editionLabelJSON; editionCatNo.value = editionCatNoJSON; var scene = document.getElementById('scene'); var sceneJSON = releaseJSON.response.torrent.scene; if (sceneJSON) scene.checked = true; var format = document.getElementById('format'); var formats = []; for (i = 0, len = format.options.length; i < len; i++) { formats.push(format.options[i].textContent.toLowerCase()); } var formatJSON = releaseJSON.response.torrent.format; var formatIndex = formats.indexOf(formatJSON.toLowerCase()); if (formatIndex > -1) { format.selectedIndex = formatIndex; } else { alert('The format indicated in the JSON (' + formatJSON + ') ' + 'is not one of the available formats!\n\nManually select the appropriate formats.'); } var bitrate = document.getElementById('bitrate'); var bitrates = []; for (i = 0, len = bitrate.options.length; i < len; i++) { bitrates.push(bitrate.options[i].textContent.toLowerCase()); } var otherBitrate = document.getElementById('other_bitrate'); var otherBitrateVBR = document.getElementById('vbr'); var bitrateJSON = releaseJSON.response.torrent.encoding; var bitrateIndex = bitrates.indexOf(bitrateJSON.toLowerCase()); if (bitrateIndex > -1) { bitrate.selectedIndex = bitrateIndex; } else { bitrate.selectedIndex = bitrates.indexOf('other'); document.getElementById('other_bitrate_span').classList.remove('hidden'); otherBitrate.value = bitrateJSON.replace(/ \(VBR\)$/i, ''); otherBitrateVBR.checked = /.+ \(VBR\)$/i.test(bitrateJSON); } var media = document.getElementById('media'); var medias = []; for (i = 0, len = media.options.length; i < len; i++) { medias.push(media.options[i].textContent.toLowerCase()); } var mediaJSON =; var mediaIndex = medias.indexOf(mediaJSON.toLowerCase()); if (mediaIndex > -1) { media.selectedIndex = mediaIndex; } else { alert('The media indicated in the JSON (' + mediaJSON + ') ' + 'is not one of the available media!\n\nManually select the appropriate media.'); } if (formats[formatIndex] == 'flac' && bitrates[bitrateIndex] == 'lossless' && medias[mediaIndex] == 'cd') { var hasLogJSON = releaseJSON.response.torrent.hasLog; var logs = document.getElementById('upload_logs'); if (hasLogJSON) logs.classList.remove('hidden'); } var tags = document.getElementById('tags'); var tagsJSON =; var tagList = ''; if (tagsJSON.length > 0) { for (i = 0, len = tagsJSON.length; i < len; i++) { tagList += (i > 0 ? ', ' : '') + tagsJSON[i]; } } tags.value = tagList; var image = document.getElementById('image'); var imageJSON =; image.value = imageJSON; var albumDesc = document.getElementById('album_desc'); var albumDescJSON =; if (albumDescJSON != '') { albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<br \/>/g, ''); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/&/g, '&'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/</g, '<'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/>/g, '>'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/"/g, '"'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/'/g, '\''); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/'/g, '\''); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<a href="artist\.php\?artistname=.+?">(.+?)<\/a>/g, '[artist]$1[/artist]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<a href="user\.php\?action=search&search=.+?">(.+?)<\/a>/g, '[user]$1[/user]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<a .+?>(https?:\/\/.+?)<\/a>/g, '$1'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<a .*?href="(https?:\/\/.+?)".*?>(.+?)<\/a>/g, '[url=$1]$2[/url]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<span class="size(\d+)">(.+?)<\/span>/g, '[size=$1]$2[/size]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<span style="font-style: italic;">(.+?)<\/span>/g, '[i]$1[/i]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<ol class="postlist">([\s\S]+?)<\/ol>/g, function(data){ var data = data.replace(/<ol class="postlist">([\s\S]+?)<\/ol>/g, '$1'); data = data.replace(/<li>(.+?)<\/li>/g, '[#]$1\n'); return data; }); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<span style="text-decoration: underline;">(.+?)<\/span>/g, '[u]$1[/u]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">(.+?)<\/span>/g, '[s]$1[/s]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<span style="color: (.+?);">(.+?)<\/span>/g, '[color=$1]$2[/color]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<div style="text-align: (.+?);">(.+?)<\/div>/g, '[align=$1]$2[/align]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace( /<img class="scale_image" onclick="lightbox.init\(this, \$\(this\)\.width\(\)\);" alt="(.+?)" src=".+?">/g, '[img]$1[/img]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace( /<a href="#" onclick="QuoteJump\(event, '(\d+)'\); return false;"><strong class="quoteheader">(.+?)<\/strong> wrote: <\/a><blockquote>(.+?)<\/blockquote>/g, '[quote=$2|$1]$3[/quote]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<strong class="quoteheader">(.+?)<\/strong> wrote: <blockquote>(.+?)<\/blockquote>/g, '[quote=$1]$2[/quote]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<blockquote>([\s\S]+?)<\/blockquote>/g, function(data) { return `[quote]${data.replace(/<blockquote>([\s\S]+?)<\/blockquote>/, '$1').trim()}[/quote]`; }); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<strong>(.+?)<\/strong>: <a href="javascript:void\(0\);" onclick="BBCode\.spoiler\(this\);">Show<\/a><blockquote class="hidden spoiler">(.+?)<\/blockquote>/g, '[hide=$1]$2[/hide]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<strong>Hidden text<\/strong>: <a href="javascript:void\(0\);" onclick="BBCode\.spoiler\(this\);">Show<\/a><blockquote class="hidden spoiler">(.+?)<\/blockquote>/g, '[hide]$1[/hide]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<strong class="important_text">(.+?)<\/strong>/g, '[important]$1[/important]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<(pre|code)>(.+?)<\/\1>/g, '[$1]$2[/$1]'); albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<(\/)?strong>/g, '[$1b]'); // 没有匹配上的标签给它去掉 albumDescJSON = albumDescJSON.replace(/<(\/)?span.*?>/g, ''); albumDesc.value = albumDescJSON; = '400px'; document.querySelector('input.button_preview_0').click(); } else { alert('No album description is included in the JSON!'); } var relDesc = document.getElementById('release_desc'); var relDescJSON = releaseJSON.response.torrent.description; var groupIDJSON =; var torrentIDJSON =; sourceWebsiteDomains = ['', '']; relDesc.value = relDescJSON; document.querySelector('input.button_preview_1').click(); break; } } if (raw_info.json !== undefined) { var data = JSON.parse(raw_info.json); fillForm(data); } } var allinput = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); if (forward_site == 'BLU' || forward_site == 'Audiences' || forward_site == 'Tik' || forward_site == 'Aither') { if (raw_info.descr.match(/Atmos/) && ! { =|DD|AAC|HDMA|TrueHD|DTS.HD|DTS|PCM|FLAC)[ \.](.*?)(\d.\d)/i, '$1 $2 $3 Atmos').replace(/ +/g, ' '); } } if (forward_site == 'PTer' || forward_site == 'Dragon') { function re_build_name(channels, name) { var label = ''; label_str = ''; if (channels == '1') { label = /1\.0/; label_str = '1.0'; } else if (channels == '2') { label = /2\.0/; label_str = '2.0'; } else if (channels == '6') { label = /5\.1/; label_str = '5.1'; } else if (channels == '8') { label = /7\.1/; label_str = '7.1'; } if (!name.match(label)) { name = name.replace(/(DDP|AAC|FLAC|LPCM|TrueHD|DTS-HD.MA|DTS:X|DTS-HD.?HR|DTS|AC3)/i, `$1 ${label_str}`); } return name; } try{ var channels = (raw_info.descr + raw_info.full_mediainfo).match(/Channel.*?(\d) channel/)[1]; = re_build_name(channels,; } catch(err) { if (raw_info.descr.match(/(AUDIO.*CODEC.*?|音频.*?)(2\.0|1\.0|5\.1|7\.1)/i)) { channels = raw_info.descr.match(/(AUDIO.*CODEC.*?|音频.*?)(2\.0|1\.0|5\.1|7\.1)/i)[2]; if (! { =|AAC|FLAC|LPCM|TrueHD|DTS-HD.MA|DTS:X|DTS-HD.?HR|DTS|AC3)/i, `$1 ${channels}`); } } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/\d channels/i)) { channels = raw_info.descr.match(/(\d) channels/i)[1]; = re_build_name(channels,; } } if ( { =, 'H.265').replace(/AVC/, 'H.264'); } } if (raw_info.origin_site == 'BHD' && { =*?)(AVC|VC-1|HEVC)(.*?)(REMUX)/i, '$1 $5 $3 $2').replace(/ +/g, ' ').replace(' -', '-'); } for (i = 0; i < allinput.length; i++) { if (allinput[i].name == 'name' && forward_site != 'GPW' && forward_site != 'OpenCD') { //填充标题 if (['NanYang', 'CMCT', 'iTS', 'NPUPT', 'xthor'].indexOf(forward_site) > -1) { allinput[i].value =\s/g, "."); } else if (forward_site == 'TTG') { =\.1|2\.0|7\.1|1\.0)/, function(data){ return data.replace('.', '{@}'); }); =\.(26(5|4))/i, 'H{@}$1'); $('input[name=subtitle]').val(raw_info.small_descr.trim()); allinput[i].value =; } else if (forward_site == 'PuTao'){ = '[{chinese}] {english}'.format({ 'english':, 'chinese': get_small_descr_from_descr(raw_info.descr,'/')[0].split(/\| 类别/)[0].split('*')[0].trim() }); allinput[i].value =; } else if (forward_site == 'Panda'){ =\d\.\d)/, 'TrueHD $1'); =\d\.\d)/, 'DTS-HD MA $1'); =\d\.\d)/, 'DTS-HD $1 $2'); allinput[i].value =; } else { if (forward_site == 'BLU') { =, 'REMUX'); =*?)(TrueHD)(.*?)(7.1)/, '$2$3 $5 $1').replace(/ +/g, ' '); if ( HDR/i)) { =|2160)[pi]/i, function(data){ return 'Hybrid ' + data; }); } =, 'DD+'); =\+|DD|AAC|TrueHD|DTS.HD.?MA|DTS.HD.?HR|DTS.HD|DTS|L?PCM|FLAC)(.*?)(5\.1|2\.0|7\.1|1\.0)/i, '$1 $3'); =*?)(AVC|x264|H264)/i, '$1$2H.264'); =*?)(HEVC|x265|H265)/i, '$1$2H.265'); } if (['ACM'].indexOf(forward_site) > -1) { =, 'DD+'); =\+|DD|AAC|TrueHD|DTS.HD.?MA|DTS.HD.?HR|DTS.HD|DTS|L?PCM|FLAC)[ \.](.*?)(5\.1|2\.0|7\.1|1\.0)/i, '$1$3'); =|HDTV|SDTV)(.*?)(AVC|x264|H264)/i, '$1$2H.264'); =|HDTV|SDTV)(.*?)(x265|H265|H.265)/i, '$1$2HEVC'); } if (['BHD'].indexOf(forward_site) > -1) { =\+/i, 'DDP'); =|DD|AAC|TrueHD|DTS.HD.?MA|DTS.HD.?HR|DTS.HD|DTS|L?PCM|FLAC)(.*?)(5\.1|2\.0|7\.1|1\.0)/i, '$1 $3'); } allinput[i].value =; } } if (allinput[i].name == 'small_descr' || allinput[i].name == 'small_desc') { //填充副标题 allinput[i].value = raw_info.small_descr; if (forward_site == 'OpenCD') { allinput[i].value = raw_info.small_descr.replace('- {自抓}', ''); } if (forward_site == 'CMCT') { allinput[i].value = raw_info.small_descr.replace('【', '[').replace('】', ']'); } } if (allinput[i].name == 'pt_gen') { allinput[i].value = raw_info.dburl ? raw_info.dburl: raw_info.url; } if (allinput[i].name == 'custom_fields[4][1]' && forward_site == 'KuFei') { allinput[i].value = raw_info.dburl ? raw_info.dburl: ''; } if (allinput[i].name == 'picture' && !site_url.split('#separator#')[0].match(/offer/)) { if (raw_info.descr.match(/\[img\](\S*?)\[\/img\]/i)){ allinput[i].value = raw_info.descr.match(/\[img\](\S*?)\[\/img\]/i)[1].split('=').pop(); } } if (['url', 'pt_gen[imdb][link]', 'imdb', 'imdb_url', 'imdb_id'].indexOf(allinput[i].name) > -1 && (allinput[i].type == 'text' || allinput[i].type == 'url')) { //填充imdb信息 if (forward_site == 'OurBits' && raw_info.url == ''){ if (raw_info.dburl){ raw_info.url = raw_info.dburl; } } if (forward_site == 'CMCT'){ if (raw_info.dburl){ allinput[i].value = raw_info.dburl; } else { allinput[i].value = raw_info.url; } } else { allinput[i].value = raw_info.url; } } if (['url_douban', 'douban', 'dburl', 'douban_url', 'douban_id', 'durl', 'pt_gen[douban][link]'].indexOf(allinput[i].name)>-1) { //豆瓣信息 if (forward_site == 'TTG' && raw_info.dburl) { allinput[i].value = raw_info.dburl.match(/\d+/)[0]; } else { allinput[i].value = raw_info.dburl; } } if (['HDDolby'].indexOf(forward_site) > -1 && allinput[i].name == 'douban_id' && raw_info.dburl){ allinput[i].value = raw_info.dburl.match(/\d+/i)[0]; } if (forward_site == 'BTSchool' && allinput[i].name == 'imdbid' && raw_info.url){ allinput[i].value = raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/i)[0]; } if (forward_site == 'BTSchool' && allinput[i].name == 'doubanid' && raw_info.dburl){ allinput[i].value = raw_info.dburl.match(/\d+/i)[0]; } if (['TJUPT'].indexOf(forward_site) > -1 && allinput[i].name == 'external_url'){ allinput[i].value = raw_info.url? raw_info.url:raw_info.dburl; } if (forward_site == 'HDT' && allinput[i].name == 'filename') { if ( { =, 'Blu-ray'); } allinput[i].value =, 'DD+').replace(/Remux/i, 'Remux'); } if (forward_site == 'HDT' && allinput[i].name == 'infosite') { allinput[i].value = raw_info.url.replace('http:', 'https:').replace(/(tt\d+[^/]$)/, '$1/'); } } //填写简介,一般都是textarea,特殊情况后续处理--CMCT改版兼容 var descr_box = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); if (forward_site == 'HDAtmos') { raw_info.descr.match(/(\[url=.*?\])?\[img\].*?\[\/img\](\[\/url\])?/g).forEach((item)=>{ var index = raw_info.descr.indexOf(item); if (index > 500 ) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(item, '').trim(); } }); } if (forward_site == 'AGSV') { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[color=.*?\].*?\[\/color\]/i, '').trim(); } if (['CMCT', 'PTsbao', 'HDPost','HDCity', 'BLU', 'UHD', 'HDSpace', 'HDB', 'iTS', 'PTP', 'BYR', 'GPW', 'HDTime', 'HD-Only', 'HDfans', 'SC', 'MTV', 'NBL', 'avz', 'PHD', 'CNZ', 'ANT', 'TVV', 'xthor', 'HDF', 'OpenCD', 'PigGo', 'RED', 'Tik', 'Aither', 'SugoiMusic', 'CG', 'ZHUQUE', 'MTeam', 'FNP', 'OnlyEncodes', 'YemaPT', 'DarkLand', '影', 'PTLGS', 'ReelFliX'].indexOf(forward_site) < 0){ if (forward_site == 'HDT') { descr_box[0].style.height = '600px'; var mediainfo_hdt = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); descr_box[0].value = '[quote]' + simplifyMI(mediainfo_hdt.mediainfo, 'HDT') + '[/quote]\n' + mediainfo_hdt.pic_info.replace(/\n/g,''); } else if (forward_site != 'HaiDan'){ if (forward_site != 'OpenCD') { descr_box[0].style.height = '800px'; if ($('textarea[name="technical_info"]').length) { descr_box[0].style.height = '460px'; } } if (forward_site == 'OPS' && raw_info.origin_site == 'jpop') { descr_box[0].style.height = '400px'; raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/^\[.*?\/img\]/, '').trim(); } if (forward_site == 'PTer') { if (raw_info.full_mediainfo) { if (raw_info.full_mediainfo.match(/mpls/i)) { try { raw_info.full_mediainfo = raw_info.full_mediainfo.match(/QUICK SUMMARY:([\s\S]*)/)[1].trim(); } catch (err) {} } try { var info = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(info.mediainfo, raw_info.full_mediainfo); } catch (err) {} } try{ raw_info.descr.match(/\[quote\][\s\S]*?\[\/quote\]/g).map((e)=> { if (e.match(/General.{0,2}\n?(Unique|Complete name)/)) { var ee = e.replace('[quote]', '[hide=mediainfo]').replace('[/quote]', '[/hide]'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(e, ee); } else if (e.match(/Disc Title|Disc Info|Disc Label/)) { var ee = e.replace('[quote]', '[hide=bdinfo]').replace('[/quote]', '[/hide]'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(e, ee); } }); } catch(err) {} } else if (forward_site == 'Audiences' || forward_site == 'TJUPT') { try{ raw_info.descr.match(/\[quote\][\s\S]*?\[\/quote\]/g).map((e)=> { if (e.match(/General|Disc Title|Disc Info|Disc Label|RELEASE.NAME|RELEASE DATE|Unique ID|RESOLUTiON|Bitrate|帧 率|音频码率|视频码率/i)) { var ee = e.replace('[quote]', '[Mediainfo]').replace('[/quote]', '[/Mediainfo]'); if (raw_info.full_mediainfo) { ee = `[Mediainfo]${raw_info.full_mediainfo}[/Mediainfo]`; } if (forward_site == 'TJUPT') { ee = ee.replace('[Mediainfo]', '[mediainfo]').replace('[/Mediainfo]', '[/mediainfo]'); } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(e, ee); } }); } catch(err) {} } descr_box[0].value = raw_info.descr; if (forward_site == 'BHD') { document.getElementById('mediainfo').dispatchEvent(evt); } if (forward_site == 'TCCF') { $('span:contains("[bbcode]")').click(); descr_box[0].value = raw_info.descr; $('span:contains("[bbcode]")').click(); } } else { descr_box[2].value = raw_info.descr; } } if ($('textarea[name="technical_info"]').length || forward_site == '影' || forward_site == 'LemonHD') { for (i=0; i<skip_img.length; i++) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(skip_img[i], ''); } raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\n\n+/, '\n\n'); var container = $('textarea[name="technical_info"]'); if (forward_site == 'LemonHD') { container = $('textarea[name="mediainfo"]'); } else if (forward_site == '影' || forward_site == 'PTLGS') { var poster = raw_info.descr.match(/\[img\](\S*?)\[\/img\]/i); var _index = raw_info.descr.indexOf("◎"); if (raw_info.descr.indexOf(poster[0]) < 200 || (_index > 0 && raw_info.descr.indexOf(poster[0]) < _index) ) { $('input[name="tr_cover_url"],input[name="cover"]').val(poster[1]); $('input[name="tr_cover_url"],input[name="cover"]').css("width", "93%"); $('input[name="tr_cover_url"],input[name="cover"]').after(`<button style="margin-left:5px" id="preview">预览</button><img class="my_poster" src="${poster[1]}" style="max-width: 150px; display:none; margin-top:2px;">`); $('#preview').click((e) => { e.preventDefault(); if ($('.my_poster').is(":visible")) { $('.my_poster').hide(); $('#preview').text("预览"); } else { $('.my_poster').attr('src', $('input[name="tr_cover_url"]').val()); $('.my_poster').show(); $('#preview').text("隐藏"); } }) } if (forward_site == '影') { container = $('textarea[name="tr_nfo"]'); } } try{ var infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); if (raw_info.multi_mediainfo) { mediainfo = raw_info.multi_mediainfo.match(/\[quote.*?\][\s\S]*?General[\s\S]*?\[\/quote\]/ig); mediainfo = mediainfo.join('\n\n').replace(/\[\/?quote\]/g, ''); container.val(mediainfo.trim()); } else if (infos.multi_mediainfos) { container.val(infos.multi_mediainfos); } else if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ container.val(raw_info.full_mediainfo.trim()); 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$('select[name="type"]').val(index); } var source_box = $('select[name=source_sel]'); switch(raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'Flac': source_box.val(8); break; case 'WAV': source_box.val(9); } switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': source_box.val(1); break; case 'Blu-ray': source_box.val(2); break; case 'Remux': source_box.val(3); break; case 'HDTV': source_box.val(4); break; case 'WEB-DL': source_box.val(5); break; case 'Encode': source_box.val(6); break; case 'DVD': source_box.val(7); } var team_box = $('select[name=team_sel]'); var team_dict = {'欧美': 4, '大陆': 1, '##': 2, '##': 3, '日本': 6, '韩国': 5, '印度': 7}; team_box.val(8); if (team_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.source_sel)){ var index = team_dict[raw_info.source_sel]; team_box.val(index); } $('tr:contains(简介):last').after(`<tr><td style="text-align:right"><b>转换</b></td> <td><a id="img2" style="margin-left:5px" href="#">IMG2</a> <a id="img3" style="margin-left:5px" href="#">IMG3</a> <a id="img4" style="margin-left:5px" href="#">IMG4</a> <font style="margin-left:5px" color="red">选中要转换的bbcode图片部分点击即可。</font></td></tr>`); $('#img2,#img3').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var text = $('#descr').val(); var textarea = document.getElementById('descr'); if (textarea && textarea.selectionStart != undefined && textarea.selectionEnd != undefined){ var chosen_value = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd); if ( == 'img2') { $('#descr').val(text.replace(chosen_value, chosen_value.replace(/\[img\]/g, '[img2]'))); } else if ( == 'img3') { $('#descr').val(text.replace(chosen_value, chosen_value.replace(/\[img\]/g, '[img3]'))); } else if ( == 'img4') { $('#descr').val(text.replace(chosen_value, chosen_value.replace(/\[img\]/g, '[img4]'))); } } }) } else if (forward_site == 'MTeam'){ addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, null); var i_evt = new Event("change", { bubbles: true, cancelable: false }); i_evt.simulated = true; function setValue(input, value) { let lastValue = input.value; input.value = value; let tracker = input._valueTracker; if (tracker) { tracker.setValue(lastValue); 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break; case 'Atmos': audioCodec = 'TrueHD Atmos'; if (|DD\+/)) { audioCodec = 'E-AC3 Atoms(DDP Atoms)'; } break; case 'AC3': audioCodec = 'AC3(DD)'; if (|DD\+/)) { audioCodec = 'E-AC3(DDP)'; } break; case 'LPCM': case 'DTS': case 'AAC': case 'Flac': case 'APE': case 'WAV': audioCodec = raw_info.audiocodec_sel.toUpperCase(); } var medium = 'Encode'; switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': case 'Blu-ray': medium = 'Blu-ray'; break; case 'DVD': medium = 'DVDR'; if ( { medium = 'HD DVD'; } break; case 'Remux': medium = 'Remux'; break; case 'HDTV': medium = 'HDTV'; break; case 'WEB-DL': medium = 'Web-DL'; break; case 'CD': medium = 'CD'; } if ( { medium = 'MiniBD'; } function trigger_select(tid, value, time, order) { var clickEvent = document.createEvent ('MouseEvents'); clickEvent.initEvent ('mousedown', true, true); $(`#${tid}`).wait(function() { document.getElementById(tid).dispatchEvent(clickEvent); setTimeout(function(){ if (value == 'DTS') { $(`div.ant-select-item-option-content:contains("${value}"):eq(0)`).click(); } else if (value == 'TrueHD') { $(`div.ant-select-item-option-content:contains("${value}"):eq(0)`).click(); } else if (value !== 'Other') { $(`div.ant-select-item-option-content:contains("${value}")`).wait(function(){ $(`div.ant-select-item-option-content:contains("${value}")`).click(); }); } else { $(`div.ant-select-item-option-content:contains("${value}"):eq(${order})`).click(); } }, time); }); } $('#category').wait(function() { trigger_select('category', type_code, 100, 0); $('#category').parent().parent().parent().after(`<font color="red" class="notice"> 当前资源类别为${type_code},但是选项动态加载,如果没有勾选上,下滑手动勾选。</font>`); setValue(document.getElementById('name'),; setValue(document.getElementById('smallDescr'), raw_info.small_descr); setValue(document.getElementById('imdb'), raw_info.url); setValue(document.getElementById('douban'), raw_info.dburl); setTimeout(function() { if ( || labels.yy){ document.getElementsByClassName('ant-checkbox-input')[1].click(); } if (labels.zz){ var node_class = document.getElementsByClassName('ant-checkbox-input')[2].parentNode.classList; var clicked = false; node_class.forEach(function(className) { if (className == 'ant-checkbox-checked') { clicked = true; } }); if (!clicked) { document.getElementsByClassName('ant-checkbox-input')[2].click(); } } if ({ document.getElementsByClassName('ant-checkbox-input')[0].click(); } }, 2000); trigger_select('source', source_code, 100, 0); trigger_select('standard', raw_info.standard_sel, 100, 0); trigger_select('videoCodec', videoCodec, 100, 0); trigger_select('audioCodec', audioCodec, 200, 1); var reg_region = raw_info.descr.match(/(地.{0,5}?区|国.{0,5}?家|产.{0,5}?地)([^\r\n]+)/); if (reg_region) { var region = reg_region[2].trim(); $('span:contains("請選擇國家/地區")').parent().parent().parent().parent().after(`当前资源的来源国家/地区为:${region}`); } if ((raw_info.descr.match(/General[\s\S]*?Video[.\n]{0,5}ID/) || raw_info.full_mediainfo) && !raw_info.descr.match(/mpls/i)) { try{ var infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); try{ var container = document.getElementById('mediainfo'); if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ setValue(container, raw_info.full_mediainfo.trim()); 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case '日本': if (|S\d{2}[^E])/i)) { browsecat.val(88); } else { browsecat.val(73); } break; case '韩国': if (|S\d{2}[^E])/i)) { browsecat.val(99); } else { browsecat.val(74); } break; case '欧美': if (\d{2}E\d{2})/i)) { if (raw_info.standard_sel == '720p'){ browsecat.val(69); } else if (raw_info.standard_sel == '1080p' || raw_info.standard_sel == '1080i'){ browsecat.val(70); } } else { browsecat.val(87); } break; } if (raw_info.standard_sel == '4K'){ browsecat.val(108); } break; case '综艺': if (raw_info.source_sel == '日本'){ browsecat.val(101); } else if (raw_info.source_sel == '韩国'){ browsecat.val(103); } else { browsecat.val(60); } break; case '动漫': browsecat.val(58); if (raw_info.descr.match(/mpls/i)) { browsecat.val(111); } break; case '音乐': browsecat.val(83); break; case 'MV': browsecat.val(59); break; case '体育': browsecat.val(57); break; case '软件': browsecat.val(95); break; case '学习': browsecat.val(94); break; case '书籍': browsecat.val(56); } if ($|ipad)/i)){ browsecat.val(92); } if (raw_info.url != ''){ $("input[name='imdb_c']").val(raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/i)); 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break; case 'Flac': $("select[name='audiocodec_sel']").val('13'); break; case 'APE': $("select[name='audiocodec_sel']").val('12'); break; case 'WAV': $("select[name='audiocodec_sel']").val('11'); } var standard_dict = { '4K': '5', '1080p': '1', '1080i': '2', '720p': '3', 'SD': '4', '': '0' }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; $("select[name='standard_sel']").val(index); } var source_dict = {'欧美': '2', '大陆': '1', '##': '3', '##': '3', '日本': '4', '韩国': '5', '印度': 6, '': 6}; if (source_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.source_sel)){ var index = source_dict[raw_info.source_sel]; $("select[name='processing_sel']").val(index); } } else if (forward_site == 'PThome' || forward_site == 'Audiences'){ var browsecat = $('#browsecat'); if (forward_site == 'PThome') { var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, '软件': 411, '学习': 412, '游戏': 410, 'MV': 408,}; } else { var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 409, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 406, '体育': 407, '软件': 411, '学习': 412, '游戏': 410, '书籍': 405, 'MV': 108}; if (raw_info.type == '动漫') { type_dict['动漫'] = 401; if (\d+|E\d+/) || raw_info.descr.match(/◎集.*?数.*?\d+/)) { type_dict['动漫'] = 402; } $('input[name="tags[]"][value="dh"]').attr('checked', true); } if (raw_info.type == '动漫' || raw_info.descr.match(/◎类.*?别.*动画/)) { $('#qr').parent().append('<font color="red" style="margin-left:5px"><b> 疑似动画,确认是否剧集并勾选标签。</b></font>') } } browsecat.val(409); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } document.getElementById('browsecat').dispatchEvent(evt); if (raw_info.type == '书籍' && forward_site == 'PThome') { $('#specialcat').val(508); if (raw_info.descr.match(/m4a|mp3/i)) { $('#specialcat').val(507); raw_info.audiocodec_sel = raw_info.descr.match(/m4a|mp3/i)[0].toUpperCase(); } document.getElementById('specialcat').dispatchEvent(evt); } if (raw_info.type == '书籍' && forward_site == 'Audiences' && raw_info.descr.match(/m4a|mp3/i)) { raw_info.audiocodec_sel = raw_info.descr.match(/m4a|mp3/i)[0].toUpperCase(); browsecat.val(404); } var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel"]'); medium_box.val(11); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': if (|@/i)){ medium_box.val(13); } else{ medium_box.val(12); } break; case 'Blu-ray': if (|@/i)){ medium_box.val(14); } else{ medium_box.val(1); } break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(2); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(15); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); } //视频编码 var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(4); } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel"]'); audiocodec_box.val(7); console.log(raw_info.audiocodec_sel) if (forward_site == 'PThome') { switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(19); break; case 'TrueHD': case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(20); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(21); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(18); break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(22); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(23); break; case 'M4A': audiocodec_box.val(24); } if ({ audiocodec_box.val(20); } } else { switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': if (|MA).?7[\. ]1/i)) { audiocodec_box.val(25); } else { audiocodec_box.val(19); } break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(20); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(26); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(21); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(18); break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(22); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(23); break; case 'M4A': audiocodec_box.val(24); } } $('select[name="team_sel"]').val("5"); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel'); //分辨率 var standard_box = document.getElementsByName('standard_sel')[0]; var standard_dict = { '8K': 1, '4K': 2, '1080p': 3, '1080i': 4, '720p': 5, 'SD': 6, '': 7 }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.options[index].selected = true; } } else if (forward_site == 'HDHome'){ //类型 var is_pad = false; if ($|ipad/i)){ is_pad = true; } switch (raw_info.type){ case '电影': if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'Blu-ray'){ set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat','450'); } else if(raw_info.medium_sel == 'UHD'){ set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat','499'); } else if(raw_info.medium_sel == 'Remux'){ set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat','415'); } else { if (is_pad){ set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat','412'); } else{ if (raw_info.standard_sel == '720p'){ set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat','413'); 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} //音频编码 var audiocodec_dict = {'Flac': 1, 'APE': 2, 'DTS': 3, 'AC3': 12, 'WAV': 15, 'MP3': 4, 'DTS-HDHR': 14, 'AAC': 6, 'DTS-HDMA': 10, 'Atmos': 17, 'TrueHD': 11, 'LPCM': 13}; if (audiocodec_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.audiocodec_sel)){ var index = audiocodec_dict[raw_info.audiocodec_sel]; $('select[name="audiocodec_sel"]').val(index) } //分辨率 var standard_box = document.getElementsByName('standard_sel')[0]; var standard_dict = {'4K': 1, '1080p': 2, '1080i': 3, '720p': 4, 'SD': 5, '': 0 }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.options[index].selected = true; } //视频编码 var codec_box = document.getElementsByName('codec_sel')[0]; var codec_dict = {'H264': 1, 'X265': 2, 'X264': 3, 'H265': 4, 'VC-1': 5, 'MPEG-2': 6, 'Xvid': 7, '': 8 }; if (codec_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.codec_sel)){ var index = codec_dict[raw_info.codec_sel]; codec_box.options[index].selected = true; } //单独对x264和x265匹配 if (raw_info.codec_sel == 'H264'){ if ({ codec_box.options[3].selected = true; } } if (raw_info.codec_sel == 'H265'){ if ({ codec_box.options[2].selected = true; } } //媒介 var medium_box = document.getElementsByName('medium_sel')[0]; var medium_dict = {'UHD': 1, 'Blu-ray': 3, 'Encode': 6, 'HDTV': 7, 'WEB-DL': 12, 'Remux': 5, 'CD': 9}; if (medium_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.medium_sel)){ var index = medium_dict[raw_info.medium_sel]; medium_box.options[index].selected = true; } switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': if (|@)/i)) { medium_box.options[2].selected = true; } break; case 'Blu-ray': if (|@)/i)) { medium_box.options[4].selected = true; } } // 制作组 document.getElementsByName('team_sel')[0].options[10].selected = true; } catch(err) {} } else if (forward_site == 'CHDBits') { try { var browsecat = document.getElementsByName('type')[0]; var type_dict = { '电影': 1, '剧集': 4, '动漫': 3, '综艺': 5, '音乐': 6, 'MV': 6, '纪录': 2, '体育': 7 }; //如果当前类型在上述字典中 if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)) { var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.options[index].selected = true; } if (raw_info.type == '书籍' && raw_info.descr.match(/m4a|mp3/i)) { browsecat.options[9].selected = true; } var audiocodec_box = document.getElementsByName('audiocodec_sel')[0]; var audiocodec_dict = { 'Flac': 6, 'APE': 7, 'AC3': 2, 'WAV': 8, 'Atmos': 4, 'AAC': 9, 'DTS-HDMA': 3, 'DTS-HDHR': 3, 'TrueHD Atmos': 4, 'TrueHD': 4, 'DTS': 1, 'LPCM': 5, 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': 3 }; if (audiocodec_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.audiocodec_sel)) { var index = audiocodec_dict[raw_info.audiocodec_sel]; audiocodec_box.options[index].selected = true; } var standard_box = document.getElementsByName('standard_sel')[0]; var standard_dict = { '8K': 5, '4K': 6, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4, '': 4 }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)) { var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.options[index].selected = true; } var codec_box = document.getElementsByName('codec_sel')[0]; var codec_dict = { 'H264': 1, 'X265': 2, 'X264': 1, 'H265': 2, 'VC-1': 5, 'MPEG-2': 4 }; 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} else if (['日本', '韩国', '日韩', '印度'].indexOf(raw_info.source_sel)>-1){ set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '414'); } break; case '纪录': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '404'); break; case '剧集': switch (raw_info.source_sel){ case '大陆': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '402'); break; case '##': case '##': case '港台': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '417'); break; case '日本': case '韩国': case '日韩': case '印度': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '416'); break; case '欧美': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '418'); } break; case '综艺': switch (raw_info.source_sel){ case '大陆': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '403'); break; case '##': case '##': case '港台': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '419'); break; case '日本': case '韩国': case '日韩': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '420'); break; case '欧美': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '421'); } break; case '动漫': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '405'); break; //太乱,随便匹配一个 case '音乐': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '408'); 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case '##': case '##': case '港台': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '412'); break; case '日本': case '韩国': case '日韩': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '414'); break; case '欧美': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '413'); } break; case '动漫': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '431'); break; case '音乐': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '423'); break; case 'MV': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '427'); break; case '体育': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '432'); break; case '软件': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '434'); break; case '学习': set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '435'); break; default: set_selected_option_by_value('browsecat', '450'); } //视频编码, 跟馒头一样视频音频混合 var codec_box = document.getElementsByName('codec_sel')[0]; var audiocodec_dict = {'Flac': 5, 'APE': 6, 'DTS': 7, 'AC3': 8, 'WAV': 9, 'MP3': 9, 'AAC': 9 }; if (audiocodec_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.audiocodec_sel)){ var index = audiocodec_dict[raw_info.audiocodec_sel]; codec_box.options[index].selected = true; } var codec_dict = {'H264': 1, 'X265': 10, 'X264': 1, 'H265': 10, 'VC-1': 2, 'MPEG-2': 4, 'Xvid': 3}; if (codec_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.codec_sel)){ var index = codec_dict[raw_info.codec_sel]; codec_box.options[index].selected = true; } //分辨率 var standard_box = document.getElementsByName('standard_sel')[0]; var standard_dict = {'4K': 6, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4, '': 5 }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.options[index].selected = true; } } else if (forward_site == 'TLFbits'){ //类型 var browsecat = document.getElementById('browsecat'); var type_dict = {'电影': 1, '剧集': 2, '动漫': 4, '综艺': 3, '音乐': 8, '纪录': 5, '体育': 6, '软件': 10, '学习': 11, '': 12, '游戏': 9, 'MV': 7, '书籍': 12}; //如果当前类型在上述字典中 if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.options[index].selected = true; } //质量类型 document.getElementsByName('source_sel')[0].options[2].selected = true; 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browsecat.val(index); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel"]'); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(2); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(8); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'WEB-DL': if ({ medium_box.val(7); } else { medium_box.val(6); } break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(9); break; default: medium_box.val(11); } //视频编码和音频混合了 var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel"]'); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'AV1': codec_box.val(11); break; case 'VP9': codec_box.val(12); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(5); break; case 'MPEG-2': case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(6); break; default: codec_box.val(7); } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel"]'); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(15); case 'DTS-HD': case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'Atmos': case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(4); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(5); break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(7); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(8); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(9); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(10); break; case 'M4A': audiocodec_box.val(11); break; default: audiocodec_box.val(12); } if (|DD\+|EAC3/i)) { audiocodec_box.val(14); } //分辨率 var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel"]'); var standard_dict = {'4K': 1, '1080p': 2, '1080i': 3, '720p': 4, 'SD': 5, '': 5, '8K': 6}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } $('select[name="team_sel"]').val(8); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel'); function search_by_name(search_name) { var $div = $(`<div style="margin-top: 10px;"><br>以下是根据名称搜索结果,如果有符合的选项点选对应的USE按钮即可:</div>`); 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break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.options[4].selected = true; break; case 'X264': codec_box.options[1].selected = true; break; case 'XVID': codec_box.options[5].selected = true; } //单独对x264匹配 if (raw_info.codec_sel == 'H264'){ if ({ codec_box.options[1].selected = true; } } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = document.getElementsByName('audiocodec_sel')[0]; var audiocodec_dict = { 'AAC': 1, 'AC3': 2, 'TrueHD': 3, 'DTS-HDHR': 5, 'DTS': 4, 'DTS-HD': 5, 'DTS-HDMA': 5, 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': 5, 'LPCM': 6, 'WAV': 7, 'APE': 8, 'Flac': 9, 'Atmos': 10}; if (audiocodec_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.audiocodec_sel)){ var index = audiocodec_dict[raw_info.audiocodec_sel]; audiocodec_box.options[index].selected = true; } if (raw_info.audiocodec_sel == 'AC3'){ if (|DD\+|AC3|).*?2.0/i)){ audiocodec_box.options[11].selected = true; } } //分辨率 var standard_box = document.getElementsByName('standard_sel')[0]; var standard_dict = {'4K': 5, '1080p': 2, '1080i': 4, '720p': 1, 'SD': 3}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; 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} else if (e.match(/曲目列表|Tracklist/i)) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(e, e.replace(/Tracklist[::]?/i, '').replace(' 引用 ', ' Tracklist ')); } }); } catch (err) {} $('textarea:first').val(raw_info.descr); console.log(raw_info) switch(raw_info.type) { case '电影': switch (raw_info.source_sel){ case '大陆': case '##': case '##': case '港台': $('select[name="second_type"]').val('11'); $('input[name="movie_country"]').val('华语'); break; case '日本': case '韩国': case '印度': $('select[name="second_type"]').val('14'); $('input[name="movie_country"]').val('亚洲'); break; case '欧美': $('select[name="second_type"]').val('12'); $('input[name="movie_country"]').val('欧洲'); origin_descr.match(/(◎产.*地|◎地.*区|◎国.*家).*/g).filter(e=>{ if (e) { var country = e.split(/(◎产.*地|◎地.*区|◎国.*家)/).pop().trim().replace(/ /g, ''); if (country.match(/美国|北美/)) { $('select[name="second_type"]').val('13'); $('input[name="movie_country"]').val('北美'); } } }); break; } origin_descr.match(/(◎译.*名|◎片.*名).*/g).filter(e=>{ if (e.split(/◎译.*名|◎片.*名/).pop().trim().match(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/)) { e = e.split(/(◎译.*名|◎片.*名)/).pop().trim().replace(/ /g, '').split('/').filter((e, index)=> {return index < 2}) $('input[name="movie_cname"]').val(e.join('/')); 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} }); $('input[name="tv_ename"]').val( /g, '.')); try { $('input[name="tv_season"]').val(\d+(E\d+)?/)[0]) } catch(Err) {} break; case '纪录': $('select[name="second_type"]').val('10'); if (\d+/i)) { $('#record_whetherend').val('连载'); } else if (\d+/i)){ $('#record_whetherend').val('合集'); } else { $('#record_whetherend').val('单集'); } $('#record_ename').val(get_search_name(; var r_type = ['IMAX', 'BBC', 'NHK', 'PBS', 'Ch4', '####', 'BTV', '国家地理', '历史频道', '探索频道']; $('#record_type').val('其他'); r_type.forEach((item)=>{ if (raw_info.fullname !== undefined && raw_info.fullname.match(item)) { $('#record_type').val(item); } if ( || raw_info.small_descr.match(item)) { $('#record_type').val(item); } }); origin_descr.match(/(◎译.*名|◎片.*名).*/g).filter(e=>{ if (e.split(/◎译.*名|◎片.*名/).pop().trim().match(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/)) { e = e.split(/(◎译.*名|◎片.*名)/).pop().trim().replace(/ /g, '').split('/').filter((e, index)=> {return index < 2}) $('input[name="record_cname"]').val(e.join('/')); } }); try{ $('#record_season').val(\d+)(E\d+)?/)[0]); 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$('#copy_intro').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); GM_setClipboard(str); $('#copy_intro').text("=>复制成功"); }); descr_box[0].value = str; } else { standard_dou = false; } } catch (Err) { standard_dou = false; } if (!standard_dou) { var index = 90; while (tmp_descr.indexOf('[img]') < index && tmp_descr.indexOf('[img]') > -1) { tmp_descr = tmp_descr.substring(tmp_descr.indexOf('[/img]\n') + 7).trim(); } $('div.upload-title-name:contains(资源描述)').last().append(` <a href="#" style="text-decoration : none" id="copy_intro">=>复制描述</a><font color="red"> 提示:如果描述填写失败请复制之后转换源码手动填写再预览。</font>`); $('#copy_intro').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); GM_setClipboard(tmp_descr); $('#copy_intro').text("=>复制成功"); }); descr_box[0].value = tmp_descr; } if (raw_info.small_descr.match(/【(.*?版原盘)】/)) { $('input[name=title_one_sentence]').val(raw_info.small_descr.match(/【(.*?版原盘)】/)[1]); } else if (raw_info.small_descr.match(/.版原盘/)) { $('input[name=title_one_sentence]').val(raw_info.small_descr.match(/.版原盘/)[0]); } var type_category = document.getElementById('type_category'); 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break; case 'Blu-ray': case 'Remux': case 'Encode': source_box.val(1); break; case 'HDTV': source_box.val(5); break; case 'WEB-DL': source_box.val(7); break; case 'DVD':source_box.val(3); } var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(11); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(11); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(11); if ( { medium_box.val(7); } break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(8); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(11); if ( { medium_box.val(7); } break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'H264': codec_box.val(1); case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(5); break; case 'MPEG-2': case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(5);; break; case 'XVID': codec_box.val(5); } var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); 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break; case 'UHD': medium_box.val(8); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(9); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(11); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(12); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(13); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(14); break; } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(3); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'AV1': codec_box.val(6); break; } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); audiocodec_box.val(13); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(9); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(10); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(13); if ([P\+]/)) { audiocodec_box.val(12); } break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(11); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(14); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(15); break; case 'DTS:X': audiocodec_box.val(16); break; case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(17); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(18); break; case 'M4A': audiocodec_box.val(19); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(20); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(21); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(22); break; } var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'8K': 8, '4320p': 8, '4K': 7, '2160p': 7, '1080p': 6, '1080i': 6, '720p': 5, 'SD': 4, '480p': 4, '': 9}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } //制作组 $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == '唐门') { var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'': 409, '音乐': 408, 'MV': 406, '体育': 407, '纪录': 404, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '剧集': 402, '电影': 401}; browsecat.val(409) if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } try { disableother('browsecat','specialcat'); } catch (err) {} $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(11); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(12); break case 'Encode': medium_box.val(13); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(14); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(15); break; case 'DVD': if ( { medium_box.val(16); } else { medium_box.val(16); } break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(17); break; } if ( { medium_box.val(4); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(11); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(7); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(8); break; case 'MPEG-2': case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(9); break; case 'AV1': codec_box.val(10); } var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); audiocodec_box.val(23); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(9); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(10); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(11); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(13); if ([P\+]/)) { audiocodec_box.val(12); } break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(14); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(15); break; case 'DTS-X': audiocodec_box.val(16); break; case 'DTS-HDMA': audiocodec_box.val(17); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(18); break; case 'M4A': audiocodec_box.val(19); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(20); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(21); break; case 'FLAC': audiocodec_box.val(22); break; } var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = { '8K': 9, '4K': 8, '1080p': 7, '720p': 6, 'SD': 5, 'Other': 10 }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } try { var year =\d{4}[^pi]/gi).pop().slice(0, 4); year = parseInt(year); var years = [2011, 2001, 1981, 1961, 1941, 1921, 1901, 1851, 1800]; var year_selected = false; years.forEach((item, index)=>{ if (year > item && ! year_selected) { $('select[name="processing_sel[5]"]').val(9-index); year_selected = true; } }); } catch(err) {} } else if (forward_site == 'ICC') { var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, '软件': 409, '学习': 409, '': 409, '游戏': 409, 'MV': 406}; browsecat.val(409) if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } try { disableother('browsecat','specialcat'); } catch (err) {} $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'DVD': if ( { medium_box.val(6); } else { medium_box.val(2); } break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); } if ( { medium_box.val(4); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'XVID': codec_box.val(3); } var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = { '4K': 6, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4 }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } try { var year =\d{4}[^pi]/gi).pop().slice(0, 4); year = parseInt(year); var years = [2011, 2001, 1981, 1961, 1941, 1921, 1901, 1851, 1800]; var year_selected = false; years.forEach((item, index)=>{ if (year > item && ! year_selected) { $('select[name="processing_sel[5]"]').val(9-index); year_selected = true; } }); } catch(err) {} } else if (forward_site == 'ZMPT' || forward_site == '红叶') { var browsecat = $('#browsecat'); var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, '软件': 409, '学习': 409, '': 409, '游戏': 409, 'MV': 406}; browsecat.val(409) if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } if (raw_info.type == '纪录' && forward_site == 'ZMPT') { browsecat.val(422); } if (raw_info.type == '书籍' && forward_site == 'ZMPT' && raw_info.descr.match(/m4a|mp3/i)) { browsecat.val(424); } if (raw_info.type == '动漫' && forward_site == 'ZMPT') { switch (raw_info.source_sel){ case '大陆': case '##': case '##': case '港台': browsecat.val(417); break; case '日本': browsecat.val(418); break; case '韩国': browsecat.val(419); break; case '欧美': browsecat.val(420); break; default: browsecat.val(421); } } try { if (raw_info.type == '游戏') { disableother('gamescat','browsecat'); disableother('gamescat','specialcat'); } else { disableother('browsecat','specialcat'); disableother('browsecat','gamescat'); } } catch (err) {} setTimeout(function(){ if (raw_info.type == '游戏') { $('tr.mode_7').css('display', ''); } else { $('tr.mode_5').css('display', ''); } }, 1000); var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[5]"]'); if (forward_site == 'ZMPT') { medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); } switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(2); if ( { medium_box.val(6); } break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(10); if (forward_site == '红叶') { medium_box.val(8); } break; case 'CD': if (forward_site == '红叶') { medium_sel.val(6); } else { medium_sel.val(8); } } if ( { medium_box.val(4); } if (forward_site == '红叶') { var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[5]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(10); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'XVID': codec_box.val(3); } } var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[5]"]'); if (forward_site == '红叶') { switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(16); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(15); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(15); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(20); if ([P\+]/)) { audiocodec_box.val(19); } break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(14); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(14); } } else { audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': case 'DTS-HDMA': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(7); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(7); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(8); break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(7); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(7); } } if (forward_site == '红叶') { var team_box = $('select[name="processing_sel[5]"]'); team_box.val(6); var team_dict = {'欧美': 3, '大陆': 2, '##': 1, '##': 1, '日本': 4, '韩国': 5}; if (team_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.source_sel)){ var index = team_dict[raw_info.source_sel]; team_box.val(index); } } var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[5]"]'); var standard_dict = { '4K': 5, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4, }; if (forward_site == 'ZMPT') { standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); standard_dict = { '4K': 5, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 1, '720p': 8, 'SD': 7, }; } if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } $('select[name="team_sel[5]"]').val(0); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[5]'); $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == '海棠') { var string = + raw_info.small_descr + raw_info.descr; if (string.match(/相声/)) { $('#browsecat').val(1); } else if (string.match(/小品/)) { $('#browsecat').val(4101); } try { disableother('browsecat','specialcat') } catch (err) {} var codec_box = document.getElementsByName('codec_sel')[0]; switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.options[1].selected = true; break; } var standard_box = $('select[name=standard_sel]'); var standard_dict = { '4K': 1, '1080p': 2, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4 }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } } else if (forward_site == '麒麟') { var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 420, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, '软件': 411, '学习': 419, '': 409, '游戏': 412, 'MV': 406}; browsecat.val(409) if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } try { $('select[name="processing_sel[4]"]').val(9); var year =|20)\d{2}/g).pop(); $('select[name="processing_sel[4]"]>option').map(function(index,e){ if (e.innerText.match(year)) { $(`select[name="processing_sel[4]"]>option:eq(${index})`).attr('selected', true); } }); } catch (Err) {} //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(24); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(25); if ( { medium_box.val(26); } break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(27); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(30); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(28); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(29); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(31); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(33); } if ( { medium_box.val(29); } //视频编码 var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'XVID': codec_box.val(3); } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': audiocodec_box.val(13); break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(8); break; case 'DTS-HDMA': audiocodec_box.val(8); break; case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(19); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(9); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(15); if ([\+P]/i)) { audiocodec_box.val(17); } break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(11); if ([\+P]/i)) { audiocodec_box.val(17); } break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(12); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(10); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(13); } //分辨率 var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); standard_box.val(9); var standard_dict = {'4K': 6, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 1, '720p': 3, 'SD': 8}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } var source_box = $('select[name="source_sel[4]"]'); switch (raw_info.source_sel){ case '大陆': source_box.val(15); break; case '##': source_box.val(16); break; case '##': source_box.val(17); break; case '日本': source_box.val(19); break; case '韩国': source_box.val(20); break; default: try { var reg_region = raw_info.descr.match(/(地.{0,5}?区|国.{0,5}?家|产.{0,5}?地)([^\r\n]+)/); if (reg_region) { region = reg_region[2].split('/')[0].trim(); region = region.split(':').pop().trim(); $('select[name="source_sel[4]"]>option').map(function(index,e){ if (region.match(e.innerText.split('/')[1])) { $(`select[name="source_sel[4]"]>option:eq(${index})`).attr('selected', true); } }); } } catch (err) {} } if (source_box.val() == 0) { source_box.val(14); } $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == 'CarPt') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 403, '综艺': 405, '音乐': 406, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, '软件': 407, '学习': 407, '': 407, '游戏': 407, 'MV': 406}; browsecat.val(407); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(8); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(4); if ( { medium_box.val(4); } break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(9); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(2); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); } //视频编码 var codec_box = document.getElementsByName('codec_sel[4]')[0]; codec_box.options[6].selected = true; switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.options[1].selected = true; break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.options[4].selected = true; break; case 'MPEG-2': case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.options[3].selected = true; break; case 'XVID': codec_box.options[5].selected = true; } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = document.getElementsByName('audiocodec_sel[4]')[0]; switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': audiocodec_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.options[1].selected = true; break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.options[1].selected = true; break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.options[3].selected = true; break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.options[4].selected = true; break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.options[7].selected = true; break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.options[5].selected = true; break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.options[8].selected = true; break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.options[9].selected = true; } //分辨率 var standard_box = document.getElementsByName('standard_sel[4]')[0]; var standard_dict = { '4K': 1, '1080p': 2, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4, '': 5 }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.options[index].selected = true; } $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == 'JoyHD') { $('input[name="imdburl"]').val(raw_info.url); //类型 var browsecat = document.getElementsByName('type')[0]; var type_dict = {'电影': 1, '剧集': 2, '动漫': 4, '综艺': 3, '音乐': 5, '纪录': 7, '体育': 6, '软件': 9, '学习': 11, '': 12, '游戏': 10, 'MV': 8}; //如果当前类型在上述字典中 browsecat.options[12].selected = true;//默认其他 if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.options[index].selected = true; } document.getElementById('browsecat').dispatchEvent(evt); var medium_box = document.getElementsByName('source_sel')[0]; switch (raw_info.type){ case '电影': switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.options[5].selected = true; break; case 'DVD': medium_box.options[8].selected = true; break; case 'Remux': medium_box.options[6].selected = true; break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.options[9].selected = true; break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.options[4].selected = true; break; case 'Encode': if (raw_info.standard_sel == '1080p'){ medium_box.options[2].selected = true; } else if(raw_info.standard_sel == '720p'){ medium_box.options[1].selected = true; } else if (raw_info.standard_sel == '4K') { medium_box.options[11].selected = true; } if ($|ipad/i)) { medium_box.options[12].selected = true; } break; default: if (raw_info.standard_sel == '1080p'){ medium_box.options[2].selected = true; } else if(raw_info.standard_sel == '720p'){ medium_box.options[1].selected = true; } else if (raw_info.standard_sel == '4K'){ medium_box.options[11].selected = true; } } if ( { medium_box.options[3].selected = true; } else if ( { medium_box.options[10].selected = true; } break; case '剧集': switch (raw_info.source_sel){ case '大陆': medium_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case '##': case '##': case '港台': medium_box.options[3].selected = true; break; case '日本': medium_box.options[5].selected = true; break; case '韩国': medium_box.options[6].selected = true; break; case '欧美': medium_box.options[4].selected = true; break; } if (\d+[^E]|complete/i)) { medium_box.options[1].selected = true; } break; case '综艺': medium_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case '纪录': medium_box.options[7].selected = true; break; case '动漫': medium_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case '音乐': medium_box.options[1].selected = true; break; case '体育': case '学习': case '软件': medium_box.options[4].selected = true; break; } $('select[name="team_sel"]').val(13); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel'); } else if (forward_site == 'Oshen') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat'); var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, '软件': 409, '学习': 409, '': 409, '游戏': 410, 'MV': 406}; //如果当前类型在上述字典中 if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'DVD': if ( ?DVD/i)){ medium_box.val(2); } else { medium_box.val(6); } break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); } if ({ medium_box.val(4); } //视频编码 var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(10); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'XVID': codec_box.val(3); } //分辨率 var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'4K': 5, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == 'HDAtmos') { //类型 var browsecat = $('select[name=type]'); var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 402, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, '软件': 0, '学习': 0, '': 0, '游戏': 0, 'MV': 406}; if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } $('select[id=specialcat]').attr('disabled', true); setTimeout(function(){ $('tr.mode_8').css('display', ''); }, 1000); //来源 var source_box = $(document.getElementsByName('source_sel[8]')[0]); var medium_box = $(document.getElementsByName('medium_sel[8]')[0]); source_box.val(12); medium_box.val(12); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': source_box.val(6); medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Blu-ray': source_box.val(6); medium_box.val(1); break; case 'DVD': if ( ?DVD/i)){ source_box.val(7); medium_box.val(2); } else { source_box.val(8); medium_box.val(6); } break; case 'Remux': source_box.val(5); medium_box.val(3); break; case 'HDTV': source_boxval(3); medium_box.val(5); break; case 'Encode': source_box.val(1); medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': source_box.val(2); medium_box.val(10); break; case 'CD': source_box.val(9); medium_box.val(8); } if ({ source_box.val(4); medium_box.val(4); } //视频编码 var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[8]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(10); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'XVID': codec_box.val(3); break; } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[8]"]'); audiocodec_box.val(21); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': audiocodec_box.val(10); break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(12); break; case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(10); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(13); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(11); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(15); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(14); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(22); break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(20); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(17); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(18); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(19); } if ( { audiocodec_box.val(23); } //分辨率 var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[8]"]'); var standard_dict = { '4K': 10, '1080p': 11, '1080i': 12, '720p': 13, 'SD': 14, '8K': 15, '': 16 }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } var processing_box = $('select[name="processing_sel[8]"]'); var processing_dict = {'欧美': 8, '大陆': 3, '##': 3, '##': 3, '港台': 3,'日本': 5, '韩国': 6, '印度': 9, '': 9}; processing_box.val(9); if (processing_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.source_sel)){ var index = processing_dict[raw_info.source_sel]; processing_box.val(index); } var reg_region = raw_info.descr.match(/(地.{0,5}?区|国.{0,5}?家|产.{0,5}?地)([^\r\n]+)/); if (reg_region && reg_region[2].match(/美国/)) { processing_box.val(4); } else if (reg_region && reg_region[2].match(/德国/)) { processing_box.val(7); } $('select[name="team_sel[8]"]').val(22); } else if (forward_site == 'CrabPt') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, '软件': 409, '学习': 409, '': 409, '游戏': 409, 'MV': 406}; //如果当前类型在上述字典中 browsecat.val(409); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } try { disableother('browsecat','specialcat'); } catch (err) {} //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="source_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(1); if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'UHD') { medium_box.val(3); } else if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'Blu-ray'){ medium_box.val(2); } else if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'Remux'){ medium_box.val(4); } else if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'Encode'){ medium_box.val(5); } else if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'WEB-DL'){ medium_box.val(6); } else if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'HDTV'){ medium_box.val(7); } else if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'CD') { medium_box.val(8); } //编码 var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(1); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(3); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'VP9': codec_box.val(5); break; case 'AV1': codec_box.val(6); break; } if ( { codec_box.val(4); } //分辨率 var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'8K': 5, '4K': 4, '1080p': 3, '1080i': 3, '720p': 2, 'SD': 1, '': 1}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': audiocodec_box.val(15); break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(8); break; case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(15); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(5); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(3); if ([P\+]/)) { audiocodec_box.val(4); } break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(10); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(12); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(7); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(11); break; case 'Atmos': var info_plus = + raw_info.descr + $('textarea[name="technical_info"]').val(); if (info_plus.match(/True.?HD/i)) { audiocodec_box.val(6); } break; } //制作组 $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(1); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); var processing_box = $('select[name="processing_sel[4]"]'); processing_box.val(1); var processing_dict = {'欧美': 4, '大陆': 2, '##': 3, '##': 3, '日本': 5, '韩国': 6, '印度': 7, '': 1, '港台': 3}; if (processing_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.source_sel)){ var index = processing_dict[raw_info.source_sel]; processing_box.val(index); } } else if (forward_site == 'QingWa') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, '软件': 409, '学习': 409, '': 409, '游戏': 409, 'MV': 406}; //如果当前类型在上述字典中 browsecat.val(409); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } try { disableother('browsecat','specialcat'); } catch (err) {} //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="source_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(6); switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(8); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(9); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(4); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(2); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(3); break; } //编码 var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(3); break; case 'VP9': codec_box.val(8); break; case 'AV1': codec_box.val(7); break; } //分辨率 var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'8K': 6, '4K': 7, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4, '': 5}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); audiocodec_box.val(7); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': audiocodec_box.val(5); break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(9); break; case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(10); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(12); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(14); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(15); if ([P\+]/)) { audiocodec_box.val(16); } break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(17); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(18); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(13); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(19); break; case 'Atmos': var info_plus = + raw_info.descr + $('textarea[name="technical_info"]').val(); if (info_plus.match(/True.?HD/i)) { audiocodec_box.val(11); } break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(4); break; } //制作组 $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == 'PTFans') { var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 404, '动漫': 415, '综艺': 405, '音乐': 407, '纪录': 406, '体育': 403, 'MV': 407}; browsecat.val(419); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } disableother('browsecat','specialcat'); var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(8); switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(6); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(8); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(2); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(1); break; } if ( { medium_box.val(4); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); 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browsecat.val(index); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(8); switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(4); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(2); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); break; } if ( { medium_box.val(6); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(3); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(4); break; } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); audiocodec_box.val(7); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': audiocodec_box.val(4); break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(10); 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browsecat.val(410); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(11); switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(2); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); break; } if ( { medium_box.val(6); } if ( { medium_box.val(4); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(9); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(7); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(3); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'XVID': codec_box.val(5); break; case 'VP9': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'AV1': codec_box.val(8); 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if ( { console.log(ver[i]); $('#autoreg option').filter(function() { if($(this).text().trim() == ver[i]) { var val = $(this).val(); $('#autoreg').val(val); } var i_evt = new Event("change", { bubbles: true, cancelable: false }); $('#autoreg')[0].dispatchEvent(i_evt); }); break; } } function search_by_name(search_name) { var $div = $(`<p class="form__group"></p>`); var $table = $(`<table style="width: 100%" class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped table-hover"></table>`); $div.append($table); var search_url; if (raw_info.type == '剧集') { search_url = '{key}&language=zh-CN&query={name}&page=1&include_adult=true'; } else if (raw_info.type == '电影') { search_url = '{key}&language=zh-CN&query={name}&page=1&include_adult=true'; } else { search_url = '{key}&language=zh-CN&query={name}&page=1&include_adult=true'; } search_url = search_url.format({'key': used_tmdb_key, 'name': search_name}); function compare(date){ return function(obj1, obj2) { try{ var value1 = obj1[date].split('-')[0]+obj1[date].split('-')[1]+obj1[date].split('-')[2];} catch(err) {value1='00000000'} try{ var value2 = obj2[date].split('-')[0]+obj2[date].split('-')[1]+obj2[date].split('-')[2];} catch(err) {value2='00000000'} return value2 - value1; 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$td2 = $(`<td>${e.original_title}</td>`); $td3 = $(`<td><a href="${}" target="_blank">${e.title}</a></td>`); $td5 = $(`<td><input type="button" class="fill_number" name=${} value="USE"></td>`); $tr.append($td0); $tr.append($td1); $tr.append($td2); $tr.append($td3); $tr.append($td5); } $table.append($tr); }); $('.fill_number').css({'backgroundColor': 'rgb(70, 77, 96)'}); $('.fill_number').click(function(){ $('#autotmdb').val($(this).attr('name')); $table.slideUp(500); window.scrollTo(0, 500); }); $('#autotmdb').change(function(){ if (!$(this).val()){ $table.slideDown(1000); } }); $table.find('td').css({'backgroundColor': 'rgb(62, 59, 100)'}); if (forward_site == 'Tik') { $table.find('td').css({'backgroundColor': 'rgb(255, 254, 240)'}); } if (forward_site == 'Aither') { $table.find('td').css({'width': '200px'}); } } }); $('#apimatch').parent().parent().after($div); var color = 'white'; if (forward_site == 'Tik') { color = 'red'; } $('#apimatch').parent().parent().after(`<output name="apimatch" id="apimatch" for="torrent" style="color: ${color};">${}</output>`) } if (raw_info.url && used_tmdb_key) { var imdb_id = raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]; var search_url = `${imdb_id}?api_key=${used_tmdb_key}&external_source=imdb_id&include_adult=false&language=zh-CN`; getJson(search_url, null, function(data){ console.log(data) if (data.movie_r###lts.length) { $('#autotmdb').val(data.movie_r###lts[0].id); } else if (data.tv_r###lts.length) { $('#autotmdb').val(data.tv_r###lts[0].id); } else if (data.tv_episode_r###lts.length) { $('#autotmdb').val(data.tv_episode_r###lts[0].show_id); } if (!$('#tmdbauto').val()) { search_by_name(search_name); } }); } else if (search_name && used_tmdb_key) { search_by_name(search_name); } try{ $('#autoimdb').val(raw_info.url.match(/tt(\d+)/i)[1]); } catch(err) {} if (forward_site == 'BLU') { $('#automal').val(0); } var event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true }); try{ var infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); if (raw_info.multi_mediainfo) { var mediainfos = raw_info.multi_mediainfo.match(/\[quote\][\s\S]*?\[\/quote\]/g); if (mediainfos.length) { for (i=1; i < mediainfos.length; i++) { if (mediainfos[i].match(/\.VOB/)) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(infos.mediainfo, mediainfos[i].replace(/\[.*?\]/g, '')); infos.mediainfo = mediainfos[i].replace(/\[.*?\]/g, ''); } } } } var container = $('textarea[name="mediainfo"]'); if (raw_info.descr.match(/MPLS/) && (raw_info.medium_sel == 'Blu-ray' || raw_info.medium_sel == 'UHD')) { container = $('textarea[name="bdinfo"]'); } if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ container.val(raw_info.full_mediainfo.trim()); } else { container.val(infos.mediainfo.trim()); } container.css({'height': '600px'}); var pic_info; if (forward_site == 'BLU' || forward_site == 'Tik'){ pic_info = deal_img_350_ptpimg(infos.pic_info); if ( HDR/i)) { pic_info = '[CODE]This release contains a derived Dolby Vision profile 8 layer. Comparisons not required as DV and HDR are from same provider.[/CODE]\n\n' + pic_info; } $('#upload-form-mediainfo').parent().before(`<div style="margin-bottom:5px"><a id="img350" style="margin-left:5px" href="#">IMG350</a> <font style="margin-left:5px" color="red">选中要转换的bbcode图片部分点击即可。</font></div> `); $('#img350').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var text = $('#bbcode-description').val(); var textarea = document.getElementById('bbcode-description'); if (textarea && textarea.selectionStart != undefined && textarea.selectionEnd != undefined){ var chosen_value = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd); if (chosen_value) { $('#bbcode-description').val(text.replace(chosen_value, chosen_value.replace(/\[img\]/g, '[img=350]'))); } else { $('#bbcode-description').val(text.replace(/\[img\]/g, '[img=350]')); } } }) } else if (forward_site == 'ACM' || forward_site == 'JPTV'){ pic_info = deal_img_350(infos.pic_info); } else { pic_info = infos.pic_info; } if (forward_site != 'Tik') { $('#upload-form-description').val(pic_info); 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descr = descr.format({'format': 'NTSC'}); } else { torrent_name = search_name + (year ? ` (${year})`: ' (year)') + ' PAL'; descr = descr.format({'format': 'PAL'}); } if ( { torrent_name += ' DVD9'; descr = descr.format({'source': 'DVD9'}); } else { torrent_name += ' DVD5'; descr = descr.format({'source': 'DVD5'}); } if (raw_info.descr.match(/Display.*?aspect.*?ratio.*?:(.*)/i)) { var aspect_ratio = raw_info.descr.match(/Display.*?aspect.*?ratio.*?:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); descr = descr.format({'aspect_ratio': raw_info.descr.match(/Display.*?aspect.*?ratio.*?:(.*)/i)[1].trim()}); if (aspect_ratio == '4:3') { descr = descr.format({'dvdformat': '\nDVD Format.........: Non-Anamorphic'}); } else { descr = descr.format({'dvdformat': '\nDVD Format.........: Anamorphic'}); } } else { descr = descr.format({'dvdformat': '\nDVD Format.........: Anamorphic / Non-Anamorphic'}); } if (raw_info.descr.match(/Overall.*?bit.*?rate *?:(.*)/i)) { descr = descr.format({'bitrate': raw_info.descr.match(/Overall.*?bit.*?rate *?:(.*)/i)[1].trim()}); } try{ var audio_info = raw_info.descr.match(/(audio[\s\S]*)(text)?/i)[0].trim(); var audio_infos = audio_info.split(/audio.*?\nid.*/i).filter(audio => audio.match(/Language/i)); audio_infos =>{ var audio_text = ''; if (e.match(/language.*:(.*)/i)) { audio_text += e.match(/language.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } return audio_text; }); audio_infos = [ Set(audio_infos)]; descr = descr.format({'audio': audio_infos.join(' / ')}); } catch (err) {console.log(err)} try{ var text_info = raw_info.descr.match(/(text[\s\S]*)$/i)[0].trim(); var text_infos = text_info.split(/text.*?\nid.*/i).filter(text => text.split(/General/i)[0].match(/language/i)); text_infos =>{ var subtitle_text = ''; if (e.match(/language.*:(.*)/i)) { subtitle_text += e.match(/language.*:(.*)/i)[1].trim(); } return subtitle_text; }); text_infos = [ Set(text_infos)]; descr = descr.format({'subtitles': text_infos.join(' / ')}); } catch (err) {console.log(err)} } else { var medium_sel = ''; var size = parseFloat(get_size_from_descr(raw_info.descr)); if (size <= 23.28) { medium_sel = 'BD25'; descr = descr.format({'source': 'BD25'}); } else if (size > 23.28 && size < 46.57) { medium_sel = 'BD50'; descr = descr.format({'source': 'BD50'}); } else if (size > 46.57 && size < 61.47) { medium_sel = 'BD66'; descr = descr.format({'source': 'BD66'}); } else { medium_sel = 'BD100'; descr = descr.format({'source': 'BD100'}); } descr = descr.format({'dvdformat': ''}); torrent_name = search_name + (year ? ` (${year}) `: ' (year) ') + medium_sel; if (raw_info.standard_sel == '1080p' || raw_info.standard_sel == '1080i') { torrent_name += ' ' + raw_info.standard_sel; descr = descr.format({'format': raw_info.standard_sel}); } else if (raw_info.standard_sel == '4K') { torrent_name += ' 2160p'; descr = descr.format({'format': '2160p'}); } if (raw_info.codec_sel == 'MPEG-2') { torrent_name += ' MPEG-2'; } else if (raw_info.codec_sel == 'VC-1') { torrent_name += ' VC-1'; } else if (raw_info.codec_sel == 'H265') { torrent_name += ' HEVC'; } else { torrent_name += ' AVC'; 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}); subtitle_info = [ Set(subtitle_info)]; descr = descr.format({'subtitles': subtitle_info.join(' / ')}); } if (raw_info.descr.match(/Audio:(.*)/i)) { audio_info = raw_info.descr.match(/Audio:(.*)/ig).map(e=>{ return e.replace(/Audio.*?:?/i, '').split('/')[0].trim(); }); audio_info = [ Set(audio_info)]; descr = descr.format({'audio': audio_info.join(' / ')}); } } } catch(err) {} if (raw_info.descr.match(/Length:.*?(\d+:\d+:\d+)/)) { var duration = raw_info.descr.match(/Length:.*?(\d+:\d+:\d+)/)[1].split(':'); descr = descr.format({'runtime': parseInt(duration[0]) * 60 + parseInt(duration[1]) }); } } if (raw_info.url) { var search_url = '' + encodeURI(`action=torrent_info&imdb=${raw_info.url}&fast=1`); try { getJson(search_url, null, function(data){ if (data.length) { data = data[0]; if (data.title.match(/AKA/)) { var data_name = data.title.split('AKA').slice(0, 2).join(' / '); torrent_name = torrent_name.replace(search_name, data_name); $('#title').val(torrent_name); } } }); } catch (Err) {} } $('#title').val(torrent_name); 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} catch (err) {} descr = descr.format({'en_descr': imdb_json.description}); $('#bbcode-description').val(descr); $('#bbcode-description').css('height', '400px'); $('#bbcode-description')[0].dispatchEvent(event); } formatDescr(); } else { $('#bbcode-description').val(descr); $('#bbcode-description')[0].dispatchEvent(event); } } } else if (forward_site == 'HDPost' || forward_site == 'DarkLand') { if (raw_info.type == '剧集' || raw_info.type == '综艺' || ((raw_info.type == '纪录' || raw_info.type == '动漫') && raw_info.descr.match(/集.*?数/))) { try { $('#season_number').val(parseInt(\d+)/i)[1])) } catch (err) {$('#season_number').val("1")} try { $('#episode_number').val(parseInt(\d+)/i)[1])) } catch (err) {$('#episode_number').val(0)} } $('#automal').val(0); var source_box = document.getElementsByName('type_id')[0]; switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': source_box.options[1].selected = true; break; case 'Blu-ray': source_box.options[1].selected = true; break; case 'Remux': source_box.options[2].selected = true; break; case 'HDTV': source_box.options[6].selected = true; break; case 'Encode': source_box.options[3].selected = true; break; case 'WEB-DL': source_box.options[4].selected = true; } if ( { source_box.options[5].selected = true; } //分辨率 var standard_box = document.getElementsByName('resolution_id')[0]; var standard_dict = {'4K': 2, '1080p': 3, '1080i': 4, '720p': 5, 'SD': 6, '': 10, '8K': 1}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.options[index].selected = true; } if (raw_info.standard_sel == 'SD') { $('input[name="sd"]:eq(0)').prop("checked", true); } if ( { standard_box.options[6].selected = true; } else if ( { standard_box.options[7].selected = true; } else if ( { standard_box.options[8].selected = true; } else if ( { standard_box.options[9].selected = true; } $('#apimatch').attr('disabled', false); function search_by_name(search_name) { var $div = $(`<div style="margin-top: 10px;"></div>`); var $table = $(`<table style="width: 100%" class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped table-hover"></table>`); $div.append($table); var search_url; if (raw_info.type == '剧集') { search_url = '{key}&language=zh-CN&query={name}&page=1&include_adult=true'; } else if (raw_info.type == '电影') { search_url = '{key}&language=zh-CN&query={name}&page=1&include_adult=true'; } else { search_url = '{key}&language=zh-CN&query={name}&page=1&include_adult=true'; } search_url = search_url.format({'key': used_tmdb_key, 'name': search_name.trim().replace(/ /g, '+')}); console.log(search_url); function compare(date){ return function(obj1, obj2) { try{ var value1 = obj1[date].split('-')[0]+obj1[date].split('-')[1]+obj1[date].split('-')[2];} catch(err) {value1='00000000'} try{ var value2 = obj2[date].split('-')[0]+obj2[date].split('-')[1]+obj2[date].split('-')[2];} catch(err) {value2='00000000'} return value2 - value1; } } getJson(search_url, null, function(data){ if (data.r###lts.length > 2) { if (raw_info.type == '剧集') { data.r###lts = data.r###lts.sort(compare('first_air_date')); } else { data.r###lts = data.r###lts.sort(compare('release_date')); 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source_box.val(10); if (source_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.source_sel)){ var index = source_dict[raw_info.source_sel]; source_box.val(index); } } else if (forward_site == 'HDClone') { var browsecat = $('#browsecat'); var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, 'MV': 410}; browsecat.val(407); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(9); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(6); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(11); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(10); break; default: medium_box.val(5); } if ( { medium_box.val(4); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); 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break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); break; } //编码 var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(7); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'XVID': codec_box.val(3); break; } var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'4K': 5, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4, '8K': 6, '': 4}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } //制作组 $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == 'HDBAO') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 409, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, 'MV': 406}; browsecat.val(411); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(13); switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(6); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(8); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(12); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(12); break; } if ( { medium_box.val(3); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(7); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(9); break; } //分辨率 var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'4K': 5, '1080p': 8, '1080i': 2, '720p': 7, 'SD': 10, '': 11}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name^="audiocodec_sel"]'); audiocodec_box.val(7); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(11); break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(8); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(12); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(9); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(13); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(15); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; } //制作组 $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == 'AFUN') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 414, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, 'MV': 406}; browsecat.val(409); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } disableother('browsecat','specialcat'); //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(8); switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(6); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); break; } if ( { medium_box.val(6); } if ( { medium_box.val(4); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'AVC': codec_box.val(8); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(9); break; case 'XVID': codec_box.val(3); break; } var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'8K': 6, '4K': 5, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 2, '720p': 3, 'SD': 4, '': 0}; 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} else if (forward_site == '回声') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 420, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, 'MV': 420}; browsecat.val(409); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="source_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(16); switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(20); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(29); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(21); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(22); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(23); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(24); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(25); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(26); break; } if ( { medium_box.val(22); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(9); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(8); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(10); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(11); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(13); break; case 'AV1': codec_box.val(12); break; } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); audiocodec_box.val(23); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': audiocodec_box.val(22); break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(23); break; case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(22); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(24); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(26); if ([P\+]/)) { audiocodec_box.val(27); } break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(30); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(17); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(29); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(21); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(18); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(19); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(25); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(28); break; } var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'8K': 12, '4K': 11, '2K': 13,'1080p': 10, '1080i': 10, '720p': 9,'720i': 9,'480p': 8,'480i': 8, 'SD': 13, '': 13}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } //制作组 $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(27); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == '星陨阁') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, 'MV': 406, '学习': 414, '软件': 418, '游戏': 409}; browsecat.val(409); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(10); switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(2); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(4); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(6); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); break; } if ( { medium_box.val(7); } if ( { medium_box.val(4); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(3); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(5); break; case 'AV1': codec_box.val(6); break; } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); audiocodec_box.val(16); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(7); break; case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(8); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(10); if ([P\+]/)) { audiocodec_box.val(11); } break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(14); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(13); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(5); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(9); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(12); break; case 'M4A': audiocodec_box.val(4); break; } var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'8K': 5, '4K': 4, '1080p': 3, '1080i': 3, '720p': 2, 'SD': 6, '': 6}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } //制作组 $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == 'DevTracker') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, 'MV': 406}; // 未加410电子书 411有声书 browsecat.val(409); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); medium_box.val(0); switch (raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Blu-ray': medium_box.val(1); break; case 'Remux': medium_box.val(3); break; case 'Encode': medium_box.val(7); break; case 'WEB-DL': medium_box.val(10); break; case 'HDTV': medium_box.val(5); break; case 'DVD': medium_box.val(6); break; case 'CD': medium_box.val(8); break; } if ( { medium_box.val(7); } var codec_box = $('select[name="codec_sel[4]"]'); codec_box.val(5); switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': codec_box.val(6); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': codec_box.val(1); break; case 'VC-1': codec_box.val(2); break; case 'MPEG-2': codec_box.val(4); break; case 'MPEG-4': codec_box.val(5); break; case 'AV1': codec_box.val(5); break; } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name="audiocodec_sel[4]"]'); audiocodec_box.val(7); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': audiocodec_box.val(12); break; case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': audiocodec_box.val(12); break; case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS-HDHR': audiocodec_box.val(12); break; case 'TrueHD': audiocodec_box.val(9); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val(10); if ([P\+]/)) { audiocodec_box.val(11); } break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(6); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(3); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(4); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(7); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(13); break; case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val(8); break; } var standard_box = $('select[name="standard_sel[4]"]'); var standard_dict = {'8K': 6, '4K': 5, '1080p': 1, '1080i': 1, '720p': 2,'720i': 2, 'SD': 4, '': 4}; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ var index = standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]; standard_box.val(index); } //制作组 $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); } else if (forward_site == '伞') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat') var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 405, '综艺': 403, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 404, '体育': 407, 'MV': 406}; browsecat.val(409); if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; 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case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val(9); break; case 'AAC': audiocodec_box.val(18); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val(1); break; case 'APE': audiocodec_box.val(2); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val(10); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val(14); break; case 'WAV': audiocodec_box.val(19); break; } if ( { audiocodec_box.val(12); } } else if (forward_site == 'WT-Sakura') { var browsecat = $('#browsecat'); var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '动漫': 413, '综艺': 418, '音乐': 408, '纪录': 410, '体育': 407, '软件': 409, '学习': 409, '': 0, '游戏': 409, 'MV': 406}; if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.val(index); } if (['动漫', '剧集', '综艺'].indexOf(raw_info.type) >= 0) { if (\d+|Complete/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/全\d+集/)) { if (raw_info.type == '动漫') { browsecat.val(423); } else if (raw_info.type == '剧集') { browsecat.val(414); } else if (raw_info.type == '综艺') { browsecat.val(403); } } } try {disableother('browsecat','specialcat');} catch(err){} if (raw_info.type == '动漫') { if (\d+/i)) { browsecat.val(413); 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standard_box.val(index); } $('select[name="team_sel[4]"]').val(5); check_team(raw_info, 'team_sel[4]'); if ( { $('select[name="team_sel"]').val(9); } } else if (forward_site == 'HITPT') { // 分类 // 使用js用于兼容change事件监听器 var i_evt = new Event("change", { bubbles: true, cancelable: false }); var browsecat = document.getElementById('browsecat'); var specialcat = document.getElementById('specialcat'); var bro_type_dict = { '电影': 401, '纪录': 413, '动漫': 405, '剧集': 402, '综艺': 416, '体育': 407, 'MV': 415, '': 0, }; var spe_type_dict = { '音乐': 406, '软件': 408, '游戏': 410 }; if (bro_type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)) { var index = bro_type_dict[raw_info.type]; browsecat.value = index; browsecat.dispatchEvent(i_evt); } if (spe_type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)) { var index = spe_type_dict[raw_info.type]; specialcat.value = index; specialcat.dispatchEvent(i_evt); } // 来源 var source_box = $('select[name="source_sel[4]"]'); switch (raw_info.medium_sel) { case 'UHD': source_box.val(11); break; case 'Blu-ray': source_box.val(1); 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addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, announce); var populate = function(res) { $('input#title[value=""]').val(res.title); if(res.hasOwnProperty('alt_title')) { $('input#alternate_title[value=""]').val(res.alt_title); } $('input#year[value=""]').val(res.year); $('input#country[value=""]').val(; $('input#language[value=""]').val(res.language); $('input#runtime[value=""]').val(res.runtime); $('input#tags[value=""]').val(res.taglist); if (!$('textarea#album_desc').val()) { $('textarea#album_desc').val(res.group_desc); } if (raw_info.ptp_poster){ $('input[name="image"]').val(raw_info.ptp_poster); } if (!$('input#country').val()) { getDoc(raw_info.url, null, function(doc) { $('input#country').val($('li.ipc-metadata-list__item:contains("Countr")', doc).find('a').first().text().replace('United States', 'USA').replace('United Kingdom', 'UK')); if (!raw_info.ptp_poster) { try{ $('input[name="image"]').val($('a[href*=tt_ov_i]', doc).first().parent().find('img').attr('src').split('_V1_')[0] + '_V1_.jpg'); 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} $('tr:contains(Film Cover:)').last().find('td:last').append(`<br><br><input type="text" id="poster" name="poster" size="60" value=""><input type="button" id="ptp" value="to-ptp"><input type="button" id="preview" value="preview"> <br><br><font color="red">如果IMDB的海报不能使用,或许可以检查后转存简介的第一张图片到PTP(需要apikey)。</font>`); try { $('#poster').val(raw_info.descr.match(/\[img\](\S*?)\[\/img\]/i)[1]); } catch(err) {} $('#ptp').click(()=>{ if ($('#poster').val().match(/https?:\/\/.*?(jpg|png|webp)/)) { ptp_send_images($('#poster').val().split(','), used_ptp_img_key) .then(function(new_urls){ new_urls = new_urls.toString().split(',').join('\n'); $('#image').val(new_urls.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, '')); }).catch(function(err){ alert(err); }); } else { alert('请输入图片地址!!'); } }); $('#preview').click(()=>{$('#poster').val(), '_blank'); }); } else if (forward_site == 'MTV') { var announce = $('input[value*="announce"]').val(); addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, announce); $('p:contains(announce url)').append(`<br><font color="red">1.请注意:制作种子区块小于或等于8M,上传种子后点击auto fill</fonr>`); if (!$('#image').val()) {try { $('#image').val(raw_info.descr.match(/\[img\](\S*?)\[\/img\]/i)[1]); } catch(err) {}} if (raw_info.ptp_poster) { $('#image').val(raw_info.ptp_poster); } $('strong:contains("image")').after(`<input type="button" value="go-ptp" id="ptp"><input type="button" value="preview" id="preview"><font color="red">2.请检查是否是封面图!!!</font>`); $('#ptp').click(()=>{ if ($('#image').val().match(/https?:\/\/.*?(jpg|png|webp)/)) { ptp_send_images($('#image').val().split(','), used_ptp_img_key) .then(function(new_urls){ new_urls = new_urls.toString().split(',').join('\n'); $('#image').val(new_urls.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, '')); }).catch(function(err){ alert(err); }); } else { alert('请输入图片地址!!'); } }); $('#preview').click(()=>{$('#image').val(), '_blank'); }); $('#desc').after(`<div id="noimg" style="display:none"><br><br><font color="red">简介中没有合适的截图,请提交到ptp图床,一行一个地址 (不要缩略图):</font><textarea style="background-color:black; color:grey" class="long" rows='10' id="t1"></textarea><input type="button" value="go-ptp" id="goptp"><textarea class='long' rows='10' style="background-color:black;color:grey" id="t2"></textarea></div>`); var descr = `[mediainfo]\n{mediainfo}\n[/mediainfo]\n\n[screens]\n[spoiler]\n{poster}[/spoiler]\n`; var container = $('textarea[name="desc"]'); container.css({"height": "600px"}); container.val(""); try{ var infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ descr = descr.format({'mediainfo': raw_info.full_mediainfo}); } else { descr = descr.format({'mediainfo': infos.mediainfo}) } if (infos.pic_info.match(/ptpimg/)) { var pic_info = ''; infos.pic_info.match(/\[img\]http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)\[\/img\]/g).forEach((item)=>{ pic_info += item + '\n'; }) descr = descr.format({'poster': pic_info}); } else if (infos.pic_info.match(/ibb\.co|imgbox/)){ descr = descr.format({'poster': infos.pic_info}); } else { $('#noimg').show(); get_full_size_picture_urls(null, infos.pic_info, $('#t1'), true); descr = descr.format({'poster': `[img]URL SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]\n[img]URL SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]\n[img]URL SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]`}); } container.val(descr); } catch(err) { $('#noimg').show(); if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ descr = descr.format({'mediainfo': raw_info.full_mediainfo}) } else { descr = descr.format({'mediainfo': raw_info.descr}) } descr = descr.format({'poster': ``}); container.val(descr); } $('#goptp').click(()=>{ var img_urls = $('#t1').val().match(/http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)/g); console.log(img_urls); if (img_urls.length) { ptp_send_images(img_urls, used_ptp_img_key) .then(function(new_urls){ new_urls = new_urls.toString().split(',').join('\n'); $('#t2').val(new_urls); var container = $('textarea[name="desc"]'); container.val(container.val().replace(`[img]URL SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]\n[img]URL SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]\n[img]URL SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]`,new_urls)); }).catch(function(err){ alert(err); }); } }); $(document).ready(()=>{ if ($('#title').val()) { $('#title').val($('#title').val().replace(/\.(mp4|mkv)$/, '')); if (!$('input[name=origin]:checked').length) { $('input[value=3]').attr('checked', true); } $('#title').parent().append(`<button href="#" id="rename"><font color="red">rename title</font></button>`); $('#rename').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); $('#title').val( /g, '.')); }) } if (raw_info.url && $('#taginput').val()) { getDoc(raw_info.url, null, function(doc){ var genres = Array.from($('div[data-testid*=genres]', doc).find('a')).map(function(e){ return $(e).text().toLowerCase(); }).join(' ').replace(/ Read all/g, ''); $('#taginput').val(genres + ' ' + $('#taginput').val()); }); } }); var movie_info = [`[spoiler=Cover][img]${$('#image').val()}[/img][/spoiler]`, `[url= DB ID~~]The MovieDB[/url]`, `[url= ID~~]TVdb[/url]`, `[url= ID~~]IMDB[/url]`].join('\n'); var tv_info = [`[spoiler=Cover][img]${$('#image').val()}[/img][/spoiler]`, `[url= ID~~]Next-Episode[/url]`, `[url= ID~~]TVdb[/url]`, `[url= ID~~]IMDB[/url]`, `[url= ID~~]TV Maze[/url]`].join('\n'); if (raw_info.url) { var search_name = get_search_name(; getJson(''+search_name, null, (data)=>{ if (data.length) {>{ item =; if (raw_info.url.match( { tv_info = tv_info.replace(/~~TVM ID~~/,; tv_info = tv_info.replace(/~~TVDB ID~~/, item.externals.thetvdb); movie_info = movie_info.replace(/~~TVDB ID~~/, item.externals.thetvdb); } }) } }); } $('#groupDesc').after(`<input type="button" value="fill-info" id="fill_info"><input type="button" value="search" id="search"><font color="red">3.加载种子后依次点击fill-info, search按钮, 后者会同时打开多个搜索页面,请<a style="text-decoration: underline;color:red" href="" target="_blank">关闭拦截窗口</a>。搜索后将对应ID补充完整,点击上传。</font>`); $('#fill_info').click(()=>{ var category = $('#category').val(); if (category < 3) { $('#groupDesc').val(movie_info); } else { $('#groupDesc').val(tv_info); } if (raw_info.url) { $('#groupDesc').val($('#groupDesc').val().replace(/~~IMDB ID~~/, raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0])); } }); $('#search').click(()=>{ search_name = get_search_name(; var category = $('#category').val(); var imdb_url = '' + search_name; var tvdb_url = '' + search_name; var tmdb_url = '' + search_name; var tvmz_url = '' + search_name; var next_url = '' + search_name; if (category < 3) {, '_blank');, '_blank'); if (!raw_info.url) {, '_blank'); 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} else if (item.match(/chs|zh/i)) { subtitles.push('chinese_simplified'); } else if (item.match(/cht/i)) { subtitles.push('chinese_traditional'); } else if (item.match(/port/i)) { subtitles.push('portuguese'); } else if (item.match(/span/i)) { subtitles.push('spanish'); } else if (item.match(/janp/i)) { subtitles.push('japanese'); } else if (item.match(/kor/i)) { subtitles.push('korean'); } else if (item.match(/ita/i)) { subtitles.push('italian'); } else if (item.match(/fre/i)) { subtitles.push('french'); } }) } } } if (subtitles.indexOf("Chinese")>-1) { subtitles.push('chinese_simplified'); } if (raw_info.small_descr.match(/简.*字幕|简.*中|简繁|中.*字/)) { subtitles.push('chinese_simplified'); } if (raw_info.small_descr.match(/繁.*中|繁.*字幕|简繁|繁.*字/)) { subtitles.push('chinese_traditional'); } if (raw_info.small_descr.match(/英.*字/)) { subtitles.push('english'); } return subtitles; } if (raw_info.comparisons) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.split('[b]对比图[/b]')[0]; } if (raw_info.url) { $('#imdb').val(raw_info.url); 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$('#go_imgbox').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($('#release_desc').val().match(/http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)/g).length > 0) { var origin_str = $('#release_desc').val(); raw_info.images = $('#release_desc').val().match(/http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)/g); pix_send_images(raw_info.images) .then(function(new_urls) { new_urls = new_urls.toString().split(',').map((item)=>{ return item.match(/\[img\]http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)\[\/img\]/)[0].replace('//t', '//img').replace('thumbs', 'images'); }); var urls_append = ''; if (new_urls.length > 1) { if (raw_info.origin_site == 'TTG' &&$/i)) { urls_append += '[comparison=Source, Encode]\n'; for (var i=0; i<=new_urls.length-2; i+=2) { urls_append += `${new_urls[i]} ${new_urls[i+1]}\n` } urls_append += '[/comparison]'; for (var i=1; i<=(new_urls.length>5 ? 5: new_urls.length); i+=2) { urls_append += `\n${new_urls[i]}` } origin_str = origin_str.substring(0,[0]) - 5) + urls_append; } else { raw_info.images =>{ return `[img]${item}[/img]`; }); for (var i=0; i<new_urls.length; 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raw_info.images = origin_str.match(/http[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)/g);>{ var new_img = item.replace(source_str, dest_str); origin_str = origin_str.replace(item, new_img); }); $('#release_desc').val(origin_str); }); $('#go_ibb').click((e)=>{ function getibbdoc(url) { console.log(url) var p = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ getDoc(url,null,function(doc){ console.log(doc) var source_img_url = $('#embed-code-3', doc).val(); resolve(source_img_url); }); }) return p; } var origin_str = $('#release_desc').val(); var imgbb_urls = origin_str.match(/https?:\/\/[^\[\]]*?(jpg|png)/g); if (!imgbb_urls.length) { alert("没有监测到imgbb链接"); } else { var imgbb_tasks = [];>{ var imgbb_show_url = '' + item.match(/https:\/\/\/(.*?)\//)[1]; var imgbb_p = getibbdoc(imgbb_show_url); imgbb_tasks.push(imgbb_p); }) Promise.all(imgbb_tasks).then((data)=>{ for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) { origin_str = origin_str.replace(`[img]${imgbb_urls[i]}[/img]`, data[i]); } $('#release_desc').val(origin_str); alert("获取成功"); }) } }); } $('#release_desc').val($('#release_desc').val() ? $('#release_desc').val() + '\n\n' + pic_info: pic_info); 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flag = true; } if ( Collection/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/CC标准收藏|Criterion Collection/i)) { $(`a[onclick*="the_criterion_collection"`).click(); flag = true; } if ('s cut/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/导演剪辑版/)) { $(`a[onclick*="director_s_cut"]`).click(); flag = true; } if ( || raw_info.small_descr.match(/加长版/)) { $(`a[onclick*="extended_edition"]`).click(); flag = true; } if (labels.db || raw_info.small_descr.match(/杜比|dolby version/i)) { $(`#dolby_vision`).click(); flag = true; } if (labels.hdr10 || raw_info.small_descr.match(/hdr10/i)) { $(`#hdr10`).click(); flag = true; } if (labels.hdr10plus || raw_info.small_descr.match(/hdr10\+/i)) { $(`#hdr10plus`).click(); flag = true; } if ( remaster/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/4K.?修复/i)) { $(`a[onclick*="4k_remaster"]`).click(); flag = true; } else if ( { $(`a[onclick*="'remaster"]`).click(); flag = true; } if ( || raw_info.small_descr.match(/atmos/i)) { $(`#dolby_atmos`).click(); flag = true; } if ( { $(`#10_bit`).click(); flag = true; 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Only the Staff can validate an exception.'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(0)').find('strong').text('File'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(1)').find('strong').text('Pattern'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(2)').text('Any pornographic content :'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(3)').text('HD-Only is a "general public" community'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(4)').text('"Watermarked" encodings:'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(5)').text('the encodings with team logo embedded in the video'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(6)').text('Duplicates:'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(7)').html('view <a href="/wiki.php?action=article&id=62">replacement of existing releases</a>'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(8)').text('For the rest :'); $('#dnulist').find('td:eq(9)').html(`view <a href="/rules.php?p=upload">general upload rules</a> et <a href="/wiki.php?action=article&id=79">those for the encodings</a>`); if (raw_info.type == '剧集' || raw_info.type == '纪录' || raw_info.type == '综艺') { $('#categories').val("1"); document.getElementById('categories').dispatchEvent(evt); } setTimeout(function(){ var animation = false; if (raw_info.descr.match(/类[s]{2,5}型.*动画/)) { animation = true; } if (raw_info.type == "电影") { $('#releasetype').val(animation ? 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(French version, origin of dubbing not specified)'); $('label[for="vff"]').text('VFF (French version of France)'); $('label[for="vfq"]').text('VFQ (French version of Quebec)'); $('label[for="vfi"]').text('VFI (French International Version = only 1 existing French dubbing)'); $('label[for="stfr"]').text('Check this box if the release has full French subtitles (or "SDH" for a French film).'); $('label[for="vfi"]').parent().find('p').html('More information on languages <a href="">by clicking here</a>.') try{ var infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); var container = $('textarea[name="release_desc"]'); if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ container.val(raw_info.full_mediainfo); } else { container.val(infos.mediainfo); } $('textarea[name="release_desc"]').css({'height': '400px'}); } catch(err) { if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ $('textarea[name="release_desc"]').val(raw_info.full_mediainfo); } else { $('textarea[name="release_desc"]').val(raw_info.descr); } } $('input[value="Prévisualiser"]').val('Preview'); }, 2000); } else if (forward_site == 'NBL') { var announce = $('input[value*="announce"]').val(); addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, announce); if (!$('#categorywrap').is(':hidden')) { return; } $('#categorywrap').show(); if (\d+E\d+/i)) { $('#category').val("1"); } else { $('#category').val("3"); } $(document).ready(()=>{ if ($('#title').val()) { if (!\d+/i)) { $('#title').val($('#title').val()+ ' - S01'); } } }); $('#tvmaze').show(); var search_name = get_search_name(; getJson(''+search_name, null, (data)=>{ if (data.length) { $('#tvmaze>td:last').append(`</br></br><font color="red" size="1">请点击对应剧照填充id:</font></br>`); GM_addStyle( `div.img { margin: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; float: left; width: 120px; } div.img:hover { border: 1px solid #777; } div.img img { width: 100%; height: auto; } div.desc { padding: 15px; text-align: center; }` );>{ item =; console.log(item) try{ var html = `<div class="responsive"> <div class='img' style="max-height:230px"> <img src=${item.image.medium} style="width:120px" name="tvmaze" id=${} /> <div class="desc"> <a href=${item.url} target="_blank">${} [${item.premiered.match(/\d{4}/)[0]}]</a> </div> </div> </div>`; $('#tvmaze>td:last').append(html); } catch(err) {} console.log(raw_info.url) if ( && raw_info.url) { if (raw_info.url.match( { $('#tvmazeid').val(; } } }) $('img[name=tvmaze]').click((e)=>{ $('#tvmazeid').val($('id')); }) } }); $('#mediainfowrap').show(); try{ var infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ $('#media').val(raw_info.full_mediainfo); } else { $('#media').val(infos.mediainfo.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, '')); } } catch(err) { if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ $('#media').val(raw_info.full_mediainfo); } else { $('#media').val(raw_info.descr.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, '')); } } $('#checkbutton').show(); } else if (forward_site == 'ANT') { var announce = $('input[value*="announce"]').val(); addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, announce); try{ var infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ $('#mediainfo').val(raw_info.full_mediainfo); } else { $('#mediainfo').val(infos.mediainfo.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, '')); } get_full_size_picture_urls(null, infos.pic_info, $('#screenshots'), false); } catch(err) { if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ $('#mediainfo').val(raw_info.full_mediainfo); } else { $('#mediainfo').val(raw_info.descr.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, '')); } } $('#mediainfo').css({'height': '600px'}); if (!$('#categories').is(':hidden')) { var search_name = get_search_name(; $('#title').val(search_name); try { $('#year').val(|20)\d{2}/)[0]); } catch (err) {} if (raw_info.type == '剧集') { $('#categories').val('2'); } } switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': case 'Blu-ray': case 'Encode': case 'Remux': $('select[name=media]').val('Blu-ray'); break; case 'HDTV': $('select[name=media]').val('HDTV'); break; case 'WEB-DL': $('select[name=media]').val('WEB'); break; case 'DVD': $('select[name=media]').val('DVD'); break; case 'TV': $('select[name=media]').val('TV'); break; } if ( { $('select[name=media]').val('HD-DVD'); } switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': $('select[name=codec]').val('H265'); break; case 'H264': case 'X264': $('select[name=codec]').val('H264'); break; case 'VC-1': $('select[name=codec]').val('VC-1'); break; case 'Xvid': $('select[name=codec]').val('XviD'); break; case 'MPEG-2': $('select[name=codec]').val('MPEG-2'); break; } //音频编码 var audiocodec_box = $('select[name=audioformat]'); switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HD': case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': case 'DTS-HDMA': case 'DTS': audiocodec_box.val('DTS'); break; case 'TrueHD': case 'Atmos': audiocodec_box.val('True-HD'); break; case 'LPCM': audiocodec_box.val('PCM'); break; case 'AC3': audiocodec_box.val('AC3'); break; case 'AAC': case 'DD': audiocodec_box.val('AAC'); break; case 'Flac': audiocodec_box.val('FLAC'); break; case 'MP3': audiocodec_box.val('MP3'); break; } if ({ $('input[value=Atmos]').attr('checked', true); } if ({ $('input[value=Remux]').attr('checked', true); } var standard_dict = { 'SD': '480p', '720p': '720p', '1080i': '1080i', '1080p': '1080p', '4K': '2160p', '': 'Other' }; if (standard_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.standard_sel)){ $('#ressel').val(standard_dict[raw_info.standard_sel]) } $('#releasegroup').val(*)$/)[1].split(/x264|x265|ac3|aac|dts|-/i).pop().trim()); $('#releasegroup').parent().append(`<div style="padding-top:5px">原标题:<font color="red">${}</font><br> 禁发布:<font color="red">Ozlem, RARBG, FGT (Trumpable), STUTTERSHIT, LiGaS, DDR, Zeus, TBS, aXXo, CrEwSaDe, DNL, EVO (WEB-DLs are permitted), FaNGDiNG0, HD2DVD, HDTime, iPlanet, KiNGDOM, NhaNc3, PRoDJi, SANTi, ViSiON, WAF, YIFY, YTS, MkvCage, mSD</font></div>`); if (if_uplver) { $('input[name=anonymous]').attr('checked', true); } try { lange = raw_info.descr.match(/Audio.*\nID.*?2[\s\S]*?Language.*:(.*)/)[1].trim(); if ($('select[name="lang"]').find(`option:contains(${lange})`).length) { $('select[name="lang"]').find(`option:contains(${lange})`).attr('selected', true); } } catch (err) {} //get tmdb id setTimeout(function(){ $('#autofill').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (raw_info.url && used_tmdb_key) { var imdb_id = raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]; var search_url = `${imdb_id}?api_key=${used_tmdb_key}&external_source=imdb_id&include_adult=false&language=zh-CN`; getJson(search_url, null, function(data){ console.log(data) if (data.movie_r###lts.length) { $('#tmdbid').val(data.movie_r###lts[0].id); } }); } }); $('#autofill').click(); }, 2000); } else if (forward_site == 'avz' || forward_site == 'PHD' || forward_site == 'CNZ') { var announce = $('h2:contains(announce)').text().replace('Announce URL:', '').trim(); addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, announce); $('#form_upload_torrent').prepend(`<div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Name</label> <span><p style="padding-top:10px; padding-left:225px">${}</a></p></span> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">IMDB</label> <span><p style="padding-top: 10px; padding-left:225px"><a href=${raw_info.url} target="_blank">${raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]}</a></p></span> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Country</label> <span><p id="country" style="padding-top: 10px; padding-left:225px"></p></span> </div>`); if (raw_info.url) { getDoc(raw_info.url, null, function(doc){ var country = Array.from($('li.ipc-metadata-list__item:contains("Countr")', doc).find('a')).map(function(e){ return $(e).text(); }).join(', '); $('#country').text(country); }); } $('.alert-info').append(`<p style="font-size:14px">请上传亚洲影视(包括:南亚,东南亚,东亚)到 <a id="avz" class="other" href="#" style="color:yellow;text-decoration: underline;">AVZ</a>; 上传欧洲(除了英国和#尔兰)、南美和非洲以及50年前的影视到 <a id="CNZ" href="#" class="other" style="color:yellow;text-decoration: underline;">CNZ</a>; 上传所有主流英语国家(美国、英国、加拿大、#尔兰、苏格兰、#洲、新西兰)到 <a id="PHD" href="#" class="other" style="color:yellow;text-decoration: underline;">PHD</a>。</p>`); $('.other').click((e)=> { e.preventDefault(); var site =; var url_domain = { 'avz': '', 'PHD': '', 'CNZ': '' } if (raw_info.url && forward_site != site) { e.preventDefault(); var url = `https://${url_domain[site]}/movies?search=&imdb=` + raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]; var upload_url = `https://${url_domain[site]}/upload/movie`; if (raw_info.type != '电影' && raw_info.type != '纪录') { url = `https://${url_domain[site]}/tv-shows?search=&imdb=` + raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]; upload_url = `https://${url_domain[site]}/upload/tv`; } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: function(res) { console.log(res) doc = res.responseText; if ($('div.overlay-container', doc).length) { upload_url += '?movie_id=' + $('div.overlay-container', doc).find('a').attr('href').match(/\d+/)[0]; } jump_str = dictToString(raw_info); site_href = upload_url + separator + encodeURI(jump_str);,"_self"); return; } }); } else if (forward_site != site) { var url = encodeURI(site_url.replace(url_domain[forward_site], url_domain[site]));,"_self"); } }) try{ var infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); var container = $('textarea[name="media_info"]'); if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ container.val(raw_info.full_mediainfo); } else { container.val(infos.mediainfo.replace(/\[.{1,20}\]/g, '')); } $('textarea[name="media_info"]').css({'height': '600px'}); } catch(Err) { if (raw_info.full_mediainfo){ $('textarea[name="media_info"]').val(raw_info.full_mediainfo); } else { $('textarea[name="media_info"]').val(raw_info.descr); } $('textarea[name="media_info"]').css({'height': '600px'}); } } else if (forward_site == 'TVV') { if ($('a[href*="torrents.php"]:contains("here")').length) { getDoc('' + $('a[href*="torrents.php"]:contains("here")').attr('href'), null, function(doc){ $(`tr[class="group_torrent"]`, doc).has('a:contains(ED)').map((index,e)=>{ if ($(e).find('td:eq(3)').text() == '0') { var download_url = '' + $(e).find('a[href*="download&id="]:contains(DL)').attr('href');, '_blank'); } }); }); return; } var announce = $('input[value*="announce"]').val(); addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, announce); if (raw_info.url) { $('#upload_table').find('tbody:first').prepend(`<tr><td style="text-align:right">Genres</td><td id="genres"></td></tr>`) $('#upload_table').find('tbody:first').prepend(`<tr><td style="text-align:right">IMDB</td><td><a href=${raw_info.url} target="_blank">${raw_info.url}</a></td></tr>`); } $('#upload_table').find('tbody:first').prepend(`<tr><td style="text-align:right">Full Name</td><td>${}</td></tr>`); try{ $('input[name="imdb_link"]').val(raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0]); getDoc(raw_info.url, null, function(doc) { var genres = Array.from($('div[data-testid*=genres]', doc).find('a')).map(function(e){ return $(e).text(); }); $('#genres').text(genres.join(', ')); if ($('#categories').length) { $('#categories').val('Other'); var category_selected = false;{ e = `${e[0].toUpperCase()}${e.slice(1)}`.trim(); if ($('#categories').find(`option:contains(${e})`).length) { if (!category_selected){ category_selected = true; $('#categories').find(`option:contains(${e})`).attr('selected', true); } } }); var title = $('h1', doc).text(); $('#show').val(title); } $('#image').val($('a[href*=tt_ov_i]', doc).first().parent().find('img').attr('src').split('_V1_')[0] + '_V1_.jpg'); $(`<input type=button value=Preview id="img_search" style="margin-left:5px"/>`).insertAfter($('#image')); $('#img_search').click(()=>{ var url=$('#image').val().trim();, "_blank") }); var imdb_descr = $('span[data-testid="plot-xs_to_m"]:eq(0)', doc).text().trim(); if (imdb_descr.match(/Read all/)){ var full_descr_url = '' + raw_info.url.match(/tt\d+/)[0] + '/' + $('span[data-testid="plot-xs_to_m"]:eq(0)', doc).find('a').attr('href'); getDoc(full_descr_url, null, function (docx) { imdb_descr = $('#plot-summaries-content', docx).find('p').text().trim(); $('#show_desc').val(imdb_descr); }); } else if (imdb_descr.match(/Add a Plot/)) { imdb_descr = `No data from IMDB: ${raw_info.url}`; } $('#show_desc').val(imdb_descr); var infos = $('h1', doc).next().text(); if (!$('#year').val()) { $('#year').val($('h1', doc).next().text().match(/(19|20)\d{2}/)[0]); } if (infos.match(/TV Mini Series/)) { $('#title').val('Miniseries '+ `(${|1080|2160|576|480|4k)(p|i)/i)[0]})`); } else if (infos.match(/TV Movie/)) { $('#title').val('TV Movie '+ `(${|1080|2160|576|480|4k)(p|i)/i)[0]})`); } }); } catch(err) { if (!$('#year').val()) { $('#year').val(|20)\d{2}/g).pop()); } } try { var show_info =\d+(E\d+)?/)[0]; var title = ''; if (show_info.match(/S\d+/)) { title += `Season ${parseInt(show_info.match(/S(\d+)/)[1])}`; } if (show_info.match(/E\d+/)) { title += `, Episodes ${show_info.match(/E(\d+)/)[1]}`; } if (raw_info.standard_sel) { title += ` (${|1080|2160|576|480|4k)(p|i)/i)[0]})` } $('#title').val(title); $(`<input type=button value=Go id="name_search" style="margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px"/><font color="red">点击跳转获取单集名称</font>`).insertAfter($('#title')); $('#name_search').click(()=>{ var url = raw_info.url + 'episodes/?ref_=tt_ov_epl';, "_blank") }); } catch (err) {} try { infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); if (raw_info.full_mediainfo) { $('#release_desc').val(raw_info.full_mediainfo + '\n\n' + infos.pic_info); } else { $('#release_desc').val(infos.mediainfo + '\n\n' + infos.pic_info); } } catch (err) { raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[\/?.{1,20}\]\n?/g, ''); $('#release_desc').val(raw_info.descr); } $('#release_desc').css({"width":"600px", "height": "600px"}); $('#show_desc').css({"width":"600px", "height": "150px"}) if ($('#release_desc').val().match(/Audio Video Interleave|AVI/i)) { $('#container').val('AVI'); } else if ($('#release_desc').val().match(/mp4|\.mp4/i)) { $('#container').val('MP4'); } else if ($('#release_desc').val().match(/Matroska|\.mkv/i)) { $('#container').val('MKV'); 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if ($('#year')) { url += ` (${$('#year').val()}`; if (raw_info.type == '电影') { url += ' film)'; } else { url += ' TV series)'; } }, "_blank") }); $('input[name="rt_link"]').parent().append(`<input type=button value=Search id="rt_search" />`); $('#rt_search').click(()=>{ var url="" + get_search_name(;, "_blank") }); $('input[name="tvtropes_link"]').parent().append(`<input type=button value=Search id="tvtropes_search" />`); $('#tvtropes_search').click(()=>{ var url="" + get_search_name(;, "_blank") }); $('input[name="tvdb_link"]').parent().append(`<input type=button value=Search id="tvdb_search" />`); if (raw_info.type == '电影') { $('select[name=tvdb_link_type]').val('movies'); } else { $('select[name=tvdb_link_type]').val('series'); } $('#tvdb_search').click(()=>{ var url="" + get_search_name(;, "_blank") }); } else if (forward_site == 'xthor') { var announce = $('input[value*="announce"]').val(); addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, forward_site, announce); $('input[name=url]').val(raw_info.url); $('input[name=url]').after(`<br><font color="red">IMDB不好用的时候试试:</font><input type="button" id="getTMDB" value="IMDB获取TMDB" /><font color="red">或者</font><input type="button" id="searchTMDB" value="直接搜索TMDB" />`); $('#getTMDB').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); if (!$('input[name=url]').val()) { alert("请输入IMDB链接"); } else { var tmdb_url = `${$('input[name=url]').val().match(/tt\d+/)[0]}?api_key=${used_tmdb_key}&language=en-US&external_source=imdb_id`; console.log(tmdb_url); getJson(tmdb_url, null, function(data){ console.log(data); if (data.movie_r###lts.length) { $('input[name=url]').val(`${data.movie_r###lts[0].id}`); } else if (data.tv_episode_r###lts.length) { $('input[name=url]').val(`${data.tv_episode_r###lts[0].id}`); } else if (data.tv_r###lts.length) { $('input[name=url]').val(`${data.tv_r###lts[0].id}`); } else if (data.tv_season_r###lts.length) { $('input[name=url]').val(`${data.tv_season_r###lts[0].id}`); } else { alert("暂无结果,请直接跳转搜索!!") } }) } }); $('#searchTMDB').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault();`` + get_search_name(, "_blank"); 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standard_box.val(index); } } else if (forward_site == 'PTCafe') { //类型 var browsecat = $('#browsecat'); var type_dict = {'电影': 401, '剧集': 402, '综艺': 403, '纪录': 404, '动漫': 405, 'MV': 406, '体育': 407, '音乐': 408, '其他': 409}; if (type_dict.hasOwnProperty(raw_info.type)){ var index = type_dict[raw_info.type]; //console.log(index); browsecat.val(index); } else { browsecat.val(409); } //来源 var source_box = $('select[name="source_sel[4]"]'); switch(raw_info.source_sel){ case '大陆': source_box.val(1); break; case '港台': case '##': case '##': source_box.val(2); break; case '欧美': source_box.val(3); break; case '日本': source_box.val(4); break; case '韩国': source_box.val(5); break; case '印度': source_box.val(6); break; default: source_box.val(7); } //媒介 var medium_box = $('select[name="medium_sel[4]"]'); switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': if ( { medium_box.val(2); } else { medium_box.val(1); } break; case 'Remux': if ( { medium_box.val(3); } else { medium_box.val(6); } break; case 'Blu-ray': if ( { medium_box.val(5); 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if (subtitles) { subtitles = subtitles[0].split(/text/i).map(function(e) { if (e.match(/Language.*?:(.*)/i)) { if (subtitles_info.indexOf(e.match(/Language.*?:(.*)/i)[1].trim()) < 0 ) { subtitles_info.push(e.match(/Language.*?:(.*)/i)[1].trim()); } } }); } if (subtitles_info.length) { $('input[name="subs"]').val(subtitles_info.join(', ')); } } } else if (page == 3) { try { var announce = $('input[value*="announce"]').val(); addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, 'KG', announce); GM_deleteValue('kg_info'); } catch(err) {} } } else if (judge_if_the_site_as_source() == 5) { //btn $('#dnu_header').parent().hide(); if (GM_getValue('btn_info') !== undefined) { raw_info = JSON.parse(GM_getValue('btn_info')); raw_info = fill_raw_info(raw_info, 'BTN'); if (\d+ E\d+/)) { =\d+) (E\d+)/, '$1$2'); } var search_name = get_search_name(; if ( && !\d+/i)) { =, 'S01'); } else if ( &&\d+/i)) { =, ''); } = +/g, ' '); if ($('#table_manual_upload_2').css('display') == 'table') { GM_deleteValue('btn_info'); try{ var announce = $('input[value*="announce"]').val(); addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, 'BTN', announce); $('#file').on('change', function(){ if ($('#show_info').length) { $('#show_info').html('<font color="yellow">Self-Torrent Re-Loaded!!!!</font>') } else { $(this).after(`<div id='show_info' style="display:inline-block; margin-left:5px"><font color="yellow">Torrent Loaded!!!!</font></div>`); } }); } catch(err) {} $('#content').find('table').first().hide(); $('td.label:contains(Release Name)').last().parent().before($(`<tr><td class="label">Links</td> <td><input type="text" id="imdbid" name="imdbid" size="60" /> <input id="fill" type="button" value="辅助发布"> </td></tr>`)); if (raw_info.url) { $('#imdbid').val(raw_info.url); } else if (raw_info.tmdb_url !== undefined) { $('#imdbid').val(raw_info.tmdb_url); } else if (raw_info.tvdb_url !== undefined) { $('#imdbid').val(raw_info.tvdb_url); } $('#scenename').val(; $('#scenename').after(`<div id='remind_scenename' style="display:inline-block; margin-left:5px"><font color="red">请点击辅助发布后检查!!</font></div>`); if (!$('#tags').val()) { $('#tags').after(`<div id='remind_tags' style="display:inline-block; margin-left:5px"><font color="red">请选择对应的标签!!</font></div>`); } if (raw_info.descr.match(/\[quote\]/)){ raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.slice(raw_info.descr.match(/\[quote\]/).index); } try { var info = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); var mediainfo = info.mediainfo;//图片 } catch (err) { mediainfo = ''; } if (!mediainfo) { mediainfo = raw_info.descr.replace(/\[\/?(quote|code)\]/g, '').trim(); } if (raw_info.full_mediainfo) { mediainfo = raw_info.full_mediainfo; } $('#release_desc').val(mediainfo.replace(/\[\/?(quote|code)\]/g, '').trim()); if (!mediainfo.match(/Video[\s\S]{0,10}?ID/)) { $('#fill').after(`<div id='remind_desc'><font color='red'>请先将mediainfo补充完整后点击辅助发布!!</font></div>`) } setTimeout(function() { $('#fill').click(function(){ $('#remind_scenename').find('font').css('color', 'yellow').text('已经点击辅助发布,请检查!!'); var name = $('#scenename').val().trim(); var tv_title = $('#title').val(); if (name.match(/S\d+E\d+-E?\d+/)) { name = name.replace(name.match(/S\d+E\d+-E?\d+/)[0], tv_title); } else if (name.match(/E\d+-E?\d+/)) { name = name.replace(name.match(/E\d+-E?\d+/)[0], tv_title); } else if (!name.match(/S\d+/) && !tv_title.match(/Season/)) { name = name.replace(search_name, `${search_name} ${tv_title} `).replace(/ +/g, ' '); } else if (!name.match(/S\d+/i) && tv_title.match(/Season/)) { var season = tv_title.match(/\d+/)[0]; if (season.length < 2) { name = name.replace(search_name, `${search_name} S0${season} `).replace(/ +/g, ' '); } else { name = name.replace(search_name, `${search_name} S${season} `).replace(/ +/g, ' '); } } else if (name.match(/S\d+/) && !tv_title.match(/Season/)) { name = name.replace(/S\d+(E\d+)?/, `${tv_title}`).replace(/ +/g, ' '); } var title = $('#title').val().trim(); if (title == name.replace(/ /g, '.')) { if (name.match(/E\d+/i) && !name.match(/S\d+E\d+/i)) { name = name.replace(/(E\d+)/, 'S01$1'); $('#title').val('S01' + title.match(/E\d+/)[0]) } } var tv_series = $('#artist').val(); if (!tv_series.match(/(19|20)\d{2}/) && name.match(/[^S](19|20)\d{2}[^pP]/i)) { name = name.replace(/([^S])(19|20)\d{2}/i, '$1').replace(/ +/g, ' '); } if (tv_series.match(/(19|20)\d{2}/) && !name.match(/(19|20)\d{2}[^pP]/)) { name = name.replace(search_name, tv_series.replace(/\(|\)/g, ' ') + ' ').replace(/ +/g, ' '); } else if (tv_series.match(/\(.*\)/)) { var country = tv_series.match(/\((.*)\)/)[1]; if (!name.match(country)) { name = name.replace(search_name, tv_series.replace(/\(|\)/g, ' ') + ' ').replace(/ +/g, ' '); } } else { name = name.replace(search_name, tv_series.replace(/\(|\)/g, ' ') + ' ').replace(/ +/g, ' '); } name = name.replace(/4k/i, '2160p'); function re_build_name(channels, name) { var label = null; var label_str = ''; if (channels == '1') { label = /1\.0/; label_str = '1.0'; } else if (channels == '2') { label = /2\.0/; label_str = '2.0'; } else if (channels == '6') { label = /5\.1/; 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$('a.s_country').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); var country =; $(`#country`).find(`option:contains(${country})`).attr('selected', true); $(`#country`)[0].dispatchEvent(evt); $('#country_selected').css('color', 'yellow').text('已经选择对应的国家!!'); }); $('#country').on('change', function(){ if (this.value != '---') { $('#country_selected').css('color', 'yellow').text('已经选择对应的国家!!'); } }); }, 500); var dropZone = $('#release_desc')[0]; dropZone.addEventListener("dragenter", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, false); dropZone.addEventListener("dragover", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, false); dropZone.addEventListener("dragleave", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, false); dropZone.addEventListener("drop", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // 处理拖拽文件的逻辑 var df = e.dataTransfer; var dropFiles = []; // 拖拽的文件,会放到这里 var dealFileCnt = 0; // 读取文件是个异步的过程,需要记录处理了多少个文件了 var allFileLen = df.files.length; // 所有的文件的数量,给非Chrome浏览器使用的变量 // 获得拖拽文件的回调函数 function getDropFileCallBack (dropFiles) { console.log(dropFiles, dropFiles.length); 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checkDropFinish(); } } } } }, false); $('#release_desc').on('change', function(){ $('#remind_desc').find('font').css('color', 'yellow'); if ($('#release_desc').val().match(/Video[\s\S]{0,10}?ID/)) { $('#remind_desc').find('font').text('Mediainfo已经补充,请检查后点击辅助发布!!') } }); $('#album_desc').css({'width': '600px', 'height': '200px'}); $('#release_desc').css({'width': '600px', 'height': '500px'}); } else { function load_episodes(season_url) { if ($('#episode_jump').length) { $('#episode_jump').attr('href', season_url); } else { $('#tvdb_episode').after(`<a href="${season_url}" target="_blank" style="margin-left:3px" id="episode_jump">跳转</a>`); } getDoc(season_url, null, function(doc){ if ($('table.table-bordered', doc).find('td').length > 3) { $('#tvdb_episode').html(''); $('table.table-bordered', doc).find('td').map((index,e)=>{ if ($(e).text().match(/S\d+E\d+/)) { $('#tvdb_episode').append(`<option val="${$(e).text().match(/S\d+(E\d+)/)[1]}">${$(e).text().match(/S\d+(E\d+)/)[1]}</option>`); } }) } }); } function add_info_bytvdb(tvdb_url) { = $('#autofill').val(); if (raw_info.tvdb_url) { $('#tvdbid').val(raw_info.tvdb_url.match(/id=(\d+)/)[1]); } getDoc(tvdb_url, null, function(doc) { var tvdb_name = $('div[class="change_translation_text"][data-language="eng"]', doc).attr("data-title"); if (tvdb_name) { if (tvdb_name == '2 Days & 1 Night') { tvdb_name = '1 Night 2 Days'; } =|20)\d{2}/, ' '); =, tvdb_name).replace(/ +/g, ' '); } var season = $('#tab-official', doc).find('a:last').text().trim(); if (season.match(/\d{4}/)) { =\d+/, `S${season.match(/\d{4}/)[0]}`); } $('#autofill').val(; $('.tvdb').attr('disabled', true).css("color", "grey"); var container = $('#tvdb_season'); $('#tab-official', doc).find('a').map((index,e)=>{ try{ container.prepend(`<option value="${$(e).text().match(/\d+/)[0]}" name="${$(e).attr('href')}">${$(e).text().trim()}</optipon>`); container.find(`option:contains(${$(e).text().trim()})`).attr('selected', true); } catch (err) {} }); if ($('#tvdb_season').find(`option:selected`).val().match(/\d{4}/) && !\d{4}/)) { $('#autofill').val($('#autofill').val().replace(/S\d+/, $('#tvdb_season').find(`option:selected`).val())); } load_episodes($('#tvdb_season').find(`option:selected`).attr('name')); container.on('change', function() { if (this.value.length < 2) { value = 'S0' + this.value; } else { value = 'S' + this.value; } load_episodes($(this).find(`option[value=${this.value}]`).attr('name')); $('#autofill').val($('#autofill').val().replace(/S\d+/, value)); }); }); } $('#content').find('table').first().hide(); if (\d+/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/第\d+.*?集/)) { $('#categories').val('Episode'); } else { $('#categories').val('Season'); } $('#scene_yesno').val('Yes'); $('#autofill_scene_yes').css({'display': 'block'}); var $table = $('#autofill_scene_yes').find('td:contains(Release Name)').last().parent().parent(); $table.prepend(`<tr><td style="text-align:right">剧集名称填写说明:</td> <td><font color="red">剧名以<a href="${search_name}" target="_blank">TVDB(点击跳转搜索)</a>为准, 可能出现含有年份和国别如:EVE (2022)<br>或Insider (KR)。剧名没有年份则点击<a id="hide_year" href="#">→去掉年份←</a>(一般是没有年份的)</font><br> <b>检索TVDB名称:</b><input type="button" value="Search-By-IMDB" id="gettvdb" class="tvdb" title="根据imdb搜索" /><br> <b>剧集TVDB编号:</b><input type="text" value="" id="tvdbid" class="tvdb" style="width:86px" /> <input type="button" value="获取TVDB信息" style="margin-left:2px" id="gettvdb2" class="tvdb" /><br> <b>Season数选择:</b><select id="tvdb_season" style="width:94px; margin-left:2px"></select><select id="tvdb_episode" style="width:86px; margin-left:5px"></select> </td></tr>`); for (var i = 0; i <= 50; i++) { if ( i < 10 ) { $('#tvdb_episode').append(`<option value="E0${i}">E0${i}</option>`); } else { $('#tvdb_episode').append(`<option value="E${i}">E${i}</option>`); } } $('#tvdb_episode').on('change', function() { var name_k = $('#autofill').val(); name_k = name_k.replace(/E\d+(-E?\d+)?/, this.value); if (name_k.match(/S\d+/) && !name_k.match(/E\d+/)) { name_k = name_k.replace(/(S\d+)/, `$1${this.value}`) } $('#autofill').val(name_k); $('#categories').val('Episode'); }); if (!\d+/i)) { =, `${search_name} S01 `).replace(/ +/g, ' '); } $('#autofill').val(; $('#hide_year').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); var name = $('#autofill').val(); name = name.replace(/(19|20)\d{2}/, ' ').replace(/ +/g, ' '); if (name.match(/S\d+ E\d+/)) { name = name.replace(/(S\d+) (E\d+)/, '$1$2'); } $('#autofill').val(name); }); if (!raw_info.url) { $('#gettvdb').attr('disabled', true).css("color", "grey"); 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if (\d+ E\d+/)) { =\d+) (E\d+)/, '$1$2'); } var season = $('#tab-official', doc).find('a:last').text().trim(); if (season.match(/\d{4}/)) { =\d+/, `S${season.match(/\d{4}/)[0]}`); } $('#autofill').val(; $('.tvdb').attr('disabled', true).css("color", "grey"); } }); } else { alert("暂无结果!!!"); $('.tvdb').attr('disabled', true).css("color", "grey"); } }); } }); }); $('#gettvdb2').click((e)=>{ var tvdb_id = $('#tvdbid').val().match(/\d+/)[0]; var tvdb_url = `${tvdb_id}&tab=series`; add_info_bytvdb(tvdb_url); }); if (raw_info.tvdb_url !== undefined) { add_info_bytvdb(raw_info.tvdb_url); } } } } else if (judge_if_the_site_as_source() == 6) { //avz系列 if (GM_getValue('avz_info') !== undefined) { raw_info = JSON.parse(GM_getValue('avz_info')); raw_info = fill_raw_info(raw_info, 'AVZ'); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/ /g, ' '); raw_info.full_mediainfo = raw_info.full_mediainfo.replace(/ /g, ' '); GM_deleteValue('avz_info'); } else { return; } $('#file_name').val(; $('input[name=anon_upload]:first').attr('checked', true); } else if (judge_if_the_site_as_source() == 7) { //HDB-UPLOADER if (GM_getValue('task_info') !== undefined) { raw_info = JSON.parse(GM_getValue('task_info')); raw_info = fill_raw_info(raw_info, null); raw_info.descr = raw_info.descr.replace(/ /g, ' '); raw_info.full_mediainfo = raw_info.full_mediainfo.replace(/ /g, ' '); console.log(raw_info); GM_deleteValue('task_info'); $('input[name=imdb]').val(raw_info.url); name =; name = name.replace(/DDPA?/i, 'DD+').replace(/AC3/, 'DD').replace(/DTS(\d+)/i, 'DTS $1'); try { var team =*-(.*?)$/i)[1]; $('#team').val(team); } catch (err) {} if ( COMPLETE/i)) { raw_info.medium_sel = 'Blu-ray'; } if (raw_info.origin_site == 'HOU' || raw_info.origin_site == 'OMG') { $('#path').val('/home/sabnzbd/data/Downloads/complete/' + /g, '.')); if (|CiA/)) { $('#scene').attr('checked', true); } } function get_audio_codec_from_descr(descr) { var audio_format = descr.match(/Audio[\s\S]{0,3}ID[\s\S]*?Format.*?:(.*)/)[1]; if (audio_format.match(/E-AC-3/)) { return 'DD+'; } else if (audio_format.match(/AC-3/)) { return 'DD'; } else if (audio_format.match(/FLAC/)) { return 'FLAC' } } function re_build_name(channels, name, type, descr) { try { audio_codec = get_audio_codec_from_descr(descr); } catch(err) { audio_codec = ''; } var label = null; var label_str = ''; if (channels == '1') { label = /1\.0/; label_str = '1.0'; } else if (channels == '2') { label = /2\.0/; label_str = '2.0'; } else if (channels == '6') { label = /5\.1/; label_str = '5.1'; } else if (channels == '8') { label = /7\.1/; label_str = '7.1'; } if (!name.match(label)) { name = name.replace(/(DD\+|DD|AAC|FLAC|DTS|LPCM|TrueHD)/, `$1${label_str}`); } if (type == 'WEB-DL' || type == 'Encode') { if (name.match(/(H.265|H.264|x264|x265)(.*?)(DD\+|DD|AAC|FLAC|DTS|LPCM|TrueHD) ?(2\.0|1\.0|5\.1|7\.1)/i)) { name = name.replace(/(H.265|H.264|x264|x265)(.*?)(DD\+|DD|AAC|FLAC|DTS|LPCM|TrueHD) ?(2\.0|1\.0|5\.1|7\.1)/, '$3 $4 $1 $2'); } } if (!name.match(audio_codec)) { if (type == 'WEB-DL' || type == 'Encode') { if (name.match(/(H.265|H.264|x264|x265)/)) { name = name.replace(/(H.265|H.264|x264|x265)/, `${audio_codec}${label_str} $1`); } } } return name; } try{ var channels = (raw_info.descr).match(/Channel.*?(\d)/)[1]; name = re_build_name(channels, name, raw_info.medium_sel, raw_info.descr); } catch(err) { if (raw_info.descr.match(/(AUDIO.*CODEC.*?|音频编码.*?)(2\.0|1\.0|5\.1|7\.1)/i)) { channels = raw_info.descr.match(/(AUDIO.*CODEC.*?|音频编码.*?)(2\.0|1\.0|5\.1|7\.1)/i)[2]; if (!name.includes(channels)) { name = name.replace(/(DD\+|DD|AAC|FLAC|DTS|LPCM|TrueHD)/, `$1${channels}`); } if (name.match(/(H.265|H.264|x264|x265)(.*?)(DD\+|DD|AAC|FLAC|DTS|LPCM|TrueHD)(2\.0|1\.0|5\.1|7\.1)/i)) { name = name.replace(/(H.265|H.264|x264|x265)(.*?)(DD\+|DD|AAC|FLAC|DTS|LPCM|TrueHD)(2\.0|1\.0|5\.1|7\.1)/i, '$3 $4 $1 $2'); } } else if (raw_info.descr.match(/\d channels/i)) { channels = raw_info.descr.match(/(\d) channels/i)[1]; name = re_build_name(channels, name, raw_info.medium_sel, raw_info.descr); } } if (name.match(/(WEB-DL|Bluray|HDTV).(1080p|4K|2160p|720p|480p)/i)) { name = name.replace(/(WEB-DL|Bluray|HDTV).(1080p|4K|2160p|720p|480p)/i, '$2 $1'); } name = name.replace(/(DD\+|DD|FLAC|LPCM|TrueHD|MA|HR) (2\.0|1\.0|5\.1|7\.1)/, '$1$2'); if (raw_info.type == '剧集' || raw_info.type == '综艺' || raw_info.type == '纪录') { year = name.match(/(19|20)\d{2}[^pP]/g); try{ if (year[0] !== undefined) { name = name.replace(year, ' '); name = name.replace(/ +/g, ' '); } } catch(err) {} } $('#name').val(name.replace(/ +-|- +/g, '-')); if (raw_info.tvdb_url !== undefined) { if (raw_info.tvdb_url.match(/\d+/)) { $('#tvdb').val(raw_info.tvdb_url.match(/\d+/)[0]); } getDoc(raw_info.tvdb_url, null, function(doc){ if (!$('#tvdb').val()) { var tvdb_id = $('li:contains( Series ID):last', doc).find('span').text(); $('#tvdb').val(tvdb_id); } var genres = $('li:contains(Genres):last', doc).find('span').text(); if (genres.includes('Documentary')) { $('#type_category').val("3"); } }); } var announce = ''; addTorrent(raw_info.torrent_url, raw_info.torrent_name, 'hdb-task', announce); $('#file').parent().append(`<a id="remove_file" href="#" style="color:red; margin-left: 100px;">取消种子文件</a>`); $('#remove_file').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); var _file = document.getElementById("file"); _file.outerHTML = _file.outerHTML; }) switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': case 'Blu-ray': case 'Encode': case 'Remux': $('#source').val('Blu-ray'); break; case 'HDTV': $('#source').val('HDTV'); break; case 'WEB-DL': $('#source').val('WEB'); break; case 'DVD': $('#source').val('DVD'); break; case 'TV': $('#source').val('TV'); break; } if ( { $('#source').val('HD-DVD'); } switch (raw_info.type){ case '电影': $('#type_category').val("1"); break; case '剧集': $('#type_category').val("2"); break; case '音乐': $('#type_category').val("4"); break; case '综艺': $('#type_category').val("2"); break; case '纪录': $('#type_category').val("3"); break; case '动漫': $('#type_category').val("8"); break; case '体育': $('#type_category').val("5"); } switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H264': case 'X264': $('#type_codec').val("1"); break; case 'H265': case 'X265': $('#type_codec').val("5"); break; case 'VC-1': $('#type_codec').val("3"); break; case 'MPEG-2': $('#type_codec').val("2"); break; case 'XVID': $('#type_codec').val("4"); break; default: $('#type_codec').val("0"); } switch(raw_info.medium_sel){ case 'UHD': case 'Blu-ray': case 'DVD': $('#type_medium').val("1"); break; case 'Remux': $('#type_medium').val("5"); break; case 'HDTV': $('#type_medium').val("4"); break; case 'WEB-DL': $('#type_medium').val("6"); break; case 'Encode': $('#type_medium').val("3"); break; default: $('#type_medium').val("0"); } if (raw_info.type == '剧集') { if (\d+)(E\d+)?/)) { season_episode =\d+)(E\d+)?/); console.log(season_episode) if (season_episode[1] !== undefined) { $('#season').val(parseInt(season_episode[1])); } if (season_episode[2] !== undefined) { $('#episode').val(parseInt(season_episode[2].replace(/e/i, ''))); } } } var search_name = get_search_name(; $('#tvdb_parse_title').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); var url_to_search = `${search_name}`;, "_blank"); }) try { var infos = get_mediainfo_picture_from_descr(raw_info.descr); if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'UHD' || raw_info.medium_sel == 'Blu-ray' || raw_info.descr.match(/mpls/i)) { $('textarea[name="release_desc"]').val(infos.mediainfo); } setTimeout(function(){ try{ var intro = raw_info.descr.match(/◎简 介[\s]*.*/i)[0]; $('textarea[name="descr"]').val(raw_info.descr.split(intro)[0] + intro); } catch(err) {} }, 2000) } catch (err) {} // 开始填写瓷器 $('input[name="hdc_name"]').val(; $('input[name="small_descr"]').val(raw_info.small_descr); switch (raw_info.type){ case '电影': if (raw_info.medium_sel == 'Blu-ray' || raw_info.medium_sel == 'UHD'){ if (raw_info.standard_sel == '4K'){ $('#browsecat').val('410'); } else{ $('#browsecat').val('20'); } } else { if (raw_info.standard_sel == '720p'){ $('#browsecat').val('9'); } else if(raw_info.standard_sel == '1080i'){ $('#browsecat').val('16'); } else if (raw_info.standard_sel == '1080p'){ $('#browsecat').val('17'); } } break; case '剧集': switch (raw_info.source_sel){ case '大陆': case '##': case '##': case '港台': //是否合集 if (|S\d{2}[^E])/i) && (!\d{2,3}/i))) { //合集 $('#browsecat').val('22'); } else { $('#browsecat').val('25'); } break; case '日本': if (|S\d{2}[^E])/i)) { $('#browsecat').val('23'); } else { $('#browsecat').val('24'); } break; case '韩国': if (|S\d{2}[^E])/i)) { $('#browsecat').val('23'); } else { $('#browsecat').val('24'); } break; case '欧美': //单集 if (\d{2}E\d{2})/i)) { $('#browsecat').val('13'); } else { $('#browsecat').val('21'); } break; } break; case '音乐': if (raw_info.small_descr.match(/音乐会/i)){ $('#browsecat').val('402'); } else { $('#browsecat').val('408'); } break; case 'MV': $('#browsecat').val('406'); break; case '综艺': $('#browsecat').val('401'); break; case '动漫': $('#browsecat').val('14'); break; case '学习': $('#browsecat').val('404'); break; case '纪录': $('#browsecat').val('5'); break; case '动漫': $('#browsecat').val('14'); break; case '体育': $('#browsecat').val('15'); break; case '书籍': $('#browsecat').val('404'); } if ($|ipad)/i)){ $('#browsecat').val('27'); } $("select[name='medium_sel']").val('15'); //默认其它 if ( { $("select[name='medium_sel']").val('2'); 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break; case '720p': $("select[name='standard_sel']").val('13'); break; case 'SD': $("select[name='standard_sel']").val('15'); } switch (raw_info.codec_sel){ case 'H265': case 'X265': $("select[name='codec_sel']").val('10'); break; case 'H264': $("select[name='codec_sel']").val('1'); break; case 'X264': $("select[name='codec_sel']").val('6'); break; case 'XVID': $("select[name='codec_sel']").val('3'); break; case 'VC-1': $("select[name='codec_sel']").val('2'); break; case 'MPEG-2': case 'MPEG-4': $("select[name='codec_sel']").val('4'); break; case '': $("select[name='codec_sel']").val('5'); } //音频编码 $("select[name='audiocodec_sel']").val('7'); //默认其它 switch (raw_info.audiocodec_sel){ case 'DTS-HDMA:X 7.1': case 'DTS-HDMA': $("select[name='audiocodec_sel']").val('12'); break; case 'Atmos': $("select[name='audiocodec_sel']").val('15'); break; case 'TrueHD': $("select[name='audiocodec_sel']").val('13'); break; case 'LPCM': $("select[name='audiocodec_sel']").val('11'); break; case 'DTS': case 'DTS-HD': if ([^ \d]/i)){ $("select[name='audiocodec_sel']").val('14'); 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'': raw_info.edition_info); $('#get_ptp').click((e)=>{ e.preventDefault(); var imdburl = $('#imdb').val(); var search_url = '' + encodeURI(`action=torrent_info&imdb=${imdburl}&fast=1`) getJson(search_url, null, function(data){ if (data.length) { data = data[0]; $('#title').val(data.title); $('#year').val(data.year); if (data.groupid) { $('#groupid').val(data.groupid); } else { $('#image').val(; $('#tags').val(data.tags); $('#album_desc').val(data.plot); $('div.ptp-extra').show(); } $('#get_ptp').css({"color": "orange"}) alert('获取信息成功!!'); } }) }); $('#show_pic').click((e)=>{ if ( { $('#pictures').show(); var pic_urls = infos.pic_info.match(/http.*?(png|jpg)/g); $('#pictures').val(pic_urls.join('\n')); } else { $('#pictures').hide(); $('#pictures').val(''); } }); $('#get_ptp').parent().append(`<input type="checkbox" id="show_ptp_hidden" value="1" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-left:5px;">显示更多选项`); $('#show_ptp_hidden').click((e)=>{ $('div.ptp-extra').removeClass('hidden'); }); function addedition(str) { var event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); event.initEvent("click", false, true); $(`a:contains(${str})`)[0].dispatchEvent(event); $(`a:contains(${str})`).css({"color": "yellow"}); } if ( Collection/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/CC标准收藏|Criterion Collection/i)) { addedition('The Criterion Collection'); } if ( of Cinema/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/Masters of Cinema/i)) { addedition('Masters of Cinema') } if ( Archive Collection/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/WAC|Warner Archive Collection/i)) { addedition('Warner Archive Collection') } if (labels.db || raw_info.small_descr.match(/杜比|dolby version/i)) { addedition('Dolby Vision') } if (labels.hdr10 || raw_info.small_descr.match(/hdr10/i)) { addedition('HDR10') } if ( remaster/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/4K.?修复/i)) { addedition('4K Remaster') } if ( || raw_info.small_descr.match(/atmos/i) || raw_info.descr.match(/Dolby Atmos/)) { addedition('Dolby Atmos') } if ( { addedition('Amazon') } if ( { addedition('Remux') } if ( { addedition('Netflix') } if ( { addedition('Hulu') } if ( { addedition('Disney+') } if ( { addedition('Apple TV+') } if ( { addedition('iTunes') } if ( || raw_info.small_descr.match(/未分级版/)) { addedition('Unrated') } if (\d+.Uncut/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/未删节版/)) { addedition('Uncut') } if ('s cut/i) || raw_info.small_descr.match(/导演剪辑版/)) { addedition("Director's Cut") } if ( || raw_info.small_descr.match(/加长版/)) { addedition('Extended') } if ( { addedition('10-bit') } if ( || raw_info.small_descr.match(/双碟版/)) { addedition('2-Disc Set') } if ( || raw_info.small_descr.match(/评论音轨/)) { addedition('With Commentary') } $('input[type=submit]').click(()=>{ if (!$('#ptp').is(':checked') && !$('#hdb').is(':checked') && !$('#hdc').is(':checked')) { alert('请至少选择一个发布站点!!'); return false; } if ($('#type_category').val() != '1' && $('#ptp').is(':checked')) { alert('此工具仅支持Movie发布到PTP站。'); return false; } if (raw_info.descr.match(/\.mp4/) && $('#ptp').is(':checked')) { alert('此工具不支持MP4发布到PTP站。'); return false; } if (!$('#title').val() && $('#ptp').is(':checked')) { alert('选择了PTP站点, 请先点击获取信息!!'); return false; } if (!$('#tvdb').val() && $('#hdb').is(':checked') && $('#type_category').val() == '2') { alert('HDB发布剧集需要TVDB信息'); return false; } if (!$('#season').val() && $('#hdb').is(':checked') && $('#type_category').val() == '2') { alert('HDB发布剧集需要TVDB季度信息'); return false; } if ($('#hdc').is(':checked') && !$('#descr').val()) { alert('HD#####发布影视需要豆瓣信息'); return false; } GM_deleteValue('task_info'); }) } else { return; } } } if (origin_site == 'ZHUQUE' && site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/torrent\/info\/\d+/)) { var executed = false; mutation_observer(document, function() { if ($('a[href*=download]').length && !executed) { setTimeout(auto_feed, sleep_time); executed = true; } }) } else if (origin_site == 'ZHUQUE' && site_url.match(/^https:\/\/\/torrent\/list\/\d+/)) { mutation_observer(document, function() { if ($('div.markdown').length) { setTimeout(function(){ if (!$('#mytable').length) { setTimeout(auto_feed, sleep_time); } }, 1000); } }); } else if (origin_site == 'MTeam' && site_url.match(/^https?:\/\/\/detail\/\d+/)) { var executed = false; mutation_observer(document, function() { if ($('h2').length && !executed) { setTimeout(auto_feed, sleep_time); executed = true; } }); } else { setTimeout(auto_feed, sleep_time); }