Click on the Play button to watch and listen the FULL OP/END directly on MAL! Click on the OP/END music number to search for the music title on youtube on a new tab.
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// ==UserScript== // @name Openings/Endings Enhancer - MAL // @namespace Search_Ops_Ends // @version 26 // @description Click on the Play button to watch and listen the FULL OP/END directly on MAL! Click on the OP/END music number to search for the music title on youtube on a new tab. // @author hacker09 // @include /^https:\/\/myanimelist\.net\/anime(id=)?(\.php\?id=)?\/?\d+\/?(?!.*\/).*(\?q=.*&cat=anime)?$/ // @icon,SIZE,URL&url= // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (async function() { 'use strict'; var AllSongs; //Create a global variable if (document.querySelectorAll('span[class*="theme-song-index"]').length !== 0) //If there's at least one op/end NUMBER listed on the page { //Starts the if condition AllSongs = document.querySelectorAll('span[class*="theme-song-index"]'); //Change the AllSongs variable element console.log("AllSongs = " + document.querySelectorAll('span[class*=\"theme-song-index\"]')); //Shows a message in the console log for dev purposes } //Finishes the if condition else //If there are op/end play preview buttons listed on the page { //Starts the else condition AllSongs = document.querySelectorAll('.oped-preview-button'); //Change the AllSongs variable element console.log("AllSongs = " + document.querySelectorAll('.oped-preview-button')); //Shows a message in the console log for dev purposes } //Finishes the else condition if (AllSongs.length !== 0) //If there's at least one op/end listed on the page { //Starts the if condition var TimesExecuted = 0; //Creates a new variable window.onscroll = async function() { //Creates a new function to run when the page is scrolled TimesExecuted += 1; //Sum the amount of times that the page is scrolled if (TimesExecuted === 1) { //On the first time that the page is scrolled document.querySelectorAll("div.oped-video-button").forEach(a => a.parentNode.remove()); //Remove all video buttons document.querySelectorAll('div[class*="oped-preview-button"]').forEach(a => = 'none'); //Remove all video buttons const MoeID = await (await fetch('[external_id]=' + location.pathname.split('/')[2] + '&filter[site]=myanimelist&include=anime')).json(); //Get the anime id on const Data = await (await fetch('[anime][id]=' + MoeID.resources[0].anime[0].id + '&include=animethemes.animethemeentries.videos,')).json(); //Get the videos from function OnClick(el, link) { //Creates a new function if (document.querySelector("video").style.display === 'none') { //If the video is hidden document.querySelector("video").src = link; //Add the video source url to the video el.src = ""; //Change the btn to pause document.querySelector("video").style.display = ''; //Show the video } else { //If the video is being shown document.querySelector("video").src = ''; //Remove the video source url of the video el.src = ""; //Change the btn to play document.querySelector("video").style.display = 'none'; //Hides the video } //Finishes the else condition } //Finishes the onclick function document.querySelectorAll('div.di-t')[1].insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', `<video width="800" height="400" style="display:none;" controls autoplay></video>`); //Add the video on the page var MostElems = AllSongs; //Suppose that MAL has more ops/ends listed than the API and save MAL ops/ends to a variable if (Data.anime[0].animethemes.length > MostElems.length) { //Check if MAL really has more ops/ends listed than the API MostElems = Data.anime[0].animethemes; //Change the variable with the amount of videos in the API console.log('MostElems = ' + Data.anime[0].animetheme); //Shows a message in the console log for dev purposes } //Finishes the if condition var j = 0; //Create a new counter variable to correctly count the total amount of index Number and play buttons function AddBtn(APIindex, Spanindex) { //Creates a new function to add the play btn AllSongs[Spanindex].parentNode.parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<img id="PlayPause" title="${Data.anime[0].animethemes[APIindex].song.title}" src="" style="cursor:pointer; margin-left: 5px;" />`); //Add the play btn in front of the OP/END document.querySelectorAll("#PlayPause")[APIindex].onclick = function(e) { //When the play/pause img is clicked e.preventDefault(); //Stop YT from being opened e.stopPropagation(); //Stop YT from being opened OnClick(this, Data.anime[0].animethemes[APIindex].animethemeentries[0].videos[0].link.replace('api.', '')); //Call the OnClick function }; //Run the OnClick function on every play/pause btn when clicked j += 1; //Add +1 to the variable that holds the total amount of theme index Number and play buttons } //Finishes the function AddBtn MostElems.forEach(function(video, i) { //forEach video links in the API or forEach listed op/end on MAL if (AllSongs.length > i) //If the current looped video number isn't greater than the amount of ops/ends on MAL { //Starts the if condition if (Data.anime[0].animethemes.length > j && Data.anime[0].animethemes[j].type === 'OP' && AllSongs[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.className.match('opnening') !== null) //If the current looped video number is an OP and the current video is an OP { //Starts the if condition AddBtn(j, i); //Add the play button } //Finishes the if condition if (Data.anime[0].animethemes.length > j && Data.anime[0].animethemes[j].type === 'ED' && AllSongs[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.className.match('ending') !== null) //If the current looped video number is an END and the current video is an END { //Starts the if condition AddBtn(j, i); //Add the play button } //Finishes the if condition } //Finishes the if condition else //If the API has more Videos than MAL (Alternative Videos) { //Starts the else condition if ("Alternative Themes") === -1) //If the header wasn't already added { //Starts the if condition document.querySelectorAll(".theme-songs")[1].insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', `<h2 id='AltThemes'>Alternative Themes</h2>`); //Add a header } //Finishes the if condition document.querySelector("#AltThemes").insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', `<span class='theme-song'>` + + `<img id="PlayPause" src="" style="cursor:pointer; margin-left: 5px;" /></span><br>`); //Add the play btn in front of the OP/END document.querySelectorAll("#PlayPause")[j].onclick = function(e) { //When the play/pause img is clicked e.preventDefault(); //Stop YT from being opened e.stopPropagation(); //Stop YT from being opened OnClick(this, video.animethemeentries[0].videos[0].link.replace('api.', '')); //Call the OnClick function }; //Run the OnClick function on every play/pause btn when clicked } // //Finishes the else condition }); //Finishes the foreach function AllSongs.forEach(function(el) { //For each op/end var title = el.parentNode.parentNode.innerText.split(': '); //Save the op/end title on a variable if (title[1] !== undefined) //If there's a number: in front of the op/end title { //Starts the if condition title = title[1].split('(ep')[0].trim(); //Save the op/end title on a variable } //Finishes the if condition else //If there's no number: in front of the op/end title { //Starts the else condition title = title[0].split('(ep')[0].trim(); //Save the op/end title on a variable } //Finishes the else condition = 'pointer'; //Make the op/end title element look like it's clickable el.onclick = function() //When the op/end title is clicked { //Starts the onclick function'' + title, 'blank'); //Search the music title on youtube on a new tab }; //Finishes the onclick function el.onmouseout = function() //When the op/end title is unhovered { //Starts the onmouseout function = ''; //Readd the default color }; //Finishes the onmouseout function el.onmouseover = function() //When the op/end title is hovered { //Starts the onmouseover function = '#6386d5'; //Change the default text color to blue }; //Finishes the onmouseover function }); //Finishes the for each condition } //Finishes the if condition }; //Finishes the onscroll event listener } //Finishes the if condition })();