Greasy Fork is available in English.
// ==UserScript== // @name PTT Web Image Fix // @namespace // @version 0.11 // @description 修復PTT網頁板自動開圖、嘗試修復被截斷的網址、阻擋黑名單ID的推文/圖片 // @author x94fujo6 // @include* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @require // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /* 0.11 新增阻擋關鍵字功能 自行修改key_word內容 (regex) F12控制台會顯示整批被阻擋之ID跟推文內容 ID阻擋>圖片阻擋>關鍵字阻擋 */ (function () { let blacklist_id = ["s910408", "ig49999", "bowen5566", "sos976431"], blacklist_img = ["Dey10PF", "WfOR5a8", "wsG5vrZ", "Q7hvcZw", "7h9s0iC", "g28oNwO", "y9arWAn", "9QnqRM3", "UeImoq1", "snzmE7h", "cJXK0nM", "jWy4BKY", "feMElhb", "CpGkeGb", "txz4iGW", "W2i4y4k", "aVXa6GN", "Mni1ayO"], blocked_id = new Set([]), blocked_img = new Set([]); let key_word = `五樓|覺青|莫斯科|演員|司機|小丑|嘻嘻`; key_word = new RegExp(key_word); const script_name = "fix ptt img", fixed = "fix_by_script", rd_text = (text = "") => { if (text.length <= 11) return " ██REDACTED██"; let rp = (len) => "█".repeat(len), side = (text.length - 11) / 2; side = (side > 1) ? rp(side) : "█"; return ` ${side}REDACTED${side}`; }, remove_blacklist_target = async () => { let user, text, ele, ck_id, ck_img, push_content = document.querySelectorAll("div.push"), reg = /(?<=\/)(\w+)(?:\.\w{3,4})*$/; let ck_kw, kw_list = []; push_content.forEach(div => { user = div.querySelector(".push-userid").textContent.trim(); ele = div.querySelector(".push-content"); text = ele.textContent; ck_id = blacklist_id.find(id => id == user); ck_img = blacklist_img.find(img => text.includes(`/${img}`)); //ck_kw = key_word.find(key => text.toLowerCase().match(`${key}`)); ck_kw = text.toLowerCase().match(key_word); if (ck_id || ck_img || ck_kw) { ele.title = text; ele.innerHTML = rd_text(text); = "color: darkred;"; slog_c(`%cblock by id blacklist %c${user}:%c${ele.title.replace(":", "").trim()}`, "#FF0000;#FFFF00;"); //.replace(/:[\s]*(https|https)*(:\/\/)*/, "") if (ck_kw && !ck_id && !ck_img) { kw_list.push( { user, text } ); } if (ck_id && !ck_img) { text = text.match(reg); if (text) { slog_c(`%cblock by id blacklist %c${user}:%c${ele.title.replace(":", "").trim()}%c img [%c${text[1]}%c] not in list`, "#40E0D0;#FFFF00;;#40E0D0;;#40E0D0"); blocked_img.add(text[1]); } } if (!ck_id && ck_img) { slog_c(`%cblock by img blacklist %c${user}:%c${ele.title.replace(":", "").trim()}%c user [%c${user}%c] not in list`, "#FFA500;#FFFF00;;#FFA500;;#FFA500"); blocked_id.add(user); } } }); if (kw_list.length > 0) { let _list = => data.user); _list = new Set(_list); _list = [..._list]; slog(`block by key word`); slog(`\n` + _list.join("\n")); _list = {}; kw_list.forEach(data => { if (!_list[data.user]) { _list[data.user] = []; } _list[data.user].push(data.text); }); Object.keys(_list).forEach(id => { _list[id].forEach(t => { console.log(`${id}${t}`); }); }); } return true; }, slog = (...any) => console.log(`[${script_name}]`, ...any), slog_c = (s = "", c = "") => console.log(`[${script_name}] ${s}`, ...c.split(";").map(_c => `color:${_c};`)), wait_tab = () => { return new Promise(resolve => { if (document.visibilityState === "visible") return resolve(); slog("tab in background, script paused"); document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => { if (document.visibilityState === "visible") { slog("script unpaused"); return resolve(); } }); }); }, remove_richcontent = async () => { let eles = document.querySelectorAll(".richcontent"); if (!eles.length) { slog(`no richcontent found`); return false; } slog(`remove ${eles.length} richcontent`); eles.forEach(e => { if (!e.innerHTML.match(/(||-player")/)) e.remove(); }); return true; }, async_push = async (list, item) => list.push(item), extractor = async (e, adv = false) => { let url = e.href, extract = false, reg_list = [ /imgur\.com\/gallery\/\w{5,7}/, /imgur\.com\/a\/\w{5,7}/, /imgur\.com\/\w{5,7}/, /pbs\.twimg\.com\/media\/[\w-]+/, /(?<=https:\/\/|http:\/\/).*\.\w{3,4}$/, ], twitter_format = /(?<=media[^\.\n]+\.|format=)\w{3,4}/, format_check = /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|webp|gif|gifv|mp4|webm)$/; if (e.getAttribute(fixed)) return false; if (adv) { if (e.nextSibling) { if (e.nextSibling.nodeType !== 3) return false; url += e.nextSibling.textContent.trim(); } if (reg_list.find(reg => e.textContent.match(reg))) return false; } if (!url) return false; // no link reg_list = => url.match(reg)); extract = reg_list.findIndex(reg => Boolean(reg)); if (extract == -1) return false; //no reg match if ((extract == reg_list.length - 1) && !(url.match(format_check))) return false; //match the last reg but not in format list extract = `https://${reg_list[extract][0]}`; if (extract.includes("")) extract += `.${url.match(twitter_format)[0]}`; return extract; }, extract_in_text = (eles) => extract_url(eles, true), extract_url = async (eles, in_text = false) => { let list = [], url; for (let e of eles) { url = await extractor(e, in_text); if (!url) continue; await async_push(list, { e, url }); } return list; }, get_imgur_image = (url) => { return new Promise(reslove => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url, onload: async (rs) => { let full_url = rs.responseText.match(/(https:\/\/i.imgur\.com\/\w+\.\w{3,4})\W[\w#]+">/); full_url = full_url ? full_url[1] : false; slog(!full_url ? `${url} has no data` : `GET ${url} done`); return reslove([full_url, rs.status]); }, }); }); }, create_img_ele = (url, get_img) => { let box = Object.assign(document.createElement("div"), { className: "richcontent" }), a = Object.assign(document.createElement("a"), { href: url, target: "_blank", style: "text-decoration: none; box-shadow: none; background: none;", innerHTML: `<img src="${url}" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">`, //loading="lazy" referrerPolicy: "no-referrer", rel: "noreferrer noopener nofollow", }); if (!get_img) { = a.innerHTML = ""; a.textContent = `${url} (分段修復)`; } a.setAttribute(fixed, 1); box.appendChild(a); return box; }, create_rd_ele = (text = "") => { return Object.assign(document.createElement("div"), { className: "richcontent", style: "color: darkred;", title: text, textContent: rd_text(text), }); }, fix_image = async (obj, get_img) => { let url, status; if (obj.url.includes("imgur")) { for (let retry = 3; retry >= 0; retry--) { if (retry < 3) slog(`retry ${obj.url}, remain ${retry}`); [url, status] = await get_imgur_image(obj.url); if (status == 200) break; } } else { url = obj.url; } if (!url) url = ""; url = (blacklist_img.find(img => url.includes(img))) ? create_rd_ele(url) : create_img_ele(url, get_img); obj.e.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", url); = "_blank"; obj.e.setAttribute(fixed, 1); return; }, process_ele = async (eles, extractor, log, get_img = true) => { if (!eles.length) return; eles = await extractor(eles); if (!eles?.length) return; slog(log, eles); eles.forEach(e => fix_image(e, get_img)); return; }, main = async () => { let eles = document.querySelectorAll("a[href]"); /* await process_ele(eles, extract_url, "try fix"); await sleep(1000); */ await process_ele(eles, extract_in_text, "try fix spaced", GM_config.get("fix_segment")); }, sleep = (ms = 100) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)), start_script = async () => { slog("script start"); await wait_tab(); await ini_config(); await load_value(); await remove_blacklist_target(); //await remove_richcontent(); await main(); GM_config.onOpen(); // update ui }, load_value = async () => { blacklist_id = GM_config.get("blacklist_id").split("\n"); blacklist_img = GM_config.get("blacklist_img").split("\n"); slog("load blacklist, id", blacklist_id.length, "img", blacklist_img.length); return true; }, ini_config = async () => { GM_registerMenuCommand("設定(alt+Q)", () =>; document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { if (e.altKey && e.key == "q"); }); GM_config.init({ id: "settings", // The id used for this instance of GM_config title: "腳本設定", fields: { // This is the id of the field fix_segment: { label: "嘗試對分段網址開圖 (小心使用)", section: "功能設定", type: "checkbox", default: true, }, blacklist_id: { label: "ID", section: ["黑名單", "每行一個ID/圖片檔名"], type: "textarea", default: blacklist_id.join("\n") }, blocked_id: { label: "由於圖片被阻擋,但ID未在名單中", type: "textarea", default: [...blocked_id].join("\n") }, blacklist_img: { label: "圖片名稱", type: "textarea", default: blacklist_img.join("\n") }, blocked_img: { label: "由於ID被阻擋,但圖片未在名單中", type: "textarea", default: [...blocked_img].join("\n") }, }, css: ` #settings_fix_segment_var { display: inline-flex; margin: 0.5rem !important; border: 0.1rem solid; padding: 0.5rem; } #settings_blacklist_id_var,#settings_blacklist_img_var,#settings_blocked_id_var,#settings_blocked_img_var { width: calc(90% / 4) !important; height: 60% !important; margin: 1rem !important; display: inline-block; } #settings_blacklist_id_field_label,#settings_blacklist_img_field_label,#settings_blocked_id_field_label,#settings_blocked_img_field_label,#settings_fix_segment_field_label { font-size: 1rem !important; text-align: center; display: block; } #settings_field_blacklist_id,#settings_field_blacklist_img,#settings_field_blocked_id,#settings_field_blocked_img { width: 100% !important; height: 90% !important; } `, }); const blacklist = ["blacklist_id", "blacklist_img",], load_list = (list_id = "") => { return GM_config.get(list_id); }; GM_config.onOpen = () => { let ui_id = [ { id: "blocked_id", data: blocked_id }, { id: "blocked_img", data: blocked_img }, ]; ui_id.forEach(o => { slog("load",,; GM_config.fields[].value = [].join("\n"); }); blacklist.forEach(id => { let list = load_list(id); slog("load", id, list.split("\n").length); GM_config.fields[id].value = list; }); }; GM_config.onSave = () => { blacklist.forEach(id => { let list = load_list(id); slog("save", id, list.split("\n").length); }); }; return true; }; document.body.onload = start_script; })();