Omdirigering af sociale medieplatforme til deres privatlivsvenlige forsider
// ==UserScript== // @name Privacy Redirector // @name:bg Пренасочване на поверителността // @name:br Rediretor de privacidade // @name:cs Přesměrování soukromí // @name:de Datenschutz Umleiter // @name:da Omdirigeringsenhed for privatlivets fred // @name:et Privaatsuse ümbersuunaja // @name:es Redirección de privacidad // @name:fi Yksityisyydensuojan uudelleenohjaus // @name:fr Redirecteur de confidentialité // @name:el Επανακατευθυντής απορρήτου // @name:hu Adatvédelmi átirányító // @name:id Pengarah Privasi // @name:it Reindirizzatore di privacy // @name:ja プライバシーリダイレクト // @name:lt Privatumo nukreipiklis // @name:lv Konfidencialitātes pāradresētājs // @name:nl Privacy-omleiding // @name:pl Przekierownik prywatności // @name:pt Redirector de Privacidade // @name:ro Redirector de confidențialitate // @name:ru Перенаправление конфиденциальности // @name:sv Omdirigering av sekretess // @name:sl Preusmerjevalnik zasebnosti // @name:sk Presmerovanie súkromia // @name:tr Gizlilik Yönlendiricisi // @name:uk Редиректор конфіденційності // @name:zh 隐私重定向器 // @name:zh-CN 隐私重定向器 // @description Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends // @description:bg Пренасочване на платформите за социални медии към заглавните им страници, съобразени с поверителността // @description:br Redirecionando as plataformas de mídia social para suas primeiras páginas de privacidade // @description:cs Přesměrování platforem sociálních médií na jejich titulní stránky šetrné k soukromí // @description:de Leitet von Social-Media-Plattformen auf deren jeweilige datenschutzfreundlicheren Frontends // @description:da Omdirigering af sociale medieplatforme til deres privatlivsvenlige forsider // @description:et Sotsiaalmeediaplatvormide ümbersuunamine nende privaatsussõbralikele esilehtedele // @description:es Redirigir las plataformas de medios sociales a sus portadas respetuosas con la privacidad // @description:fi Sosiaalisen median alustojen ohjaaminen yksityisyyden suojaa edistäville etusivuille. // @description:fr Rediriger les plateformes de médias sociaux vers leurs pages d'accueil respectueuses de la vie privée // @description:el Αναπροσανατολισμός των πλατφορμών κοινωνικής δικτύωσης στις μπροστινές σελίδες τους που είναι φιλικές προς το απόρρητο // @description:hu A közösségi médiaplatformok átirányítása az adatvédelem-barát kezdőlapokra // @description:id Mengarahkan platform media sosial ke halaman depan yang ramah privasi // @description:it Reindirizzare le piattaforme di social media verso le loro pagine frontali che rispettano la privacy // @description:ja ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームをプライバシーに配慮したフロントページにリダイレクトする // @description:lt Socialinės žiniasklaidos platformų nukreipimas į privatumą užtikrinančius pirmuosius puslapius // @description:lv Sociālo plašsaziņas līdzekļu platformu pāradresēšana uz to privātumam draudzīgajām pirmajām lapām. // @description:nl Sociale-mediaplatforms omleiden naar hun privacyvriendelijke voorpagina's // @description:pl Przekierowanie platform mediów społecznościowych na ich przyjazne dla prywatności strony tytułowe // @description:pt Redireccionar as plataformas de redes sociais para as suas primeiras páginas amigas da privacidade // @description:ro Redirecționarea platformelor de socializare către paginile lor de început care respectă viața privată // @description:ru Перенаправление платформ социальных сетей на их главные страницы, дружественные к конфиденциальности // @description:sv Omdirigera sociala medieplattformar till deras integritetsvänliga förstasidor. // @description:sl preusmeritev platform družabnih medijev na njihove naslovne strani, ki so prijazne do zasebnosti. // @description:sk Presmerovanie platforiem sociálnych médií na ich úvodné stránky, ktoré chránia súkromie // @description:tr Sosyal medya platformlarını, gizliliğe saygı duyan önyüzlerine yönlendirir // @description:uk Перенаправлення соціальних медіа-платформ на їхні головні сторінки, дружні до приватності // @description:zh 将社交媒体##重定向到其隐私友好的首页 // @description:zh-CN 将社交媒体##重定向到其隐私友好的首页 // @namespace // @author Ahmet Arda Kavakcı // @license GPLv3 // @version 1.6.2 // @downloadURL // // @supportURL // @updateURL // // @run-at document-start // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @exclude *://** // @exclude *://* // ==/UserScript== /* ___ _ _ ___ _____ _____ / _ \| \ | | / _ \| ___| ___| | | | | \| |_____| | | | |_ | |_ | |_| | |\ |_____| |_| | _| | _| \___/|_| \_| \___/|_| |_| CHANGE THE RELEVANT VALUE TO "false" TO DISABLE THE REDIRECTION/FARSIDE FOR THAT PARTICULAR PLATFORM */ // REDIRECTON / FARSIDE let bandcamp = [true, true]; let deepl = [false, true]; // Mozhi Deepl engine doesn't work let deviantart = [true, false]; let fandom = [true, true]; let genius = [true, true]; let goodreads = [true, false]; let google = [true, true]; let gtranslate = [true, true]; let hackernews = [true, true]; let imdb = [true, true]; let imgur = [true, false]; let instagram = [true, true]; let medium = [true, true]; let pinterest = [true, true]; let pixiv = [true, true]; let quora = [true, false]; let reddit = [true, false]; let reuters = [true, true]; let soundcloud = [true, true]; let stackoverflow = [true, true]; let tiktok = [true, false]; let tumblr = [true, false]; let twitch = [true, true]; let twitter = [true, true]; let wikipedia = [true, false]; let youtube = [true, false]; // PREFERRED FRONTEND let youtubeFrontend = "freetube"; // accepts "invidious", "piped", "tubo", "freetube" let youtubeMusicFrontend = "hyperpipe"; // accepts "hyperpipe", "invidious", "piped" let redditFrontend = "libreddit"; // accepts "libreddit", "teddit" let googleFrontend = "librey"; // accepts "librey", "searx", "searxng" let googleTranslateFrontend = "mozhi"; // accepts "lingva" (farside available), "mozhi" (no farside) let geniusFrontend = "intellectual"; // accepts dumb, intellectual let mediumFrontend = "scribe"; // accepts libmedium, scribe, mediumrip let hackernewsFrontend = "better"; // accepts better, worker // OTHER SETTINGS let keepHistory = false; // keeps in the browser history // // // // // // // // // // // // // /* ___ _ |_ _|_ __ ___| |_ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___ | || '_ \/ __| __/ _` | '_ \ / __/ _ \/ __| | || | | \__ \ || (_| | | | | (_| __/\__ \ |___|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_| |_|\___\___||___/ LIST OF INSTANCES TO USE IF FARSIDE IS NOT ENABLED */ const Instances = { anonymousoverflow: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], hyperpipe: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], proxigram: [ "", "", "", "", ], biblioreads: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", ], binternet: [ "", "", "", "", ], breezewiki: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], dumb: [ "", "", "", "", ], intellectual: [ "", "", "", "", ], invidious: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], piped: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], libmedium: [ "", "", "", "", ], libreddit: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], libremdb: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], librey: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], lingva: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], mediumrip: [""], neuters: ["", ""], nitter: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], pixivfe: [ "", "", "", ], proxitok: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], quetre: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], rimgo: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], scribe: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], teddit: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], tent: ["", "", ""], tubo: ["", "", ""], wikiless: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], safetwitch: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], searx: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", ], searxng: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], hackernews: { better: "", worker: "", }, mozhi: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], skunkyart: [ "", "", "", "", ], priviblur: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", ], }; let farsideInstance = keepHistory ? "" : ""; // // // // // // // // // // // // // const hash = window.location.hash, scheme = `${window.location.protocol}//`; let debug_mode = false; if (debug_mode) { alert( "\n== DEBUG MODE IS ON ==" + "\nIf you're seeing this" + "\nset the debug_mode value to" + "\nfalse for Privacy Redirector." + "\n======================" + "\n\nHostname: " + window.location.hostname + "\nPath: " + window.location.pathname + "\nQuery: " + + "\nHash: " + hash, ); } let selectedInstance = "", newURL = ""; const getrandom = async (instances) => instances[Math.floor(Math.random() * instances.length)]; async function redirectInstagram() { if (instagram[0]) { window.stop(); let pathname = window.location.pathname; let search =; let params = new URLSearchParams(search); selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.proxigram); switch (true) { case pathname.startsWith("/accounts/login/"): case pathname.startsWith("/accounts/signup/"): pathname = pathname.replace(/^\/accounts\/(login|signup)\/[a-z]*/, ""); params.delete("next"); search = params.size ? `?${params}` : ""; break; case pathname.startsWith("/reel/"): case pathname.startsWith("/tv/"): pathname = pathname.replace(/^\/(reel|tv)\//, "/p/"); break; case pathname.endsWith("/reels/"): pathname = pathname.replace("/reels", ""); break; } newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}${search}${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectTwitter() { if (twitter[0]) { window.stop(); const pathname = window.location.pathname; let searchpath = `${pathname}${}`; selectedInstance = twitter[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/nitter` : await getrandom(Instances.nitter); if (pathname === "/i/flow/login") searchpath = searchpath.replace( "/i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=", "", ); if (searchpath.includes("%")) searchpath = decodeURIComponent(searchpath); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${searchpath}${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectReddit() { if (reddit[0] && !window.location.pathname.startsWith("/domain")) { window.stop(); let pathname = window.location.pathname; let search =; selectedInstance = reddit[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/${redditFrontend}` : await getrandom(Instances[redditFrontend]); if (pathname === "/media" && search) { const params = new URLSearchParams(search); const mediaURL = new URL(params.get("url")); if (["", ""].includes(mediaURL.hostname)) { pathname = `/img${mediaURL.pathname}`; search =; } } newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}${search}${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectYoutube(frontend) { if (youtube[0]) { window.stop(); let searchpath = `${window.location.pathname}${}`; if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/embed")) { selectedInstance = youtube[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/invidious` : await getrandom(Instances["invidious"]); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${window.location.pathname}${ }${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } else { if (frontend === "tubo") { selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.tubo); searchpath = `/stream?url=${window.location.href}`; if ( window.location.pathname.startsWith("/@") || window.location.pathname.startsWith("/channel") ) searchpath = `/channel?url=${window.location.href}`; } else if (frontend === "freetube") { let youtube_link = window.location.href; window.location.replace(`freetube://${youtube_link}`); return; } else { selectedInstance = youtube[1] && frontend !== "hyperpipe" ? `${farsideInstance}/${frontend}` : await getrandom(Instances[frontend]); } newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${searchpath}${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } } async function redirectTiktok() { if (tiktok[0]) { window.stop(); let pathname = window.location.pathname; selectedInstance = tiktok[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/proxitok` : await getrandom(Instances.proxitok); await Promise.any( [ ["/@/", "/@placeholder/"], ["/discover/", "/tag/"], ["/foryou", "/trending"], ].map(async ([key, value]) => { if (pathname.startsWith(key)) pathname = pathname.replace(key, value); }), ); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}${}${ hash }`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectImgur() { if (imgur[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = imgur[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/rimgo` : await getrandom(Instances.rimgo); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${window.location.pathname}${ }${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectMedium(frontend) { if (medium[0]) { let pathname = window.location.pathname; const host_path = `${window.location.hostname}${pathname}`; if ( (/^.+?\.medium\.com\/.+/.test(host_path) || /^\/@?[^\/]+?\//.test(pathname) || host_path === "") && !( /^\/(tag|m|hc)\//.test(pathname) || /\/(about|followers|following)/.test(pathname) ) ) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = medium[1] && frontend === "scribe" ? `${farsideInstance}/scribe` : await getrandom(Instances[frontend]); const username = window.location.hostname.replace(/\.?medium\.com/, ""); if (username) pathname = `/${username}${pathname}`; newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}${ }${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } } async function redirectHackerNews() { if (hackernews[0]) { let pathname = window.location.pathname; if ( ["/newest", "/item", "/user", "/ask", "/show", "/jobs", "/"].includes( pathname, ) ) { if ( hackernewsFrontend === "better" && window.location.pathname === "/newest" ) pathname = "/new"; selectedInstance = Instances.hackernews[hackernewsFrontend]; } else if ( ["/best", "/news", "/submitted", "/threads", "/classic"].includes( pathname, ) ) { selectedInstance = Instances.hackernews.worker; } if (selectedInstance) { window.stop(); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}${}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } } async function redirectGTranslate() { if (gtranslate[0]) { window.stop(); let pathname = window.location.pathname; switch (googleTranslateFrontend) { case "lingva": selectedInstance = gtranslate[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/lingva` : await getrandom(Instances.lingva); if ( { const params = new URLSearchParams(; pathname = `/${params.get("sl")}/${params.get("tl")}/${params.get( "text", )}`; } else if (/^\/\w+?\/\w+?\/.*/.test(pathname)) { pathname = pathname.replace(/\+/g, " "); } newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}`; break; case "mozhi": selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.mozhi); if ( { const params = new URLSearchParams(; pathname = `?text=${params.get( "text", )}&from=${params.get("sl")}&to=${params.get("tl")}&engine=google`; newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}`; } else { newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}`; } break; default: break; } window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectDeviantart() { window.stop(); let pathname = window.location.pathname; let query =; let parts = pathname.split("/").filter((n) => n); let pathnameMatch = ""; selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.skunkyart); let patterns = { post: /\/art\/\S+/, tag: /\/tag\/\S+/, search: /(?<=\?q=)[^&]+/, gallery: /\/\w+\/gallery$/, gallery_folder: /\/\w+\/gallery\/\d+/, favorites: /\/(\w+)\/favourites/, profile: /^\/(\w+)$/, }; if (deviantart[0]) { if ( { pathnameMatch = `/post/${parts[0].toLowerCase()}/${parts[2]}`; } else if (patterns.tag.test(pathname)) { pathnameMatch = `/search?q=${parts[1]}&type=tag`; } else if (pathname.startsWith("/search")) { query = query.match([0]; pathnameMatch = `/search?q=${query}&type=all`; } else if ( { pathnameMatch = `/group_user?type=gallery&q=${parts[0]}`; } else if (patterns.gallery_folder.test(pathname)) { pathnameMatch = `/group_user?folder=${parts[2]}&q=${parts[0]}&type=g`; } else if (patterns.favorites.test(pathname)) { pathnameMatch = `/group_user?q=${pathname.match(patterns.favorites)[1]}&type=favorites`; } else if (patterns.profile.test(pathname)) { pathnameMatch = `/group_user?type=about&q=${pathname.match(patterns.profile)[1]}`; } } newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathnameMatch}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } async function redirectDeepl() { if (deepl[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.mozhi); if (window.location.hash) { let hash_parts = window.location.hash.substring(1).split("/"); let pathname = `?text=${hash_parts[2]}&from=${hash_parts[0]}&to=${ hash_parts[1] }&engine=deepl`; newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}`; } window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectTumblr() { if (tumblr[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.priviblur); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${window.location.pathname}${ }${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectReuters() { if (reuters[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.neuters); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${window.location.pathname}${ }${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectWikipedia() { if (wikipedia[0]) { window.stop(); let langCode = /^([a-z\-]+)\./.exec(window.location.hostname)[1]; selectedInstance = wikipedia[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/wikiless` : await getrandom(Instances.wikiless); if (langCode === "www") langCode = "en"; newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${window.location.pathname}?lang=${ langCode }${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectImdb() { if (imdb[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = imdb[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/libremdb` : await getrandom(Instances.libremdb); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${window.location.pathname}${ }${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectQuora() { if (quora[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = quora[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/quetre` : await getrandom(Instances.quetre); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${window.location.pathname}${ }${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectFandom() { if (fandom[0]) { window.stop(); const fandomName = window.location.hostname.replace(/\..+/, ""); selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.breezewiki); let pathname = window.location.pathname; if (fandomName !== "www") pathname = `/${fandomName}${pathname}`; newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}${}${ hash }`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectGoogle() { if ( google[0] && window.location.hostname.startsWith("www") && window.location.pathname.startsWith("/search") ) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = google[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/${googleFrontend}` : (selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances[googleFrontend])); let pathname = window.location.pathname; if (googleFrontend === "librey" && pathname === "/search") pathname += ".php"; const params = new URLSearchParams(; const query = params.entries().q; const search = query ? `?q=${query}` :; newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}${search}${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectGoodreads() { if (goodreads[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.biblioreads); if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/search")) { const params = new URLSearchParams(search); search = `/${params.get("q")}`; } newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${window.location.pathname}${search}${ hash }`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectStackoverflow() { if ( stackoverflow[0] && (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/questions/") || window.location.pathname === "/") ) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = stackoverflow[1] ? `${farsideInstance}/anonymousoverflow` : await getrandom(Instances.anonymousoverflow); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${window.location.pathname}${ }${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectBandcamp() { if (bandcamp[0]) { // thanks to libredirect selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.tent); const params = new URLSearchParams(; const artist = window.location.hostname.replace(/\..+/, ""); const regex = /^\/([^\/]+?)\/(.+)/.exec(window.location.pathname); const audio = /^\/stream\/([a-f0-9]+?)\/([^\/]+?)\/([0-9]+)/.exec( window.location.pathname, ); const image = /^\/img\/(.+)/.exec(window.location.pathname); let searchpath = ""; switch (true) { case window.location.pathname === "/search": searchpath = `/search.php?query=${params.get("q")}`; break; case\.bandcamp\.com/) > 0: if (window.location.pathname === "/") { searchpath = `/artist.php?name=${artist}`; } else if (regex.length > 2) { searchpath = `/release.php?artist=${artist}&type=${regex[1]}&name=${regex[2]}`; } break; case window.location.hostname === "": if (image.length > 1) searchpath = `/image.php?file=${image[1]}`; break; case window.location.hostname === "": if (audio.length > 3) searchpath = `/audio.php?directory=${audio[1]}&format=${ audio[2] }&file=${audio[3]}&token=${params.get("token")}`; break; default: return; } window.stop(); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${searchpath}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectGenius() { if (genius[0]) { const pathname = window.location.pathname; selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances[geniusFrontend]); await Promise.any( [ ["lyrics", pathname.endsWith("-lyrics")], ["album", pathname.startsWith("/albums/")], ["artist", pathname.startsWith("/artists/")], [, ["/", "/search"].includes(pathname)], ].map(async ([key, value]) => { if (value) { const searchpath = geniusFrontend === "intellectual" && key ? `/${key}?path=${pathname.slice(1)}` : `${pathname}${}`; window.stop(); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${searchpath}${hash}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } }), ); } } async function redirectPinterest() { if (pinterest[0]) { selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.binternet); let searchpath = ""; if (window.location.hostname === "") { searchpath = `/image_proxy.php?url=${window.location.href}`; } else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/search")) { searchpath = `${window.location.pathname .replace("search", "search.php") .replace("/pins/", "")}${}`; } else if (window.location.pathname !== "/") return; window.stop(); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${searchpath}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectSoundcloud() { if (soundcloud[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.tubo); let searchpath = "/kiosk?serviceId=1"; if (window.location.pathname !== "/") searchpath = `/stream?url=${window.location.href}`; newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${searchpath}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectPixiv() { if (pixiv[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.pixivfe); const pathname = window.location.pathname.replace(/^\/\w{2}\//, "/"); newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}${}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } async function redirectTwitch() { if (twitch[0]) { window.stop(); selectedInstance = await getrandom(Instances.safetwitch); const pathname = window.location.pathname == "/search" ? window.location.pathname + "/" : window.location.pathname; let searchpath = window.location.pathname == "/search" ?"term", "query") :; newURL = `${scheme}${selectedInstance}${pathname}${searchpath}`; window.location.replace(newURL); } } const urlHostname = window.location.hostname; switch (urlHostname) { case "": redirectInstagram(); break; case "": case "": case "": case "": redirectTwitter(); break; case "": case "": case "": redirectYoutube(youtubeFrontend); break; case "": redirectTiktok(); break; case "": redirectYoutube(youtubeMusicFrontend); break; case "": redirectHackerNews(); break; case "": redirectGTranslate(); break; case "": redirectReuters(); break; case "": case "": redirectImdb(); break; case "": redirectQuora(); break; case "": redirectGoogle(); break; case "": redirectGoodreads(); break; case "": redirectGenius(); break; case "": redirectStackoverflow(); break; case "": case "": redirectBandcamp(); break; case "": redirectDeviantart(); break; case "": redirectPinterest(); break; case "": case "": redirectSoundcloud(); break; case "": redirectPixiv(); break; case "": redirectDeepl(); break; case "": case "": redirectTwitch(); break; case urlHostname.includes("") ? urlHostname : 0: redirectReddit(); break; case urlHostname.includes("") ? urlHostname : 0: redirectMedium(mediumFrontend); break; case urlHostname.includes("") ? urlHostname : 0: case urlHostname.includes("") ? urlHostname : 0: redirectImgur(); break; case urlHostname.includes("") ? urlHostname : 0: redirectWikipedia(); break; case urlHostname.includes("") ? urlHostname : 0: redirectFandom(); break; case urlHostname.includes("") ? urlHostname : 0: redirectBandcamp(); break; case urlHostname.includes("") ? urlHostname : 0: redirectPinterest(); break; case urlHostname.includes("") ? urlHostname : 0: redirectTumblr(); break; } // export module for the test in github action typeof module !== "undefined" ? (module.exports = { Instances: Instances }) : true;