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Invidious (yewtu.be) embed

Replace YouTube embeds with yewtu.be embeds.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Invidious (yewtu.be) embed
// @description Replace YouTube embeds with yewtu.be embeds.
// @author      Backend & SkauOfArcadia
// @homepage https://skau.neocities.org/
// @contactURL https://t.me/SkauOfArcadia
// @include     *
// @exclude *://*.youtube.com/*
// @exclude *://*.google.com/*
// @exclude *://turntable.fm/*
// @exclude *://web.archive.org/web/*
// @exclude *://*/embed/*
// @exclude *://*/watch?v=*
// @inject-into content
// @version     2022.09-1
// @grant       none
// @allFrames   true
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/751327
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
"use strict";
const instance = "yewtu.be";
const a = -1; //defines autoplay value on the initial page load
const b = -1; //defines autoplay for embedded videos that appear on page interaction
// -1 = will only autoplay if the embed has the "autoplay=1" parameter
// 0 = disables autoplay
// 1 = enables autoplay
const dash = true; //defines if the quality=dash parameter will be used
var observer = new MutationObserver(mutate);
observer.observe(document, {
childList: true,
attributes: true,
subtree: true
function mutate() {
function go(auto) {
let frames = document.body.querySelectorAll('iframe[src], embed[src]');
frames = Object.values(frames).filter(youtubeiFrame);
for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
let frame = frames[i];
let invid = frame.src;
let params = new URLSearchParams();
if (invid.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
params = new URLSearchParams(invid.substring(invid.indexOf('?') + 1));
invid = invid.split('?')[0];
} else if (invid.indexOf('&') !== -1) {
params = new URLSearchParams(invid.substring(invid.indexOf('&') + 1));
invid = invid.split('&')[0];
if (params.get('v'))
invid = 'https://' + instance + '/embed/' + params.get('v');
else if (invid.toLowerCase().indexOf('/embed/') !== -1)
invid = 'https://' + instance + '/embed/' + invid.substring(invid.toLowerCase().indexOf('/embed/') + 7).split('/')[0];
else if (invid.toLowerCase().indexOf('/v/') !== -1)
invid = 'https://' + instance + '/embed/' + invid.substring(invid.toLowerCase().indexOf('/v/') + 3).split('/')[0];
invid = 'https://' + instance + '/embed/' + invid.split('/')[3];
if (auto !== -1) {
params.set('autoplay', auto);
} else if (!params.get('autoplay')) {
params.set('autoplay', 0);
if ((parseInt(frame.width, 10) <= 4 || parseInt(frame.style.width, 10) <= 4)
&& (parseInt(frame.height, 10) <= 4 || parseInt(frame.style.height, 10) <= 4)
&& params.get('autoplay') === '1') {
params.set('listen', 1);
if(dash){ params.set('quality', 'dash'); }
invid += '?' + params;
frame.setAttribute('src', invid);
if (frame.hasAttribute('srcdoc')) { frame.removeAttribute('srcdoc'); }
if (frame.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'embed'){
let newframe = document.createElement('iframe');
newframe.innerHTML = frame.innerHTML;
frame.getAttributeNames().forEach(attrName => { newframe.setAttribute(attrName, frame.getAttribute(attrName)); });
frame.parentNode.replaceChild(newframe, frame);
//Replace thumbnail embeds
let thumbs = document.body.querySelectorAll('img[src*="img.youtube.com"], img[src*="i.ytimg.com"]');
for (let x = 0; x < thumbs.length; x++)
let thumb = thumbs[x];
let thumbsrc = new URL(thumb.src);
if (thumbsrc.hostname === "img.youtube.com" || thumbsrc.hostname === "i.ytimg.com")
if (thumb.hasAttribute('srcset') && thumb.srcset.indexOf(thumbsrc) !== -1)
thumb.setAttribute('srcset', thumb.srcset.replace(thumbsrc, thumbsrc.protocol + '//' + instance + thumbsrc.pathname + thumbsrc.search + thumbsrc.hash));
thumb.setAttribute('src', thumbsrc.protocol + '//' + instance + thumbsrc.pathname + thumbsrc.search + thumbsrc.hash);
function youtubeiFrame(el) {
try {
let url = new URL(el.src);
return (url.hostname === "youtube.com" || url.hostname.endsWith(".youtube.com")
|| url.hostname === "youtube-nocookie.com" || url.hostname.endsWith(".youtube-nocookie.com")
|| url.hostname === "youtu.be" || url.hostname.endsWith(".youtu.be"));
} catch (_) {
return false;