A simple tool that adds YouTube-style buttons for multi-format downloading. Lighter than most download scripts.
Dette er versioner af dette script, hvor koden er blevet opdateret. Vis alle versioner.
-Playlist pages now show download buttons under the new UI (loader.to still requires you to manually set formats for playlists)-Playlist page download buttons use additional CSS to blend in better (.download-playlist-button and .download-playlist-button-text)-The default border-radius is now 20px, to fit with the new UI. There is no consistent variable for this yet. Set border-radius back to 2px for the old UI's style
Buttons are now defined in an array called buttons at the top of the scriptAdd or remove as many buttons as you likeThe name of the button is the name of the format that will be downloaded (not case sensitive)Many audio formats are supported, but MP4 is the only video format (for this script)The download function has been moved down to the main script to avoid an unnecessary declarationRemoved yt.clit.repl.co usage due to its extreme instability. All buttons will use loader.to, even though its MP3s are slightly larger.
Updated CSS to reflect the new suffixes following YouTube's ytd-tab-system variables (went from "_-_" to just "-") Added YouTube's fallback values for various ytd-tab-system variables, for some extra future-proofing
loader.to has added support for URL parameters on the base domain, automatically passing these parameters to the latest domain. No more having to manually update your script to keep up. This should be the last update for the foreseeable future.
/en58/ -> /en85/ (yes it's been that long)
loader.to/en53/ -> loader.to/en58/
loader.to/en52/ -> loader.to/en53/
loader.to/en50/ -> loader.to/en52/
Updated loader.to/en49/ to loader.to/en50/
Updated loader.to link from /en47/ to /en49/.Changed .download-text class to .download-button-text for easier readability in CSS.