Auto search for music on torrent, local drive, ddl, streaming, predb, and other sites. Adds links to Discogs pages from various sites.
Adds links to Discogs pages from various sites.
Auto search for music on torrent and other sites.
Does multi auto-search on Artist/Discography/Release/Wantlist/List/Collection/Label pages.
Auto search local HDDs/filelists using Voidtools Everything search engine.
Supports browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Waterfox, Brave, Pale Moon, Edge.
Supports: Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, Greasemonkey v3 & Greasemonkey for Pale Moon.
Meanings of the color borders around the icons:
Search completed. R###lts found.
Search completed. R###lts not found.
No access to search or search can't be done.
Search completed. Request found.
Contributions are welcome. You can do that at GitHub.
Tags: rarbg, 1337, the pirate bay, tpb, proxy, p2p, download, upload, tidal, soundcloud, bandcamp, beatport, spotify, deezer, predb, musicbrainz.