// ==UserScript== // @name 新度盘助手 (v2) // @name:en (New) Baidu™ WebDisk Helper v2 (dupan-helper) // @namespace moe.jixun.dupan.v2 // @version 0.0.1 // @description 度盘增强 // @description:en Enhancements for Baidu™ WebDisk. // @author Jixun<https://jixun.moe/> // @match https://pan.baidu.com/disk/main* // @match https://yun.baidu.com/disk/main* // @compatible chrome Violentmonkey // @license BSD-3-Clause // @homepageURL https://github.com/jixunmoe/dupan-helper-v2/ // @supportURL https://github.com/jixunmoe/dupan-helper-v2/issues // @contributionURL https://jixun.moe/donate // @grant none // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== function entryPoint () { "use strict"; var css_248z$2 = ".jx-align-right {\n text-align: right;\n}\n\n.jx-compact-form-items .u-form-item--small.u-form-item {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n\n.jx-compact-form-items .u-form-item--small .u-form-item__label {\n font-family: sans-serif;\n width: 7em;\n text-align: right;\n user-select: none;\n line-height: 1.25em;\n}\n\n.jx-compact-form-items .u-form-item--small .u-form-item__content {\n line-height: 1.25em;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n"; styleInject(css_248z$2); const CHUNK_EARLY_HOOK = "home"; const ENTRY_ID = "jixun: entry :D"; const __default = "a"; // module name var WEBPACK_MODULE_ID; (function (WEBPACK_MODULE_ID) { WEBPACK_MODULE_ID["RegisterComponent"] = "0083"; WEBPACK_MODULE_ID["Globals"] = "49fe"; WEBPACK_MODULE_ID["Vue"] = "7231"; WEBPACK_MODULE_ID["PolyfillMakeClass"] = "1586"; })(WEBPACK_MODULE_ID || (WEBPACK_MODULE_ID = {})); // require.x keys var WEBPACK_REQUIRE_KEYS; (function (WEBPACK_REQUIRE_KEYS) { WEBPACK_REQUIRE_KEYS["CACHED_MODULES"] = "c"; WEBPACK_REQUIRE_KEYS["EXPORT_ES6_MEMBER"] = "d"; })(WEBPACK_REQUIRE_KEYS || (WEBPACK_REQUIRE_KEYS = {})); // module keys var WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS; (function (WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS) { WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS["MODULE_ID"] = "i"; WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS["MODULE_LOADED"] = "l"; WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS["EXPORTS"] = "exports"; })(WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS || (WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS = {})); const EVENTS = { SHOW_CODE_UPLOAD_DIALOG: Symbol("SHOW_CODE_UPLOAD_DIALOG"), ADD_RAPID_UPLOAD_TASKS: Symbol("ADD_RAPID_UPLOAD_TASKS"), }; class DelayedValue { constructor() { this.queue = []; this.setValue = (value) => { this.value = value; for (const resolve of this.queue) { resolve(value); } this.queue = []; }; this.getValue = () => { return this.value; }; this.get = (callback) => { if (this.value !== undefined) { if (callback) { return callback(this.value); } else { return Promise.resolve(this.value); } } if (callback) { this.queue.push(callback); } else { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.queue.push(resolve); }); } }; this.getAsync = async () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.get(resolve); }); }; } get isSet() { return this.value !== undefined; } } var BAIDU_GLOBALS_KEY; (function (BAIDU_GLOBALS_KEY) { BAIDU_GLOBALS_KEY["SOME_API_URLS"] = "a"; BAIDU_GLOBALS_KEY["ENTERPRISE_URLS"] = "b"; BAIDU_GLOBALS_KEY["ERROR_MESSAGES"] = "c"; })(BAIDU_GLOBALS_KEY || (BAIDU_GLOBALS_KEY = {})); const baiduContext = new DelayedValue(); const baiduGlobals = new DelayedValue(); const reorderMD5 = (str) => { return str.slice(8, 16) + str.slice(0, 8) + str.slice(24) + str.slice(16, 24); }; const scrambleMD5 = (hash) => { // 百度的实现就是如此,应该是写错了? if (parseInt(hash) & Number(hash.length !== 32)) { return hash; } // 如果包含非法字符,不进行处理。 // 可能是防止二次调用? if (/[^0-9a-f]/.test(hash)) { return hash; } let r###lt = reorderMD5(hash) .split("") .map((c, i) => { let byte = (parseInt(c, 16) ^ i) & 0x0f; if (i === 9) { return String.fromCharCode(byte + 0x67); } return byte.toString(16); }) .join(""); // 百度的实现如此,补位 String.fromCharString(NaN) - 被转换为字符码 0 的字符串 if (r###lt.length < 10) r###lt += "\x00"; return r###lt; }; const URL_RAPID_UPLOAD = "/api/rapidupload"; const DAYS_IN_SECONDS = 86400; const DAYS_90 = DAYS_IN_SECONDS * 90; const DAYS_180 = DAYS_IN_SECONDS * 180; const rand = (a, b) => (b - a) * Math.random(); const generateMTime = () => (Date.now() / 1000 - rand(DAYS_90, DAYS_180)) | 0; class BaiduUploadAPI { constructor() { baiduContext.get((baidu) => { this.baidu = baidu; }); } async rapidUpload(opt) { if (!this.baidu) { return Promise.reject("Baidu Context 尚未初始化"); } const { ctx } = this.baidu; const { replaceType, name, sliceMD5, contentMD5, size } = opt; const { bdstoken } = ctx.yunData; const dirPath = ctx.currentPath; const fullPath = dirPath + "/" + name; return ctx.$http.request({ url: `${URL_RAPID_UPLOAD}?rtype=${replaceType}&bdstoken=${bdstoken}`, method: "POST", data: { path: fullPath, "content-length": size, "content-md5": scrambleMD5(contentMD5), "slice-md5": scrambleMD5(sliceMD5), target_path: dirPath, local_mtime: generateMTime(), }, }); } } const baiduUploadAPI = new BaiduUploadAPI(); class EventBus { constructor() { this.handler = new Map(); } on(name, callback) { if (this.handler.has(name)) { this.handler.get(name)?.add(callback); } else { this.handler.set(name, new Set([callback])); } } off(name, callback) { if (!callback) { this.handler.delete(name); } else if (this.handler.has(name)) { this.handler.get(name)?.delete(callback); } } emit(name, ...data) { const handlers = this.handler.get(name); if (handlers) { for (const callback of handlers) { callback.apply(null, data); } } } } const bus = new EventBus(); bus.on( EVENTS.ADD_RAPID_UPLOAD_TASKS, async (items, replaceType, updateProgress) => { for (const item of items) { const { md5, md5s, name, size } = item; const resp = await baiduUploadAPI.rapidUpload({ contentMD5: md5, sliceMD5: md5s, name, size, replaceType, }); updateProgress(item, resp); } // 刷新所在目录 const ctx = await baiduContext.getAsync(); ctx.ctx.currentInstance.reloadList(); } ); class DelayedFunctionCall { constructor() { this.value = new DelayedValue(); this.setImpl = (f) => { this.value.setValue(f); }; this.getImpl = () => { return this.value.getValue(); }; this.call = (...args) => { return this.callWithContext(null, ...args); }; this.callWithContext = (ctx, ...args) => { const f = this.value.getValue(); if (f) { return f.apply(ctx, args); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.value.get((f) => { try { resolve(f.apply(ctx, args)); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); }); }; } } const webpackRequire = new DelayedFunctionCall(); const waitModuleLoad = new DelayedFunctionCall(); function hookOnSet(obj, name, callback) { let value = obj[name]; Object.defineProperty(obj, name, { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get() { return value; }, set(v) { if (v !== value) { callback(v); value = v; } }, }); } function setWebpackRequire(require) { // DEBUG window.__require = require; webpackRequire.setImpl(require); waitModuleLoad.setImpl((moduleId, callback) => { hookOnSet( require[WEBPACK_REQUIRE_KEYS.CACHED_MODULES], moduleId, (module) => { hookOnSet(module, WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS.MODULE_LOADED, (loaded) => { if (loaded) { callback(module, require); } }); } ); }); } const Vue = new DelayedValue(); const logFactory = (level) => { { return (..._) => {}; } }; const debug = logFactory(); function hookMixinPluginContainer(createdFn) { return function () { const r###lt = createdFn.apply(this, arguments); this.previewPlugin.push({ compName: "JixunCodeUploadContainer", show: true, key: "Jixun Code Input Dialog", compProps: { fileMetaList: [], currentFileMeta: null, otherParam: null, }, }); return r###lt; }; } function hookListToolActions(listToolActions) { return function () { const r###lt = listToolActions.apply(this, arguments); if (r###lt?.[0]?.comp === "upload-button") { r###lt.splice(1, 0, { comp: "JixunCodeUploadButton", evt: "instant-code-upload", icon: "u-icon-upper-shelf", plugin: "[email protected]", text: "秒传", }); } // console.info("listToolActions:", r###lt); return r###lt; }; } function hookComponentInit(componentInit) { return function (component) { debug("register component: ", component); if (component?.computed?.listToolActions) { component.computed.listToolActions = hookListToolActions( component.computed.listToolActions ); } if (component?.computed?.hideHeader) { component.mixins?.forEach((plugin) => { if (plugin?.methods?.handlePreview && plugin.created) { plugin.created = hookMixinPluginContainer(plugin.created); } }); } return componentInit.apply(this, arguments); }; } var JixunButton = { render: function () { var _vm = this; var _h = _vm.$createElement; var _c = _vm._self._c || _h; return _c( "u-button", _vm._g( { attrs: { size: "medium", round: "", nativeType: "button", disabled: _vm.disabled, type: _vm.primary ? "primary" : "", }, }, _vm.$listeners ), [_vm._t("default")], 2 ); }, props: { primary: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, }, }; var css_248z$1 = "\r\na.jx-upload-button-container {\r\n margin-left: 0.5em;\r\n}\r\n\r\n a.jx-upload-button-container > button {\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n\r\n background-color: #ac13f2;\r\n border: 1px solid #eeabf4;\r\n\r\n transition: all 0.3s;\r\n }\r\n\r\n a.jx-upload-button-container > button:hover,\r\n a.jx-upload-button-container > button:focus {\r\n background-color: #890fc2;\r\n border-color: #eeabf4;\r\n }\r\n"; styleInject(css_248z$1); var JixunCodeUploadButton = { render: function () { var _vm = this; var _h = _vm.$createElement; var _c = _vm._self._c || _h; return _c( "a", { staticClass: "nd-upload-button upload-wrapper jx-upload-button-container", }, [ _c( "u-button", { staticClass: "nd-file-list-toolbar-action-item", class: { "is-has-icon": _vm.conf.icon }, attrs: { size: "small", round: "", type: "primary", icon: "u-icon " + _vm.conf.icon, }, on: { click: _vm.handleClick }, }, [_vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.conf.text) + "\n ")] ), ], 1 ); }, props: { conf: { type: Object, default: function () {}, }, }, methods: { handleClick: function () { bus.emit(EVENTS.SHOW_CODE_UPLOAD_DIALOG); }, }, }; var css_248z = "\n.jx-dialog {\n margin-top: 24px;\n color: #424e67;\n}\n\n .jx-dialog textarea {\n width: 100%;\n min-height: 10em;\n border: 1px solid #ccc;\n }\n\n .jx-dialog p {\n padding-top: 0.55em;\n }\n\n .jx-dialog label > span {\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n"; styleInject(css_248z); const hex = (value) => { const hex = Math.floor(value).toString(16); return `0${hex}`.slice(-2); }; /** * UTF-8 字符转换成 base64 后在 JS 里解析会出毛病。 * 这个转换会进行一些特别的纠正。 */ const decodeBase64 = (str) => { try { str = atob(str); } catch (e) { console.error("base64 decode failed: %s", str); return ""; } return decodeURIComponent( str.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, (z) => `%${hex(z.charCodeAt(0))}`) ); }; const slice = Function.prototype.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice); /** * 一个简单的类似于 NodeJS Buffer 的实现. * 用于解析游侠度娘提取码。 */ class SimpleBuffer { constructor(str) { this.buf = new Uint8Array(); this.fromString(str); } fromString(str) { const len = str.length; this.buf = new Uint8Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.buf[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } } readUnicode(index, size) { const bufText = slice(this.buf, index, index + size).map(hex); const buf = [""]; for (let i = 0; i < size; i += 2) { buf.push(bufText[i + 1] + bufText[i]); } return JSON.parse(`"${buf.join("\\u")}"`); } /** * Read a number (Big Endian) from buffer. * @param index Index * @param size Integer size * @returns {number} an integer representing the value at given index */ readNumber(index, size) { let ret = 0; for (let i = index + size; i > index; i--) { // 2^8 = 256 ret = this.buf[i] + ret * 256; } return ret; } readUInt(index) { return this.readNumber(index, 4); } readULong(index) { return this.readNumber(index, 8); } readHex(index, size) { const blob = slice(this.buf, index, index + size); return blob.map(hex).join(""); } } const trim = (str) => String.prototype.trim.call(str); /** * 百度网盘用的(非官方)标准提取码。 * 支持解析: * 1. 游侠的 `BDLINK` 提取码 * 2. 我的“标准提取码” * 3. PanDownload 的 `bdpan://` 协议。 */ class DuParser { constructor() { this.r###lts = []; this.versions = new Set(); this.reset(); } reset() { this.r###lts = []; this.versions = new Set(); } /** * 判断地址类型并解析。 * @param url */ parse(url) { this.reset(); // 游侠的格式是多行,不好判断结束位置。 // 所以一次只能解析一条数据。 if (url.indexOf("BDLINK") === 0) { this.parseAli(url); return; } // 其他两个格式一行一个文件信息。 const links = url.split("\n").map(trim); for (const link of links) { if (link.startsWith("bdpan://")) { this.parsePanDownload(link); } else { this.parseStandard(link); } } } get hasR###lts() { return this.r###lts.length; } parseAli(url) { const raw = atob(url.slice(6).replace(/\s/g, "")); if (raw.slice(0, 5) !== "BDFS\x00") return null; const buf = new SimpleBuffer(raw); let ptr = 9; const fileCount = buf.readUInt(5); if (fileCount === 0) { return null; } this.versions.add("游侠 v1"); for (let i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { // 大小 (8 bytes) // MD5 + MD5S (0x20) // nameSize (4 bytes) // Name (unicode) const fileInfo = Object.create(null); fileInfo.size = buf.readULong(ptr); fileInfo.md5 = buf.readHex(ptr + 8, 0x10); fileInfo.md5s = buf.readHex(ptr + 0x18, 0x10); const sizeofName = buf.readUInt(ptr + 0x28) * 2; ptr += 0x2c; fileInfo.name = buf.readUnicode(ptr, sizeofName); this.r###lts.push(fileInfo); ptr += sizeofName; } return true; } parseStandard(line) { const match = line.match( /^([\dA-F]{32})#([\dA-F]{32})#([\d]{1,20})#([\s\S]+)$/i ); if (match) { const [, md5, md5s, size, name] = match; this.versions.add("梦姬标准"); this.r###lts.push({ md5, md5s, size: parseInt(size, 10), name, }); } return null; } parsePanDownload(line) { const match = decodeBase64(line.slice(8)).match( /^([\s\S]+)\|([\d]{1,20})\|([\dA-F]{32})\|([\dA-F]{32})$/i ); if (match) { const [, name, size, md5, md5s] = match; this.versions.add("PanDownload"); this.r###lts.push({ md5, md5s, size: parseInt(size, 10), name, }); } return null; } } var RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE; (function (RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE) { RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE[(RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE["FAILURE"] = 0)] = "FAILURE"; RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE[(RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE["DUPLICATE"] = 1)] = "DUPLICATE"; // UNKNOWN_REPLACE_RULE = 2, RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE[(RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE["REPLACE"] = 3)] = "REPLACE"; })(RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE || (RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE = {})); /** * 将数字形式的文件大小转换为更可读的文本形式 */ function readableSize(size) { let unit = "MiB"; let sizeInUnit = size / #### / ####; // 超过 GB if (sizeInUnit > ####) { unit = "GiB"; sizeInUnit /= ####; } return `${sizeInUnit.toFixed(2)} ${unit}`; } var JixunBaiduError = { render: function () { var _vm = this; var _h = _vm.$createElement; var _c = _vm._self._c || _h; return _c("span", [ _vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.text) + " (错误码 " + _vm._s(_vm.errno) + ")"), ]); }, props: { errno: Number, }, data() { return { text: "", }; }, async created() { const globals = await baiduGlobals.get(); const ctx = await baiduContext.get(); let message = globals[BAIDU_GLOBALS_KEY.ERROR_MESSAGES][this.errno]; if (!message) { message = `未知错误`; } else if (typeof message === "function") { message = message(ctx.ctx.userInfo); } this.text = message.replace(/<\/?.*?>/g, "").replace(/\s+/, " "); }, }; var JixunDuParseEntryFormItems = { render: function () { var _vm = this; var _h = _vm.$createElement; var _c = _vm._self._c || _h; return _c( "div", [ _c("u-form-item", { attrs: { label: "文件名" } }, [ _c("code", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.data.name))]), ]), _vm._v(" "), _c("u-form-item", { attrs: { label: "文件大小" } }, [ _c("code", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.readableSize(_vm.data.size)))]), ]), _vm._v(" "), _c("u-form-item", { attrs: { label: "文件 MD5" } }, [ _c("code", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.data.md5))]), ]), _vm._v(" "), _c("u-form-item", { attrs: { label: "首片 MD5" } }, [ _c("code", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.data.md5s))]), ]), ], 1 ); }, props: { data: { type: Object, }, }, methods: { readableSize, }, }; var JixunUploadR###ltTable = { render: function () { var _vm = this; var _h = _vm.$createElement; var _c = _vm._self._c || _h; return _c( "section", { staticClass: "jx-compact-form-items" }, [ _c( "u-table", { attrs: { data: _vm.data, height: _vm.height, "row-key": "request_id", stripe: true, size: "small", }, }, [ _c("u-table-column", { attrs: { type: "expand" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([ { key: "default", fn: function (scope) { return [ _c( "u-form", { attrs: { "label-position": "left", size: "small" } }, [ _c("jixun-du-parse-entry-form-items", { attrs: { data: scope.row }, }), _vm._v(" "), _c( "u-form-item", { attrs: { label: "上传结果" } }, [ _c("jixun-baidu-error", { attrs: { errno: scope.row.errno }, }), ], 1 ), _vm._v(" "), _c("u-form-item", { attrs: { label: "提取码" } }, [ _c("pre", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.toCode(scope.row)))]), ]), ], 1 ), ]; }, }, ]), }), _vm._v(" "), _c("u-table-column", { attrs: { prop: "name", label: "文件名" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([ { key: "default", fn: function (scope) { return [_c("code", [_vm._v(_vm._s(scope.row.name))])]; }, }, ]), }), _vm._v(" "), _c("u-table-column", { attrs: { prop: "r###lt", label: "结果", width: "80" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([ { key: "default", fn: function (scope) { return [ _c( "u-tag", { attrs: { type: scope.row.r###ltType, effect: "dark" }, }, [ _vm._v( "\n " + _vm._s(scope.row.r###lt) + "\n " ), ] ), ]; }, }, ]), }), ], 1 ), ], 1 ); }, components: { JixunBaiduError, JixunDuParseEntryFormItems }, props: { data: { type: [], required: true, }, }, methods: { readableSize, toCode(entry) { const { name, size, md5, md5s } = entry; return `${md5}#${md5s}#${size}#${name}`; }, }, }; var JixunCodeUploadDialog = { render: function () { var _vm = this; var _h = _vm.$createElement; var _c = _vm._self._c || _h; return _c( "div", { staticClass: "nd-dialog-common" }, [ _vm.showForm ? _c( "u-dialog", { staticClass: "u-dialog__wrapper nd-dialog-common-header", attrs: { title: "标准提取码", width: "600px", lockScroll: false, visible: true, }, on: { "update:visible": _vm.updateVisible }, }, [ _c( "div", { staticClass: "jx-dialog" }, [ _c("section", [ _c( "label", [ _c("span", [_vm._v("秒传链接,一行一个:")]), _vm._v(" "), _c("u-input", { attrs: { type: "textarea", rows: 5, placeholder: "请输入内容", }, on: { input: _vm.validateLinks }, model: { value: _vm.links, callback: function ($v) { _vm.links = $v; }, expression: "links", }, }), ], 1 ), ]), _vm._v(" "), _c( "p", [ _c("span", [_vm._v("文件重复时:")]), _vm._v(" "), _c( "u-radio-group", { attrs: { size: "small" }, model: { value: _vm.ondup, callback: function ($v) { _vm.ondup = $v; }, expression: "ondup", }, }, [ _c( "u-radio-button", { attrs: { label: _vm.RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE.DUPLICATE, }, }, [_vm._v("\n 建立副本\n ")] ), _vm._v(" "), _c( "u-radio-button", { attrs: { label: _vm.RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE.REPLACE, }, }, [_vm._v("\n 覆盖文件\n ")] ), ], 1 ), ], 1 ), _vm._v(" "), _c("jixun-du-parse-table", { attrs: { data: _vm.previewR###lts, height: 180 }, }), ], 1 ), _vm._v(" "), _c( "div", { staticClass: "jx-align-right", attrs: { slot: "footer" }, slot: "footer", }, [ _c( "jixun-button", { on: { click: function ($event) { return _vm.updateVisible(false); }, }, }, [_vm._v("取消")] ), _vm._v(" "), _c( "jixun-button", { attrs: { primary: "", disabled: _vm.previewR###lts.length === 0, }, on: { click: _vm.handleAddURL }, }, [_vm._v("\n 确定\n ")] ), ], 1 ), ] ) : _vm._e(), _vm._v(" "), _vm.showProgress ? _c( "u-dialog", { staticClass: "u-dialog__wrapper nd-dialog-common-header", attrs: { title: "标准提取码 - " + (_vm.rapidUploadFinished ? "完成" : "进行中"), width: "600px", lockScroll: false, visible: true, "show-close": _vm.rapidUploadFinished, "close-on-click-modal": _vm.rapidUploadFinished, "close-on-press-escape": _vm.rapidUploadFinished, }, on: { "update:visible": _vm.updateVisible }, }, [ _c( "div", { staticClass: "jx-dialog" }, [ _c("u-progress", { attrs: { percentage: _vm.progress, status: "success" }, }), _vm._v(" "), _c("jixun-upload-r###lt-table", { attrs: { data: _vm.uploadR###lts, height: 180 }, }), ], 1 ), ] ) : _vm._e(), ], 1 ); }, components: { JixunUploadR###ltTable }, data() { return { RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE, showForm: true, showProgress: false, parser: new DuParser(), ondup: RAPID_UPLOAD_REPLACE.DUPLICATE, radioOverwrite: 1111, links: "", previewR###lts: [], parsedLinks: [], uploadR###lts: [], }; }, computed: { progress() { if (this.rapidUploadFinished) { return 100; } return (this.uploadR###lts.length / this.parsedLinks.length) * 100; }, rapidUploadFinished() { return this.uploadR###lts.length === this.parsedLinks.length; }, }, methods: { updateVisible(visible) { if (!visible) { this.$emit("hide"); } }, handleAddURL() { const r###lts = this.parseLinks(); if (r###lts.length > 0) { this.showForm = false; this.resetProgress(r###lts); this.showProgress = true; this.beginUpload(); } }, resetProgress(parsedLinks) { this.uploadR###lts = []; this.parsedLinks = parsedLinks; }, beginUpload() { bus.emit( EVENTS.ADD_RAPID_UPLOAD_TASKS, this.parsedLinks, this.ondup, this.updateProgress ); }, updateProgress(entry, resp) { const success = resp.errno === 0; this.uploadR###lts.unshift({ ...entry, ...resp, r###lt: success ? "成功" : "失败", r###ltType: success ? "success" : "danger", }); }, validateLinks() { this.previewR###lts = this.parseLinks(); }, parseLinks() { this.parser.parse(this.links); return this.parser.r###lts; }, }, }; var JixunCodeUploadContainer = { render: function () { var _vm = this; var _h = _vm.$createElement; var _c = _vm._self._c || _h; return _vm.showCodeUploadDialog ? _c("jixun-code-upload-dialog", { on: { hide: function ($event) { _vm.showCodeUploadDialog = false; }, }, }) : _vm._e(); }, components: { JixunCodeUploadDialog }, beforeDestroy: function () { bus.off(EVENTS.SHOW_CODE_UPLOAD_DIALOG, this.renderCodeUploadDialog); }, mounted: function () { bus.on(EVENTS.SHOW_CODE_UPLOAD_DIALOG, this.renderCodeUploadDialog); }, data: function () { return { showCodeUploadDialog: false, }; }, methods: { renderCodeUploadDialog: function () { this.showCodeUploadDialog = true; }, }, }; var JixunDuParseTable = { render: function () { var _vm = this; var _h = _vm.$createElement; var _c = _vm._self._c || _h; return _c( "section", { staticClass: "jx-compact-form-items" }, [ _c( "u-table", { attrs: { data: _vm.data, height: _vm.height, stripe: true, size: "small", }, }, [ _c("u-table-column", { attrs: { type: "expand" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([ { key: "default", fn: function (scope) { return [ _c( "u-form", { attrs: { "label-position": "left", size: "small" } }, [ _c("jixun-du-parse-entry-form-items", { attrs: { data: scope.row }, }), ], 1 ), ]; }, }, ]), }), _vm._v(" "), _c("u-table-column", { attrs: { prop: "name", label: "文件名" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([ { key: "default", fn: function (scope) { return [_c("code", [_vm._v(_vm._s(scope.row.name))])]; }, }, ]), }), _vm._v(" "), _c("u-table-column", { attrs: { prop: "size", label: "大小", width: "110" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([ { key: "default", fn: function (scope) { return [ _c("code", [ _vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.readableSize(scope.row.size))), ]), ]; }, }, ]), }), ], 1 ), ], 1 ); }, components: { JixunDuParseEntryFormItems }, props: { data: { type: Array, required: true, }, height: { type: Number, required: true, }, }, methods: { readableSize, }, }; /** * Register available components. * @param Vue * @param require */ function registerComponents(Vue, require) { Vue.component("JixunButton", JixunButton); Vue.component("JixunCodeUploadButton", JixunCodeUploadButton); Vue.component("JixunCodeUploadContainer", JixunCodeUploadContainer); Vue.component("JixunCodeUploadDialog", JixunCodeUploadDialog); Vue.component("JixunDuParseTable", JixunDuParseTable); } function hookModuleDefaultExport(moduleId, hookMethod) { waitModuleLoad.call(moduleId, (module, require) => { const originalExports = module[WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS.EXPORTS]; const originalDefaultExport = originalExports[__default]; const newExports = {}; module[WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS.EXPORTS] = newExports; const hookedDefaultExport = hookMethod(originalDefaultExport); require[WEBPACK_REQUIRE_KEYS.EXPORT_ES6_MEMBER]( newExports, __default, () => hookedDefaultExport ); }); } const byKey = (key) => (item) => { return key === item.key; }; function hookMakeClass(callback) { hookModuleDefaultExport( WEBPACK_MODULE_ID.PolyfillMakeClass, (makeClass) => (ctr, p, s) => { return callback(makeClass, ctr, p, s); } ); } waitModuleLoad.call(WEBPACK_MODULE_ID.Vue, (module, require) => { debug("Vue loaded"); const Vue$1 = module[WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS.EXPORTS].default; Object.defineProperty(Vue$1.config, "devtools", { get() { return true; }, set() {}, }); Vue.setValue(Vue$1); registerComponents(Vue$1); }); hookModuleDefaultExport( WEBPACK_MODULE_ID.RegisterComponent, (originalRegisterComponent) => { debug("RegisterComponent hooked"); return hookComponentInit(originalRegisterComponent); } ); waitModuleLoad.call(WEBPACK_MODULE_ID.Globals, (module, require) => { const globals = module[WEBPACK_MODULE_KEYS.EXPORTS]; baiduGlobals.setValue(globals); debug("baiduGlobals init ok", globals); }); hookMakeClass((makeClass, ctr, p, s) => { if (Array.isArray(p)) { try { if (p.some(byKey("_sendFileInChunkStyle"))) { const getInstanceMethod = s.find(byKey("getInstance")); const getInstance = getInstanceMethod.value; getInstanceMethod.value = (ctx) => { debug("baiduContext init ok", ctx); baiduContext.setValue(ctx); return getInstance(ctx); }; debug("class hooked w/ _sendFileInChunkStyle"); } } catch (err) { console.error("hook make class failed", err); } } return makeClass(ctr, p, s); }); (window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ [ /* 新百度网盘 */ ], { [ENTRY_ID]: function (module, exports, require) { debug("Entry loaded"); setWebpackRequire(require); }, }, [[ENTRY_ID, CHUNK_EARLY_HOOK]], ]); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function styleInject(css) { function addStyle(cssText) { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = cssText; document.head.appendChild(style); } if (document.head) { addStyle(css); } else if (styleInject.pending) { styleInject.pending.push(css); } else { const injectPendingCSS = () => { styleInject.pending.forEach(addStyle); styleInject.pending = undefined; window.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", injectPendingCSS); }; styleInject.pending = [css]; window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", injectPendingCSS); } } } const isGm = (typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined') && (unsafeWindow !== window); if (isGm) { const INFO = '[仓库助手]'; console.info('%s 以 GreaseMonkey 兼容模式执行。该脚本管理器所遇到的问题不能保证能够修复。', INFO); unsafeWindow.eval(`;(${entryPoint})();`); } else { entryPoint(); }