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Youtube hide FOR YOU suggestion when search

Hide the suggestion of r###lts when search on youtube.

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name Youtube hide FOR YOU suggestion when search
@name:zh-CN 隐藏油管搜索页面的推荐
@name:zh-TW 隱藏油管搜索頁面的推薦
@namespace hoothin
@version 0.3
@description Hide the suggestion of r###lts when search on youtube.
@description:zh-CN 隐藏油管搜索页面的【其他用户还观看了】【为您推荐】【用户还搜索了】
@description:zh-TW 隱藏油管搜索頁面的【其他用戶還觀看了】【爲您推薦】【用戶還搜索了】
@author hoothin
@homepageURL https://github.com/hoothin/
@supportURL https://github.com/hoothin/
@license MIT
@preprocessor default
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("youtube.com") {