// ==UserScript== // @name shumin-Bilibili // @namespace https://www.tampermonkey.net/ // @version 6.1.0 // @description 视频结束时自动关全屏,添加获取视频封面按钮(在播放器右下方三点里面),修改为彩虹进度条高能进度条改灰色,缩窄顶栏,简化动态页并淡化非视频动态,清理链接,不显示视频页面的弹幕盒子、广告等右栏杂物,直接显示推荐视频。 // @author 庶民player // @license MIT // @match *.bilibili.com/* // @exclude *://search.bilibili.com/* // @icon https://static.hdslb.com/images/favicon.ico // @grant none // @run-at document-ready // ==/UserScript== /* $("a:has(span:contains('直播'))").closest("li").remove(); $("a:has(span:contains('游戏中心'))").closest("li").remove(); $("a:has(span:contains('会员购'))").closest("li").remove(); $("a:has(span:contains('赛事'))").closest("li").remove(); */ function go_dn(elemSelector) { const elem = document.querySelector(elemSelector); if (!elem) return; let nextElem = elem.nextElementSibling; while (nextElem) { const currentNext = nextElem; nextElem = nextElem.nextElementSibling; currentNext.after(elem); } } function waitForElement(selector, callback, checkVisibility = false) { const element = document.querySelector(selector); 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// 返回封面图片地址 } else { console.error("未能获取封面信息"); return; } } else { console.error("请求失败,状态码: " + xhr.status); return; } } function thin_topbar() { const setH = 42; const headerFixed = document.querySelector(".bili-header.fixed-header"); const miniHeader = document.querySelector(".bili-header__bar.mini-header"); if (headerFixed) { headerFixed.style.height = `${setH}px`; headerFixed.style.minHeight = `${setH}px`; } if (miniHeader) { miniHeader.style.height = `${setH}px`; miniHeader.style.minHeight = `${setH}px`; miniHeader.style.paddingLeft = "7px"; miniHeader.style.paddingRight = "0px"; } const viewboxReport = document.querySelector("#viewbox_report.video-info-container"); if (viewboxReport) { viewboxReport.style.paddingTop = "13px"; viewboxReport.style.height = "80px"; } const videoToolbar = document.querySelector(".video-toolbar-container"); if (videoToolbar) { videoToolbar.style.paddingTop = "6px"; videoToolbar.style.paddingBottom = "3px"; } const uploadEntry = document.querySelector('.header-upload-entry'); 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