// ==UserScript== // @name ABEMA ニコニコ風コメント // @namespace https://midra.me // @version 1.0.3 // @description ABEMAのコメントをニコニコ風に流すやつ // @author Midra // @license MIT // @match https://abema.tv/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=abema.tv // @run-at document-end // @noframes // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM.addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM.deleteValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect abema.tv // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; (() => { var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => { if (!member.has(obj)) throw TypeError("Cannot " + msg); }; var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => { __accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"); return getter ? getter.call(obj) : member.get(obj); }; var __privateAdd = (obj, member, value) => { if (member.has(obj)) throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once"); member instanceof WeakSet ? member.add(obj) : member.set(obj, value); }; var __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => { __accessCheck(obj, member, "write to private field"); setter ? setter.call(obj, value) : member.set(obj, value); return value; }; var __privateWrapper = (obj, member, setter, getter) => ({ set _(value) { __privateSet(obj, member, value, setter); }, get _() { return __privateGet(obj, member, getter); } }); var __privateMethod = (obj, member, method) => { __accessCheck(obj, member, "access private method"); return method; }; // ../../Library/FlowComments/src/constants.ts var CONFIG = { FONT_FAMILY: [ "Arial", '"\uFF2D\uFF33 \uFF30\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"', "MS PGothic", '"\u30D2\u30E9\u30AE\u30CE\u89D2\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"', '"Hiragino Sans"', "Gulim", '"Malgun Gothic"', '"\u9ED1\u4F53"', "SimHei", "system-ui", "-apple-system", "sans-serif" ].join(), FONT_WEIGHT: "600", FONT_SCALE: 0.7, FONT_OFFSET_Y: 0.15, TEXT_COLOR: "#fff", TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR: "#000", TEXT_SHADOW_BLUR: 1, TEXT_MARGIN: 0.2, CANVAS_CLASSNAME: "mid-FlowComments", CANVAS_RATIO: 16 / 9, CANVAS_RESOLUTION: 720, RESOLUTION_LIST: [240, 360, 480, 720], CMT_DISPLAY_DURATION: 6e3, CMT_LIMIT: 0, LINES: 11, AUTO_RESIZE: true, AUTO_RESOLUTION: true }; var ITEM_DEFAULT_OPTION = { position: 0 /* FLOW */, duration: CONFIG.CMT_DISPLAY_DURATION }; var DEFAULT_OPTION = { resolution: CONFIG.CANVAS_RESOLUTION, lines: CONFIG.LINES, limit: CONFIG.CMT_LIMIT, autoResize: CONFIG.AUTO_RESIZE, autoResolution: CONFIG.AUTO_RESOLUTION, smoothRender: false }; var DEFAULT_STYLE = { fontFamily: CONFIG.FONT_FAMILY, fontWeight: CONFIG.FONT_WEIGHT, fontScale: 1, color: CONFIG.TEXT_COLOR, shadowColor: CONFIG.TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR, shadowBlur: CONFIG.TEXT_SHADOW_BLUR, opacity: 1 }; // ../../Library/FlowComments/src/modules/core.ts var core_exports = {}; __export(core_exports, { Image: () => Image2, Item: () => Item, Main: () => Main, Util: () => Util }); // ../../Library/FlowComments/src/modules/util.ts var Util = class { static filterObject(obj) { if (obj !== void 0 && obj !== null && typeof obj === "object" && !Array.isArray(obj)) { Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { if (obj[key] === void 0 || obj[key] === null) { delete obj[key]; } else { this.filterObject(obj[key]); } }); } } static setStyleToCanvas(ctx, style, fontSize) { ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.font = `${style.fontWeight} ${fontSize * style.fontScale}px ${style.fontFamily}`; ctx.fillStyle = style.color; ctx.shadowColor = style.shadowColor; ctx.shadowBlur = fontSize / 16 * style.shadowBlur; ctx.globalAlpha = style.opacity; } }; // ../../Library/FlowComments/src/modules/imageCache.ts var _OPTION, _cache; var ImageCache = class { static add(url, img) { if (__privateGet(this, _OPTION).maxSize < Object.keys(__privateGet(this, _cache)).length) { let delCacheUrl; Object.keys(__privateGet(this, _cache)).forEach((key) => { if (delCacheUrl === void 0 || __privateGet(this, _cache)[key].lastUsed < __privateGet(this, _cache)[delCacheUrl].lastUsed) { delCacheUrl = key; } }); this.dispose(delCacheUrl); } __privateGet(this, _cache)[url] = { img, lastUsed: Date.now() }; } static has(url) { return url !== void 0 && __privateGet(this, _cache).hasOwnProperty(url); } static async get(url) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (this.has(url)) { __privateGet(this, _cache)[url].lastUsed = Date.now(); resolve(__privateGet(this, _cache)[url].img); } else { try { let img = new Image(); img.addEventListener("load", ({ target }) => { if (target instanceof HTMLImageElement) { this.add(target.src, target); resolve(__privateGet(this, _cache)[target.src].img); } else { reject(); } }); img.addEventListener("error", reject); img.src = url; img = null; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } }); } static dispose(url) { if (url !== void 0 && this.has(url)) { __privateGet(this, _cache)[url].img.remove(); delete __privateGet(this, _cache)[url]; } } }; _OPTION = new WeakMap(); _cache = new WeakMap(); __privateAdd(ImageCache, _OPTION, { maxSize: 50 }); __privateAdd(ImageCache, _cache, {}); // ../../Library/FlowComments/src/modules/image.ts var Image2 = class { constructor(url, alt) { this._url = url; this._alt = alt || ""; } get url() { return this._url; } get alt() { return this._alt; } async get() { try { return await ImageCache.get(this._url); } catch (e) { return this._alt; } } }; // ../../Library/FlowComments/src/modules/item.ts var Item = class { constructor(id, content, option, style) { this.position = { x: 0, y: 0, xp: 0, offsetY: 0 }; this.size = { width: 0, height: 0 }; this.scrollWidth = 0; this.line = 0; Util.filterObject(option); Util.filterObject(style); this._id = id; this._content = Array.isArray(content) ? content.filter((v) => v) : content; this._option = { ...ITEM_DEFAULT_OPTION, ...option }; if (this._option.position === 0 /* FLOW */) { this._actualDuration = this._option.duration * 1.5; } else { this._actualDuration = this._option.duration; } this._style = style; this._canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); } get id() { return this._id; } get content() { return this._content; } get style() { return this._style; } get option() { return this._option; } get actualDuration() { return this._actualDuration; } get canvas() { return this._canvas; } get top() { return this.position?.y || 0; } get bottom() { return this.position !== void 0 && this.size !== void 0 ? this.position.y + this.size.height : 0; } get left() { return this.position?.x || 0; } get right() { return this.position !== void 0 && this.size !== void 0 ? this.position.x + this.size.width : 0; } get rect() { return { width: this.size?.width || 0, height: this.size?.height || 0, top: this.top, bottom: this.bottom, left: this.left, right: this.right }; } dispose() { this._canvas?.remove(); } }; // ../../Library/FlowComments/src/modules/main.ts var _id_cnt, _updateCommentsStyle, updateCommentsStyle_fn, _floor, floor_fn, _initializeComment, initializeComment_fn, _renderComment, renderComment_fn, _update, update_fn, _loop, loop_fn; var _Main = class { constructor(option, style) { __privateAdd(this, _updateCommentsStyle); __privateAdd(this, _floor); __privateAdd(this, _initializeComment); __privateAdd(this, _renderComment); __privateAdd(this, _update); __privateAdd(this, _loop); this.initialize(option, style); } get id() { return this._id; } get style() { return { ...DEFAULT_STYLE, ...this._style }; } get option() { return { ...DEFAULT_OPTION, ...this._option }; } get canvas() { return this._canvas; } get context2d() { return this._context2d; } get comments() { return this._comments; } get lineHeight() { return this._canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ? this._canvas.height / this.option.lines : 0; } get fontSize() { return this.lineHeight * CONFIG.FONT_SCALE; } get isStarted() { return this._animReqId !== void 0; } initialize(option, style) { this.dispose(); this._id = ++__privateWrapper(_Main, _id_cnt)._; this._canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this._canvas.classList.add(CONFIG.CANVAS_CLASSNAME); this._canvas.dataset.fcid = this._id.toString(); this._context2d = this._canvas.getContext("2d"); this._comments = []; this._resizeObs = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (this._canvas === void 0) return; const { width, height } = entry.contentRect; if (this.option.autoResize) { const rect_before = this._canvas.width / this._canvas.height; const rect_resized = width / height; if (0.01 < Math.abs(rect_before - rect_resized)) { this.resizeCanvas(); } } if (this.option.autoResolution) { const resolution = CONFIG.RESOLUTION_LIST.find((v) => height <= v); if (Number.isFinite(resolution) && this.option.resolution !== resolution) { this.changeOption({ resolution }); } } }); }); this._resizeObs.observe(this._canvas); this.changeOption(option); this.changeStyle(style); } changeOption(option) { Util.filterObject(option); this._option = { ...this._option, ...option }; if (option !== void 0 && option !== null) { this.resizeCanvas(); } } changeStyle(style) { Util.filterObject(style); this._style = { ...this._style, ...style }; if (style !== void 0 && style !== null) { __privateMethod(this, _updateCommentsStyle, updateCommentsStyle_fn).call(this); } } resizeCanvas() { const { width, height } = this._canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const { resolution } = this.option; const ratio = width === 0 && height === 0 ? CONFIG.CANVAS_RATIO : width / height; this._canvas.width = resolution * ratio; this._canvas.height = resolution; __privateMethod(this, _updateCommentsStyle, updateCommentsStyle_fn).call(this); } resetCanvasStyle() { this.changeStyle(DEFAULT_STYLE); } async pushComment(comment) { if (this.isStarted === false || document.visibilityState === "hidden") return; if (0 < this.option.limit && this.option.limit <= this._comments.length) { this._comments.splice(0, this._comments.length - this.option.limit)[0]; } await __privateMethod(this, _initializeComment, initializeComment_fn).call(this, comment); const spd_pushCmt = comment.scrollWidth / comment.option.duration; const lines_over = [...Array(this.option.lines)].map((_, i) => [i, 0]); this._comments.forEach((cmt) => { const leftTime = cmt.option.duration * (1 - cmt.position.xp); const isOver = comment.left - spd_pushCmt * leftTime <= 0 || comment.left <= cmt.right; if (isOver && cmt.line < this.option.lines) { lines_over[cmt.line][1]++; } }); const lines_sort = lines_over.sort(([, cntA], [, cntB]) => cntA - cntB); comment.line = lines_sort[0][0]; comment.position.y = this.lineHeight * comment.line; this._comments.push(comment); } start() { if (this._animReqId === void 0) { this._animReqId = window.requestAnimationFrame(__privateMethod(this, _loop, loop_fn).bind(this)); } } stop() { if (this._animReqId !== void 0) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animReqId); delete this._animReqId; } } dispose() { this.stop(); this._canvas?.remove(); this._resizeObs?.disconnect(); } }; var Main = _Main; _id_cnt = new WeakMap(); _updateCommentsStyle = new WeakSet(); updateCommentsStyle_fn = function() { this._context2d?.clearRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); this._comments.forEach((cmt) => { __privateMethod(this, _initializeComment, initializeComment_fn).call(this, cmt); __privateMethod(this, _renderComment, renderComment_fn).call(this, cmt); }); }; _floor = new WeakSet(); floor_fn = function(num) { return this._option?.smoothRender ? num : num | 0; }; _initializeComment = new WeakSet(); initializeComment_fn = async function(comment) { const ctx = comment.canvas.getContext("2d"); if (ctx === null) return; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, comment.canvas.width, comment.canvas.height); const style = { ...this.style, ...comment.style }; const drawFontSize = this.fontSize * style.fontScale; const margin = drawFontSize * CONFIG.TEXT_MARGIN; Util.setStyleToCanvas(ctx, style, this.fontSize); const aryWidth = []; for (const cont of comment.content) { if (typeof cont === "string") { aryWidth.push(ctx.measureText(cont).width); } else if (cont instanceof Image2) { const img = await cont.get(); if (img instanceof HTMLImageElement) { const ratio = img.width / img.height; aryWidth.push(drawFontSize * ratio); } else if (img !== void 0) { aryWidth.push(ctx.measureText(img).width); } else { aryWidth.push(1); } } } comment.size.width = aryWidth.reduce((a, b) => a + b); comment.size.width += margin * (aryWidth.length - 1); comment.size.height = this.lineHeight; comment.scrollWidth = this._canvas.width + comment.size.width; comment.position.x = this._canvas.width - comment.scrollWidth * comment.position.xp; comment.position.y = this.lineHeight * comment.line; comment.position.offsetY = this.lineHeight / 2 * (1 + CONFIG.FONT_OFFSET_Y); comment.canvas.width = comment.size.width; comment.canvas.height = comment.size.height; Util.setStyleToCanvas(ctx, style, this.fontSize); let dx = 0; for (let idx = 0; idx < comment.content.length; idx++) { if (0 < idx) { dx += margin; } const cont = comment.content[idx]; if (typeof cont === "string") { ctx.fillText( cont, __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, dx), __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, comment.position.offsetY) ); } else if (cont instanceof Image2) { const img = await cont.get(); if (img instanceof HTMLImageElement) { ctx.drawImage( img, __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, dx), __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, (comment.size.height - drawFontSize) / 2), __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, aryWidth[idx]), __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, drawFontSize) ); } else if (img !== void 0) { ctx.fillText( img, __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, dx), __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, comment.position.offsetY) ); } else { ctx.fillText( "", __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, dx), __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, comment.position.offsetY) ); } } dx += aryWidth[idx]; } }; _renderComment = new WeakSet(); renderComment_fn = function(comment) { this._context2d?.drawImage( comment.canvas, __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, comment.position.x), __privateMethod(this, _floor, floor_fn).call(this, comment.position.y) ); }; _update = new WeakSet(); update_fn = function(time) { this._context2d?.clearRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); this._comments.forEach((cmt, idx, ary) => { if (cmt.startTime === void 0) { cmt.startTime = time; } const elapsedTime = time - cmt.startTime; if (elapsedTime <= cmt.actualDuration) { if (cmt.option.position === 0 /* FLOW */) { cmt.position.xp = elapsedTime / cmt.option.duration; cmt.position.x = this._canvas.width - cmt.scrollWidth * cmt.position.xp; } __privateMethod(this, _renderComment, renderComment_fn).call(this, cmt); } else { cmt.dispose(); ary.splice(idx, 1)[0]; } }); }; _loop = new WeakSet(); loop_fn = function(time) { __privateMethod(this, _update, update_fn).call(this, time); if (this._animReqId !== void 0) { this._animReqId = window.requestAnimationFrame(__privateMethod(this, _loop, loop_fn).bind(this)); } }; __privateAdd(Main, _id_cnt, 0); // src/constants.ts var STYLE = ` .mid-FlowComments { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: none; } `; // src/utils/getDataFromElement.ts var getDataFromElement = (element) => { const text = element.querySelector(".com-tv-CommentBlock__message, .com-comment-CommentItem__body")?.textContent?.trim(); const datetime = Number(element.querySelector(".com-tv-CommentBlock__time")?.getAttribute("datetime")); const r###lt = {}; if (typeof text === "string") { r###lt["text"] = text; } if (Number.isFinite(datetime)) { r###lt["date"] = new Date(datetime); } return r###lt; }; var getDataFromElement_default = getDataFromElement; // src/utils/injectStyle.ts var injectStyle = (css) => { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = css; document.head.appendChild(style); }; var injectStyle_default = injectStyle; // src/index.ts (async () => { injectStyle_default(STYLE); let fc = null; let timeoutIds = []; const obs_opt = { childList: true, subtree: true }; const obs = new MutationObserver((mutationRecord) => { const comments = []; for (const { addedNodes, removedNodes } of mutationRecord) { for (const added of addedNodes) { if (!(added instanceof HTMLElement)) continue; if (added.classList.contains("com-tv-CommentBlock--new") || added.classList.contains("com-comment-CommentItem")) { const data = getDataFromElement_default(added); if (data !== void 0) { comments.push(data); } } } for (const removed of removedNodes) { if (!(removed instanceof HTMLElement)) continue; if (removed.classList.contains("com-a-Video__video") || removed.classList.contains("com-vod-VODResponsiveMainContent")) { timeoutIds.forEach((id) => clearTimeout(id)); timeoutIds = []; fc?.dispose(); fc = null; } } } if (0 < comments.length) { if (fc === null) { const video = document.querySelector(".com-a-Video__video, .com-live-event__LiveEventPlayerView"); if (video instanceof HTMLElement) { fc = new core_exports.Main({ autoResize: true, autoResolution: false, lines: 12, resolution: 720, smoothRender: false }); video.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", fc.canvas); fc.start(); } } if (comments.length === 1) { if (typeof comments[0].text === "string") { fc.pushComment(new core_exports.Item(Symbol(), [comments[0].text])); } } else { const cmtTimeA = comments[0].date?.getTime(); const cmtTimeB = comments[comments.length - 1].date?.getTime(); const diff = Number.isFinite(cmtTimeA) && Number.isFinite(cmtTimeB) ? cmtTimeB - cmtTimeA : null; comments.forEach((comment, idx) => { let timeout = 0; if (diff !== null) { timeout = (comment.date.getTime() - cmtTimeA) / diff * 8e3; } else { timeout = idx / comments.length * 8e3; } timeoutIds.push( setTimeout((text) => { fc?.pushComment(new core_exports.Item(Symbol(), [text])); }, timeout, comment.text) ); }); } } }); obs.observe(document.body, obs_opt); })(); })();