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/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
/* eslint-disable dot-notation */
// ==UserScript==
// @name               网易云音乐-MyFreeMP3扩展
// @name:zh-CN         网易云音乐-MyFreeMP3扩展
// @name:en            Netease Music - MyFreeMP3 Extender
// @namespace          163Music-MyFreeMP3-Extender
// @version            2.1
// @description        利用MyFreeMP3扩展网易云音乐功能
// @description:zh-CN  利用MyFreeMP3扩展网易云音乐功能
// @description:en     Extend netease music with MyFreeMP3
// @author             PY-DNG
// @license            GPL-v3
// @match              http*://music.163.com/*
// @connect  
// @connect            liumingye.cn
// @connect            *
// @connect            music.163.net
// @connect            music.126.net
// @require            https://greasyfork.org/scripts/456034-basic-functions-for-userscripts/code/script.js?version=1226884
// @require            https://greasyfork.org/scripts/457199/code/script.js?version=1132840
// @require            https://greasyfork.org/scripts/457244/code/script.js?version=1132550
// @require            https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/474021/1465958/MyFreeMP3%20API.js
// @icon               
// @grant              GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant              GM_download
// @grant              GM_getValue
// @grant              GM_setValue
// @grant              GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant              GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @run-at             document-start
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
/* global LogLevel DoLog Err $ $All $CrE $AEL $$CrE addStyle detectDom destroyEvent copyProp copyProps parseArgs escJsStr replaceText getUrlArgv dl_browser dl_GM AsyncManager */
/* global md5 pop */
/* global Mfapi */
(function __MAIN__() {
'use strict';
const CONST = {
Text: {
V5NOCANQU: '要听龙叔的话,V5不能屈,听完歌快去给你网易爸爸充VIP吧',
SongNotFound: '没有找到歌曲资源',
ErrorOccured: `<span style="color: orange;">pageFunc Error</span>`,
DownloadSetting: {
Lrc: {
Text: ['[x]同时下载歌词', '[√]同时下载歌词'],
Tip: ['已关闭:下载歌曲时自动下载歌词', '已开启:下载歌曲时自动下载歌词']
Cover: {
Text: ['[x]同时下载封面', '[√]同时下载封面'],
Tip: ['已关闭:下载歌曲时自动下载封面', '已开启:下载歌曲时自动下载封面']
Number: {
Interval_Fastest: 1,
Interval_Fast: 50,
Interval_Balanced: 500,
MaxSearchPage: 3,
2000: 'flac',
320: 'mp3',
128: 'mp3'
// Prepare
const WEAPI = new Weapi();
const PV = new Privileger();
// function DoLog() [}
// Arguments: level=LogLevel.Info, logContent, trace=false
const [LogLevel, DoLog] = (function() {
const LogLevel = {
None: 0,
Error: 1,
Success: 2,
Warning: 3,
Info: 4,
return [LogLevel, DoLog];
function DoLog() {
// Get window
const win = (typeof(unsafeWindow) === 'object' && unsafeWindow !== null) ? unsafeWindow : window;
const LogLevelMap = {};
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.None] = {
prefix: '',
color: 'color:#ffffff'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Error] = {
prefix: '[Error]',
color: 'color:#ff0000'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Success] = {
prefix: '[Success]',
color: 'color:#00aa00'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Warning] = {
prefix: '[Warning]',
color: 'color:#ffa500'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Info] = {
prefix: '[Info]',
color: 'color:#888888'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Elements] = {
prefix: '[Elements]',
color: 'color:#000000'
// Current log level
DoLog.logLevel = (win.isPY_DNG && win.userscriptDebugging) ? LogLevel.Info : LogLevel.Warning; // Info Warning Success Error
// Log counter
DoLog.logCount === undefined && (DoLog.logCount = 0);
// Get args
let [level, logContent, trace] = parseArgs([...arguments], [
], [LogLevel.Info, 'DoLog initialized.', false]);
// Log when log level permits
if (level <= DoLog.logLevel) {
let msg = '%c' + LogLevelMap[level].prefix + (typeof GM_info === 'object' ? `[${GM_info.script.name}]` : '') + (LogLevelMap[level].prefix ? ' ' : '');
let subst = LogLevelMap[level].color;
switch (typeof(logContent)) {
case 'string':
msg += '%s';
case 'number':
msg += '%d';
msg += '%o';
if (++DoLog.logCount > 512) {
DoLog.logCount = 0;
console[trace ? 'trace' : 'log'](msg, subst, logContent);
}) ();
function main() {
// Wait for document.body
if (!document.body) {
setTimeout(main, CONST.Number.Interval_Fast);
return false;
// Commons
// Page functions
const ITM = unsafeWindow.ITM = new IntervalTaskManager();
const pageChangeDetecter = (function(callback, emitOnInit=false) {
let href = location.href;
emitOnInit && callback(null, href);
return function detecter() {
const new_href = location.href;
if (href !== new_href) {
callback(href, new_href);
href = new_href;
}) (deliverPageFuncs, true);
ITM.time = CONST.Number.Interval_Fast;
function inject_iframe() {
const ifr = $('#g_iframe') || {};
const oWin = ifr.contentWindow;
const oDoc = ifr.contentDocument;
if (oWin && oDoc && oWin.location && oWin.location.host === 'music.163.com') {
const AEL = getPureAEL();
AEL.call(oWin, 'unload', function() {
function deliverPageFuncs(href, new_href) {
const pageFuncs = [{
reg: /^https?:\/\/music\.163\.com\/#\/song\?.+$/,
func: pageSong,
checker: function() {
const ifr = $('#g_iframe'); if (!ifr) {return false;}
const oDoc = ifr.contentDocument; if (!oDoc) {return false;}
const elm = !!$(oDoc, '.cnt>.m-info');
return elm;
reg: /^https?:\/\/music\.163\.com\/#\/(artist|album|discover\/toplist)\?.+$/,
func: replacePredata,
sync: false
reg: /^https?:\/\/music\.163\.com\/#\/(my\/m\/music\/)?playlist\?.+$/,
func: replacePredata_encoded,
sync: false
reg: /^https?:\/\/music\.163\.com\//,
func: listDownload,
checker: function() {
const ifr = $('#g_iframe'); if (!ifr) {return false;}
const oDoc = ifr.contentDocument; if (!oDoc) {return false;}
return !!oDoc.body;
reg: /^https?:\/\/music\.163\.com\/#\/album\?.+$/,
func: pageAlbum,
checker: function() {
const ifr = $('#g_iframe'); if (!ifr) {return false;}
const oDoc = ifr.contentDocument; if (!oDoc) {return false;}
const elm = !!$(oDoc, '#content-operation');
return elm;
reg: /^https?:\/\/music\.163\.com\//,
func: settings
for (const pageFunc of pageFuncs) {
for (const pageFunc of pageFuncs) {
function wrap(pageFunc) {
pageFunc.name = pageFunc.name || pageFunc.func.name;
pageFunc.func = (function(func) {
return function wrapper() {
try {
return func();
} catch(err) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, `Error executing pageFunc ${pageFunc.name}`);
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, err, true);
showErr(CONST.Text.ErrorOccured, true);
}) (pageFunc.func);
function test_exec(pageFunc) {
pageFunc.reg.test(location.href) && ((((pageFunc.sync || !pageFunc.hasOwnProperty('sync')) ? iframeDocSync() : true) && (pageFunc.checker ? ({
'string': () => ($(pageFunc.checker)),
'function': pageFunc.checker,
})[typeof pageFunc.checker]() : true)) ? true : (setTimeout(test_exec.bind(null, pageFunc), CONST.Number.Interval_Balanced), DoLog(`waiting: ${location.href}, ${pageFunc.name}`), false)) && (DoLog('Exec ' + pageFunc.name), pageFunc.func(href, new_href));
function hookPlay() {
// Access Checker: core_fbc43dc690327907cf6fdad6d52f7c31.js?:formatted:8988('l6f.tt2x = function(bi7b, action) {')
// Play
const APIH = new APIHooker();
APIH.hook(/\/weapi\/v3\/song\/detail(\?[a-zA-Z0-9=_]+)?$/, function(xhr) {
const json = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
json.privileges.forEach(privilege => PV.fix(privilege));
rewriteResponse(xhr, json);
return true;
APIH.hook(/\/weapi\/v1\/play\/record(\?[a-zA-Z0-9=_]+)?$/, function(xhr) {
const json = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
(json.allData || []).concat(json.weekData || []).forEach(data => PV.fix(data.song.privilege));
rewriteResponse(xhr, json);
return true;
APIH.hook(/\/weapi\/v6\/playlist\/detail(\/?\?[a-zA-Z0-9=_]+)?$/, function(xhr) {
const json = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
json.privileges.forEach(privilege => PV.fix(privilege));
rewriteResponse(xhr, json);
return true;
APIH.hook(/\/weapi\/song\/enhance\/player\/url\/v1(\?[a-zA-Z0-9=_]+)?$/, function(xhr, _this, args, onreadystatechange) {
const ifr = $('#g_iframe');
const oDoc = ifr.contentDocument;
// Get data
const json = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
const data = json['data'][0];
// Only hook unplayable songs
if (data['url']) {return true};
search(data.id, function(song) {
song ? reqSong(song) : showTip(CONST.Text.SongNotFound);
function reqSong(song) {
const qualities = Object.keys(CONST.TYPE_INFO).map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).sort((q1, q2) => q2 - q1);
const q = qualities.find(q => song.quality.includes(q));
const abort = GM_xmlhttpRequest({
method: 'GET',
url: song.url[q],
onprogress: load,
onload: load
function load(e) {
// Abort request first
// Check if finalUrl differ from original url
if (song.url === e.finalUrl) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'Searched song returned a useless url');
// modify xhr and continue stack
data['code'] = 200;
data['br'] = PV.levelData[data.id].plRate;
data['level'] = PV.levelData[data.id].plLevel;
data['type'] = 'mp3';
data['url'] = e.finalUrl;
rewriteResponse(xhr, json);
// Suspend stack until search & find the song
return false;
function continueStack() {
onreadystatechange.apply(_this, args);;
function rewriteResponse(xhr, json) {
const response = JSON.stringify(json);
const propDesc = {
value: response,
writable: false,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperties(xhr, {
'response': propDesc,
'responseText': propDesc
function listDownload() {
const iframe = $('#g_iframe');
const oDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
const body = oDoc.body;
if (!body) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'listDownload: list not found');
return false;
const AEL = getPureAEL();
AEL.call(body, 'click', function(e) {
const elm = e.target;
if (elm.getAttribute('data-res-action') === 'download') {
downloadSong(elm.getAttribute('data-res-id') * 1);
}, {capture: true});
function $T(elm, selector) {
const e = $(elm, selector);
return e ? e.innerText : null;
function playlistDownload() {
const AEL = getPureAEL();
AEL.call(document.body, 'click', function(e) {
const elm = e.target;
if (elm.getAttribute('data-action') === 'download') {
downloadSong(elm.getAttribute('data-id') * 1);
}, {capture: true});
function pageSong() {
const ifr = $('#g_iframe');
const oDoc = ifr.contentDocument;
const name = $(oDoc, '.tit>em').innerText;
const artist = $(oDoc, '.cnt>.des>span>a').innerText;
const cover = $(oDoc, '.u-cover>img.j-img').src;
const AEL = getPureAEL();
// GUI
if ($(oDoc, '.vip-song')) {
// vip song
const content_operation = $(oDoc, '#content-operation');
const vip_group = $(content_operation, '.u-vip-btn-group');
const vip_play = $(vip_group || content_operation, 'a[data-res-action="play"]');
const vip_add = $(vip_group || content_operation, 'a[data-res-action="addto"]');
const vip_download = $(content_operation, '.u-btn-vip-download');
// Style
vip_add && vip_add.classList.remove('u-btni-vipadd');
vip_add && vip_add.classList.add('u-btni-add');
if (vip_group) {
vip_add && content_operation.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', vip_add);
content_operation.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', vip_play);
// Text
vip_play.title = CONST.Text.V5NOCANQU;
vip_play.children[0].childNodes[1].nodeValue = '播放';
if ($(oDoc, '.u-btni-play-dis')) {
// Copyright song
// Data
const cpr_play = $(oDoc, '.u-btni-play-dis');
const cpr_fav = cpr_play.nextElementSibling;
cpr_play.setAttribute('data-res-id', cpr_fav.getAttribute('data-res-id'));
cpr_play.setAttribute('data-res-type', cpr_fav.getAttribute('data-res-type'));
cpr_play.setAttribute('data-res-action', 'play');
// Style
// Download
const dlButton = $(oDoc, '#content-operation>a[data-res-action="download"]');
AEL.call(dlButton, 'click', dlOnclick, {useCapture: true});
function dlOnclick(e) {
downloadSong(dlButton.getAttribute('data-res-id') * 1);
function pageAlbum() {
const iframe = $('#g_iframe');
const oDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
const oWin = iframe.contentWindow;
// GUI
if ($(oDoc, '.vip-album')) {
const content_operation = $(oDoc, '#content-operation');
const vip_group = $(content_operation, '.u-vip-btn-group');
const vip_play = $(vip_group || content_operation, 'a[data-res-action="play"]');
const vip_add = $(vip_group || content_operation, 'a[data-res-action="addto"]');
// Style
vip_add && vip_add.classList.remove('u-btni-vipadd');
vip_add && vip_add.classList.add('u-btni-add');
if (vip_group) {
vip_add && content_operation.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', vip_add);
content_operation.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', vip_play);
// Text
vip_play.title = CONST.Text.V5NOCANQU;
vip_play.children[0].childNodes[1].nodeValue = '播放';
function settings() {
const DS = CONST.Text.DownloadSetting
makeBooleanMenu(DS.Lrc.Text, DS.Lrc.Tip, 'lrc');
makeBooleanMenu(DS.Cover.Text, DS.Cover.Tip, 'cover');
function makeBooleanMenu(texts, tips, key) {
const initialText = texts[GM_getValue(key, false) + 0];
let id = GM_registerMenuCommand(initialText, onClick/*, {
autoClose: false
function onClick() {
const newValue = !GM_getValue(key, false);
const newText = texts[newValue + 0];
GM_setValue(key, newValue);
id = GM_registerMenuCommand(newText, onClick/*, {
autoClose: false
pop.info(tips[newValue + 0]);
function replacePredata() {
const iframe = $('#g_iframe');
const oDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
const oWin = iframe.contentWindow;
const envReady = oDoc && iframeDocSync();
const elmData = oDoc && $(oDoc, '#song-list-pre-data');
if (!elmData) {
// No elmData found.
if (envReady && $(oDoc, '#song-list-pre-cache table')) {
// Too late. Data has already been dealed.
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Predata hook failed.');
DoLog([$(oDoc, '#song-list-pre-cache table'), oDoc.URL, oWin.location.href]);
} else {
// Data has not been loaded!
DoLog('No predata found');
if (envReady) {
// Hook Element.prototype.getElementsByTagName to make changeValue called.
DoLog('Environment ready, hooking getElementsByTagName...');
const hooker = new Hooker();
const id = hooker.hook(oWin, 'Element.prototype.getElementsByTagName', false, false, {
dealer: function(_this, args) {
if (_this.id === 'song-list-pre-cache' && args[0] === 'textarea') {
const elmData = $(_this, 'textarea');
DoLog('Value changed, getElementsByTagName unhooked...');
return [_this, args];
DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'getElementsByTagName Hooked...');
} else {
// Environment not ready yet, wait for it
DoLog('Environment not ready, waiting...');
setTimeout(replacePredata, CONST.Number.Interval_Fastest);
return false;
} else {
// elmData Found! Go change value directly.
DoLog('Changing value directly');
function changeValue(elmData) {
const list = JSON.parse(elmData.value);
list.forEach(song => PV.fix(song.privilege));
elmData.value = JSON.stringify(list);
DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'Predata replaced');
function replacePredata_encoded() {
const iframe = $('#g_iframe');
const oDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
const oWin = iframe.contentWindow;
const envReady = oDoc && iframeDocSync();
const elmData = oDoc && $(oDoc, '#song-list-pre-data');
if (!elmData) {
// No elmData found.
if (envReady && $(oDoc, '#song-list-pre-cache table')) {
// Too late. Data has already been dealed.
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Predata hook failed.');
DoLog([$(oDoc, '#song-list-pre-cache table'), oDoc.URL, oWin.location.href]);
} else {
// Data has not been loaded!
DoLog('No predata found');
if (envReady) {
// Hook Element.prototype.getElementsByTagName to make changeValue called.
DoLog('Environment ready, hooking getElementsByTagName...');
const hooker = new Hooker();
const id = hooker.hook(oWin, 'Element.prototype.getElementsByTagName', false, false, {
dealer: function(_this, args) {
if (_this.id === 'song-list-pre-cache' && args[0] === 'textarea') {
const elmData = $(_this, 'textarea');
DoLog('Value changed, getElementsByTagName unhooked...');
return [_this, args];
DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'getElementsByTagName Hooked...');
} else {
// Environment not ready yet, wait for it
DoLog('Environment not ready, waiting...');
setTimeout(replacePredata_encoded, CONST.Number.Interval_Fastest);
return false;
} else {
// elmData Found! Go change value directly.
DoLog('Changing value directly');
function changeValue(elmData) {
// Decrypt text
const decode = Object.values(unsafeWindow.NEJ.P('nej.u')).find(f => f.toString().match(/function\([a-z0-9]+,[a-z0-9]+\)\{return [a-z0-9]+\.[a-z0-9]+\([a-z0-9]+\.[a-z0-9]+\([a-z0-9]+\),[a-z0-9]+\)\}/i));
const decrypt = (str, key) => decode(str, key);
const request = Object.values(unsafeWindow.NEJ.P('nej.j')).find(f => f.toString().includes('.replace("api","weapi")'));
let encrypStr, position;
request("/m/api/encryption/param/get", {
sync: true,
type: "json",
query: {},
method: "get",
onload: function(data) {
encrypStr = data.encrypStr;
position = parseInt(data.position, 10);
const str = elmData.value.slice(0, position) + elmData.value.slice(position + encrypStr.length);
const key = 'undefined' + $(oDoc, '#m-playlist .j-img').dataset.key + $(oDoc, '#song-list-pre-cache a').getAttribute('href').slice(9,12);
const text = decodeURIComponent(decrypt(str, key));
// Parse & modify json data
const data = JSON.parse(text);
data.forEach(song => PV.fix(song.pv))
// Hook JSON.parse
const hooker = new Hooker();
const id = hooker.hook(oWin, 'JSON.parse', false, false, {
dealer: function(_this, args) {
if (args[0] === text) {
hooker.map[id].config.hook_return.value = data;
DoLog('Value changed, JSON.parse unhooked...');
return [_this, args];
DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'JSON.parse Hooked...');
/*Object.defineProperty(elmData, 'value', {
get: e => {debugger;}
function Privileger() {
const P = this;
const levelData = {};
P.levelData = MakeReadonlyObj(levelData);
P.fix = fix;
function fix(privilege) {
const RATES = {
'none': 0,
'standard': 128000,
'exhigh': 320000,
'lossless': 999000,
const dlLevel = privilege.downloadMaxBrLevel;
const dlRate = RATES[dlLevel];
const plLevel = privilege.playMaxBrLevel;
const plRate = RATES[plLevel];
privilege.dlLevel = dlLevel; // Download
privilege.dl = dlRate;       // Download
privilege.plLevel = plLevel; // Play
privilege.pl = plRate;       // Play
privilege.st = 0;            // Copyright
levelData[privilege.id] = {dlLevel, dlRate, plLevel, plRate};
function downloadSong(id) {
const qualities = Object.keys(CONST.TYPE_INFO).map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).sort((q1, q2) => q2 - q1);
search(id, function(song) {
if (song) {
const q = qualities.find(q => song.quality.includes(q));
const fname = `${song.name} - ${song.artist.join(',')}`;
const ext = CONST.TYPE_INFO[q];
const coverPath = new URL(song.cover).pathname;
const coverExt = coverPath.match(/\.[a-zA-Z]+?$/) ? coverPath.match(/\.[a-zA-Z]+?$/)[0] : '.jpg';
song.url[q] && dl(song.url[q], `${fname}.${ext}`, false);
song.lrc && GM_getValue('lrc', false) && dl(song.lrc, `${fname}.lrc`, false);
song.cover && GM_getValue('cover', false) && dl(song.cover, fname + coverExt, false);
} else {
DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, 'No search r###lt matched.');
function search(id, callback) {
// Get NeateaseMusic music info
WEAPI.song_detail(id, function(data) {
// Get info
const song = data.songs[0];
const name = song.name || '';
const artist = song.ar.map((ar) => (ar.name)).join(',') || '';
const cover = song.al.picUrl || '';
// Gather info
const fname = replaceText('{$NAME} - {$ARTIST}', {'{$NAME}': name, '{$ARTIST}': artist});
const cpath = getUrlPath(cover);
// Search MyFreeMP3
function search_song(page=1, api='new') {
const fullList = [];
doSearch(page, api);
function doSearch(page, api) {
text: fname,
page: page,
type: {
old: 'YQB',
new: 'YQD'
callback: onsearch,
function onsearch(json) {
fullList.push.apply(fullList, json.list);
const song = get_song(json.list, json.noMore || page >= 3);
song ? callback(song) : doSearch(page+1, json.api);
function get_song(list, force=false) {
const exact = list.find(song => getUrlPath(song.cover) === cpath);
const bestMatch = fullList.reduce((best, song) => {
const nameMed = calcMed(song.name, name);
const artistMed = calcMed(song.artist.join(','), artist);
const med = nameMed + artistMed;
if (med < best.med) {
best.med = med;
best.songs = [song];
} else if (med === best.med) {
return best;
}, { med: Infinity, songs: [] });
if (exact) {
DoLog(['exact matched', exact]);
return exact;
} else if (bestMatch.med === 0) {
DoLog(['name and artist matched', bestMatch.songs]);
return getBestQualitySong(bestMatch);
} else if (force) {
DoLog(['matched', bestMatch]);
return getBestQualitySong(bestMatch);
} else {
DoLog('not found');
return null;
function getBestQualitySong(bestMatch) {
return bestMatch.songs.reduce((best, cur) => Math.max(...best.quality) > Math.max(...cur.quality) ? best : cur);
function Weapi() {
const W = this;
W.song_detail = song_detail;
W.encrypt = encrypt;
function song_detail(id, callback, onerror) {
const data = {c: JSON.stringify([{id: id}]), csrfToken: ''};
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', 'https://music.163.com/weapi/v3/song/detail?csrf_token=');
xhr.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.onerror = onerror;
xhr.onload = function(e) {
try {
} catch(err) {
if (onerror) {
} else {
throw err;
function encrypt(data) {
const json = JSON.stringify(data);
const encryted = unsafeWindow.asrsea(json, "010001", "00e0b509f6259df8642dbc35662901477df22677ec152b5ff68ace615bb7b725152b3ab17a876aea8a5aa76d2e417629ec4ee341f56135fccf695280104e0312ecbda92557c93870114af6c9d05c4f7f0c3685b7a46bee255932575cce10b424d813cfe4875d3e82047b97ddef52741d546b8e289dc6935b3ece0462db0a22b8e7", "0CoJUm6Qyw8W8jud");
const xhr_text = 'params=' + encodeURIComponent(encryted.encText) + '&encSecKey=' + encodeURIComponent(encryted.encSecKey);
return xhr_text;
function dl(url, name) {
const pop_id = pop.download(name, 'download');
$('#pop-container').style.bottom = ($('.m-playbar').style.top.match(/\d+/)[0]*1 + 10).toString() + 'px';
method: 'GET',
url: url,
responseType: 'blob',
onprogress: function(e) {
e.lengthComputable /*&& c*/ && (pop.size(pop_id, bytesToSize(e.loaded) + " / " + bytesToSize(e.total)),
pop.percent(pop_id, 100 * (e.loaded / e.total) >> 0))
onload: function(res) {
const ourl = URL.createObjectURL(res.response);
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.download = name;
a.href = ourl;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
setTimeout(pop.close.bind(pop, pop_id), 2000);
function bytesToSize(a) {
if (0 === a) {return "0 B";}
var b = ####
, c = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"]
, d = Math.floor(Math.log(a) / Math.log(b));
return (a / Math.pow(b, d)).toFixed(2) + " " + c[d];
function showErr(text, html) {
unsafeWindow.isPY_DNG && showTip(text, html);
function showTip(text, html=false) {
const elm = $('span.tip');
elm[html ? 'innerHTML' : 'innerText'] = text;
elm.style.display = '';
setTimeout(e => (elm.style.display = 'none'), 3000);
function dl_browser(url, name) {
const a = $CrE('a');
a.href = url;
a.download = name;
function dl_GM(url, name, path=true) {
name = path ? name : replaceOSSep(name);
url: url,
name: name
function replaceOSSep(text) {
const sep = getOSSep();
const rpl = ({'\\': '\', '/': '/'})[sep];
return text.replaceAll(sep, rpl);
function getOSSep() {
return ({
'Windows': '\\',
'Mac': '/',
'Linux': '/',
'Null': '-'
function getOS() {
const info = (navigator.platform || navigator.userAgent).toLowerCase();
const test = (s) => (info.includes(s));
const map = {
'Windows': ['window', 'win32', 'win64', 'win86'],
'Mac': ['mac', 'os x'],
'Linux': ['linux']
for (const [sys, strs] of Object.entries(map)) {
if (strs.some(test)) {
return sys;
return 'Null';
function MakeReadonlyObj(val) {
return isObject(val) ? new Proxy(val, {
get: function(target, property, receiver) {
return MakeReadonlyObj(target[property]);
set: function(target, property, value, receiver) {
return true;
has: function(target, prop) {}
}) : val;
function isObject(value) {
return ['object', 'function'].includes(typeof value) && value !== null;
// Get the pathname of a given url
function getUrlPath(url) {
return typeof url === 'string' ? new URL(url).pathname : null;
function iframeDocSync() {
const iframe = $('#g_iframe');
const oDoc = iframe && iframe.contentDocument;
if (oDoc) {
const top_path = document.URL.replace(/^https?:\/\/music\.163\.com\/(#\/)?/, '').replace(/^my\/m\//, '').replace('/m/', '/').replace('/#/', '/');
const ifr_path = oDoc.URL.replace(/^https?:\/\/music\.163\.com\/?/, '').replace(/^my\/#\//, '').replace('/m/', '/').replace('/#/', '/').replace(/^discover$/, '');
return top_path === ifr_path;
} else {
return false;
// Get unpolluted addEventListener
function getPureAEL(parentDocument=document) {
const ifr = makeIfr(parentDocument);
const oWin = ifr.contentWindow;
const oDoc = ifr.contentDocument;
const AEL = oWin.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.addEventListener;
return AEL;
// Get unpolluted removeEventListener
function getPureREL(parentDocument=document) {
const ifr = makeIfr(parentDocument);
const oWin = ifr.contentWindow;
const oDoc = ifr.contentDocument;
const REL = oWin.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.removeEventListener;
return REL;
function makeIfr(parentDocument=document) {
const ifr = $CrE(parentDocument, 'iframe');
ifr.srcdoc = '<html></html>';
ifr.style.width = ifr.style.height = ifr.style.border = ifr.style.padding = ifr.style.margin = '0';
return ifr;
function APIHooker() {
const AH = this;
const hooker = new Hooker();
const hooker_hooks = [];
const hooks = [];
const addEventListener = (function() {
const AEL = getPureAEL();
return function() {
const args = Array.from(arguments);
const _this = args.shift();
AEL.apply(_this, args);
}) ();
const removeEventListener = (function() {
const REL = getPureREL();
return function() {
const args = Array.from(arguments);
const _this = args.shift();
REL.apply(_this, args);
}) ();
AH.hook = hook;
AH.unhook = unhook;
AH.pageOnchange = recover;
setInterval(inject, CONST.Number.Interval_Balanced);
function hook(urlMatcher, xhrDealer) {
return hooks.push({
id: hooks.length,
matcher: urlMatcher,
dealer: xhrDealer,
xhrs: []
}) - 1;
function unhook(id) {
hooks.splice(id, 1);
function inject() {
const iframe = $('#g_iframe');
const oWin = iframe ? iframe.contentWindow : null;
const hook_dealers = {
open: function(_this, args) {
const xhr = _this;
for (const hook of hooks) {
matchUrl(args[1], hook.matcher) && hook.xhrs.push(xhr);
return [_this, args];
send: function(_this, args) {
const xhr = _this;
for (const hook of hooks) {
if (hook.xhrs.includes(xhr)) {
// After first readystatechange event, change onreadystatechange to our onProgress function
let onreadystatechange;
addEventListener(xhr, 'readystatechange', function(e) {
onreadystatechange = xhr.onreadystatechange;
xhr.onreadystatechange = onProgress;
}, {
capture: false,
passive: true,
once: true
// Recieves last 3 readystatechange event, apply dealer function, and continue onreadystatechange stack
function onProgress(e) {
let args = Array.from(arguments);
// When onload, apply xhr dealer
let continueStack = true;
if (xhr.status === 200 && xhr.readyState === 4) {
continueStack = hook.dealer(xhr, this, args, onreadystatechange);
continueStack && typeof onreadystatechange === 'function' && onreadystatechange.apply(this, args);
return [_this, args];
let do_inject = false;
// Hook open: filter all xhr that should be hooked
try {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open.name !== 'hooker') {
hooker_hooks.push(hooker.hook(window, 'XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open', false, false, {
dealer: hook_dealers.open
do_inject = true;
if (oWin && oWin.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open.name !== 'hooker') {
hooker_hooks.push(hooker.hook(oWin, 'XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open', false, false, {
dealer: hook_dealers.open
do_inject = true;
// Hook send: change eventListeners for each hooked xhr, and apply xhr dealer
if (window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send.name !== 'hooker') {
hooker_hooks.push(hooker.hook(window, 'XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send', false, false, {
dealer: hook_dealers.send
do_inject = true;
if (oWin && oWin.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send.name !== 'hooker') {
hooker_hooks.push(hooker.hook(oWin, 'XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send', false, false, {
dealer: hook_dealers.send
do_inject = true;
} catch(err) {}
do_inject && DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'Hooker injected');
function recover() {
hooker_hooks.forEach((hook) => (hooker.unhook(hook.id)));
DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'Hooker removed');
function matchUrl(url, matcher) {
if (matcher instanceof RegExp) {
return !!url.match(matcher);
if (typeof matcher === 'function') {
return matcher(url);
function idmaker() {
let i = 0;
return function() {
return i++;
function Hooker() {
const H = this;
const makeid = idmaker();
const map = H.map = {};
H.hook = hook;
H.unhook = unhook;
function hook(base, path, log=false, apply_debugger=false, hook_return=false) {
// target
path = arrPath(path);
let parent = base;
for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
const prop = path[i];
parent = parent[prop];
const prop = path[path.length-1];
const target = parent[prop];
// Only hook functions
if (typeof target !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('hooker.hook: Hook functions only');
// Check args valid
if (hook_return) {
if (typeof hook_return !== 'object' || hook_return === null) {
throw new TypeError('hooker.hook: Argument hook_return should be false or an object');
if (!hook_return.hasOwnProperty('value') && typeof hook_return.dealer !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('hooker.hook: Argument hook_return should contain one of following properties: value, dealer');
if (hook_return.hasOwnProperty('value') && typeof hook_return.dealer === 'function') {
throw new TypeError('hooker.hook: Argument hook_return should not contain both of  following properties: value, dealer');
// hooker function
const hooker = function hooker() {
let _this = this === H ? null : this;
let args = Array.from(arguments);
const config = map[id].config;
const hook_return = config.hook_return;
// hook functions
config.log && console.log([base, path.join('.')], _this, args);
if (config.apply_debugger) {debugger;}
if (hook_return && typeof hook_return.dealer === 'function') {
[_this, args] = hook_return.dealer(_this, args);
// continue stack
return hook_return && hook_return.hasOwnProperty('value') ? hook_return.value : target.apply(_this, args);
parent[prop] = hooker;
// Id
const id = makeid();
map[id] = {
id: id,
prop: prop,
parent: parent,
target: target,
hooker: hooker,
config: {
log: log,
apply_debugger: apply_debugger,
hook_return: hook_return
return map[id];
function unhook(id) {
// unhook
try {
const hookObj = map[id];
hookObj.parent[hookObj.prop] = hookObj.target;
delete map[id];
} catch(err) {
DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'unhook error');
function arrPath(path) {
return Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.')
function idmaker() {
let i = 0;
return function() {
return i++;
function IntervalTaskManager() {
const tasks = this.tasks = [];
this.time = 500;
this.interval = -1;
defineProperty(this, 'working', {
get: () => (this.interval >= 0)
this.addTask = function(fn) {
this.removeTask = function(fn_idx) {
const idx = typeof fn_idx === 'number' ? fn_idx : tasks.indexOf(fn_idx)
tasks.splice(idx, 1)
this.clearTasks = function() {
tasks.splice(0, Infinity)
this.start = function() {
if (!this.working) {
this.interval = setInterval(this.do, this.time);
return true;
} else {
return false;
this.stop = function() {
if (this.working) {
this.interval = -1;
return true;
} else {
return false;
this.do = function() {
for (const task of tasks) {
function defineProperty(obj, prop, desc) {
desc.configurable = false;
desc.enumerable = true;
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, desc);
// Calculate 2 strings' similarity, return number lower means more similarity
// MED: Minimal Edit Distance
function calcMed(str1, str2) {
// Create metrix
const metrix = [];
for (let i = 0; i < str1.length+1; i++) {
metrix[i] = [];
// Fill metrix headers
for (let i = 0; i < str1.length+1; i++) {
metrix[i][0] = i;
for (let j = 0; j < str2.length+1; j++) {
metrix[0][j] = j;
// Calc metrix grids
for (let i = 1; i < str1.length+1; i++) {
for (let j = 1; j < str2.length+1; j++) {
const d1 = metrix[i-1][j] + 1;
const d2 = metrix[i][j-1] + 1;
const d3 = metrix[i-1][j-1] + (str1.charAt(i-1) === str2.charAt(j-1) ? 0 : 2);
metrix[i][j] = Math.min(d1, d2, d3);
return metrix[str1.length][str2.length];