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js-Extensions-touchJS是一个非常简单的原生js touch扩展,用于适配移动端的常用touch操作(点击tab、双击dbTab、长按longPress、长按终止longPressCancel、滑动swipe以及具体滑动方向left right up down),并兼容鼠标手势操作
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Dette script bør ikke installeres direkte. Det er et bibliotek, som andre scripts kan inkludere med metadirektivet // @require
// ==UserScript==// @name js-Extensions-touchJS// @namespace @version 1.8// @description js-Extensions-touchJS是一个非常简单的原生js touch扩展,用于适配移动端的常用touch操作(点击tab、双击dbTab、长按longPress、长按终止longPressCancel、滑动swipe以及具体滑动方向left right up down),并兼容鼠标手势操作// @author tutu辣么可#(greasyfork)/IcedWatermelonJuice(github)// @grant none// ==/UserScript==(function() {const fnKeyArray = ["start","end","swipe", "left", "right", "up", "down", "tap", "dbTap", "longPress","longPressCancel"]; //可用的事件名const aboutTouchJS = {"name": "js-Extensions-touchJS","version": "1.8","description": "js-Extensions-touchJS是一个非常简单的原生js touch扩展,用于适配移动端的常用touch操作(点击tab、双击dbTab、长按longPress、长按终止longPressCancel、滑动swipe以及具体滑动方向left right up down),并兼容鼠标手势操作","author": "tutu辣么可#(greasyfork)/IcedWatermelonJuice(github)","url": "","event":fnKeyArray.toString()};var touchJS = {}function jsonExtend(json1 = {}, json2 = {}, json3 = {}) {return Object.assign(json1, json2, json3)}function getFnName(fn) {let name = ""if ( {name =} else {name = fn.toString().match(/function\s*([^(]*)\(/);name = name ? name[1] : null}return fnKeyArray.indexOf(name) < 0 ? name : null}touchJS.bind = function(target, evt, fn, fnName = null) {if (!target || typeof target !== "object") {console.error("touchJS.bind(target, evt, fn, fnName)参数错误,对象(target)不存在");return false;}// 预处理var that = target;that.libForTouchJsExt = that.libForTouchJsExt ? that.libForTouchJsExt : {};var fnMap = jsonExtend({}, that.libForTouchJsExt);function addFn(e, f, n) {if (fnKeyArray.indexOf(e) < 0) {let msg = "touchJS.bind(target, evt, fn, fnName)参数错误,指定事件(evt)不支持。支持的事件列表:";console.error(msg + fnKeyArray.toString());return false;}fnMap[e] = fnMap[e] ? fnMap[e] : {};if (!n) { //无方法名,获取并使用默认数字iddefAry = Object.keys(fnMap[e]).filter((v) => {return /^\d{1,}$/.test(v)});//获取可用数字idif (!fnMap[e][defAry.length]) { //假设id连续,长度就是新idn = defAry.length} else { //说明id不连续(手动删过事件方法),寻找中间缺少的iddefAry.sort((a, b) => {return a - b});for (let i = 0; i < defAry.length; i++) {if (defAry[i] !== i) {n = i;break;}}}}fnMap[e][n] = freturn true}if (typeof evt === "string" && typeof fn === "function") {if (!addFn(evt, fn, fnName ? fnName : getFnName(fn))) {return false}} else if (typeof evt === "object" && !fn) {for (let e in evt) {if (!addFn(e, evt[e], getFnName(evt[e]))) {return false}}}that.libForTouchJsExt = jsonExtend({}, that.libForTouchJsExt, fnMap);//添加事件if (!that.libForTouchJsExt.eventLoaded) {that.libForTouchJsExt.eventLoaded = true;var checkFnExist=function(evt){ // 检查是否存在该事件return that.libForTouchJsExt.hasOwnProperty(evt) && typeof that.libForTouchJsExt[evt][0]==="function";}var execFn = function(evt, params = {}) { //执行方法if (!evt) {return false}if (/left|right|up|down/.test(evt)) {evt = [evt, "swipe"];} else {evt = [evt];}var banReg=new RegExp("all|\\*|"+evt.join("|"),"i");for(let i=0;i<evt.length;i++){if(that.getAttribute("touchJS-disabled")===""||banReg.test(that.getAttribute("touchJS-disabled"))){return false}} = that;evt.forEach((e) => {e = that.libForTouchJsExt[e] ? that.libForTouchJsExt[e] : {};for (let i in e) {if (typeof e[i] === "function") {e[i](params);}}})}var touch_timer = -1,lp_timer = -1,tap_timer = -1,touch_flag = false,lp_flag = false,swipe_flag = false,mouseDown_flag = false,tap_sum = 0,pos = {x: 0,y: 0};function initTouch() {touch_flag = true;touch_timer !== -1 && clearTimeout(touch_timer);touch_timer = setTimeout(() => {touch_flag = false;}, 100)}that.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => {initTouch();e = e || window.event;ts(e);}, false);that.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {initTouch();e = e || window.event;tm(e);}, false);that.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {initTouch();e = e || window.event;te(e);}, false);that.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {mouseDown_flag = true;e = e || window.event;!touch_flag && ts(e);}, false);that.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {if (!mouseDown_flag) {return false}e = e || window.event;!touch_flag && tm(e);}, false);that.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => {mouseDown_flag = false;e = e || window.event;!touch_flag && te(e);}, false);//具体实现function dir(past, now) { //判方向if (Math.abs(past.x - now.x) > Math.abs(past.y - now.y)) {if (now.x > past.x) {return "right"} else {return "left"}} else {if (now.y > past.y) {return "down"} else {return "up"}}return null}function ts(e) { //touchstartlp_timer !== -1 && clearTimeout(lp_timer);lp_timer = -1;lp_flag = false;swipe_flag = false;pos = {x: e.clientX || e.changedTouches[0].clientX,y: e.clientY || e.changedTouches[0].clientY}lp_timer = setTimeout(function() {if (!swipe_flag) {lp_timer = -1;lp_flag = checkFnExist("longPress");lp_flag && execFn("longPress", {0: pos});}}, 600)execFn("start", {0: pos});}function tm(e) { //touchmovelet temp = {x: e.clientX || e.changedTouches[0].clientX,y: e.clientY || e.changedTouches[0].clientY}if (!lp_flag && (Math.abs(pos.x - temp.x) > 10 || Math.abs(pos.y - temp.y) > 10)) {swipe_flag = checkFnExist("swipe") || checkFnExist("left") || checkFnExist("right") || checkFnExist("up") || checkFnExist("down");lp_timer !== -1 && clearTimeout(lp_timer);lp_timer = -1;swipe_flag && execFn(dir(pos, temp), {0: pos,1: temp});pos = temp;}}function te(e) { //touchendlp_timer !== -1 && clearTimeout(lp_timer);tap_timer !== -1 && clearTimeout(tap_timer);lp_timer = -1;tap_timer = -1;if (lp_flag) {execFn("longPressCancel", {0: pos});} else if (!swipe_flag) {tap_sum += 1;if (tap_sum >= 2) {tap_sum = 0;execFn("dbTap", {0: pos});} else {tap_timer = setTimeout(() => {tap_sum = 0;execFn("tap", {0: pos});}, 200)}}execFn("end", {0: pos});}}return that}touchJS.unbind = function(target, evt, fnName = null) {if (!target || typeof target !== "object") {console.error("touchJS.unbind(target, evt, fnName)参数错误,对象(target)不存在");return false;}var that = target;if (typeof evt === "string") {that.libForTouchJsExt = that.libForTouchJsExt ? that.libForTouchJsExt : {};if (that.libForTouchJsExt[evt]) {if (fnName) {fnName = typeof fnName === "function" ? getFnName(fnName) : fnName;delete that.libForTouchJsExt[evt][fnName];} else {delete that.libForTouchJsExt[evt]}}}return that}touchJS.about = function(query) {return aboutTouchJS[query] ? aboutTouchJS[query] : aboutTouchJS}window.touchJS = touchJS;})();