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Basic Functions (For userscripts)

Useful functions for myself

Dette script bør ikke installeres direkte. Det er et bibliotek, som andre scripts kan inkludere med metadirektivet // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/456034/1546794/Basic%20Functions%20%28For%20userscripts%29.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name               Basic Functions (For userscripts)
// @name:zh-CN         常用函数(用户脚本)
// @name:en            Basic Functions (For userscripts)
// @namespace          PY-DNG Userscripts
// @version            1.8
// @description        Useful functions for myself
// @description:zh-CN  自用函数
// @description:en     Useful functions for myself
// @author             PY-DNG
// @license            GPL-3.0-or-later
// ==/UserScript==
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
/* eslint-disable no-return-assign */
// Note: version is modified just the license and it's not uploaded to GF yet 23-11-26 15:03
// Note: version is added just the description of parseArgs and has not uploaded to GF yet 24-02-03 18:55
let [
// Console & Debug
LogLevel, DoLog, Err, Assert,
// DOM
$, $All, $CrE, $AEL, $$CrE, addStyle, detectDom, destroyEvent,
// Data
copyProp, copyProps, parseArgs, escJsStr, replaceText,
// Environment & Browser
getUrlArgv, dl_browser, dl_GM,
// Logic & Task
AsyncManager, queueTask, FunctionLoader, loadFuncs, require, isLoaded
] = (function() {
const [LogLevel, DoLog] = (function() {
* level defination for DoLog function, bigger ones has higher possibility to be printed in console
* @typedef {Object} LogLevel
* @property {0} None - 0
* @property {1} Error - 1
* @property {2} Success - 2
* @property {3} Warning - 3
* @property {4} Info - 4
/** @type {LogLevel} */
const LogLevel = {
None: 0,
Error: 1,
Success: 2,
Warning: 3,
Info: 4,
return [LogLevel, DoLog];
* @overload
* @param {String} content - log content
* @overload
* @param {Number} level - level specified in LogLevel object
* @param {String} content - log content
* Logger with level and logger function specification
* @overload
* @param {Number} level - level specified in LogLevel object
* @param {String} content - log content
* @param {String} logger - which log function to use (in window.console[logger])
function DoLog() {
// Get window
const win = (typeof(unsafeWindow) === 'object' && unsafeWindow !== null) ? unsafeWindow : window;
const LogLevelMap = {};
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.None] = {
prefix: '',
color: 'color:#ffffff'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Error] = {
prefix: '[Error]',
color: 'color:#ff0000'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Success] = {
prefix: '[Success]',
color: 'color:#00aa00'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Warning] = {
prefix: '[Warning]',
color: 'color:#ffa500'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Info] = {
prefix: '[Info]',
color: 'color:#888888'
LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Elements] = {
prefix: '[Elements]',
color: 'color:#000000'
// Current log level
DoLog.logLevel = (win.isPY_DNG && win.userscriptDebugging) ? LogLevel.Info : LogLevel.Warning; // Info Warning Success Error
// Log counter
DoLog.logCount === undefined && (DoLog.logCount = 0);
// Get args
let [level, logContent, logger] = parseArgs([...arguments], [
], [LogLevel.Info, 'DoLog initialized.', 'log']);
let msg = '%c' + LogLevelMap[level].prefix + (typeof GM_info === 'object' ? `[${GM_info.script.name}]` : '') + (LogLevelMap[level].prefix ? ' ' : '');
let subst = LogLevelMap[level].color;
switch (typeof(logContent)) {
case 'string':
msg += '%s';
case 'number':
msg += '%d';
msg += '%o';
// Log when log level permits
if (level <= DoLog.logLevel) {
// Log to console when log level permits
if (level <= DoLog.logLevel) {
if (++DoLog.logCount > 512) {
DoLog.logCount = 0;
console[logger](msg, subst, logContent);
}) ();
* Throw an error
* @param {String} msg - the error message
* @param {Error} [ErrorConstructor=Error] - which error constructor to use, defaulting to Error()
function Err(msg, ErrorConstructor=Error) {
throw new ErrorConstructor((typeof GM_info === 'object' ? `[${GM_info.script.name}]` : '') + msg);
* Assert given condition is true-like, otherwise throws given error
* @param {*} condition
* @param {string} errmsg
* @param {Error} [ErrorConstructor=Error]
function Assert(condition, errmsg, ErrorConstructor=Error) {
condition || Err(errmsg, ErrorConstructor);
* Convenient function to querySelector
* @overload
* @param {Element|Document|DocumentFragment} [root] - which target to call querySelector on
* @param {string} selector - querySelector selector
* @returns {Element|null}
function $() {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return arguments[0].querySelector(arguments[1]);
return document.querySelector(arguments[0]);
* Convenient function to querySelectorAll
* @overload
* @param {Element|Document|DocumentFragment} [root] - which target to call querySelectorAll on
* @param {string} selector - querySelectorAll selector
* @returns {NodeList}
function $All() {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return arguments[0].querySelectorAll(arguments[1]);
return document.querySelectorAll(arguments[0]);
* Convenient function to querySelectorAll
* @overload
* @param {Document} [root] - which document to call createElement on
* @param {string} tagName
* @returns {HTMLElement}
function $CrE() {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 2:
return arguments[0].createElement(arguments[1]);
return document.createElement(arguments[0]);
* Convenient function to addEventListener
* @overload
* @param {EventTarget} target - which target to call addEventListener on
* @param {string} type
* @param {EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null} callback
* @param {AddEventListenerOptions | boolean} [options]
function $AEL(...args) {
/** @type {EventTarget} */
const target = args.shift();
return target.addEventListener.apply(target, args);
* @typedef {[type: string, callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options: AddEventListenerOptions | boolean]} $AEL_Arguments
* @typedef {Object} $$CrE_Options
* @property {string} tagName
* @property {object} [props] - properties set by `element[prop] = value;`
* @property {object} [attrs] - attributes set by `element.setAttribute(attr, value);`
* @property {string | string[]} [classes] - class names to be set
* @property {object} [styles] - styles set by `element[style_name] = style_value;`
* @property {$AEL_Arguments[]} [listeners] - event listeners added by `$AEL(element, ...listener);`
* @overload
* @param {$$CrE_Options} options
* @returns {HTMLElement}
* Create configorated element
* @overload
* @param {string} tagName
* @param {object} [props] - properties set by `element[prop] = value;`
* @param {object} [attrs] - attributes set by `element.setAttribute(attr, value);`
* @param {string | string[]} [classes] - class names to be set
* @param {object} [styles] - styles set by `element[style_name] = style_value;`
* @param {$AEL_Arguments[]} [listeners] - event listeners added by `$AEL(element, ...listener);`
* @returns {HTMLElement}
function $$CrE() {
const [tagName, props, attrs, classes, styles, listeners] = parseArgs([...arguments], [
function(args, defaultValues) {
const arg = args[0];
return {
'string': () => [arg, ...defaultValues.filter((arg, i) => i > 0)],
'object': () => ['tagName', 'props', 'attrs', 'classes', 'styles', 'listeners'].map((prop, i) => arg.hasOwnProperty(prop) ? arg[prop] : defaultValues[i])
}[typeof arg]();
], ['div', {}, {}, [], {}, []]);
const elm = $CrE(tagName);
for (const [name, val] of Object.entries(props)) {
elm[name] = val;
for (const [name, val] of Object.entries(attrs)) {
elm.setAttribute(name, val);
for (const cls of Array.isArray(classes) ? classes : [classes]) {
for (const [name, val] of Object.entries(styles)) {
elm.style[name] = val;
for (const listener of listeners) {
$AEL(elm, ...listener);
return elm;
* @overload
* @param {string} css - css content
* @returns {HTMLStyleElement}
* @overload
* @param {string} css - css content
* @param {string} id - `id` attribute for <style> element
* @returns {HTMLStyleElement}
* Append a style text to document(<head>) with a <style> element \
* removes existing <style> elements with same id if id provided, so style updates can be done by using one same id
* Uses `GM_addElement` if `GM_addElement` exists and param `id` not specified. (`GM_addElement` uses id attribute, so specifing id manually when using `GM_addElement` takes no effect) \
* In another case `GM_addStyle` instead of `GM_addElement` exists, and both `id` and `parentElement` not specified, `GM_addStyle` will be used. \
* `document.createElement('style')` will be used otherwise.
* @overload
* @param {HTMLElement} parentElement - parent element to place <style> element
* @param {string} css - css content
* @param {string} id - `id` attribute for <style> element
* @returns {HTMLStyleElement}
function addStyle() {
// Get arguments
const [parentElement, css, id] = parseArgs([...arguments], [
], [null, '', null]);
if (typeof GM_addElement === 'function' && id === null) {
return GM_addElement(parentElement, 'style', { textContent: css });
} else if (typeof GM_addStyle === 'function' && parentElement === null && id === null) {
return GM_addStyle(css);
} else {
// Make <style>
const style = $CrE('style');
style.innerText = css;
id !== null && (style.id = id);
id !== null && Array.from($All(`style#${id}`)).forEach(elm => elm.remove());
// Append to parentElement
(parentElement ?? document.head).appendChild(style);
return style;
* @typedef {Object} detectDom_options
* @property {Node} root - root target to observe on
* @property {string | string[]} [selector] - selector(s) to observe for, be aware that in options object it is named selector, but is named selectors in param
* @property {boolean} [attributes] - whether to observe existing elements' attribute changes
* @property {function} [callback] - if provided, use callback instead of Promise when selector element found
* @overload
* @param {detectDom_options} options
* @returns {MutationObserver}
* Get callback / resolve promise when specific dom/element appearce in document \
* uses MutationObserver for implementation \
* This behavior is different from versions that equals to or older than, so be careful when using it.
* @overload
* @param {Node} root - root target to observe on
* @param {string | string[]} [selectors] - selector(s) to observe for
* @param {boolean} [attributes] - whether to observe existing elements' attribute changes
* @param {function} [callback] - if provided, use callback instead of Promise when selector element found
* @returns {MutationObserver}
function detectDom() {
let [selectors, root, attributes, callback] = parseArgs([...arguments], [
function(args, defaultValues) {
const arg = args[0];
return {
'string': () => [arg, ...defaultValues.filter((arg, i) => i > 0)],
'object': () => ['selector', 'root', 'attributes', 'callback'].map((prop, i) => arg.hasOwnProperty(prop) ? arg[prop] : defaultValues[i])
}[typeof arg]();
], [[''], document, false, null]);
!Array.isArray(selectors) && (selectors = [selectors]);
if (select(root, selectors)) {
for (const elm of selectAll(root, selectors)) {
if (callback) {
setTimeout(callback.bind(null, elm));
} else {
return Promise.resolve(elm);
const observer = new MutationObserver(mCallback);
observer.observe(root, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
let isPromise = !callback;
return callback ? observer : new Promise((resolve, reject) => callback = resolve);
function mCallback(mutationList, observer) {
const addedNodes = mutationList.reduce((an, mutation) => {
switch (mutation.type) {
case 'childList':
case 'attributes':
return an;
}, []);
const addedSelectorNodes = addedNodes.reduce((nodes, anode) => {
if (anode.matches && match(anode, selectors)) {
const childMatches = anode.querySelectorAll ? selectAll(anode, selectors) : [];
for (const cm of childMatches) {
return nodes;
}, new Set());
for (const node of addedSelectorNodes) {
isPromise && observer.disconnect();
function selectAll(elm, selectors) {
!Array.isArray(selectors) && (selectors = [selectors]);
return selectors.map(selector => [...$All(elm, selector)]).reduce((all, arr) => {
return all;
}, []);
function select(elm, selectors) {
const all = selectAll(elm, selectors);
return all.length ? all[0] : null;
function match(elm, selectors) {
return !!elm.matches && selectors.some(selector => elm.matches(selector));
* Just stopPropagation and preventDefault
* @param {Event} e
function destroyEvent(e) {
if (!e) {return false;};
if (!e instanceof Event) {return false;};
* copy property value from obj1 to obj2 if exists
* @param {object} obj1
* @param {object} obj2
* @param {string|Symbol} prop
function copyProp(obj1, obj2, prop) {obj1.hasOwnProperty(prop) && (obj2[prop] = obj1[prop]);}
* copy property values from obj1 to obj2 if exists
* @param {object} obj1
* @param {object} obj2
* @param {string|Symbol} [props] - properties to copy, copy all enumerable properties if not specified
function copyProps(obj1, obj2, props) {(props ?? Object.keys(obj1)).forEach((prop) => (copyProp(obj1, obj2, prop)));}
* Argument parser with sorting and defaultValue support \
* See use cases in other functions
* @param {Array} args - original arguments' value to be parsed
* @param {(number[]|function)[]} rules - rules to sort arguments or custom function to parse arguments
* @param {Array} defaultValues - default values for arguments not provided a value
* @returns {Array}
function parseArgs(args, rules, defaultValues=[]) {
// args and rules should be array, but not just iterable (string is also iterable)
if (!Array.isArray(args) || !Array.isArray(rules)) {
throw new TypeError('parseArgs: args and rules should be array')
// fill rules[0]
(!Array.isArray(rules[0]) || rules[0].length === 1) && rules.splice(0, 0, []);
// max arguments length
const count = rules.length - 1;
// args.length must <= count
if (args.length > count) {
throw new TypeError(`parseArgs: args has more elements(${args.length}) longer than ruless'(${count})`);
// rules[i].length should be === i if rules[i] is an array, otherwise it should be a function
for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
const rule = rules[i];
if (Array.isArray(rule)) {
if (rule.length !== i) {
throw new TypeError(`parseArgs: rules[${i}](${rule}) should have ${i} numbers, but given ${rules[i].length}`);
if (!rule.every((num) => (typeof num === 'number' && num <= count))) {
throw new TypeError(`parseArgs: rules[${i}](${rule}) should contain numbers smaller than count(${count}) only`);
} else if (typeof rule !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError(`parseArgs: rules[${i}](${rule}) should be an array or a function.`)
// Parse
const rule = rules[args.length];
let parsed;
if (Array.isArray(rule)) {
parsed = [...defaultValues];
for (let i = 0; i < rule.length; i++) {
parsed[rule[i]-1] = args[i];
} else {
parsed = rule(args, defaultValues);
return parsed;
* escape str into javascript written format
* @param {string} str
* @param {string} [quote]
* @returns
function escJsStr(str, quote='"') {
str = str.replaceAll('\\', '\\\\').replaceAll(quote, '\\' + quote).replaceAll('\t', '\\t');
str = quote === '`' ? str.replaceAll(/(\$\{[^\}]*\})/g, '\\$1') : str.replaceAll('\r', '\\r').replaceAll('\n', '\\n');
return quote + str + quote;
* Replace given text with no mismatching of replacing replaced text
* e.g. replaceText('aaaabbbbccccdddd', {'a': 'b', 'b': 'c', 'c': 'd', 'd': 'e'}) === 'bbbbccccddddeeee' \
*      replaceText('abcdAABBAA', {'BB': 'AA', 'AAAAAA': 'This is a trap!'}) === 'abcdAAAAAA' \
*      replaceText('abcd{AAAA}BB}', {'{AAAA}': '{BB', '{BBBB}': 'This is a trap!'}) === 'abcd{BBBB}' \
*      replaceText('abcd', {}) === 'abcd'
* **Note**: \
*  replaceText will replace in sort of replacer's iterating sort \
*  e.g. currently replaceText('abcdAABBAA', {'BBAA': 'TEXT', 'AABB': 'TEXT'}) === 'abcdAATEXT' \
*  but remember: (As MDN Web Doc said,) Although the keys of an ordinary Object are ordered now, this was \
*  not always the case, and the order is complex. As a r###lt, it's best not to rely on property order. \
*  So, don't expect replaceText will treat replacer key-values in any specific sort. Use replaceText to \
*  replace irrelevance replacer keys only.
* @param {string} text
* @param {object} replacer
* @returns {string}
function replaceText(text, replacer) {
if (Object.entries(replacer).length === 0) {return text;}
const [models, targets] = Object.entries(replacer);
const len = models.length;
let text_arr = [{text: text, replacable: true}];
for (const [model, target] of Object.entries(replacer)) {
text_arr = replace(text_arr, model, target);
return text_arr.map((text_obj) => (text_obj.text)).join('');
function replace(text_arr, model, target) {
const r###lt_arr = [];
for (const text_obj of text_arr) {
if (text_obj.replacable) {
const splited = text_obj.text.split(model);
for (const part of splited) {
r###lt_arr.push({text: part, replacable: true});
r###lt_arr.push({text: target, replacable: false});
} else {
return r###lt_arr;
* @typedef {Object} getUrlArgv_options
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} [url]
* @property {string} [defaultValue]
* @property {function} [dealFunc] - function that inputs original getUrlArgv r###lt and outputs final return value
* @overload
* @param {Object} getUrlArgv_options
* @returns
* Get a url argument from location.href
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} [url]
* @param {string} [defaultValue]
* @param {function} [dealFunc] - function that inputs original getUrlArgv r###lt and outputs final return value
function getUrlArgv() {
const [name, url, defaultValue, dealFunc] = parseArgs([...arguments], [
function(args, defaultValues) {
const arg = args[0];
return {
'string': () => [arg, ...defaultValues.filter((arg, i) => i > 0)],
'object': () => ['name', 'url', 'defaultValue', 'dealFunc'].map((prop, i) => arg.hasOwnProperty(prop) ? arg[prop] : defaultValues[i])
}[typeof arg]();
], [null, location.href, null, a => a]);
if (name === null) { return null; }
const search = new URL(url).search;
const objSearch = new URLSearchParams(search);
const raw = objSearch.has(name) ? objSearch.get(name) : defaultValue;
const argv = dealFunc(raw);
return argv;
* download file from given url by simulating <a download="..." href=""></a> clicks \
* a common use case is to download Blob objects as file from `URL.createObjectURL`
* @param {string} url
* @param {string} filename
function dl_browser(url, filename) {
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
a.download = filename;
* File download function \
* details looks like the detail of GM_xmlhttpRequest \
* onload function will be called after file saved to disk
* @param {object} details
function dl_GM(details) {
if (!details.url || !details.name) {return false;};
// Configure request object
const requestObj = {
url: details.url,
responseType: 'blob',
onload: function(e) {
// Save file
dl_browser(URL.createObjectURL(e.response), details.name);
// onload callback
details.onload ? details.onload(e) : function() {};
if (details.onloadstart       ) {requestObj.onloadstart        = details.onloadstart;};
if (details.onprogress        ) {requestObj.onprogress         = details.onprogress;};
if (details.onerror           ) {requestObj.onerror            = details.onerror;};
if (details.onabort           ) {requestObj.onabort            = details.onabort;};
if (details.onreadystatechange) {requestObj.onreadystatechange = details.onreadystatechange;};
if (details.ontimeout         ) {requestObj.ontimeout          = details.ontimeout;};
// Send request
Assert(typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest === 'function', 'GM_xmlhttpRequest should be provided in order to use dl_GM', TypeError);
* Manager to manager async tasks \
* This was written when I haven't learnt Promise, so for fluent promise users, just ignore it:)
* # Usage
* ```javascript
* // This simulates a async task, it can be a XMLHttpRequest, some file reading, or so on...
* function someAsyncTask(callback, duration) {
*     const r###lt = Math.random();
*     setTimeout(() => callback(r###lt), duration);
* }
* // Do 10 async tasks, and log all r###lts when all async tasks finished
* const AM = new AsyncManager();
* const r###lts = [];
* AM.onfinish = function() {
*     console.log('All tasks finished!');
*     console.log(r###lts);
* }
* for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
*     AM.add();
*     const duration = (Math.random() * 5 + 5) * 1000;
*     const index = i;
*     someAsyncTask(r###lt => {
*         console.log(`Task ${index} finished after ${duration}ms!`);
*         r###lts[index] = r###lt;
*     }, duration);
*     console.log(`Task ${index} started!`);
* }
* // Set AM.finishEvent to true after all tasks added, allowing AsyncManager to call onfinish callback
* ```
* @constructor
function AsyncManager() {
const AM = this;
// Ongoing tasks count
this.taskCount = 0;
// Whether generate finish events
let finishEvent = false;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'finishEvent', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: () => (finishEvent),
set: (b) => {
finishEvent = b;
b && AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish();
// Add one task
this.add = () => (++AM.taskCount);
// Finish one task
this.finish = () => ((--AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.finishEvent && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish(), AM.taskCount));
* Put tasks in specific queue and order their execution \
* Set `queueTask[queueId].max`, `queueTask[queueId].sleep` to custom queue's max ongoing tasks and sleep time between tasks
* @param {function} task - task function to run
* @param {string | Symbol} queueId - identifier to specify a target queue. if provided, given task will be added into specified queue.
* @returns
function queueTask(task, queueId='default') {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
queueTask.hasOwnProperty(queueId) || (queueTask[queueId] = { tasks: [], ongoing: 0 });
queueTask[queueId].tasks.push({task, resolve, reject});
function init() {
if (!queueTask[queueId]?.initialized) {
queueTask[queueId] = {
// defaults
tasks: [],
ongoing: 0,
max: 3,
sleep: 500,
// user's pre-sets
...(queueTask[queueId] || {}),
// initialized flag
initialized: true
function checkTask() {
const queue = queueTask[queueId];
setTimeout(() => {
if (queue.ongoing < queue.max && queue.tasks.length) {
const task = queue.tasks.shift();
() => task.task().then(v => {
}).catch(e => {
const [FunctionLoader, loadFuncs, require, isLoaded] = (function() {
* 一般用作函数对象oFunc的加载条件,检测当前环境是否适合/需要该oFunc加载
* @typedef {Object} checker_func
* @property {string} type - checker's identifier
* @property {function} func - actual internal judgement implementation
* 一般用作函数对象oFunc的加载条件,检测当前环境是否适合/需要该oFunc加载
* @typedef {Object} checker
* @property {string} type - checker's identifier
* @property {*} value - param that goes into checker function
* 需要使用的substorage名称
* @typedef {"GM_setValue" | "GM_getValue" | "GM_listValues" | "GM_deleteValue"} substorage_value
* 可以传入params的字符串名称
* @typedef {'oFunc' | substorage_value} param
* 被加载函数对象的func函数
* @callback oFuncBody
* @param {oFunc} oFunc
* @returns {*|Promise<*>}
* 被加载执行的函数对象
* @typedef {Object} oFunc
* @property {string} id - 每次load(每个FuncPool实例)内唯一的标识符
* @property {boolean} [disabled] - 为真值时,无论checkers还是detectDom等任何其他条件通过或未通过,均不执行此函数对象;默认为false
* @property {checker[]|checker} [checkers] - oFunc执行的条件
* @property {string[]|string} [detectDom] - 如果提供,开始checker检查前会首先等待其中所有css选择器对应的元素在document中出现
* @property {string[]|string} [dependencies] - 如果提供,应为其他函数对象的id或者id列表;开始checker检查前会首先等待其中所有指定的函数对象加载完毕
* @property {boolean} [readonly] - 指定该函数的返回值是否应该被Proxy保护为不可修改对象
* @property {param[]|param} params - 可选,指定传入oFunc.func的参数列表;可以为参数本身或其组成的数组
* 参数可以为 字符串 或是 其他类型,如果是字符串就传入对应的FunctionLoader提供的内置值(见下),如果是其他类型则按照原样传入
* - "oFunc":
*     函数对象本身
* - "GM_setValue", "GM_getValue", "GM_listValues", "GM_deleteValue":
*     和脚本管理器提供的函数一致,但是读取和写入的对象是以oFunc.id为键的子空间
*     比如,GM_getValue("prop") 就相当于调用脚本管理器提供的的 GM_getValue(oFunc.id)["prop"]
* @property {oFuncBody} func - 实际实现了功能的函数
* @property {boolean} [STOP] - [调试用] 指定不执行此函数对象
const registered_checkers = {
switch: value => value,
url: value => location.href === value,
path: value => location.pathname === value,
regurl: value => !!location.href.match(value),
regpath: value => !!location.pathname.match(value),
starturl: value => location.href.startsWith(value),
startpath: value => location.pathname.startsWith(value),
func: value => value()
class FuncPool extends EventTarget {
static #STILL_LOADING = Symbol('oFunc still loading');
static FunctionNotFound = Symbol('Function not found');
static FunctionNotLoaded = Symbol('Function not loaded');
static CheckerNotPass = Symbol('Function checker does not pass');
/** @typedef {symbol|*} return_value */
/** @type {Map<oFunc, return_value>} */
#oFuncs = new Map();
* 创建新函数池
* @param {Object} [details={}] - 可选,默认为{}空对象
* @param {function} [details.GM_getValue] - 可选,读取脚本存储的函数;如果提供,使用提供的值,否则使用上下文中的值
* @param {function} [details.GM_setValue] - 可选,写入脚本存储的函数;如果提供,使用提供的值,否则使用上下文中的值
* @param {function} [details.GM_deleteValue] - 可选,删除脚本存储的函数;如果提供,使用提供的值,否则使用上下文中的值
* @param {function} [details.GM_listValues] - 可选,列出脚本存储的函数;如果提供,使用提供的值,否则使用上下文中的值
* @param {oFunc | oFunc[]} [oFuncs] - 可选,需要立即加载的函数对象
* @returns {FuncPool}
GM_getValue: _GM_getValue = typeof GM_getValue === 'function' ? GM_getValue : null,
GM_setValue: _GM_setValue = typeof GM_setValue === 'function' ? GM_setValue : null,
GM_deleteValue: _GM_deleteValue = typeof GM_deleteValue === 'function' ? GM_deleteValue : null,
GM_listValues: _GM_listValues = typeof GM_listValues === 'function' ? GM_listValues : null,
oFuncs = []
} = {}) {
this.#GM_funcs = {
GM_getValue: _GM_getValue,
GM_setValue: _GM_setValue,
GM_deleteValue: _GM_deleteValue,
GM_listValues: _GM_listValues
* 加载提供的一个或多个函数对象,并将其加入到函数池中 \
* 异步函数,当所有传入的函数对象都彻底load完毕/checkers确定不加载时resolve
* @param {oFunc[]|oFunc} [oFuncs] - 可选,需要加载的函数对象或其数组,不提供时默认为空数组
async load(oFuncs=[]) {
oFuncs = Array.isArray(oFuncs) ? oFuncs : [oFuncs];
await Promise.all(oFuncs.map(oFunc => this.#load(oFunc)));
* 加载一个函数对象,并将其加入到函数池中 \
* 当id重复时,直接报错RedeclarationError \
* 异步函数,当彻底load完毕/checkers确定不加载时resolve \
* 当加载完毕时,广播load事件;如果全部加载完毕,还广播all_load事件
* @todo 当checker确定不加载时,广播什么事件?后续all_load是否仍然触发?
* @param {oFunc} oFunc
* @returns {Promise<undefined>}
async #load(oFunc) {
const that = this;
// disabled的函数对象,不执行
if (oFunc.disabled) {
// 已经在函数池中的函数对象,不重复load
if (this.#oFuncs.has(oFunc)) {
// 检查有无重复id
for (const o of this.#oFuncs.keys()) {
if (o.id === oFunc.id) {
throw new RedeclarationError(`Attempts to load oFunc with id already in use: ${oFunc.id}`);
// 设置当前返回值为STILL_LOADING
this.#oFuncs.set(oFunc, FuncPool.#STILL_LOADING);
// 加载依赖
const dependencies = Array.isArray(oFunc.dependencies) ? oFunc.dependencies : ( oFunc.dependencies ? [oFunc.dependencies] : [] );
await Promise.all(dependencies.map(id => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
$AEL(that, 'load', e => e.detail.oFunc.id === id && resolve());
// 检测checkers加载条件
const checkers = Array.isArray(oFunc.checkers) ? oFunc.checkers : ( oFunc.checkers ? [oFunc.checkers] : [] );
if (!testCheckers(checkers, oFunc)) {
this.#oFuncs.set(oFunc, FuncPool.CheckerNotPass);
// 检测detectDOM中css选择器指定的元素出现
const selectors = Array.isArray(oFunc.detectDom) ? oFunc.detectDom : ( oFunc.detectDom ? [oFunc.detectDom] : [] );
await Promise.all(selectors.map(selector => detectDom(selector)));
// 处理substorage
const substorage = this.#Mak###bStorage(oFunc.id);
// 处理函数参数
const builtins = {
const params = oFunc.params ? (Array.isArray(oFunc.params) ? oFunc.params : [oFunc.params]) : [];
const args = params.map(param => typeof param === 'string' ? builtins[param] : param);
// 执行函数对象
const raw_return_value = oFunc.func(...args);
const return_value = await Promise.resolve(raw_return_value);
// 设置返回值
this.#oFuncs.set(oFunc, return_value);
// 广播事件
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('load', {
detail: {
oFunc, id: oFunc.id, return_value
Array.from(this.#oFuncs.values()).every(v => v !== FuncPool.#STILL_LOADING) &&
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('all_load', {}));
* 获取指定函数对象的返回值 \
* 如果指定的函数对象不存在,返回FuncPool.FunctionNotFound \
* 如果指定的函数对象存在但尚未加载,返回FuncPool.FunctionNotLoaded \
* 如果函数对象指定了readonly为真值,则返回前用Proxy包装返回值,使其不可修改
* @param {string} id - 函数对象的id
* @returns {*}
require(id) {
for (const [oFunc, return_value] of this.#oFuncs.entries()) {
if (oFunc.id === id) {
if (return_value === FuncPool.#STILL_LOADING) {
return FuncPool.FunctionNotLoaded;
} else {
return oFunc.readonly ? FuncPool.#MakeReadonlyObj(return_value) : return_value;
return FuncPool.FunctionNotFound;
isLoaded(id) {
for (const [oFunc, return_value] of this.#oFuncs.entries()) {
if (oFunc.id === id) {
if (return_value === FuncPool.#STILL_LOADING) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
get GM_funcs() {
return { ...this.#GM_funcs };
* 以Proxy包装value,使其属性只读 \
* 如果传入的不是object,则直接返回value \
* @param {Object} val
* @returns {Proxy}
static #MakeReadonlyObj(val) {
return isObject(val) ? new Proxy(val, {
get: function(target, property, receiver) {
return FuncPool.#MakeReadonlyObj(target[property]);
set: function(target, property, value, receiver) {},
has: function(target, prop) {},
setPrototypeOf(target, newProto) {
return false;
defineProperty(target, property, descriptor) {
return true;
deleteProperty(target, property) {
return false;
preventExtensions(target) {
return false;
}) : val;
function isObject(value) {
return ['object', 'function'].includes(typeof value) && value !== null;
* 创建适用于子功能函数的 GM_setValue, GM_getValue, GM_deleteValue 和 GM_listValues \
* 调用返回的`GM_setValue(str, val)`相当于对脚本管理器提供的GM*函数进行如下调用:
* ``` javascript
* const obj = GM_getValue(key, {});
* if (typeof obj !== 'object' or obj === null) { throw new TypeError(''); }
* obj[str] = val;
* GM_setValue(key, obj);
* ```
* @param {string} key - 实际调用用户脚本管理器的GM*函数时提供的key,一般是子功能函数id
* @returns {{ GM_setValue: function, GM_getValue: function, GM_deleteValue: function, GM_listValues: function }}
#Mak###bStorage(key) {
const GM_funcs = this.#GM_funcs;
return {
GM_setValue(name, val) {
checkGrant(['GM_setValue', 'GM_getValue'], 'GM_setValue');
const obj = GM_funcs.GM_getValue(key, {});
Assert(isObject(obj), `FunctionLoader: storage item of key ${name} should be an object`, TypeError);
obj[name] = val;
GM_funcs.GM_setValue(key, obj);
GM_getValue(name, default_value=null) {
checkGrant(['GM_getValue'], 'GM_getValue');
const obj = GM_funcs.GM_getValue(key, {});
return obj.hasOwnProperty(name) ? obj[name] : default_value;
GM_deleteValue(name) {
checkGrant(['GM_setValue', 'GM_getValue'], 'GM_deleteValue');
const obj = GM_funcs.GM_getValue(key, {});
delete obj[name];
GM_funcs.GM_setValue(key, obj);
GM_listValues() {
checkGrant(['GM_getValue'], 'GM_listValues');
const obj = GM_funcs.GM_getValue(key, {});
return Object.keys(obj);
* 检查指定的GM_*函数是否存在,不存在就抛出错误
* @param {string|string[]} funcnames
* @param {string} calling - 正在调用的GM_函数的名字,输出错误信息时用
function checkGrant(funcnames, calling) {
Array.isArray(funcnames) || (funcnames = [funcnames]);
for (const funcname of funcnames) {
Assert(GM_funcs[funcname], `FunctionLoader: @grant ${funcname} in userscript metadata before using ${calling}`, TypeError);
function isObject(val) {
return typeof val === 'object' && val !== null;
class RedeclarationError extends TypeError {}
class CircularDependencyError extends ReferenceError {}
// 预置的函数池
const default_pool = new FuncPool();
* 在预置的函数池中加载函数对象或其数组
* @param {oFunc[]|oFunc} oFuncs - 需要执行的函数对象
* @returns {FuncPool}
function loadFuncs(oFuncs) {
return default_pool;
* 在预置的函数池中获取函数对象的返回值
* @param {string} id - 函数对象的字符串id
* @returns {*}
function require(id) {
return default_pool.require(id);
* 在预置的函数池中检查指定函数对象是否已经加载完毕(有返回值可用)
* @param {string} id - 函数对象的字符串id
* @returns {boolean}
function isLoaded(id) {
return default_pool.isLoaded(id);
* 测试给定checker是否检测通过 \
* 给定多个checker时,checkers之间是 或 关系,有一个checker通过即算作整体通过 \
* 注意此函数设计和旧版testChecker的设计不同,旧版中一个checker可以有多个值,还可通过checker.all指定多值之间的关系为 与 还是 或
* @param {checker[]|checker} [checkers] - 需要检测的checkers
* @param {oFunc|*} [this_value] - 如提供,将用作checkers运行时的this值;一般而言为checkers所属的函数对象
* @returns {boolean}
function testCheckers(checkers=[], this_value=null) {
checkers = Array.isArray(checkers) ? checkers : [checkers];
return checkers.length === 0 || checkers.some(checker => !!registered_checkers[checker.type]?.call(this_value, checker.value));
* 注册新checker \
* 如果给定type已经被其他checker占用,则会报错RedeclarationError \
* @param {string} type - checker类名
* @param {function} func - checker implementation
function registerChecker(type, func) {
if (registered_checkers.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
throw RedeclarationError(`Attempts to register checker with type already in use: ${type}`);
registered_checkers[type] = func;
const FunctionLoader = {
get checkers() {
return Object.assign({}, registered_checkers);
Error: {
return [FunctionLoader, loadFuncs, require, isLoaded];
}) ();
return [
// Console & Debug
LogLevel, DoLog, Err, Assert,
// DOM
$, $All, $CrE, $AEL, $$CrE, addStyle, detectDom, destroyEvent,
// Data
copyProp, copyProps, parseArgs, escJsStr, replaceText,
// Environment & Browser
getUrlArgv, dl_browser, dl_GM,
// Logic & Task
AsyncManager, queueTask, FunctionLoader, loadFuncs, require, isLoaded
}) ();