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🐋 潜入海底,浮出水面

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         鲸
// @namespace    https://github.com/mefengl
// @version      0.0.4
// @description  🐋 潜入海底,浮出水面
// @author       mefengl
// @match        http://*/*
// @match        https://*/*
// @exclude      https://www.baidu.com/
// @icon         none
// @require      https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.6.1/jquery.min.js
// @grant        none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
$(function () {
// if page's height is less than 1000px, then return
if (document.body.scrollHeight < 1000) return;
// if page's height is less than 2000px, then make button less visible
const hide_right = document.body.scrollHeight < 3000 ? "-130px" : "-120px";
// create the button
.click(function () {
// scroll to the bottom of the page, if already at the bottom, then scroll to the top
if (document.body.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight - window.scrollY < 100) {
window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" });
$(this).text("深潜").css({ "background-color": "#0d47a1", color: "#fff" });
} else {
window.scrollTo({ top: document.body.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" });
$(this).text("浮出").css({ "background-color": "#e0e0e0", color: "#000", border: "1px solid #a0a0a0" });
.css({ "background-color": "#0d47a1", color: "#fff", position: "fixed", width: "140px", top: "220px", right: hide_right, "z-index": "999999", opacity: "0.8", border: "none", "border-radius": "4px", padding: "10px 16px", "font-size": "18px", cursor: "pointer", })
// hover to show, and hide when not hover
function () { $(this).stop().animate({ right: "-10px", }, 400); },
function () { $(this).stop().animate({ right: hide_right, }, 400); }
// hide button if full screen
$(document).on("fullscreenchange", function () {
document.fullscreenElement ? $button.hide() : $button.show();