Implements local subscriptions on Invidious.
// ==UserScript== // @name Invidious Local Subscriptions // @author mthsk // @homepage // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://inv.*.*/* // @match *://invidious.*/* // @version 2024.06 // @description Implements local subscriptions on Invidious. // @run-at document-end // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @license AGPL-3.0 // @namespace // ==/UserScript== /** * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ (async function() { "use strict"; let subscriptions = await GM.getValue("subscriptions") || []; let settings = await GM.getValue("settings") || {redirect: false, odysee: false, usepiped: true, pipedinstance: ""}; if (settings.redirect && location.pathname === "/") location.replace(location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + "/search?q=" + makeid((Math.floor(Math.random() * 16) + 16)) + "#invlocal"); else if (settings.redirect) document.body.querySelectorAll('a[href="/"]').forEach((el) => el.setAttribute("href","/search?q=" + makeid((Math.floor(Math.random() * 16) + 16)) + "#invlocal")); if (location.pathname.toLowerCase() === "/search" &&"?q=") && !'&') && location.hash.toLowerCase() === "#invlocal") { const navbar = document.createElement("div"); navbar.classList.add("feed-menu"); navbar.innerHTML = '<a href="/feed/popular" class="feed-menu-item pure-menu-heading">Popular</a><a href="/feed/trending" class="feed-menu-item pure-menu-heading">Trending</a><a id="invlocal-refresh" href="javascript:void(0);" class="feed-menu-item pure-menu-heading">Refresh Subscriptions</a>'; const filters = document.getElementById("filters"); filters.parentElement.replaceChild(navbar, filters); document.body.querySelector('#contents div[class="pure-g"]').innerHTML = '\<center id="invlocal-loading" style="letter-spacing: 0 !important;">Fetching subscriptions...</center>'; document.body.querySelectorAll('#contents div > a[href*="&page="]').forEach(el => el.parentElement.remove()); document.body.querySelectorAll("#contents").forEach(el => { el.remove(); document.body.querySelector("#contents footer > div.pure-g").parentElement.replaceWith(document.body.querySelector("#contents footer > div.pure-g")); }); document.body.querySelectorAll('a[href$="?referer=' + encodeURIComponent(location.pathname + + '"]').forEach(el => el.href = el.href + location.hash); document.getElementById("contents").getElementsByTagName("hr")[0].remove(); document.getElementById("searchbox").value = ""; document.title = "Local Subscription Feed - Invidious"; let feed; if (settings.hasOwnProperty("usepiped") && settings.usepiped) feed = await getPipedSubscriptionFeed(settings.pipedinstance); else feed = await getSubscriptionFeed(false); displaySubscriptionFeed(feed); let st = 40; addEventListener('scroll', function() { if (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset >= document.body.offsetHeight && !document.getElementById("invlocal-loading")) { displaySubscriptionFeed(feed, st); st = st + 40; }}); document.getElementById("invlocal-refresh").addEventListener('click', async function (e) { if (!'disabled')) {'disabled', ''); document.body.querySelector('#contents div[class="pure-g"]').innerHTML = '\<center id="invlocal-loading" style="letter-spacing: 0 !important;">Fetching subscriptions...</center>'; if (settings.hasOwnProperty("usepiped") && settings.usepiped) feed = await getPipedSubscriptionFeed(settings.pipedinstance); else feed = await getSubscriptionFeed(true); displaySubscriptionFeed(feed); st = 40;'disabled'); } }); } else if (location.pathname.toLowerCase().startsWith("/feed/")) { document.getElementsByClassName("feed-menu")[0].innerHTML = document.getElementsByClassName("feed-menu")[0].innerHTML + "\<a href=\"/search?q=" + makeid((Math.floor(Math.random() * 16) + 16)) + "#invlocal\" class=\"feed-menu-item pure-menu-heading\">Local Subscriptions</a>" } else if (location.pathname.toLowerCase().startsWith("/channel/") || location.pathname.toLowerCase() === "/watch") { const invsubbutton = document.getElementById("subscribe"); const localsubbutton = invsubbutton.cloneNode(true); = "localsubscribe"; localsubbutton.removeAttribute("href"); invsubbutton.parentElement.appendChild(localsubbutton); let chid = ""; let chname = ""; if (location.pathname.toLowerCase().startsWith("/channel/")) { chid = location.pathname.split('/')[2]; chname = document.body.querySelector('div[class="channel-profile"] span').textContent.trim(); } else { chid = document.body.querySelector('a[href] .channel-profile').parentElement.getAttribute("href").split('/')[2]; chname = document.getElementById("channel-name").textContent.trim(); } if (subscriptions.length > 0 && subscriptions.some(e => === chid)) localsubbutton.innerHTML = "\<b>Unsubscribe Locally</b>"; else localsubbutton.innerHTML = "\<b>Subscribe Locally</b>"; localsubbutton.addEventListener("click", async function(ev) { if (subscriptions.length > 0 && subscriptions.some(e => === chid)) { //unsubscribe if already subscribed if (!confirm("Do you really want to unsubscribe from \"" + chname + "\"?")) return; let x = 0; subscriptions.forEach(function(e) { if ( === chid) { subscriptions.splice(x, 1); = "\<b>Subscribe Locally</b>"; } x++; }); } else // subscribe if not { subscriptions.push({id: chid, name: chname}) = "\<b>Unsubscribe Locally</b>"; } console.log(subscriptions); await GM.setValue('subscriptions', subscriptions); }); if (location.pathname.toLowerCase() === "/watch") { if (!settings.usepiped) window.setInterval(getSubscriptionFeed(false, true), 300000); } } else if (location.pathname.toLowerCase() === "/preferences") { let fieldset = document.body.getElementsByTagName("fieldset"); fieldset = fieldset[fieldset.length - 1]; const savebtn = fieldset.getElementsByTagName("button")[0]; const nulegend = document.createElement('legend'); nulegend.textContent = "Local Subscribe Preferences"; const nusettings = document.createElement('div'); nusettings.setAttribute("class", "pure-control-group"); nusettings.innerHTML = '\<div class="pure-control-group"><div class="pure-control-group"><label for="invlocal_redirect">Redirect from the invidious home page to local subscriptions page: </label><input id="invlocal_redirect" type="checkbox"></div><div class="pure-control-group"><label for="invlocal_odysee">Display a "Watch on Odysee" button for videos that were synced to Odysee: </label><input id="invlocal_odysee" type="checkbox"></div><div class="pure-control-group"><label for="invlocal_usepiped">Fetch Subscriptions Through Piped: </label><input id="invlocal_usepiped" type="checkbox"></div><div class="pure-control-group"><label for="invlocal_pipedinstance">Database Instance:</label><input id="invlocal_pipedinstance" type="text"></div><div class="pure-control-group"><label for="invlocal_import">Import subscriptions: </label><a id="invlocal_import" href="javascript:void(0);">Import...</a></div><div class="pure-control-group"><label for="invlocal_export">Export subscriptions: </label><a id="invlocal_export" href="javascript:void(0);">Export...</a></div></div>'; fieldset.insertBefore(nulegend, savebtn.parentElement); fieldset.insertBefore(nusettings, savebtn.parentElement); document.getElementById("invlocal_redirect").checked = settings.redirect; document.getElementById("invlocal_odysee").checked = settings.odysee || false; document.getElementById("invlocal_usepiped").checked = settings.usepiped || false; document.getElementById("invlocal_pipedinstance").value = settings.pipedinstance || ""; document.getElementById("invlocal_import").addEventListener("click", (ev) => { const input = document.createElement("input"); input.setAttribute("type", "file"); input.setAttribute("accept", ".json"); input.addEventListener("change", async function(e) { try { const file = await input.files[0].text(); const newpipe_subs = JSON.parse(file); const nusubs = []; newpipe_subs.subscriptions.forEach((i) => { if (i.service_id === 0) { const chanurl = new URL(i.url); const chanid = chanurl.pathname.split("/channel/").pop().split('/')[0]; nusubs.push({id: chanid, name:}); } }); subscriptions = nusubs; await GM.setValue('subscriptions', subscriptions); await GM.setValue('feed', {last: 0, feed: []}); alert("Subscriptions imported successfully!"); } catch (ex) { alert("File is corrupted or not supported."); } });; }); document.getElementById("invlocal_export").addEventListener("click", (ev) => { const date = new Date(); const YYYYMMDDHHmm = date.getFullYear() + ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2) + ("0" + date.getHours() ).slice(-2) + ("0" + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2); const newpipe_subs = {app_version: "0.24.0", app_version_int: 990, subscriptions: []}; subscriptions.forEach((e) => { newpipe_subs.subscriptions.push({service_id: 0, url: "" +, name:}); }); const a = document.createElement("a"); const file = new Blob([JSON.stringify(newpipe_subs)], {type: "application/json"}); a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file); = "newpipe_subscriptions_" + YYYYMMDDHHmm + ".json";; }); savebtn.addEventListener("click", (ev) => { settings.redirect = document.getElementById("invlocal_redirect").checked; settings.odysee = document.getElementById("invlocal_odysee").checked; settings.usepiped = document.getElementById("invlocal_usepiped").checked; if (document.getElementById("invlocal_pipedinstance").value.trim() != "") settings.pipedinstance = document.getElementById("invlocal_pipedinstance").value.trim(); GM.setValue('settings', settings); }); } function makeid(length) { let r###lt = ""; const characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for (let x = 0; x < length; x++) r###lt += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)); return r###lt; } function roundViews(views) { let rounded = 0; let mode = ""; if (views >= 1000000000) { rounded = views / 1000000000; mode = "B"; } else if (views >= 1000000) { rounded = views / 1000000; mode = "M" } else if (views >= 1000) { rounded = views / 1000; mode = "K" } else if (views > 1) { return views + " views"; } else { return views + " view"; } if (rounded < 10) rounded = Math.floor(rounded * 10) / 10; else rounded = Math.floor(rounded); return rounded + mode + " views"; } function msToHumanTime(ms) { const seconds = (ms / 1000); let tvalue = 0; let human = ""; if (seconds >= 31536000) { tvalue = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000); human = "year"; } else if (seconds >= 2628000) { tvalue = Math.floor(seconds / 2628000); human = "month"; } else if (seconds >= 604800) { tvalue = Math.floor(seconds / 604800); human = "week"; } else if (seconds >= 86400) { tvalue = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); human = "day"; } else if (seconds >= 3600) { tvalue = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); human = "hour"; } else if (seconds >= 60) { tvalue = Math.floor(seconds / 60); human = "minute"; } else { tvalue = Math.floor(seconds); human = "second"; } if (tvalue > 1) return tvalue + ' ' + human + "s ago"; else return tvalue + ' ' + human + " ago"; } function durationString(scs) { const durDate = new Date(0); durDate.setSeconds(scs); const durHour = Math.floor(durDate.getTime() / 1000 / 60 / 60); const durMin = durDate.getUTCMinutes(); const durSec = durDate.getUTCSeconds(); return (durHour > 0 ? durHour + ':' : '') + (durHour === 0 || durMin > 9 ? durMin : '0' + durMin) + ':' + (durSec > 9 ? durSec : '0' + durSec); } async function displaySubscriptionFeed(feed,start = 0) { const container = document.getElementById("contents").querySelector('div[class="pure-g"]'); if (!container || start >= feed.length) { const elloading = document.getElementById('invlocal-loading'); if (!!elloading && feed.length === 0) elloading.textContent = "No subscriptions to fetch."; return; } if (start === 0) container.innerHTML = ""; let finish = start + 39; if (finish > (feed.length - 1)) finish = feed.length - 1; const vidIds = []; for (let x = start; x <= finish; x++) { vidIds.push(feed[x].videoId); container.innerHTML += '\<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-4"><div class="h-box"><a style="width:100%" href="/watch?v=' + feed[x].videoId + '"><div class="thumbnail"><img tabindex="-1" class="thumbnail" src="/vi/' + feed[x].videoId + '/mqdefault.jpg"/> <div class="bottom-right-overlay"><p class="length">' + durationString(feed[x].lengthSeconds) + '\</p></div></div><p dir="auto">' + feed[x].title + '\</p></a><div class="video-card-row flexible"><div class="flex-left"><a href="/channel/' + feed[x].authorId + '"><p class="channel-name" dir="auto">' + feed[x].author + '\</p> </a></div> <div class="flex-right"><div class="icon-buttons"><a title="Watch on YouTube" href="' + feed[x].videoId + '"><i class="icon ion-logo-youtube"></i></a> <a class="invlocal-odysee" style="visibility: hidden !important;" title="Watch on Odysee" href="' + feed[x].videoId + '"><i class="icon ion-md-rocket"></i></a> <a title="Discuss on Reddit" href="' + feed[x].videoId + '"><i class="icon ion-logo-reddit"></i></a> <a title="Audio mode" href="/watch?v=' + feed[x].videoId + '&listen=1"><i class="icon ion-md-headset"></i></a> <a title="Switch Invidious Instance" href="' + feed[x].videoId + '"><i class="icon ion-md-jet"></i></a></div></div></div> <div class="video-card-row flexible"><div class="flex-left"><p class="video-data" dir="auto">Shared ' + msToHumanTime( - (feed[x].published * 1000)) + '\</p></div><div class="flex-right"><p class="video-data" dir="auto">' + roundViews(feed[x].viewCount) + '\</p></div></div></div></div>'; } /*container.querySelectorAll('a[href^=""]').forEach((el) => { const vId = el.href.split("%22")[1]; el.href = "javascript:void(0);"; el.addEventListener("mouseover", async (ev) => { if ( === "javascript:void(0);") { const vEl =; const reddit = await getJson("" + vId + "", 0); if (reddit.items.length > 0) { = reddit.items[0].url; } else { const vTitle = vEl.querySelector('a[href*="/watch?v="] p[dir="auto"]').textContent; const vChannel = vEl.getElementsByClassName("channel-name")[0].textContent; = "" + encodeURIComponent(vTitle + " — " + vChannel) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent("" + vId); } } }); });*/ let odyUrls = {}; if (!!settings.odysee && settings.odysee) { odyUrls = await getJson("" + encodeURIComponent(vidIds.join(',')), 0); odyUrls = (!! && !! ? : {}); } const odyseeEls = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.invlocal-odysee[href]"); odyseeEls.forEach((ody) => { let vId = ody.getAttribute('href'); if (!!settings.odysee && settings.odysee && odyUrls.hasOwnProperty(vId) && odyUrls[vId] !== null) { ody.href = "" + odyUrls[vId].replaceAll('#',':'); ody.removeAttribute("class"); ody.removeAttribute("style"); } else { ody.remove(); } }); } async function getJson(url,timeout=10000) { console.log("Connecting to " + url); try { const resp = await (function() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, timeout: timeout, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, onload: resolve, onabort: reject, onerror: reject, ontimeout: reject }); }); })(); return JSON.parse(resp.responseText); } catch (e) { return { error: true }; } } async function getSubscriptionFeed(forced = false, background = false) { let feed = await GM.getValue('feed'); if (forced || !feed || feed.last < ( - 1800000)) { let hadError = false; feed = []; const instances = []; let jsonInstances = await getJson(""); if ((Object.keys(jsonInstances).length === 0 && jsonInstances.construct) || (jsonInstances.hasOwnProperty("error") && jsonInstances.error)) return; jsonInstances.forEach(function(e) { if (e[1].type === "https" && e[1].api) { instances.push(e[0]); } }); console.log(instances); if (instances.length <= 0) return; for (let x = 0; x < subscriptions.length; x++) { if (!!document.getElementById('invlocal-loading')) document.getElementById('invlocal-loading').textContent = "Fetching channel " + (x + 1) + " out of " + subscriptions.length; let response = await getJson("https://" + instances[Math.floor(Math.random()*instances.length)] + "/api/v1/channels/videos/" + subscriptions[x].id + "?fields=title,videoId,author,authorId,viewCount,published,lengthSeconds,videos"); if (response.hasOwnProperty("error") && background) return; else if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) { hadError = true; continue; } else if (response.hasOwnProperty("videos")) response = response.videos; let playlist = await getJson("https://" + instances[Math.floor(Math.random()*instances.length)] + "/api/v1/playlists/" + subscriptions[x].id + "?fields=videos(title,videoId,author,authorId,lengthSeconds)"); if (playlist.hasOwnProperty("videos")) { playlist = playlist.videos; if (playlist.length > 10) playlist = playlist.slice(0, 10); let plv = 0; playlist.forEach(async function(vid) { if (!response.some(e => e.videoId === vid.videoId)) { let vidData = await getJson("https://" + instances[Math.floor(Math.random()*instances.length)] + "/api/v1/videos/" + vid.videoId + "?fields=viewCount,published"); if (!vidData.hasOwnProperty("error")) { vid.viewCount = vidData.viewCount; vid.published = vidData.published; feed.push(vid); } } plv++; }); } feed = feed.concat(response); } feed.sort((a, b) => b.published - a.published); if (!hadError) await GM.setValue('feed', {last:, feed: feed}); else await GM.setValue('feed', {last: 0, feed: feed}); return feed; } else return feed.feed; } async function getPipedSubscriptionFeed(api = "") { let feed = []; const channels = []; subscriptions.forEach(ch => channels.push(; const response = await getJson(api + "/feed/unauthenticated?channels=" + encodeURIComponent(channels.join(',')), 0); if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) { feed = await GM.getValue('feed'); if (!!feed && !!feed.feed) return feed.feed; else return []; } response.forEach((e) => { feed.push({title: e.title, videoId: e.url.split("?v=").pop(), author: e.uploaderName, authorId: e.uploaderUrl.split("/channel/").pop(), viewCount: e.views, published: (e.uploaded / 1000), lengthSeconds: e.duration}); }); await GM.setValue('feed', {last:, feed: feed}); return feed; } })();